Templar Skills Bugged/made useless - IGNORED

  • Lettigall
    • Puncturing Strikes grants a CC immunity to every target it hits, regardless if they are hit by the knockback.
      • We looked into this, and found that the only player who gains CC immunity is the closest person who gets hit by the knockback. If you’re seeing otherwise, please pass along some additional information (exact repro steps, videos, etc.)


    This skill isn't bugged it's very badly designed and because it's so badly designed it looked like it is bugged! Puncturing strikes is spammable skill, when this it's used against multiple enemies often last hit goes to different enemy and it's looks like random enemy gets CC immunity.

    Real problem about this skill is knockback, CC effect from it so short and useless that even breaking it costs more time, actually enemy even didn't notices that he's being CCed. Only thing enemy gets from knockback is CC immunity, immunity we buffed him with...

    Even worse is fighting multiple enemies when it's hard to deliver last hit to one person and often after few spamms whole group is buffed with CC immunity.

    Please stop wasting time searching for non existing bug in this skill but fix it's badly design. Remove at least that damn konckback from this skill. It may look like removing knockbac from this skill would be nerf but actually it would be huge buff. Nerfing it would be buffing that badly this skill is designed!!!
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • glak
    • Rushed Ceremony has a noticeable animation delay.
      • The launch frame of this ability is just slower than some of the other abilities by design. Since Rushed Ceremony is already very powerful, we’re ok with the fact that part of the skill of using this ability effectively is being able to anticipate damage.
    Almost like Healing Ritual except Healing Ritual doesn't prioritize healing over damage for most of the cast time. Anyone else sense a Healing Ritual fix in this reasoning? Such as an AoE Healing Ward bubble that lasts 2 seconds?
    Edited by glak on May 20, 2015 8:16PM
  • AriBoh
    Breath of Life: This ability appears to have a consistent delay after activation. We plan on increasing the cast time for this ability in a future update.
    Rushed Ceremony has a noticeable animation delay.
      The launch frame of this ability is just slower than some of the other abilities by design. Since Rushed Ceremony is already very powerful, we’re ok with the fact that part of the skill of using this ability effectively is being able to anticipate damage.

    Once again we are told one thing then you turn around and say something else. **** it I don't care anymore.
    Agreed. Whoever came up with the design should be shot in the foot and only admitted to hospital when he manages to find 3 other people willing to maim themselves the same way in order to accompany him.

    ZOS_AmeliaR admin
    Ultimately, any method of entering an enemy keep without breaking down the door is considered an exploit. Thanks for checking!

    "I used to be a healer once, but then I took a Wrobel to the knee"
  • Dagoth_Rac
    Estelee wrote: »
    I have another request about burning light and its morhps, can this be changed from fire damage to magic based damage?
    ( also do want those new animations ) It is the only templar skill that does not benefit from Thaumaturge at the moment and is the only real dot we have. Would love to see this get boosted with my other skills as well.

    I think you mean Sun Fire, not Burning Light. But agreed that Sun Fire/Reflective Light/Vampires Bane should probably be magic damage. You would hurt DK dps if you changed Searing Strikes or Lava Whip to magic and left rest of their skills as fire. Same holds for Templar and having one odd man out who is fire instead of magic.
  • glak
    Dagoth_Rac wrote: »

    I think you mean Sun Fire, not Burning Light. But agreed that Sun Fire/Reflective Light/Vampires Bane should probably be magic damage. You would hurt DK dps if you changed Searing Strikes or Lava Whip to magic and left rest of their skills as fire. Same holds for Templar and having one odd man out who is fire instead of magic.
    Make vamp bane morph to fire if they like that.
  • BugCollector
    As promised, below is an update for some of the issues called out in this thread. Note that we tried to focus on what sounded like potential bugs, and not necessarily all of the ability feedback (though we did pass it along!)

    • Eclipse does not work properly when using other abilities, such as Burning Talons.
      • We’re aware of this issue, and are working on a fix.
    • Focused Charge animation still occasionally gets stuck, and has a global cooldown.
      • We’ll take another look and see why some of you are still getting stuck. As for the GCD, it’s an extremely small number and is intended for this ability. There was previously an issue where using this ability would lock you out of using other spells for a few seconds (which was not intended), and has since been fixed.
    • You cannot get benefit from the Focused Healing passive if you rapidly cast Purifying Ritual and Breath of Life. You have to wait until the first HOT tick to get that passive work which is 2 seconds.
      • We’re aware, and working on a fix for this.
    • Puncturing Strikes grants a CC immunity to every target it hits, regardless if they are hit by the knockback.
      • We looked into this, and found that the only player who gains CC immunity is the closest person who gets hit by the knockback. If you’re seeing otherwise, please pass along some additional information (exact repro steps, videos, etc.)
    • The healing pool from Purifying Light disappears as soon as the mob has died.
      • This is currently working the way we intended, though we are making some tweaks to this ability in the next major update.
    • Projectiles from Reflective Light are missing the target when LOS is lost.
      • We’d like to request some additional information for this issue so we can investigate further.
    • Standing in Extended Ritual or Channeled Focus does not give you any healing bonus to Repentance (Focus Healing passive).
      • We’re aware of this issue, and are still investigating a potential fix for it.
    • Repentance doesn't scale with Mending passive, and also only scales with magicka.
      • We’ll be fixing the issue where Mending isn’t increasing the healing on this ability in our next major update. It was originally by design that Repentance scales off your maximum magicka, but with the changes introduced in Update 6, it makes more sense to make this scale off your highest stats as the ability has no cost. This will be addressed in a future update.
    • Rushed Ceremony has a noticeable animation delay.
      • The launch frame of this ability is just slower than some of the other abilities by design. Since Rushed Ceremony is already very powerful, we’re ok with the fact that part of the skill of using this ability effectively is being able to anticipate damage.
    • Sun Fire has a slow projectile speed.
      • This will be addressed in the next major update.
    • Templar instant casts with long animations can be interrupted.
      • If you’re seeing this particular issue, we’d like some additional information so we can investigate.
    • Unable to mount after healing someone that’s still in combat.
      • This is actually linked to guards and their behavior in combat; we’re going to re-evaluate and see what we can do to improve this issue.

    You missed a lot of issues. Dark Flare is one of them for example.
    May knowledge guide you to enlightenment
  • Curragraigue

    You missed a lot of issues. Dark Flare is one of them for example.

    Gina said she was only commenting on bugs with skills not design issues. There is no bug with Dark Flare it is working as intended.
    PUG Life - the true test of your skill

    18 characters, 17 max level, at least 1 Stam and 1 Mag of every class, 1 of every race and 1200+ CP

    Tanked to Undaunted 9+ Mag and Stam of every class using Group Finder for 90+% of the Vet Dungeon runs
  • Rhakon
    Thx for the update @ZOS_GinaBruno
    but beside the bugs the most important thing for Templars are the laggy and clunky designed skills.

    Compared to other classes Templars are lagging by design, you confirm that in your update.
    Thats horrible news!

    DK skills in compare are so fluid, reasonable and most important direct executet after activation.
    Sorcs Casts are instant on target or take the shortest way to it.
    NB are overpowered anyway :wink:


    Copy and paste Shieldcharge (or Teleport Strike)for Templars but with magica dmg. All Gapclosers are better then TC.
    Copy and paste Crystalfrags for Solar Flare.
    Copy and paste Mages Fury for Sun Fire.
    Copy and paste Rapid Strikes for Bitting Jabs.
    Only change some animations and numbers + morphs or additional effects.
    Its easy said, but this is the direction it should go.

    The feeling playing a Templar should be smooth and straight like all other classes. This should be the first goal for Templars!

    The lack of utility like usefull CC, escape , tanking, dmg should be adressed after this class gets playable.

  • Soris
    Projectiles from Reflective Light are missing the target when LOS is lost.
      We’d like to request some additional information for this issue so we can investigate further.
    Ok. Step by step.
    -One player stands on a keep wall. Not at the very edge but slightly inner side(like half of his body visible from the templar's PoV).
    -Templar stands on the ground, bellow wall and casts Reflective Light.
    -Projectile misses.
    This can happen in open places as well if there is a mound/small hill between 2 players.

    Sadly I can't record video to demonstrate. If someone can, please do.
    Edited by Soris on May 20, 2015 10:42PM
    Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
  • jnjdun_ESO
    Breath of Life: This ability appears to have a consistent delay after activation. We plan on increasing the cast time for this ability in a future update.

    Once again we are told one thing then you turn around and say something else. **** it I don't care anymore.

    Unfortunately, I feel the same way and have decided a NB more suits my play style and once it's VR14 my poor Templar will just be my enchanting *** forever.
    Giggle Purrz'Pantz Khajiit Templar
    Fuzzy Jenna'Tullz Khajiit DK
    Eileen U'Lickette Bosmer Sorc
    Ginny Fleasly Khajiit NB
    Jenny Tull'Whortz Bosmer baby NB
  • Soris
    I must say, you won't fix any templar specific issue outside of bugs with this update. Bugs are bugs, they need to be cleared for sure and I appreciate the effort truly, but class needs complete overhaul by skill designs. Until then, there will always be problems.
    All of the suggestions are in this thread. Please do something.
    Edited by Soris on May 20, 2015 10:40PM
    Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
  • david.haypreub18_ESO
    Breath of Life: This ability appears to have a consistent delay after activation. We plan on increasing the cast time for this ability in a future update.

    Once again we are told one thing then you turn around and say something else. **** it I don't care anymore.

    This is the most depressing response I've read yet from a ZOS employee. They can't even keep their story straight.

    First ZOS says that the Global Cool Down on the Templar charge is a bug and will be removed. Now they tell us it is actually by design, and just a small delay, so we should all be cool with it. WTF?

    First they say Rushed ceremony has a delay that was not intended, and will be fixed by changing the cast time. Now they say it is just working as intended, and we should all be cool with it. Again, WTF?

    I'm sorry, but if you can't see that Templars need help, then you're not trying hard enough. If you think that the problem with Biting Jabs was that it gave more than one person CC immunity, then you're not comprehending what your players are telling you: the problem is that it gives ANYONE CC immunity for a 0.5 second knockback.

    If everything is working as intended and these are not bugs but features, then what exactly do you plan to do to address the fact that the Templars are currently by far the weakest class in PvP?

    If your game is working as designed, why are Templars at the bottom of the heap?

    Edited by david.haypreub18_ESO on May 20, 2015 10:50PM
    Templars are 'just slower... by design'
    Yes, Gina actually said that (at least regarding Rushed Ceremony) right here:
    VR 16 Templar (retired until Templars get fixed)
    VR 16 Sorcerer
    38 Nightblade
    24 DK
  • glak
    Rhakon wrote: »
    Compared to other classes Templars are lagging by design, you confirm that in your update.
    Thats horrible news!
    And what's worse? ZOS' suits like it that way! The devs obviously don't (at least lead combat designer Eric Wroebel doesn't).
  • technohic

    This is the most depressing response I've read yet from a ZOS employee. They can't even keep their story straight.

    First ZOS says that the Global Cool Down on the Templar charge is a bug and will be removed. Now they tell us it is actually by design, and just a small delay, so we should all be cool with it. WTF?

    First they say Rushed ceremony has a delay that was not intended, and will be fixed by changing the cast time. Now they say it is just working as intended, and we should all be cool with it. Again, WTF?

    I'm sorry, but if you can't see that Templars need help, then you're not trying hard enough. If you think that the problem with Biting Jabs was that it gave more than one person CC immunity, then you're not comprehending what your players are telling you: the problem is that it gives ANYONE CC immunity for a 0.5 second knockback.

    If everything is working as intended and these are not bugs but features, then what exactly do you plan to do to address the fact that the Templars are currently by far the weakest class in PvP?

    If your game is working as designed, why are Templars at the bottom of the heap?

    I think it's a combination of ineptitude and laziness where they wont fix something so its just easier to call it a feature. Just like I don't think animation canceling was the original intent in game design but it works without needing any extra effort so it's ok for them. Its ok to me to but I feel like Templars with their clunkiness, channels cast as nd GCDS are at a disadvantage.
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    technohic wrote: »

    I think it's a combination of ineptitude and laziness where they wont fix something so its just easier to call it a feature. Just like I don't think animation canceling was the original intent in game design but it works without needing any extra effort so it's ok for them. Its ok to me to but I feel like Templars with their clunkiness, channels cast as nd GCDS are at a disadvantage.

    Are they actually admitting to using bugs to balance the goram game?!?!?!?!?

    How many times has a bug been automagically turned into a "feature" after it gets "looked at" and determined it can't be fixed easily?

    "Meh, that one's a tricky one to fix. We could actually fix it but that would take a lot of effort and time. Let's just say it was intended! That's a powerful heal anyway, they can deal with a little delay. "

    Here's the fatal flaw with pretending it was intended the whole time: IT WASN'T LIKE THAT IN 1.5!!!!! So if we were to suspend all common sense and disbelief for a second, then it was an intended nerf to templars in 1.6. And a ninja nerf, (the worst kind of nerf), at that. Or Templar is the only class that is INTENTIONALLY balanced by bugs and broken abilities. Take your pick. They are equally depressing.

    Since the ability in action no longer matches the tooltip description, please make the following changes to the tooltip for Rushed Ceremony:

    • Please change the name of this ability to "Lethargic Ceremony" since my character obviously isn't in any sort of rush.
    • Please change the cast time from "instant" to the actual cast time. Put this in miliseconds or fractional seconds if needed.

    Please include all future nerfs to Templar clearly in patch notes. Ninja nerfs are very frustrating and hurtful the the community. That and bugged abilities (cough...charge...cough), and the DEV team CONSTANTLY changing their story (pretending it was intended all along after going on record saying its a bug) make me not want to log in and YOLO things anymore. It's that simple.
    Edited by Yolokin_Swagonborn on May 21, 2015 5:51AM
  • Iyas

    For that one in particular, it will likely be the next major update rather than an incremental. And you're welcome!
    Please push it to the next incremental!
    Noricum/ Kitesquad/ PC/EU

    Kitesquad Vol. 1

  • Circuitous
    Gina, the Rushed Ceremony thing is ridiculous. It's an Instant cast time, it should be instantaneous.

    It's even stupider knowing that you can just tap block immediately after casting, and the heal actually goes off instantly. Because it's an Instant. Instants that have to wait for an animation (unless you block cancel) are insane.

    I'm not even that mad about the state of Templars, but this particular bit is really bothersome. If the intent is balance, do something with it mechanically, don't leave in a pointless, surmountable delay.
    Edited by Circuitous on May 21, 2015 8:15AM
    Thank Stendarr it’s Fredas.
    Elanirne: Altmer Templar Healer, DC
    Auria Dolabella: Imperial Nightblade Tank, DC
  • Cinbri
    [*] Projectiles from Reflective Light are missing the target when LOS is lost.
      Ok, as Soris said already: if target near texture, projectiles hits texture (bad quality, watch HD) Also same with addition projectiles - if texture is near, they are just flying forward without hitting target.
      [*] Templar instant casts with long animations can be interrupted.
        Someone said me it was fixed in 2.0.8. Anyway Spear Shards are not interruptable anymore in 2.0.8 indeed, so i trust rumors.
        Edited by Cinbri on May 21, 2015 8:30AM
      • Soris
        Thanks @Cinbri for video demonstrate. Honestly I haven't noticed before when those missing light balls cost no magicka like in your first video.
        So in the end, you actually do nothing, you don't actually cast anything due to the loss of LoS. But yet animation still plays.
        Very confusing.
        Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
      • Bodycounter
        Templars have been buffed more than any class in the last major updates. I find this entire thread comical.

        It's about making skills viable, because they are not working. It's not about buffing templars. Learn to read and stop commenting such nonsense.
      • Soris
        And one more issue for the sake of feedback if you @Gina willing to look into it;
        When you cast Radiant Destruction(or either morph) to the target who is out of range, it doesn't activate the spell due to the range(really?) but it consumes its full cost.
        More annoying one, you usually mash buttons couple times to cast something because of general unresponsive state of servers and lag, so you end up losing 2/3 times of magicka of the spell cost for nothing.

        It isn't always easy to measure the range by just looking without any addons. Sure it can easily avoidable by not casting it on targets at far away.
        But bugs are bugs right?
        Edited by Soris on May 21, 2015 9:22AM
        Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
      • TequilaFire
        741 posts, Do you think we are not happy?

      • Pappa
        *a bit harsh*
        Edited by Pappa on May 21, 2015 12:50PM
        *Kiss the goat*
      • Observant
        @ZOS_GinaBruno instead of waiting until the next major patch, why don't you roll it out incrementally so that you level the load of bug reports? Trying to change a lot at once is a terrible idea, learn from 1.6 and move forward. :mrgreen:
      • Hymzir
        As promised, below is an update for some of the issues called out in this thread. Note that we tried to focus on what sounded like potential bugs, and not necessarily all of the ability feedback (though we did pass it along!)

        Okay... Why do you focus on bugs? They are not what is making us angry. Bugs are bugs and will be squished at some point. And while we wait for that to happen, we can live with them. What is actually making us angry is the systemic inbalance between Templars and the other classes. Templars suck. They always have. Since day one. Everyone knows this. They have always performed worse than the other classes and they are always voted as the crappiest class in the game in all the polls. And even so, you still refuse to do anything about it.

        Since most of the "update" was about bugs, many of which you claim to be already aware of and working on a fix, I'll skip most of what was posted, but there are couple of things I want to comment on:
        [*] Focused Charge animation still occasionally gets stuck, and has a global cooldown.
        • We’ll take another look and see why some of you are still getting stuck. As for the GCD, it’s an extremely small number and is intended for this ability. There was previously an issue where using this ability would lock you out of using other spells for a few seconds (which was not intended), and has since been fixed.

        Why does it have a GCD? You keep telling us that it's intended, but do not tell us for what reason? The claim that it's an extremely small number swings both ways. If it is such an extremely small number and wont have a meaningful effect on gameplay, then why have it in the first place?
        [*] Puncturing Strikes grants a CC immunity to every target it hits, regardless if they are hit by the knockback.
        • We looked into this, and found that the only player who gains CC immunity is the closest person who gets hit by the
          knockback. If you’re seeing otherwise, please pass along some additional information (exact repro steps, videos, etc.)

        Just remove the knockback from the skill and it will be magically fixed. It will still be a fairly weak skill, but at least you can then use it freely in actual combat. Giving CC immunity for such a measly effect is not only bad design, but a demonstration of total lack of game design skills.
        [*] Rushed Ceremony has a noticeable animation delay.
        • The launch frame of this ability is just slower than some of the other abilities by design. Since Rushed Ceremony is already very powerful, we’re ok with the fact that part of the skill of using this ability effectively is being able to anticipate damage.

        This is just utter BS! This is beyond stupid this is frigging insane! Okay... Well how about then giving similar delays to other classes defensive skills? It's only fair, right? How about you add a similar delay to Bolt Escape? After all, it's already very powerful, and you should be okay with the idea that part of the skill of using said ability effectively is being able to anticipate the need to escape.

        The thing is, that at this point, my advice to fellow Templar players is to just give up. Go and play something else. Templars are utterly broken, we have weak and slow skills, crappy defenses, no escape skill and even our passives fail to provide decent synergies. Templars are dead in the water, and we should all just give up. I pretty much have.

      • david.haypreub18_ESO
        Hymzir wrote: »

        Why does it have a GCD? You keep telling us that it's intended, but do not tell us for what reason? The claim that it's an extremely small number swings both ways. If it is such an extremely small number and wont have a meaningful effect on gameplay, then why have it in the first place?

        No one will tell us this. Even their lead combat designer, Eric, assumed it was a bug, and promised it would be removed. And yet, now they are saying it is a feature.

        Same goes for the delay they introduced in Combat Prayer/Breath of Life.


        Templars are 'just slower... by design'
        Yes, Gina actually said that (at least regarding Rushed Ceremony) right here:
        VR 16 Templar (retired until Templars get fixed)
        VR 16 Sorcerer
        38 Nightblade
        24 DK
      • Estelee
        Dagoth_Rac wrote: »

        I think you mean Sun Fire, not Burning Light. But agreed that Sun Fire/Reflective Light/Vampires Bane should probably be magic damage. You would hurt DK dps if you changed Searing Strikes or Lava Whip to magic and left rest of their skills as fire. Same holds for Templar and having one odd man out who is fire instead of magic.

        That is exactly what I meant, was on my phone when I posted that, thanks for clarifying.

        Can we get backlash and it's morphs to go off once damage limit has been reached?

        We <!> NEED <!> a CC ability. So. Bad. Just an aoe disorient would be great since we're a light based class. I had to stop tanking altogether because no one wants to run hardcore endgame content with a templar tank. Every once and a while I would be allowed to off tank axes on mage in AA, but that's it.

        Blazing shield is in need of some serious work. maybe just get rid of it at this point for our aoe CC please, or you know, make it useful. I haven't wasted skill points in it in forever.

        Also once again I would just like to add.

        Make repentance scale off stamina
        Make repentance scale off stamina
        Make repentance scale off stamina
        Make repentance scale off stamina
        Make repentance scale off stamina
        Make repentance scale off stamina
        Make repentance scale off stamina

        We have no regen passives like NB and this skill is supposed to be our sustain.
        Also since the other morph is 100% ruined, why not make it a morph that returns magicka & health, and is scaled off magicka. Then make repentance scale off stamina. It seems like common sense.

        P.S I come here almost everyday to post because I feel this is the only way our concerns get heard, and if this thread ever disappears so does our already slim hope of getting our class fixed.

        P.P.S Make repentance scale off stamina
        Peace to you Friends.
      • Rhakon
        I would understand when Zos would list all problems correctly and say they have no time now.
        But it seems Templars issues getting ignored and handled not seriously.

        Do the Devs read the Ideas and solutions or problems? Or does they get only a small misinterpreted
        summary of this? @ZOS_GinaBruno .
        We are thankfull for your updates and communication but this is not working.

        This thread appeals managed very superficial, may a Developer directly could join and discuss with us Templars.

        We reached a point where i feel let down and only hope the best for this Class. There where opened so much threads.
        We wrote so much posts, it was so hard to get attention but it leads only to more frustration.

        Templars should be strong holy warriors with holy-light(speed) attacks and strong support( stronger then pot buffs),
        not slow utilityless bubbles praying until death.

        Look in here!

        3% votet templar.

        It is even hard to find good twitch streamers or youtube videos for Templars.

        Why the hell should any informed good player should ever start a new Templar?
        I would not recommend this class to anybody who wants to play ESO with success.

        ZOS could open a Templar- Classforum, this would make sense until all problems solved.

        Edited by Rhakon on May 21, 2015 5:28PM
      • Animal_Mother
        Hymzir wrote: »

        Okay... Why do you focus on bugs? They are not what is making us angry. Bugs are bugs and will be squished at some point. And while we wait for that to happen, we can live with them. What is actually making us angry is the systemic inbalance between Templars and the other classes. Templars suck. They always have. Since day one. Everyone knows this. They have always performed worse than the other classes and they are always voted as the crappiest class in the game in all the polls. And even so, you still refuse to do anything about it.

        If our bugs go unrepaired any changes ZOS makes to our class could be equally buggy (RD for instance). We have reported some of these bugs for over a year - the GCD was introduced roughly a year ago. Unable to mount in Cyrodiil after healing has existed since beta - and has never been properly addressed.

        I'm with you there. PS is a spamable skill that needs our target close - why would we want to knock it back in the first place? The second skill we earn in skill Aedric Spear tree (Piercing Javelin) addresses single-target cc and works well.

        This is just utter BS! This is beyond stupid this is frigging insane! Okay... Well how about then giving similar delays to other classes defensive skills? It's only fair, right? How about you add a similar delay to Bolt Escape? After all, it's already very powerful, and you should be okay with the idea that part of the skill of using said ability effectively is being able to anticipate the need to escape.

        The thing is, that at this point, my advice to fellow Templar players is to just give up. Go and play something else. Templars are utterly broken, we have weak and slow skills, crappy defenses, no escape skill and even our passives fail to provide decent synergies. Templars are dead in the water, and we should all just give up. I pretty much have.

        Back to the bugs.

        Bugs affect our quality of life as Templars and fellow PVPers. How many of use will use Purifying Light followed by BoL when someone is rezzed by a non-Templar in Cyrodiil for instance? Having to wait for the first healing tick before receiving our passive bonus slows things down in a rapidly changing environment.

        Think about it.. cast Purifying Light, because someone manning siege is targeted and needs healing, wait one tick for Purifying Light (target takes a tick of siege damage), cast BoL (small delay - target takes siege damage, again), emergency heal fires - target partially healed, or worse, dead needing a rez.

        WTF is with the response for bugged BoL - to anticipate damage? If I'm anticipating damage, I would probably use Lingering Ritual instead. BoL is the emergency heal, to keep a delay on it hurts everyone grouped with the Templar (and the bug with Purifying Ritual and Focused Healing hurts this even more).

      • Cinbri
        Calm down people. Yes, for now templar class is weakest for those who wanna enjoy pvp. But this forcing us to become stronger, exploiting every hiding mechanic of skills.
        Imagine when they will fix us (only idiots won't do it), after all our suffering we will become top-1 class, everyone will roll templars just to match us.
        Edited by Cinbri on May 21, 2015 7:45PM
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