Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

Official Discussion Thread for "The Road Ahead - May 1"

  • Sleepydan
    did I....did you....did we see SPELLCRAFTING on that list????

    I'm giddy.

    To be sure everything else on the list tickles me too, literally everything are things either taken off my wishlist or better.

    I really didn't think that level of customization would be available after I learned there would be skills locked to specific classes. I am very glad to hear I thought wrong.
    Edited by Sleepydan on May 2, 2014 5:07AM
  • Attronach
    what is missing in update list?

    -working CS department
    -fixed ALL quests (main story) BEFORE adding new (bugged) content
    -fixed maitenence time window for EU server
  • OmniDo
    I like what they say, but PR moves are still PR moves.
    They cannot commit to anything, since doing so would hold them to an iron-clad expectation, and forum trolls would cry foul if they couldnt deliver.

    As for my $.02, the list is as follows.

    1) Test, Identify, Fix, Repeat for ALL Ability uses, animations, etc..

    Having broken or de-synced abilities is frustrating to no end. You could try taking a few tips from Blizzard, as they have an arguably perfectly polished client for World of Warcraft. In fact, Ive yet to see ANY MMO since, which responded with the accuracy and smooth fluidity of WoW, and Ive played many over the last 15 years.
    When you press an ability, it needs to work, animation and all, 99.9% of the time.

    2) PvE versus PvP. DO NOT make changes to the circumstances of one that impact the other, unless said circumstances for BOTH are imbalanced or broken.

    I, (and no doubt many others) might not care one iota about PvP, and the inverse is probably also the case. That being established, KEEP THEM SEPARATED!
    Theres no practical, empirical, or monetary reason why this cannot be done. If an ability is simply too advantageous in PvP due to, you know, actually having to fight sentient opponents, then adjust it for PvP ONLY. Obviously we do not have Watson-Equivalent A.I. controlling the NPC's in our PvE adventures, and until that is the case, there should be sufficient leeway for players who must use a more static attrition system.
    A.I mobs dont move out of stupid like players do, they dont interrupt like players do, and they certainly dont strategize like players do. If they were programmed to do this (which is rather easy I might add, and some AI do, as in WoW for example) we would all smash our keyboards and /headdesk because of our human inferiority. Anyone in the programming world knows that A.I are purposely made to be "Dumb and slow", lest they wipe the floor with us.

    3) Do not punish your players by restricting loot rewards simply because they are "Too powerful" compared to the mobs they are fighting.

    Im talking about the arbitrary differential advantage gap, where a players who is 3-5 levels higher than the mob, receive absolutely NOTHING from them by way of loot upon their defeat.
    So, a level 8 mob saw me; a Veteran Rank 1 player about to bring its doom, and what, chucked all their gear over the bridge? Or Buried it in the ground? Or threw it up in the sky? Thats ridiculous. This can be perceived as a punishment, since we earned our power of attrition by playing through your content, and were thus rewarded loot that we can ONLY obtain from roughly equivalent challengers, and for which greater or lesser challenges provide zero replay value.
    I can understand farming issues, where a single VR1 character could clear an entire zone repeatedly for various mats, but so what? Your quest mobs respawn fast enough, and you DO have phasing. If open-world is not feasible due to grieving or other assorted misconduct, then at least allow group-dungeon loot to continue to drop regardless of whom is in the dungeon. This would provide players the opportunity to farm in some respect, other than trying to beat all the lowbies to the punch for that bushel of Raw Jute.

    4) Extremely restricted Skill Bar

    Five Abilities is NOT enough for an MMO of this scope, considering that while you allow us to stack Passive Bonuses from any or ALL categories, we are limited to only five total abilities we can use at any one time without the dreaded weapon swap.
    Add to that the fact that Buffs like Mage Light (and many others), vanish after the switch if not ALSO slotted on the secondary bar, in the EXACT same slot.
    This kind of restriction is a nuisance and far too frustrating. I understand the idea of "Play how you want to play" with reference to the myriad of total abilities, however this argument fails when you consider that not all ability combinations are equally viable, and cannot be used with synergy due to the lack of total available ability slots. I cannot count the number of Guild abilities that I'd like to use, for which I wont, since the cost/benefit for slotting them is inferior to cookie-cutting a specific min/max optimized skill set, and regardless of what other less experienced and learned individuals might say, attrition will always determine an outcome where all other variables are optimal.
    Thus, we're left with abilities we will never spend points on for any reason other than curiosity and/or novelty, but never for serious consideration where content completion is concerned.

    5) The Vampire and Werewolf Tribunal

    - Vampires -
    There are many elements to this that need adjustment, not only for balance but immersion sake.
    The feeding stages are almost completely worthless, given that casters regen is more than sufficiently high enough to mitigate any special ability cost, as with all standard abilities. If we're going to "Stage" in accordance with Tamriel Lore, then make the benefits potent and the drawbacks a nuisance, if not a downright threat.
    Stage 4 Vampire? Great. I spend less magicka for ANY ability that uses magicka, not just vampire ones. Drawback? I take damage in daylight if not in the shade, severe enough to warrant getting out of direct sunlight or suffering death by combustion if I happen to go AFK for longer than 5 minutes. Simply nerfing my regen is pointless, since I can mitigate that easily with one Templar Spell.
    Or, make the damage require a specific Spell Resistance or Fire Resistance softcap, thus permitting non-healy types the ability to walk in daylight if they go to the trouble of acquiring and equipping said item.
    Also, if Im a stage 4 vampire, I should be hostile to most NPC's which shun vampirism, but obviously not all, for example the vampires in Coldharbour under certain story-determined circumstances. Make a "Humanoid" Disguise that players could craft, acquire, loot, whatever, which would reduce or eliminate the threat of hostile NPC's.
    Also, cold damage. Since when do vampires care about cold? or poison?
    Theyre UNDEAD, so these things should do reduced damage to them, if not grant full immunity to poison entirely. How do you "poison" something that cannot suffer ill-effects from organic compounds, since they do not possess "life?"
    Id say 50% reduction to cold damage, and total immunity to poison and disease, since these are irrelevant.
    You already offset that with your Fighters Guild abilities that do ridiculous bonus damage to undead and Deadra.

    - Werewolves -
    As for Werewolves, they are severely gimped by comparison to their Vampire Supernatural cousins.
    Making Ultimate a requisite for Transformation is fine, so long as they can recover it quickly and it lasts far longer than a few minutes.
    I dont see the naturally roaming werewolves shifting back and forth, no. They remain werewolves for the entire night cycle.
    Player werewolves should have the same types of advantages as vampires, with similar penalties and risk/rewards. Should a Vamp and a Wolf go toe to toe, it should be an epic battle, not something that ends in 5 seconds because the Werewolf ran out of ultimate and had no corpse to feed upon.
    In addition, the same threats from the general populace should exist if a werewolf were to just waltz into a city, leap up to a vendor, and say: "Gee, what pretty weapons you have. The better to slay your foes with!"

    6) What happened to Minions and Necromancy?

    These is a key element in Tamriel lore, which is painfully absent from the game.
    What about Liches? Wraiths? General non-specific "Undead", or powerful necromancers which command them? Not every sorcerer is going to be a lightning throwing, pet summoning, teleporter who manages to toss a few fireballs from a staff that EVERYONE ELSE can also do, regardless of their magical training.
    No, Dark Magic should be exactly that: DARK.
    Minions should vary in type and number, from skeletons to specters.
    Theres no reason why a Necromancer, or necromantic type abilities shouldnt at least be Morph Options, for at least one, if not two of the Class ability trees.

    Anyhoo, the game is still vanilla, so it has plenty of opportunity to grow, or wither, depending on what decisions upper-management at Zenimax decide to make.
    Heres hoping they get it right.
  • KerinKor
    Not a peep about chat bubbles in what's coming...

    Guess we'll just keep playing it as a singleplayer game and loose all roleplayers. It's not like they are the most loyal MMO customers or anything like that.
    Drama queen much? Read the AMA at Reddit, the God-I-Can't-Play-Without-Speech-Bubble wish is coming true.

    BTW, it's lose
    Edited by KerinKor on May 2, 2014 6:36AM
  • nhisso
    ^ I agree with a lot of that.

    But not your belief on the "punishing" of players who are much more powerful than their enemy. There is nothing worse than some jack*** that comes in to a low level dungeon and kills everything before the rest of us even have a chance to get any exp. or loot. And not ALL bosses respawn that quick (that area with Crowmother, for example, has very long respawn times on the 3 or 4 bosses in the area)The worst is at anchors, though. The anchors already give horrible rewards and loot, but then we have a level 49 fighting the enemies at a level 11ish anchor, and the rest of us can't even get a hit on the enemies before they are killed. So we not only get no loot, we get no exp, either. I have heard some say you don't get exp from the anchor-mobs. Haven't tested this yet. I should do that tonight. IF that's true, I digress and change my proverbial tune lol.

    Spot on with the skill-bar. I'm so sick of the argument that it's about strategy. That's absurd. Especially when so many complain about having too many skills being over whelming for their plebeian brains to handle. Nothing strategic about it. You can very easily choose the 5 skills per bar you need and never have to change them. I like variety. I don't want the same 5 skills for 100s of hours of play time. There is no excuse for the limited skill bar. And I realize you have limitations in the single player game. But, you also had varied animations based on movement when using melee, and before Skyrim, you had access (quick access) to all your spells and certainly more than 5. With mods, it was possible to have a lot more than the regular game offered, and it wasn't game breaking by any stretch.

    Spot on with spells. I am very disappointed in the amount of spells available, and how they are separated via class to the extent of which we have in this game. Spellcrafting better be awesome lol. But, with that in mind, surely we must be getting more skill slots or more bars or something. And we need to be able to use the same weapon on each skill bar if they aren't going to give extra slots. I can buy the same weapon type and use it on each skill bar, so what's the difference? No reason to inconvenience us players. So, in short, I have 50 skills (depending on how spellcrafting works, of course), but my character is stupid and can only remember how to use 5+ ultimate at a time? Please. At minimum, give us separate slots for soul magic and guild skills. Anything that has a passive when slotted should get a slot, too.

    Yes, we need more classes. Frankly, I think we should get rid of them altogether and have skills we can choose. Everyone would have a heal though, and then people would whine that the healer role has gone away. But I don't care. Why do gamers NEED the tank, DPS, healer requirements to play together? It's pretty ridiculous. There are literally dozens of other MMOs out there that offer that. ESO was supposed to be different. And Elder Scrolls has always been about "play how you want". The latter was touted as a feature of ESO, and it's simply not true.

    I am happily throwing money at this game. So don't think I think the game sucks by any stretch of the imagination. Just think some changes are needed. Even without them, though, this game is still my MMO for the foreseeable future!
    Edited by nhisso on May 2, 2014 6:41AM
  • Kililin
    Ok I love the message, but actions will speak louder than words. If you can pull this off I will be impressed.

    If you don't it will be next unfullfilled promise, probably along with the 6 weekly content updates. Sorry for being negative but at the moment you are making it difficult to be positive.

    I will support you anyway, because I think this game is worth it at its core. I also think you are really making an effort to improve the game.

    Please dont overdue it with additional game systems, fix what have than build on solid base. (of course content updates should be done, since you promised them with a timeline)
    Please dont make this game into a lowest common denominator game, let it keep some its roughness and edges.
  • Riny01
    Here's my thoughts on a few of the points:
    • A system that allows grouped players to see each other even when they’re in different phases
      yes please.
    • Armor dyeing and tinting
      gotta make it look pretty :)
    • Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood storyline and quests.
      woo hoo!
    • Spellcrafting
      oh yeah!
    • Guild functionality updates: guild store interface updates, customizable guild insignias, tabards, and guild ranks, and Guild Kiosks—guild stores open to everyone that are available to the highest-bidding guild.
      that should be nice.
    • Auto-leveling dungeons that level to your group leader
      hmm not sure about this one.
    • Awards when you repeat dungeons
      once was enough thanks.
  • s2firestar
    You guys might want to include a 1 year subscription category as well... :smiley:

    Seriously tough, this game is almost everything I have ever dreamed of, as a HUGE Elder Scrolls fan. That hardcore, 200 mod/game, do every tiny quest and explore every house (and steal everything from everybody :D:D:D) type.

    Seeing this list is heartwarming. This is the first time I feel that an MMO really cares for the average fan and user, and that my money goes into the right pockets. And I (and I think all other TES fans) have to admit it: you had a hell of a job. The Elder Scrolls universe is one of the most documented (as in ingame books, lore, etc.) game universe, and with 5 single player games out, finding something that will fit in nicely surely wasn't easy.

    Yes, there are bugs. Yes, sometimes it pisses me off. But then again, I know, that in a few days time, it will be fixed.

    So, all in all, CHEESE FOR EVERYONE, and here's to a wonderful month so far, and many wonderful years in the future ::drinks wine::
  • Soulstormkj
    KerinKor wrote: »
    Ryskim wrote: »
    Also, you should be able to kill any non-essential NPC, but deal with consequences.
    No, this isn't an offline game, I don't want camps empty of NPCs simply because someone decided to gank them all .. this isn't the Barrens .. whether they're 'essential' or not.

    Did you just start an argument with "This isn't an offline game" and then finish the same argument with "This isn't the barrens" A clear reference to WoW, an online game... So if this isn't an offline game or an online game. Does that make it an imaginary game?
  • s2firestar
    Oh and one more thing. Allowing mods is a thing. Having an ingame modmanager and giving area to ingame mod setup (no more need for SkyUI and the likes) is THE thing.

    Btw. part of the negative comments stem from the fact, that the TES universe (be what you want and do what you want - YOURSELF), is not that common. One has to think out of the box if one wants to make money (I love the 1 gold drops. Literally makes you craft and trade).

    Also, never forget, that we got a 2 in 1 game. If you play alone, it can still give a full single player experience, while it is a perfect co-op and multiplayer game too. So maybe it's 2,5 in one. And you get to walk everywhere in Tamriel eventually.
  • remraub16_ESO
    <3 - 'Nuff Said
  • xaxotionrb19_ESO
    Those who canceled the account to pay in a different way, like game time cards, will they recive the five days for the support?
    because is my case and i have been suffering with all the problems knowing you will fix it, and because of that i purchase a 2 months more by a time card, because i belive this game can be a great game.
    I hope you do not set aside those who have chosen a payment method that you allow yourselves and it involving to cancel the account suscription.

    Thx for all ;)
  • Ri_Dariit
    Musonius wrote: »
    Desperation PR move because of all the unsubs and negative reviews. Good luck at the unemployment office.

    Musonius must not understand who Matt is. Neither understands defenition of "tact". That mer doesn't work in PR and really tries to make world work. Good luck at the other MMO.
    Fusozay Var VarJaji kor nirni. Ri'Dariit ahnurr shir Gouranga an vasa rid-t'har.
  • KerinKor
    KerinKor wrote: »
    Ryskim wrote: »
    Also, you should be able to kill any non-essential NPC, but deal with consequences.
    No, this isn't an offline game, I don't want camps empty of NPCs simply because someone decided to gank them all .. this isn't the Barrens .. whether they're 'essential' or not.

    Did you just start an argument with "This isn't an offline game" and then finish the same argument with "This isn't the barrens" A clear reference to WoW, an online game... So if this isn't an offline game or an online game. Does that make it an imaginary game?
    Nope, I made two points in one short reply relating to the same issue, which are entirely consistent.

    The first point was about the effect of what the poster's idea would have in relation to an on-line game and the other was a reference to a specific location in an on-line game many will know to illustrate the result of the poster's idea.

    I hope this helps you understand what I thought were concise but clear references to illustrate my view.
    Edited by KerinKor on May 2, 2014 8:16AM
  • MartinXKid
    (*) Cheers for the first month of TESO !! (*)
    I really love playing and questing around Tamriel. An immersive story and gameplay is what I wanted the most from any other MMO. The environment so far is breathtaking at some time. I sometime have a hard time believing it's an MMO I'm playing. I'm only level 25 after one month and I still think that I am leveling too fast !! I'm having too much fun exploring areas for new quests, resource nodes, powerful monsters, caves, treasures, lorebooks and those Skyshards. I like how you give out hints about their locations too, It makes it fun to discover them without pin-pointing their position on a Open-World map. All I need is to dedicate some more time to actually read all of those books I've discovered !!

    When I read that better NPC facial animation was in development, I was psyched about the coming changes (As of any of the other updates also being developed offcourse). I hope we also get to see more animations outside NPC conversations for both NPCs and Players (Like unsheathing my weapon and point it forward or a hand gesture to notify to follow me). Come to think of it, some character speech would be good. Saying "Attack", "Charge", Follow me", "Wait here" anything like those would be good to have ;).

    Combat seems fun to me, I still think it's a tiny bit easy even at level 25 but I heard that at Veteran ranks, combat seems to be challenging even for a single NPC opponent. If this is true, I look forward to fight those worthy opponents.

    Crafting is also to my opinion the most exhilarating I've ever got to do. Crafting my own armor with it's own racial style, trait and enchantment is cool !! Never was I as exited to equip my very own Blue quality weapon and shield with a specific trait and a Blue quality enchantment on them. It's fantastic !!

    I would like to thank you for making this game possible and to have us enjoy this awesome MMO. I wish to also thank you for those five days granted to us. I personally didn't mind the maintenances.They always end up when I am either still sleeping until noon, too busy or at work. And finally another tanks for you hard work at solving problems such as bugs and gold farmers.

    I really REALLY look forward for any upcoming updates that covers both PvE and PvP content, Craglorn and the Thieves/Dark brotherhood guild quest line !!
    One last time, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING !!!
    "War ..... War never changes"
  • kedz54
    Rosamond wrote: »
    Sad to say, the list of current and future improvements does not impress me other than the fact that far and away, the biggest share of changes related to dungeons, groups and player vs player. None of those things interest me. I am a crafter, and I don't care to group or join guilds although I have had to do just that in an attempt to sell my goods. And it has worked VERY badly.

    There are two issues that interest me:
    1. the lack of bag space, bank space and storage for our inventory, and
    2. a public AH, broker, or other means to sell that does not require me to join a guild.

    These two items are critical to the game and have been mentioned in countless threads in these forums, and yet there is NO mention of them in this road map. If you ARE listening, it must not be to these forums. A recent poll in the Crafting Discussion is showing that 60% of the crafters polled want a public AH.

    Frankly, I don't give a damn what the reviewers say about this game, good or bad. Your customers are here posting things in the forums, and if you are listening to them, there ought to be some mention of these basic items. If you have decided not to include them in this game, I would like some explanation why instead of being stonewalled.

    It is very nice of you to give us extra game time , and there are many fine things I can say about the game. But these two critical matters must be addressed, and seeing no mention of them in your game plan makes me discouraged and upset. I hope that you plan to add some things to your game plan and if so, that you will mention what you plan to do --or not do-- in regards to these two issues.

    TLDR: I don't believe an AH is essential and interaction is what MMOs are about.

    I'm sorry, I just don't see how a centralized auction house is "critical" to the game. It's critical to you (and I know there are others as well). The bag and bank space thing is a hassle, but easily remedied by emptying your bags. The bank however, I agree, is another story. I'd be more inclined to buy more space if it wasn't so expensive.

    I imagine the reasoning behind the lack of an auction house was to get players interacting more. There was a time when an auction house didn't exist. EverQuest didn't have one (not sure if that's different now) and people sold stuff in the West Commons. Dark Age of Camelot, for the longest time, did not have an auction house (read: housing consignment merchant). When the consignment merchants got put into the game, a lot of people just sold their wares on their houses. You could still find people crafting but it wasn't as abundant and never mind that one could craft at their house. An auction house is impersonal and the same can be argued for the guild store.

    We play these games to interact with other people and experience the world. I just feel like some people (not specifically you) want a multi-player experience but don't want to interact with anyone outside of grouping. Anyway, that's my two cents.

    Dunmer Sorcerer
  • robo26
    Xaei wrote: »

    ...The updates are amazing and truly what the game needs, but I fear it's too late and the damage has been done.

    They need to really act fast, the clock is ticking.

    What do you base this statement on "it's too late and the damage has been done?" If it is a personal point of view, fair enough.

    However, I don't agree, I can only see the game going from strength to strength.

    Sure, some of the original early subscribers may not renew, but there will be enough left to show the game has life in it - I hope that in 12 months time you are proved wrong and the game has grown - if ZOS have anything to do with it the game will grow.

    The only down side in the game I see at the moment is the bots and gold sellers, ZOS are fighting the battle here - I truly hope they win it - other MMO's have fought this battle for a long time. In the case of Blizzard, in the courts even.

  • Snowstrider
    Like the news so far :) hope i get convinced with the content that this game really deserves the sub fee.

    About the grouping thingy,What annoys me the most with grouping atm is that when you group up with someone and play an easy "collect 10 of these" thingy,it is shared with the group,Thats good,But its only the easy ones,When you have to collect some stuff on some quests where it happens to be hard (when the stuff is difficult to find or when the spawn times takes forever) it is not share with the group.
    Why? Please fix this and make it more group friendly,
    I look forward to see how this game evolves.Hope you make the world feel more alive and add more life to the community.
    My wishlist. (if i can make one) or What i hape for is

    More mounts and Pets I was dissapointed with the facts that only Horses were in the game,Sure they are useful but in the end they are just dull and boring. And dont give me that "Previous TES games just had horses" argument,Becouse this is ESO,An MMO,It allows players to travel across Tamriel,And according ot the lore there are plenty of Mounts to choose from other then horses,So why not add them zenimax? :) i am not talking about extreme mounts like flying dragons. I am talking about lore friendly mounts. Players want that and an MMO needs those fun stuff.

    And pets,There should be more pets available in the game,You should be able to buy them ingame (not for real money that would suck) . With a large variaty of them. Again these small stuff would make the game more fun and alive,At least for the community. Being able to play around with your unique mount and pet.

    Armor Design,more variety and more styles to learn
    i like the overall armor design but in the end its just the same armor,Now i am Vr2 and my vr2 armor is just grey and boring,Still uses Ebon armor becouse it looks better,I expected the armor to be more bulkier and they would change at this rank,But well,I have seen the armors evolve during my leveling. But i would like more Variety. New styles,New costumes, i was happy to hear about dyes and tinting :9 its a step in the right direction.
    Another thing i would love to have is cloaks,But i dont see this happen so i wont talk about that. From fur and pelt cloaks to thing cloaks. Just something i would love to see. but i dont expect it to be added.

    being able to learn other races dance style+New songs for the instruments
    Another fun thing the community would love to just play around with.Trading dance styles and learning them,Perhaps new ones to learn. And being able to learn new songs for the instruments. I expect nothing in-depth neither do i expect this to happen but like i said, THis is my hopes. A community update

    Being able to change hairstyle,beard,Warpaint,Bodypaint etc
    This would really be fun to have,I love my current character but i wish i could make some change to his appearance,but i cant. I dont expect you being able to change anything major about yoru character but it would be reeeaaallyyy nice to being able to change hairstyles,beardstyles,haircolour,warpaint and colour of your warpaint etc. And new hairstyles,beards,warpaint etc.
    Edited by Snowstrider on May 2, 2014 10:27AM
  • KerinKor
    robo26 wrote: »
    The only down side in the game I see at the moment is the bots and gold sellers, ZOS are fighting the battle here - I truly hope they win it - other MMO's have fought this battle for a long time. In the case of Blizzard, in the courts even.
    Blizzard won a case against the the developer of a game cheat (which I know bots are but the cheat 'hack' did a lot more than that) and they were only able to win against a US company on copyright grounds, not the writing of the bot itself.

    There is no legal action ZOS can take against the botters and the fact most RMT is in China tells you the chances ZOS have got bringing copyright case.
  • Prospero_ESO
    kedz54 wrote: »
    TLDR: I don't believe an AH is essential and interaction is what MMOs are about.

    I'm sorry, I just don't see how a centralized auction house is "critical" to the game. It's critical to you (and I know there are others as well). The bag and bank space thing is a hassle, but easily remedied by emptying your bags. The bank however, I agree, is another story. I'd be more inclined to buy more space if it wasn't so expensive.

    I imagine the reasoning behind the lack of an auction house was to get players interacting more. There was a time when an auction house didn't exist. EverQuest didn't have one (not sure if that's different now) and people sold stuff in the West Commons. Dark Age of Camelot, for the longest time, did not have an auction house (read: housing consignment merchant). When the consignment merchants got put into the game, a lot of people just sold their wares on their houses. You could still find people crafting but it wasn't as abundant and never mind that one could craft at their house. An auction house is impersonal and the same can be argued for the guild store.

    We play these games to interact with other people and experience the world. I just feel like some people (not specifically you) want a multi-player experience but don't want to interact with anyone outside of grouping. Anyway, that's my two cents.

    It is clearly important to have an auction house. Trading is also part of the game and the absence of an AH is a hindrance to do it. If i want to sell or buy something i have to look in the guild stores of the three trading guilds where i am member plus in the zone chat if it is not in the stores. So in the worst case i have to look for something at 4 different places. This has nothing to do with players interacting or immersion or whatever, this is just annoying and stupid game design.
  • Zargorius
    KerinKor wrote: »
    robo26 wrote: »
    The only down side in the game I see at the moment is the bots and gold sellers, ZOS are fighting the battle here - I truly hope they win it - other MMO's have fought this battle for a long time. In the case of Blizzard, in the courts even.
    Blizzard won a case against the the developer of a game cheat (which I know bots are but the cheat 'hack' did a lot more than that) and they were only able to win against a US company on copyright grounds, not the writing of the bot itself.

    There is no legal action ZOS can take against the botters and the fact most RMT is in China tells you the chances ZOS have got bringing copyright case.

    Block the IPs from China, problem solved. They're not selling ESO there anyway.

    EDIT: Just realised it would not work for all of them unfortunately as they can use a vpn/proxy.
    Edited by Zargorius on May 2, 2014 11:53AM
    Honor is a dead man's code.
  • s2firestar
    I wouldn't like an auction house. I don't want to bid money for items, I just... don't like it. The current system (the need to interact, and to MARKET yourself) is in, itself, a feature. A good one.

    Never forget, that every TES game is only a canvas. A possibility. What you make of it depends only on you. (And the modders :D)
  • Ser Lobo
    Ser Lobo
    Kililin wrote: »
    Ok I love the message, but actions will speak louder than words. If you can pull this off I will be impressed.

    If you don't it will be next unfullfilled promise, probably along with the 6 weekly content updates. Sorry for being negative but at the moment you are making it difficult to be positive.

    I think you mean content updates every six weeks, instead of six updates a week.

    Content updates every six weeks? Looks like Craglorn is right on schedule. If we receive it by May 16th (six full weeks from April 4th and the game going live), they'll have delivered on their promises.

    The real test, is what we get six weeks after THAT, since they've been working on Craglorn since the game disc was printed. We'll probably see Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild quest lines and skills on June 27th.

    Ruze Aulus. Mayor of Dhalmora. Archer, hunter, assassin. Nightblade.
    Gral. Mountain Terror. Barbarian, marauder, murderer. Nightblade.
    Na'Djin. Knight-Blade. Knight, vanguard, defender. Nightblade.

    Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.

    He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.

    This is an multiplayer game. I should be able to log in, join a dungeon, join a battleground, queue for a dolmen or world boss or delve, teleport in, play for 20 minutes, and not worry about getting kicked, failing to join, having perfect voice coms, or being unable to complete content because someone's lagging behind. Group Finder and matchmaking is broken. Take a note from Destiny and build a system that allows from drop-in/drop-out functionality and quick play.
  • Catsmoke14
    Sparkleav wrote: »
    As for the list of things to come, they look great but there's no mention of player housing as of yet.

    Honestly i dont want to se this unless we got a big space. In SWG Housing was so awesome, Guilds had towns and claimed a part of a Planet. Nirn is one Planet, and right now there is not much space in the game. And I especially dont want a copy of these Stronghold that TOR is coming out wiht. I'm sure it just instanced areas. where is the sense of exploration in that. I would like to get lost, and find myself in someones town where that have a store and stuff.

    As a veteran ES player I would like to see instanced player housing available to all regardless of guild participation. ES players come from a single player background. The "sense of exploration" that may be associated with player housing is personal, certainly in my case.

    "Guild Kiosks" available to the highest bidder doesn't even come close.

  • Ser Lobo
    Ser Lobo
    kedz54 wrote: »
    TLDR: I don't believe an AH is essential and interaction is what MMOs are about.

    I'm sorry, I just don't see how a centralized auction house is "critical" to the game. It's critical to you (and I know there are others as well). The bag and bank space thing is a hassle, but easily remedied by emptying your bags. The bank however, I agree, is another story. I'd be more inclined to buy more space if it wasn't so expensive.

    I imagine the reasoning behind the lack of an auction house was to get players interacting more. There was a time when an auction house didn't exist. EverQuest didn't have one (not sure if that's different now) and people sold stuff in the West Commons. Dark Age of Camelot, for the longest time, did not have an auction house (read: housing consignment merchant). When the consignment merchants got put into the game, a lot of people just sold their wares on their houses. You could still find people crafting but it wasn't as abundant and never mind that one could craft at their house. An auction house is impersonal and the same can be argued for the guild store.

    We play these games to interact with other people and experience the world. I just feel like some people (not specifically you) want a multi-player experience but don't want to interact with anyone outside of grouping. Anyway, that's my two cents.

    It is clearly important to have an auction house. Trading is also part of the game and the absence of an AH is a hindrance to do it. If i want to sell or buy something i have to look in the guild stores of the three trading guilds where i am member plus in the zone chat if it is not in the stores. So in the worst case i have to look for something at 4 different places. This has nothing to do with players interacting or immersion or whatever, this is just annoying and stupid game design.

    I disagree. This game design is genius, as it takes so much away from the RMT crowd that haunts every game, and shifts the focus of the game from players who turn it into work (grinding end-game bosses endlessly to sell said loot on an instant transaction system) to those players out adventuring.

    Honestly, even with veteran gear, there is nothing in this game you NEED to buy. Once you have a horse and some motiff's, you don't really need to buy anything to be competitive with every other player.

    The real difficulty is telling our WoW-era converts that they don't need to grind, and watching them get so confused. ZOS is doing everything in it's power to prevent grinding and force players to explore and quest (some do consider those a grind, but by definition, grinding is the repetition of a single task, like killing the same mobs repetitively, etc).

    Taking out an Auction House was simply one more step against the grind-style mechanics prevalent in almost every other MMO out there (EvE Online is the only other game I know of in recent years that doesn't really support grinding, but it outright calls it work, hehehe).
    Ruze Aulus. Mayor of Dhalmora. Archer, hunter, assassin. Nightblade.
    Gral. Mountain Terror. Barbarian, marauder, murderer. Nightblade.
    Na'Djin. Knight-Blade. Knight, vanguard, defender. Nightblade.

    Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.

    He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.

    This is an multiplayer game. I should be able to log in, join a dungeon, join a battleground, queue for a dolmen or world boss or delve, teleport in, play for 20 minutes, and not worry about getting kicked, failing to join, having perfect voice coms, or being unable to complete content because someone's lagging behind. Group Finder and matchmaking is broken. Take a note from Destiny and build a system that allows from drop-in/drop-out functionality and quick play.
  • Thalmar
    It is good to see that developers are not only focusing on end-game with gear upgrade but also adding RP elements such as dyeing, justice system, horse racing, facial animations and fishing. I already began to feel the urge of rushing myself to be R12 to be competitive in Cyrodiil. Hopefully more RP elements will follow since RP has the same importance as MMO elements in RPGMMOs.
  • doggie
    Could we have some more information about the crafting updates and eta? Atleast if it's months away of if it's planned to hit by the time players start to get 8 traits researched.
  • Kililin
    Auction House: I regularly get gold seller ingame Mails offering mit Tradegoods, a service i would never use even if i had to fight in my underpants. The reason they have to offer them this way is the best argument against a global auction house.

    In fact most overlook the third part in the goldselling triangle, buyer, seller and legit player as a trade partner.

    Legit players often do not realise why they are getting goods cheap or can sell others high, both are often influenced by goldsellers.
    A person buying for example 1.000.000 gold (and at current rates thats not unreasonable for someone with a good job) will shell it out very easy.
    If there would be a AH some of the tradeskill ingredients would be dirt cheap, because of duping and every legit player would also buy them.
  • SleepingShah
    Soul Shriven
    Sorry if this has been mentioned before but why is it that we never get our skill points refunded when they decide to change and skills?

    I know that you can use ingame gold to pay for reskill but it's very expensive.
  • Yiodan
    First off, thank you.

    The proposed changes and upgrades sound amazing and seem to add some of the Elder Scroll Flavor we know and love. I'll be eagerly awaiting the two new quest lines and the spellcrafting, amongst other things.

    Now, if you'll allow me a bit of constructive criticism, there are a couple more things I think might deserve a spot on that list.

    Racial Skills:
    I'd like to suggest revising the racial skills to reinforce how they enhance the feeling and fun of being one or the other. Here is an example:
    I'm currently playing Argonian. Which is a race I absolutely love to play. Unfortunately, with the current state of things I have to say that I'm having a difficult time feeling Argonian when only the first level of Amphibian makes me swim faster, I get killed by Slaughterfish everytime I try to use water as a shortcut even within the same zone and there is no diving. I still think they look cool and I enjoy being one.

    About Slaughterfish: I understand these replace invisible collisions but currently they can often be found in locations that you'd have thought safe or would have liked to use as a tactical advantage. Dying while crossing a random small river in Cyrodil is a little disheartening.

    Thank you,
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