ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

  • Vanguard1
    1. Is there plans to offer subscribers more than 10% bonuses? I completely understand that DLC will be included in subscriptions; however, paying for that once every few month's seems like it might be a better financial option to me than continuing paying a subscription fee. So I am curious if subscribers are going to get extra bonuses over free players or if going free is the best way to go here.
    2. Auction House, this would be a great option to offer subscribers, while keeping trade guilds for free to play players. Is there anything in the works that might give us hope of finally having an auction house? Wasting hours traveling around tamriel looking for one or two items, is not fun trust me.
    3. Guilds, I have seen this over and over, the atmosphere created with 5 guilds have caused people to join and leave guilds repeatedly. I get that this may have been intended; however, it makes it very difficult to get used to playing with a larger group of 12 when it changes weekly, and sometimes daily. Plus no one know's which guilds are good or popular in this system. I am curious is there any plans of having guild names placed above character names, (tabards don't show anything) or anything for guilds to work on to show hey we're a good guild and have been around for a long time? You don't want spam in chats but you have left guilds with no other choice because every guild losses members almost daily and need to replace them.

    I personally have enjoyed playing this game and watching how the developers have handled many of problems. I believe this is a great game and it has very good developers; however, I also feel that sometimes making to many changes based on how a class is in PVP or PVE hurts the other side. Avoiding a traditional auction house hurts players who are casual, due to the higher prices in guild stores and less time to play means less funds to spend. I do feel that you guys have done a great job of coming out with content over the course of the year and that a small break is needed to get ready for the console launch, this is completely acceptable. Personally, I would like to stay a subscriber to help support the game as long as subscribers gain a little more than just 10% on a few stats. Seeing an auction house, some guild bonuses, and possibly some crafting changes to keep crafting better than drop pieces would make this the best game I have ever played. I hope you guys can see where this would be an advantage to the game and not just trying to make a few people happy.
  • farrier_ESO
    LogicalPhule - Would you please start adding an "Estimated Time of Return" for servers when you do maintenance?

    Yes, we can start giving an estimated time when the server will come back online, though please understand that this will only be an estimate!
    The North American megaserver is now offline for the patch 2.0.3 maintenance and is currently unavailable. We will be performing the patch 2.0.3 maintenance on the European megaserver on Monday at 10:00PM EDT (Tuesday, 3:00AM BST).
    System Message: NOTICE: The North American megaserver is currently unavailable while we perform maintenance.
    Announcements: NOTICE: The North American megaserver is currently unavailable while we perform maintenance.

    I guess someone didn't get the memo?
    Yet another indie games programmer.
    Upvote the change you want to see.
  • kaithuzar
    Member of:
    Fantasia - osh kosh b-josh
    Just Chill - Crown's house
    GoldCloaks - Durruthy test server penga
    Small Meme Guild - Mano's house

    Former member of:
    Legend - Siffer fan boy club
    TKO (tamriel knight's order) - free bks
    Deviance - Leonard's senche tiger
    Purple - hamNchz is my hero
    Eight Divines - myrlifax stop playing final fantasy
    WKB (we kill bosses) - turd where you go?
    Arcance Council - Klytz Kommander
    World Boss - Mike & Chewy gone EP
    M12 (majestic twelve) - cult of the loli zerg
  • vinogue
    Soul Shriven
    Are there any plans to add a controller option for pc players?
  • Naor_Sarethi
    Is there going to be any update on implementing user made content?

    This game is utterly in need of new content, and while you take care of the bugs, the community could help itself with creating content. All TES games so far lived hugely off its modding community, people contributing to the game without being paid.
    It seems this would solve a lot of yours and our problems at the same time.
  • Brother_Numsie
    Imperial City?

    Any word on those? How are they coming along, is there anything new you can show us about them?

    Vet levels?

    Are they here to stay?

    Justice System?

    Are we going to see the other half of it soon? Have things changed, are you going to have to do things differently then was discussed at the guild summit? If so what?


    Still waiting on that mud hut.

    Any other new content you can talk about, show us (and give us a basic idea when we can see it in game)?

  • Varicite
    2 questions. : )

    1) Are there any future plans for allowing players to buy "gifts" for other players through the Crown Store?

    Such as buying a wedding dress for a significant other, or a pretty horse for a dowry, or perhaps a draugr polymorph for more... unsavory.. activities?

    2) What EXACTLY is Bone Shield (and morphs) supposed to DO?

    There are numerous reports of Bone Shield being bugged currently and only mitigating 3% of damage per hit (w/ the player taking 97% of the physical damage per hit while the ability is active). Is this an intended new design of the ability? How is it supposed to work?

    As Bone Shield is the ONLY available damage shield for stamina users that isn't restricted to a specific weapon skill line, it would be very much appreciated if there was at least some clarification to the ability.

    The tooltip reads: "Surround yourself with a whirlwind of bones, absorbing physical damage equivalent to 30% of your Max Health."

    So what is it supposed to be doing? Most people read this as a shield with a strength equal to 30% of your Max Health that lasts 5 seconds, but that is not even close to how it works. It COULD mean that it's supposed to mitigate 30% of the damage you take per hit for 5 seconds, but it isn't doing THAT either.


  • farrier_ESO
    Varicite wrote: »
    2 questions. : )

    1) Are there any future plans for allowing players to buy "gifts" for other players through the Crown Store?

    Such as buying a wedding dress for a significant other, or a pretty horse for a dowry, or perhaps a draugr polymorph for more... unsavory.. activities?

    YES! I kept coming here to ask this, and forgetting what question I wanted to ask.

    I play with my wife. I want to buy her gifts.

    In my experience, gifting is *really* good for game and community
      - Players who have been gifted an item are less likely to leave. - Partnerships where the friends have exchanged gifts are less likely to drift apart. - Gifts sell. Oh boy do gifts sell. Many people will buy stuff for others that they would never buy for themselves. "I can live without" vs "it's her birthday, and I know she wants one". - Gifts get reciprocated, so one purchase gets you a second for free. - Gifts improve the tone of the community in a positive way. People bought gifts are happier. People wanting gifts troll less. - Valentines is unlikely to be a big sale day for you at the moment. With gifts, even very minor stuff like a bouquet of roses (0-dmg mace-class weapon) this would be one of your best sales days. And Christmas...

    Downsides are generally minor, but include:
      - if item transfers are allowed, this leads to scamming, fake "trades", etc, which means drastically increased support time. - a typo ("@ferrari" instead of "@farrier") can be expensive, which means support time. - people can come to expect gifts for certain services, which might not be something you want in your community. - the kinds of "services" which cause gifts to be given get positively reinforced.
    Edited by farrier_ESO on 31 March 2015 03:37
    Yet another indie games programmer.
    Upvote the change you want to see.
  • Phantomtarget
    Soul Shriven
    Could it be possible to get the tiger mount for console users in the future. since we didn't have a chance to play for a year like pc users did.
  • Enodoc
    Would you consider adding a "graveyard" wayshrine like in the PvE zones' delves (respawn only) to the Cyrodiil delves? Currently if you get killed by an enemy you are sent back to the border gate if you have no soul gems. (This would only apply to PvE deaths within the respective delve; PvP deaths would give you the option of respawning at a Keep as usual.)
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Flynch
    Any chance we could get idle animations with our weapons drawn (as well as the current auto-combat stance). So with a 2-hander you may have it slung over your shoulder, or SnB have the shield balanced on the floor etc

    This stance would default to the combat stance once you're engaged in a fight. It would also add a visual clue as to when you are out of combat (rather than the current method of opening a menu to see if the border of the screen is pulsing red).

    And could these idle animations be part of the character select screen - as currently the characters look a bit anaemic.

  • Redmegaman13
    Soul Shriven
    Hi guys,

    I have tried Downloading the latest patch and its not working, i wait for the patch to download and it says it needs repairing and i have to download it all over again.

    any ideas whats happening and how to fix it?

    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • SnowmanDK
    Hi guys,

    I have tried Downloading the latest patch and its not working, i wait for the patch to download and it says it needs repairing and i have to download it all over again.

    any ideas whats happening and how to fix it?

    This solution fixed my issues:
    Ebonheart Pact: Titiani - Templar
    Ebonheart Pact: Xsnowman - Crafter
  • Enodoc
    So we've had Gina and Jess, Gina and Kai, Gina and Jason, when will Gina be presenting with @ZOS_MichaelServotte ?
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • adamchasehaukub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I have two questions.

    1.) How important are addons for the game and how will this effect the gameplay for xbox one?

    2.) When or can we pre order the game on xbox live, or do we have to go to an outside retailer to pre order the game to get the explorer pack?
  • Varicite
    I have two questions.

    1.) How important are addons for the game and how will this effect the gameplay for xbox one?

    Addons are only important for the game if you care about seeing ALL of your stats, seeing how much you actually hit things for, knowing what actually happened to your character, tracking your buffs and debuffs, or having any clue how much DPS or HPS you are actually doing.

    If you are the type of person who just wants to know "I hit harder" instead of "How MUCH harder do I hit now?", then you will probably never care about addons.

    If you are the type of person who wants to know the actual numbers behind your character, then you're probably going to have a bad time...
  • Forgamin
    Soul Shriven
    Here's my question and it's been bugging me for a while now:

    There are quests which remove enemy NPCs right? My main question is, do I still see people who have not finished these quest? and if so, do I just see them at casting spells and attacking at nothing?
    You Get A Signature! He Gets A Signature! She Gets A Signature! Everybody Gets A Signature!
  • Roechacca
    I just want to know how you just keep making the worlds best game better every single update ? Did you hire super heroes ?
  • Enodoc
    Forgamin wrote: »
    Here's my question and it's been bugging me for a while now:

    There are quests which remove enemy NPCs right? My main question is, do I still see people who have not finished these quest? and if so, do I just see them at casting spells and attacking at nothing?
    No; if you've completed the quest, you are put into a different "layer" or "phase" of the location that contains no enemies. Someone who hasn't finished the quest will be in a layer that has enemies. If you are grouped with them, you may see their overhead markers floating around, but not the characters themselves. Note that ZOS have been reducing the layering to reduce player separation, and now instead of enemies completely disappearing, they have set many of them to turn passive (yellow glow) instead. There are still places where enemies will disappear though.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • xlemonlaw
    Can we expect Imperial City to come out anytime soon?
  • Seth_Black
    Release date of first DLCs please. And SOME details about it.
    Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul.
    It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul
  • Phantomtarget
    Soul Shriven
    I cant wait till the release date for console, it just cant come fast enough. my question for you is. How do you think pc users porting over to console with all there gear, crafting skills, an gold will effect the economy for console users who haven't even started the game yet? could there be adverse effects or will it all be puppies an rainbows?
  • Resipsa131
    I cant wait till the release date for console, it just cant come fast enough. my question for you is. How do you think pc users porting over to console with all there gear, crafting skills, an gold will effect the economy for console users who haven't even started the game yet? could there be adverse effects or will it all be puppies an rainbows?

    Same as when the game became B2P, the new lower levels won't have the gold nor the necessity to buy expensive items. You'll see racial motiffs selling for more that's probably about it it IMO. I'm going to transfer to Xbox one so I guess I'll see.
  • RudolfRandom
    When will mac players have facial animactions?
  • lihentian
    can we have horse training account wide please? it will encourage people to make new character.. right now we have to make 8 character on the first day and train each character daily.. not only it bring lag it is also troublesome and not enjoyable.. please ZM hear our plea~~
  • goldin88
    Soul Shriven
    Short & Sweet - When will we get to see more of The Aldmeri Dominion controlled areas???
    Officer - Magikal
    Goldin - Imperial - DK - Tank - Master Crafter - All Equipment & Consumables
    Goldi-Locks - Khajiit - NB - DPS
    Goldi G - Breton - Templar - Healer
  • MornaBaine
    Are you planning to do anything for players regarding harassment by other players? Ideally, adding to /ignore the function to not just no longer see an abusive player's chat spam but to also literally no longer see their character either.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Drsunday
    Soul Shriven
    Will houses/ guild halls ever be able to be purchased? and customizable?
  • Harlwystyr
    Will we ever see Camlorn in Glenumbra rebuilt? It's kind of distracting, and a great shame to roleplay atmosphere that it remains a ruin.
    "Life does not bestow upon us all the bright mantle of the hero. Do what ye can, and it will be enough."
    - Harlwystyr Ealthar
  • coldreactive_ESO
    Elder Scrolls series is more about Exploration, Adventure and doing Epic Quests. Considering Elder Scrolls Online is heavily PVP Based (IE: Guilds have no real reason to recruit players who only want to do PVE, like me.) What are your future plans for PVE Content? Will there be a time when Cyrodil is not in a state of war, and we can actually do PVE Content there instead of being attacked by other players? Or should I just ask for my refund and cancel my ESO Account now? (Yes, including crowns that I've purchased, and I don't care if you have a thing where "You can't refund those." I want the money anyway.)
    NA PC Megaserver
    Lucradia Valeri (D.Summoner) / Saeko Meina (T.Healer)
    GMT -0600 (Central Time, Wisconsin) - PvE Only
This discussion has been closed.