ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
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  • Caroloces
    I'm puzzled . . . . .?

    Whatever happened to the Armchair Developer idea? That thread was initiated by ZOS prior to the last ESO live event, and yet it did not appear as a segment in that show. I thought, Oh OK, they're not prepared. It will surely be in the next ESO live event. Yet, in going over the scheduled segments, there's no mention of it. What gives? It's a fantastic idea for players and Devs to dream big, imaginative possibilities for the game in concert with no obligation for zos to implement the ideas. Though I do believe it could be a catalyst for some remarkable developments that might not occur otherwise.

    Please don't let this idea wither on the vine.
  • Tonovol
    Soul Shriven
    Is there any chance of friendly cross-faction play in the so called 'No-man's-land' adventure zones?
    Bloody item management...
  • JoeCapricorn
    Will there ever be first person mounts?
    I simp for vampire lords and Glemyos Wildhorn
  • Nebthet78
    Did you guys actually Nerf the Gold Mat drops from Blacksmithing via refining instead of "increasing them significantly" as stated in the 1.6 patch notes?

    I ask, because every single time I refine any ores, of 1000 ores, I am only receiving 1-2 gold mats now. Prior to 1.6 I would receive twice this or more, for the same amount of ores refined.

    I have no issues with the number of Gold mats received (7-9) when refining any other craft of the same amount of raw materials .

    Could you please look into this.
    Edited by Nebthet78 on 10 April 2015 21:00
    Far too many characters to list any more.
  • ZOS_JasonLeavey
    Ask Us Anything for ESO Live: 4/10

    Flynch - Any chance we could get idle animations with our weapons drawn (as well as the current auto-combat stance). So with a 2-hander you may have it slung over your shoulder, or SnB have the shield balanced on the floor etc.
    Definitely agree it would be a nice touch to add idle animations and fidget animations into normal idle poses, as well as combat idle poses. Right now we don’t have a fidget system that would support that, and creating the animations for every weapon set would take time (plus creating the transition animations). It’s something that would certainly add more personality to the characters, and certainly worthwhile to discuss and investigate.

    aneova_ESO - Can we get a toggle for whether a dye is metallic or not? I'm tired of having a shiny butt with VR14 Bosmer Leather. Can you fix the issue with some armor's dying incorrectly? tops being extremely lighter then tops when the armor is same quality. Some dyes are stating as browns or golds and when applied are nowhere near the color listed, woodsman green turns teal when set as the first color of an armor piece but others it is in fact green, wolf's fur brown turns to almost silver.
    Thank you for the feedback. There are some technical reasons for the issues you mentioned above. But our team is looking to see where we can make improvements based on that feedback.

    technohic - Are you guys aware of and working on the bugs in Templars Eclipse (and morphs) as well as Focused Charge (and morphs)?
    Yes! We’re actively working on addressing issue with Focused Charge and Eclipse. We’ll work to get those issues resolved as soon as we can.

    nightwalkerrobin_ESO – Ever consider combat pets for ALL CLASSES, not just sorcs?
    It’s a fun idea, but we also want classes to remain unique and different. The Nightblade has Shadow Image which is special because it can’t be attacked. Summoned pets that last until killed is a cool mechanic that only Sorcerers have access to. If we did add pets for other classes it would probably be something everyone had access to, and we would want their gameplay to be distinct from Sorcerer and Nightblade pets.

    Etmer_Fachronies: Why can’t we separate the dodge mechanics from the Endurance bar? It is a strong penalty for all endurance-based builds.
    Stamina based characters have advantages and disadvantages. A bigger stamina pool means you can activate roll dodge more frequently, however doing so reduces your offensive capabilities. Magicka based characters don’t have this option of trading some of their damage for more survivability. Additionally,this means stamina based characters heavy attacks will restore stamina, which gives them the ability to activate more defensive abilities. To balance this we also made Stamina based attacks cheaper than magicka with passives in the weapon skill lines that reduce cost by 20%. Managing the versatility is complicated, but also rewarding for players who spend these resources in the right way.

    Resipsa131 - Will we be able to use emotes on the console? I can't live without my /leanbackcoin.
    Yes, just like in the PC version of ESO:TU, players will be able to use emotes in the console version using a new interface designed with the gamepad in mind.

    Alannaofmars - When will we be getting more motifs? I would really like more styles that can be turned into competitive armor rather than more stat-less clothes or costumes where it is impossible to swap out individual sections and dye.
    We are absolutely committed to adding more styles for the foreseeable future. Where and when is still being determined, but we can say we have multiple in the pipeline.

    Djeriko - Still no SHIELD DYES!?
    We know you’re “dyeing” for shield dyeing. This is on our short-term backlog and we hope to get it into the game in a near future update.

    Gimp4268 - Are there any plans to be able to research food? That way there is another way to get a recipe other than finding them? It can be pretty hard to find ingredients that you can't use because you can never find the recipe to make the food.
    There are no plans for adding research to provisioning, but we are exploring adding more culturally influenced foods with unique and offbeat ingredients. In addition to finding recipes in containers, you also receive a recipe every time you complete a provisioning crafting writ.

    Randolphbenoit - Will Thieves Guild armor set be craft-able and available soon?
    This is not something we have planned for the near future, but as we continue to expand and add new content, there may be an ideal opportunity for us to integrate something like this.

    keonimeyer - In the future, will there be flying mounts?
    Never say never, but we currently have no plans for flying mounts.

    MornaBaine - Will there be more polymorph costumes in the Store next month? When will new store content be released?
    We definitely have more content on the way to the Crown Store, including more polymorphs, although this isn’t planned for next month. We are regularly adding new content to the Crown Store as part of our planned monthly updates. We’re also monitoring feedback from players, and reacting as quickly as we can.

    Varicite - Are there any future plans for allowing players to buy "gifts" for other players through the Crown Store? Such as buying a wedding dress for a significant other, or a pretty horse for a dowry?
    We are actively looking at ways that players can purchase items and share the benefit with their friends. At this time, we do not expect to have gifting in the way that is described here in the short term. But we do know that this is something players want and revisit this request on a regular basis.

    Phantomtarget - Could it be possible to get the tiger mount for console users in the future. Since we didn't have a chance to play for a year like pc users did.
    Possible, but it's not probable.

    LonePirate - Why is there a limit on the number of daily quests a player can complete each day? How do we go about removing that limit which has been around long before Update 6 arrived?
    This is due to a combination of the increased rewards provided from daily quests with wanting to keep players with limited playtime from falling immediately and hopelessly behind.

    Iago - Does the ZOS staff ever jump on their own characters and go into PvP to knock around the rest of us in PvP? If not you should it would be great stress relief I'd imagine.
    While we won’t acknowledge that we’re part of the ZOS team, we are constantly in the game playing with you all!

    Enodoc - Would you consider adding a "graveyard" wayshrine like in the PvE zones' delves (respawn only) to the Cyrodiil delves? Currently if you get killed by an enemy you are sent back to the border gate if you have no soul gems. (This would only apply to PvE deaths within the respective delve; PvP deaths would give you the option of respawning at a Keep as usual.)
    We have thought about putting respawn wayshrines in the Cyrodiil delves, however this eliminated one of the more exciting portions of going into a cave and fighting the enemy, forcing them to respawn elsewhere.

    Elloa - Is it proper to drink in a "Temple of the 7 Gods", or is it considered as a desecration, or a very disrespectful behavior?
    Lady Cinnabar of Taneth says, “Context is everything! Drinking in a temple can be completely respectable, especially if part of the drink is poured off as a libation for the Divines. However, drunken misbehavior, unless called for in a specific ritual, should be avoided, lest it give offense to the pious, who may demand that the inebriates be punished for their disrespect.”
    Jason Leavey
    Community Coordinator - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
    Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
    Staff Post
  • Ethoir
    1) Will there be any intention of making lighting changes so nights in Tamriel are actually nights? This would make having a torch or lantern useful for exploring at night or for wandering in caves. It may pose a problem for group dungeons, but the answer to that would be to put more light sources in them for this purpose.

    2) Is it possible that players that are a vampire or werewolf would receive a kind of night-vision passive so they would not need to use torches/lanterns at night?

    3) Provisioning writs at low levels have, in my experience, given me tasks to cook/brew things that I don't know the recipe for. In one famous example, I was asked to craft Fishy Sticks but I did not know that recipe for it nor could I find someone selling it. Are there plans to tweak the Provisioning Writ quests to have you make a food/drink that is appropriate to your Provisioning level and you know the recipe for?
    Edited by Ethoir on 10 April 2015 22:33
    Participant in the Sanguine's Tester beta group since November 2013.
  • Nivzruo_ESO
    When will you be nerfing the god mode you gave sorcs?
    Nelgyntc- V14 NB
  • Enodoc
    Enodoc - Would you consider adding a "graveyard" wayshrine like in the PvE zones' delves (respawn only) to the Cyrodiil delves? Currently if you get killed by an enemy you are sent back to the border gate if you have no soul gems. (This would only apply to PvE deaths within the respective delve; PvP deaths would give you the option of respawning at a Keep as usual.)
    We have thought about putting respawn wayshrines in the Cyrodiil delves, however this eliminated one of the more exciting portions of going into a cave and fighting the enemy, forcing them to respawn elsewhere.
    Maybe I'm being dense but I don't understand that answer. I said that deaths to a player would not qualify for respawning there, so what's the benefit of forcing someone to respawn back at the Cyrodiil border gate if they're killed by the delve boss? Then they'll have to go all the way back to the delve, fight all the mobs that have respawned, and then fight the boss again. It's the long journey from the border gate to the delve that's so tedious; at least if you died to a player you could respawn at a keep that was nearer the delve you died in.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • randolphbenoit
    @ZOS_JasonLeavey and @ZOS_GinaBruno it is Randolph Benoit said as BEN-WHA, next time ask the Loremaster about Barjot Benoit in Daggerfall :p

    Atleast @ZOS_JessicaFolsom got it right last few ESO Live :)

    Thx for answering!
    the NeXus Guild (NA-DC-Crafters) contact @randolphbenoit - Currently Allies to Fairy Tail of Tamriel (Social) and Brave Kore (DC PvP).

    Saltrice - (Salt tolerant rice) Saltrice, pronounced just like it looks is, in fact, a kind of rice that can grow in paddies of either fresh or brackish water.
  • ZOS_JasonLeavey
    Apologies, @randolphbenoit! We'll remember that for next time. :pensive:
    Jason Leavey
    Community Coordinator - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
    Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
    Staff Post
  • randolphbenoit
    Apologies, @randolphbenoit! We'll remember that for next time. :pensive:

    Thank you, hope you be on show again, you make it fun! (with puns)

    the NeXus Guild (NA-DC-Crafters) contact @randolphbenoit - Currently Allies to Fairy Tail of Tamriel (Social) and Brave Kore (DC PvP).

    Saltrice - (Salt tolerant rice) Saltrice, pronounced just like it looks is, in fact, a kind of rice that can grow in paddies of either fresh or brackish water.
  • Djeriko
    @ZOS_JasonLeavey and @ZOS_GinaBruno I just wanted to say that I loved knowing that you guys posted my question. It's nice to know that there are real people who endlessly sift through feedback questions, gripes, and concerns are actually reading these before forwarding it to you. Thank you for all the hard you work you and your coworkers bring to the community of fans.

    As for my question I just want to make sure that everyone knows that once shield dyes are implemented, you will hear every sword and board player (good chunk of the player base btw) cheer out in thanks when the patch notes say something to the effect of "You are now able to dye your shields!". I'll even bring the fireworks.

    And yes Jason you pronounced the name right with the silent "D" so it sounds like Jericho.
    "When in doubt, kill it with fire."
  • Gidorick
    Ask Us Anything for ESO Live: 4/10
    keonimeyer - In the future, will there be flying mounts?
    Never say never, but we currently have no plans for flying mounts.

    .... Please @ZOS... say never. Please.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • ashlee17
    I'm looking forward to ESO live :) and do have few questions I would and over 200 other players would love to love to get some answers to. :)

    1. Do Zos recognise the need for better guild management tools?

    By this I mean any of a range of improvements such as:

    a)more controls for guild banks (For example an option to limit daily withdrawals or have tiered guild bank access etc)
    b)more ways for guilds to communicate with members (such as guild wide mail or calendars etc)
    c)improvements to the guild trader system (restrictions on which guild members can see trader bid amounts, a way to cancel bids placed erroneously or a more logical system for assigning guild vendors)
    d) better ways for guilds to recruit and reward guild members (e.g give guilds effective recruiting tools so we don't have to flood zone chat with recruitment adds, bonuses for grouping with guildmates or some way for guilds to recognise and thank helpful members)

    2) Are ZOS currently actively working on any improvements to guild management tools. Why/why not?

    3) If they are being worked on, can you give us any particulars or timeframe on upcomming improvements?

    Please give guilds the tools they need to build stronger ESO communities!

    If anyone reading this wants to add their support or ideas for better guild management tools please follow this link-

    Thank you for your consideration and good luck with the show.

    See you all in tamriel :)
    Happy adventuring!
    Edited by ashlee17 on 11 April 2015 09:53
    Administrator of More Than Fair Guild- North American Server- Come and Join us for a fun and friendly experience - 480+ members and great trader location- all factions welcome - mail me @ashlee17 in game for an invite.
    Join the crusade for better guild management tools!
    Please comment and support this cause!
  • Iluvrien
    No Global Auction House.... Excellent.
    Probably no flying mounts.... Excellent.
    Race change in the Crown Store.... *sigh*

    Oh well, I'll just go back to hoping that last one is a loooong way off.
  • Varicite
    Iluvrien wrote: »
    No Global Auction House.... Excellent.
    Probably no flying mounts.... Excellent.
    Race change in the Crown Store.... *sigh*

    Oh well, I'll just go back to hoping that last one is a loooong way off.

    You aren't an Argonian, huh?
  • inferi
    Soul Shriven

    Is there any more information that you can divulge to us about the Champion system and phase four? I'm really looking forward to having more people at the same level for dungeons.

    It would also be nice to play dungeons or PVE content with characters from other alliances. Is there any talk of adding this option in the future?

    The grouping tool seems to take a very long time to find party members. As a result just about everyone seems to use in-game chat instead. Is this tool working properly, but people aren't using it? Or is the tool latent?

    Thanks, I really enjoy the ESO Live videos!
  • radiostar
    Hiya! Could you give us an update on adding Jewel crafting into the game? We would like to add these to our handcrafted sets and extend the usefulness of player made sets. Thanks :smile:
    "Billions upon Billions of Stars"
  • Iluvrien
    Varicite wrote: »
    You aren't an Argonian, huh?

    Because, of course, I can't have a valid opinion about whether Race Change should be in the game unless I play one?

    I have been vocally against the inclusion of Race Change as an option since the topic came up about 5 minutes after early access started. Check my posting history if you don't believe me**. My view since launch hasn't been changed either by the weight of the arguments presented in the various threads or even in the light of any update/patch/fix that has been implemented.

    What I have been behind, since the beginning, is the idea that Racial Passives should either be combat-light or combat-deficient, i.e. they should have little to no effect on the combat strength of any character. Same problem, different solution. They've rebalanced passives before, they can do it again. That option is, to my mind, far less damaging than introducing a brand new system that has the possibility of changing the social dynamics (especially with regards to racial balance and PUG formation) of the game.

    As frustrating as it may be, I truly believe that the problem isn't with the lack of a Race Change mechanic but with the dramatic imbalances currently in place with the passives themselves. This is something that including Race Change will not fix.

    [EDIT: **I just checked, my first post on this issue (and against the Race Change option) was on 25th of July 2014 ]
    Edited by Iluvrien on 11 April 2015 18:37
  • Iluvrien
    Varicite wrote: »


    I have:

    Dunmer Sorcerer (VR10)
    Dunmer Nightblade (L12)
    Dunmer Dragonknight (L8)
    Altmer Templar (L7)

    Any good? ;)

    [edited for flaming & to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 14 April 2024 18:51
  • Snowstrider
    Question, Cloaks is something i have been asking for and wishing for since beta,I dont see why eso cant have them,Eso already have physics on some lighter armor which work simmilar to a cloak/cape. Just bigger. More customization is always something i would never say no to

    Question about console version,I kniow the console version is not crossplay but will it ever be turned into crossplay? That would be so awesome in my opinion,Being able to switch between platforms like when you dont feel like you want to be on pc you go to console and vice versa

    Will we ever get more detailed nameplates? like showing your rank alliance,race and class more,and being able to choose your own emblem and representing your guild.

    Something i always wished eso would have is in game events and festivals,All sorts of things i dont mean silly things like christmas and halloween,I mean lore friendly and made up events/festivals,just be creative,you could create a arena pit fight which comes to a certain city once a month or something? these type of things would add alot of more life to the world
  • darkspyro92_ESO
    When are beta players going to get something unique to stand out from the rest?
    Argonians always and forever.
  • BBSooner
    Can we expect to have more distracting advertising in the future - similar to the pet announcements? I had hoped ESO was at least a few months away from open advertising during gameplay to nickel and dime their customers.

    And as a follow-up, can we expect window advertisements that require interaction to close, buttons in quest text leading to the store, or any other method that detracts from the gameplay in a new attempt at funding?
  • prototypefb
    is there a good reason why ''left the combat'' status is applied with such a delay?
    while doing questing monster/opponent dies and only after 5 seconds you can interact with quest object/doors/NPC etc.
    if the timer would be brought to 0.5-1 second it would massively help players questing(questing would feel more fluent) also justice system-fleeing through the doorsperhaps, even help stealth builds in pvp.

  • MornaBaine
    Will there be a werewolf polymorph for the Crown Store?
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • glak
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    Will there be a werewolf polymorph for the Crown Store?
    Tricky tricky!
    "Evil Hunter's bugged, I swear!"
  • glak
    Caroloces wrote: »
    I'm puzzled . . . . .?

    Whatever happened to the Armchair Developer idea? That thread was initiated by ZOS prior to the last ESO live event, and yet it did not appear as a segment in that show. I thought, Oh OK, they're not prepared. It will surely be in the next ESO live event. Yet, in going over the scheduled segments, there's no mention of it. What gives? It's a fantastic idea for players and Devs to dream big, imaginative possibilities for the game in concert with no obligation for zos to implement the ideas. Though I do believe it could be a catalyst for some remarkable developments that might not occur otherwise.

    Please don't let this idea wither on the vine.
    Maybe too many people asked for bug fixes instead of new features?
  • nhaley54ub17_ESO2
    I've been a subscriber since launch and will coping over to PS4. What device will my ESO Plus membership be associated with, PC or PS4? Will I have to buy 2 separate ESO accounts?
  • Enodoc
    I've been a subscriber since launch and will coping over to PS4. What device will my ESO Plus membership be associated with, PC or PS4? Will I have to buy 2 separate ESO accounts?
    ESO Plus will stay with PC and you'll have to buy another ESO Plus to use it on PS4.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • Neizir
    Are there any plans to bring ESO to Linux?
    Neizir Stormstrider

    EU Megaserver

    I have a fancy signature.
This discussion has been closed.