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Official Feedback Thread For ESO 2022 Global Reveal- High Isle

  • Lysette
    Tandor wrote: »
    Likewise with the card game, it's of no interest to me but I'm delighted for those who want it - provided it's purely optional and card game challenges can be disabled in the same way as duel invitations.

    This has to be highlighted as it is quite important - I like in game card games, but I might for quite a while not want to play it with other players, but stick to NPCs to learn the game first and try out different strategies and get used to them, without being bothered by game requests of other players.
    Edited by Lysette on January 27, 2022 9:55PM
  • Malthorne
    There’s always next year
  • Hlanu
    I think I will take a break and come back in '23. I neither hated nor was I disappointed by the reveal (except for server-wide achievements) and as beautifully crafted the location may be, there is simply too much I don't care for, like the returning characters or the card game. After the terrible experience I had with Greymoor I told myself I would not engage in any content I am not interested in. I of course will watch streams and see if what I see changes my mind but I don't think it will.
    Hlanu - Redguard Arcanist
    Tahemet at-Hubalajad - Redguard Sorcerer

    PC EU
  • Ronin37
    Kesstryl wrote: »
    Guys, they straight up told us there would be no new systems added this year as they were scaling back so they could focus on more important things, and you are all disappointed that there are no new systems at reveal? I'm glad there are no new systems because they can focus more on the things we wanted like fixing the game.

    I play new chapters for the story content, so I'm excited for that. I also like that we are getting new companions. People who want a companion that isn't a goody two shoes can rejoice with the Khajiit one. I was disappointed that we didn't get companions with the Fargrave/Deadlands DLC. It would be nice to get more than two new ones a year though.

    I don't like how they're calling the new Deconstruction assistant the Ragpicker. She's a pretty character with a crappy name slapped on. Why would a wood elf pick rags anyway? A Khajiit would more appropriately be a ragpicker. Just get rid of the Ragpicker on her name. It's just ugly.

    I'm ambivalent about the card game, but will participate in it to get new furnishings, like I do with Antiquities, which I'm also ambivalent about. I'm picky about CCGs so unless they pull off a decent one, I'll likely not care. It might make an interesting RP option though since you can play it with NPCs.

    Jakarn and Za'ji being in the new chapter is awesome, I like that they're coming back. I especially love Za'ji. It's nice having recurring characters return to adventure with you as you grow to think of them as friends. How about putting more of them in the Crown Store as house guests so they can visit with you after the questing is done, or during as a stop over?

    New lore for Bretons is awesome, and I can't wait to learn more.

    I still hope for a story mode for dungeon quests as there is no point in buying dungeon DLC when I will miss the story because most groups rush through it all. I still don't know what the story is in most dungeons. I have to read about it on outside fan sites.

    Card game is a new system
  • SerafinaWaterstar

    No spellcrafting
    How would this actually work in an mmo?

    no 1H+Rune, no spears,
    Do not care for either

    no PvP reworks,
    They are redoing the base code

    no veteran overland difficulty scaling,
    Good. Still no consensus on how this should be implemented

    heists and dark brotherhood sacrament systems were completely abandoned a long time ago

    there's no sense of passage of time in previously released content
    Again, how would this work in an mmo?

    that content is released and forever abandoned (Vivec City's canton is still under construction 5 years later),
    What?! Really?

    crime system is still underdeveloped,
    Again, what?

    clunky combat being cited as the #1 reason why people don't play TESO
    By whom?

    why is a trading card game of all things being added?
    Why not?

    Really, why do you play this game? Genuine question.
  • GetAgrippa
    I’ve been thinking about it and I guess I’ll be okay with this card game thing if it is separate and nothing I want is gated behind it.

    If you're into mythics I can almost guarantee there will be leads tied to the card game. We're going to have to play it if we want shiny new things.
  • hafgood
    Not very impressed at all.

    Not interested in card game

    Not interested in companions

    Devastated about account wide achievements - many many players do not want these but you have ignored them


    No, not impressed at all

    [edited for bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on January 28, 2022 6:02PM
  • DagenHawk
    Meh every year it's the same thing...

    ZoS dose a reveal and the forum loses it's mind...personally I'm still waiting for the epic fallout and immanent doom from the Morrowind ("THAT IS NOT MORROWIND!!!!!!" ) and the Elsweyr ("How dare they have Dragons!!!!!!") expansion packs...

    Folks ask why no one takes this forums seriously...well that's why.
    Edited by DagenHawk on January 27, 2022 10:00PM
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    So we’re basically getting Elder Scrolls Arcomage, from the sound of it?
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works

    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
  • draigwyrdd
    Very underwhelmed. The zone itself seems lovely, but the "main feature" being a card minigame is very much not to my taste. Two female companions instead of one each male and female is also disappointing.

    It would have been nice to see a new combat skill line, or maybe new morphs for existing class skills, or another ability in class skill lines (etc).

    High Isle doesn't seem worthy of being a full chapter, and that's relative to Blackwood (which was imo the most lacklustre chapter yet).
  • redlink1979
    I had higher expectations for 2022 and you give us Elder Scrolls Legends 2.0...
    "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear"
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  • Krayl
    As stated by many, this update is really underwhelming. You've laid the foundation now with hybridization and collected sets to offer up a lot of variety, build diversity, etc. . .

    . . and followed that up with some copy and paste content.

    The pve solo game is far too easy to care about new zones or quests. I'm sure may people disagree but the lore and story isn't nearly compelling enough to slog through mindless content. As Skinnycheeks mentioned in a recent video, it kind of ruins the whole story when it takes all of 5 seconds to obliterate story "bosses". Some people think the Breton setting is underwhelming, I don't really care about that. It really doesn't matter what setting it is when everything is incredibly easy.

    Honestly I have friends I'd love to play ESO with but the ease of the game is almost cringy at this point so I'd feel bad recommending they spend time installing a game that I know they are just going to find zero challenge in.

    A card game that sounds nearly entirely luck-of-the-draw based will be fun for all of one day.

    I haven't used a companion since they were new, why micro-manage something else for no reason?

    Why this aversion to improving what we have?

    A luck based card game and companions are the ILLUSION of content, not content.

    For the first time in years im considering cancelling my eso+. This just gives very little to look forward to til next year.
  • TelvanniWizard
    Account-wide achievements: Finally, thank you!

    Card game: This should habe never been the main feature of the chapter, disgusting.
  • Cloudtrader
    I'm excited about the new companions! And the card game seems interesting.
  • WraithShadow13
    none of that reveal was interesting for me.

    I'm seriously disappointed in the card game, since that seems like it would have been better as a stand-alone app rather than wasting in-game resources that could have been better suited elsewhere in-game.

    Out of everything shown, The deconstructor assistant seemed like the only thing that i would actually want. *maybe* the horse that lets my companion ride with me but that is going to be useful to A character, maybe two. I'll have to see how the companions are, and what common thing i do makes them hate me. My main is both an assassin AND a thief, He's also a Vampire, so i kind of expect on of the companions to hate him for just being THAT, too, since they seem so keen on punishing vamp players lately, lol

    The Drops seemed like a big fail that will upset a lot of people. Specifically, those who ONLY watched the reveal. When they finally turned the drops on, in the post-reveal stream, i had to earn them from 0% progress. AFTER that, they had to be manually claimed through the Drops page on twitch. Something they didn't mention until the literal end of that second stream, so there are going to be a lot of angry people who didn't get either drop.

    Aside from that, the reveal was lackluster and boring, the content was meh, the card system is horribly disappointing and will likely be overpriced, I was disappointed that there are no new playable races, no new weapon types, no new classes, no new skill trees, or ANY thing like that shown in the reveal. At some point, the forums seemed convinced that SAILING was going to be a thing, so i'm a bit sad it wasn't. I get that Skyrim is a hard thing to top but this reveal definitely didn't even come close.
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    there's no sense of passage of time in previously released content
    Again, how would this work in an mmo?

    Almost every mmo I've played besides ESO shows time has passed because expansions/dlc/chapters whatever you want to call them, have a canonical order. You can often do them in whatever order you want but one is canon and makes more sense. Meanwhile ESO removed that and have no canonical order, causing a lack of continuity and appearance of time passing.
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • Lysette
    hafgood wrote: »

    I see no benefit in it either - I have like 100-120 free slots available on an average character when I go out exploring - and if I really get that many items to fill all those slots during a session, I can as well go home and deconstruct it there - why would I want to do that somewhere outdoors?

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on January 28, 2022 6:03PM
  • SilverBride
    I was very happy to see that the reactions in game are mostly positive.
  • Coach99
    The new house looks amazing, curious about the card game and cautiously optimistic on the new chapter
  • TitusF2
    Kesstryl wrote: »
    Guys, they straight up told us there would be no new systems added this year as they were scaling back so they could focus on more important things, and you are all disappointed that there are no new systems at reveal? I'm glad there are no new systems because they can focus more on the things we wanted like fixing the game.

    The card game is a new system. Albeit, a more isolated system. But a new system nonetheless. I wish they would have released Spellcrafting instead for the past year, as that was an already built system, but just shelved back in 2014.
    This is text.
  • Steff_En
    My Opinion for High Isle

    +++ Breton themed content, lore etc.
    They are at least my favourite race^^

    + New Companions
    Nice to have some different pets, especially for solo players (at nearly 2000CP, I don't need them at all)

    --- Card Game
    I read about it this day in the english forums... And I thought, please... don' let this be true and be THIS feature off our long years adventure. I thougt about 1H+Spell, a new skill line...

    The new overland btw looks very nice, and I'm very exited for the Bretons themed content!
    Lilly Virane - Templar - DC - Makellose Eroberin - Nie endendes Lied - PvE - Heal/Support/DD/Off-Tank - CP2100+PC | EU - 2022
  • colossalvoids
    Well my initial thoughts then.

    Chapter features being companions I have no use for (and would be forced to level up to get achievements as a collector) and in-game mini game is just immensely disappointing after 2 years of no real helpful additions in chapters. Even one weapon or guild line would do but here we are. As a lore nerd and raider I might end up with the chapter but for sure not because it's main features.

    AC wide achievements are interesting, will for sure use Unchained on my level 1 bank character lol.

    Dungeons are nice though, surely gonna buy that one as always being really well crafted. Rewards are disappointing here but I had zero hopes so fine with it, I'm there for a content itself luckily.

    Excites for combat previews next day though.
  • Goren
    I'm so glad Elden Ring comes out this February. This is so disappointing.. What keeps them from implementing a One Hand and Magic skill line??
    Edited by Goren on January 27, 2022 10:19PM
  • jamesterj14
    Been playing this game for years, bought every DLC on release and this is the first one i'm probably gonna miss. I love the idea of the story, trying to resolve the 3 banners war and I like the focus on breton culture but the new system (which should be a main pull for the chapter) is a card game... really?

    Just look at how ES: Legends turned out, this has been proven to be something that the vast majority of ES fans are not that interested in so I really do find myself questioning the decision making skills behind this. Additionally, I can already see this being monetized with cards or decks available in the crown store or in crown crates. [snip]

    [edited for bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on January 28, 2022 6:03PM
  • SammyKhajit
    This one has mixed feelings.

    The Breton story and lore will be fun, and thank you for bringing back Za’ji and a new khajit companion.

    Just hope that the card game won’t be another way of locking new costumes and furnishings behind a game that not everyone will enjoy.
  • Lysette
    I was very happy to see that the reactions in game are mostly positive.

    This doesn't make me wonder, because a whole lot will never visit the forum (I don't in most of the games I'm playing) - I even guess that the forum is not representative of the whole player base, but rather a group with special interests in regards to game development.
  • Adremal
    They gave more screen time to 3rd party merchandise, giveaways and jokes rather than showing off actual content and answering questions. Many areas and assets were copypasted. Virtually no info about the card game as opposed to previous features reveal. All we know is the opponent will be able to use our own hardly-farmed cards - wait what? Seriously?
    Two new companions, another human and a khajiit, so much for diversity. New huge house, utter refusal talk about furnishing limits. Overall read on the biggest streamers rooms very negative.
    Supremely disappointing. Back to maintenance mode till at least Q3-4 I guess.
  • xDeusEJRx
    Wtb 50 eso card packs cheap
    Solo PvP'er PS5 NA player

    90% of my body is made of Magblade
  • FeedbackOnly
    I hoping the trial is interesting with Pirates. Everyone wanted boats. Please add boats to trial.
  • icapital
    What an embarrassing chapter.
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