ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • Volkodav
    1) What did we do to deserve being blinded on the forums like this?
    2) why is it most people that have played since beta got 4700-5000 crowns and I got 3200?
    3) Can we please please please have the old redguard and orc armors back?

    Uuumm,.I could ask the same thing. Why is it that you got 3200 crowns and I,who has been playing since the first beta,only got 2000? Just asking.
  • randolphbenoit
    Grim13 wrote: »
    Why did the monthly sub fee go up $3!?
    $17.99CAD/mo - 30 Day Membership - Charge me $17.99CAD every 30 days
    $16.99CAD/mo - 90 Day Membership - Charge me $50.97CAD every 90 days
    $15.99CAD/mo - 180 Day Membership - Charge me $95.94CAD every 180 days
    WHY? There was no warnings! That stupid, Do u want people to NOT sub? Price should have gone down 3 bucks not up!
    Edited by randolphbenoit on 18 March 2015 13:48
    the NeXus Guild (NA-DC-Crafters) contact @randolphbenoit - Currently Allies to Fairy Tail of Tamriel (Social) and Brave Kore (DC PvP).

    Saltrice - (Salt tolerant rice) Saltrice, pronounced just like it looks is, in fact, a kind of rice that can grow in paddies of either fresh or brackish water.
  • annarr1117nub18_ESO
    why is most of everything in the game invisible after i log into it???, my character's axe and some other things are only visible.
  • Greeniewolfub17_ESO
    Does either ZOS or Bethesda have have a comment about the fact that a group of players and women's rights activists are exploring a CAL over the new armors and comments made on one of the more recent ESO Live sessions?
    Me: "Okay lets run to Alessia. Mount up and follow me!"
    Me five seconds later: "Um yeah... totally forgot about that cliff..."
  • Greeniewolfub17_ESO

    Uuumm,.I could ask the same thing. Why is it that you got 3200 crowns and I,who has been playing since the first beta,only got 2000? Just asking.

    Yeah seems very random to me.

    Me: "Okay lets run to Alessia. Mount up and follow me!"
    Me five seconds later: "Um yeah... totally forgot about that cliff..."
  • Endurance

    Uuumm,.I could ask the same thing. Why is it that you got 3200 crowns and I,who has been playing since the first beta,only got 2000? Just asking.

    2000? i been here since closed beta and got 800 and u dont see me complaining
    I'm outta here
  • Bazzer007
    Stuck in a continual loop during a new download. All the files load then it gets to the Patch part and I get an error. So I choose repair and go thru the entire process again and get the the Patch installation part and it says "Access Denied . . . due to insufficient permissions or the file is in use by another process"?

    Any ideas, please?
  • DHale
    I really have two questions: One, when will healing be addressed? If one breath of life heals for 3 k and yet one snipe or wrecking blow or meteor can hit for four or five times that why be a healer? The most powerful heals crit for 7k health. This is not worth it to heal a group. It's ok for your self but with light armor to sustain magicka you are burning resources super fast. I know when my CP are maxed then it will help a lot but that is a year away for more at my current rate for less than 1 cp per day.

    Second since lag in Cyrodil persists why have you not brought in someone with expertise in the field. During the period of time between 1.2 and 1.3 when lighting fixes and I suppose security fixes were implemented the lag was minimal. Since 1.6 it is the worst it has ever been.
    Sorcerna, proud beta sorc. RIP April 2014 to May 31 2016 DArk Brotherhood. Out of retirement for negates and encases. Sorcerna will be going back into retirement to be my main crafter Fall 2018. Because an 8 k shield is f ing useless. Died because of baddies on the forum. Too much qq too little pew pew. 16 AD 2 DC. 0 EP cause they bad, CP 2300 plus 18 level 50 toons. NA, PC, Grey Host#SORCLIVESMATTER actually they don’t or they wouldn’t keep getting nerfed constantly.
  • Saucy_Jack
    Is it possible to have super rare loot or trophies that could be found from either chests, safeboxes, or pickpocketing that give actual bonuses not available elsewhere to players for having them in our inventory? It would incentivize the players to do something other than just grind mobs.

    Like, the Blackfeather Court whistle is a "trophy" but it provides an actual bonus to the player that you can't find elsewhere.
    Most of the trophies we have right now are fun, but they don't necessarily give any benefit to the player, whereas what I'm talking about would actually help out - like a rare consumable that lets you feed your horse a second time in the day (one-time use until you found another) or a trophy that permanently increased your pickpocket chances by 5%, or something of that nature.
    ALL HAIL SNUGGLORR THE MAGNIFICENT, KING OF THE RNG AND NIRN'S ONE TRUE GOD! Also, become a Scrub-scriber! SJ Scrubs: Playing games badly to make you feel better about yourself.
  • exiledtyrant
    If bleeds are never fixed could they at least be converted into poison damage ?
    That way dual wield can at least use it's sustained damage and healing options without all the problems bleeds cause due to immunities and damage shields.

    Will the axe passive for dual wield be changed?

    Bleeds have their issues and axes constant refreshing of the bleed timer can lock out a damage dealer from ever getting a bleed tick unless they stop hitting their target. Allowing flat damage on bleed application or changing the passive to increase critical damage would be nice.

    Will dual wield attack ever be made to proc both main hand and offhand glyphs?
    Right now a majority of attacks only proc main hand glyphs forcing 2 auto attacks to make use of the offhand glyph. Otherwise offhand glyphs are procced at a severely reduced rate.
    Edited by exiledtyrant on 21 March 2015 00:46
    If all are brethren
    How could my hands not tremble
    As breath fled my prey?

    What blinds my vision?
    My hands are tools; it must be
    The haze of blossoms

    -Salous the Penitent
  • Mission
    When new DLC Zones come out, and say I'm subbed and questing in that area.. Well I log off and my subscription ends with my character still in the DLC zone. How will I log on to that character without having to purchase the DLC? Will I not be able to log into that character or will the character be teleported to a safe non dlc zone?
    Edited by Mission on 18 March 2015 20:24
  • Muizer
    Costumes may be fun for people to wear, but not always fun for others to have to look at. Would you consider including the option to turn off displaying other players' costumes?
    Please stop making requests for game features. ZOS have enough bad ideas as it is!
  • RenhardtESO
    Will there ever be an LFG tool specifically for Undaunted Pledges? Spamming zone chat is a bit tedious.
  • AureateRN
    Greetings! Just want to mention quickly that ESO's customer service is the best, bar none, I have encountered in almost 20 years of gaming.

    My question is this. While somewhat discouraged, solo players do still exist in this game. As the lone wolves...or "men and mer" of Tamriel we miss out on much, albeit by choice, and it has now been confirmed in the most recent patch notes that we are intentionally deprived of the benefits of Ultimate Synergies.

    When no other player is present, is it really necessary for solo players to be unable to activate the synergy on an Ultimate they have earned?

    Thank you very much for your time and all the answers you provide!

    Happy Travels!

    "...people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed."
    ~Friedrich Nietzsche~

  • KhmerShadow
    Soul Shriven
    Will Werewolf Berserkers ever get a change in fur color to differentiate from non morphed werewolves?
  • Nutronic
    Will there ever be Vanity companions? Will Vanity pets, horses or other companion creatures/critters ever get their own stats we can level for fun (as in makes no real game play impact)? It would be cool if your horse could fill up an empty pet spot instead of vanishing into the ether *cough*forcrowns*cough*.
    Edited by Nutronic on 24 March 2015 11:06
  • Curragraigue
    Unlimited has launched and the forums have been changed so can we please now have some news about:

    1) when beta for the console will be happening and will it be an open beta or a closed invite only beta;
    2) when, where and how we can sign up for console beta;
    3) where will we be able to buy subscriptions and crowns from for the console, so will we be able to buy from PSN and XBox Live or only from ZOS;
    4) can we have some more console footage;
    5) will any more add on additions be added to console's UI particularly in relation to AP accumulation in Cyrodiil so noobs don't miss D ticks;
    6) when will we be able to get console subs at launch or sometime after; and
    7) when will you be sending out the transfer to console offers and will it include a beta key/s (please) if you are doing a closed beta?
    PUG Life - the true test of your skill

    18 characters, 17 max level, at least 1 Stam and 1 Mag of every class, 1 of every race and 1200+ CP

    Tanked to Undaunted 9+ Mag and Stam of every class using Group Finder for 90+% of the Vet Dungeon runs
  • Martan
    Will we be able to alter the appearance of our characters in the future? Maybe by a purchase from the crown store?
    When is phasing going to be completely fixed? Playing an online multiplayer game and being shut out from group members isn't very fun.
  • Alphidius
    Will the Crown Store allow us to increase our character slots in the future?

  • SantieClaws
    Could you please give careful consideration to increasing the limit on the number of players allowed in one guild? The limit feels too small given the recent large influx of new players that are looking for an established guild to join.

    Full thread and relevant discussion is here (rather than me repeating the pros and cons and whatnot)

    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • prototypefb
    I feel like game could benefit from following:
    up to 3 groups of 9-12(depending on map) bandits that move around each map killing monsters & demanding player for 1000 gold or fighting players if they refuse, paying would make bandits moving on(90% cases,10% chance they will still attack)(loads of awesome NPC dialogs/shouts come to mind, lol).
    If one of bandits dies, one tries to ressurect fallen while others fight.
    Bandits are outlaws and if they wander near guards, guards will attack.
    Bandit groups stays in specific map but randomly wander around all day, slaughtering monsters/terrorising NPCs/players.
    Each bandit upon death would give slightly increased exp+ 200 gold( cd for money recovery after bandit death 5-10 min)+soul gems + chance of blue set items+ random items e.g. materials/recipes/food etc.
    This could create random aoe grind spot everywhere on the maps + lot of random encounters for players, high risk situations.
    Could add lot more action/chasing/fleeing on all maps.
    This would add more bounty hunter quests/maybe even joining bandit guild?
  • Vaerth
    Hi everyone!

    Starting now, during every ESO Live we’ll hold a Q&A where we’ll answer some of your questions about the game. All you have to do is post your questions in this thread and we’ll choose some to answer every two weeks on the show, though we do want to remind you to please be constructive with your questions. If you’re able to join us during the show, we’ll also take some questions from chat as well!

    Thanks for your support, and we hope you’ll enjoy this new segment!

    When we will get Thieves Guild and when will you finally fix Vampires.
    Pact Bloodwraith
  • prototypefb
    Vaerth wrote: »

    When we will get Thieves Guild and when will you finally fix Vampires.

    soon! <<<<< loled myself on this

    what is broken about vampires, apart from being able to spam ultimates?
  • michaelarryn
    When can we expect Veteran Ranks to be removed? I have been playing for a few months now, got a DK to VR 5, and have been uninspired to finish him all the way. I've since started other toons, but would be ecstatic if VR ranks were out the door quicker. They just take way too long and I would rather do higher level content with my guidies, but can't because I refuse to grind.
  • Peteris
    Do you plan add more evil choices to quests and especially main zone chains (since they cant be skipped)?
    It feels weird to play criminal and go around helping and saving people.

    P.S. And when playing daggerfall character its feel completely wrong to attack dagerfall army npcs in some quests on Caldwell silver, or as pact character to attack pact npcs. Please give more options on quests.
    Edited by Peteris on 23 March 2015 16:54
  • Monsoon
    I want to buy 2 extra character slots, why isn t this available on the store yet?
  • DDuke

    How can you justify XP Boosters as convenience, when there is a system in place that takes years to maximize (unlike normal MMO leveling process), granting significant amounts of power through XP earned?
    Have you discussed about making stronger versions of these craftable, or having these Crown Shop potions not affect CP gain?
    Edited by DDuke on 21 March 2015 19:31
  • GrundigTheMad
    Soul Shriven
    Regarding the "Justice System" I recently "stole" my first few items and laundered them. However, these items don't seem to have any benefit after I spend the gold. I am unable to equip them or use them in anyway except to sell them. One item in particular was a "Swan-Satin Bathing Thong" that was valued at 250 gold. Is there some purpose other than to just sell it? Should I keep it?

    Also, I have tons of disguises and Trophies that take up many inventory slots. I cannot sell them and can only junk them. Shouldn't these be added to Collections storage so I can enjoy them in the future without losing valuable bank and inventory storage slots?
  • Kizzarse
    I really hope that someone in ESO management can answer this question I have. Lately it has been bugging me about ESO and where it is heading.

    Question is ESO is a MMO that anyone can play from 18+ years. The issue I have is the mechanics of the play in question the quest to be Emperor in Cyrodiil.

    Now, there are big guilds out there that is in a position to actually plant spies or stooges in other factions than build up relationship and trust and lead other factions into the ultimate aim to get their own members to be emperor.

    My question is this healthy, the reason is it promotes cheating, lying and betraying friendship towards the quest to be Emperor-a hollow title. Imo, what is ESO encouraging? Cheaters, liars? I really will never allow my kids to play such a game.

    Some might call this game of throne, but seriously... Who wants to be suckers taken for a ride in this game and I have seen this sort of behavior ingame. This game doesnt promote healthy interaction at the expense of innocent individuals that do not ever believe another human being can so betray their trust and 'friendship'.

    So ppl that likes to play in Cyrodiil, u never know your real friend the person exceptionally nice to u will take u for a ride.
This discussion has been closed.