Veteran Vateshran hollows last boss difficulty

  • zvavi
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Kurat wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Alcast wrote: »
    I ran the arena a lot on the PTS and I knew the Minotaur boss and the last one will be tricky compared to all other bosses in there.

    The last boss should be difficult, that is fine, if you have the right build the shades won't cause any trouble. I think the problem with the Minotaur boss is that there is just too many mechanics such as the grapple hook (which isn't made for in combat purposes because you have to sheath your weapon mid fight), his color change, the mages fire mechanic and trillions of stuns and interrupting which all make the fight a lot longer.

    I have seen many players not get the ESSENCES that boost your stats by up to 10k, I recommend reading the Vateshran Holllows Arena guide (English & German Versions) to get more info on that.

    If you need further help you can also check out my Youtube Playlist of Vateshran Hollows which has runs of almost all magicka/stamina setups.

    If you ask me the minotaur is like a million times easier than the last fight is. Are the mechanics kind of annoying? Sure. But at least it doesn't force you to play an offensive build like the last fight does. Why even have defensive gear in the game in the first place if you aren't going to allow players to use it to be able to complete the content? This is especially the case since actual tank gear drops from this arena. The last fight is just bad design. It's impossible for defensive builds. I don't know why the developers of this game just assume everyone plays a DPS build. Then they wonder why tanks are so rare.

    No build is good for all content. That's what I like about eso, you have make some changes depending on what content you're doing. I even change gear/skills in the same dungeon/trial/arena depending on fights. That doesn't mean I can't do it with some fixed build but it just makes fights so much easier if you make adjustments.
    I found the last boss fight difficult at first on pts. And now got the trifecta for all my toons, including stam. It's all about practice and getting used to it and knowing your class/builds. Same thing was with vMA at first, it took me days of raging to clear, now I can do flawless runs with my eyes closed.

    Just keep at it and you will get it.

    PS I also got the trifecta with my dk tank. I only changed to dps gear but kept cp, lord mundus, attributes etc as tank. My dps was only around 20-25k but it was enough, cleared in 43 min.

    It's not so much about whether I can win or not, Kurat. It's about being able to win as a defensive build, the kind I actually like to play and have invested all my time and effort into. I just don't find it interesting or challenging to force players to change into a DPS build to defeat content. For example: I just got done doing The Wounding (since I have to start over so I can get these gimmicky "buffs) and I tried for an hour trying to defeat the secret boss. I eventually gave up, as I simply did not have the DPS to shut down his healing.

    Then I switched to a DPS build and beat it first time in a few minutes and was by far the easiest boss. Am I suddenly more skilled? No. I'm the exact same player. If anything, I was playing a lot more skillfully on my tank. The only difference was my DPS build had more damage and boom, I won. It's stupid.

    I wish the developers of this game would move away from this silly and false idea that inserting DPS race mechanics into a fight makes it more "challenging". It doesn't. All it does is force players to use DPS builds. That's literally all it does and I'm tired of them ruining content for people by obsessing over that illusion of challenge that is the DPS race mechanic because it brings nothing of worth to a fight and just alienates players like myself.

    The last fight you need a build that you would literally never use for any other content in the game because it would be ineffective in anything outside of questing or maybe soloing a vet dungeon (many vet dungeons have even harder DPS checks than vateshran.) In this way it is forcing you into a different play style. I would never wear earthgore on a stam DPS while slotting 2 heals and 2 shields or wear a stam sustain set for any other content in the game. The build itself is absurd and turns into a self buff machine with a couple AOE’s that spams 1 attack between mechanics. It kind of throws “play how you want” straight out the window.

    I ran Mother's Sorrow/Perfected False God's. A very, very, very common mag DPS build for lots of content. Literally the only change I made from a dps build was to slot elemental drain for the breach and mag return (since normally a healer would provide that)

    Exactly the problem; just slot the same thing as every single mag dps multi player content build and literally ignore mechanics and get the dungeon done in minutes.

    Thats not what solo content should be. Its fine for 4 man + content, as you expect maximizing dps to be rewarded.

    But in solo content, strategy and thought and interactions should be rewarded.

    The whole arena up until the final boss proves they can do it just fine lol

    Oh, I agree. The arena is too easy. I was hoping for something on par with how difficult vMA was at launch.

    The forums would have exploded if that had happened.

    We already have lots of people complaining vVH is "too hard", some in this thread. When it's almost faceroll easy for somebody who's already done vMA.

    Was VMA only hard at its launch because we didn't have the power creep yet? Heck wasn't it still VR16 when it launched? I was a noob back then and a FAR better player now. We may only think VMA was harder because we weren't that good yet plus there wasn't the sets back then that there is today. My first clear of VMA was 4/02/2016. I think if Vate had dropped back then I would have had a WAY harder time completing it than VMA.

    Yes, vMA was more difficult at launch for precisely those reasons. Gear sets were not as good (think that Seducer/Julianos was close to BiS on a magicka toon). I think I was wearing Spinners/Julianos when I cleared it?

    Yes, players are better and I don't think it would be as hard to do in the exact same situation with the same gear available.

    I think Vateshran is on par in difficulty with vMA currently, they're close to the same IMO. I was hoping for something more difficult is all, not getting no-death on my 2nd clear (while going slow to get all the buffs/bonus bosses/taking a phone call in the middle/etc..) and getting Spirit Slayer on my 4th clear.

    OMG when I first cleared it I think I was running Julianos/Willpower and Engine Guardian. LOL. I agree the new Arena is too easy. I got spirit slayer first day of launch and it wasn't as satisfying as clearing VMA for the first time. I still remember the euphoria of clearing VMA.

    I mean, I am a relatively new player, my first complete was necropotence mechanical illambris. But ye. Clearing vMA the first time was exciting and fun. vVH is indeed probably harder. But too easy for those who know combat.
  • Everest_Lionheart
    zvavi wrote: »
    alright, i made a video of me clearing last boss on stamden, to balance to lower cp's i took only 1 hp buff, and only 2 stamina buffs (all 3 were waiting for me before the minatour, my heart bled passing by them, i even jumped down once from mino platform to check if it will kill you even though there is ground below) (it does, and u dont get the essence) (the orb noise killed me for the whole fight :cry:)

    so, i run it like i usually do with the change of trying to take it slower and not nuking boss to much, i even waited in the void on the last phase for her to get to 100% (ignore me killing colossi then, i got bored). few things i found out after the video:

    flame spinny is 7 hits, and dodgable.
    killing colossi in the void does nothing.
    i can know when the big ground aoe pops, it happens around 10~ seconds after a mino spawns on the arena, in the place u were 5~ seconds after his spawn.
    u still cant bash archers even though they have the animation that indicates you can.
    colossi hit way too hard.
    execute, execute, execute (seriously executioner is fun).

    setup: vMA bow backbar, front mechanical acuity, second set Vicious Serpent, monster set velidreth (bad idea, seriously, it agros so many colossi radomly if you position yourself badly, too lazy to change it). food: bi stat. potions: trash pots (base just stamina random potions that drop everywhere).

    The pace of your fight is how I get through the first 3 phases the game seems to throw the kitchen sink at me every time I come through that last portal. Starting with colossi at 92% which is normally at 80. You see the lightning, firethorn and flame shaper all spawn within about 3 seconds of one another and the flame shaper spawns on the ring and the ring moves past it before she starts the channel.

    You video is like most every other one I have watched, mechanics come at you are a slower pace and generally not all stacked up line in mine. For me it’s like that almost every time. My favourite part is when I break the ring and colossi is standing in the hole I opened forcing a roll dodge out this happens almost every time so I am used to it now. So far I am able to mitigate, lightning and firethorn plus colossi and boss incoming and survive, but the 8K per hit from the flame shaper is death for me.

    I do feel like if I had chosen a different shade to kill that the flame shaper would have been swept up in AOE and I would have survived easily though, but when the tether starts you have to pick a shade and focus not wait for flame shaper to decide.

    Your video helps to see it and I appreciate the insight. If I could just get the mechs to play along and not be so punishing that would be great.
  • zvavi
    zvavi wrote: »
    alright, i made a video of me clearing last boss on stamden, to balance to lower cp's i took only 1 hp buff, and only 2 stamina buffs (all 3 were waiting for me before the minatour, my heart bled passing by them, i even jumped down once from mino platform to check if it will kill you even though there is ground below) (it does, and u dont get the essence) (the orb noise killed me for the whole fight :cry:)

    so, i run it like i usually do with the change of trying to take it slower and not nuking boss to much, i even waited in the void on the last phase for her to get to 100% (ignore me killing colossi then, i got bored). few things i found out after the video:

    flame spinny is 7 hits, and dodgable.
    killing colossi in the void does nothing.
    i can know when the big ground aoe pops, it happens around 10~ seconds after a mino spawns on the arena, in the place u were 5~ seconds after his spawn.
    u still cant bash archers even though they have the animation that indicates you can.
    colossi hit way too hard.
    execute, execute, execute (seriously executioner is fun).

    setup: vMA bow backbar, front mechanical acuity, second set Vicious Serpent, monster set velidreth (bad idea, seriously, it agros so many colossi radomly if you position yourself badly, too lazy to change it). food: bi stat. potions: trash pots (base just stamina random potions that drop everywhere).

    The pace of your fight is how I get through the first 3 phases the game seems to throw the kitchen sink at me every time I come through that last portal. Starting with colossi at 92% which is normally at 80. You see the lightning, firethorn and flame shaper all spawn within about 3 seconds of one another and the flame shaper spawns on the ring and the ring moves past it before she starts the channel.

    You video is like most every other one I have watched, mechanics come at you are a slower pace and generally not all stacked up line in mine. For me it’s like that almost every time. My favourite part is when I break the ring and colossi is standing in the hole I opened forcing a roll dodge out this happens almost every time so I am used to it now. So far I am able to mitigate, lightning and firethorn plus colossi and boss incoming and survive, but the 8K per hit from the flame shaper is death for me.

    I do feel like if I had chosen a different shade to kill that the flame shaper would have been swept up in AOE and I would have survived easily though, but when the tether starts you have to pick a shade and focus not wait for flame shaper to decide.

    Your video helps to see it and I appreciate the insight. If I could just get the mechs to play along and not be so punishing that would be great.

    I was trying hard to get mechs overlap though by prolonging it (excluding colossi), I had few time with colossi+adds+flame guy + aoes. Twice. I usually don't get colossi+adds+wall+flame+aoe all together because I get rid of one of those before the other manages to pop up...

    Btw one thing I did notice was that during high pressure (your vid) you went ahead and started rebuffing, rebuffing is for when you can breath, when *** goes bananas u need to go bananas on *** (unless u get out of damage with rolls then that's a 2 seconds breath to rebuff, still prefer to pop vigor)

    I also think you should try swapping your emergency heal for vigor, vigor is just so much better. Value might be more or less the same but vigor can be precast and it won't overhead you right away.

    And again, flame dude is dodgable, only 7 hits, so 2 dodges mitigate 4 of them (and other incoming damage like boss and colossi light attacks)
    Edited by zvavi on November 25, 2020 4:22PM
  • Destyran
    I think it’s a learn to play issue it’s not challenging content it’s just mechanics and you can burn last boss to ignore most mechanics with not even much dps i have just come back using julianos and on a Templar I have no Idea what I am doing and did first clear blind in 3 hours next I didn’t die on any boss but I grappled to fast and died and a few times on last boss because I had accidentally unchained too many colossus
  • Waffennacht
    I wanna hear what mag versions of:


    Are running to get through (set wise)

    Stam is fairly well covered, Sorc and NB got an easy non dps alternative. So the above mag classes, whatcha using?

    Btw you can roll dodge out of any part of the tether once its broken, not just the hole you made - at least it worked that way for me earlier
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Kurat
    I wanna hear what mag versions of:


    Are running to get through (set wise)

    Stam is fairly well covered, Sorc and NB got an easy non dps alternative. So the above mag classes, whatcha using?

    Btw you can roll dodge out of any part of the tether once its broken, not just the hole you made - at least it worked that way for me earlier

    On magden I used false god, mother's sorrow (meta) and the ring of pale order. Got the trifecta on 2nd try. Also cleared without the ring but no trifecta. Used same fg and ms and Iceheart, lotus and vines for heals.
  • spartaxoxo
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Kurat wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Alcast wrote: »
    I ran the arena a lot on the PTS and I knew the Minotaur boss and the last one will be tricky compared to all other bosses in there.

    The last boss should be difficult, that is fine, if you have the right build the shades won't cause any trouble. I think the problem with the Minotaur boss is that there is just too many mechanics such as the grapple hook (which isn't made for in combat purposes because you have to sheath your weapon mid fight), his color change, the mages fire mechanic and trillions of stuns and interrupting which all make the fight a lot longer.

    I have seen many players not get the ESSENCES that boost your stats by up to 10k, I recommend reading the Vateshran Holllows Arena guide (English & German Versions) to get more info on that.

    If you need further help you can also check out my Youtube Playlist of Vateshran Hollows which has runs of almost all magicka/stamina setups.

    If you ask me the minotaur is like a million times easier than the last fight is. Are the mechanics kind of annoying? Sure. But at least it doesn't force you to play an offensive build like the last fight does. Why even have defensive gear in the game in the first place if you aren't going to allow players to use it to be able to complete the content? This is especially the case since actual tank gear drops from this arena. The last fight is just bad design. It's impossible for defensive builds. I don't know why the developers of this game just assume everyone plays a DPS build. Then they wonder why tanks are so rare.

    No build is good for all content. That's what I like about eso, you have make some changes depending on what content you're doing. I even change gear/skills in the same dungeon/trial/arena depending on fights. That doesn't mean I can't do it with some fixed build but it just makes fights so much easier if you make adjustments.
    I found the last boss fight difficult at first on pts. And now got the trifecta for all my toons, including stam. It's all about practice and getting used to it and knowing your class/builds. Same thing was with vMA at first, it took me days of raging to clear, now I can do flawless runs with my eyes closed.

    Just keep at it and you will get it.

    PS I also got the trifecta with my dk tank. I only changed to dps gear but kept cp, lord mundus, attributes etc as tank. My dps was only around 20-25k but it was enough, cleared in 43 min.

    It's not so much about whether I can win or not, Kurat. It's about being able to win as a defensive build, the kind I actually like to play and have invested all my time and effort into. I just don't find it interesting or challenging to force players to change into a DPS build to defeat content. For example: I just got done doing The Wounding (since I have to start over so I can get these gimmicky "buffs) and I tried for an hour trying to defeat the secret boss. I eventually gave up, as I simply did not have the DPS to shut down his healing.

    Then I switched to a DPS build and beat it first time in a few minutes and was by far the easiest boss. Am I suddenly more skilled? No. I'm the exact same player. If anything, I was playing a lot more skillfully on my tank. The only difference was my DPS build had more damage and boom, I won. It's stupid.

    I wish the developers of this game would move away from this silly and false idea that inserting DPS race mechanics into a fight makes it more "challenging". It doesn't. All it does is force players to use DPS builds. That's literally all it does and I'm tired of them ruining content for people by obsessing over that illusion of challenge that is the DPS race mechanic because it brings nothing of worth to a fight and just alienates players like myself.

    The last fight you need a build that you would literally never use for any other content in the game because it would be ineffective in anything outside of questing or maybe soloing a vet dungeon (many vet dungeons have even harder DPS checks than vateshran.) In this way it is forcing you into a different play style. I would never wear earthgore on a stam DPS while slotting 2 heals and 2 shields or wear a stam sustain set for any other content in the game. The build itself is absurd and turns into a self buff machine with a couple AOE’s that spams 1 attack between mechanics. It kind of throws “play how you want” straight out the window.

    I ran Mother's Sorrow/Perfected False God's. A very, very, very common mag DPS build for lots of content. Literally the only change I made from a dps build was to slot elemental drain for the breach and mag return (since normally a healer would provide that)

    Exactly the problem; just slot the same thing as every single mag dps multi player content build and literally ignore mechanics and get the dungeon done in minutes.

    Thats not what solo content should be. Its fine for 4 man + content, as you expect maximizing dps to be rewarded.

    But in solo content, strategy and thought and interactions should be rewarded.

    The whole arena up until the final boss proves they can do it just fine lol

    Oh, I agree. The arena is too easy. I was hoping for something on par with how difficult vMA was at launch.

    The forums would have exploded if that had happened.

    We already have lots of people complaining vVH is "too hard", some in this thread. When it's almost faceroll easy for somebody who's already done vMA.

    Was VMA only hard at its launch because we didn't have the power creep yet? Heck wasn't it still VR16 when it launched? I was a noob back then and a FAR better player now. We may only think VMA was harder because we weren't that good yet plus there wasn't the sets back then that there is today. My first clear of VMA was 4/02/2016. I think if Vate had dropped back then I would have had a WAY harder time completing it than VMA.

    Yes, vMA was more difficult at launch for precisely those reasons. Gear sets were not as good (think that Seducer/Julianos was close to BiS on a magicka toon). I think I was wearing Spinners/Julianos when I cleared it?

    Yes, players are better and I don't think it would be as hard to do in the exact same situation with the same gear available.

    I think Vateshran is on par in difficulty with vMA currently, they're close to the same IMO. I was hoping for something more difficult is all, not getting no-death on my 2nd clear (while going slow to get all the buffs/bonus bosses/taking a phone call in the middle/etc..) and getting Spirit Slayer on my 4th clear.

    OMG when I first cleared it I think I was running Julianos/Willpower and Engine Guardian. LOL. I agree the new Arena is too easy. I got spirit slayer first day of launch and it wasn't as satisfying as clearing VMA for the first time. I still remember the euphoria of clearing VMA.

    You're also a better player. This about the same difficulty as VMA honestly. Honestly I think it's harder than VMA for the most part.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on November 26, 2020 2:35AM
  • Vildebill
    I wanna hear what mag versions of:


    Are running to get through (set wise)

    Stam is fairly well covered, Sorc and NB got an easy non dps alternative. So the above mag classes, whatcha using?

    Btw you can roll dodge out of any part of the tether once its broken, not just the hole you made - at least it worked that way for me earlier

    MagDK here, running Perfected False Gods, Sorrow or Medusa, Ring of the pale order and one piece Domihaus for extra resources. Pretty standard except for the ring. Works very well.
    EU PC
  • Jeremy
    Kurat wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Kurat wrote: »
    People who struggle at last boss, get the Ring of pale order. It was clearly included with the dlc for a reason. Its almost required to complete vVH, at least for trifecta. Only like top 1% of players can compete it without. Why torture yourself. The ring is so OP and will basically carry you. There's no need to even slot any self heal or shield, you can focus 100% on dps and sustain is great.

    That sounds too good to be true. But I'll get the ring to try it. I still don't see how that ring is going to save you from those ridiculous damage bursts on the last phase, though. I was getting nailed for over 35k damage and I don't see how it's even possible to interrupt the fire damage from that mage during all the chaos AND while trying to kill a shade. So burning her down asap, especially in that last phase, does sound like a good strategy if it's possible.

    May I ask what class and build you play? Because from reading your posts, you seem to be able to do things that just seem impossible for my Templar.

    I've gotten the trifecta with magden, magplade and stamdk. It was hardest with stamdk. But the ring is so op indeed, they probably gonna nerf it next patch like they did stranglers. These sets were only made to boost dlc sales or subs. Alot of people dont realize that the ring heals you per attack not per sec. It can heal you multiple times in 1 sec. You just have to make sure that you keep aoes and dots on at all times. Its max heal per attack is 2700. To get that much all you need is around 15k dmg. If you have 4-5 adds up + boss then cast endless hail on them and 1 or 2 other aoes depending what class you are. With just 2 aoes on 4-5 enemies you get healed 8-10 times in 1 sec as aoes tick once per sec. One heal is not the max 2700 but they all add up. You also have some dots ticking on boss and you light attack every sec. So you may take 35k dmg from adds in few sec but you also heal that much. I dont have combat metrics screenshot but I looked it after i did it 1st time and the total healing I received during the fight was close to 3 mil. That's insane. It's like having healer behind you the whole time
    spamming springs.
    You can still get 1 shot if you stand in aoes and several adds hit you at the same time. Just keep moving circles around the boss and adds cluster and keep aoes and dots on at all times.
    Not sure what build you use but tip for stam is to use 2h. Brawler is insanely good for that fight. You get shield and its stronger the more enemies you hit. This gives you some breathing room and let's the ring to catch up healing you full. 2h skill line also gives you an execute in case your class dont have one, like dk.
    Also it's good to use consuming trap. It costs mag but it scales with your highest stats and does mag or physical dmg. But I use it for sustain. I put that on low hp enemies like the flame shapers, mages and the sniper. Then they die in aoes and I get healed and 7-8k stam back.

    PS I had self heal slotted but never had to use it.

    Get the ring now and get your achievements before they nerf it.

    Thanks for the advice. Getting the ring did help a lot and I was finally able to beat it. Though not with my tank build, which I ultimately just had to abandon. I honestly don't think this fight is possible with a defensive build. Even when I sacrificed enough health for magicka to take out the shades in time, the whole fight is frankly just one huge DPS race. Because if you don't take the adds (all the adds) out fast enough they just keep multiplying and will quickly overwhelm any defense you have. So you're just way better off going offensive, especially if you have that ring of the Pale Order, like you said.
    Edited by Jeremy on November 27, 2020 7:10PM
  • Jeremy
    zvavi wrote: »
    alright, i made a video of me clearing last boss on stamden, to balance to lower cp's i took only 1 hp buff, and only 2 stamina buffs (all 3 were waiting for me before the minatour, my heart bled passing by them, i even jumped down once from mino platform to check if it will kill you even though there is ground below) (it does, and u dont get the essence) (the orb noise killed me for the whole fight :cry:)

    so, i run it like i usually do with the change of trying to take it slower and not nuking boss to much, i even waited in the void on the last phase for her to get to 100% (ignore me killing colossi then, i got bored). few things i found out after the video:

    flame spinny is 7 hits, and dodgable.
    killing colossi in the void does nothing.
    i can know when the big ground aoe pops, it happens around 10~ seconds after a mino spawns on the arena, in the place u were 5~ seconds after his spawn.
    u still cant bash archers even though they have the animation that indicates you can.
    colossi hit way too hard.
    execute, execute, execute (seriously executioner is fun).

    setup: vMA bow backbar, front mechanical acuity, second set Vicious Serpent, monster set velidreth (bad idea, seriously, it agros so many colossi radomly if you position yourself badly, too lazy to change it). food: bi stat. potions: trash pots (base just stamina random potions that drop everywhere).

    The pace of your fight is how I get through the first 3 phases the game seems to throw the kitchen sink at me every time I come through that last portal. Starting with colossi at 92% which is normally at 80. You see the lightning, firethorn and flame shaper all spawn within about 3 seconds of one another and the flame shaper spawns on the ring and the ring moves past it before she starts the channel.

    You video is like most every other one I have watched, mechanics come at you are a slower pace and generally not all stacked up line in mine. For me it’s like that almost every time. My favourite part is when I break the ring and colossi is standing in the hole I opened forcing a roll dodge out this happens almost every time so I am used to it now. So far I am able to mitigate, lightning and firethorn plus colossi and boss incoming and survive, but the 8K per hit from the flame shaper is death for me.

    I do feel like if I had chosen a different shade to kill that the flame shaper would have been swept up in AOE and I would have survived easily though, but when the tether starts you have to pick a shade and focus not wait for flame shaper to decide.

    Your video helps to see it and I appreciate the insight. If I could just get the mechs to play along and not be so punishing that would be great.

    Everest, if you are still trying to beat this b.s. you may want to try doing the flame wizard portal first instead of saving it for last. I know that sounds counter productive, but it actually helped me get the hang of fighting those _____ through-out the fight instead of always saving it for the end and always dying due to the huge spike in challenge then having to start all over from square one again, which was exhausting and demoralizing.
    Edited by Jeremy on November 27, 2020 6:40PM
  • Jeremy
    zvavi wrote: »
    @Jeremy what class is your tank?

    He's a Templar.

    I eventually gave up trying to beat it as my tank. It seemed impossible and was very frustrating. Sucked too because I wasted a lot of crystals and enchants trying to boost my DPS enough to beat this silly fight with him.
  • Everest_Lionheart
    Jeremy wrote: »
    zvavi wrote: »
    alright, i made a video of me clearing last boss on stamden, to balance to lower cp's i took only 1 hp buff, and only 2 stamina buffs (all 3 were waiting for me before the minatour, my heart bled passing by them, i even jumped down once from mino platform to check if it will kill you even though there is ground below) (it does, and u dont get the essence) (the orb noise killed me for the whole fight :cry:)

    so, i run it like i usually do with the change of trying to take it slower and not nuking boss to much, i even waited in the void on the last phase for her to get to 100% (ignore me killing colossi then, i got bored). few things i found out after the video:

    flame spinny is 7 hits, and dodgable.
    killing colossi in the void does nothing.
    i can know when the big ground aoe pops, it happens around 10~ seconds after a mino spawns on the arena, in the place u were 5~ seconds after his spawn.
    u still cant bash archers even though they have the animation that indicates you can.
    colossi hit way too hard.
    execute, execute, execute (seriously executioner is fun).

    setup: vMA bow backbar, front mechanical acuity, second set Vicious Serpent, monster set velidreth (bad idea, seriously, it agros so many colossi radomly if you position yourself badly, too lazy to change it). food: bi stat. potions: trash pots (base just stamina random potions that drop everywhere).

    The pace of your fight is how I get through the first 3 phases the game seems to throw the kitchen sink at me every time I come through that last portal. Starting with colossi at 92% which is normally at 80. You see the lightning, firethorn and flame shaper all spawn within about 3 seconds of one another and the flame shaper spawns on the ring and the ring moves past it before she starts the channel.

    You video is like most every other one I have watched, mechanics come at you are a slower pace and generally not all stacked up line in mine. For me it’s like that almost every time. My favourite part is when I break the ring and colossi is standing in the hole I opened forcing a roll dodge out this happens almost every time so I am used to it now. So far I am able to mitigate, lightning and firethorn plus colossi and boss incoming and survive, but the 8K per hit from the flame shaper is death for me.

    I do feel like if I had chosen a different shade to kill that the flame shaper would have been swept up in AOE and I would have survived easily though, but when the tether starts you have to pick a shade and focus not wait for flame shaper to decide.

    Your video helps to see it and I appreciate the insight. If I could just get the mechs to play along and not be so punishing that would be great.

    Everest, if you are still trying to beat this b.s. you may want to try doing the flame wizard portal first instead of saving it for last. I know that sounds counter productive, but it actually helped me get the hang of fighting those _____ through-out the fight instead of always saving it for the end and always dying due to the huge spike in challenge then having to start all over from square one again, which was exhausting and demoralizing.

    I took this week off from that place. Been running guild mates through Scalecaller for Zaan’s and a few for Jorvuld’s as well. I’ve seen enough scalecaller to last a lifetime. Also rebuilt this warden a bit for trials. Topping out at 90K o the dummy now with some off trait gear and no arena weapons. 3 core team runs this weekend to prepare for. So yeah this hellhole can wait a few more days! It’s not going anywhere!
  • Jeremy
    Jeremy wrote: »
    zvavi wrote: »
    alright, i made a video of me clearing last boss on stamden, to balance to lower cp's i took only 1 hp buff, and only 2 stamina buffs (all 3 were waiting for me before the minatour, my heart bled passing by them, i even jumped down once from mino platform to check if it will kill you even though there is ground below) (it does, and u dont get the essence) (the orb noise killed me for the whole fight :cry:)

    so, i run it like i usually do with the change of trying to take it slower and not nuking boss to much, i even waited in the void on the last phase for her to get to 100% (ignore me killing colossi then, i got bored). few things i found out after the video:

    flame spinny is 7 hits, and dodgable.
    killing colossi in the void does nothing.
    i can know when the big ground aoe pops, it happens around 10~ seconds after a mino spawns on the arena, in the place u were 5~ seconds after his spawn.
    u still cant bash archers even though they have the animation that indicates you can.
    colossi hit way too hard.
    execute, execute, execute (seriously executioner is fun).

    setup: vMA bow backbar, front mechanical acuity, second set Vicious Serpent, monster set velidreth (bad idea, seriously, it agros so many colossi radomly if you position yourself badly, too lazy to change it). food: bi stat. potions: trash pots (base just stamina random potions that drop everywhere).

    The pace of your fight is how I get through the first 3 phases the game seems to throw the kitchen sink at me every time I come through that last portal. Starting with colossi at 92% which is normally at 80. You see the lightning, firethorn and flame shaper all spawn within about 3 seconds of one another and the flame shaper spawns on the ring and the ring moves past it before she starts the channel.

    You video is like most every other one I have watched, mechanics come at you are a slower pace and generally not all stacked up line in mine. For me it’s like that almost every time. My favourite part is when I break the ring and colossi is standing in the hole I opened forcing a roll dodge out this happens almost every time so I am used to it now. So far I am able to mitigate, lightning and firethorn plus colossi and boss incoming and survive, but the 8K per hit from the flame shaper is death for me.

    I do feel like if I had chosen a different shade to kill that the flame shaper would have been swept up in AOE and I would have survived easily though, but when the tether starts you have to pick a shade and focus not wait for flame shaper to decide.

    Your video helps to see it and I appreciate the insight. If I could just get the mechs to play along and not be so punishing that would be great.

    Everest, if you are still trying to beat this b.s. you may want to try doing the flame wizard portal first instead of saving it for last. I know that sounds counter productive, but it actually helped me get the hang of fighting those _____ through-out the fight instead of always saving it for the end and always dying due to the huge spike in challenge then having to start all over from square one again, which was exhausting and demoralizing.

    I took this week off from that place. Been running guild mates through Scalecaller for Zaan’s and a few for Jorvuld’s as well. I’ve seen enough scalecaller to last a lifetime. Also rebuilt this warden a bit for trials. Topping out at 90K o the dummy now with some off trait gear and no arena weapons. 3 core team runs this weekend to prepare for. So yeah this hellhole can wait a few more days! It’s not going anywhere!


    I don't blame you. I had to take a break too before I smashed something I would regret later.
  • Vanagrand
    I wanna hear what mag versions of:


    Are running to get through (set wise)

    Stam is fairly well covered, Sorc and NB got an easy non dps alternative. So the above mag classes, whatcha using?

    Btw you can roll dodge out of any part of the tether once its broken, not just the hole you made - at least it worked that way for me earlier

    Mag DK

    Grothdar-Pale ring-Over-Crimon, half impen, couple of reinf couple of sturdy.
  • Firstmep
    I wanna hear what mag versions of:


    Are running to get through (set wise)

    Stam is fairly well covered, Sorc and NB got an easy non dps alternative. So the above mag classes, whatcha using?

    Btw you can roll dodge out of any part of the tether once its broken, not just the hole you made - at least it worked that way for me earlier

    Noble duelist and mothers sorrow on all mag for me.
    Yea heavy attack builds are cheesy, but they just fit this arena and especially the last boss so well.
    I did magden with sorrow/pfg as well, since you have a lot of aoe on the class without heavy attacks and it was pretty easy.
  • Shadow_CH
    i finally did it! :D

    Stamblade with NMA + Briarheart + Ring of the Pale Order + 1x Sarm Mother

    The best way for me was to slow down and focus on the ads until last round. Then i picked up both sigils for defense and power, ignored the ads and beat her back into the void.

    I'm still shaking :joy: maybe i do some fishing now to calm down... :joy:
    Edited by Shadow_CH on November 28, 2020 3:11PM
  • di_rty
    I found the final boss challenging at first, but after a few run I'm able to breeze through it on multiple classes. It is difficult to target the shades sometimes, but I haven't died to them since the first few tries at this boss. Take a breather and come back to it tomorrow. Also, the health/stam/mag buffs really help the last boss fight. Hope you have better luck!
  • UrbanMonk
    so finally i did manage to finish and publish the build which literally made the arena an easy mode. packs tons of AOE and single target DPS and you don't even have to worry about any mechanics on last boss. just BURN HER TO DEATH:
    Edited by UrbanMonk on December 5, 2020 1:44PM

    -Monk I- Magden- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Tsürügi- MagBlade- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Bantam Bomber- MagPlar- AVA28
    -Hot Nöödle- MagDK - AVA37
    -Pablo Necrobar- StamCro- AVA24
    Easiest mDK for vMA and vVH-

    Balance for the Sake of Balance is no Balance at all.
  • Raideen
    Arenas intimidate me, I wish we could do this stuff with a 2 person group.
  • UrbanMonk
    Magblade no doubt is the easiest class to clear this...
    Edited by UrbanMonk on December 21, 2020 8:49PM

    -Monk I- Magden- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Tsürügi- MagBlade- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Bantam Bomber- MagPlar- AVA28
    -Hot Nöödle- MagDK - AVA37
    -Pablo Necrobar- StamCro- AVA24
    Easiest mDK for vMA and vVH-

    Balance for the Sake of Balance is no Balance at all.
  • Massive_Stain
    I just got my first trifecta run and the undying song title, so imho the arena needs a buff. more difficulty please!
    PC: CP 1200+ DroDest, Bringer of light
    PS4: CP 1500+ Dro Dest, SoTN, Bringer of light, CragHMs, EoF, IR, TTT
    Xbox: CP 450 Fungal Grotto 1 HM
  • Mike0987
    Vet last boss seems way too unrealistic for a stam build. Have the health and stam buffs.

    Tried briarheart, witch-knight, pale ring, and 1 piece slimeclaw - way too much incoming damage for the pieces to keep up.

    I then switched to leeching, witch-knight, 1 piece slimeclaw, pale ring - still too much damage.

    Going to try leeching, brairheart, 1 piece slimeclaw, pale ring, increase blessed cp a bit. Dont think I'll have enough dps with those sets to get through the wall though.
  • zvavi
    Mike0987 wrote: »
    Vet last boss seems way too unrealistic for a stam build. Have the health and stam buffs.

    Tried briarheart, witch-knight, pale ring, and 1 piece slimeclaw - way too much incoming damage for the pieces to keep up.

    I then switched to leeching, witch-knight, 1 piece slimeclaw, pale ring - still too much damage.

    Going to try leeching, brairheart, 1 piece slimeclaw, pale ring, increase blessed cp a bit. Dont think I'll have enough dps with those sets to get through the wall though.

    disagree. i have spirit slayer on my stamden, without ring of pale order, and while it was harder than magsorc, it was not impossible. if u feel like you are taking too much dmg, focus adds more.
  • Mike0987
    zvavi wrote: »
    Mike0987 wrote: »
    Vet last boss seems way too unrealistic for a stam build. Have the health and stam buffs.

    Tried briarheart, witch-knight, pale ring, and 1 piece slimeclaw - way too much incoming damage for the pieces to keep up.

    I then switched to leeching, witch-knight, 1 piece slimeclaw, pale ring - still too much damage.

    Going to try leeching, brairheart, 1 piece slimeclaw, pale ring, increase blessed cp a bit. Dont think I'll have enough dps with those sets to get through the wall though.

    disagree. i have spirit slayer on my stamden, without ring of pale order, and while it was harder than magsorc, it was not impossible. if u feel like you are taking too much dmg, focus adds more.

    I killed every add, the second the chain wall comes back up 3 more spawn and jump in front of me DPSing a hole quite annoying. I just tried the last setup, took me 2 weeks of dungeon running worth of transmutes still no go, making even more adjustments now.
  • Everest_Lionheart
    Mike0987 wrote: »
    zvavi wrote: »
    Mike0987 wrote: »
    Vet last boss seems way too unrealistic for a stam build. Have the health and stam buffs.

    Tried briarheart, witch-knight, pale ring, and 1 piece slimeclaw - way too much incoming damage for the pieces to keep up.

    I then switched to leeching, witch-knight, 1 piece slimeclaw, pale ring - still too much damage.

    Going to try leeching, brairheart, 1 piece slimeclaw, pale ring, increase blessed cp a bit. Dont think I'll have enough dps with those sets to get through the wall though.

    disagree. i have spirit slayer on my stamden, without ring of pale order, and while it was harder than magsorc, it was not impossible. if u feel like you are taking too much dmg, focus adds more.

    I killed every add, the second the chain wall comes back up 3 more spawn and jump in front of me DPSing a hole quite annoying. I just tried the last setup, took me 2 weeks of dungeon running worth of transmutes still no go, making even more adjustments now.

    VO, Briarheart, Pale Order and 1pc monster helm. The hardest part of the fight is interrupting the flame shaper after the third portal. Sometimes it can spawn outside the tether and that spells trouble. You can use venom arrow to interrupt. It’s a lot going on and flame shaper can be hard to find sometimes but tab targeting is your friend here both for tether phase and flame shaper.

    I struggled on this final boss forever, but finally after several dozen deaths was able to put it all together for a successful complete. I love this arena but hate that final boss. Have opposite feelings for maelstrom arena where I hate the arena in general but rather enjoyed the final fight.
  • Mike0987
    Well, got past the 3rd zone were the flameshapers came out. Shade Colossus and flame shaper is now doing double STOMP and INFERNO damage than before... I almost feel some zos employee is sitting there laughing as they keep changing things... I suppose now I need more crit resist... I give up for today.
  • Sinolai
    What triggers me the most is the snipe that can not be interrupted...
  • zvavi
    Sinolai wrote: »
    What triggers me the most is the snipe that can not be interrupted...

    YES YES YES YES 1000 TIMES YES. ffs, it has the "i can be interrupted" animation, but it cant be interrupted! add additionally the snake ladies (harvesters) in the blue arena, when you interrupt them with a bash, they dont go off balance. those 2 things, are my biggest pain points in this whole arena.
    Edited by zvavi on January 3, 2021 7:41PM
  • Mike0987
    Well, Almost made it again, 80th try today. So how can a SINGLE Shade Colossus hit me in 1-2 seconds with a stomp 9475, strike 7543, 4x grasping void for 7148, and another strike 7543... I have 1 second between skills... Shouldn't a Shade Colossus? Apparently not...
  • Mike0987
    Still stuck on last boss. So I have tried the folowing:

    Pale Ring, Leeching, Briarheart, masters perfected maul, bow back bar (for minor breach), noxoius breath (front bar for major breach)

    Pale Ring, witch knight, Briarheart, masters perfected maul, bow back bar (for minor breach), noxoius breath (front bar for major breach)

    Pale Ring, witch knight, war machine, masters perfected maul, bow back bar (for minor breach), noxoius breath (front bar for major breach)

    Pale Ring, Leeching, War Machine, masters perfected maul, bow back bar (for minor breach), noxoius breath (front bar for major breach)

    Repeat the same with sword and board back bar for mitigation which seems to make them throw more AOE damage at me.

    Then repeat the same with various dual wield sets on front bar.

    I have tried so many sets and so many skills I kinda lost track of them all. I have been to the final phase were the flameshapers come only to be clapped down with the boss at 100k health on several occasions. Its getting too frustrating and costly...
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