Nezyr_Jezz wrote: »This arena is so unbalanced in terms of dificulty.
The minotaur boss is literally harder than the blue and red bosses combined, not to mention he can glitch heavy attack in midair while your on hook.
Also, the last boss is a nightmare in terms of buginess and stunfest. Multiple instances where tab targeting doesn't work properly especially on the void trap. I know it should be hard, but not beyond reasoning because of multiple problems during targeting.
Doesn't surprise me. I figured they would make hard to the point of frustrating.
PureEnvelope35 wrote: »I did this on magcro and magblade, one of which had 12/15 lives and the other with my own will to live going down the drain, needless to say the class you take in as well as order you do the arenas in will really affect the difficulty, doing the Minotaur first made doing the coldharbour one last a pain but doing mino one last was by far the more painful choice.
Nezyr_Jezz wrote: »
Im on a magblade. 35k dps, Alcast build (which i would use anyway) full cp, full yellow gear etc. And i can't finish this junk for the last 2:30h. i did all 3 waves and had boss on 5% and then flamedude poked me for 30k through harness and my health (and yes i have both boosts, and all the orbs for blue and red)
Last boss should be more difficult than the rest but the gap is too large imo. That fight heavily favors ranged mag builds and especially the ones with execute ability (magblade = ez mode, stamdk melee and no execute = HM)
Execute is very important for this fight because when you're done with the shadow bosses and come back, the boss is almost at 25-30% and you can burn quick without any adds or mechs. Same with all 3 phases. While classes without execute do less dps and therefore get more adds and if melee then you are screwed.
I did complete it with stam on pts but need alot of luck for no death while it's easy with mag, just keep moving, kite the big adds and dps boss.
Ngl I was not expecting the difficulty to increase as much as it did after clearing each consecutive stage/portal. Was challenging to say the least and kinda enjoyed my first few runs. Think zos got veteran difficulty right for once and I enjoy the design of this arena alot more than maelstrom.
I agree with this.Last boss should be more difficult than the rest but the gap is too large imo. That fight heavily favors ranged mag builds and especially the ones with execute ability (magblade = ez mode, stamdk melee and no execute = HM)
Ngl I was not expecting the difficulty to increase as much as it did after clearing each consecutive stage/portal. Was challenging to say the least and kinda enjoyed my first few runs. Think zos got veteran difficulty right for once and I enjoy the design of this arena alot more than maelstrom.
Nezyr_Jezz wrote: »
The gap between the earlier bosses and the last one is way over the top imho. DPS check on top of convoluted mechanics that all can fail in any given moment is a bit too much. Im not a bruce lee of the keyboard. I had my fair share of maelstroms tho, and this is the next level which is way, way not enjoyable.
Czekoludek wrote: »Do ppl which have problems even go for busts? You can have more then 10k of HP and your primary offensive resource for the last boss fight, it makes it easy af
OlumoGarbag wrote: »If you have problems finnishing the arean here is the easiest possible way to get it done
The problem with the last boss is the incoming damage. Even with the hp buffs and 30k health, you can die in 2 sec if bad rng happens. Mechanics and adds can all overlap. While trying to kill void trap guy as melee, I have to stand in some aoe or several sometimes and on top of that big adds hit me with 9k each, and flame shapers, snipers etc. So my death recap looks like in Cyrodiil after lag spike and desync lol 9k, 9k, 3k, 4k, 9k all within 2 sec. Ranged build can at least avoid the big adds as they are melee.
Last execute phase is worst than pulling teeth. All the adds block the boss and I have to stand in aoes to finish him.
Boss looks cool and all but its horrible design. I can get to the last boss with all vitality left, no sigils used and plenty of time for trifecta but then I die 20 times in last fight wtf. Seems like very unbalanced.
What ? How to get it ? Is it some arena buff like this ????
Where to get this buffs ? Is it some arena permament buffs ?
Yes you can get arena buffs. It's hard to explain here where exactly, but go to YouTube and look up Alcast vet pts runs, he shows where they are.
You can get 10k extra hp and 10k mag or stam, but to get them you gotta do the areas in specific order. If you're mag it's easy because you need to go green one first and that's the hardest boss. Stam has to do green last and suffer lol. But even with the buffs ,the last boss is way harder than mag. To put it into perspective, if with mag it's like doing fungal grotto 1 then with stam its frostvault.
Czekoludek wrote: »
It is not that bad on stam if you have the new ring. Tbh it should be a standard for stam to slot that beauty, you lost buff from monster set like selene but healing output is amazing and you still do much more dmg then magicka. Some of the mechanics are pretty punishing for melee, that's true but personaly i felt last blue boss to be harder for melee then minotaur, exact opposite then magicka (minotaur is hard mostly because it requires a lot of stam for dodges, bashes and blocks)
Ya the new ring helps, but that's kinda cheesy. And we shouldn't be forced to use it to complete the arena.