I'm seriously trying to wrap my head around why the people who play the best class in the game complain the most on the forums.
I'm just making sure I understand this correctly. You're only Templar is a lvl 21 right?
I never said I had all 4 classes in PvP. I think I stated that in a previous post I played all 4. I also have a NB that is 24 or something in BB. I never said I had an "unkillable" build.
Do you have other toons that are veteran levels? Have any of you also played a DK in Pvp, even on BB?
Just wondering.
Please try it and tell me which is easier. Templar is the easiest class to play. The skills are no more or less bugged than anyone else's. Seriously. Templar has the best combination of self heals and damage dealing in the game. It doesn't have the stealth of a NB, and it doesn't have the CC and ruggedness of a DK. Sorcs have arguably just as much burst damage capacity, but they don't have heals. Hands down, Templar is the best class. Yet, and YET, they complain the loudest on the forums. Why? Is it because the game was so easy for you that when it became a challenge you figure something must be broken? Seriously.
Yeah. Well. I'll stop here.Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »[...]
How do you know this much by just playing in Blackwater Blade with low level toons? That campaign is very different than veteran one. How do you know real strength of your DK before leveling it to max and gear accordingly for your taste? I do agree DKs are sub par to other classes since 1.6 as well as Templars due to the new meta(search it in forum) But you're playing in pvp for just 20 days at most according to your own thread in Alliance War subforum. How do you know the difference between pre 1.6 and 1.6?
I suppose your knowledge is very limited by just watching pwnage videos and reading forum posts. You cant be serious to complain THAT much.
And to answer this-> "I never said I had an "unkillable" build"
"Templar is BY FAR the easiest to play and win and NEVER EVER DIE. Templar is so much more powerful than every other class right now it's stupid to play anything else."
These are your words not mine. I hope this is very clear.
Yeah. Well. I'll stop here.
Please forgive my use of hyperbole. I didn't realize everything posted was taken literally. I'll try to remember that in the future.
Moreover, to the point of how do I know? (all of the things you asked) I don't. But the vast majority of the players of this game play under the Vet levels. Yes, I know BB is different from the vet campaigns, in that there is actually far less discrepancy between the highest and lowest players, and the VR14s don't just steamroll everyone, the mechanics are basically the same, but it does take a lot more concentration to stay alive in the Vet campaigns.
If the only place where the Templar sills were "bugged" and "made useless" was the veteran PvP area, then the thread should say so. I'm speaking of the entire game. In the entire game, Templar is by far the easiest class to play. I will state this again, it has the best combination of damage and self heals, add to that a good gap closer and you've got the best class in the game, hands down.
Oh, I'm not mad about it, I just find it humorous. Play all of the classes before you come on and complain, seriously, because you all look ridiculous to those of us that know the game, both PvP and PvE. And yes, I play PvP with both a Templar and a DK. The Templar tears other players to pieces while the DK tries to survive. Sure there are VR14 DKs that have been accumulating champion points for months and can dominate in PvP still, but for someone just starting out, Templar is WAY EASIER to play, trust me, I've done it with both.
Get to VR14 where everyone is geared then come back and tell us all about it. I expect video of your owning people, to.
Yes, that is correct. He might be higher, I'm not positive at the moment. At that level you gain them pretty quickly. I'm not somewhere that I can log in right now. But 21-23 or so.
[Moderator Note: Edited quote to match moderated version]
If the only place where the Templar sills were "bugged" and "made useless" was the veteran PvP area, then the thread should say so. I'm speaking of the entire game. In the entire game, Templar is by far the easiest class to play. I will state this again, it has the best combination of damage and self heals, add to that a good gap closer and you've got the best class in the game, hands down.
So you tell us all that we need to play all the classes to know the game, yet you are the one that doesn't even have a VR14? OK; so let that slide but you are commenting on Templar abilities which you cannot even have all of them at level 21 so that is a bit of hypocrisy.
You have discredited yourself several times throughout this thread so really; I think we are done here until you can actually play the class fully at VR14 against other VR14s and show us some sort of evidence rather than hyperbole because your credit is too shot IMO to take your word for anything.
david.haypreub18_ESO wrote: »
I'm sorry, but you simply cannot state that Templars are the best class in the game if you've only played one to level 21 and only PvPed on the one non-vet server and only serve as a pocket healer in the zerg.
I'm actually quite surprised you were even able to unlock Destruction at level 21. But in any case, the higher you get in PvP, the more you will see the limitations of the Templar. Even on Blackwater, by the time you get to your 40s, casting RD in any situation other than you being safely in the middle of the zerg risks death. By the time you get to the vet PvP servers-- which are the vast majority of PvP servers-- you will be killed in literally 1.1 seconds (the time it takes for a Critical Charge and then Wrecking Blow to land) if you are all in light armor and have spent all your points in magicka.
Any class can be useful in a zerg. Templars are great as pocked healers. But they are sub-optimal at literally every other role, and much of the reason for that is useless, bugged, or delayed skills.
Do you understand why using your personal experiences at level 21, and expanding upon them to generalize about the best class in the game to people who have played to VR 14 and unlocked and played all the skills the Templar has, seems a little unfair? Have you even unlocked all Templar skills? You can't have, at level 21. So you're talking about things with which you literally have no experience.
Fair points. I'm extrapolating the experience that I do have in to areas where it may not apply and I can accept that criticism as valid.
Still, the game doesn't start at the Vet levels, and again, the thread does not state that the skills are bugged and made useless at any particular level or in any particular area of play, i.e. PVP.
For a new player reading the forum, and seeing this discussion, they will probably shy away from the Templar class, when it's a class that is very rewarding at the early levels, and very easy to play in comparison to the other classes. The fact that it is so powerful early on is probably the crux of this entire thread. My DK died all the time starting out. I had to learn how to play it. Templar has such powerful attacks and heals right off the bat, that perhaps what is going on here is that for this class, the learning curve is steeper later on, whereas for other classes the learning curve is steeper at the beginning.
david.haypreub18_ESO wrote: »But in any case, the higher you get in PvP, the more you will see the limitations of the Templar. Even on Blackwater, by the time you get to your 40s, casting RD in any situation other than you being safely in the middle of the zerg risks death. By the time you get to the vet PvP servers-- which are the vast majority of PvP servers-- you will be killed in literally 1.1 seconds (the time it takes for a Critical Charge and then Wrecking Blow to land) if you are all in light armor and have spent all your points in magicka.
I missed the part how you ended up here. But anyways, I made a new thread. Continue from here please http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/171870/templar-op?new=1Still, the game doesn't start at the Vet levels, and again, the thread does not state that the skills are bugged and made useless at any particular level or in any particular area of play, i.e. PVP.
+1Wow, so expectable. Those who don't understand mechanic of templars came to thread and tried to shut it down. How pathetic.
cozmon3c_ESO wrote: »Jesus beam is bugged as hell, doing 2 ticks of damage before the animation happens or even registers on enemies health bar. can we get a fix for this ASAP please.
That is false.Sorry most people do not play under vet characters unless they are leveling new alt for a while.There is an influx of new B2P players and old returns but that is not representative of the population just like there was an influx of new player when they had steam sales . The vast majority has at least one VR character and a large portion has one or more VR14. I am into 2 casual guilds with a lot of new people and I am leveling 2 new characters but it is still visible that most people are long time players everywhere.
Since when did the game start at VR14? Most people play under the veteran levels, and again, if that was the intent of the thread, the thread should say so. I know several players who intentionally DON'T level up because they DON'T want to be forced to group and pvp. That's still part of the game. Again, I'm talking about the whole game, not just one small part of it that ZOS seemingly doesn't really care all that much about anyway.
Magica Healer, all light armor, all Magica except for like 5 health, restoration staff both bars. Reflective Light, Piercing Strikes, Rushed Ceremony, Radiant Destruction, Dawns Wrath ... I forget everything on both bars. You get the point.
I'm seriously trying to wrap my head around why the people who play the best class in the game complain the most on the forums.
[Moderator Note: Edited quote to match moderated version]