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Official Feedback Thread For ESO 2022 Global Reveal- High Isle

  • maboleth
    I see you like playing cards my friend, yes?

    How about you purchase some more Crates and play the cards with this one?

    Pacrooti haz warez if you have coin.
  • Bealeb319
    This is incredible it's like they don't read the forums and know what their players are looking for. A card game? When was the last time someone asked for that? Most people want combat to be fixed...harder content for maybe a sense of endgame content. The companions are fine I understand how some players enjoy them however what is the plan to build on that idea? Are the drops for them just going to be random? Why not add sets for your companions or solo arena for player and companion that drops useful companion weapons? It disgusts me that someone thought once players finished the storyline they would want to play a card game for hours while they wait for the next part of the chapter and what happens when that drops? Is the selling point going to be new cards?
  • WildRaptorX
    The chapter itself looks great. The storyline sounds really intriguing.


    I’m disappointed that’s it’s another yet long adventure because the story put to the side for the Q4 DLC

    Like others, I’m also really disappointed with the card game. It shouldn’t be the only major selling point to the expansion. Like others, I would have liked to have seen more skill lines.

    Completed eso for the first time in December and I’m all out of content. Was hoping for something more fulfilling to keep me playing the game.
  • EmEm_Oh
    Darkstorne wrote: »
    • Breton focus (thank you!)
    • Potentially interesting setting and story focus.
    • I actually like card mini games. Loved Triple Triad and Gwent.

    • Card game is not a big headline feature, sorry guys. I like card games, but where's the one hand and spell weapon style (or anything else for magicka weapon variety)? Or spell crafting. Or just any feature that adds versatility to how we build our characters?
    • Beautiful location in the CG trailer, but in-game footage confirms my fear: 2002 Morrowind-era wall of fog is still here. Never a sunny day in ESO. It's clear and sunny in the CG reveal, but perma-fog in the real game. For the love of Talos do something with your engine. This game released after Skyrim but is visually outclassed by Oblivion where draw distance is concerned. That's a problem.
    • No mention of anything to tackle long-standing and well-known pain problems with this game. When is Cyrodiil PVP getting some much needed attention? Any news on difficulty scaling tweaks? How about a solo mode for dungeons (FFXIV added a great solution for this)? Any word on an overhaul to the shoddy animation system for movement and combat? Can I jump on a rock or slightly sloped roof yet without slooooooowly sliding while suspended in mid-air?

    Cards are nice. A new location is nice. But it seems there are zero changes to core gameplay here, no attention paid to numerous core game issues, and all in a visually archaic engine. So... you're asking us to pay you for a new zone to do exactly the same stuff in, but with cards. The same kind of money Endwalker and End of Dragons are asking for. And you can't possibly believe High Isle offers comparable value to those expansions... right?

    Good points. I thought I did hear about performance and other issues to be addressed Q1 this year. But I certainly agree, this is 2022, and ESO needs to get its performance in line or the dye station treatment of these DLCs and content will certainly take a serious financial beating as time goes on.

    If ESO truly wants to stand-by their "Play whatever you want when you want" ideology, then we flat out need solo dungeon content option with a companion.
  • Rohamad_Ali
    This one will reserve judgements until played. Excited for new content.
  • RicAlmighty
    I thought the location and story setup seemed pretty interesting and something I'd like to know more about. I am not at all interested in ESO Gwent, so that holds no interest for me at all. New companions are always welcome too.

    I voted "mixed feelings" because some things have me quite interested while other parts are not interesting to me at all.
  • w002exp
    Seems more like a DLC than a chapter expansion.

    That said, some honest feedback. One thing ZOS could do to make the lack of features immediately better is say "hey we are taking it easy this year to put some hard core development time into making meaningful fixes to lag/cyrodil/existing systems/etc...."
  • Psiion
    Greetings all,

    After removing a few non-constructive posts, we would like to remind everyone that Bashing is against the Forum's Community Rules, as stated below:
    Bashing and Slanderous Comments: We do not permit the bashing of individuals (including ZeniMax employees), groups, or other companies on our forums. We believe that doing so is neither constructive nor in spirit of our game and community.

    Moving forward, we ask that discussion stay respectful and constructive.
    Staff Post
  • Phaedryn
    Card game...pass. have zero interest and frankly, if that's the big selling point I'm most likely skipping the chapter.
  • Mushroomancer
    I never cease to be amazed at the new levels of disappointment you guys are able to dish out each and every year.
    The only thing that seems decent is the zone, hopefully the questline will be too.

    I think we've come to a point where you really should start to ACTUALLY LISTEN to your playerbase. [snip]

    Also, can you please explain to us what you have been doing this entire year? Because there's no way that what's inevitably gonna be either a Legends asset flip or a dumbed down version of it took an entire year to make. Not to mention that there seems to be pretty much nothing to gain from it. Oh outside of the obligatory lead for the OP sale-bait mythic that you are gonna nerf after a month of course, classy that.

    The thing is, clearly you have talent in your team, but you squander it in pointless fluff that functions as a secondary gimmick system at best, while the gameplay keeps aging like milk in a desert with each passing year. PvE is stale as hell. PvP has been broken forever. Quests have been abysmal for the past three years. The same goes for trials and dungeons. Antiquities are just another grind hidden behind a lame minigame that takes 5 seconds to completely figure out (not to mention that excavation looks suspiciously similar to the excavation minigame in Diamond and Pearl, congrats on lifting ideas from a children's game). Companions shouldn't even need a mention for how pointless they are in 90% of activities. Seriously, who the hell makes the calls up there?

    I get that you are a company [snip] but my god, put some effort into it.

    Of course, this needs to be said, I don't mean to throw shade at the artists, programmers, and level designers, those are the guys actually doing the hard work. The problem is with the decision-making, [snip]

    Why can't we get a chapter with content geared towards every part of the playerbase? Is that too much to ask?
    Nothing more to say, just sheer disappointment.

    [edited for bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on January 28, 2022 5:58PM
    PC | EU 1600+ CP

    Chews-On-Shrooms - Argonian (EP) | Healer Warden
    I know I have a problem, leave me alone:

    Nirya Urayel - Altmer (EP) | Healer/Magicka Templar
    Ulen Favel - Dunmer (EP) | Magicka Nightblade
    Anise Favel - Dunmer (EP) | Magicka Dragonknight
    Vivienne Rielle - Breton (EP) | Hybrid Healer/Magicka Necromancer
    Gaspar Rielle - Breton (DC) | Magicka Sorcerer
    Ulfgar the Foul - Nord (EP) | Tank Necromancer
    Plays-With-Chains - Argonian (EP) | Tank Dragonknight
    Sonje the Wild - Nord (EP) | Tank Warden
    Brutus Lovidicus - Imperial (EP) | Tank Nightblade
    Velms Ienith - Dunmer (EP) | Tank Sorcerer
    Cassius Lanius - Imperial (EP) | Tank/Stamina Templar
    Shakar-gro-Khazgur - Orc (DC) | Stamina Dragonknight
    Liette Nightwind - Bosmer (AD) | Stamina Nightblade
    Ja'khar the Salty - Khajiit (EP) | Stamina Necromancer
    Saadia al-Tava - Redguard (EP) | Stamina Sorcerer
    Gwinas Hemp-Burner - Bosmer (EP) | Stamina Warden
    Grand Master Crafter, All Dungeon HM up to Stonethorn, vCrag HM, vDSA, vMA, Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, vHOF HM, vAS+2, Gryphon Heart, vBRP, vSS HM (Extinguisher of Flames),
    vKA HM (Shield of the North), vRG 1/3HM
  • spartaxoxo
    Will account wide achievements not include story quest achievements or will those be included as well? How will that affect quest dialogue where characters recognize you from previous adventures?
  • RisenEclipse
    Tavern games have been requested for awhile now in the game, and the card game will be a nice pass time in between PvE content. But I do sympathize with everyone who hoped for more additions in the PvP or PvE department. There hasn't been any meaningful updates in those areas for awhile. So, I think the chapter reveal would have been more broadly received if the card game AND new PvE or PvP additions were added as well.
    Edited by RisenEclipse on January 27, 2022 9:39PM
  • Astiron
    The card game would have been a nice add on to the base game, but not as a chapter. I feel like High Isle should've been a DLC and not a full chapter. I'll probably pick it up on sale at a fair DLC price.
  • Kesstryl
    Guys, they straight up told us there would be no new systems added this year as they were scaling back so they could focus on more important things, and you are all disappointed that there are no new systems at reveal? I'm glad there are no new systems because they can focus more on the things we wanted like fixing the game.

    I play new chapters for the story content, so I'm excited for that. I also like that we are getting new companions. People who want a companion that isn't a goody two shoes can rejoice with the Khajiit one. I was disappointed that we didn't get companions with the Fargrave/Deadlands DLC. It would be nice to get more than two new ones a year though.

    I don't like how they're calling the new Deconstruction assistant the Ragpicker. She's a pretty character with a crappy name slapped on. Why would a wood elf pick rags anyway? A Khajiit would more appropriately be a ragpicker. Just get rid of the Ragpicker on her name. It's just ugly.

    I'm ambivalent about the card game, but will participate in it to get new furnishings, like I do with Antiquities, which I'm also ambivalent about. I'm picky about CCGs so unless they pull off a decent one, I'll likely not care. It might make an interesting RP option though since you can play it with NPCs.

    Jakarn and Za'ji being in the new chapter is awesome, I like that they're coming back. I especially love Za'ji. It's nice having recurring characters return to adventure with you as you grow to think of them as friends. How about putting more of them in the Crown Store as house guests so they can visit with you after the questing is done, or during as a stop over?

    New lore for Bretons is awesome, and I can't wait to learn more.

    I still hope for a story mode for dungeon quests as there is no point in buying dungeon DLC when I will miss the story because most groups rush through it all. I still don't know what the story is in most dungeons. I have to read about it on outside fan sites.
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • LadyNalcarya
    The new dungeons and zone seem really cool.
    Not sure about the card game, though. I think it's not a bad addition on its own, but it sounds a bit underwhelming as a main chapter feature. I would like to see more, at least something like maormer race or a new weapon type.
    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

  • Tandor
    I'm very disappointed with the announcement of achievements being made account-wide. It'll spoil the game for a lot of players who run multiple characters in order to play them as individuals with different approaches and playstyles. It would be fine if it were optional.

    Likewise with the card game, it's of no interest to me but I'm delighted for those who want it - provided it's purely optional and card game challenges can be disabled in the same was as duel invitations.

    High Isle itself sounds fine, it's just the extras I'm disappointed with depending on whether they're imposed or optional.
  • SirLeeMinion
    If I wanted to play a card game, I suppose I'd go play a card game.

    I'd hoped for ocean travel and combat. I'd expected a new class or weapon or skill line or ... something ... relevant to existing game play. This is clearly out of touch with what the player base has wanted and expected.
  • Cameron991
    I’m not a fan of the new feature of the chapter, it’s been so long since we have had a meaningful gameplay addition. I wish we got a new weapons, class, or spell crafting. I want to play something new with combat. I think the chapter itself looks beautiful and I love the knight and medieval aesthetics but I’m just disappointed that we did not get a better feature with combat for the 3rd year I’m a row
  • Painik
    I'm really loooking forward to the zone and Breton lore, so I hope you were not focusing all of your dev resources too much on the new mechanic, because that would only risk so that the zone will have many empty corners as Blackwood had. I hope for many special/secret ("easteregg-ish" if you dare) spots to find.

    Card system as the main chapter mechanic/feature feels kinda underwhelming, we could get more collectibles through Antiquities instead of the new mechanic.

    We could finally get the class that can cast the spectral sword (and possibly more) - it's already in the game used by NPCs, that would be more interesting.
    Edited by Painik on January 27, 2022 9:44PM
    Solar powered.
  • acw37162
    I have almost nothing to say.

    No new class.

    No new weapons.

    A card game, I can throw a stone and buy hundred of; only this will be tied to in game rewards systems, so a card game I don't want to play that I you will force me to play, for stones or other rewards I would like to acquire.

    New companion/s, still don't have one of the first two to 20, if you want to know how engaging I find that gameplay loop.

    Cool new VFX and abilities for NPC's, awesome for the NPC.

    If I am being honest, I went back to work instead of finishing the stream and watching the after stream and I have zero desire to log in tonight when I get home to get tickets for the on going event, this was just a life suck.

    Edited by acw37162 on January 27, 2022 9:45PM
  • DarcyMardin
    Other stuff sounds good, but not interested in card game system. I look forward to the story though and the new region to explore. New companions sound good, too.
  • Destai
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for tuning in for the global reveal. If you're still looking for more information, the post-reveal live stream is going on right now on The VOD of the main show is also up on YouTube.

    Now that The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle has been revealed, we want to hear from you! Let us know what you think of the upcoming chapter. The things you like, dislike, or have general questions about. This is your thread to communicate your initial thoughts about High Isle with the forum community and ZOS. We will use questions asked here as a reference point for communication between now and High Isle release.

    Your constructive feedback will let us know what information we can better clarify leading up to launch and beyond. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on High Isle!

    *Friendly reminder to keep the Community Rules in mind when replying. Thank you!

    Thanks for putting this together, Kevin. The poll's a good move!

    It's soon to say, but overall I feel better about this year's story content than the previous two years.

    Art direction. As always, the art teams are nailing it. The locales, the assets, the music - all of it looks really good. This feels very fresh.
    Companions. I don't use them often, but I'm happy to see this system growing. Hopefully they're a better experience built on some of the feedback provided on the first two. Minor gripe, but I'd personally rather see one male and one female companion.
    Group Mount. Yes! Can't wait to see escort my gf around since mount speed takes 6 months to level.
    Decon Assistant. I don't know that I'll use it myself, but definitely a cool addition. Of course, it'd be nice to acquire this in game for a limited time.

    Yearly model. I think it's a detriment to the story-telling, but it's too soon to say. I was hoping this year would mark a departure from the break-neck pace we've seen since Elsweyr.

    No new combat systems. I'm probably in the minority here, but I don't think this game needs combat systems until the performance woes are updated. Do I want a new class or skill line, sure, but I'd rather you guys fix this game up first. Still, I think the game's going to stagnate without new ways to build characters.
    Trading Card game. I'm sure the system itself will be fun, I'm just nervous about how this will be monetized and what it's impact will be on the future of the game. Will this start taking priority over other styles of content?
    Edited by Destai on January 27, 2022 9:53PM
  • Xandreia_
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    I don't understand how the Alliance War is constantly discussed as a central theme of the ESO universe while the war itself and its zone is the most neglected part of the game.

  • majulook
    Why a card based mini-game that will just be another grind to get the decks? There is so many other things that could have been added to the game.

    Does not seem to be worth the cost.
    Si vis pacem, para bellum
  • dcam86b14_ESO
    I'm still waiting for the many years of lack of new class or skill trees...
    where are the base game class reworks?

    So much wasted potential with this very new zone...a new arena type, a new anything ...not a card game...

    At least cut the price for the chapter because it is lackluster
  • Vevvev
    Story, location, and Breton culture are what I'm looking forward to, however I'm skeptical about the card game. I'm a sucker for card games like Magic the Gathering, and I hope this card game doesn't crash and burn like The Elder Scrolls: Legends did. Please don't make the same mistakes, please don't fill it to the brim with kill cards, and please please please don't add that stupid over the top OP invade mechanic from Legends!!!
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • DP99
    The story and zone seem interesting.

    Couldn’t care less about the card game.

    Don’t know about the companions. I like the system, but not looking forward to having to grind any more after the first two.
  • vgabor
    Disappointing... There's so many things needs improvement, so many things could be added what players requesting since years, and instead of those a card game?? [snip]

    [edited for profanity bypass]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on January 28, 2022 6:00PM
  • PrimusTiberius
    Very excited about the main story and new questing, the new Khajiit companion is cool! but the card, a bit disappointed.

    On my main ESO account website, its only listing PC purchases, I'm on PS4...looking where to pre-purchase.

    I also just ordered the Ascendant Lord statue, so cool :)
    Everyone is going in one direction, I'm going the other direction
  • Araneae6537
    I’ve been thinking about it and I guess I’ll be okay with this card game thing if it is separate and nothing I want is gated behind it. Honestly, that would make me resent the system. It doesn’t fit IN an MMORPG IMHO. But if, like companions, it’s optional and nothing gated behind it (I do like companions but wish they had more varied and specific dialogue), then it’s okay, I guess.

    I don’t want to focus on the negative though and other aspects in the reveal appeal to me, including political intrigue and the locations and dungeon design. :)
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