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Maintenance for the week of March 17:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • wraith808
    What I really most hate of this game is the dungeon situation. Whether you are in a group or solo, when you enter a dungeon it should be just you or your party in it. At least that is what ALL other MMORPG's run and it is a proven method.

    To have various people running around in dungeons killing stuff is a real mess. I do a quest and get to a point where there is really no further indication of what I am supposed to do. So I go to Youtube and find that somewhere behind me I missed a boss type or similar who would have given me the succession. Since there were so many people in that dungeon, that NPC got killed constantly so you would run past the area not knowing that there was somebody supposed to be there.

    If you get my drift.

    It is also very annoying when you start doing a dungeon and a Tarzan type (and there are many) shows up and every mob you are just about to kill is mowed down by Tarzan. So you basically run through the dungeon with somebody else killing everything in front. You ask yourself, why the heck am I playing this game, even Wow seems better at that stage!

    You're talking about delves. They were designed to be public. There are several dungeons that operate in exactly the manner that you speak of.
    Quasim ibn-Muhammad - VR 12 Redguard Dragon Knight
    Taladriel Vanima - VR 5 Altmer Nightblade
    Ambalyo iyo Bogaadin - VR 1 Redguard Sorceror
  • BardicusSpiffy
    Soul Shriven
    You have mentioned in the past that shields will be able to be dyed in the future. Is there any chance that guild emblems would be able to be put on shields?
  • BardicusSpiffy
    Soul Shriven
    Do you ever plan on expanding the number of character slots? I was curious because there are only 8 slots but 10 races and loads of combinations I would love to try.
  • TheEmoVampire
    Can we have a Unicorn Mount in the crown store? Also with the barbershop can we have more piercing options like snake bites, angel bites and such? And have hair colors that light up that would be amazing! And are we ever going to see packaging like a player makes urns or chests and puts items in them and when your courser is over it the ui displays the contents this would make things a lot easier when trading mailing and when selling/buying from guild stores....lastly will we ever have prestige classes? And as reply to dafox187 no loyalty rewards in crown store because that will defeat the entire purpose, I don't have the mask that came out or the leapard, these should stay that way because its loyalty not buy. If they do put them in the crown store make it expensive like 10000 crowns.
    P.S. First Person Mounts?
    Edited by TheEmoVampire on 23 April 2015 09:29
  • exiledtyrant
    1. Will the the next biggest content patch come to the PTS or will it be tested on consoles and then shipped to PC?

    2. Are bleed immunities going to be addressed?
    If all are brethren
    How could my hands not tremble
    As breath fled my prey?

    What blinds my vision?
    My hands are tools; it must be
    The haze of blossoms

    -Salous the Penitent
  • Khydan

    I'm curious about this too.

  • Shogunami
    Do you have any plans on making Dolmens to be more like they appear to be - namely an anchor/portal to another realm from which Daedric minions pour out?
    If a Dolmen is left unattended more and more demons should spawn, it would be great if they started to venture from the Dolmen and out into the zone - which would only make sense, no?
    "I think Orcs first turned a bear head into food because it looks amazing." -Orzorga.
  • randolphbenoit
    What is the current status or long term plan for armors? I referring to shield dyes and armor customization. Be nice have option to hide different parts of the gear like the Hide Helmet option. This so players who hate heavy shoulder pad look can benefit from the bonus stats given but have more personal look (shoulders can go step further hide both shoulder pads, hide right pad or hide left pad for more interesting variants). Any details be great :)
    the NeXus Guild (NA-DC-Crafters) contact @randolphbenoit - Currently Allies to Fairy Tail of Tamriel (Social) and Brave Kore (DC PvP).

    Saltrice - (Salt tolerant rice) Saltrice, pronounced just like it looks is, in fact, a kind of rice that can grow in paddies of either fresh or brackish water.
  • LaerothKeykalyn
    When the first DLC is being released ?????????????
  • Heromofo
    When the first DLC is being released ?????????????
    They consider craglorn to be the first mate so you mean the second. Without going into details they have hinted at two things.

    1. Console release is the priority
    2. Imperial city is still been worked on and is not ready for release but there not sitting on it lol.

  • darkshad909ub17_ESO
    Are u guys still giving out beta codes for Xbox one
  • Dragonphart
    A Forums Guild Recruiting Site

    It would be good to have a forum section dedicated to guilds and guild recruitment, like many other MMO forums. This would add the player, new and old, assistance to locating a guild they would enjoy.
  • Dragonphart
    Is it possible to get a status report on the LAG and Crashing of the game client in Cyrodiil-progress? After the last patch I have also started to crash in PvE, which was not a problem before. It appears after each patch this gets worse for me.
  • randolphbenoit
    How soon can we expect new DLC zones after console release?
    the NeXus Guild (NA-DC-Crafters) contact @randolphbenoit - Currently Allies to Fairy Tail of Tamriel (Social) and Brave Kore (DC PvP).

    Saltrice - (Salt tolerant rice) Saltrice, pronounced just like it looks is, in fact, a kind of rice that can grow in paddies of either fresh or brackish water.
  • randolphbenoit
    Can we get a wolf pet (for my future Druid) in crown store for May Crown Store Update? My Birthday is CInco de Mayo so I want get myself a new pet!
    the NeXus Guild (NA-DC-Crafters) contact @randolphbenoit - Currently Allies to Fairy Tail of Tamriel (Social) and Brave Kore (DC PvP).

    Saltrice - (Salt tolerant rice) Saltrice, pronounced just like it looks is, in fact, a kind of rice that can grow in paddies of either fresh or brackish water.
  • Varicite
    As there is no chat box in the console version of the game and players are forced to use voice chat for communications, is there any sort of official policy for offenses or derogatory remarks made through voice chat that would normally be against the TOS?

    There isn't really any way to document these types of offenses w/ the lack of evidence provided by chatboxes and screenshots.

    Will ZOS have any methodology in place for dealing w/ these types of complaints, or will players be instead urged to go through the "normal" channels provided by XBL and PSN, which may not coincide w/ the practices that are normally upheld by ESO's customer service?
  • Turelie
    Will Sorcerers ever gain the ability to name their combat pets? I feel like my enemies are deprived by not knowing that they've been mailed to death by Schmooples the Clanfear.

    There is an Altmer NPC within the embassy at Elden Root who refers to Syrabane as female. Is this mistake or an indication that the god's gender has been retconned?

    Where's Falinesti?

    Can the outfit the Altmer Sorceress from the blur cinematics wears be added to the crown store?
    Edited by Turelie on 23 April 2015 20:51
  • Snowstrider
    Will keyboard support and text chat be added to the console versions? It is a must in my and many other peoples opinion,You cant just have it be dumbed down.

  • Snowstrider
    So i know ESO on consoles wont be crossplay,But is it still possible that it will be a thing in the coming years? I really hoped it would be and it would be the best for every player,everyone would love it,Being able to play with people from different platforms would be such a awesome thing,Also being able to switch between console and pc from time to time

    Another question
    How will updates/patches work on consoles? will they come out at the same time as the pc ones? and please say that the different versions wont become too different,like pc gets this feature but console does not and vise versa.
  • Tandor
    Are you happy with the Guild Trading system in its present form, such that only a limited number of players are able to sell items due to the requirement to be in a successful guild at the weekly auction, while only a limited number of players are able to buy at the guild kiosks due to access restrictions relating to level and faction etc? If unwilling to consider any form of regional/factional auction house system are you willing to consider opening up the trading kiosks to more players, e.g. by the provision of a kiosk in some locations for those who are not in guilds to sell at, and the introduction of a centralised search function for buyers?
    Edited by Tandor on 23 April 2015 21:48
  • Caroloces
    I'm wondering if you might be able to create some more beautiful art work for the loading screens, since we spend such a significant amount of time there?
    *Devoted player waxing sarcastic*

    Seriously, I'm typing this as I wait to enter Deshaan. The loading screen has been up for 20 minutes now.
  • Folkb
    will crafters ever be able to customize dropped gear sets so they can match different looking sets up? Right now dropped sets are the most sought after but when you wear different set pieces a lot of them don't match even if dyed also some of the nice dropped sets with sought after stats don't look so cool so it'd be great to be able to change how they look.
  • Key33
    I have characters on both NA Server and EU server, when my characters are copied from pc to console do I get to choose which server of characters are transferred? My console is going to be in NA but I want my characters from the EU server, just wanna make sure the wrong server doesn't get transferred.
  • BardicusSpiffy
    Soul Shriven
    Have you ever thought of having contests where the players would design a suit of armor, a piece of armor or maybe a shield and the winners would have their designs added to the game world as a motifs similar to the dwemer motifs that could be found in game?
  • RazzPitazz
    How is Phase 2 of the Justice System coming along?
    Cant wait to play in my Batman onesy and clean the streets!
    PC NA
    VR1 - Jar'eed - Khajiit Dragon Knight - AD
    VR1 - Broad Tail - Argonian Templar - EP
    All-Star Crafter Guild
  • Olivierko
    My question regarding whether or not the Masters' dagger is working as intended is still unanswered, thread can be found here:

    Any plans of adding a Master's Shield by any chance?

    There's been lots of discussion about the new scoring system for trials, obviously deaths don't have any larger impact on the scoring, at least in DSA. It seems that you've obfuscated the previous scoring system which was time based by just changing it to a magic number. Any plans of making a scoring system that actually makes any sense?


    AvA needs love badly, I've almost stopped playing in Cyrodiil entirely due to several reaons. AvA isn't for everyone and there are plenty of us in the community that are eager for a change; you showed us a Arena example that I had high hopes of getting implemented or at least testable on the PTS. I would love to know if there's any current plans for any smale scale PvP in the near future or if there's any changes in the pipeline for Cyrodiil which would decrease the lag during prime time.
    Edited by Olivierko on 24 April 2015 09:52

    1. Dar'diov ★ AvA 25 ★ Nightblade
    2. Tig'ger ★ AvA 9 ★ Dragonknight
    3. Ba'bushka ★ AvA 28 ★ Sorcerer
    4. Hails-To-Putin ★ AvA 18 ★ Templar
    5. Ba'boon ★ AvA 13 ★ Sorcerer

    6. PC EU ★ Aldmeri DominionYoutube
  • Tonovol
    Soul Shriven
    What are your plans on what will happen to VR items after veteran ranks are removed?
    Bloody item management...
  • radudraq93
    Soul Shriven
    Are you ever going to add General Subtitles options to the game ? I found them very helpful and utile to the gameplay and quests! Thank you for reading it.!
    "Witcher Niralt"
  • Enodoc
    So i know ESO on consoles wont be crossplay,But is it still possible that it will be a thing in the coming years? I really hoped it would be and it would be the best for every player,everyone would love it,Being able to play with people from different platforms would be such a awesome thing,Also being able to switch between console and pc from time to time
    Cross-platform would only be possible if M$ or Sony changed their stance. It's not something ZOS can do.
    Another question
    How will updates/patches work on consoles? will they come out at the same time as the pc ones? and please say that the different versions wont become too different,like pc gets this feature but console does not and vise versa.
    They have said previously that they would like patch releases to be as close to each other as possible, both in release time and content.
    radudraq93 wrote: »
    Are you ever going to add General Subtitles options to the game ? I found them very helpful and utile to the gameplay and quests! Thank you for reading it.!
    I agree. Using the existing option of displaying NPC dialogue in the chat box is good, but I would much rather see proper subtitles. On that note - what's the situation on consoles, with no chat box? Any subtitles there?
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Anazasi
    Is it possible to get information posted in the patch notes when new versions of gear is added to live. It would really help players who are waiting for these new level versions to finally make it to live. Some of us have been waiting for almost a year to see new VR 14 gear of certain sets. I know I am still wearing a VR10 set and I'm VR14. Really would be nice to finally get them as well as a note when they are in game.
This discussion has been closed.