Will leave this here as well.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom Are you guys aware of and working on the bugs in Templars Eclips (and morphs) as well as Foused Charge (and morphs) ?
ZOS_JasonLeavey wrote: »Hey guys,
Below, we have the Ask Us Anything questions and answers from today's show. Enjoy!
Curragraigue - Where will we be able to buy subscriptions and crowns from for console? Will we be able to buy from PSN and Xbox Live, or only from ZOS? Will we be able to get console subs at launch or sometime after?
The PS4 and Xbox One versions of The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited are fully integrated console experiences. This includes utilizing the PlayStation Store and Xbox Marketplace for the sale of ESO Plus memberships and crowns—all available at launch.
Anazasi – Can we please see a VR14 version of the Soul Shine set?
One of the gameplay team’s primary focuses will be on creating new sets, as well as creating higher level versions of some of the older sets. The list isn’t 100% finalized yet, but we do plan on giving players lots of cool options for high level play.
keonimeyer - Will there be an option to allow other players to ride your mount with you?
Our current mounts are built to accommodate only one player, and we don’t have plans to support additional riders at this time.
AshTal – We are all aware that for a normal player, playing a few hours a week, Alliance ranks take years to get. Can we make them account wide so players can play alts, not be forced to take the same character every day because otherwise their ranks are split across multiple characters and they are at a disadvantage?
We mentioned last time that alliance ranks are meant to take a long time to level. However, the idea of making them account wide is something we’re investigating. It will require some time to implement if we decide to do so.
Neizir - By drop rate, what is the rarest possible item in the entire game?
The full Dwemer racial motif style book, “Racial Motifs 15: Dwemer”. Not the individual chapters, but the single book that teaches you all of the chapter knowledge at once. It exists, but it’s extremely rare.
Shadow - Is there any hope in getting the time spent in werewolf form looked at? I don't just mean for staying in combat to sustain it. I mean turning the ultimate into a toggle and allowing us to transform at will and remain in wolf form while outside of combat, running around Tamriel, turning in quests and exploring/looting while still being able to remain in beast form.
We’re pretty happy with how the werewolf is currently playing based on the improvements from update 1.6, notably the fact that Blood Rage passive allows you to stay in werewolf for a very long time while being active in combat and taking damage. But we will definitely continue to evaluate the gameplay of Werewolf.
timidobserver - With the changes in 1.6 to stat caps, much of the endgame gear and crafted feels useless. Are you planning to rebalance gear in order to address this?
The overall goal for endgame gear is that you can use it to customize your playstyle. Some players want to focus on high regeneration so they can cast many expensive abilities, while others want to have really strong blocks or deal high fire damage. For the future, we’ll iterate on sets and make sure their power level achieves these goals.
Thuster - When playing around with alchemy, I couldn't help but notice that it would be very convenient with an in-game notebook where you could write down recipes, things to remember, maybe the possibility to write down lore from your adventures and let other players read them in some way. Maybe in a book shop where you can sell and buy books.
This is a neat idea, but we currently have no plans for this type of addition.
Saucy_Jack - Is it possible to have super rare loot or trophies that could be found from either chests, safeboxes, or pickpocketing that give actual bonuses not available elsewhere to players for having them in our inventory? It would incentivize the players to do something other than just grind mobs.
We currently have monster and fishing trophies as rare drops that you can collect, and we’d like to expand that system to allow for more scavenger hunting style gameplay, but we don’t currently have plans for them provide direct character bonuses.
wenxue2222b16_ESO - Could you please give careful consideration to increasing the limit on the number of players allowed in one guild? The limit feels too small given the recent large influx of new players that are looking for an established guild to join.
The 500 player cap is a result of both design and technical constraints as the larger a guild is, the more data is sent out across its members constantly and the more unwieldy it becomes. We don’t have plans to increase the current guild size, but we encourage you to join multiple guilds to help expand your in-game social circles.
LogicalPhule - Would you please start adding an "Estimated Time of Return" for servers when you do maintenance?
Yes, we can start giving an estimated time when the server will come back online, though please understand that this will only be an estimate!
KhmerShadow - Will Werewolf Berserkers ever get a change in fur color to differentiate from non-morphed werewolves?
We like this idea, but currently we don’t plans for werewolf color variations.
Greeniewolfub17_ESO - why is it most people that have played since beta got 4700-5000 crowns and I got 3200?
A small number of users did not receive the correct amount of crowns when we deployed crowns at the launch of Tamriel Unlimited. We have since resolved that issue, so you should now have the correct amount of crowns. For those wondering, you should have received 500 for purchasing the game, 100 for each month subscribed, and 1500 for each remaining month on your subscription.
randolphbenoit - Why no children in the game? Feels unreal only adults and chickens everywhere...
Hermaeus Mora knows...
AureateRN - While somewhat discouraged, solo players do still exist in this game. As the lone wolves...or "men and mer" of Tamriel we miss out on much, albeit by choice, and it has now been confirmed in the most recent patch notes that we are intentionally deprived of the benefits of Ultimate Synergies. When no other player is present, is it really necessary for solo players to be unable to activate the synergy on an Ultimate they have earned?
Synergies are a reward for players working together. The great part about our slotting system is that you have a wide variety of options available to customize your playstyle. Some ultimates are better for group play like Consuming Darkness because it protects all your allies and gives them a synergy. Ultimates like Death Stroke are better for solo play because it only increases the ability caster’s damage.
Peteris - Do you plan add more evil choices to quests and especially main zone chains (since they can’t be skipped)? It feels weird to play criminal and go around helping and saving people.
We try to not have overtly “good” or “evil” choices when we put a choice in a quest. Elder Scrolls is much more about the morally ambiguous - the gray area in-between good and evil.
Bias of ESO Live?
Wondering if ZOS is cognizant that having ESO Live during "working hours" in mainland United States online viewers are going to be skewed towards the "Generation Me," living at home, don't have a job, free2play focused consumers?
Perhaps more Q&A can be tilted toward the disposable income crowd?
Maybe 3/4 of the questions should be from the forums?
I saw most of those questions answered here on the forums...?
Not "on" the forums - "from" the forums.
I think they alternate one forum question, one twitch live question, one forum question, etc.
I'm saying perhaps they should take 3 forum questions for every twitch live question.
The status regarding player housing, as of ESO Live Ep 10 (Jan 30th), is that it is near the top of the list of "things they want to do", but they are not currently working on it.greymist2000 wrote: »Quick Question, Is there anything planned as far as player housing?
b92303008rwb17_ESO wrote: »Is there currently any plan to make some adjustments to the visual effects of sorcerer ability Bound Armor? If toggling this ability consumes all costumes or gears, why bother creating or using them?
felinith66 wrote: »By creating higher level sets of lower level armors, like Soulshine, are you confirming then that the Vet system is here to stay?
I really like this idea because pockets of Oblivion are infinite and small.I'm new to the game, and Elder Scrolls in general, for the most part, but I wanted to ask if this would be possible/logical as a potential option. I don't know if it's been discussed or answered or anything, but:
Could we get player/guild housing in a (pocket) realm of Oblivion?
I'm thinking an island that can have 1 of several styles of houses/guild halls and environments, maybe a storage building, and stable or something. For more storage, showing off horses, decorating with trophies of feats, and so on. And crafting facilities. I know these may cause player concentration problems, making like no one actually go to cities, but I would love this. Even if it was very expensive, linked to a quest line, or bought for real money. Could make a nice grind out of it. Might be account-wide; you could access it with a portal you can generate every 20mins or so, and maybe take a Gold cost.
I may not really understand how Oblivion is controlled and so on, but if this could work, I think it would be a really nice option for housing.
bloodenragedb14_ESO wrote: »morally ambiguous? tell me why the only evil thing my character has ever done is connected to the justice system. why dont i have the option to at least tell a npc they are worthless, even if i still do the quest.