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Maintenance for the week of March 24:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • farrier_ESO
    lihentian wrote: »
    can we have horse training account wide please? it will encourage people to make new character.. right now we have to make 8 character on the first day and train each character daily.. not only it bring lag it is also troublesome and not enjoyable.. please ZM hear our plea~~

    Alternatively, at least have horse training (and ideally, craft training!) saved between character slots. Dropping 180 days of horse training just to try out a different build is pretty punishing. Craft training doesn't hurt so bad, because you can just have a single crafting char and just make sure to never, ever delete it.

    A full respeccing system (which allowed character redesign right down to name, race and look) would be an alternative, but I can't see how a respec that changes alliance could work, since that would have to reset all questlines, and then you'd be way OP.
    Yet another indie games programmer.
    Upvote the change you want to see.
  • TiberiusTryton
    When will mac players have facial animactions?

    When we can stop crashing without using bootcamp!
  • Neizir
    Are you going to consider expanding the keep claiming system, e.g Having your guild's banner fly instead of its home faction's colors?
    Edited by Neizir on 3 April 2015 10:12
    Neizir Stormstrider

    EU Megaserver

    I have a fancy signature.
  • TequilaFire
    As of 1.6 the Templar class has many bugs with their abilities such as eclipse.
    When can we expect the problems with the Templar class to be addressed?
  • lordxyrax_ESO
    What's up with the loading screen of death when grouped? My loading screens are always short when solo. However, when I'm grouped, 9 out of 10 loading screen hang for a very long time. Based on voice chat with others in the group, everyone experiences it at the same time. When loading finally completes, it completes at the same time for everyone in the group. Very strange.
  • CP5
    Does the combat team still plan to post their ideas on improving the sorcerer classes usability? Currently the class is good with a handful of very select builds and still has several glaring flaws that prevent the class from being effective at most anything else. It was said we would have gotten some information weeks ago but still nothing.

    Also, does the team honestly believe werewolves are in a good position purely by the number of players who have taken up the skill line? Because if that's the main thing you're going on your numbers are skewed by the majority who go the skill line for the stamina regen passive and nothing more. People who do use the transformation for the most part agree that there have been improvements since launch but the ability is still lacking in many serious situations.
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    Question for ESO Live AuA:

    Please give us an update of the proposed fix for Templar abilities with disabling bugs/post-global cooldowns after use.
    Toppling charge still has a terrible self stun after use that renders your character immobile, and makes him a sitting duck to incoming damage, and gives enemies ample time to break out of the ability stun rendering it useless.

    Here is a screenshot of section in Patch notes calling it a "post global cooldown." This was supposed to fix the ability.


    However, as you can see in this Recent Poll It did not.


    This question was asked to Eric Wrobel on ESO Live 02/13/2015. Eric Wrobel says the charge stun is a "bug" and they are going to fix it. Charge discussion @59m35s

    Eric: "That's just a bug, and we're looking into getting it fixed"
    Gina: "Done!"

    @ZOS_GinaBruno Can you please clarify when this will be actually "Done?" Templars have been dealing with this for months. Give us a timeframe please.

    This is NOT the only bugged templar ability. For more info on which Templar abilities are currently bugged, please check the templar issue thread here:
    Edited by Yolokin_Swagonborn on 3 April 2015 17:45
  • Varicite
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Can you please clarity when this will be actually "Done?" Templars have been dealing with this for months. Give us a timeframe please.

    I'm curious about this as well.

    I hope it's not the same timeframe as fixing my Cloak.
  • Rakkul
    Varicite wrote: »

    I'm curious about this as well.

    I hope it's not the same timeframe as fixing my Cloak.

    Apparently the timeframe is running parallel with world peace. Joking aside, this should absolutely not be the sole focus of any work that they should do on this class. Ever since beta they have aimed the nerf hammer squarely this way. From the initial magika mess up, right through until now.

    Not exactly a path of glory. Devs - "stop with we're looking at it" palm out answer. Players have already voted with their feet no this game, and you need to give others a reason not to follow them.
    Talk is easy - walk the walk.
  • FoxyKitten
    So, you've been spending your energies for the release of new vanity pets while all of us are getting stuck in extremely long or infinite load screens and having the game lock up on us every day since the last 2 updates. Great to know you have your priorities figure out.
  • dafox187
    will you ever make a pve cryddil [i hope im spelling that right] so people who just want to pve can do everything there of course it would be a campaign or something similar so you can pvp but just so i can start a quest and not get murdered for no reason on the way back to the quest giver

    don't get mad at my spelling, autocorrect doesn't cover fantasy.
    Why couldn't the Khajiit go to the party? She had to be Elsweyr.
  • Varicite
    dafox187 wrote: »
    will you ever make a pve cryddil [i hope im spelling that right] so people who just want to pve can do everything there of course it would be a campaign or something similar so you can pvp but just so i can start a quest and not get murdered for no reason on the way back to the quest giver

    Gee, I'm pretty sure the "reason" is that you belong to an enemy faction in the middle of what is currently the largest WARZONE on Nirn.

    I'm not sure how you missed that, what w/ all of the quests, trailers, and pretty much everything else telling you this.

  • Enodoc
    FoxyKitten wrote: »
    So, you've been spending your energies for the release of new vanity pets while all of us are getting stuck in extremely long or infinite load screens and having the game lock up on us every day since the last 2 updates. Great to know you have your priorities figure out.
    No extra dev time has gone into that, those pets have been in the game code since launch.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • aneova_ESO
    Can we get a toggle for whether a dye is metallic or not? I'm tired of having a shiny butt with VR14 Bosmer Leather.

    Can you fix the issue with some armor's dying incorrectly? tops being extremely lighter then tops when the armor is same quality.

    Some dyes are stating as browns or golds and when applied are no where near the color listed, woodsman green turns teal when set as the first color of an armor piece but others it is infact green, wolf's fur brown turns to almost silver.
    Edited by aneova_ESO on 4 April 2015 14:53
  • Iago
    Does the ZOS staff ever jump on their own characters and go into PvP to knock around the rest of us in PvP?

    If not you should it would be great stress relief I'd imagine.
    That which we obtain to cheap we esteem to lightly, it is dearness only that gives everything its value.

    -Thomas Pain

  • Varicite
    Can we get an update on the next planned phase of the Champion System (ie: removal of VRs and introduction of Season gear)?

    Is this still the plan? There has been a foreboding, mysterious silence since the clarification of the phases back in October and many are wondering if this is still the plan going forward.
  • Xinz'r
    1. Is there any plan about developing swimming under water?
    2. Are there any plans to release new areas in Black Marsh?
    3. Is there any discussion about developing crossbows as equipable weapons and spears?
    4. Do you know when will (cca) Dark Brotherhood and/or Thieves Guild be released?
  • andraq
    Soul Shriven
    Two questions:

    1. Are there any plans for active/passive pets rather than just vanity - such as a wolf that you can train up from a pup and have them help in a similar way to a volatile familiar?

    Right now the closest build I have to my regular mmo ranger is a sorcerer with the volatile familiar taking aggro, would be great to have a more natural version to fit in with a ranger build and it's what I miss the most coming from games like AoC and Neverwinter.

    Could also have a fully laden pack guar as an passive pet that adds a little to your load carrying abilities but avoids combat?

    2. Are there any plans for a new ranger/hunter type class? Something that revolves around nature more than assassin/knight/sorcerer/healer builds?

    "For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack" – Rudyard Kipling
  • Divad Zarn
    Divad Zarn
    Hello everyone, here my question.

    - Does ZOS plan to add race/character name change functions and if yes when those options will be added?

    Thank you.
  • drewcibskis
    Soul Shriven
    Can some one please tell me what a " dee tick" is?
    After we capture a resource or keep some players say im waitng for the tick.

  • Xinz'r
    Will you improve guild management tools?
  • farrier_ESO
    Can some one please tell me what a " dee tick" is?
    After we capture a resource or keep some players say im waitng for the tick.
    I don't know as I don't PvP. A tick is something that happens every N seconds/minutes.
    Perhaps they're waiting for the server to register the capture and change the flag?)

    Or perhaps they're waiting for a member of their team?
    In that case, it's a golfing insult, spoonerized.

    Yet another indie games programmer.
    Upvote the change you want to see.
  • Elloa
    Question for Lawrence Schick:
    Is it proper to drink in a "Temple of the 7 Gods", or is it considered as a desecration, or a very un respectful behavior?
  • LonePirate
    Why is there a limit on the number of daily quests a player can complete each day? How do we go about removing that limit which has been around long before Update 6 arrived?
  • Enodoc
    Can some one please tell me what a " dee tick" is?
    After we capture a resource or keep some players say im waitng for the tick.
    @drewcibskis I believe "dee tick" is a typo that became a sort of ESO in-game meme, which should actually be "def tick", which itself is the point at which the game registers (or "ticks") that you have successfully defended a keep, and you get the AP/XP reward for that defense. Def ticks only occur when the fighting has died down, so you may already have saved the keep and be waiting around for your AP/XP reward.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • marcmyb14_ESO
    When can we expect to see a fix for mail not coming through right away (and having to relog or rezone to get it) and the neverending "Retrieving items" at the guild bank?
    GM Oghma Infinium - Ebonheart Pact
    VR14 Imperial Dragonknight - Indualis Decimius
    VR14 High Elf Sorcerer - Arienna Stormcaller
    VR1 Dark Elf Dragonknight - Flame and Shadow
    26 Khajiit Nightblade - J'Kaaz Vulon
    10 Breton Templar - Sam Guevene
  • ader
    Soul Shriven
    Kun wrote: »
    Question 1: PVP Arena
    Are you still discussing the possibility of adding PVP Arena, or has this been canned indefinitely?
    Soulac wrote: »
    Can we expect an arena or a system for duels and small-scale fights anytime soon or later this year? Is it even planned?

    Many people, myself included, are very interested in such a feature.
    Hello! I have a few quick questions:

    -Will we ever be able to duel our friends? I would love the ability to 1v1 someone who I have been questing with and prove who is the better warrior :)
    -Will there ever be small scale PvP such as 2v2s, 3v3s, 5v5s?
    Thank you very much!

    This: small scale pvp (1v1 >> 15v15 or more). When??
  • Djeriko
    Has anyone noticed that when you wear a Redguard heavy girdle with the higher level (such as Dwarven ore or higher) that the buckle is lowered in height on the character than any of the other girdles? This causes the buckle to not be even in contact with the belt any more as well as cause a clipping issue with the rest of the armor when the character moves or even stand with a weapon ready?

    ^posted this in in game bug notices too... just making sure it's heard.

    While on the new redguard heavy style, the design is ok but the dyed system on it is kinda unpolished. For one the feather plume on the redguard heavy helm now always has a black color. Was this intentional? Also the first redguard verson did not have a third color on the boots. This has been fixed but now the greaves do not have a second dye color and the primary and tertiary dyes have been reversed meaning the last dye has the most area and the primary has the least area (WAS THIS INTENTIONAL?). Once the greaves reach a high enough level they do acquire the blades on the side of the thighs but they stay the same color as the rest of the armor, seems like a perfect dyeable area wasted... And the heavy helm which previously had lots of almost evenly spaced dyed areas is almost all one color now which is another dyeable area wasted. I mean the top of the helm could be one color, the chainmail or cloth on the back can be another. Now it's forced to be all one dyed color. I miss the older versions dyed areas (sigh).

    Oh and thankfully we can now dye the jewels in the redguard armor! (kind of...) Basically the old verson had those turquoise colored jewels all over the place but now they jewels can change color but often they change into some other random uncontrolled color depending on your secondary color choice which often results in a color that doesn't look right. Wouldn't it be logical to have something small like the jewel controlled by the tertiary color?
    "When in doubt, kill it with fire."
  • Djeriko
    Also still waiting on SHIELD DYES! Yep its me again talking about SHIELD DYES! Won't stop reminding you about SHIELD DYES! .....sigh....
    "When in doubt, kill it with fire."
  • farrier_ESO
    Djeriko wrote: »
    Also still waiting on SHIELD DYES! Yep its me again talking about SHIELD DYES! Won't stop reminding you about SHIELD DYES! .....sigh....

    Why would they not include this at the release of the dying system?

    I'd guess one of two reasons.

    1) They are counted as weapons and not apparel by the system, so dying them would open a tin of coding worms.
    2) The devs have something better than dyes planned for covering the front of shields. Perhaps shield... decals? :D That would be very cool. Like tabards, onna shield.
    Yet another indie games programmer.
    Upvote the change you want to see.
This discussion has been closed.