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Official Feedback Thread For ESO 2022 Global Reveal- High Isle

  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    So High Isle is inspired by the Mediterranean sea? Are you going to take everything from the imperials?

    The dlcs in Cyrodiil are not about them. The "imperial" companion is a breton in everything except appearance, and now the Mediterranean inspired look is taken from them as well?
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • maboleth
    Rex-Umbra wrote: »
    I got really hyped from the intial teaser. I was expecting naval combat and naval PvP to be the main selling feature.

    Ha! Imagine they did something really new, like, going to a strange isle, doing naval combats and then entering the world hidden deep underwater or in another dimension. Something strange and never seen in ES-world before. Some bizarre setting like Shivering isles.

    Something where future ES players would say - hey remember that XYZ Zone in ESO, it was magical! If only we had that in ES VI.

    But nope.
  • heaven13
    I was excited for Breton content. The zone looks pretty and I'm interested in exploring it.

    As others have said though, a card game should not be the major chapter system. A base game update alongside the chapter, sure. But not as the hyped new system. Companions were already pretty meh for me and I was very much hoping for a new class or weapon/skill line that changes the way my characters play. I don't want something that changes the way I play as the selling point.

    Regarding companions: we already have 2 moral high-ground characters. I'd rather we got two that are more appropriate for darker/evil characters. Companions are already meh to me as is but at least give Isobel a rework so we can have some darker companions.

    I know with the consistently poor performing servers and small-scale working-from-home development it's hard to produce content on par with Morrowind ($40 upgrade) and Summerset ($30 upgrade) but if this is all we're getting, the price should reflect it.
    Edited by heaven13 on January 27, 2022 9:24PM
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  • WiseSky
    I love the possible card game, if its anything like in the Witcher or Final fantasy 8 I will love it.
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  • Ronin37
    I could not believe this game could get any more casual but booom trading card game. Wish I could sarcastically slow clap :neutral:
  • VaranisArano
    Things I like:
    1. Politics-driven Storyline, less "end of the world"
    2. Bretons
    3. New Companions, hopefully with some of the feedback taken into account from Mirri and Bastian

    Things I am less than impressed by:
    1. "With two unique areas within the Chapter, High Isle and Amenos, you can experience the chivalric culture of the Breton people firsthand as you traverse deeper into the island and its mysteries, see its spectacular locations, and take on challenging quests.

    Yeah, pull the other one. The other Chapter fights weren't challenging on the new character that I was leveling with no CP.

    If Markarth, Blackwood, and Deadlands are any indication, the hardest final fight will be another multistage boss fight with immunity phases to drag it out while my ally NPCs do the heavy lifting. That's not exactly challenging.

    2. I know lots of people are happy for the card game. I'm happy for them! It's not something I'm interested in. It's not game-changing either.

    If I were to rank this one against the other new systems that the Chapters introduced, High Isle isn't great.

    Morrowind - new class, new PVP mode
    Summerset - two new skill lines
    Elsweyr - new class
    Greymoor - two new skill lines for antiquities
    Blackwood - companions
    High Isle - a card game (and companions)

    I get it - development during a pandemic is not great either. Game development doesn't happen in a vacuum. The last two Chapters show that with their relative lack of features. So this is a mixed bag for me.
  • silvereyes
    If I wanted a card game, I would play a card game. Not to say that it's necessarily bad as a mini-game, but I don't buy Chapters for a mini game.
  • sekou_trayvond
    Ngl, Lack of a new class, race, skill line, etc has me disappointed. Interested in the place and the story, of course, but gameplay systems are the meal for me. And no, a CCG for Pete Hines does not constitute a gameplay system.
  • Redtrek524
    Very disappointed. I was hoping for a new class, skill line, or something in that nature. Instead we get what? Yugi-Oh ESO edition? I doubt I'll bother purchasing this expansion, and will definitely cancel my plus subscription.
  • Marcus_Thracius
    You had ONE job - fix the LAG IN PVP
  • merpins
    I like the idea of the setting, and the idea of having a card game added to ESO in this setting makes sense thematically.

    However, you all already own a perfectly good card game that is coincidentally no longer being supported...

    TESL. TESL was the best card game I've ever played hands down, more than Magic (hot take), more than Yugioh, more than Gwent. The only factor that game had going against it was the complete saturation of card games in the marketplace when it was released, and the lack of enthusiasm for the game. With enough eyes on it, it would have been 100x more popular than it ever was. This could have been your opportunity to fold TESL into ESO. It would have taken less man-hours to do as well, since you wouldn't have needed to design a whole new game. Card games are difficult to make well, and if you don't make it well, it will just become dead unsupported content. TESL has a dedicated fan base. I guarantee you, if you had folded TESL into ESO, everyone would have joined the ESO community to play that game. People that know how the game works would teach new players, and it would become a fantastic addition to the things players can do in game with a small but dedicated community that can teach the nuances of that game that would come with it. This new game just sounds like Fluxx, but with a deck building aspect and for 2 players instead of 4 to 6. That, combined with the fact that both decks are combined makes the game lose any sense of real strategy that would have been present, making it a card flip 50% chance of winning game almost every time. Calling it now. This game is going to release, people are going to either collect all the cards and play the game a bit then never touch it again causing it to become dead content, or it's going to be behind a paywall with card packs, and people will do the same thing, but slowly and then never touch the game again after 4 months.

    If it was TESL, you'd have a constant playerbase, and one that already exists coming in to support it. I cannot imagine that you made a game that is better than TESL, or even close with how the game mechanics sound like they work.
  • SilverBride
    I am looking forward to it. I really enjoy this game and that is why I continue to play it.
  • Ezorus
    Expansion focused on the war but sod all PvP content..

    (Nerfing all our builds doesn't count)
  • Casul
    PvP needs more love.
  • Rhygam
    Last year was disappointing, because Companions offered nothing interesting to mid- or endgame players, that already have a social component in the game and can solo most of the world content. But the hopes where high, that atleast something NEW, refreshing, would come.

    A new class, weapon line, or just a tweak of overland difficulty.

    Something, that would give a breeze of new INTERESTING Content to the players.

    I have sunk 7500 Hours into the game and spent also quite a bit of IRL money over the last seven years on this game.
    Despite the disappointment last year, i wanted to give it a chance. I wanted it to be good. Really. But after seeing the *big* feature of the year beeing a card game, that just was heartbreaking.

    As a fun minigame i would not mind it, since surely there is an audience for that stuff. (Cant be that big, since TES:L Didnt really go that well)

    But just look at the polls. Listen to the community, the players that stay, not the ones, that casually try it out and then move on.

    For now, the game offers nothing to me anymore and i will heavy heartedly move on.

    I hope, you take the resonance from your loyal players for once seriously.
  • MrGhosty
    I like the idea of the card game, I always thought it would have been cool to port the other ES card game into it to make Taverns actually serve a purpose beyond roleplay. Also looking forward to the companions, if for no other reason than to give me more actors to populate my houses. I am however very disappointed that these two features were the big "wow" item for this year's chapter. I really expected to see either a new class or skill line system to be added this year after last year's update was announced to be a bit lighter due to the pandemic.

    Kind of a shame.
    "It is a time of strife and unrest. Armies of revenants and dark spirits manifest in every corner of Tamriel. Winters grow colder and crops fail. Mystics are plagued by nightmares and portents of doom."
  • silvereyes
    IIt has been a bit downhill from there. There doesn't feel like much bang for your buck these days. We keep paying the same but we keep getting LESS new systems, LESS quests for the new zone, LESS rewards/costumes that can be earned in game, etc.
    Well, ESO+ keeps getting to be a better and better deal.

    And, if you don't own all the Chapters yet, then getting ALL of the previous chapters with the full version of the game is a really good deal.

    However, for a single upgrade edition, or of you already own all the other Chapters, I agree, they are not worth the money unless you get it at a deep discount a year from now.
  • SilverBride
    UrbanMonk wrote: »
    Bad Idea making this Poll :D

    I am not the least bit surprised that negativity would be dominant in the replies, because negativity is the main theme of a lot of threads on these forums.
  • Araneae6537
    Looking forward to the setting, story, new dungeons, and companions, but I really dislike a meta-TCG being added. Punctilious Conflict, etc. could be fun, but I would have rather had no new system than a meta card game.

    I am looking forward to seeing what will be new in housing systems (emotes for houseguests please) and furnishings!
    Edited by Araneae6537 on January 28, 2022 8:09PM
  • EmEm_Oh
    If the card game can be used to reward players with some unique skins, motifs, mounts, etc., then I'm ok with it, and it would add a little more fun to days where I just don't feel like doing pvp or pve quests.
  • Darkstorne
    • Breton focus (thank you!)
    • Potentially interesting setting and story focus.
    • I actually like card mini games. Loved Triple Triad and Gwent.

    • Card game is not a big headline feature, sorry guys. I like card games, but where's the one hand and spell weapon style (or anything else for magicka weapon variety)? Or spell crafting. Or just any feature that adds versatility to how we build our characters?
    • Beautiful location in the CG trailer, but in-game footage confirms my fear: 2002 Morrowind-era wall of fog is still here. Never a sunny day in ESO. It's clear and sunny in the CG reveal, but perma-fog in the real game. For the love of Talos do something with your engine. This game released after Skyrim but is visually outclassed by Oblivion where draw distance is concerned. That's a problem.
    • No mention of anything to tackle long-standing and well-known pain problems with this game. When is Cyrodiil PVP getting some much needed attention? Any news on difficulty scaling tweaks? How about a solo mode for dungeons (FFXIV added a great solution for this)? Any word on an overhaul to the shoddy animation system for movement and combat? Can I jump on a rock or slightly sloped roof yet without slooooooowly sliding while suspended in mid-air?

    Cards are nice. A new location is nice. But it seems there are zero changes to core gameplay here, no attention paid to numerous core game issues, and all in a visually archaic engine. So... you're asking us to pay you for a new zone to do exactly the same stuff in, but with cards. The same kind of money Endwalker and End of Dragons are asking for. And you can't possibly believe High Isle offers comparable value to those expansions... right?
  • K9002
    The combined landmass of these islands is so tiny that I really thought it would end up being the year-end DLC, not a full chapter. It's as if Bethesda tried to sell the Dragonborn or Far Harbor DLCs for 40 bucks. I just can't feel excited about it.
  • wolfie1.0.
    A TCG is something that i would expect from an addon app to the game. something to do while NOT in ESO, like a metaverse type thing. in the game? pass.

    I know ZOS said they were going light on the story and stuff this year but didn't expect something like this. To add to the pain there isn't a discount on the chapter. I feel no excitement. sure there is story content but that will still be there in a year when it hits ESO plus. With Blackwood i was excited about companions and that drove me to get it, that novelty has worn off. and with High Isle all i am getting is 2 companions and some story.

    right now i feel like this is just overpriced DLC and not a new chapter. this is probably the first chapter in ESO that i may skip.
  • Ghanima_Atreides
    So High Isle is inspired by the Mediterranean sea? Are you going to take everything from the imperials?

    The dlcs in Cyrodiil are not about them. The "imperial" companion is a breton in everything except appearance, and now the Mediterranean inspired look is taken from them as well?

    Apparently it's a tropical archipelago, and it uses many assets from Summerset, so it's more like ripping off the Altmer than the Imperials... :/
    [The Beauty of Tamriel] My collection of ESO screenshots

    Show me a completely smooth operation and I'll show you someone who's covering mistakes. Real boats rock.
  • agelonestar
    On the plus side, the look and feel was excellent.

    But where are the new features that your player base have been crying out for? I mean, who the heck asked for a de-con assistant or a card game?

    PLEASE tell me there's more to this. Right now it feels less even than Blackwood, and really that was mediocre at best. At best, I say again.

    GM of Sunfire's Sect trading guild on PC/EU. All that is gold does not glitter; not all those who wander are lost...... some of us are just looking for trouble.
    GM of Sunfire's Sect (Open) & Dark Star Rising (Priv) | Retired GM of several trade guilds | Trader | Here since the beta
  • VaranisArano
    A question I have: How much impact is this card game going to have on gameplay? What rewards do we get for playing it (or miss out on for not playing it?)

    See, card games aren't my cup of tea. I'll play Pinochle with my in-laws, but Magic: the Gathering is not my thing. Any card-collecting game more complicated than "Ticket to Ride" pretty much makes my eyes gaze over. I'm really not the target audience for this minigame. That's okay! If it were designed to appeal to me, it probably wouldn't appeal to the people who like card games!

    But since it's not my cup of tea, I'd like to know if this is a feature I can pretty much ignore if I don't want the rewards, or if it's going to have a significant gameplay impact and I'd better learn to like the taste of tea.

    Edited by VaranisArano on January 27, 2022 9:30PM
  • Ulfhethinn
    A card game is something I do not want in an MMO. Development time that could have been used on more QoL or more interesting features that directly effect gameplay.

    Also, the contents of these chapters are never worth $40. I almost always wait until they are half off, which represents the real value imo.
  • karthrag_inak
    Perhaps khajiit was dropped on his head too often, but with the early teaser's focus on the ocean, this one was hoping that the new system would be player-owned ships (and sailor/shipwright skill-lines) - delightful combinations of PVE combat, interaction and housing, with the ocean as khajiit's neighborhood. Decorate with sleek Elsweyr goods, arm with fiery cannon, and populate with khajiit pirate hirelings, all for sailing the salty seas for fun and large profits. Khajiit really believed this might happen, despite not having been given any clear reason to (this one often embraces flights of fancy with zealous fervor). Karth had visions of sea monsters...and npc pirates...port-to-port trade runs...

    But instead....khajiit sees a card game? That's .... that's just awful.

    Ah, well. This one has heard that there is khajiit companion, yes? At least that is something. Now my 17 khajiit can have twin, and my poor fishy-cat can have guidance.
    PC-NA : 19 Khajiit and 1 Fishy-cat with fluffy delusions
    GM of Imperial Gold Reserve trading guild (started in 2017) since 2/2022
  • stybbe17b16_ESO
    Update 33 was 10 times more interesting than the expansion
  • ELawlis
    After seeing the preview trailer, reading the update about the chapter, and generally missing a console MMO, I started following ESO again to see if it was worth installing after I quit in early 2021 after companions were announced.

    This chapter shows me that I made the right choice. No added skill lines, class, or race. Bare minimum midgame/endgame PVE content added, nothing addressed about PVP, and instead a major selling point is a mini-game that will be plagued with micro transactions and most likely flood the already problematic Loot Crate system.

    At this point, it feels like ZOS/ESO didn’t have a plan for the game post Elsweyr, and are looking to keep it alive just for the super-casual player
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