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Thoughts of a Random Guy on Necrom Changes to HA / Heavy-Attack builds & on Arcanist

  • Galeriano
    -I am very well versed on how to heavy attack weave and the highest parse I have managed so far on an Oaken Sorc while carefully prioritizing which abilities I weave in and in which order I weave them is 88k.
    -The only reason I am bringing this up is to pinpoint that this MIGHT be an internet/connectivity issue. I see a lot of posts (including a few posts above mine) in which people state 80k-90k is easily doable by just holding a button down. While I can't do this, I just want to point out to those also wondering how the heck this is possible, MAYBE it is an internet/connection issue. I started using heavy attack builds BECAUSE my poor connection so it would make sense that MAYBE it's possible to get these 80k-90k parses with just one button but I certainly can't replicate that. Not even with using all the right sets, CP slottables, etc. I wasted AN ENTIRE YEAR trying to to master light attack builds to match the numbers of others only to find out it was partially a waste of time, I will never be able to due to my connection. So for you other heavy attack users, the reason you can't parse as large as people are claiming you should be able to without even using abilities, it could be due to your connection.

    Belive me there are days where I have huge internet issues to the point sometimes I leave trials because I am getting constant freezes and disconnects. Even then I am able to parse around 95k on one bar HA sorc on a dummy. There is plenty of easy static rotations that are very resistant to connectivity issues.

    Example of rotation like that is prey into wall into trap into prey into wall into familiar. You basically just hold heavy attack button and press 1,2,3,1,2,4 with heavy attacks inbetween. When You need to drop ulti You are just dropping it instantly after curse without heavy or light attack inbetween. I shared this rotation with many people and they are all parsing around 90-95k with it. The only requirement is just finished setup with properly spend CP. Many people make small mistakes in their setup they're not aware of and these mistakes are piling up and building DPS loss that sometimes is significant. Also make sure You queue You abilities fast enough. Many people tend to wait with ability cast until the end of heavy attack animation which is a mistake.
    Edited by Galeriano on April 23, 2023 12:45PM
  • isadoraisacat
    -I am very well versed on how to heavy attack weave and the highest parse I have managed so far on an Oaken Sorc while carefully prioritizing which abilities I weave in and in which order I weave them is 88k.
    -The only reason I am bringing this up is to pinpoint that this MIGHT be an internet/connectivity issue. I see a lot of posts (including a few posts above mine) in which people state 80k-90k is easily doable by just holding a button down. While I can't do this, I just want to point out to those also wondering how the heck this is possible, MAYBE it is an internet/connection issue. I started using heavy attack builds BECAUSE my poor connection so it would make sense that MAYBE it's possible to get these 80k-90k parses with just one button but I certainly can't replicate that. Not even with using all the right sets, CP slottables, etc. I wasted AN ENTIRE YEAR trying to to master light attack builds to match the numbers of others only to find out it was partially a waste of time, I will never be able to due to my connection. So for you other heavy attack users, the reason you can't parse as large as people are claiming you should be able to without even using abilities, it could be due to your connection.

    I have inconsistent ping. I think consistency is very important at least for light attack weaving and a constant rhythm. If you ping isn’t high but just not consistent it will def affect your rhythm.

    Never thought about it for heavy attack but might delay each ability weave you do. Causing less than optimal performance.

    I’m hard wired in and I still have average ping of 110 sometimes dips to 90 but get spikes of 500 or higher. It’s never consistent but usually averages low enough to play fine but for a consistent metronome style of play it can hinder it I suppose.

    Edited by isadoraisacat on April 23, 2023 1:17PM
  • Galeriano
    Galeriano wrote: »
    Galeriano wrote: »
    Jammy420 wrote: »
    beer781993 wrote: »
    Seeing people achieve immortal redeemer and dawnbringer in less than 3 weeks with 1 Bar builds, kinda makes me sad. Now they go for Godslayer. I know every player in that group on ps5 and I also know that they couldn't even clear the hardmode without 1 bar sorcs.

    I needed months on a regular setup to achieve that and it was very sweaty. We thought we achieved something special but now we asked ourselves: "have we waisted our time".

    Older titles are already easy to do with medium armor and that made the titles worth less already but that 1 bar thing absolutely annihilated any worth the titles ever had. Literally anyone can do this. You can stand in every Aoe, don't need to think and just hold 1 button. Don't know why all people embrace this.

    Clearing dungeons and vet trials with this is fine but being able to clear trifectas effortless is another story, that's why I am greatful for the nerfs. It won't be useless, you can still clear all vet content but you probably won't be able to get trifectas done in time which is a good thing.

    People are against having to practice nowadays, they expect the game to be changed to cater to them. A shame really. I still live by practice makes perfect.

    [snip] some players are good at the game but have physical limitations that make continuous play not possible with weaving style play ?

    [snip] some players just want o play solo and do their own thing and like this build becuase it’s more fun and isn’t guitar hero click click click ? And won’t affect your PvP or your trial stuff becusse they will never be in them ?

    [snip] maybe you are expecting the game to cater to you ? By calling for nerfs against a play style mostly used by solo and casual players who have and never will have anything to do with your elite groups ?

    [snip] it affects players for various reasons a vast majority who will never affect you all because a few Elite players exploited the build for high results.


    [Edited for Minor Baiting]


    It's been proven to You that one bar heavy attack sorc can produce over 80k DPS on a trial dummy just with 1 button by simply holding a heavy attack. When You did the same You got only 60k. Why is that? Is that because person in the video was holding one button better than You? Is that because Your disability doesnt let You to press and hold one button? We both know that's not the case because You've linked few of Your parses in this thread made by holding one button.

    The person in the video is playing the same class as You, the same playstyle as You and by doing excatly the same thing which is holding one button produces almost 40% more dmg. 40%! Seriously just calm down for a moment sit down and think how is this possible. The answer is simple, You don't have finished setup and You are loosing almost 40% dmg because of that. So while You are here complaining on forums since few days that this 5-10% will make things impossible, You are missing almost 40% dmg just from simple technicalities that You can easily change because they have nothing to do with Your disability or Your skill level.

    And before You will try to say that trial dummy is different than regular dummy and that You are still concerned about Your results without trial dummy buffs I did the parse with just holding heavy attack and refreshing elemental suscpetibility every now and then and I got 35k on the same dummy that You are getting 24k on, when using Your full rotation. Over 40% more with just 2 buttons. Here is the screen 2nnvwjbg1knm.png

    So instead of complaining, educate Yourself about the game and make improvements to Your setup based on the knowledge gained. Right now You are spreading panic and misinformation based on the rigged results Your are getting due to not having finished setup. Take Your time and make proper adjustments to your setup. Your disability or skill have nothing to do with it. Is 5-10% nerf really that frightening when You can easily get 40% more dmg with few tweaks to Your setup?

    [Edited for minor baiting and quote]

    1. I don’t have a finished set up because I do not have enough transmutes I get booted from vet duengons trying to farm them in my current state and when it’s nerfed to less it will be even harder.

    It takes forever with normal dungeons and I do not want to do anything with tot or PvP.

    It’s a catch 22 if my dps sucks I won’t get into a vet if I don’t get into a vet I can’t get higher level gear monster sets and more transmutes.

    2. It takes time to get to that place.

    3. I’m still performing better now than after a nerf because well it’s a nerf. Aka I will perform even worse it’s not helping me making it do less damage.

    4. I don’t care what you are doing that is my point I couldn’t give a hoot what you can do or can’t do. I’m a solo player I’m improving myself and working towards my own goals and this is a clear set back to progress I’m making it makes it more difficult it does not help me.

    It’s like saying someone is gonna take 6% from your pay check every month when you make minimum wage. But it’s ok because the guy who runs the bank makes 6 figures.

    I just don’t understand what makes people like you so angry / aggressive and so worried about what other people do. There is always people better than you or worse than you. [snip]

    [Edited for Minor Baiting]

    1. There is plenty of easy ways to farm transmutes without doing veteran content. Quick example You can make multiple low lv characters (minimum lv 10) and complete daily random normal dungeon to get 10 transmutes per day on each character. 5 characters equals 50 transmutes per day. It will take You like 1-1,5 hour to get 50-60 transmutes daily. After You will farm enough crystals You can delete all characters created to farm them.

    2. Yes it takes time. it took everyone time but eventually You will get to that place like everyone else since it's just pure technicality.

    3.After finishing Your setup You will perform way better despite the nerf than You are performing currently. We are talking about 40% increased dmg vs 5-10% DPS nerf.

    4.What I did just proves that Your low DPS have nothing to do with Your disability or anything else You are implying. You should give a hoot what others are doing. Learning on Your own clealry didn't work for You so maybe it's time to listen to others. The biggest setback in Your progress is spending time here on forum complaining, instead of actively improving Your setup in game.

    It's like saying someone will take 6% from Your paycheck but You can also get 40% paycheck increase if You will organise mess in Your papers. Instead of doing that You preffer to complain that organising papers is tedious and takes time and how bad that 6% paycheck cut will be.

    [snip] Your numbers are low but You've been proven that the fault for that is simply in the fact You dont have fully completed setup and Your numbers will go up drastically once You will do it. You have videos, screenshots and explanations of that [snip]

    [Edited for Minor Baiting]

    I’m not sure why you keep saying “panic” there is no “panic” in just sharing my opinions how I feel this is a step in the wrong direction.

    Yes I’m more than aware if I upgrade my gear things will improve, I have stated that myself.

    Except lowing my damage will make achieving those things more difficult. It affects the lower tier players in this way.

    The next issue is everyone knows this is the second time this item has been nerfed. we also know people like you and many others will say “it’s not enough” and will continue to ask for more changes to be made. And won’t stop with it until it’s a worthless item. and it will be a continuous game of catch up for players like me chasing a goal we can never hit because the numbers keep going down.


    [Edited for Minor Baiting]


    Despite that You've stated You are aware You can get DPS boost by upgrading setup You are still claiming that after this small nerf You won't be able to finish many things You've mentioned which is simply not truth. Maesltrom arena for example is content from 2015. Average DD back then was doing half of Your DPS while having half of Your defense, way worse sustain and arena itself had more difficult mechanics. Still people were able to finish it on vet difficulty. Your 25k on a 6M dummy is actually close to top parses back then. If You will upgrade Your setup and get guaranteed 30-35k DPS You will be stronger than top players when arena came out.

    The math is pretty simple 40% gain vs 5% loss. You can get over 30% more dmg despite the nerf and You still claim things will be more difficult? And by "more difficult" You mean few seconds longer boss fights which is a small inconvenience at best at that only assuming You would not upgrade Your setup. Game cannot be balanced around people with unfinished setups who are just learning the basics.

    Despite the nerfs You will still be able to get easy 80k+ DPS once You will finish Your setup. With a one button press You will go down to like 75k+ which is still crazy considering You just need to hold one button. it's really not suprising setup like that is being nerfed. if You think ZoS is making that changes because some players told them to, You are greatly mistaken. They never do it this way. They have their internal data, they base all their balance decision on. If based on their data they will conclude that certain setup produces too good results they will nerf it. it happened dozens of times already to a multitude of setups throughout 9 years.

    Accept the fact that setup You are using is overperforming when it's finished. Many people already explained You this with details. You really should be happy ZoS is nerfing oakensoul multiple times in small steps instead of doing thing known to them which is striking something once with nerf so hard it goes from usefull to completly useless within one patch. They are really gentle this time when they're touching HA playstyle because they know many less skilled individuals heavily relies on it so this is why they are doing it carefully and with smaller steps. You would be happier if they would just strike it once with hard nerf. I doubt that.

    Here is what devs themselves have to say about nerf to empower
    Since we've started working on Heavy Attack build viability in the past year, we've seen a massive surge in their use, which is absolutely phenomenal for seeing more players being able to participate in end-game content at a much more digestible pace. While we're happy to see these builds being ran, we're seeing these builds inch a little too close to some of the high end builds with how much more simplified they are, and in some rare cases, they're outperforming a standard build. We're cutting down the damage bonus here ever so slightly in hopes that when you have Empower with a bunch of other Heavy Attack bonus sets, the numbers are still nice and juicy, but not as close to a full-on Light Attack build.

    Like I've said already the goals You've mentioned like questing, overland bosses and solo arenas can be achieved with half or Your DPS especially after You will finally upgrade Your setup.

    [edited for baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on April 23, 2023 3:11PM
  • squinquargesimus
    I genuinely do not understand the idea that playing with 2 bars or that achieving titles becomes worthless just because other people can effectively play in different styles or also achieve those titles.

    Did you have fun playing 2 bars? Did you have fun achieving that title? Congrats! You did not waste your time, nor was it "worthless". If your answer was no, though? Then sorry, but yes, you did waste your time, and it has nothing to do with what other people are doing.

    Multiple different playstyles should be viable, especially considering we have 6, soon to be 7 different classes. If I compare to SWToR, my other MMO, two different classes there feel vastly more different than in ESO DPS. Back before they changed the system to be more open, when for example Jedi Sentinel and Jedi Guardian were subclasses of the Jedi Knight, you could have even two Knights that felt very different to play. (Lord knows, I sucked hard at Sentinels compared to Guardians.) ESO feels a lot more samey imo, which is also why I don't want them to adjust the Arcanist into another DoTs + Spammable class, and instead tune its DPS without losing its unique feel, just like I want HA styles to stay viable. More choices is good!

    Also re: the "ease" of doing harder content on HA builds: from what I heard top players say, more HA DPS places a bigger strain on the supports since HA builds don't have much utility beyond the DPS. Which means those powerful groups need great support players to do what they do, Oakensoul alone doesn't do it.

    only a red rage shaped diamond-fashion, singing like a mindless dragon.
  • loveeso
    Previous post (for context):

    After reviewing various discussions (not just on this forum) about the proposed nerf of Heavy Attack (HA) builds in the game, it appears that the majority of individuals are questioning the rationale behind such a decision. The concern being that HA builds offer a fun and enjoyable playstyle for many gamers while still being weaker than Light Attack (LA) builds.
    The majority of responses to this issue suggest that there is no valid reason for nerfing HA playstyle. However, there is a small but vocal minority that advocates for nerfing HA builds.

    It appears that the minority advocating for nerfing the Heavy Attack (HA) playstyle offers several justifications for their stance:
    • "Your being nerfed is good because it's not such a big nerf. Stop being such drama queens." Of course, this is a deflection and doesn't answer the question posed, which is whether the HA playstyle should be nerfed in the first place.
    • "I don't play HA builds, but others do, and they must be made weaker because it's not fair that someone who doesn't play my way can get better results than me (until I learn how to play and can finally use my meta LA build with its up to +50% DPS advantage)."
    • "HA builds are not fair because they allow people to complete hard modes and obtain trifectas and titles. If they can do that, what is left to prove that someone is the best in this game?"
    • "It's not fair that until I learn how to play better with my meta LA build, I will die much more often than some HA players and have problems with sustain. They are too tanky and unkillable! Their DPS and tankiness must be nerfed!"

    There are several misconceptions that the anti-HA minority make that need to be addressed:

    Firstly, they believe that hard modes and trifectas are meant to be available only to the "best" players. However, if you want to be the best in the game, you should aim for score pushing and leaderboards, which are precisely what these achievements are for. And yes, you will need a LA build for that because 135k+ will always outdo HA's 90k - that's a 50% difference in DPS! Therefore, hard modes and trifectas are not end-game; they are simply part of the full game (TM). Once you have completed them, you can start working on your LA build to improve your score and climb the leaderboards.

    Secondly, the anti-HA minority thinks that HA builds are too tanky. However, HA builds are not nearly as tanky as real tanks. Tanks are much tankier than HA builds. And guess what, tanks do less damage than HA DDs, the same way HA DDs do less damage than LA DDs. Can you see the pattern? The best end-game tanks can achieve 50k-60k or even more DPS, depending on the trial. Should we nerf tanks as well because the best can get so close to the HA builds in terms of DPS even though they are so much tankier?

    Thirdly, the anti-HA minority thinks that the game (and being good at the game) is all about LA-weaving and rotations. Well, it isn’t. Even a stupid factory robot can be programmed to become a master of LA-weaving and execute perfect rotations. Do you play the game to become better at performing menial tasks that could be easily delegated to a machine? Do you pride yourself on acquiring useless, non-transferable skills like LA-weaving? Do you think that's smart? I wasted my time on that and although I was successful, I don't think it was smart of me. So, what most, if not all good games are about, is situational awareness, tactical thinking (e.g. prioritizing targets, applying force where it needs to be applied to maximize your team’s chances for success), staying calm under pressure, reflexes, aiming, positioning & movement in response to what happens on the battlefield. These are all transferrable skills that require intelligence and improve how your brain works. This is what games are all about. Does it mean that LA-weaving is useless and no one should practise it? Not entirely. If you decide that you want to engage in score-pushing and start climbing the leaderboards, you will need to become a LA-weaving robot because the way ESO works, you will not be able to give up that additional 30%-50% (depending on the content) DPS that LA builds offer (compared to HA builds).

    Lastly, instead of focusing on leveling up their own skills to improve their DPS, sustain, and survival, some LA players seem to think that bringing down all those around them who successfully embrace a different playstyle will benefit them. Stop comparing yourself to others and concentrate on your own DPS. You can do up to 50% more damage than any HA build.

    Summarizing, the anti-HA minority that advocates for making others weaker in the game seems to consist mainly of the following two groups:
    • [snip] mid-tier LA players who haven't yet learned how to play well enough to out-DPS HA players in real content - despite having meta builds, each with an additional bar with up to six more damage abilities, and sets that can be one-barred which allows for both a monster set and the BIS mythic (e.g. the kilt). With the rise of HA builds, they now feel robbed of that feeling that others are worse than them.
    • Another, much smaller group, is those who sell carry runs.

    The majority of players, including tanks, healers, LA & HA damage dealers (incl. 120k-135k+), are very pleased with the current state of the game on live servers, thanks to ZOS's embrace and enhancement of the HA playstyle. If the changes are not reversed and instead get to Live, will the nerf clearly made to placate the vocal anti-HA minority, make the game better, or will it harm it? What will be the overall impact? Some compared this to the U35. Regarding the voices of dissent and the overall community reaction, it cannot be compared to the last nerf to LA builds. Why? Because, unlike with the LA players voicing their concerns last time, the majority of players who play and pay for ESO are not active on this forum. They are a silent majority - the majority who are now happier about the game because there are more ways to play it, more people with whom to engage in veteran and hard mode content (and even attempt trifectas), and the game is just more enjoyable. If you hurt them by nerfing HA builds and reversing the positive changes made so far, they will suffer in silence, play less, and eventually more and more will drop out and uninstall the game. And that will be bad for everyone developing or just playing this game, including the carry-run sellers.

    [edited for baiting]

    EDIT: I apologise for using the word 'salty'; I did not intend to provoke or upset anyone. What I was actually trying to convey is quite positive: the vast majority of mid-tier meta LA players are reasonable individuals who enjoy playing the game without feeling the need to put others at a disadvantage. They are glad to have more people to play with who have different playstyles and can help them in their journey. Many of these players are not interested in score pushing or leaderboards. Those who would like to try it someday know that their individual journey and self-improvement are what truly matter, and they will get there at their own pace. These players respect that others are on their own journeys and should be given the freedom to experience the game in any way they want.

    Next post:
    Edited by loveeso on May 11, 2023 5:32PM
    MMOs: ESO (PS & PC), GW2 (😍) & Souls/Elden (😍)
  • isadoraisacat
    loveeso wrote: »
    After reviewing various discussions (not just on this forum) about the proposed nerf of Heavy Attack (HA) builds in the game, it appears that the majority of individuals are questioning the rationale behind such a decision. The concern being that HA builds offer a fun and enjoyable playstyle for many gamers while still being weaker than Light Attack (LA) builds.
    The majority of responses to this issue suggest that there is no valid reason for nerfing HA playstyle. However, there is a small but vocal minority that advocates for nerfing HA builds.

    It appears that the minority advocating for nerfing the Heavy Attack (HA) playstyle offers several justifications for their stance:
    • "Your being nerfed is good because it's not such a big nerf. Stop being such drama queens." Of course, this is a deflection and doesn't answer the question posed, which is whether the HA playstyle should be nerfed in the first place.
    • "I don't play HA builds, but others do, and they must be made weaker because it's not fair that someone who doesn't play my way can get better results than me (until I learn how to play and can finally use my meta LA build with its up to +50% DPS advantage)."
    • "HA builds are not fair because they allow people to complete hard modes and obtain trifectas and titles. If they can do that, what is left to prove that someone is the best in this game?"
    • "It's not fair that until I learn how to play better with my meta LA build, I will die much more often than some HA players and have problems with sustain. They are too tanky and unkillable! Their DPS and tankiness must be nerfed!"

    There are several misconceptions that the anti-HA minority make that need to be addressed:

    Firstly, they believe that hard modes and trifectas are meant to be available only to the "best" players. However, if you want to be the best in the game, you should aim for score pushing and leaderboards, which are precisely what these achievements are for. And yes, you will need a LA build for that because 135k+ will always outdo HA's 90k - that's a 50% difference in DPS! Therefore, hard modes and trifectas are not end-game; they are simply part of the full game (TM). Once you have completed them, you can start working on your LA build to improve your score and climb the leaderboards.

    Secondly, the anti-HA minority thinks that HA builds are too tanky. However, HA builds are not nearly as tanky as real tanks. Tanks are much tankier than HA builds. And guess what, tanks do less damage than HA DDs, the same way HA DDs do less damage than LA DDs. Can you see the pattern? The best end-game tanks can achieve 50k-60k or even more DPS, depending on the trial. Should we nerf tanks as well because the best can get so close to the HA builds in terms of DPS even though they are so much tankier?

    Thirdly, the anti-HA minority thinks that the game (and being good at the game) is all about LA-weaving and rotations. Well, it isn’t. Even a stupid factory robot can be programmed to become a master of LA-weaving and execute perfect rotations. Do you play the game to become better at performing menial tasks that could be easily delegated to a machine? Do you pride yourself on acquiring useless, non-transferable skills like LA-weaving? Do you think that's smart? I wasted my time on that and although I was successful, I don't think it was smart of me. So, what most, if not all good games are about, is situational awareness, tactical thinking (e.g. prioritizing targets, applying force where it needs to be applied to maximize your team’s chances for success), staying calm under pressure, reflexes, aiming, positioning & movement in response to what happens on the battlefield. These are all transferrable skills that require intelligence and improve how your brain works. This is what games are all about. Does it mean that LA-weaving is useless and no one should practise it? Not entirely. If you decide that you want to engage in score-pushing and start climbing the leaderboards, you will need to become a LA-weaving robot because the way ESO works, you will not be able to give up that additional 30%-50% (depending on the content) DPS that LA builds offer (compared to HA builds).

    Lastly, instead of focusing on leveling up their own skills to improve their DPS, sustain, and survival, some LA players seem to think that bringing down all those around them who successfully embrace a different playstyle will benefit them. Stop comparing yourself to others and concentrate on your own DPS. You can do up to 50% more damage than any HA build.

    Summarizing, the anti-HA minority that advocates for making others weaker in the game seems to consist mainly of the following two groups:
    • [snip] mid-tier LA players who haven't yet learned how to play well enough to out-DPS HA players in real content - despite having meta builds, each with an additional bar with up to six more damage abilities, and sets that can be one-barred which allows for both a monster set and the BIS mythic (e.g. the kilt). With the rise of HA builds, they now feel robbed of that feeling that others are worse than them.
    • Another, much smaller group, is those who sell carry runs.

    The majority of players, including tanks, healers, LA & HA damage dealers (incl. 120k-135k+), are very pleased with the current state of the game on live servers, thanks to ZOS's embrace and enhancement of the HA playstyle. If the changes are not reversed and instead get to Live, will the nerf clearly made to placate the vocal anti-HA minority, make the game better, or will it harm it? What will be the overall impact? Some compared this to the U35. Regarding the voices of dissent and the overall community reaction, it cannot be compared to the last nerf to LA builds. Why? Because, unlike with the LA players voicing their concerns last time, the majority of players who play and pay for ESO are not active on this forum. They are a silent majority - the majority who are now happier about the game because there are more ways to play it, more people with whom to engage in veteran and hard mode content (and even attempt trifectas), and the game is just more enjoyable. If you hurt them by nerfing HA builds and reversing the positive changes made so far, they will suffer in silence, play less, and eventually more and more will drop out and uninstall the game. And that will be bad for everyone developing or just playing this game, including the carry-run sellers.

    Nicely said. I really hope Zos reconsiders revokes the changes and does not concede to a very small minority of players.

    The combat in this game is a big issue across the board and a big reason why players don’t stick with the game.

    They are in the business of making money. Making better combat more in line with the actual elder scrolls games would bring in so many more players and make many more people including myself happy.

    I like HA because of hand injury and because it’s closer to a real TEs game style.

    Do I want LA removed ? No
    I don’t want to alter peoples enjoyment but we need more than one way to play.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on April 24, 2023 1:59PM
  • Galeriano
    loveeso wrote: »
    After reviewing various discussions (not just on this forum) about the proposed nerf of Heavy Attack (HA) builds in the game, it appears that the majority of individuals are questioning the rationale behind such a decision. The concern being that HA builds offer a fun and enjoyable playstyle for many gamers while still being weaker than Light Attack (LA) builds.
    The majority of responses to this issue suggest that there is no valid reason for nerfing HA playstyle. However, there is a small but vocal minority that advocates for nerfing HA builds.

    It appears that the minority advocating for nerfing the Heavy Attack (HA) playstyle offers several justifications for their stance:
    • "Your being nerfed is good because it's not such a big nerf. Stop being such drama queens." Of course, this is a deflection and doesn't answer the question posed, which is whether the HA playstyle should be nerfed in the first place.
    • "I don't play HA builds, but others do, and they must be made weaker because it's not fair that someone who doesn't play my way can get better results than me (until I learn how to play and can finally use my meta LA build with its up to +50% DPS advantage)."
    • "HA builds are not fair because they allow people to complete hard modes and obtain trifectas and titles. If they can do that, what is left to prove that someone is the best in this game?"
    • "It's not fair that until I learn how to play better with my meta LA build, I will die much more often than some HA players and have problems with sustain. They are too tanky and unkillable! Their DPS and tankiness must be nerfed!"

    There are several misconceptions that the anti-HA minority make that need to be addressed:

    Firstly, they believe that hard modes and trifectas are meant to be available only to the "best" players. However, if you want to be the best in the game, you should aim for score pushing and leaderboards, which are precisely what these achievements are for. And yes, you will need a LA build for that because 135k+ will always outdo HA's 90k - that's a 50% difference in DPS! Therefore, hard modes and trifectas are not end-game; they are simply part of the full game (TM). Once you have completed them, you can start working on your LA build to improve your score and climb the leaderboards.

    Secondly, the anti-HA minority thinks that HA builds are too tanky. However, HA builds are not nearly as tanky as real tanks. Tanks are much tankier than HA builds. And guess what, tanks do less damage than HA DDs, the same way HA DDs do less damage than LA DDs. Can you see the pattern? The best end-game tanks can achieve 50k-60k or even more DPS, depending on the trial. Should we nerf tanks as well because the best can get so close to the HA builds in terms of DPS even though they are so much tankier?

    Thirdly, the anti-HA minority thinks that the game (and being good at the game) is all about LA-weaving and rotations. Well, it isn’t. Even a stupid factory robot can be programmed to become a master of LA-weaving and execute perfect rotations. Do you play the game to become better at performing menial tasks that could be easily delegated to a machine? Do you pride yourself on acquiring useless, non-transferable skills like LA-weaving? Do you think that's smart? I wasted my time on that and although I was successful, I don't think it was smart of me. So, what most, if not all good games are about, is situational awareness, tactical thinking (e.g. prioritizing targets, applying force where it needs to be applied to maximize your team’s chances for success), staying calm under pressure, reflexes, aiming, positioning & movement in response to what happens on the battlefield. These are all transferrable skills that require intelligence and improve how your brain works. This is what games are all about. Does it mean that LA-weaving is useless and no one should practise it? Not entirely. If you decide that you want to engage in score-pushing and start climbing the leaderboards, you will need to become a LA-weaving robot because the way ESO works, you will not be able to give up that additional 30%-50% (depending on the content) DPS that LA builds offer (compared to HA builds).

    Lastly, instead of focusing on leveling up their own skills to improve their DPS, sustain, and survival, some LA players seem to think that bringing down all those around them who successfully embrace a different playstyle will benefit them. Stop comparing yourself to others and concentrate on your own DPS. You can do up to 50% more damage than any HA build.

    Summarizing, the anti-HA minority that advocates for making others weaker in the game seems to consist mainly of the following two groups:
    • [snip] mid-tier LA players who haven't yet learned how to play well enough to out-DPS HA players in real content - despite having meta builds, each with an additional bar with up to six more damage abilities, and sets that can be one-barred which allows for both a monster set and the BIS mythic (e.g. the kilt). With the rise of HA builds, they now feel robbed of that feeling that others are worse than them.
    • Another, much smaller group, is those who sell carry runs.

    The majority of players, including tanks, healers, LA & HA damage dealers (incl. 120k-135k+), are very pleased with the current state of the game on live servers, thanks to ZOS's embrace and enhancement of the HA playstyle. If the changes are not reversed and instead get to Live, will the nerf clearly made to placate the vocal anti-HA minority, make the game better, or will it harm it? What will be the overall impact? Some compared this to the U35. Regarding the voices of dissent and the overall community reaction, it cannot be compared to the last nerf to LA builds. Why? Because, unlike with the LA players voicing their concerns last time, the majority of players who play and pay for ESO are not active on this forum. They are a silent majority - the majority who are now happier about the game because there are more ways to play it, more people with whom to engage in veteran and hard mode content (and even attempt trifectas), and the game is just more enjoyable. If you hurt them by nerfing HA builds and reversing the positive changes made so far, they will suffer in silence, play less, and eventually more and more will drop out and uninstall the game. And that will be bad for everyone developing or just playing this game, including the carry-run sellers.

    [edited for baiting]

    EDIT: I apologise for using the word 'salty'; I did not intend to provoke or upset anyone. What I was actually trying to convey is quite positive: the vast majority of mid-tier meta LA players are reasonable individuals who enjoy playing the game without feeling the need to put others at a disadvantage. They are glad to have more people to play with who have different playstyles and can help them in their journey. Many of these players are not interested in score pushing or leaderboards. Those who would like to try it someday know that their individual journey and self-improvement are what truly matter, and they will get there at their own pace. These players respect that others are on their own journeys and should be given the freedom to experience the game in any way they want.

    [snip]Edited: Comment above contains a lot of incorrect informations.

    All that is needed to disprove almost everything in it is just quoting one line from developer comments about empower nerf which goes as follows :
    " While we're happy to see these builds being ran, we're seeing these builds inch a little too close to some of the high end builds with how much more simplified they are, and in some rare cases, they're outperforming a standard build.

    This is also what mentioned "vocal minority" is saying and coincidentally it matches developer's view on subject because said minority wants the same what devs want, a healthy balanced game. Devs are not catering to opinion of some "vocal minority" or some "elitists" they are catering to hard data they collected by monitoring the game itself. Everyone who is trying to disprove it is simply denying reality.

    HA setups are doing too much dmg for how easy they are and that is not healthy for the balance of the game. And vast majority of people who are still not pulling decent enough numbers on HA builds have either completly unfinished setup, significant lack of understanding of the game or both. Whole game cannot be balanced around people with low experience and with half baked setups. Learning all the basics and preparing setup correctly is all it takes to be ready DPS wise to finish almost every content in the game. it's as simple as that.

    [edited for baiting]
    Edited by Galeriano on April 25, 2023 10:34AM
  • Katlefiya
    Galeriano wrote: »
    All that is needed to disprove almost everything in it is just quoting one line from developer comments about empower nerf which goes as follows :
    " While we're happy to see these builds being ran, we're seeing these builds inch a little too close to some of the high end builds with how much more simplified they are, and in some rare cases, they're outperforming a standard build.

    This disproves nothing, it only states opinions, even if it is quoted from a developer comment. See, what exactly is a "standard build" and what makes a build a "standard" build, and HA builds non-standard? And how do we measure "much more simplified" and why is it a problem, that HA builds might outperfom these "standard builds" in "some rare cases". And which cases are these "rare" cases and are "standard builds" really not able to compete in these cases? And if so, what is the real reason for this?
    Galeriano wrote: »
    This is also what mentioned "vocal minority" is saying and coincidentally it matches developer's view on subject because said minority wants the same what devs want, a healthy balanced game. Devs are not catering to opinion of some "vocal minority" or some "elitists" they are catering to hard data they collected by monitoring the game itself. Everyone who is trying to disprove it is simply denying reality.

    Would not be the first time that "what devs want" is a moving target and also not the first time that ZOS would have to completely change course because what they thought would be "healthy" for the game drove players away.
    Galeriano wrote: »
    HA setups are doing too much dmg for how easy they are and that is not healthy for the balance of the game. And vast majority of people who are still not pulling decent enough numbers on HA builds have either completly unfinished setup, significant lack of understanding of the game or both. Whole game cannot be balanced around people with low experience and with half baked setups. Learning all the basics and preparing setup correctly is all it takes to be ready DPS wise to finish almost every content in the game. it's as simple as that.

    [edited for baiting]

    The vast majority of people who are still struggling on LA-weaving "standard builds" to compete with HA builds have either completely unfinished setups, a significant lack of understanding of the game, or both. The whole game cannot be balanced around such people.
  • Galeriano
    loveeso wrote: »
    After reviewing various discussions (not just on this forum) about the proposed nerf of Heavy Attack (HA) builds in the game, it appears that the majority of individuals are questioning the rationale behind such a decision. The concern being that HA builds offer a fun and enjoyable playstyle for many gamers while still being weaker than Light Attack (LA) builds.
    The majority of responses to this issue suggest that there is no valid reason for nerfing HA playstyle. However, there is a small but vocal minority that advocates for nerfing HA builds.

    It appears that the minority advocating for nerfing the Heavy Attack (HA) playstyle offers several justifications for their stance:
    • "Your being nerfed is good because it's not such a big nerf. Stop being such drama queens." Of course, this is a deflection and doesn't answer the question posed, which is whether the HA playstyle should be nerfed in the first place.
    • "I don't play HA builds, but others do, and they must be made weaker because it's not fair that someone who doesn't play my way can get better results than me (until I learn how to play and can finally use my meta LA build with its up to +50% DPS advantage)."
    • "HA builds are not fair because they allow people to complete hard modes and obtain trifectas and titles. If they can do that, what is left to prove that someone is the best in this game?"
    • "It's not fair that until I learn how to play better with my meta LA build, I will die much more often than some HA players and have problems with sustain. They are too tanky and unkillable! Their DPS and tankiness must be nerfed!"

    There are several misconceptions that the anti-HA minority make that need to be addressed:

    Firstly, they believe that hard modes and trifectas are meant to be available only to the "best" players. However, if you want to be the best in the game, you should aim for score pushing and leaderboards, which are precisely what these achievements are for. And yes, you will need a LA build for that because 135k+ will always outdo HA's 90k - that's a 50% difference in DPS! Therefore, hard modes and trifectas are not end-game; they are simply part of the full game (TM). Once you have completed them, you can start working on your LA build to improve your score and climb the leaderboards.

    Secondly, the anti-HA minority thinks that HA builds are too tanky. However, HA builds are not nearly as tanky as real tanks. Tanks are much tankier than HA builds. And guess what, tanks do less damage than HA DDs, the same way HA DDs do less damage than LA DDs. Can you see the pattern? The best end-game tanks can achieve 50k-60k or even more DPS, depending on the trial. Should we nerf tanks as well because the best can get so close to the HA builds in terms of DPS even though they are so much tankier?

    Thirdly, the anti-HA minority thinks that the game (and being good at the game) is all about LA-weaving and rotations. Well, it isn’t. Even a stupid factory robot can be programmed to become a master of LA-weaving and execute perfect rotations. Do you play the game to become better at performing menial tasks that could be easily delegated to a machine? Do you pride yourself on acquiring useless, non-transferable skills like LA-weaving? Do you think that's smart? I wasted my time on that and although I was successful, I don't think it was smart of me. So, what most, if not all good games are about, is situational awareness, tactical thinking (e.g. prioritizing targets, applying force where it needs to be applied to maximize your team’s chances for success), staying calm under pressure, reflexes, aiming, positioning & movement in response to what happens on the battlefield. These are all transferrable skills that require intelligence and improve how your brain works. This is what games are all about. Does it mean that LA-weaving is useless and no one should practise it? Not entirely. If you decide that you want to engage in score-pushing and start climbing the leaderboards, you will need to become a LA-weaving robot because the way ESO works, you will not be able to give up that additional 30%-50% (depending on the content) DPS that LA builds offer (compared to HA builds).

    Lastly, instead of focusing on leveling up their own skills to improve their DPS, sustain, and survival, some LA players seem to think that bringing down all those around them who successfully embrace a different playstyle will benefit them. Stop comparing yourself to others and concentrate on your own DPS. You can do up to 50% more damage than any HA build.

    Summarizing, the anti-HA minority that advocates for making others weaker in the game seems to consist mainly of the following two groups:
    • [snip] mid-tier LA players who haven't yet learned how to play well enough to out-DPS HA players in real content - despite having meta builds, each with an additional bar with up to six more damage abilities, and sets that can be one-barred which allows for both a monster set and the BIS mythic (e.g. the kilt). With the rise of HA builds, they now feel robbed of that feeling that others are worse than them.
    • Another, much smaller group, is those who sell carry runs.

    The majority of players, including tanks, healers, LA & HA damage dealers (incl. 120k-135k+), are very pleased with the current state of the game on live servers, thanks to ZOS's embrace and enhancement of the HA playstyle. If the changes are not reversed and instead get to Live, will the nerf clearly made to placate the vocal anti-HA minority, make the game better, or will it harm it? What will be the overall impact? Some compared this to the U35. Regarding the voices of dissent and the overall community reaction, it cannot be compared to the last nerf to LA builds. Why? Because, unlike with the LA players voicing their concerns last time, the majority of players who play and pay for ESO are not active on this forum. They are a silent majority - the majority who are now happier about the game because there are more ways to play it, more people with whom to engage in veteran and hard mode content (and even attempt trifectas), and the game is just more enjoyable. If you hurt them by nerfing HA builds and reversing the positive changes made so far, they will suffer in silence, play less, and eventually more and more will drop out and uninstall the game. And that will be bad for everyone developing or just playing this game, including the carry-run sellers.

    Nicely said. I really hope Zos reconsiders revokes the changes and does not concede to a very small minority of players.

    The combat in this game is a big issue across the board and a big reason why players don’t stick with the game.

    They are in the business of making money. Making better combat more in line with the actual elder scrolls games would bring in so many more players and make many more people including myself happy.

    I like HA because of hand injury and because it’s closer to a real TEs game style.

    Do I want LA removed ? No
    I don’t want to alter peoples enjoyment but we need more than one way to play.

    [edited to remove quote]

    ZoS do not "concede to a very small minority of players". They made their decision based on their own data collected from the game. They want game to be balanced and having two options that on average produce similar numbers where one is way easier than the other is not healty and not balanced. Time to accept that.

    The combat in this game is also a reason why many people sticked to the game for years. Fast paced combat is a pharse You will hear very often when You ask someone why he is still playing ESO. Otfen enough to stop talking people who like that playstyle a "very small minority".

    Yes they are in a buiseness of making money. For almost a decade now. Don't You think that if people enjoying more dynamic combat would be a very small minority ZoS would've made a "better combat" long time ago? They even tried once to make heavy attack rotations a meta

    Let's be honest single player TES games are not well known for their combat in general. The only thing about their combat that is well recived by everyone is freedom of choice, building anything You like and still completing whole story. This is also possible in ESO, You can complete story in the game however You want. And even in single player TES games there are stronger and weaker builds and difference between those can be massive but since these are single player games and You can complete whole story anyway nodoby cares that much. ESO is an online game though and things work differently in that genre. Balance matters here and fact that You like some playstyle doesn't mean it's untouchable. If developer finds it unbalanced, proper adjustments will be made.

    Barely anyone who criticeses HA setups wants that playstyle removed either. There is more than one way to play but that doesn't mean all ways to play should achieve similar final results when some are way easier to play than others.
    Edited by Galeriano on April 25, 2023 12:16PM
  • isadoraisacat
    Katlefiya wrote: »
    Galeriano wrote: »
    All that is needed to disprove almost everything in it is just quoting one line from developer comments about empower nerf which goes as follows :
    " While we're happy to see these builds being ran, we're seeing these builds inch a little too close to some of the high end builds with how much more simplified they are, and in some rare cases, they're outperforming a standard build.

    This disproves nothing, it only states opinions, even if it is quoted from a developer comment. See, what exactly is a "standard build" and what makes a build a "standard" build, and HA builds non-standard? And how do we measure "much more simplified" and why is it a problem, that HA builds might outperfom these "standard builds" in "some rare cases". And which cases are these "rare" cases and are "standard builds" really not able to compete in these cases? And if so, what is the real reason for this?
    Galeriano wrote: »
    This is also what mentioned "vocal minority" is saying and coincidentally it matches developer's view on subject because said minority wants the same what devs want, a healthy balanced game. Devs are not catering to opinion of some "vocal minority" or some "elitists" they are catering to hard data they collected by monitoring the game itself. Everyone who is trying to disprove it is simply denying reality.

    Would not be the first time that "what devs want" is a moving target and also not the first time that ZOS would have to completely change course because what they thought would be "healthy" for the game drove players away.
    Galeriano wrote: »
    HA setups are doing too much dmg for how easy they are and that is not healthy for the balance of the game. And vast majority of people who are still not pulling decent enough numbers on HA builds have either completly unfinished setup, significant lack of understanding of the game or both. Whole game cannot be balanced around people with low experience and with half baked setups. Learning all the basics and preparing setup correctly is all it takes to be ready DPS wise to finish almost every content in the game. it's as simple as that.

    [edited for baiting]

    The vast majority of people who are still struggling on LA-weaving "standard builds" to compete with HA builds have either completely unfinished setups, a significant lack of understanding of the game, or both. The whole game cannot be balanced around such people.

    Awesome comments. Thanks for going up to bat against this one. I’ve given up.
  • Galeriano
    Katlefiya wrote: »
    Galeriano wrote: »
    All that is needed to disprove almost everything in it is just quoting one line from developer comments about empower nerf which goes as follows :
    " While we're happy to see these builds being ran, we're seeing these builds inch a little too close to some of the high end builds with how much more simplified they are, and in some rare cases, they're outperforming a standard build.

    This disproves nothing, it only states opinions, even if it is quoted from a developer comment. See, what exactly is a "standard build" and what makes a build a "standard" build, and HA builds non-standard? And how do we measure "much more simplified" and why is it a problem, that HA builds might outperfom these "standard builds" in "some rare cases". And which cases are these "rare" cases and are "standard builds" really not able to compete in these cases? And if so, what is the real reason for this?
    Galeriano wrote: »
    This is also what mentioned "vocal minority" is saying and coincidentally it matches developer's view on subject because said minority wants the same what devs want, a healthy balanced game. Devs are not catering to opinion of some "vocal minority" or some "elitists" they are catering to hard data they collected by monitoring the game itself. Everyone who is trying to disprove it is simply denying reality.

    Would not be the first time that "what devs want" is a moving target and also not the first time that ZOS would have to completely change course because what they thought would be "healthy" for the game drove players away.
    Galeriano wrote: »
    HA setups are doing too much dmg for how easy they are and that is not healthy for the balance of the game. And vast majority of people who are still not pulling decent enough numbers on HA builds have either completly unfinished setup, significant lack of understanding of the game or both. Whole game cannot be balanced around people with low experience and with half baked setups. Learning all the basics and preparing setup correctly is all it takes to be ready DPS wise to finish almost every content in the game. it's as simple as that.

    [edited for baiting]

    The vast majority of people who are still struggling on LA-weaving "standard builds" to compete with HA builds have either completely unfinished setups, a significant lack of understanding of the game, or both. The whole game cannot be balanced around such people.

    Even if this is an opinion, this is opinion of developer based on actual data, not opinion of some "small minority" based on their feelings. Big difference.

    What is a standard build? Usually a two bar setup relying on abilities to produce damage but that's not the rule set in stone. Why is one bar HA not a standard build? Because it uses a certain item to utilize very effectively only half of the ability slots by bypasing one of the core combat mechanics which is managing buffs. it provides more buffs than it would be ever possible to gain even with two bars while keeping respectfull DPS numbers and relies heavily on holding one button. That is not a standard set by the designers. Even non oakensoul HA builds don't have all of these luxuries. There is a big difference even between regular HA builds and oakensoul ones. Regular HA setups can be still recognised as standard builds, oakensoul ones simply cannot.

    How do we measure much more simplified? There is few methods to do that the most obvious ones are APM and buff uptimes in proportion to DPS produced. One bar HA setups have very high adventage over every other setup in that equation.

    What are the rare cases where one bar builds can outperform standards builds? Certain fights where there is more than one additional target other than main boss for example vAS HM. Standard builds are still able to compete but only if You are in extreme top of the playerbase with immense experience, playing in very well organised group that are grinding this content really hard. For 99% of playerbase one bar HA setup is just stronger there and keeping things untouched only because there is still that 1% doesn't sound reasonable. You can see here that open logs for vAS HM in update 37 are dominated by one bar HA setups

    Why oakensoul HA are usually stronger there? Because oakensoul provides You with so much defense that combined with resistance potions it allows You to face tank most of the mechanics. Oakensoul also provides You with buffs that could be problematic to get because support roles have lower acces to apply them since they need to stay away from group very often. AoE dmg from lightning staff allows You to sometimes ignore certain mechanics for example if sphere will going to spawn under the boss it will die passively from lightning staff HA AoE dmg before it even reaches final destination. Fact there are additional bosses also allows to utilize off balance very effectively. If there are mini bosses close to main boss You can monitor which enemy have off balance applied and You can start heavy attacking that enemy resulting with 70% more dmg from heavy attack and because of that 70% more dmg to AoE part of Your heavy attack which basically means massive overall dmg increase. And it's not that hard to do it because simplified rotation allows You to focus more on things like that.

    Belive it or not but devs not just in here but in general usually want the same when it comes to nerfing things. A balance. They sometimes execute it poorly but it doesn't change the fact what their priotrity is. And when it comes to "changing course because what they thought would be "healthy" for the game drove players away" , 2016/17 showed them that making heavy attack rotations too strong in the end will drive players away. They tried to slow combat down back then and it backfired. They've learned their lesson. They perfectly know easier playstyle is needed in the game but they also know making it too strong will end up badly in the long run. Despite of what many people like to belive, there is lot of players that are actually liking the way combat in ESO is designed.

    The vast majority of people who are still struggling on LA builds will never reach high numbers even if they would be walking encyclopedia of ESO wearing top, perfectly optimised setups. Part of the DPS that comes from pure skill is way bigger in LA rotations than in HA rotations and many people simply don't posses that skill and they never will. Properly built You can reach over 80% of max parse of one bar HA setup with just LMB without any abilities literally just by holding one button for few minutes so it's pretty easy to go further from there. You cannot get to 80% of max parse possible on LA rotations that easily. Most people with decent level of knowledge, proper build and long practice will end up around 70% at best because they will simply not have the skill needed to pull more. On the other hand You need zero practice to hold one button. Your final statement is extremly disingenous because of that.
  • Katlefiya
    The funny thing is: neither the nerf to the Storm Master set nor the slight Empower nerf is directed solely at one-bar Oakensoul HA-builds. Heck, the ring isn't even mentioned in the developer comment that you refer to.

    Edit: all these threads that pop up about the popularity or perceived problems of HA-builds would be more purposeful if we all could agree to stop the constant goal-post shifting. Is it one-bar HA builds with Oakensoul? Is it Empower and it's interaction with lightning staves? Is it the Tri-Focus "exploit/bug"?
    Edited by Katlefiya on April 25, 2023 3:15PM
  • isadoraisacat
    Katlefiya wrote: »
    The funny thing is: neither the nerf to the Storm Master set nor the slight Empower nerf is directed solely at one-bar Oakensoul HA-builds. Heck, the ring isn't even mentioned in the developer comment that you refer to.

    Edit: all these threads that pop up about the popularity or perceived problems of HA-builds would be more purposeful if we all could agree to stop the constant goal-post shifting. Is it one-bar HA builds with Oakensoul? Is it Empower and it's interaction with lightning staves? Is it the Tri-Focus "exploit/bug"?

    People also forget many of us who use HA builds had a proper 2 bar rotation prior can weave and can do all those things just like any one else. Some of us have hand issues which prevent us from having physical real world hand stamina due to pain to keep consistent rotation.

    It’s like saying the guy from defleapord or whatever that band is can’t be in the band because he has one arm.

    Just because someone uses the play style doesn’t mean they aren’t already skilled.

    Either some prefer it because it’s closer to real tes combat / they have a disability or they simply are tired of the combat they did for years and want a new way.

    It reminds me of the “back in day” stories my grandpa used to tell of WW2 era.
  • Galeriano
    Katlefiya wrote: »
    The funny thing is: neither the nerf to the Storm Master set nor the slight Empower nerf is directed solely at one-bar Oakensoul HA-builds. Heck, the ring isn't even mentioned in the developer comment that you refer to.

    Edit: all these threads that pop up about the popularity or perceived problems of HA-builds would be more purposeful if we all could agree to stop the constant goal-post shifting. Is it one-bar HA builds with Oakensoul? Is it Empower and it's interaction with lightning staves? Is it the Tri-Focus "exploit/bug"?

    Can You show me atleast one example of a person who was not using oakensoul from the logs I've posted? Fact that ZoS doesn't mention directly that nerf is targeted at one bar HA builds doesn't mean there is no evidence for that, like You know fact that You will hardly find people running Ha setups without oakensoul these days. The nerf is targeted at one bar HA builds but unfortunately regular HA build will also get hit. It's not the first time when something like that is happening and it wont be the last. Sometimes balance requires sacrtifices and nerfing oakensoul would hit to many people that rely on it.

    You can also deduce that the ring is mentioned in dev comment in the part saying, quote "with how much more simplified they are". It is the ring that makes that setup much more simplified because You no longer need to keep an eye on Your buffs and Your rotation gets way more simple.

    The issue is not one dimensional. Few things combined makes one bar HA setup strong. Oakensoul is one, empower changed to 80% is another, then there is also interaction of HA buffing sets with lightning stave and finally fact that lightning staves HA deal AoE dmg. These issues overlap with each other and sometimes one issue is causing another. For example off balance thing in vAS wouldn't be a problem is base dmg on HA wouldn't be that high and lightning staves HA wouldn't have AoE dmg passive. Base dmg of HA wouldn't be that high if empower wasn't buffed and lightning staves wouldn't interract with HA buffing sets the way they do. You can create multiple cause and effect relationships like that since like I've already said the issue itself is not one dimensional.
    Edited by Galeriano on April 25, 2023 4:08PM
  • Katlefiya
    Galeriano wrote: »
    Can You show me atleast one example of a person who was not using oakensoul from the logs I've posted?

    Why should the logs you've posted be the sole source of data to look at? Very easy HA builds without the Oakensoul ring exist that can have a 100% uptime of empower, too. Auldwulfe posted some nice examples in one of the countless other threads.
    Galeriano wrote: »
    The nerf is targeted at one bar HA builds but unfortunately regular HA build will also get hit.

    It isn't targeted at one bar builds, otherwise ZOS would have nerfed the ring again.
    Galeriano wrote: »
    You can create multiple cause and effect relationships like that since like I've already said the issue itself is not one dimensional.

    And yet you seem to focus mainly on HA-builds using the Oakensoul ring. I wonder why?
    Edited by Katlefiya on April 25, 2023 5:37PM
  • Rogue_WolfESO
    Whats wrong with being able to pull 110k dps 1bar vs 135k dps 2 bar? Leave things alone [snip]

    [edited for going around profanity filter]
    Edited by ZOS_Kraken on April 25, 2023 7:24PM
  • Tradewind
    Whats wrong with being able to pull 110k dps 1bar vs 135k dps 2 bar? Leave things alone [snip].

    In my opinion, there are two main reasons why some players don't like the current situation:
    1. For Zenimax, 105k is considered too close to 135k. (I have never seen a parse of 110k in one bar.)
    2. Some players struggle with their rotations and are unable to parse more than 90k. Therefore, it's difficult for them to see how a one bar build can be stronger than they are.

    However, it's important to acknowledge that some players have real-life disabilities that prevent them from performing at the same level as others. Some may struggle to even reach 70k with a two bar build.
    In response to this, Zenimax may choose to nerf the build in hopes of encouraging these players to create their own groups for content. However, it's unfair to assume that they don't deserve to participate in harder content simply because of their limitations.

    Perfect rotations are indeed very hard to achieve in comparison to HA builds. Therefore, unless a perfect rotation results in at least a 60k increase in damage, it may not be considered fair.

    ps: I can't parse more than 70k with two bars.

    Galeriano wrote: »
    That's a lot of skills and weapons to use with Oakensoul.

    [edited quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Kraken on April 25, 2023 7:25PM
  • Galeriano
    Katlefiya wrote: »
    Galeriano wrote: »
    Can You show me atleast one example of a person who was not using oakensoul from the logs I've posted?

    Why should the logs you've posted be the sole source of data to look at? Very easy HA builds without the Oakensoul ring exist that can have a 100% uptime of empower, too. Auldwulfe posted some nice examples in one of the countless other threads.
    Galeriano wrote: »
    The nerf is targeted at one bar HA builds but unfortunately regular HA build will also get hit.

    It isn't targeted at one bar builds, otherwise ZOS would have nerfed the ring again.
    Galeriano wrote: »
    You can create multiple cause and effect relationships like that since like I've already said the issue itself is not one dimensional.

    And yet you seem to focus mainly on HA-builds using the Oakensoul ring. I wonder why?

    Logs are just showing that almost nobody is using HA setup without oakensoul. While ESO logs obviously do not contain all fights from ESO it have large enough sample to see certain trends and I can assure You that You wont find many non oakensoul HA users there. This just shows that oakensoul right now is a way to go for HA builds. Fact that HA setups without oakensoul exist won't change reality that in real content they are almost non existant. Auldwulfe is getting worse results with his setup that oakensoul user with HA+one ability.

    Nerf isn't targeted at one bar builds it's targeted at one bar HA builds. Thing is there isn't much left to change in oakensoul itself. Taking away tanking or healing buffs wont change DPS, some of the offensive buffs provided by it are also provided by healers and tanks so it wouldn't solve the issue in group content. The only buffs remaining would be minor force and minor slayer but if ZoS would remove those two than it would remove usefulness of oakensoul especially for those who are using it for something else than HA setup. Nerfing empower is the most logical move especially that it was buffed by a hefty amount in last patch so tweaking the numbers in next update is a standard balancing practice.

    If You would read carefully what I wrote You wouldn't wonder why.

    Edited by Galeriano on April 26, 2023 5:47PM
  • Ishtarknows
    AScarlato wrote: »
    As a middling level player, I don't feel there is any justification for the nerfs whatsoever ever. I am just to the point where I feel I'm making a good enough contribution to my groups to clear vet DLC dungeons. I'm not hitting anything spectacular that anyone should be concerned with. Leave it alone.

    You'll still be doing almost the same damage. Empower going from 80% to 70% only nerfs Heavy Attacks by about 4% (you can look at the math in my post in the PTS section). Storm Master's nerf is inconsequential as you can swap to Noble Duelists and get comparable dps.

    A nerf requiring you abandon the set and farm a new one is not inconsequential.

    Welcome to the 2-bar experience. We've been farming and refarming after nerfs for years. That's parity in action!
    Edited by Ishtarknows on April 26, 2023 9:14AM
  • loveeso
    Previous post (for context):

    Debunking the Anti-HA Propagandist Video: Examining the Truth Behind Light & Heavy Attack Builds

    The Video

    The following video has been shared in this and various other threads related to Heavy Attack (HA) builds:
    The video depicts a sorcerer attacking a trial dummy with just lightning heavy attacks. It is important to note that this build lacks self-heals and shields, making it unsuitable for serious content so the video appears to have been created specifically to make a point or trigger HA haters when they see that the sorcerer achieves an "impressive" 83144 DPS pre-nerf ;).

    Those who have shared the video claim that it unequivocally demonstrates the need to nerf HA builds. They argue that compared to the "complex" and "difficult to use" Light Attack (LA) meta builds, which "require significantly more skill", HA builds enable players to achieve DPS they don't deserve.

    Meet My Brand New One-Skill LA God

    Since we prefer to deal with facts here (instead of getting too emotional and sharing unfounded "opinions" and woulda/coulda/shoulda), I decided to put that anti-HA hypothesis to the test and see what DPS a complete LA meta noob would be able to achieve with just one skill. To make it fair, I also chose a sorcerer and decided to simulate a player whose LA weaving is atrocious and who cannot even sustain properly so they will sometimes run out of stamina and fail to activate their only skill without even noticing.

    The build could probably do more DPS if I optimised it more, but I didn't have time so I just slapped on Relequen, Pillar, 1pc Slimecraw, and - just to be fair and make it as "tanky" as the HA sorcerer from the video - the Oakensoul ring. I also used a bow instead of daggers, again to be fair and avoid being accused of lying or cheating by the usual suspects here ;). They might argue that the Heavy Attack sorcerer was ranged and the Light Attack sorcerer was melee, implying that the latter requires much more skill to play ;). So our LA sorcerer is ranged too.

    I did decide to make it more viable and less ridiculous than the HA sorcerer build from that video and I chose a pet which gives you a magicka-based self-heal instead of getting the one that is usually used in meta builds optimising for high DPS. So yeah, it's viable in real content, you can take this build for a spin into the vDSR HM if you want.

    After doing the above, I killed a trial dummy. I made just this one attempt so maybe we could get a better result if we do what the guy in the HA video did and just repeat the parse many times till we get a higher score thanks to crits which are, as we all know, random.

    The Very Complex LA Rotation

    There is no rotation - just mindlessly press LA + spammable in a loop and don't even worry if you have enough stamina to cast your spammable! You don't even need to know where your stamina bar is (or that you have stamina) :D

    The Results

    Here are the results achieved by our simulated LA-weaving noob using the one-skill LA build:
    • Missed: 17 LAs, 10 spammable
    • Weaving Average: 0.105s
    • Such terrible weaving, just one skill, no resources, and yet, the DPS you get is 86833 with LA! That's way more than the guy who made that video was able to achieve on his HA sorcerer!

    If you want to take a closer look at this simple LA build and the results, see the image below.


    The currently highest DPS on Iron Atronach using the meta LA build is 136874 - i.e. 64% higher than the HA sorcerer build from that video.

    The DPS of our simulated noob using just one skill on our LA build with meta LA gear is 86833 (at first try!).

    The HA sorcerer from the video did 83144 on his n-th attempt (you can see in the video that his earlier attempt resulted in 78828 DPS).

    Also, as you can see from our weaving results above (or take a look at the CMX output below), you really don't need to be good at LA weaving to achieve good results because the LA meta is already so much stronger & the LA meta sets are extremely easy to proc (they require even less skill than HA's Sergeant or Storm :D ).

    Another advantage of using any Light Attack build over any Heavy Attack build in real content is that LA's light attacks make it easier for players to avoid damage. With the LA build, players can move faster and block or dodge without losing their fully-charged heavy attacks (which are the hardest-hitting attacks on an HA build, so you really really really do not want to lose them).

    Will We Now Hear Calls to Nerf LA Meta?

    Now, let's wait and see if those who have argued so hard that Heavy Attack builds enable players to achieve "easy and undeserved" DPS and should be nerfed, will act with integrity and demand that HA builds are actually left alone while Light Attack (LA) builds are nerfed instead. After all, LA builds do more DPS and are much easier to play with as has been demonstrated above.

    Hope for Fair Change

    Given that Heavy Attack builds are already so much weaker than Light Attack builds, weaker even than one-skill LA builds operated by total LA noobs who cannot weave (as our test above clearly and unequivocally proved), let's hope that ZeniMax Online Studios stops trying to appease those who dislike HA builds and does not further nerf them. Instead, ZOS should consider reversing the proposed changes to HA builds.

    CMX Screenshots


    Next post:
    Edited by loveeso on May 11, 2023 5:29PM
    MMOs: ESO (PS & PC), GW2 (😍) & Souls/Elden (😍)
  • Galeriano
    loveeso wrote: »
    Debunking the Anti-HA Propagandist Video: Examining the Truth Behind Light & Heavy Attack Builds

    The Video

    The following video has been shared in this and various other threads related to Heavy Attack (HA) builds:
    The video depicts a sorcerer attacking a trial dummy with just lightning heavy attacks. It is important to note that this build lacks self-heals and shields, making it unsuitable for serious content so the video appears to have been created specifically to make a point or trigger HA haters when they see that the sorcerer achieves an "impressive" 83144 DPS pre-nerf ;).

    Those who have shared the video claim that it unequivocally demonstrates the need to nerf HA builds. They argue that compared to the "complex" and "difficult to use" Light Attack (LA) meta builds, which "require significantly more skill", HA builds enable players to achieve DPS they don't deserve.

    Meet My Brand New One-Skill LA God

    Since we prefer to deal with facts here (instead of getting too emotional and sharing unfounded "opinions" and woulda/coulda/shoulda), I decided to put that anti-HA hypothesis to the test and see what DPS a complete LA meta noob would be able to achieve with just one skill. To make it fair, I also chose a sorcerer and decided to simulate a player whose LA weaving is atrocious and who cannot even sustain properly so they will sometimes run out of stamina and fail to activate their only skill without even noticing.

    The build could probably do more DPS if I optimised it more, but I didn't have time so I just slapped on Relequen, Pillar, 1pc Slimecraw, and - just to be fair and make it as "tanky" as the HA sorcerer from the video - the Oakensoul ring. I also used a bow instead of daggers, again to be fair and avoid being accused of lying or cheating by the usual suspects here ;). They might argue that the Heavy Attack sorcerer was ranged and the Light Attack sorcerer was melee, implying that the latter requires much more skill to play ;). So our LA sorcerer is ranged too.

    I did decide to make it more viable and less ridiculous than the HA sorcerer build from that video and I chose a pet which gives you a magicka-based self-heal instead of getting the one that is usually used in meta builds optimising for high DPS. So yeah, it's viable in real content, you can take this build for a spin into the vDSR HM if you want.

    After doing the above, I killed a trial dummy. I made just this one attempt so maybe we could get a better result if we do what the guy in the HA video did and just repeat the parse many times till we get a higher score thanks to crits which are, as we all know, random.

    The Very Complex LA Rotation

    There is no rotation - just mindlessly press LA + spammable in a loop and don't even worry if you have enough stamina to cast your spammable! You don't even need to know where your stamina bar is (or that you have stamina) :D

    The Results

    Here are the results achieved by our simulated LA-weaving noob using the one-skill LA build:
    • Missed: 17 LAs, 10 spammable
    • Weaving Average: 0.105s
    • Such terrible weaving, just one skill, no resources, and yet, the DPS you get is 86833 with LA! That's way more than the guy who made that video was able to achieve on his HA sorcerer!

    If you want to take a closer look at this simple LA build and the results, see the image below.


    The currently highest DPS on Iron Atronach using the meta LA build is 136874 - i.e. 64% higher than the HA sorcerer build from that video.

    The DPS of our simulated noob using just one skill on our LA build with meta LA gear is 86833 (at first try!).

    The HA sorcerer from the video did 83144 on his n-th attempt (you can see in the video that his earlier attempt resulted in 78828 DPS).

    Also, as you can see from our weaving results above (or take a look at the CMX output below), you really don't need to be good at LA weaving to achieve good results because the LA meta is already so much stronger & the LA meta sets are extremely easy to proc (they require even less skill than HA's Sergeant or Storm :D ).

    Another advantage of using any Light Attack build over any Heavy Attack build in real content is that LA's light attacks make it easier for players to avoid damage. With the LA build, players can move faster and block or dodge without losing their fully-charged heavy attacks (which are the hardest-hitting attacks on an HA build, so you really really really do not want to lose them).

    Will We Now Hear Calls to Nerf LA Meta?

    Now, let's wait and see if those who have argued so hard that Heavy Attack builds enable players to achieve "easy and undeserved" DPS and should be nerfed, will act with integrity and demand that HA builds are actually left alone while Light Attack (LA) builds are nerfed instead. After all, LA builds do more DPS and are much easier to play with as has been demonstrated above.

    Hope for Fair Change

    Given that Heavy Attack builds are already so much weaker than Light Attack builds, weaker even than one-skill LA builds operated by total LA noobs who cannot weave (as our test above clearly and unequivocally proved), let's hope that ZeniMax Online Studios stops trying to appease those who dislike HA builds and does not further nerf them. Instead, ZOS should consider reversing the proposed changes to HA builds.

    CMX Screenshots


    First of all I would recommend You to get down of Your high horse, You are not debunking or examining anything You are just presenting Your own subjective opinion.

    First off al Your are saying that setup which did 83k DPS with one button is not ready for serious content because it doesn't have survivability tools. You do realise that's the case for almost every dummy parse in the game? That 136k parse You are mentioning later also do not have survivability tools yet You are not calling calling it out for not being ready for real content. Many parses exists just to present raw potential behind certain setups and it this case parse in the video shows how much You can squeeze out of HA setup just by holding 1 button. But yeeah if You want survivability tools You can easily switch one or two abilities (for example camo hunter) to some shield or heal and You would still end up with around 80k but creator of parses will always demosntarte the maximum damage potential of certain option to present what is the baseline wheter it's dynamic two bar 130k+ parse or one button holding 80k+ parse. 80k With 1 button and with having heal or shield slotted sounds even more ridicolous to be honest.

    You don't seem like a person who preffers to deal with facts. You present very subjective view on subject missing many important informations in Your comments. You didn't achieve Your DPS with just 1 skill You achieved it with weaving 1 skill and 1 ability which while still being fairly easy requires way more actions per minute to perform than holding one button. This is why despite being easy it will be harder to perform in real content than holding one button.

    Now to the parse itself. First of all since it's a bow parse it would be worth to mention were You positioned close or far away from the target since it will give an insight wheter or not You were taking adventage of bow passives which You may not always take advantage of in real content.

    You are claiming that Your weaving of 0,1 is weak but it actually isn't. For rotations with cast time abilities weaving average of 0,1 is actually considered as decent. Argument about one attempt is not that strong either since in so simplified rotations it is usually all about lucky crits that produce decent DPS numbers and Your crits in that parse were pretty decent. This is also why in the video You've linked there is a 78 and 83k parse. In that 78k parse video creator possibly met extremly bad luck with crits. You could also drop down to around 80k in some of Your attempts if You would have bad luck with crits.

    Another thing is DPS profile. 83k done with HA setups can transfer 100% of that DPS into AoE dmg, You can also easily switch targets or quickly come back to max dmg numbers after some break in fight because all sets You are using can be reprocced pretty easily. Your bow parse produces only around 10% of the dmg as AoE, switching target or breaks in fights will cause DPS loss due to relequen stacks wearing off or pillar not lasting for full duration. This makes that HA setup way stronger in real content.

    While sustain is basically guaranteed on HA setup on Your bow setup we can see it wasn't. Your stam reg/s value is lower than drain/s value which means after some time You would start running low on resources, someting that HA spam will never experience. Finally because of the nature of LA weaving it becomes way harder to perform it in real content than to just hold one button. This is why so many people running with LA based setups starts loosing so much DPS in real content, because the more clicking You have the more mistakes You will be making even if You are just only weaving one ability with light attack.

    As You can see despite reaching similar numbers Your setup have multiple disadventages when compared to one bar HA setup holding one button. One adventage could be ignored and overcome but so many simply cannot. One bar heavy attack builds in their full strenght may be weaker on a dummy but for majority of playerbase they are stronger in real content because of reasons mentioned above. Their simplicity and versatility makes a big difference, so big than in the mid game they are a dominant option. So dominant that it popped up is developers statistics when they were monitoring the game.

    Just think for a moment, If light attack "rotation" would be that easy and strong that in real content You would produce decent enough DPS even with just one ability and LA, why would one bar HA setups specifically be so popular? Is everyone suddenly such a big enjoyer of lightning staves and chanelling HA with them? Why almost everyone using oakensoul is running with one bar heavy attack setup with lightning stave? If Your testing is so reliable than why aren't there many one bar setups that are not HA based? Seriously sometimes instead of "testing" all You need is just thinking for a moment.
    Edited by Galeriano on April 29, 2023 11:54AM
  • loveeso
    Galeriano wrote: »
    First of all I would reccomend You to get down of Your high horse, You are not debunking or examining anything You are just presenting Your own subjective opinion which contains same fallacy.
    You don't seem like a person who preffers to deal with facts. You present very subjective view on subject missing many important informations in Your comments.

    For those who haven't had a chance to read my previous posts, I would like to highlight that all the data presented indicates that Heavy Attack (HA) builds are considerably weaker than Light Attack (LA) builds, making a nerf unnecessary. In fact, even the simplest LA builds are already more powerful than HA builds. To demonstrate this, I presented an LA build (in my previous post) that is effortless to use and deals over 86k damage, using only one skill. Even if you're new to light-attack-weaving, this build will outperform the HA sorcerer build discussed here. Moreover, the LA build utilizes the Oakensoul ring to enhance its resilience and includes a self-healing ability, making it suitable for use in actual combat situations without the need for modifications. It even generates higher DPS on the trial dummy than the HA sorcerer build, which was exclusively optimized for this particular scenario. In contrast to most HA builds, the LA build is incredibly user-friendly, as it doesn't require any rotation and allows for quick movement, blocking, and dodging without sacrificing damage output.

    As for the trial dummy DPS results, the HA sorcerer did 83k, this LA build did 86k+ using just one skill, the best LA build did 136k (i.e. over 60% more than the HA sorcerer).These numbers are incontrovertible facts and cannot be disputed, regardless of any biased opinions that individuals who are against HA builds may try to present.

    P.S. Dear Galeriano, I was willing to give you another chance, but unfortunately, after reading the first few lines of your writing, it became apparent that it lacked any significant substance. Instead, it was filled with patronizing language, ad hominem and straw man attacks, misinterpretations, half-truths, and falsehoods, making it unsuitable for a productive discussion. Here is a suggestion for you: if you want to strengthen your argument, try presenting something tangible that you have accomplished yourself, rather than merely sharing your unfounded opinions with those who are providing actual data. Up to this point, you have failed to present any concrete evidence to substantiate your claims.
    I am going to search for a block/ignore button now. I hope this forum provides such a feature. (It does. Fantastic!)
    Edited by loveeso on April 29, 2023 12:56AM
    MMOs: ESO (PS & PC), GW2 (😍) & Souls/Elden (😍)
  • FrancisCrawford
    The test also had a dubious CP choice -- what damage is Exploiter providing in that parse?
  • loveeso
    The test also had a dubious CP choice -- what damage is Exploiter providing in that parse?

    Exploiter increases your damage done against off-balance enemies by 10%. Good groups (and the trial dummy) ensure good uptime of off-balance so it should yield over 3% more damage. Feel free to swap that for anything else that better suits your circumstances if you want to test or improve the build.
    MMOs: ESO (PS & PC), GW2 (😍) & Souls/Elden (😍)
  • FrancisCrawford
    loveeso wrote: »
    The test also had a dubious CP choice -- what damage is Exploiter providing in that parse?

    Exploiter increases your damage done against off-balance enemies by 10%. Good groups (and the trial dummy) ensure good uptime of off-balance so it should yield over 3% more damage. Feel free to swap that for anything else that better suits your circumstances if you want to test or improve the build.

    Ahh. I've never bothered using a trial dummy, and didn't think about Off-Balance being one of the debuffs. Thanks!

    (I always either solo, duo, or join dungeon PUGs, so the trial dummy hasn't seemed that relevant to me.)

  • Galeriano
    loveeso wrote: »
    Galeriano wrote: »
    First of all I would reccomend You to get down of Your high horse, You are not debunking or examining anything You are just presenting Your own subjective opinion which contains same fallacy.
    You don't seem like a person who preffers to deal with facts. You present very subjective view on subject missing many important informations in Your comments.

    For those who haven't had a chance to read my previous posts, I would like to highlight that all the data presented indicates that Heavy Attack (HA) builds are considerably weaker than Light Attack (LA) builds, making a nerf unnecessary. In fact, even the simplest LA builds are already more powerful than HA builds. To demonstrate this, I presented an LA build (in my previous post) that is effortless to use and deals over 86k damage, using only one skill. Even if you're new to light-attack-weaving, this build will outperform the HA sorcerer build discussed here. Moreover, the LA build utilizes the Oakensoul ring to enhance its resilience and includes a self-healing ability, making it suitable for use in actual combat situations without the need for modifications. It even generates higher DPS on the trial dummy than the HA sorcerer build, which was exclusively optimized for this particular scenario. In contrast to most HA builds, the LA build is incredibly user-friendly, as it doesn't require any rotation and allows for quick movement, blocking, and dodging without sacrificing damage output.

    As for the trial dummy DPS results, the HA sorcerer did 83k, this LA build did 86k+ using just one skill, the best LA build did 136k (i.e. over 60% more than the HA sorcerer).These numbers are incontrovertible facts and cannot be disputed, regardless of any biased opinions that individuals who are against HA builds may try to present.

    P.S. Dear Galeriano, I was willing to give you another chance, but unfortunately, after reading the first few lines of your writing, it became apparent that it lacked any significant substance. Instead, it was filled with patronizing language, ad hominem and straw man attacks, misinterpretations, half-truths, and falsehoods, making it unsuitable for a productive discussion. Here is a suggestion for you: if you want to strengthen your argument, try presenting something tangible that you have accomplished yourself, rather than merely sharing your unfounded opinions with those who are providing actual data. Up to this point, you have failed to present any concrete evidence to substantiate your claims.
    I am going to search for a block/ignore button now. I hope this forum provides such a feature. (It does. Fantastic!)

    At this point You are just living inside Your own bubble.

    Here is a sugestiom for You. Just read once again my last paragraph in the comment You've quoted and think about answers to my questions.

    Avoiding reality wont magically change it.
  • spartaxoxo
    loveeso wrote: »
    Debunking the Anti-HA Propagandist Video: Examining the Truth Behind Light & Heavy Attack Builds

    The Video

    The following video has been shared in this and various other threads related to Heavy Attack (HA) builds:
    The video depicts a sorcerer attacking a trial dummy with just lightning heavy attacks. It is important to note that this build lacks self-heals and shields, making it unsuitable for serious content so the video appears to have been created specifically to make a point or trigger HA haters when they see that the sorcerer achieves an "impressive" 83144 DPS pre-nerf ;).

    Those who have shared the video claim that it unequivocally demonstrates the need to nerf HA builds. They argue that compared to the "complex" and "difficult to use" Light Attack (LA) meta builds, which "require significantly more skill", HA builds enable players to achieve DPS they don't deserve.

    Meet My Brand New One-Skill LA God

    Since we prefer to deal with facts here (instead of getting too emotional and sharing unfounded "opinions" and woulda/coulda/shoulda), I decided to put that anti-HA hypothesis to the test and see what DPS a complete LA meta noob would be able to achieve with just one skill. To make it fair, I also chose a sorcerer and decided to simulate a player whose LA weaving is atrocious and who cannot even sustain properly so they will sometimes run out of stamina and fail to activate their only skill without even noticing.

    The build could probably do more DPS if I optimised it more, but I didn't have time so I just slapped on Relequen, Pillar, 1pc Slimecraw, and - just to be fair and make it as "tanky" as the HA sorcerer from the video - the Oakensoul ring. I also used a bow instead of daggers, again to be fair and avoid being accused of lying or cheating by the usual suspects here ;). They might argue that the Heavy Attack sorcerer was ranged and the Light Attack sorcerer was melee, implying that the latter requires much more skill to play ;). So our LA sorcerer is ranged too.

    I did decide to make it more viable and less ridiculous than the HA sorcerer build from that video and I chose a pet which gives you a magicka-based self-heal instead of getting the one that is usually used in meta builds optimising for high DPS. So yeah, it's viable in real content, you can take this build for a spin into the vDSR HM if you want.

    After doing the above, I killed a trial dummy. I made just this one attempt so maybe we could get a better result if we do what the guy in the HA video did and just repeat the parse many times till we get a higher score thanks to crits which are, as we all know, random.

    The Very Complex LA Rotation

    There is no rotation - just mindlessly press LA + spammable in a loop and don't even worry if you have enough stamina to cast your spammable! You don't even need to know where your stamina bar is (or that you have stamina) :D

    The Results

    Here are the results achieved by our simulated LA-weaving noob using the one-skill LA build:
    • Missed: 17 LAs, 10 spammable
    • Weaving Average: 0.105s
    • Such terrible weaving, just one skill, no resources, and yet, the DPS you get is 86833 with LA! That's way more than the guy who made that video was able to achieve on his HA sorcerer!

    If you want to take a closer look at this simple LA build and the results, see the image below.


    The currently highest DPS on Iron Atronach using the meta LA build is 136874 - i.e. 64% higher than the HA sorcerer build from that video.

    The DPS of our simulated noob using just one skill on our LA build with meta LA gear is 86833 (at first try!).

    The HA sorcerer from the video did 83144 on his n-th attempt (you can see in the video that his earlier attempt resulted in 78828 DPS).

    Also, as you can see from our weaving results above (or take a look at the CMX output below), you really don't need to be good at LA weaving to achieve good results because the LA meta is already so much stronger & the LA meta sets are extremely easy to proc (they require even less skill than HA's Sergeant or Storm :D ).

    Another advantage of using any Light Attack build over any Heavy Attack build in real content is that LA's light attacks make it easier for players to avoid damage. With the LA build, players can move faster and block or dodge without losing their fully-charged heavy attacks (which are the hardest-hitting attacks on an HA build, so you really really really do not want to lose them).

    Will We Now Hear Calls to Nerf LA Meta?

    Now, let's wait and see if those who have argued so hard that Heavy Attack builds enable players to achieve "easy and undeserved" DPS and should be nerfed, will act with integrity and demand that HA builds are actually left alone while Light Attack (LA) builds are nerfed instead. After all, LA builds do more DPS and are much easier to play with as has been demonstrated above.

    Hope for Fair Change

    Given that Heavy Attack builds are already so much weaker than Light Attack builds, weaker even than one-skill LA builds operated by total LA noobs who cannot weave (as our test above clearly and unequivocally proved), let's hope that ZeniMax Online Studios stops trying to appease those who dislike HA builds and does not further nerf them. Instead, ZOS should consider reversing the proposed changes to HA builds.

    CMX Screenshots



    This is brilliant and should be it's own thread in the PTS forum. It's really a shame that the HA build is being nerfed on false information.

    HA builds do NOT perform better than or equal to LA builds. They are worse than them. Period.

    This is why balance should be from the top tbh. And actual performance in the game. The best HA builds consistently perform worse than the best LA builds.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on April 29, 2023 7:48AM
  • Galeriano
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    loveeso wrote: »
    Debunking the Anti-HA Propagandist Video: Examining the Truth Behind Light & Heavy Attack Builds

    The Video

    The following video has been shared in this and various other threads related to Heavy Attack (HA) builds:
    The video depicts a sorcerer attacking a trial dummy with just lightning heavy attacks. It is important to note that this build lacks self-heals and shields, making it unsuitable for serious content so the video appears to have been created specifically to make a point or trigger HA haters when they see that the sorcerer achieves an "impressive" 83144 DPS pre-nerf ;).

    Those who have shared the video claim that it unequivocally demonstrates the need to nerf HA builds. They argue that compared to the "complex" and "difficult to use" Light Attack (LA) meta builds, which "require significantly more skill", HA builds enable players to achieve DPS they don't deserve.

    Meet My Brand New One-Skill LA God

    Since we prefer to deal with facts here (instead of getting too emotional and sharing unfounded "opinions" and woulda/coulda/shoulda), I decided to put that anti-HA hypothesis to the test and see what DPS a complete LA meta noob would be able to achieve with just one skill. To make it fair, I also chose a sorcerer and decided to simulate a player whose LA weaving is atrocious and who cannot even sustain properly so they will sometimes run out of stamina and fail to activate their only skill without even noticing.

    The build could probably do more DPS if I optimised it more, but I didn't have time so I just slapped on Relequen, Pillar, 1pc Slimecraw, and - just to be fair and make it as "tanky" as the HA sorcerer from the video - the Oakensoul ring. I also used a bow instead of daggers, again to be fair and avoid being accused of lying or cheating by the usual suspects here ;). They might argue that the Heavy Attack sorcerer was ranged and the Light Attack sorcerer was melee, implying that the latter requires much more skill to play ;). So our LA sorcerer is ranged too.

    I did decide to make it more viable and less ridiculous than the HA sorcerer build from that video and I chose a pet which gives you a magicka-based self-heal instead of getting the one that is usually used in meta builds optimising for high DPS. So yeah, it's viable in real content, you can take this build for a spin into the vDSR HM if you want.

    After doing the above, I killed a trial dummy. I made just this one attempt so maybe we could get a better result if we do what the guy in the HA video did and just repeat the parse many times till we get a higher score thanks to crits which are, as we all know, random.

    The Very Complex LA Rotation

    There is no rotation - just mindlessly press LA + spammable in a loop and don't even worry if you have enough stamina to cast your spammable! You don't even need to know where your stamina bar is (or that you have stamina) :D

    The Results

    Here are the results achieved by our simulated LA-weaving noob using the one-skill LA build:
    • Missed: 17 LAs, 10 spammable
    • Weaving Average: 0.105s
    • Such terrible weaving, just one skill, no resources, and yet, the DPS you get is 86833 with LA! That's way more than the guy who made that video was able to achieve on his HA sorcerer!

    If you want to take a closer look at this simple LA build and the results, see the image below.


    The currently highest DPS on Iron Atronach using the meta LA build is 136874 - i.e. 64% higher than the HA sorcerer build from that video.

    The DPS of our simulated noob using just one skill on our LA build with meta LA gear is 86833 (at first try!).

    The HA sorcerer from the video did 83144 on his n-th attempt (you can see in the video that his earlier attempt resulted in 78828 DPS).

    Also, as you can see from our weaving results above (or take a look at the CMX output below), you really don't need to be good at LA weaving to achieve good results because the LA meta is already so much stronger & the LA meta sets are extremely easy to proc (they require even less skill than HA's Sergeant or Storm :D ).

    Another advantage of using any Light Attack build over any Heavy Attack build in real content is that LA's light attacks make it easier for players to avoid damage. With the LA build, players can move faster and block or dodge without losing their fully-charged heavy attacks (which are the hardest-hitting attacks on an HA build, so you really really really do not want to lose them).

    Will We Now Hear Calls to Nerf LA Meta?

    Now, let's wait and see if those who have argued so hard that Heavy Attack builds enable players to achieve "easy and undeserved" DPS and should be nerfed, will act with integrity and demand that HA builds are actually left alone while Light Attack (LA) builds are nerfed instead. After all, LA builds do more DPS and are much easier to play with as has been demonstrated above.

    Hope for Fair Change

    Given that Heavy Attack builds are already so much weaker than Light Attack builds, weaker even than one-skill LA builds operated by total LA noobs who cannot weave (as our test above clearly and unequivocally proved), let's hope that ZeniMax Online Studios stops trying to appease those who dislike HA builds and does not further nerf them. Instead, ZOS should consider reversing the proposed changes to HA builds.

    CMX Screenshots



    This is brilliant and should be it's own thread in the PTS forum. It's really a shame that the HA build is being nerfed on false information.

    HA builds do NOT perform better than or equal to LA builds. They are worse than them. Period.

    This is why balance should be from the top tbh. And actual performance in the game. The best HA builds consistently perform worse than the best LA builds.

    It really isn't brilliant and it contains lots of false informations and twisting of reality based on not understanding the game. Heavy attack setups are not being nerfed based on some false informations. You think combat devs watched some random YT video or read few forum comments and blindly decided to nerf something without looking into their data?

    One bar HA setups on average perform better than LA and in special occasions outperform them even in higher ends of gameplay. Just join any mid level group where there are average one and two bar players and You will see how much more DPS one bar HA players will be producing.

    It's funny that now people are saying that balance should be from the top but before oakensoul HA era excatly opposite was claimed. It's almost like many people making these claims about balance don't care about balance in the first place and they just care about having easy acces to every content in the game.

    And even in some top contents HA setups started to perform better than LA setups. Look here for example Over 90 out of top 100 parses are performed by one bar HA setups there.
    Edited by Galeriano on April 29, 2023 11:02AM
  • Armanie
    loveeso wrote: »
    Debunking the Anti-HA Propagandist Video: Examining the Truth Behind Light & Heavy Attack Builds

    The Video

    The following video has been shared in this and various other threads related to Heavy Attack (HA) builds:
    The video depicts a sorcerer attacking a trial dummy with just lightning heavy attacks. It is important to note that this build lacks self-heals and shields, making it unsuitable for serious content so the video appears to have been created specifically to make a point or trigger HA haters when they see that the sorcerer achieves an "impressive" 83144 DPS pre-nerf ;).

    Those who have shared the video claim that it unequivocally demonstrates the need to nerf HA builds. They argue that compared to the "complex" and "difficult to use" Light Attack (LA) meta builds, which "require significantly more skill", HA builds enable players to achieve DPS they don't deserve.

    Meet My Brand New One-Skill LA God

    Since we prefer to deal with facts here (instead of getting too emotional and sharing unfounded "opinions" and woulda/coulda/shoulda), I decided to put that anti-HA hypothesis to the test and see what DPS a complete LA meta noob would be able to achieve with just one skill. To make it fair, I also chose a sorcerer and decided to simulate a player whose LA weaving is atrocious and who cannot even sustain properly so they will sometimes run out of stamina and fail to activate their only skill without even noticing.

    The build could probably do more DPS if I optimised it more, but I didn't have time so I just slapped on Relequen, Pillar, 1pc Slimecraw, and - just to be fair and make it as "tanky" as the HA sorcerer from the video - the Oakensoul ring. I also used a bow instead of daggers, again to be fair and avoid being accused of lying or cheating by the usual suspects here ;). They might argue that the Heavy Attack sorcerer was ranged and the Light Attack sorcerer was melee, implying that the latter requires much more skill to play ;). So our LA sorcerer is ranged too.

    I did decide to make it more viable and less ridiculous than the HA sorcerer build from that video and I chose a pet which gives you a magicka-based self-heal instead of getting the one that is usually used in meta builds optimising for high DPS. So yeah, it's viable in real content, you can take this build for a spin into the vDSR HM if you want.

    After doing the above, I killed a trial dummy. I made just this one attempt so maybe we could get a better result if we do what the guy in the HA video did and just repeat the parse many times till we get a higher score thanks to crits which are, as we all know, random.

    The Very Complex LA Rotation

    There is no rotation - just mindlessly press LA + spammable in a loop and don't even worry if you have enough stamina to cast your spammable! You don't even need to know where your stamina bar is (or that you have stamina) :D

    The Results

    Here are the results achieved by our simulated LA-weaving noob using the one-skill LA build:
    • Missed: 17 LAs, 10 spammable
    • Weaving Average: 0.105s
    • Such terrible weaving, just one skill, no resources, and yet, the DPS you get is 86833 with LA! That's way more than the guy who made that video was able to achieve on his HA sorcerer!

    If you want to take a closer look at this simple LA build and the results, see the image below.


    The currently highest DPS on Iron Atronach using the meta LA build is 136874 - i.e. 64% higher than the HA sorcerer build from that video.

    The DPS of our simulated noob using just one skill on our LA build with meta LA gear is 86833 (at first try!).

    The HA sorcerer from the video did 83144 on his n-th attempt (you can see in the video that his earlier attempt resulted in 78828 DPS).

    Also, as you can see from our weaving results above (or take a look at the CMX output below), you really don't need to be good at LA weaving to achieve good results because the LA meta is already so much stronger & the LA meta sets are extremely easy to proc (they require even less skill than HA's Sergeant or Storm :D ).

    Another advantage of using any Light Attack build over any Heavy Attack build in real content is that LA's light attacks make it easier for players to avoid damage. With the LA build, players can move faster and block or dodge without losing their fully-charged heavy attacks (which are the hardest-hitting attacks on an HA build, so you really really really do not want to lose them).

    Will We Now Hear Calls to Nerf LA Meta?

    Now, let's wait and see if those who have argued so hard that Heavy Attack builds enable players to achieve "easy and undeserved" DPS and should be nerfed, will act with integrity and demand that HA builds are actually left alone while Light Attack (LA) builds are nerfed instead. After all, LA builds do more DPS and are much easier to play with as has been demonstrated above.

    Hope for Fair Change

    Given that Heavy Attack builds are already so much weaker than Light Attack builds, weaker even than one-skill LA builds operated by total LA noobs who cannot weave (as our test above clearly and unequivocally proved), let's hope that ZeniMax Online Studios stops trying to appease those who dislike HA builds and does not further nerf them. Instead, ZOS should consider reversing the proposed changes to HA builds.

    CMX Screenshots


  • Lumenn
    loveeso wrote: »
    Debunking the Anti-HA Propagandist Video: Examining the Truth Behind Light & Heavy Attack Builds

    The Video

    The following video has been shared in this and various other threads related to Heavy Attack (HA) builds:
    The video depicts a sorcerer attacking a trial dummy with just lightning heavy attacks. It is important to note that this build lacks self-heals and shields, making it unsuitable for serious content so the video appears to have been created specifically to make a point or trigger HA haters when they see that the sorcerer achieves an "impressive" 83144 DPS pre-nerf ;).

    Those who have shared the video claim that it unequivocally demonstrates the need to nerf HA builds. They argue that compared to the "complex" and "difficult to use" Light Attack (LA) meta builds, which "require significantly more skill", HA builds enable players to achieve DPS they don't deserve.

    Meet My Brand New One-Skill LA God

    Since we prefer to deal with facts here (instead of getting too emotional and sharing unfounded "opinions" and woulda/coulda/shoulda), I decided to put that anti-HA hypothesis to the test and see what DPS a complete LA meta noob would be able to achieve with just one skill. To make it fair, I also chose a sorcerer and decided to simulate a player whose LA weaving is atrocious and who cannot even sustain properly so they will sometimes run out of stamina and fail to activate their only skill without even noticing.

    The build could probably do more DPS if I optimised it more, but I didn't have time so I just slapped on Relequen, Pillar, 1pc Slimecraw, and - just to be fair and make it as "tanky" as the HA sorcerer from the video - the Oakensoul ring. I also used a bow instead of daggers, again to be fair and avoid being accused of lying or cheating by the usual suspects here ;). They might argue that the Heavy Attack sorcerer was ranged and the Light Attack sorcerer was melee, implying that the latter requires much more skill to play ;). So our LA sorcerer is ranged too.

    I did decide to make it more viable and less ridiculous than the HA sorcerer build from that video and I chose a pet which gives you a magicka-based self-heal instead of getting the one that is usually used in meta builds optimising for high DPS. So yeah, it's viable in real content, you can take this build for a spin into the vDSR HM if you want.

    After doing the above, I killed a trial dummy. I made just this one attempt so maybe we could get a better result if we do what the guy in the HA video did and just repeat the parse many times till we get a higher score thanks to crits which are, as we all know, random.

    The Very Complex LA Rotation

    There is no rotation - just mindlessly press LA + spammable in a loop and don't even worry if you have enough stamina to cast your spammable! You don't even need to know where your stamina bar is (or that you have stamina) :D

    The Results

    Here are the results achieved by our simulated LA-weaving noob using the one-skill LA build:
    • Missed: 17 LAs, 10 spammable
    • Weaving Average: 0.105s
    • Such terrible weaving, just one skill, no resources, and yet, the DPS you get is 86833 with LA! That's way more than the guy who made that video was able to achieve on his HA sorcerer!

    If you want to take a closer look at this simple LA build and the results, see the image below.


    The currently highest DPS on Iron Atronach using the meta LA build is 136874 - i.e. 64% higher than the HA sorcerer build from that video.

    The DPS of our simulated noob using just one skill on our LA build with meta LA gear is 86833 (at first try!).

    The HA sorcerer from the video did 83144 on his n-th attempt (you can see in the video that his earlier attempt resulted in 78828 DPS).

    Also, as you can see from our weaving results above (or take a look at the CMX output below), you really don't need to be good at LA weaving to achieve good results because the LA meta is already so much stronger & the LA meta sets are extremely easy to proc (they require even less skill than HA's Sergeant or Storm :D ).

    Another advantage of using any Light Attack build over any Heavy Attack build in real content is that LA's light attacks make it easier for players to avoid damage. With the LA build, players can move faster and block or dodge without losing their fully-charged heavy attacks (which are the hardest-hitting attacks on an HA build, so you really really really do not want to lose them).

    Will We Now Hear Calls to Nerf LA Meta?

    Now, let's wait and see if those who have argued so hard that Heavy Attack builds enable players to achieve "easy and undeserved" DPS and should be nerfed, will act with integrity and demand that HA builds are actually left alone while Light Attack (LA) builds are nerfed instead. After all, LA builds do more DPS and are much easier to play with as has been demonstrated above.

    Hope for Fair Change

    Given that Heavy Attack builds are already so much weaker than Light Attack builds, weaker even than one-skill LA builds operated by total LA noobs who cannot weave (as our test above clearly and unequivocally proved), let's hope that ZeniMax Online Studios stops trying to appease those who dislike HA builds and does not further nerf them. Instead, ZOS should consider reversing the proposed changes to HA builds.

    CMX Screenshots


    I love this. Gonna agree with Spartaxoxo that this should be in its own thread. In fact I'd love to see several more of these from those of you more technically inclined, videos, and of course the posts showing the videos. I also wonder if it will get the same energy HA did?

    Overall great post and thank you.
This discussion has been closed.