- Puncturing Strikes grants a CC immunity to every target it hits, regardless if they are hit by the knockback.
- We looked into this, and found that the only player who gains CC immunity is the closest person who gets hit by the knockback. If you’re seeing otherwise, please pass along some additional information (exact repro steps, videos, etc.)
Almost like Healing Ritual except Healing Ritual doesn't prioritize healing over damage for most of the cast time. Anyone else sense a Healing Ritual fix in this reasoning? Such as an AoE Healing Ward bubble that lasts 2 seconds?ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
- Rushed Ceremony has a noticeable animation delay.
- The launch frame of this ability is just slower than some of the other abilities by design. Since Rushed Ceremony is already very powerful, we’re ok with the fact that part of the skill of using this ability effectively is being able to anticipate damage.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Rushed Ceremony has a noticeable animation delay.The launch frame of this ability is just slower than some of the other abilities by design. Since Rushed Ceremony is already very powerful, we’re ok with the fact that part of the skill of using this ability effectively is being able to anticipate damage.
I have another request about burning light and its morhps, can this be changed from fire damage to magic based damage?
( also do want those new animations ) It is the only templar skill that does not benefit from Thaumaturge at the moment and is the only real dot we have. Would love to see this get boosted with my other skills as well.
Make vamp bane morph to fire if they like that.Dagoth_Rac wrote: »
I think you mean Sun Fire, not Burning Light. But agreed that Sun Fire/Reflective Light/Vampires Bane should probably be magic damage. You would hurt DK dps if you changed Searing Strikes or Lava Whip to magic and left rest of their skills as fire. Same holds for Templar and having one odd man out who is fire instead of magic.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »As promised, below is an update for some of the issues called out in this thread. Note that we tried to focus on what sounded like potential bugs, and not necessarily all of the ability feedback (though we did pass it along!)
- Eclipse does not work properly when using other abilities, such as Burning Talons.
- We’re aware of this issue, and are working on a fix.
- Focused Charge animation still occasionally gets stuck, and has a global cooldown.
- We’ll take another look and see why some of you are still getting stuck. As for the GCD, it’s an extremely small number and is intended for this ability. There was previously an issue where using this ability would lock you out of using other spells for a few seconds (which was not intended), and has since been fixed.
- You cannot get benefit from the Focused Healing passive if you rapidly cast Purifying Ritual and Breath of Life. You have to wait until the first HOT tick to get that passive work which is 2 seconds.
- We’re aware, and working on a fix for this.
- Puncturing Strikes grants a CC immunity to every target it hits, regardless if they are hit by the knockback.
- We looked into this, and found that the only player who gains CC immunity is the closest person who gets hit by the knockback. If you’re seeing otherwise, please pass along some additional information (exact repro steps, videos, etc.)
- The healing pool from Purifying Light disappears as soon as the mob has died.
- This is currently working the way we intended, though we are making some tweaks to this ability in the next major update.
- Projectiles from Reflective Light are missing the target when LOS is lost.
- We’d like to request some additional information for this issue so we can investigate further.
- Standing in Extended Ritual or Channeled Focus does not give you any healing bonus to Repentance (Focus Healing passive).
- We’re aware of this issue, and are still investigating a potential fix for it.
- Repentance doesn't scale with Mending passive, and also only scales with magicka.
- We’ll be fixing the issue where Mending isn’t increasing the healing on this ability in our next major update. It was originally by design that Repentance scales off your maximum magicka, but with the changes introduced in Update 6, it makes more sense to make this scale off your highest stats as the ability has no cost. This will be addressed in a future update.
- Rushed Ceremony has a noticeable animation delay.
- The launch frame of this ability is just slower than some of the other abilities by design. Since Rushed Ceremony is already very powerful, we’re ok with the fact that part of the skill of using this ability effectively is being able to anticipate damage.
- Sun Fire has a slow projectile speed.
- This will be addressed in the next major update.
- Templar instant casts with long animations can be interrupted.
- If you’re seeing this particular issue, we’d like some additional information so we can investigate.
- Unable to mount after healing someone that’s still in combat.
- This is actually linked to guards and their behavior in combat; we’re going to re-evaluate and see what we can do to improve this issue.
BugCollector wrote: »
You missed a lot of issues. Dark Flare is one of them for example.
Ok. Step by step.ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Projectiles from Reflective Light are missing the target when LOS is lost.We’d like to request some additional information for this issue so we can investigate further.
darkknightfkb16_ESO wrote: »ZOS_GinaBruno
Breath of Life: This ability appears to have a consistent delay after activation. We plan on increasing the cast time for this ability in a future update.
Once again we are told one thing then you turn around and say something else. **** it I don't care anymore.
darkknightfkb16_ESO wrote: »ZOS_GinaBruno
Breath of Life: This ability appears to have a consistent delay after activation. We plan on increasing the cast time for this ability in a future update.
Once again we are told one thing then you turn around and say something else. **** it I don't care anymore.
And what's worse? ZOS' suits like it that way! The devs obviously don't (at least lead combat designer Eric Wroebel doesn't).Compared to other classes Templars are lagging by design, you confirm that in your update.
Thats horrible news!
david.haypreub18_ESO wrote: »
This is the most depressing response I've read yet from a ZOS employee. They can't even keep their story straight.
First ZOS says that the Global Cool Down on the Templar charge is a bug and will be removed. Now they tell us it is actually by design, and just a small delay, so we should all be cool with it. WTF?
First they say Rushed ceremony has a delay that was not intended, and will be fixed by changing the cast time. Now they say it is just working as intended, and we should all be cool with it. Again, WTF?
I'm sorry, but if you can't see that Templars need help, then you're not trying hard enough. If you think that the problem with Biting Jabs was that it gave more than one person CC immunity, then you're not comprehending what your players are telling you: the problem is that it gives ANYONE CC immunity for a 0.5 second knockback.
If everything is working as intended and these are not bugs but features, then what exactly do you plan to do to address the fact that the Templars are currently by far the weakest class in PvP?
If your game is working as designed, why are Templars at the bottom of the heap?
I think it's a combination of ineptitude and laziness where they wont fix something so its just easier to call it a feature. Just like I don't think animation canceling was the original intent in game design but it works without needing any extra effort so it's ok for them. Its ok to me to but I feel like Templars with their clunkiness, channels cast as nd GCDS are at a disadvantage.
Please push it to the next incremental!ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
For that one in particular, it will likely be the next major update rather than an incremental. And you're welcome!
Ok, as Soris said already: if target near texture, projectiles hits texture (bad quality, watch HD) Also same with addition projectiles - if texture is near, they are just flying forward without hitting target.ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »[*] Projectiles from Reflective Light are missing the target when LOS is lost.
Someone said me it was fixed in 2.0.8. Anyway Spear Shards are not interruptable anymore in 2.0.8 indeed, so i trust rumors.ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »[*] Templar instant casts with long animations can be interrupted.
pugyourself wrote: »Templars have been buffed more than any class in the last major updates. I find this entire thread comical.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »As promised, below is an update for some of the issues called out in this thread. Note that we tried to focus on what sounded like potential bugs, and not necessarily all of the ability feedback (though we did pass it along!)
[*] Focused Charge animation still occasionally gets stuck, and has a global cooldown.
- We’ll take another look and see why some of you are still getting stuck. As for the GCD, it’s an extremely small number and is intended for this ability. There was previously an issue where using this ability would lock you out of using other spells for a few seconds (which was not intended), and has since been fixed.
[*] Puncturing Strikes grants a CC immunity to every target it hits, regardless if they are hit by the knockback.
- We looked into this, and found that the only player who gains CC immunity is the closest person who gets hit by the
knockback. If you’re seeing otherwise, please pass along some additional information (exact repro steps, videos, etc.)
[*] Rushed Ceremony has a noticeable animation delay.
- The launch frame of this ability is just slower than some of the other abilities by design. Since Rushed Ceremony is already very powerful, we’re ok with the fact that part of the skill of using this ability effectively is being able to anticipate damage.
Why does it have a GCD? You keep telling us that it's intended, but do not tell us for what reason? The claim that it's an extremely small number swings both ways. If it is such an extremely small number and wont have a meaningful effect on gameplay, then why have it in the first place?
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »
I think you mean Sun Fire, not Burning Light. But agreed that Sun Fire/Reflective Light/Vampires Bane should probably be magic damage. You would hurt DK dps if you changed Searing Strikes or Lava Whip to magic and left rest of their skills as fire. Same holds for Templar and having one odd man out who is fire instead of magic.
Okay... Why do you focus on bugs? They are not what is making us angry. Bugs are bugs and will be squished at some point. And while we wait for that to happen, we can live with them. What is actually making us angry is the systemic inbalance between Templars and the other classes. Templars suck. They always have. Since day one. Everyone knows this. They have always performed worse than the other classes and they are always voted as the crappiest class in the game in all the polls. And even so, you still refuse to do anything about it.
Back to the bugs.
This is just utter BS! This is beyond stupid this is frigging insane! Okay... Well how about then giving similar delays to other classes defensive skills? It's only fair, right? How about you add a similar delay to Bolt Escape? After all, it's already very powerful, and you should be okay with the idea that part of the skill of using said ability effectively is being able to anticipate the need to escape.
The thing is, that at this point, my advice to fellow Templar players is to just give up. Go and play something else. Templars are utterly broken, we have weak and slow skills, crappy defenses, no escape skill and even our passives fail to provide decent synergies. Templars are dead in the water, and we should all just give up. I pretty much have.