Veteran Vateshran hollows last boss difficulty

This arena is so unbalanced in terms of dificulty.

The minotaur boss is literally harder than the blue and red bosses combined, not to mention he can glitch heavy attack in midair while your on hook.

Also, the last boss is a nightmare in terms of buginess and stunfest. Multiple instances where tab targeting doesn't work properly especially on the void trap. I know it should be hard, but not beyond reasoning because of multiple problems during targeting.
  • Jeremy
    Nezyr_Jezz wrote: »
    This arena is so unbalanced in terms of dificulty.

    The minotaur boss is literally harder than the blue and red bosses combined, not to mention he can glitch heavy attack in midair while your on hook.

    Also, the last boss is a nightmare in terms of buginess and stunfest. Multiple instances where tab targeting doesn't work properly especially on the void trap. I know it should be hard, but not beyond reasoning because of multiple problems during targeting.

    Doesn't surprise me. I figured they would make hard to the point of frustrating.
  • AndyMac
    I can't tell you - the Minotaur boss is bugged as hell. I die from fall damage just grappling to the platform where he is.

    I have decide whether to resub this week - I have to say, it's looking doubtful :smiley:
    Andymac - Magicka DK - EP Grand Overlord - Flawless Conqueror
  • PureEnvelope35
    I did this on magcro and magblade, one of which had 12/15 lives and the other with my own will to live going down the drain, needless to say the class you take in as well as order you do the arenas in will really affect the difficulty, doing the Minotaur first made doing the coldharbour one last a pain but doing mino one last was by far the more painful choice.
    Fashion is the true endgame.PC EU
  • robpr
    AndyMac wrote: »
    I can't tell you - the Minotaur boss is bugged as hell. I die from fall damage just grappling to the platform where he is.

    So this bug slipped through PTS, huh.
  • Nezyr_Jezz
    Jeremy wrote: »

    Doesn't surprise me. I figured they would make hard to the point of frustrating.

    Duck this pile of garbage. I HATE THE DESIGN, RANDOM BODY BLOCKING. I am on the dps check but every single time a random stupid situation in a crouded space that can't be avoided. Arena has multiple weak points which can trigger even the most experienced players. Add to it the fact that it's buggy, you need to align perfectly the dps as well as protections, dodges and do the minibosses in a specific order to finish it at all and instead of a hard but managable (vMA) this is a chaotic pile of poo.
  • DrYitMat
    To give a contrary opinion, I enjoy this arena quite a bit. vMA becomes annoying because you have to check your own DPS to avoid spawning hard hitting adds- it feels silly after a few runs of it. This one is a heavy in mechanics and is bound to *** people off... just like vMA did, once upon a time.

    That said, markarth feels incredibly buggy & I am amazed how much broken *** made it to live.
  • AyaDark

    It is not so hard, but i can feel some difficulty, but it is more boring, then difficult.
    Already do no death - on second run there.

    First run was like - where to go - the quest show there - it is waterfall - nay be this way ? It is not high - lets try.

    Why i am dead - what way i must get there ?

    And minitaur and last boss have some coward mechanics that i can not understand in first run.

    Jump to platform to use portal ???

    Very unexpected + you cannot try it before arena starts, so it is not comfortable solution.

    All bosses are fat - not a lot of mechaniks but - 4,7 milions on minotaur if it is 3rd arena - is like hell. I think it imun-jump me to death. So fat.

    Minotaur is problem even if it is first boss it is harder than 3 rd boss in blue arena even if minotaur is first. Jump each time make fight very very veeery long.

    And i only get bows each time. Is there any other loot ??? May be i do wrong something ???

    Not bad, it was interesting first 1-2 runs but ... maelstorm is easy but was interesting. If i did not go there 200+ times with random that did not give me staff.

    This arena may be be the same - i needshield and sword here.
    Edited by AyaDark on November 3, 2020 7:23AM
  • Nezyr_Jezz
    I did this on magcro and magblade, one of which had 12/15 lives and the other with my own will to live going down the drain, needless to say the class you take in as well as order you do the arenas in will really affect the difficulty, doing the Minotaur first made doing the coldharbour one last a pain but doing mino one last was by far the more painful choice.

    Im on a magblade. 35k dps, Alcast build (which i would use anyway) full cp, full yellow gear etc. And i can't finish this junk for the last 2:30h. i did all 3 waves and had boss on 5% and then flamedude poked me for 30k through harness and my health (and yes i have both boosts, and all the orbs for blue and red)
  • Kurat
    Last boss should be more difficult than the rest but the gap is too large imo. That fight heavily favors ranged mag builds and especially the ones with execute ability (magblade = ez mode, stamdk melee and no execute = HM)
    Execute is very important for this fight because when you're done with the shadow bosses and come back, the boss is almost at 25-30% and you can burn quick without any adds or mechs. Same with all 3 phases. While classes without execute do less dps and therefore get more adds and if melee then you are screwed.
    I did complete it with stam on pts but need alot of luck for no death while it's easy with mag, just keep moving, kite the big adds and dps boss.
  • PureEnvelope35
    Nezyr_Jezz wrote: »

    Im on a magblade. 35k dps, Alcast build (which i would use anyway) full cp, full yellow gear etc. And i can't finish this junk for the last 2:30h. i did all 3 waves and had boss on 5% and then flamedude poked me for 30k through harness and my health (and yes i have both boosts, and all the orbs for blue and red)

    Hmmm. I wonder if the adds on the last boss are linked to the order that the arenas were done?
    Fashion is the true endgame.PC EU
  • Nezyr_Jezz
    Kurat wrote: »
    Last boss should be more difficult than the rest but the gap is too large imo. That fight heavily favors ranged mag builds and especially the ones with execute ability (magblade = ez mode, stamdk melee and no execute = HM)
    Execute is very important for this fight because when you're done with the shadow bosses and come back, the boss is almost at 25-30% and you can burn quick without any adds or mechs. Same with all 3 phases. While classes without execute do less dps and therefore get more adds and if melee then you are screwed.
    I did complete it with stam on pts but need alot of luck for no death while it's easy with mag, just keep moving, kite the big adds and dps boss.

    Well. I can't finish it on magblade. Been here for 50+ attempts on the last boss. Im beyond frustrated by the fact that exit from shadow plane (or whatever you call it) spawn in ramdom places, you can get unlucky on the body blocks, or tab targeting wont target the net dudes at all... its not my first arena. Its not my first veteran... and yet i struggle every single fight because of how many mechanics can fail and lead to a wipe. this is overcomplicated even for a vet.
  • Qbiken
    Ngl I was not expecting the difficulty to increase as much as it did after clearing each consecutive stage/portal. Was challenging to say the least and kinda enjoyed my first few runs. Think zos got veteran difficulty right for once and I enjoy the design of this arena alot more than maelstrom.
    Edited by Qbiken on November 3, 2020 7:39AM
  • Aleinzzs
    I'm finding the absurd frame drops and the high spawn rate of some enemies, why is he summoning 3 more bigskelebois after i finish killing them. then it's the beams, kinda hard to do dmg through 3 skeletons while not getting 1 shot by them or the beam...
  • Nezyr_Jezz
    Qbiken wrote: »
    Ngl I was not expecting the difficulty to increase as much as it did after clearing each consecutive stage/portal. Was challenging to say the least and kinda enjoyed my first few runs. Think zos got veteran difficulty right for once and I enjoy the design of this arena alot more than maelstrom.

    The gap between the earlier bosses and the last one is way over the top imho. DPS check on top of convoluted mechanics that all can fail in any given moment is a bit too much. Im not a bruce lee of the keyboard. I had my fair share of maelstroms tho, and this is the next level which is way, way not enjoyable.
  • Husan
    Kurat wrote: »
    Last boss should be more difficult than the rest but the gap is too large imo. That fight heavily favors ranged mag builds and especially the ones with execute ability (magblade = ez mode, stamdk melee and no execute = HM)
    I agree with this.

    Lack of shields on stamina is one thing, but actually a minor one in this case.

    What is more important is being forced to melee on stamina (stamina templar here). Makes for example the titan boss much more dificult, since you will get hit by his melee attacks (which ranged doesn't), the lasers have a very high chance to converge in the middle (where you have to be as melee, opposed to ranged characters being far away from most lasers, having to kite much less often).

    And the most important thing is the order you do the stages. If you want the buffs, which ofcourse you do, you do the minotaur boss last. Being the most annoying one by far and having 4,7 million health makes it a very painful experience.

    With that said, ring of the pale order aleviates some of the stamina issues and overall, it shouldn't be too difficult to complete, even on stamina builds if you play it properly. I'l wait for after they fix some of the bugs for a less stressful experience. If I get too frustrated I'll just cheese it with an alessian WW build.

  • AyaDark
    1)Poison arena is most uncomfortable - better make you run it first.
    2)Second fire arena is the same difficulty for me as poison 1st. I am stage 1 dunmer vampire.
    3)Blue one is not hard for me on 3rd.

    Poison as 3rd is pain in do not like to make it 3rd - it is too long.

    Last boss is really much harder than other arenas. May be it is too hard compared to other bosses.

    It is fat and have a lot of adds, it make fight with him very dissapointing if players fail on low boss HP. Because fight is too long. My girl was very upset each time. She make it but on second arena run it just make her angry and we decided make a breake.

    And she get bow too !!!

    So we already have 3 bows !!!
    Edited by AyaDark on November 3, 2020 7:58AM
  • ccfeeling
    Qbiken wrote: »
    Ngl I was not expecting the difficulty to increase as much as it did after clearing each consecutive stage/portal. Was challenging to say the least and kinda enjoyed my first few runs. Think zos got veteran difficulty right for once and I enjoy the design of this arena alot more than maelstrom.

    Are you run it with WW ?
  • Qbiken
    Nezyr_Jezz wrote: »

    The gap between the earlier bosses and the last one is way over the top imho. DPS check on top of convoluted mechanics that all can fail in any given moment is a bit too much. Im not a bruce lee of the keyboard. I had my fair share of maelstroms tho, and this is the next level which is way, way not enjoyable.

    I found the last of the initial 3 stages to be the most challenging one by far. The last boss was way easier compared to stage 3 (regardless of which order I did them in) in my experience. But I'm 100% convinced I'll get the hang if it soon enough.
  • OlumoGarbag
    class representative for the working class, non-cp, bwb and Trolling
  • Firstmep
    I didn't have any issues on the mino boss tbh, I went in blind, I died a couple times before figuring out the mechanics, but wasn't too bad.
    The last boss is just horrible design.

    The void Goliaths body blocking the the chain minions highlights how terrible targeting in this game is.
    On top of that the current skill animation delays, general lagginess(I'll chalk that up to launch day).
    Also highlights how much easier is to do pve on Magicka.
    I first did this in stamcro, my dps was absolutely crushing everything, however on the last boss if I wasn't careful I could push the boss to like 45-50% before any adds spawned, then I get 2 Goliaths, archer and void plasm and the chains all at once? Come the heck on, if I have the dps to push the boss at least let me skip some add phases.
    Also surviving with just vigor, lol yeah.
    Then I went in stamsorc, the whole thing was a walk in a park with crit surge, and cheesing the chain mechanic with streak.
    I'm guessing they wanted to force ppl to get the new ring before doing thia on vet?

    Either way the incoming dmg on the last boss is too high.

    I remember when vma first came out and it was hard.
    Thing with this arena is that it's not tuned for 300 cp, and since we're not getting more do and I ly getting nerfed in Pve, we're not going to outgrow this arena.
    I've already gotten my 2h, gonna farm for destro and then never touch this pile of skeever dung until it's fixed.
    And to think I was looking forward to a new solo arena after all these years.

    I want to just reiterate, its not the difficulty, it's the horrible design of overlapping mechanics on last boss.
    IMHO if we pull void Goliaths to the chains they should die there, or they should become inert while the chain phase is going, and should probably receive a fat dmg nerf.
    My stamsorc is nord and has 22k resist and still gets clobbered by 8k auto attacks? These things hit twice as hard as the Flippin boss!
  • Czekoludek
    Do ppl which have problems even go for busts? You can have more then 10k of HP and your primary offensive resource for the last boss fight, it makes it easy af
    Edited by Czekoludek on November 3, 2020 8:10AM
  • AyaDark
    Czekoludek wrote: »
    Do ppl which have problems even go for busts? You can have more then 10k of HP and your primary offensive resource for the last boss fight, it makes it easy af

    What ? How to get it ? Is it some arena buff like this ????
  • Nezyr_Jezz

    Building a whole set of gear just to finish something i should be able in a better gear? I mean sure... yea... thanks but no, thanks.

    After 3h doing this *** im off. I dont care anymore. Waste of time that i could have spent otherwise. As much as i like challanges im not going to waste my life doing something im not enjoying. It's unessecarly hard arena that offers bad gear in return. the only point of this run was to do it once, and get the skin. Otherwise waste of time for a mag based builds and for pvp you dont even need perfected to function.
  • Kurat
    The problem with the last boss is the incoming damage. Even with the hp buffs and 30k health, you can die in 2 sec if bad rng happens. Mechanics and adds can all overlap. While trying to kill void trap guy as melee, I have to stand in some aoe or several sometimes and on top of that big adds hit me with 9k each, and flame shapers, snipers etc. So my death recap looks like in Cyrodiil after lag spike and desync lol 9k, 9k, 3k, 4k, 9k all within 2 sec. Ranged build can at least avoid the big adds as they are melee.
    Last execute phase is worst than pulling teeth. All the adds block the boss and I have to stand in aoes to finish him.
    Boss looks cool and all but its horrible design. I can get to the last boss with all vitality left, no sigils used and plenty of time for trifecta but then I die 20 times in last fight wtf. Seems like very unbalanced.
  • AyaDark
    Kurat wrote: »
    The problem with the last boss is the incoming damage. Even with the hp buffs and 30k health, you can die in 2 sec if bad rng happens. Mechanics and adds can all overlap. While trying to kill void trap guy as melee, I have to stand in some aoe or several sometimes and on top of that big adds hit me with 9k each, and flame shapers, snipers etc. So my death recap looks like in Cyrodiil after lag spike and desync lol 9k, 9k, 3k, 4k, 9k all within 2 sec. Ranged build can at least avoid the big adds as they are melee.
    Last execute phase is worst than pulling teeth. All the adds block the boss and I have to stand in aoes to finish him.
    Boss looks cool and all but its horrible design. I can get to the last boss with all vitality left, no sigils used and plenty of time for trifecta but then I die 20 times in last fight wtf. Seems like very unbalanced.

    Where to get this buffs ? Is it some arena permament buffs ?
  • Czekoludek
    AyaDark wrote: »

    What ? How to get it ? Is it some arena buff like this ????

    Depends on the order of the arenas you gain Access to 2 of 3 orbs that gives you 5k resources (HP, stan or mag). After you harvest the orb on the same arena there will be 5 more smaller orbs spawning, each give you 1k of the same resource so 10k of the resource before the % modifiers, for most mag classes it will be 12-13k magicka for example if you got all mag orbs. For mag you should do arenas like that green -> blue -> red. Do it like that and explore every corner of blue arena by using grapling bow, you will find blue orb fast. For the HP orb you need to have access to blue portals in red arena and use the blue portal near the entrence to red arena (i think it will show only after you did blue arena).
    Have fun
  • Kurat
    AyaDark wrote: »

    Where to get this buffs ? Is it some arena permament buffs ?

    Yes you can get arena buffs. It's hard to explain here where exactly, but go to YouTube and look up Alcast vet pts runs, he shows where they are.
    You can get 10k extra hp and 10k mag or stam, but to get them you gotta do the areas in specific order. If you're mag it's easy because you need to go green one first and that's the hardest boss. Stam has to do green last and suffer lol. But even with the buffs ,the last boss is way harder than mag. To put it into perspective, if with mag it's like doing fungal grotto 1 then with stam its frostvault.
  • Czekoludek
    Kurat wrote: »

    Yes you can get arena buffs. It's hard to explain here where exactly, but go to YouTube and look up Alcast vet pts runs, he shows where they are.
    You can get 10k extra hp and 10k mag or stam, but to get them you gotta do the areas in specific order. If you're mag it's easy because you need to go green one first and that's the hardest boss. Stam has to do green last and suffer lol. But even with the buffs ,the last boss is way harder than mag. To put it into perspective, if with mag it's like doing fungal grotto 1 then with stam its frostvault.

    It is not that bad on stam if you have the new ring. Tbh it should be a standard for stam to slot that beauty, you lost buff from monster set like selene but healing output is amazing and you still do much more dmg then magicka. Some of the mechanics are pretty punishing for melee, that's true but personaly i felt last blue boss to be harder for melee then minotaur, exact opposite then magicka (minotaur is hard mostly because it requires a lot of stam for dodges, bashes and blocks)
  • Kurat
    Czekoludek wrote: »

    It is not that bad on stam if you have the new ring. Tbh it should be a standard for stam to slot that beauty, you lost buff from monster set like selene but healing output is amazing and you still do much more dmg then magicka. Some of the mechanics are pretty punishing for melee, that's true but personaly i felt last blue boss to be harder for melee then minotaur, exact opposite then magicka (minotaur is hard mostly because it requires a lot of stam for dodges, bashes and blocks)

    Ya the new ring helps, but that's kinda cheesy. And we shouldn't be forced to use it to complete the arena.
  • Czekoludek
    Kurat wrote: »

    Ya the new ring helps, but that's kinda cheesy. And we shouldn't be forced to use it to complete the arena.

    You can complete arena without it, it is just harder. Not sure what cheesy is about it, its like saying using Perfect false god is cheese cuz mag sustain should be [snip]. Mag needs set help in terms of sustain in solo content, stam for survivability. Stam finally got nice set that negate their weakness in solo content and it one piece, not 5 set so even better. Opposite to magicka most stan don't need vo for sustain so they can wear two 5 piece damage sets and that is really nice advantage. Mag needs sustain set and more stamina then normal but have range advantage. Seems balanced to me, at least in solo content

    [Edited for Censor Bypass]
    Edited by Psiion on November 4, 2020 9:42PM
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