Templar Skills Bugged/made useless - IGNORED

  • david.haypreub18_ESO
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Imagine when they will fix us (only idiots won't do it), after all our suffering we will become top-1 class, everyone will roll templars just to match us.

    I'm sorry my friend, but Gina's post makes it clear that that day will never come. In order for ZOS to fix Templars, they first have to consider them broken... and Gina makes it clear that ZOS considers Templars to be working as intended.

    Templars are 'just slower... by design'
    Yes, Gina actually said that (at least regarding Rushed Ceremony) right here:
    VR 16 Templar (retired until Templars get fixed)
    VR 16 Sorcerer
    38 Nightblade
    24 DK
  • SeptimusDova
    Retired my Templar today. I will wait and see what changes and corrections are made. The delay of BoL is atrocious.In a fluid and fast paced fight you simply cannot stand around and "anticipate" damage. You are floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee. You don't need your teammates going down by the count of three(The Greatest). It seems ironic that my night blade has more responsive heals than the cleric healer.

    When this goes console anyone who chooses Templar may just base the whole game experience off of that, and rage-quit demand refunds and so forth. Not good for P.R. and no way am I going to stream this on my hitbox account.Yes the DK is responsive and quintessentially the ideal setup as far as animations and weaving. It is a shame that the level of detail given to the DK was not passed on to the other classes.

    This game with a DK is like being Dovahkiin without having to kill dragons or climb high Hrothgar. And you have friends to play with.This game with a Templar is like being an experiment of Sheogorath on the Shivering Isles oblivion DLC.

    Rushed Ceremony.. Rushed to get the Class done to sell...

    Puncturing Strikes I don't even slot this anymore. Why buff the enemy.

    Vampires Bane... LoL I cast it and can outrun it. Did so quite often at Giants Camp last night.

    But I have 100 free bank slots now. I reckon that's all the Templar is good for.
  • Skwor
    As promised, below is an update for some of the issues called out in this thread. Note that we tried to focus on what sounded like potential bugs, and not necessarily all of the ability feedback (though we did pass it along!)
    • Eclipse does not work properly when using other abilities, such as Burning Talons.
      • We’re aware of this issue, and are working on a fix.
    • Focused Charge animation still occasionally gets stuck, and has a global cooldown.
      • We’ll take another look and see why some of you are still getting stuck. As for the GCD, it’s an extremely small number and is intended for this ability. There was previously an issue where using this ability would lock you out of using other spells for a few seconds (which was not intended), and has since been fixed.
    • You cannot get benefit from the Focused Healing passive if you rapidly cast Purifying Ritual and Breath of Life. You have to wait until the first HOT tick to get that passive work which is 2 seconds.
      • We’re aware, and working on a fix for this.
    • Puncturing Strikes grants a CC immunity to every target it hits, regardless if they are hit by the knockback.
      • We looked into this, and found that the only player who gains CC immunity is the closest person who gets hit by the knockback. If you’re seeing otherwise, please pass along some additional information (exact repro steps, videos, etc.)
    • The healing pool from Purifying Light disappears as soon as the mob has died.
      • This is currently working the way we intended, though we are making some tweaks to this ability in the next major update.
    • Projectiles from Reflective Light are missing the target when LOS is lost.
      • We’d like to request some additional information for this issue so we can investigate further.
    • Standing in Extended Ritual or Channeled Focus does not give you any healing bonus to Repentance (Focus Healing passive).
      • We’re aware of this issue, and are still investigating a potential fix for it.
    • Repentance doesn't scale with Mending passive, and also only scales with magicka.
      • We’ll be fixing the issue where Mending isn’t increasing the healing on this ability in our next major update. It was originally by design that Repentance scales off your maximum magicka, but with the changes introduced in Update 6, it makes more sense to make this scale off your highest stats as the ability has no cost. This will be addressed in a future update.
    • Rushed Ceremony has a noticeable animation delay.
      • The launch frame of this ability is just slower than some of the other abilities by design. Since Rushed Ceremony is already very powerful, we’re ok with the fact that part of the skill of using this ability effectively is being able to anticipate damage.
    • Sun Fire has a slow projectile speed.
      • This will be addressed in the next major update.
    • Templar instant casts with long animations can be interrupted.
      • If you’re seeing this particular issue, we’d like some additional information so we can investigate.
    • Unable to mount after healing someone that’s still in combat.
      • This is actually linked to guards and their behavior in combat; we’re going to re-evaluate and see what we can do to improve this issue.

    First thank you for the update, secondly this update shows an amazing disconnect and possibly a lack of seriousness as to addressing the very real issues.

    Plenty of details have already been posted, how can a business be expected to be taken seriously when they communicate with so many obvious contradictions.

    I do wish to point out several painful design elements / contradictions

    1. Focused Charge requires a GCD which a lead Dev originally said is a bug and now you say it is working as intended, strangely though the shield and board version has no GCD, can no one in development see the inherent contradiction?
    2. BoL instant cast but delayed because of animation effects
    3. Jabs gives a 5 second immunity to CC but the knock-back is only .5 seconds, fear gives no immunity and lasts much longer than .5 seconds
    4. Power of Light instant cast with animation, must wait for animation to end before anything else can cast, this lasts just over a second therefore the 6 seconds for damage is actually only 4.5 seconds of available damage.
    5. Several Templar skills, Jabs and Vampires Bane (not to mention the fact a character can actually outrun vampires ban's fireball) to mention 2 skills that experience random lockouts, often enough to render the class seriously handicapped in PVE and PVP

    These are just a few of a long list of completely broken mechanics and design elements for the Templar class, arguably the most broken class in the game. I also agree with several here, a new person playing TESO would be a fool to play a Templar, I only continue because I created mine from day one. I have finally decided though to create another class because even a hardcore single class player like myself can only take so much frustration.
    Edited by Skwor on May 21, 2015 8:07PM
  • glak

    I'm sorry my friend, but Gina's post makes it clear that that day will never come. In order for ZOS to fix Templars, they first have to consider them broken... and Gina makes it clear that ZOS considers Templars to be working as intended.
    We will make Templar seem like an exploit in and of itself,
    as we unlock the secrets that bind our abilities in misery.
    Other classes will look down upon Templar and look up upon us,
    for we bear the afflictions of Templar in our ministry!
  • Cinbri
    Well, i frustrated evem more by game lags and bugs, like slow cc break or Fear that causing you to stuck in textures or applying unbreakable cc bug on you. Even more by weapon swap: when "In Combat" status applied i can NEVER swap weapon in pressing swap button one time, so these new "responsive" swap weapon is really pain in pvp.
    P.S. Anyway else already switched to Healing Ward for self healing?
    Edited by Cinbri on May 21, 2015 9:23PM
  • Lettigall
    I'm starting to think that among the devs are descendents of men who burned Knight Templars in 14th century! Our time in sun is to live with many bugged and badly designed skills!
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • nastuug
    Lettigall wrote: »
    I'm starting to think that among the devs are descendents of men who burned Knight Templars in 14th century! Our time in sun is to live with many bugged and badly designed skills!

    Hey, keep the Ass Creed discussion out of this, geez!
  • Natjur
    When this game first came out, they said their would be no global cool downs
    (and some of the classes appear to have none)
    But since Templars have a good heal, they added global cool downs to four Templar skills.

    Just another feature they said at release that they changed later on and tried not to tell us about.

    I understand balance and all and that animation canceling causes issues, but why are there only 6 skills in game where you can notice the global cool down and four of them are templar skills?

    I have yet to detect a global cool down on my dk or sorc.

    Since they are not releasing any new contents to well after console release, I guess it will be months before we see these skills fix for the templar, its not like we have been waiting a year already.......
    Edited by Natjur on May 21, 2015 9:30PM
  • Kaliki
    Why is there no word on Dark Flare?

    I tried it out for quite a while but I found its DPS in PvE lackluster, not even the empower buff makes it worthwile.

    Not to mention PvP where most of the time your target is already dead before the projectile has finished travelling up into the sky and down again.
    - Templars: Slower by Design® -
  • Cinbri
    Natjur wrote: »
    I have yet to detect a global cool down on my dk or sorc.
    There is GCD on Surge, do you remeber forum butthurt from sorcs about it when it first introduced?
    P.S. I missing old good times when you could stun-lock everyone with just Jabs :blush:
    Edited by Cinbri on May 21, 2015 9:48PM
  • Lettigall
    nastuug wrote: »

    Hey, keep the Ass Creed discussion out of this, geez!

    Never played that game but seems you are clueless about medieval history. Templars were real if you didn't knew!
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • Tankqull
    Cinbri wrote: »
    There is GCD on Surge, do you remeber forum butthurt from sorcs about it when it first introduced?
    P.S. I missing old good times when you could stun-lock everyone with just Jabs :blush:

    there is no GCD on surge - it has a lockout timer on its effect but you can spam surge cooldown less thats a significant difference wich makes you look rather uninformed (other may say dumb ;))...
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • technohic
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Well, i frustrated evem more by game lags and bugs, like slow cc break or Fear that causing you to stuck in textures or applying unbreakable cc bug on you. Even more by weapon swap: when "In Combat" status applied i can NEVER swap weapon in pressing swap button one time, so these new "responsive" swap weapon is really pain in pvp.
    P.S. Anyway else already switched to Healing Ward for self healing?

    Templar is just part of my frustration. The rest in the game along with the thought of leveling another class and the possibility that it becomes broken as well with my lack of confidence in ZOS as they decide bugs are features has made me decide to just move on and play something else. At least for now but with the perma champion system grind, I will fall behind so that is sure to discourage a return.
  • nastuug
    Lettigall wrote: »

    Never played that game but seems you are clueless about medieval history. Templars were real if you didn't knew!

    Yes, they were. Yet they didn't shoot flaming holy fire from their fingertips. Anyways, it was a joke brah, chill.
  • Soris
    Natjur wrote: »
    When this game first came out, they said their would be no global cool downs
    (and some of the classes appear to have none)
    But since Templars have a good heal, they added global cool downs to four Templar skills.

    Just another feature they said at release that they changed later on and tried not to tell us about.

    I understand balance and all and that animation canceling causes issues, but why are there only 6 skills in game where you can notice the global cool down and four of them are templar skills?

    I have yet to detect a global cool down on my dk or sorc.

    Since they are not releasing any new contents to well after console release, I guess it will be months before we see these skills fix for the templar, its not like we have been waiting a year already.......

    The very first time when they introduced GCDs in game, was to deal with botters. And those botters were all templars and used jabs and focused charge mainly. So they put a horrible CD on them to prevent automated stunlock kills but it affected everyone, not just bots. Since then it persists today even a year later :o
    Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
  • nastuug
    Soris wrote: »

    The very first time when they introduced GCDs in game, was to deal with botters. And those botters were all templars and used jabs and focused charge mainly. So they put a horrible CD on them to prevent automated stunlock kills but it affected everyone, not just bots. Since then it persists today even a year later :o

    Yes, how dare they hunt down macro botters via other methods.

    I'm honestly upset while reading this entire thread, and my main isn't even a Templar! Feel so, so sorry for some of you guys. =\
  • Natjur
    I wish they just removed the CC from jabs and increase the dps a little instead.
  • Joy_Division
    I'm going to add to the chorus of people who thinks the Breath of Life "feature" of a cast time absolutely sucks.

    I'm going to go one step further and say ZoS has no idea how their game works.

    It is either because of incompetence or ignorance that ZoS cannot provide a consistent answer to how templar abilities work. Seriously, how does a combat designer NOT know how Toppling Charge is supposed to work? How is it that we are told the delay in cast for breath of life was unintentional only to be told later that it is in fact working as intended?

    I'd be willing to excuse this as an honest mistake, but read again the "reasoning" behind the cast time for Breath of Life
    Rushed Ceremony has a noticeable animation delay.

    The launch frame of this ability is just slower than some of the other abilities by design. Since Rushed Ceremony is already very powerful, we’re ok with the fact that part of the skill of using this ability effectively is being able to anticipate damage.

    If this is so why do we have healing ritual, another heal that has a cast time associated with it?!?!

    Is it possible because it sucks so bad nobody uses it and people just forget it existed?

    For the love of the Eight Divines, all we want are skills that work a reasonable percentage of the time, are not redundant, and do not have severe drawbacks associated with their intended function.

    Edited by Joy_Division on May 21, 2015 11:17PM
  • Natjur
    So anyone have a list of Templar skills that are not used (cause they are broken or other skills are better)

    Focused Charge (due to the Global Call Down, most use Shield Charge instead)
    Biting Jabs (not used in PVP, cause is BUFFS the player with a free CC immune for 5 seconds)
    Solar Flare and Dark Flare (the travel time is so slow, players can OUT RUN IT making Crushing Shock better)
    Backlash (now instance but still with a Global Call Down so you can't do any dps for 1 seconds, making it still useless as you could of do more dps instead of casting this spell)
    Eclipse (uselss in pvp and almost as useless in PVE, do dps instead of wasting a slot on this since the only mobs worth using this on are immune to it)

    Most end game templar heals have to do dps too to get good scores in VDSA and trials. So most only use two heals "Breath of Life" and "Repentance" so they added a GCD to "Breath of Life".
    Edited by Natjur on May 21, 2015 11:38PM
  • glak
    nastuug wrote: »

    Yes, how dare they hunt down macro botters via other methods.

    I'm honestly upset while reading this entire thread, and my main isn't even a Templar! Feel so, so sorry for some of you guys. =\
    There are only three advertised classes: DK, Sorcerer, and Nightblade. I'm grateful for any improvements Gina throws our way.
  • earth_angel
    So the lag on breath of life is here to stay? Does that mean that ZoS is officialising that DK are the healerswith the highest potential? (I do not mean the easiest to heal on though) If so what role are templars supposed to fill?

    All this is sad. I made a templar a year ago to play a healing orientied class. It seemed natural to have a class that is better at healing. Now it seems this healer class is not supposed to be the healing class anymore. Yet we have not become good DPS or better in tanking (the nerf of Blazing shield hurt)

    The worst is in PvP where healing ward is as strong as BoL...

    Please what are we supposed to do? What are you waiting from us?
    Edited by earth_angel on May 21, 2015 11:45PM
  • Natjur
    It feels like there is only one dev in charge of balancing the classes and he loves his DK (I love my DK too, as my templar just does not cut it)

    I have one of each class at V14, a magic based templar, stamina based DK, magic based NB and a magic based sorc

    All classes have there issues, but the templar with global cool downs seems to have the most issues, while my DK..... kicks ass.
  • Jaxsun
    As promised, below is an update for some of the issues called out in this thread. Note that we tried to focus on what sounded like potential bugs, and not necessarily all of the ability feedback (though we did pass it along!)

    • Focused Charge animation still occasionally gets stuck, and has a global cooldown.
      • We’ll take another look and see why some of you are still getting stuck. As for the GCD, it’s an extremely small number and is intended for this ability. There was previously an issue where using this ability would lock you out of using other spells for a few seconds (which was not intended), and has since been fixed.

      But why does it have a cool down when the other charge type abilities do not? This response hasn't given us any new information, we were already told it was intended. What you failed to do again is tell us why...
  • Soris
    For the love of the Eight Divines, all we want are skills that work a reasonable percentage of the time, are not redundant, and do not have severe drawbacks associated with their intended function.
    NINE! You forgot Talos. How dare you?

    Lol sorry man, couldn't resist. This thread is making me feel sick. It is full of darkness and despair.
    Hopefully Gina will save the day very soon.
    Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
  • Natjur
    Soris wrote: »
    NINE! You forgot Talos. How dare you?

    Lol sorry man, couldn't resist. This thread is making me feel sick. It is full of darkness and despair.
    Hopefully Gina will save the day very soon.
    Talos has not been born yet......
  • Soris
    Natjur wrote: »
    Talos has not been born yet......
    Oh right he has to be born at first lol. Anyways
    Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
  • Anhedonie
    I guess it is time to move on. Sadly.
    Profanity filter is a crime against the freedom of speech. Also gags.
  • Natjur
    Anhedonie wrote: »
    I guess it is time to move on. Sadly.
    All my mate who play Templar's are now playing Witcher 3 while they hope ESO will fix their class
    Edited by Natjur on May 22, 2015 12:36AM
  • Anhedonie
    Natjur wrote: »
    All my mate who play Templar's are now playing Witcher 3 while they hope ESO will fix their class

    Well, that's what I'm talking about. Some people may leave this game. Some people may just reroll as different class.
    Personally, I don't see templars viable anymore. But that's just my opinion, not going to force it onto somebody.
    Guess it's time to try night blade.
    Profanity filter is a crime against the freedom of speech. Also gags.
  • publicradioheadub17_ESO
    As promised, below is an update for some of the issues called out in this thread. Note that we tried to focus on what sounded like potential bugs, and not necessarily all of the ability feedback (though we did pass it along!)

    • Eclipse does not work properly when using other abilities, such as Burning Talons.
      • We’re aware of this issue, and are working on a fix.
    • Focused Charge animation still occasionally gets stuck, and has a global cooldown.
      • We’ll take another look and see why some of you are still getting stuck. As for the GCD, it’s an extremely small number and is intended for this ability. There was previously an issue where using this ability would lock you out of using other spells for a few seconds (which was not intended), and has since been fixed.
    • You cannot get benefit from the Focused Healing passive if you rapidly cast Purifying Ritual and Breath of Life. You have to wait until the first HOT tick to get that passive work which is 2 seconds.
      • We’re aware, and working on a fix for this.
    • Puncturing Strikes grants a CC immunity to every target it hits, regardless if they are hit by the knockback.
      • We looked into this, and found that the only player who gains CC immunity is the closest person who gets hit by the knockback. If you’re seeing otherwise, please pass along some additional information (exact repro steps, videos, etc.)
    • The healing pool from Purifying Light disappears as soon as the mob has died.
      • This is currently working the way we intended, though we are making some tweaks to this ability in the next major update.
    • Projectiles from Reflective Light are missing the target when LOS is lost.
      • We’d like to request some additional information for this issue so we can investigate further.
    • Standing in Extended Ritual or Channeled Focus does not give you any healing bonus to Repentance (Focus Healing passive).
      • We’re aware of this issue, and are still investigating a potential fix for it.
    • Repentance doesn't scale with Mending passive, and also only scales with magicka.
      • We’ll be fixing the issue where Mending isn’t increasing the healing on this ability in our next major update. It was originally by design that Repentance scales off your maximum magicka, but with the changes introduced in Update 6, it makes more sense to make this scale off your highest stats as the ability has no cost. This will be addressed in a future update.
    • Rushed Ceremony has a noticeable animation delay.
      • The launch frame of this ability is just slower than some of the other abilities by design. Since Rushed Ceremony is already very powerful, we’re ok with the fact that part of the skill of using this ability effectively is being able to anticipate damage.
    • Sun Fire has a slow projectile speed.
      • This will be addressed in the next major update.
    • Templar instant casts with long animations can be interrupted.
      • If you’re seeing this particular issue, we’d like some additional information so we can investigate.
    • Unable to mount after healing someone that’s still in combat.
      • This is actually linked to guards and their behavior in combat; we’re going to re-evaluate and see what we can do to improve this issue.

    • Somethings we know are broke and are planning on fixing sometime.
    • Somethings maybe broke, once we know we'll add them to the list and get them fixed sometime.
    • Somethings we know are useless and are ok with them being useless.
    • Somethings we stealth nerfed, please ignore all previous communications.
    Most useless update ever.

    Aint logged in in over a month... done with ESO anyways.

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