It has been noticed that in the console beta, players have 16 character slots rather than 8.
While this alleviates the question of how PC players who are transferring with toons on both NA/EU will work (since the copy will go to both NA/EU console servers), will PC players have 16 characters slots in the future?
As it stands now a PC player can not have a character of every race in the game without also player on the opposite server (NA/EU) so I think many, including myself, would be ecstatic to have 8 more character slots come our way!
Hey there @pecheckler and everyone else,
Thanks so much for the feedback on this. We'll be happy to help clarify as much as we possibly can!
The article that you have linked contains most of the information that we have for controller support. We are currently internally testing the console UI and controller layouts on the PC, but we do not expect that official controller support will be added until after the console versions have released on June 9th.
@Darkrain of course plans can change, but this is most recently what I have seen about PC controller support (April 6)
Although any updated information is always welcome
It has been noticed that in the console beta, players have 16 character slots rather than 8.
While this alleviates the question of how PC players who are transferring with toons on both NA/EU will work (since the copy will go to both NA/EU console servers), will PC players have 16 characters slots in the future?
As it stands now a PC player can not have a character of every race in the game without also playing on the opposite server (NA/EU) so I think many, including myself, would be ecstatic to have 8 more character slots come our way!
ZOS_JasonLeavey wrote: »There’s actually an item set you can gain from the Undaunted called Maw of the Infernal that summons a daedroth for 15 seconds. You don’t see him around much because the set isn’t quite powerful enough. We’ll be addressing this in the next major update. In terms of a daedroth plushie, we haven’t announced what our next plushie will be, but keep the suggestions coming!
Fran369b14_ESO: Will the console UI include features such as buff/debuff icons, floating combat text, map additions such as book &/or shard locations?
Add-ons are not supported in the console version of ESOTU, but you will be able to view buffs and debuffs in the UI which we’ll show you later in today’s show.
Attorneyatlawl wrote: »are we going to be seeing these default console options being implemented in the PC UI at some point like actual buff/debuff icons that the console versions are receiving? You can get very basic information through the addon API but it is incomplete and based on the addon authors' parameters set to guesstimate what's actually happening as far as timers, whether they're applied, etc. rather than actual game-provided information. Thank you!
ZOS_JasonLeavey wrote: »Fran369b14_ESO: Will the console UI include features such as buff/debuff icons, floating combat text, map additions such as book &/or shard locations?
Add-ons are not supported in the console version of ESOTU, but you will be able to view buffs and debuffs in the UI which we’ll show you later in today’s show.
I'm curious if buffs and debuffs will be visible in the UI for PC as well, or is this something that is planned only for consoles?
This has been one of the most requested features for PC players for the past year, and a HUGE reason that many people feel that addons are a necessity on the PC.
Given the truly horrendous experience people are having with open voice chat channels ZOS are forcing console players to use I expect many will simply disable them entirely, if they can, or simply not play. I've seen a couple of truly terrible streams where you can hear total morons making the channels unusable.fran369b14_ESO wrote: »Not to mention the horrid idea they are trying to pass off no text chat is a "feature" ... completely boggles the mind ... seems like they are trying to make the console launch a failure.
ZOS_JasonLeavey wrote: »Greetings! These are the Ask Us Anything questions from our show today for your reading pleasure. Enjoy!
BardicusSpiffy: Have you ever thought of having contests where the players would design a suit of armor, a piece of armor or maybe a shield and the winners would have their designs added to the game world as a motif similar to the dwemer motifs that could be found in game?
That’s a really cool idea! We’ll consider something like this for our next contest after our Collectible Creatures Fan Art Contest concludes.
ChannelTribes: On the ESO home website it shows the classes, a short description of them, and a screenshot of what appeared to be the PvP concept art armor from quakecon in game. Is this the same armor we saw from quakecon for PvP players? If so, when can we expect to see it live in game?
Yep! These are the same concepts that were shown at QuakeCon last year. While we don’t have an ETA, you will be able to get these armor pieces in a future update.
MissBizz: It has been noticed that in the console beta, players have 16 character slots rather than 8. Will PC players have 16 characters slots in the future?
This is actually a bug, and you will only have 8 total character slots when ESO releases on console. If you try to create more than 8 characters during beta, you’ll actually receive an error message.
Argoniawind: Will you guys make a Daedroth pet and a summoning feature like I was able to do in Morrowind and Oblivion? Also I would love to see shirts and a plushy Daedroths... Daedroths need to be a bigger part of this game!!!
There’s actually an item set you can gain from the Undaunted called Maw of the Infernal that summons a daedroth for 15 seconds. You don’t see him around much because the set isn’t quite powerful enough. We’ll be addressing this in the next major update. In terms of a daedroth plushie, we haven’t announced what our next plushie will be, but keep the suggestions coming!
Anazasi: Is it possible to get information posted in the patch notes when new versions of gear are added to live? It would really help players who are waiting for these new level versions.
Yes, we will definitely make sure new item sets are listed in the patch notes when they are going live. For what it’s worth, we are working on about 20 new high-level item sets for our next major content update!
Sheezabeast: Curious minds want to know...well at least mine....why do we have no Mundus stone for Stamina Regen?
You make a fair point; it makes sense to have stamina regeneration stones since the atronach gives magicka regeneration. This is something we’ll look into further.
MercyKilling: When are we actually going to be able to USE these achievement points we've been accumulating all this time, and what on?
We’d like to do more with these, but we don’t have any immediate plans to do so at this time.
Helluin: I recall that during Update 6 on PTS, racial passive skills would receive a rebalance sometime after Update 6. Is this planned for the next major update after console release or for an incremental patch?
We want to release balance updates to the racial passives at the same time we allow players to respec their race. Otherwise it is unfair to everyone if one race was a poor mage at launch but then becomes one of the top choices. For the next major update we’ll make some minor adjustments to the least popular races.
Mackshadow: There is the Hide Helm option in the Game settings; can there be an option or sub option for Bound Armor in the Deadric Summoning tree on the Sorcerer class to hide the visual? I use that ability often and I also like that style gear I wear, and was wondering if there can be an option to hide it?
We do not have any plans to offer that option.
KrisButtar: Will the PS4 version support Keyboard and Mouse?
The console version of ESOTU will not support a mouse. It will support a keyboard, but solely for text input in areas such as naming your guild, and submitting a support ticket. The game will fully support voice chat on both Xbox One and PS4.
Fran369b14_ESO: Will the console UI include features such as buff/debuff icons, floating combat text, map additions such as book &/or shard locations?
Add-ons are not supported in the console version of ESOTU, but you will be able to view buffs and debuffs in the UI which we’ll show you later in today’s show.
MercyKilling: Okay, no auction house. Ever. How about removing the guild membership requirement in order to sell at kiosks?
Player guilds are an integral part of our world and trader access is a key benefit to guild membership. We have no plans to change this at this time.
Randolphbenoit: Can we unlock 'Emperor’s Regalia' costume (for Outside Cyrodiil - All Players) when we reach 10,000 Achievement points or maybe add it to Crown Store?
It’s important for us to maintain offering meaningful, distinct rewards for significant accomplishments. That being said, we may at some point consider making a variant available through other means.
Heromofo: Is it possible to see our costumes and transmorgs get the dye treatment?
We don’t have any plans to offer something like this at this time.
Shogunami: Do you have any plans on adding disguises and trophies to the collections? As it is right now, disguises and trophies only take up space in the bank or inventory.
We absolutely plan to expand the collection system in the future, and things like dungeon trophies are a prime candidate for conversion. Disguises are a little trickier due to their inherent mechanical effects, such as affecting NPC agro and being destroyed when attacked, but we may look into some lateral options to support something like this.
Aetherderius: Are there any plans for meeting lore-established characters? I've seen a fair bit of talk in EP zones wanting to meet Vivec and Divyath Fyr. Or a less grotesque version of Yagrum Bagarn?
Phrastus of Elinhir says, “Oh, everyone has heard of Vivec—he makes certain of that—and he’s bound to reappear sometime soon with more egocentric blather about his ‘mystic exploits.’ I myself have corresponded with Divayth Fyr, but he tends to keep to himself in his fungal tower. But that’s a Telvanni wizard for you. Yagrum Bagarn? Never heard of him.”
Sacadon: Why are we asked to provide a lot of detail on frequently occurring and easily reproducible issues? For example, if we say our mounts consistently stop, why not have someone at ZOS test it? It may have only taken us a few minutes to collect the information and many of us do like to help, but that's not the point.
There are potentially a number of factors that could actually be causing any particular bug. It may not be as simple as “get on a mount, run, and you’ll stop.” There could be very specific details that are actually causing the bug to happen, for example a specific race, class, gender, armor, active buffs, if you’re sprinting, jumping 3 times, if there’s other players around, etc. There are almost endless factors, so including all the details you can increases our chances of reproducing the issue sooner. We always try to reproduce issues internally that we see being reported, but sometimes it’s not quite as easy as it seems, and sometimes there’s one key ingredient missing. When reporting issues, there’s no such thing as too much information!
That's been there forever. In theory, it is supposed to direct your pet (this is a combat pet, not a vanity pet) to attack a specific target, but I don't think it works very well.Medieval3D wrote: »Hello ZOS_GinaBruno my question its about pets, I noticed on game settings on key controls there is a key for command pet, by default its Y, but diesnt do anything. In nexts updates will be some new content about?, just for curiosity, thanks
Do you have any plans to implement some sort of emote menu? Like holding a certain key to get a radial menu with emote shortcuts or categories with emotes? For example aggressive, neutral, friendly and misc.