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Official Feedback Thread For ESO 2022 Global Reveal- High Isle

Community Manager
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for tuning in for the global reveal. If you're still looking for more information, the post-reveal live stream is going on right now on The VOD of the main show is also up on YouTube.

Now that The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle has been revealed, we want to hear from you! Let us know what you think of the upcoming chapter. The things you like, dislike, or have general questions about. This is your thread to communicate your initial thoughts about High Isle with the forum community and ZOS. We will use questions asked here as a reference point for communication between now and High Isle release.

Your constructive feedback will let us know what information we can better clarify leading up to launch and beyond. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on High Isle!

*Friendly reminder to keep the Community Rules in mind when replying. Thank you!
Edited by ZOS_Kevin on April 13, 2022 5:03PM
Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter

Official Feedback Thread For ESO 2022 Global Reveal- High Isle 933 votes

Very excited for High Isle
20% 194 votes
Mixed feelings about High Isle
25% 236 votes
Wanted something different from High Isle
53% 503 votes
Staff Post
  • AlexanderDeLarge
    The content of High Isle may very well be incredibly good but it's being let down by a lack of addition of meaningful systems and various other problems the game has and that's a damn shame and frankly it feels like support for TESO is winding down in favor of Zenimax Online's next MMO in development when TESO is still growing and there's still so much to be addressed.

    The trading card game feels like it should be a secondary feature to something larger that all players would be able to engage with. Let's be honest, trading card games are divisive by nature and not everyone will be interested in it but this is pretty much the sole new 'gameplay feature' coming in 2022.

    Besides the landmass of High Isle itself, which itself is troublesome due to lack of difficulty scaling meaning it'll just be a 15-20 hour quest chain that veteran players steamroll through, what's the appeal of this year's chapter besides a divisive trading card game and companions which make an already incredibly easy game even easier? Now if the difficulty concerns were addressed, I would love to explore the High Isle and learn more about the Bretons because it looks great as always.

    As is? I don't even want to touch this because the gameplay would do such a disservice to the exploration and narrative elements.

    No spellcrafting, no 1H+Rune, no spears, no PvP reworks, no veteran overland difficulty scaling, heists and dark brotherhood sacrament systems were completely abandoned a long time ago, there's no sense of passage of time in previously released content, that content is released and forever abandoned (Vivec City's canton is still under construction 5 years later), crime system is still underdeveloped, clunky combat being cited as the #1 reason why people don't play TESO, why is a trading card game of all things being added?

    Watching the QuakeCon 2014 stream where they showed off spellcrafting, adventure zones (plural, Murkmire was going to be one too) for higher overland difficulty and the justice system featuring players as PvP bounty hunters is depressing these days.

    Also can't help but be cynical and imagine all the ways that the TCG will be monetized.
    Edited by AlexanderDeLarge on January 27, 2022 10:37PM
    Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 10 years. 7 paid expansions. 22 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the vast majority of this game.

    "ESO doesn't need a harder overland" on YouTube for a video of a naked level 3 character AFKing in front of a bear for a minute and a half before dying
  • Odovacar
    Love medieval & learning more on Breton lore but very disappointed in this card game system, etc. This will be the first year since I started playing ESO that I'm not looking forward to June :(
    Edited by Odovacar on January 27, 2022 8:53PM
  • Broken23
    Thanks for the effort and all, but honestly I was hoping for something that would significantly impact the gameplay (both pve and pvp) and not an accessory card game.
  • Seraphayel
    I very much like the setting and the vibe. I love the Bretons.

    I do not like that there is nothing new in the combat department. No new weapon, no new class, no new skill line.

    As much as I appreciate the card game as a side activity, this definitely should not be the main feature of the Chapter, especially not with that price tag.

    And that every year and every Chapter is basically identical feels stale after five years. There needs to be more innovation and more creativity than just copy and paste the entire concept and just add new visuals and landscapes.
    Edited by Seraphayel on January 27, 2022 8:55PM
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • spartaxoxo
    I am looking forward to the card game and companion.

    I have a question about the story in the dungeon with Jakarn. Will that one have two player mechanics that make it impossible to actually hear that story? If so going forward can there be an effort to ensure the story ones don't have such mechanics?

    Jakarn returning is very cool! He's one of my favorites? Who is VA anyway?

    Can I haz chocolate?
  • GetAgrippa
    I am less excited for this chapter than I've ever been before. And I haven't even bothered with companions. Somehow, this chapter looks even worse than the last. I don't know how you did it, but you did. These dev meetings must be fascinating.

    "We have unplayable pvp, horrible lag, stagnant combat... So how about a card game?"

    Edited by GetAgrippa on January 27, 2022 8:53PM
  • Suna_Ye_Sunnabe
    I cannot be excited for an expansion that offers nothing new other than what could be added to the base game for free, or at most a dlc. Morrowind gave us Battlegrounds, a trial, a new class, a new zone, and a fantastic story. Summerset gave us two zones, a skill line, jewelry crafting, a trial, a free house, a fantastic story, and major improvements to the game. Elseweyr gave us a new class, a trial, a large zone. Greymoor gave us a trial, two zones, and antiquities. Blackwood gave us companions, a trial, and a new zone. High Rock we get a zone and... cards? All for the same full price. No thank you!!
    Edited by Suna_Ye_Sunnabe on January 27, 2022 10:09PM
    Angua Anyammis Ae Sunna
  • TitusF2
    IMO, feels pretty lackluster for the sticker price asked. Especially for new players. A card game isn't something I am personally interested. It's neither here nor there. Everyone has their own interest, so some may like it & other won't. $80 for a chapter zone & 2 companions certainly isn't worth that price, regardless of digital bonuses. Hoping that there's some major QoL improvements & additions coming to kinda make up for it. Otherwise, I'd say skip this years chapter. But that's just me...

    Correction: I'll add that the only justifying point for the $79.99 asking price, is for the new players. Since it includes all other chapters. But $40 & $50 for an upgrade. Definitely not...
    Edited by TitusF2 on January 28, 2022 7:15PM
    This is text.
  • Sandman929
    I don't understand how the Alliance War is constantly discussed as a central theme of the ESO universe while the war itself and its zone is the most neglected part of the game.
    That being said, the locale is a good choice for a chapter, but the card game isn't a system worth a purchase...and companions are worthless to me until they're actually competent at their roles.
  • Jerdeh
    I really expected some new skill lines, weapons or class. Or maybe some new PvP modes. Hate to say this but the new content is going more boring by the year.
    Been playing since betas 2014
  • NoxiousBlight
    I am very excited about the new island and the beautiful medieval setting.

    But we seriously need more "umph" with these chapters. For example, Summerset we got jewelry crafting AND a skill line. Morrowind we got BGs AND a class.

    It has been a bit downhill from there. There doesn't feel like much bang for your buck these days. We keep paying the same but we keep getting LESS new systems, LESS quests for the new zone, LESS rewards/costumes that can be earned in game, etc.

    I love the idea of a card game in ESO. In fact, i've wanted TES:L to be integrated since it got abandoned. But a card game should not be the main draw of a chapter. It should absolutely be in the game, but why not the card game AND a magicka weapon skill line? A new weapon is what most people have been begging for and we get more casual grindy content instead.

    I will probably enjoy the card game and collecting. But I am getting a bit bitter that it has been THREE years since we had any meaningful combat updates.
  • jlmurra2

    Breton lore/focus
    New Companions


    Card game.

    Overall I feel the chapter needs more.
  • amanes
    I would buy it for 20$ but not for 40$ this "Chapter" is not worth full price and generally it seems every year the chapters are downgraded, what a weird marketing move you do.
  • neferpitou73
    I don't want to sound like a jerk but I'm just speechless that this is the best they could come up with. If I wanted to play a card game I'd go play MTG, that's not why I'm on ESO.
  • Rex-Umbra
    Bretons are my favorite race, love their dark grimy medieval fantasy.

    BUT I am disappointed as a player whom wants the alliance war to more important and integrated into the game like it was at launch.

    I got really hyped from the intial teaser. I was expecting naval combat and naval PvP to be the main selling feature.
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • Gylzyn
    Totally disappointed. The story may well be enjoyable - as long as they make it a decent story and has dialogues that don't treat me (or my character) as idiots. But the card game generates zero interest for me. As I have said elsewhere, my worry is that they will tie useful items (leads for mythic items, for example) to playing the game. It is also a shame that there is no mention of any really good QoL improvements to the game.
  • maboleth
    I barely had mild excitement after seeing 3 banners again. I kind of hoped you were thinking outside of the box, stirring something to be revealed that would reshape ESO from the ground up. Something unexpected, esp. in the PVP department (hence a new 3b war).

    But a cards game? No gameplay in that. There are far more minigames already on the phones and elsewhere.

    No wonder I play MS Solitaire and Chess on the PC more and more. I'm almost done with new PC games.
  • ashadris
    theme is cool, story sounds intriguing, more companions are always welcome but kind of disappointed with the card game..
    i honestly believe that the playerbase really wanted a new skill tree, weapon or even a new class
  • MasterSpatula
    Very excited to explore Breton high culture.

    Solidly, solidly against a CCG being added. I didn't quit Star Wars: Galaxies over the CU or the NGE, but the CCG they added did drive me away.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Thretion
    Card game in 2022, really? Better add some QoL features and repair game. It crashes minimum every hour. Lol.
  • Kikazaru
    I was expecting... more after they revealed the card game to us. I guess this is where Elder Scrolls: Legends went to lol.

    Will mythic items be tied to the card game? Oh boy.

    I feel very underwhelmed, even more so than last year. :(

    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
  • Harvokaan
    Very dissapointed. Player guesses what could be done for new chapter were 1000x times better then what we got. I feel like third year in the row we got lame system (disliked companions, treated antiquity as new grind even as lore enthusiast)
  • ZigoSid
    Yes and No.

    Yes lore-wise and for the setting.

    No gameplay-wise. Card game and companions could be cool of course, but that's nothing next to new weapons/more classes skills.
  • TitusF2
    - edited to original -
    Edited by TitusF2 on January 28, 2022 7:16PM
    This is text.
  • Noerra
    Editing this to be more concise because I've had time to think and digest about the reveal:

    I am still pretty disappointed. Feels more like a DLC rather than a Chapter.

    New Zone and Story is expected for each chapter... it's the new additions to the game that get me excited for the chapter...

    Let's look at previous additions to the game in the past:

    DLCs: Imperial City pvp zone, Orsinium Maelstrom Arena, Vateshran Hollows
    Morrowind: New Warden Class, New PvP Mode: Battlegrounds
    Summerset: New Psijic Order Skill Line & Jewelry Crafting
    Elsweyr: New Necromancer Class
    Greymoor: Antiquities and Mythics, Vampire Changes
    Blackwood: Companions System
    High Isle: Card Game

    When you compare it to how hype previous chapters were... this just feels.... underwhelming....

    The Card Game should have been a DLC or something extra in addition to the new Main Feature....

    Maybe there will be more exciting things to come with the DLC - But what I wish I could have seen was:

    -Rogue-like endless or layered dungeons that gets progressively harder the longer you go on. You can do it solo or with a group in which it scales in difficulty for each person added to the group with solo/group leaderboards.
    -Large group BG mode with something like a 10v10 or a 20v20
    -One Hand and Magic Skill Line to go with the Breton Theme... it would have been perfect
    -A new Arena that was meant for Duos... We have Vateshran and Maelstrom for solo and Dragonstar for groups of four... A duo arena would have been really fun.
    -A Brawl Pit for some Free For All fun and a pvp player hangout.
    -Hard Mode Option for Story Content (I have literally fallen asleep at the computer because story content is made so faceroll easy to the point I don't feel challenged and it feels boring.)
    -Furnishings Inventory
    -A 6th Class ... Monk/Unarmed maybe? - (let me relive my favorite playstyle in Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim :P PUNCH CAT!)

    I want something that makes my daily pve & pvp gameplay more fun.... Card Game seems like a occasional thing - I log into ESO to feel like an adventurer first and foremost.

    tl;dr Underwhelming Reveal - Card Game is cool and happy to have it in the game but it feels like it should have been a dlc or something, not a big feature for the Chapter. Just compare it to the features released with other Chapters. It feels like we should have gotten something much more impactful to the core gameplay of ESO like a new Skill Line or Class like we did with Morrowind, Summerset, and Elswyer.

    New Story and Zone is a givien... was looking forward to something more exciting than a Card Game. Again not that the Card Game is unwanted... it just doesn't scream Main Feature of the Year!
    Edited by Noerra on January 28, 2022 6:04PM
  • Faulgor
    I love Bretons and CCGs. Been a long time TES: Legends player.

    But I'll echo the calls for more substantial character/combat related systems. I'd rather see Legends revived than bloat ESO with systems it could never do as well as dedicated games, when there's so much other stuff that could be added to ESO that would actually improve its RPG mechanics.

    So overall, I'm mixed.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • Lysette
    Of course I would have to see how the card game actually works - but so far it seems to be a mixture between a strategic "economical?" game with a nice element of unpredictability - by mixing those card decks of both players and both play from the same deck of cards - especially when playing it against other players, this could have a psychological side as well - will you take your better card decks or use an understatement deck to bring something unexpected to the match - something like this I expect to happen which can be confusing to those not expecting that - I hope it is an interesting base game though.

    My Khajiits and some of my less lawful characters will be thrilled to work with Amber - the new khajiit companion. The others might go for the breton one, if they have no other companion by that time.

    Breton architecture and culture will as well be a highlight to me. Can't say much about the story yet, there is not that much info to get excited or not about it IMO.
    Edited by Lysette on January 27, 2022 9:07PM
  • Dayth
    No 1-handed weapon with an off-handed spell that's been long requested, no update to animations like running.
    I'm a big fan of Bretons and I'm looking forward to that aspect but frankly I'm somewhat concerned about the size of the map considering the isles look tiny compared to Summerset or Vvardenfell.

    Why is the new mechanic a card game? It would be fine as a secondary feature but being the main one it seems very odd, Elder Scrolls had a card game and it was discontinued due to lack of interest.

    I was really hoping this was gonna be dlc when we got the sword and spell skill line, something akin to wielding a one handed weapon in one hand with a spell in the other from Skyrim.

    It feels like with every expansion we just get less and less content.
  • EF321
    Not a fan.
    Mini game slapped on top of actual game is not what I am looking for. Hoped for some sort of extension to existing game (weapon/class/skill line/third morph etc etc), not something that takes you out of existing game for something completely different.

    Say, I like mythic items themselves as one item sets that add new way to build character. But I don't like digging and scrying mini game, that are just copies of popular web browser mini games.
  • Katheriah
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