That's because M'aiq pronounces his own name as "My-eek," but that could be attributed to his accent. I pronounce it that way too, just because that's how he says it, but it makes sense that it would be "Mike" as well.
LadySinflower wrote: »
Wait, is that the same Khajiit and her dog? I completed that quest months ago and didn't realize! Thank you for telling me!
nah. he is too exotic to be just mike.
FrancisCrawford wrote: »
There are a lot of delve standards, including (all quotes approximate):
"The pretty one. The one with a beard."
"That's not soup; that's my laundry."
"They say money is the root of all evil. Everybody needs to have roots."
So fun to read this thread from the beginning.
As has been pointed out, so many memorable lines hit home because of the way they're delivered.
I've been through the Coldharbour quest line more than a dozen times on alts and still laugh when Molag Grunda sends her golem to fight me and when it's killed, cries out in a very disappointed hoarse voice,
"You killed my creature!"
She sounds like a stereotype of a cartoon villain, and I'm sure that's just the way the voice actor intended it.
this thread is from 2014
tinythinker wrote: »
ha true but this has got to be the oldest that isn't locked...think was from the beta days. Zumog Phoom tier necromancy
OutLaw_Nynx wrote: »
How I feel when I’m at work 😭
I love the Khajiit merchants in Senchal, especially these guys:
Sanuzh, the "enchanter," who really isn't:
"Our vast rune inventory includes rare selections such as this, uh, shiny strange rune … and, uh, glowing bobbly thing. Or even our bestselling squiggly swirl block!
Ziss, this one needs a new job."
"Listen, just see what we have. This one really can't pronounce any of the things we are selling. Sanuzh wants only to pay off a debt."
With the following lines of dialogue he pulls out a scroll and begins reading the prewritten store dialogue:
"Hello, fair adventurer! Please partake in our most illustorus … illustery … illustrious, yes that sounds right, illustrious store … ziss, why are there so many big words in this note?
Ummm, please buy something."
"Are you feeling disenchanted with your life? If so, this one has good news for you. Our products can enhance anything. Weapons. Armors. Lovers. You name it."
Mojaluz, the alchemist:
"Mojaluz tests all the potions he sells personally! In fact, Mojaluz just drank a potent one that heals Dragon burns. Oh no. Why do you have five eyes?"
"Mojaluz used to be a chef, but realized no money can be made baking treats. Unless those treats have special ingredients."
"All sales are final! Mojaluz doesn't care if you threw up the potion you drank or if your skin turns green. No refunds!"
"Listen, Mojaluz understands that better herbalists might work within Senchal, but at least this one's goods are legal. The Shields buy them often!"
And, lastly this gem from the banker, Murimdak, in the Outlaws Refuge:
"People told Murimdak he was crazy to open a bank in a refuge for outlaws. But do you know what's really crazy? Leaving your workplace to relieve yourself. Down here? Ha! The world is Murimdak's chamber pot!"