Hogzknuckle wrote: »Is custom spell making still being developed? Just a yes or no is all I'm hoping for.
As it stands, our current trading markets are limited to using chat or a guild store to sell items. Is there any plans for anything else, such as a universal one stop market or global auction house? Also could I get a little information, or tidbit statement, about the intended use of the current setup.
They have stated more times than I can possibly count that there are no plans for a global auction house.
lordrichter wrote: »Ok, @ZOS_GinaBruno , here is my one and only question this week...
I know that the Studio focus is on console, but that is coming up real quick now in the rear view mirror (scary enough for you?). Would it be possible to get a quick Road Ahead or direction from the producers regarding the thoughts about what is next? After console?
I don't expect this to be answered in the next ESO Live. I figure that there is a lead time for information like this and would love to see someone say something in April.
We usually get a Road Ahead letter every month posted on the front page.
We usually get a Road Ahead letter every month posted on the front page.
I have couple of questions for lore master Lawrence Schick:
1) Prior to 3E 414 and Imperial reorganization, Vvardenfell was Temple governed preserve as established by the treaty of the Armistice in 2E 896. So my question is: what is Vvardenfells current status (political as well as demographic and infrastructure wise). Are there any chances of seeing for ourselves?
2) Can You elaborate on the topic of Bosmerii Spinners? To what extent can they "manipulate" the "flow of actions"? Can they spin the story without the protagonist? How does spinning a story correlates with the elder scrolls?
3) "Moon Bishop Hunal says, “When true cats commune with the moons and their spirits climb the Lunar Lattice, then can a Khajiit see the Dead Moon sailing behind Jone and Jode. This moon is the corpse of Lorkhaj. After he made the world for Nirni’s children to live in, the Darks in the heart of Lorkhaj also made a prison of the world—for he did not know the First Secret. Thus his heart was cut out and buried in the Dark Behind the World, and his body was hurled on high to follow the moons forever. This all true cats learn from their Clan Mothers.” "
This and the things seen during the last quest in Reaper's March may imply on the existence of "the third moon". I won't elaborate my theory here, but any comments on the matter?
Sincerely, Elebeth!