I watched the whole thing . Keep in mind I like the game and want to see it do well before judging what I write next . He's not lying ! Many of the issues are true and should be addressed fairly . I understand people don't like people talking like jerks about something the are passionate about but lets all be honest and acknowledge we do have some work that needs to be done in order to polish this mmo gem right ?
dbennett707cub18_ESO wrote: »
Alot of it is just straight misinformed, he compares the imperial mount to the 47k mount, which is false. He says you needed to pay the 80$ for the collectors to play any race any faction, which is false, that was a pre-order perk. He says you need to kill 47k skeletons to get a mount, which is ***, if you don't have at least 80k by VR1 you must have done something wrong. He makes some good points about relogging and quests being broken and game feeling like a beta, but alot of it is just false.
bandage106rwb17_ESO wrote: »He had a few good points which I entirely agree with on some levels, like the boss farming and node farming really needs to be looked into further. I'd like to see them increase the difficulty of the bosses in general also increase the rewards for those that sit through it.
But then again, then we've gotta think about the console players who're limited to a small controller, adding more difficulty in the game could alienate those playing on the consoles or casual players.
However I'd like to know why he was so fickle about PVP, it was my impression he loved the PVP now he has nothing but issues with it?
dbennett707cub18_ESO wrote: »
Alot of it is just straight misinformed, he compares the imperial mount to the 47k mount, which is false. He says you needed to pay the 80$ for the collectors to play any race any faction, which is false, that was a pre-order perk. He says you need to kill 47k skeletons to get a mount, which is ***, if you don't have at least 80k by VR1 you must have done something wrong. He makes some good points about relogging and quests being broken and game feeling like a beta, but alot of it is just false.
FezzikVizzini wrote: »he compares the imperial mount to the 47k mount, which is false" - Heck, I don't even know what the hell this is supposed to mean. What is false ?
FezzikVizzini wrote: »
"He says you needed to pay the 80$ for the collectors to play any race any faction, which is false, that was a pre-order perk."
Which part of thestatement is false ? Please tell me how you can play as any race/faction combo without either having the pre-order or buying the imperial edition - WHICH YOU CAN STILL BUY NOW (check the ESO site).
FezzikVizzini wrote: »
"he compares the imperial mount to the 47k mount, which is false" - Heck, I don't even know what the hell this is supposed to mean. What is false ?
FezzikVizzini wrote: »"He says you needed to pay the 80$ for the collectors to play any race any faction, which is false, that was a pre-order perk."
Which part of thestatement is false ? Please tell me how you can play as any race/faction combo without either having the pre-order or buying the imperial edition - WHICH YOU CAN STILL BUY NOW (check the ESO site).
The imp horse is the 17k horse in white colour.
He acts like it was the same.
He claims that you need to buy the imp. edition to play in any race...
This is wrong.
It is a pre order bonus and you could get these for 30€ or 35$.
This guy really has some points... but only halfe of what he says is actually true...
Below 50% is an E in school.
Why not cut the crap and make a 10 minutes video about what really is wrong in that game?
GreatPlayer wrote: »I disagree with 90% of what he says,
Nox_Aeterna wrote: »While i like Joe a LOT , i dont totally agree with his review.
I think he does make good points and there is plenty of truth ,but i actually liked AD quests quite a bit , atleast the auridon ones for example , eventually even i got tired of the wood elves.
There is also the small mistake he made since playing any race in any faction is a pre-purchase bonus , not a collectors edt one.
In my opinion the 5/10 was a bit too low , but that is just my opinion.