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Veteran Vateshran hollows last boss difficulty

  • Firstmep
    UrbanMonk wrote: »
    Magdalina wrote: »
    UrbanMonk wrote: »
    Anyone who is having problem with collosus and chain ghosts, just kill all the collosus before you start focusing the boss. They are chained at beginning but all it takes it 1 LA to make them active. Or else they become active on their own at every 25% of boss health, and if you burst the boss down too fast, then you'll end up with more than one on you and other mobs plus ghosts...

    Afaik they auto-respawn, at least no matter how much I tried to free and kill them before focusing boss, she'd always summon one at some point anyway. The % is weird too. I'm not sure if it's buggy or a random value in a set range but I've seen her summon the first colossus at 80% and 65% both. I've also seen her summon 2 at once at 65%, I'm absolutely certain it wasn't me accidentally pulling because she literally yelled 'THE VOID GIVES ME STRENGTH!' twice in a row and sure enough, here come to colossi. Honestly, this would be much easier if it at least was consistent...

    Once you kill the Colossus that are there when you start the fight, Boss does not spawn any more...I can confirm this...the only time they come back is when you come back from portal phase. And as far as for multiple colossus, that I'm not sure how happens, but I've noticed the health percentage of boss is probably not the main factor for Colossus to turn on. But then again I kill them 1st, so can't be sure about multiple going on at same time.
    In my case, all 3 are dead even before reaches 90% and after that I just burn the boss...

    Feels like a wierd strat to me, especially since the colossi replenish after the portal phases.
    IMHO it's better to just stay on the boss and burn her to 10% straight with aoe cleaving taking care of adds.
    Both Stam and mag had options to put out high aoe cleave dmg while also pushing the boss hard.
    I can't wait for them to add leaderboards as then we will see what the absolute top players strats are gonna be.
    Something tells me that lightning staff heavy attack builds will be able to pull some solid scores here.
    Edited by Firstmep on November 11, 2020 3:26PM
  • HappyTheCamper
    Iskaldt wrote: »
    If you cant kill the wall or adds fast enough, you can simply avoid the wall fully by playing the right class for the job. Like Magblade, that can shade teleport trough the wall, or Sorc, that can streak trough the wall.

    Good luck on your runs and wish you the best loot :)

    Do you streak towards the beam or a shade?
  • morrowjen
    UrbanMonk wrote: »
    Magdalina wrote: »
    UrbanMonk wrote: »
    Anyone who is having problem with collosus and chain ghosts, just kill all the collosus before you start focusing the boss. They are chained at beginning but all it takes it 1 LA to make them active. Or else they become active on their own at every 25% of boss health, and if you burst the boss down too fast, then you'll end up with more than one on you and other mobs plus ghosts...

    Afaik they auto-respawn, at least no matter how much I tried to free and kill them before focusing boss, she'd always summon one at some point anyway. The % is weird too. I'm not sure if it's buggy or a random value in a set range but I've seen her summon the first colossus at 80% and 65% both. I've also seen her summon 2 at once at 65%, I'm absolutely certain it wasn't me accidentally pulling because she literally yelled 'THE VOID GIVES ME STRENGTH!' twice in a row and sure enough, here come to colossi. Honestly, this would be much easier if it at least was consistent...

    Once you kill the Colossus that are there when you start the fight, Boss does not spawn any more...I can confirm this...the only time they come back is when you come back from portal phase. And as far as for multiple colossus, that I'm not sure how happens, but I've noticed the health percentage of boss is probably not the main factor for Colossus to turn on. But then again I kill them 1st, so can't be sure about multiple going on at same time.
    In my case, all 3 are dead even before reaches 90% and after that I just burn the boss...

    Oh wow. I didn't know you could do this. I'm def. going to try it.
  • hackdrag0n
    I found it pretty easy to clear on first run tbh even though I accidentally did it with ring of wild Hunt on instead of pale order so died a few times because I wasn't healing enough. Didn't find the last boss so much difficult as it was tedious, it's kind of a long fight. Biggest problem is that once I've gotten the black dye and trifecta I won't have any reason to go back there. Most of the drops are worthless.
  • UrbanMonk
    Firstmep wrote: »
    UrbanMonk wrote: »
    Magdalina wrote: »
    UrbanMonk wrote: »
    Anyone who is having problem with collosus and chain ghosts, just kill all the collosus before you start focusing the boss. They are chained at beginning but all it takes it 1 LA to make them active. Or else they become active on their own at every 25% of boss health, and if you burst the boss down too fast, then you'll end up with more than one on you and other mobs plus ghosts...

    Afaik they auto-respawn, at least no matter how much I tried to free and kill them before focusing boss, she'd always summon one at some point anyway. The % is weird too. I'm not sure if it's buggy or a random value in a set range but I've seen her summon the first colossus at 80% and 65% both. I've also seen her summon 2 at once at 65%, I'm absolutely certain it wasn't me accidentally pulling because she literally yelled 'THE VOID GIVES ME STRENGTH!' twice in a row and sure enough, here come to colossi. Honestly, this would be much easier if it at least was consistent...

    Once you kill the Colossus that are there when you start the fight, Boss does not spawn any more...I can confirm this...the only time they come back is when you come back from portal phase. And as far as for multiple colossus, that I'm not sure how happens, but I've noticed the health percentage of boss is probably not the main factor for Colossus to turn on. But then again I kill them 1st, so can't be sure about multiple going on at same time.
    In my case, all 3 are dead even before reaches 90% and after that I just burn the boss...

    Feels like a wierd strat to me, especially since the colossi replenish after the portal phases.
    IMHO it's better to just stay on the boss and burn her to 10% straight with aoe cleaving taking care of adds.
    Both Stam and mag had options to put out high aoe cleave dmg while also pushing the boss hard.
    I can't wait for them to add leaderboards as then we will see what the absolute top players strats are gonna be.
    Something tells me that lightning staff heavy attack builds will be able to pull some solid scores here.

    Yes, its a bit wierd but it helps for those who don't have a lot of AOE damage. This way, they don't get more than 1 colossus at a time and less adds to deal with.
    If you burn the boss straight to'll have all 4 of them on you, and they will follow in portal phase as well, and when you come back, another1 or 2 will be waiting.

    -Monk I- Magden- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Tsürügi- MagBlade- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Bantam Bomber- MagPlar- AVA28
    -Hot Nöödle- MagDK - AVA37
    -Pablo Necrobar- StamCro- AVA24
    Easiest mDK for vMA and vVH-

    Balance for the Sake of Balance is no Balance at all.
  • naarcx
    The last vateshran boss seems easier to me when not in a big rush. I go with blue, green and red order since I got tired of flame shapers hiding behind things while machine gunning fireballs.

    What got me a no death was taking my time every time on the main platform. Take out the active big shade collosus every 20-ish percent of the boss health. Then as the boss reaches around 15-20ish percent, it's heavy attacking to make sure the resource pool is maxed, while also making sure to clear out any trash adds so they don't become a nuisance at the next mini boss.

    This is exactly what worked for me too... It's monumentally easier to clean up all the adds, top off your resources with soultrap on them, and build ultimate up top, that way you can just zerg the portal boss and limit the boss's healing. Doing red last helped a lot too despite what the guides say... It's way easier to avoid the lightning then to have an extra add spawning the entire fight.
  • Il3rotherhood
    naarcx wrote: »
    The last vateshran boss seems easier to me when not in a big rush. I go with blue, green and red order since I got tired of flame shapers hiding behind things while machine gunning fireballs.

    What got me a no death was taking my time every time on the main platform. Take out the active big shade collosus every 20-ish percent of the boss health. Then as the boss reaches around 15-20ish percent, it's heavy attacking to make sure the resource pool is maxed, while also making sure to clear out any trash adds so they don't become a nuisance at the next mini boss.

    This is exactly what worked for me too... It's monumentally easier to clean up all the adds, top off your resources with soultrap on them, and build ultimate up top, that way you can just zerg the portal boss and limit the boss's healing. Doing red last helped a lot too despite what the guides say... It's way easier to avoid the lightning then to have an extra add spawning the entire fight.

    I second this so much. I am no dps master, but my character is still pretty strong. At first I tried to nuke the boss like many guides told me to do so, but I wiped countless of times because the fight was getting so messy.

    That's when I switched to taking my time, meaning clearing all adds before going in the portals. I felt way more in control of the fight this way. The boss was litterally the last thing I was hitting. Same when I got out of the portals: regain control of the platform fisrt, then hit the boss. Especially with that flame add after the red portal. This guy has to be your priority.

    It makes the fight tedious, but a lot easier :) at least for me
  • wnights
    I am glad people are so skilled they can just burn through the boss.
    I, however, find it very difficult.

    Comapred to all the other bosses in the Arena this one is too much of a jump in difficulty imo. The last boss must be difficult, but supposedly not too difficult so that the person that cleared the whole arena cannot kill him.

    I've managed to master the 1st phase but after the 1st portal it gets way too tedious imo. Same old "so many things going on at once you're gonna die just by chance A LOT".

    The mages with their firebals that have to be interrupted, the colossus, the acrher, the ring of's just oo much. Sure people who have perfect ping and good mouses can weave with no problems and just burn the boss, but there even more players who cannot do that. It can be very dicouraging not only from trying to complete such content, but from replaying it after you somehow manage to finally complete it.

    Personally, I will never put myself through this torment again if I ever complete this arena.
    Keirah Belmore - Dark elf Magblade
  • SickleCider
    Tried vet this morning. It's not bad until the last leg of the last fight. Conclusion: the fire mages are a bridge too far.

    I'll nap and come back to it. 😝
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
  • Jeremy
    [Quoted post was removed]

    But those are the best kind of posts. :(
    Edited by ZOS_ConnorG on November 24, 2020 6:17PM
  • Jeremy
    wnights wrote: »
    I am glad people are so skilled they can just burn through the boss.
    I, however, find it very difficult.

    Comapred to all the other bosses in the Arena this one is too much of a jump in difficulty imo. The last boss must be difficult, but supposedly not too difficult so that the person that cleared the whole arena cannot kill him.

    I've managed to master the 1st phase but after the 1st portal it gets way too tedious imo. Same old "so many things going on at once you're gonna die just by chance A LOT".

    The mages with their firebals that have to be interrupted, the colossus, the acrher, the ring of's just oo much. Sure people who have perfect ping and good mouses can weave with no problems and just burn the boss, but there even more players who cannot do that. It can be very dicouraging not only from trying to complete such content, but from replaying it after you somehow manage to finally complete it.

    Personally, I will never put myself through this torment again if I ever complete this arena.

    I don't think it's skill that's creating the discrepancy here, Wnights. They're using hidden "buffs" you can get in the arena.
    So you have posters who use these buffs posting and talking about how the fight isn't that hard - which is going to sound absolutely absurd to players who didn't know about these buffs (like me). Because this fight is comically difficult without them. I officially gave up myself after managing to get to the last void phase (which was by no means easy - Lord Jesus it was hard) and then learning there is no way to avoid the flame shaper mini boss, who is going to pelting you with 30k attacks on top of everything else. It was at that point I officially stopped torturing myself and said _____ this. The amount of offense and defense you need to complete this fight (with no secret buffs) is ridiculous and will exclude at least 99% of the builds out there.

    They really need to make these buffs more clear so players don't end up torturing themselves for days on end banging their head against a fight that is near if not impossible.

    Edited by Jeremy on November 20, 2020 6:59PM
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    Nezyr_Jezz wrote: »
    This arena is so unbalanced in terms of dificulty.

    The minotaur boss is literally harder than the blue and red bosses combined, not to mention he can glitch heavy attack in midair while your on hook.

    Also, the last boss is a nightmare in terms of buginess and stunfest. Multiple instances where tab targeting doesn't work properly especially on the void trap. I know it should be hard, but not beyond reasoning because of multiple problems during targeting.

    I mostly disagree. I don't think the minotaur boss is any more dangerous than the others. It does take patience, and it's harder to flat out nuke it, but if you take it slow you really only need to worry about dodging his heavy attacks. I think the most dangerous Mechanic in the whole arena is the flame spin from the fire boss, or the flamespinner add he spawns on the final fight. The blue arena is certainly the easiest.

    The last boss really just comes down to figuring out the pace of the fight, and when and where to push vs play mechanics. Just like the last boss in VMA, it is difficult at first, but once you know your own limitations and find an order that works for you, it really isnt too bad.

    Compared to VMA at launch, this place is an absolute faceroll on Vet.
  • XxCaLxX
    Completed on my cp350 last night. Took 1 hour 26 minutes but I hunted down the orbs for health and mag and killed optional bosses in blue and red portals. Didn’t use any sigils til last boss. Grabbed the shield and damage Sigils at last phase. Don’t have my scrying and excavating leveled but I imagine with the pale order ring the spirit slayer title is a breeze. Especially at max cp.
    Edited by XxCaLxX on November 20, 2020 7:51PM
    Tried vet this morning. It's not bad until the last leg of the last fight. Conclusion: the fire mages are a bridge too far.

    I'll nap and come back to it. 😝

    I'm only pulling 40-50k DPS on a heavy attack mNB build, but when I first started I was doing Red-Green-Blue portal order. The fire casters from the Red portal were what was *** me up the most. I think Green-Blue-Red is prob easiest for me. The Green mobs aren't a big deal, the Blue spawns ground AOE lightning, but the Red chain cast the fire *** and have to be interrupted.

    If you don't spot them right away to interrupt them you will take a ton of pressure.
  • Jeremy
    Alcast wrote: »
    I ran the arena a lot on the PTS and I knew the Minotaur boss and the last one will be tricky compared to all other bosses in there.

    The last boss should be difficult, that is fine, if you have the right build the shades won't cause any trouble. I think the problem with the Minotaur boss is that there is just too many mechanics such as the grapple hook (which isn't made for in combat purposes because you have to sheath your weapon mid fight), his color change, the mages fire mechanic and trillions of stuns and interrupting which all make the fight a lot longer.

    I have seen many players not get the ESSENCES that boost your stats by up to 10k, I recommend reading the Vateshran Holllows Arena guide (English & German Versions) to get more info on that.

    If you need further help you can also check out my Youtube Playlist of Vateshran Hollows which has runs of almost all magicka/stamina setups.

    If you ask me the minotaur is like a million times easier than the last fight is. Are the mechanics kind of annoying? Sure. But at least it doesn't force you to play an offensive build like the last fight does. Why even have defensive gear in the game in the first place if you aren't going to allow players to use it to be able to complete the content? This is especially the case since actual tank gear drops from this arena. The last fight is just bad design. It's impossible for defensive builds. I don't know why the developers of this game just assume everyone plays a DPS build. Then they wonder why tanks are so rare.
    Edited by Jeremy on November 20, 2020 11:32PM
  • Kurat
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Alcast wrote: »
    I ran the arena a lot on the PTS and I knew the Minotaur boss and the last one will be tricky compared to all other bosses in there.

    The last boss should be difficult, that is fine, if you have the right build the shades won't cause any trouble. I think the problem with the Minotaur boss is that there is just too many mechanics such as the grapple hook (which isn't made for in combat purposes because you have to sheath your weapon mid fight), his color change, the mages fire mechanic and trillions of stuns and interrupting which all make the fight a lot longer.

    I have seen many players not get the ESSENCES that boost your stats by up to 10k, I recommend reading the Vateshran Holllows Arena guide (English & German Versions) to get more info on that.

    If you need further help you can also check out my Youtube Playlist of Vateshran Hollows which has runs of almost all magicka/stamina setups.

    If you ask me the minotaur is like a million times easier than the last fight is. Are the mechanics kind of annoying? Sure. But at least it doesn't force you to play an offensive build like the last fight does. Why even have defensive gear in the game in the first place if you aren't going to allow players to use it to be able to complete the content? This is especially the case since actual tank gear drops from this arena. The last fight is just bad design. It's impossible for defensive builds. I don't know why the developers of this game just assume everyone plays a DPS build. Then they wonder why tanks are so rare.

    No build is good for all content. That's what I like about eso, you have make some changes depending on what content you're doing. I even change gear/skills in the same dungeon/trial/arena depending on fights. That doesn't mean I can't do it with some fixed build but it just makes fights so much easier if you make adjustments.
    I found the last boss fight difficult at first on pts. And now got the trifecta for all my toons, including stam. It's all about practice and getting used to it and knowing your class/builds. Same thing was with vMA at first, it took me days of raging to clear, now I can do flawless runs with my eyes closed.

    Just keep at it and you will get it.

    PS I also got the trifecta with my dk tank. I only changed to dps gear but kept cp, lord mundus, attributes etc as tank. My dps was only around 20-25k but it was enough, cleared in 43 min.
  • Everest_Lionheart
    Kurat wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Alcast wrote: »
    I ran the arena a lot on the PTS and I knew the Minotaur boss and the last one will be tricky compared to all other bosses in there.

    The last boss should be difficult, that is fine, if you have the right build the shades won't cause any trouble. I think the problem with the Minotaur boss is that there is just too many mechanics such as the grapple hook (which isn't made for in combat purposes because you have to sheath your weapon mid fight), his color change, the mages fire mechanic and trillions of stuns and interrupting which all make the fight a lot longer.

    I have seen many players not get the ESSENCES that boost your stats by up to 10k, I recommend reading the Vateshran Holllows Arena guide (English & German Versions) to get more info on that.

    If you need further help you can also check out my Youtube Playlist of Vateshran Hollows which has runs of almost all magicka/stamina setups.

    If you ask me the minotaur is like a million times easier than the last fight is. Are the mechanics kind of annoying? Sure. But at least it doesn't force you to play an offensive build like the last fight does. Why even have defensive gear in the game in the first place if you aren't going to allow players to use it to be able to complete the content? This is especially the case since actual tank gear drops from this arena. The last fight is just bad design. It's impossible for defensive builds. I don't know why the developers of this game just assume everyone plays a DPS build. Then they wonder why tanks are so rare.

    No build is good for all content. That's what I like about eso, you have make some changes depending on what content you're doing. I even change gear/skills in the same dungeon/trial/arena depending on fights. That doesn't mean I can't do it with some fixed build but it just makes fights so much easier if you make adjustments.
    I found the last boss fight difficult at first on pts. And now got the trifecta for all my toons, including stam. It's all about practice and getting used to it and knowing your class/builds. Same thing was with vMA at first, it took me days of raging to clear, now I can do flawless runs with my eyes closed.

    Just keep at it and you will get it.

    PS I also got the trifecta with my dk tank. I only changed to dps gear but kept cp, lord mundus, attributes etc as tank. My dps was only around 20-25k but it was enough, cleared in 43 min.

    I definitely changed skills from arena to arena to play certain mechs and equipment for the final fight. I’m still stuck on the final phase of the boss trying to find the balance between mitigation and mechanics because the incoming damage is so high and trying to handle the flame shaper while also focusing the tether is proving just a hair too hard. The only thing I haven’t tried is switching up my red tree there to take an extra couple hits. That’s all I really need to be honest because once I get through that first tether and interrupt the flame shaper I can choreograph the rest of the fight how I want it to go by grabbing an extra colossi and dragging it to the flame shaper to kill both right before the next tether. With colossi and flame shaper out of the way I can break second tether and finish off the boss while controlling the next flame shaper.
  • Jeremy
    Kurat wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Alcast wrote: »
    I ran the arena a lot on the PTS and I knew the Minotaur boss and the last one will be tricky compared to all other bosses in there.

    The last boss should be difficult, that is fine, if you have the right build the shades won't cause any trouble. I think the problem with the Minotaur boss is that there is just too many mechanics such as the grapple hook (which isn't made for in combat purposes because you have to sheath your weapon mid fight), his color change, the mages fire mechanic and trillions of stuns and interrupting which all make the fight a lot longer.

    I have seen many players not get the ESSENCES that boost your stats by up to 10k, I recommend reading the Vateshran Holllows Arena guide (English & German Versions) to get more info on that.

    If you need further help you can also check out my Youtube Playlist of Vateshran Hollows which has runs of almost all magicka/stamina setups.

    If you ask me the minotaur is like a million times easier than the last fight is. Are the mechanics kind of annoying? Sure. But at least it doesn't force you to play an offensive build like the last fight does. Why even have defensive gear in the game in the first place if you aren't going to allow players to use it to be able to complete the content? This is especially the case since actual tank gear drops from this arena. The last fight is just bad design. It's impossible for defensive builds. I don't know why the developers of this game just assume everyone plays a DPS build. Then they wonder why tanks are so rare.

    No build is good for all content. That's what I like about eso, you have make some changes depending on what content you're doing. I even change gear/skills in the same dungeon/trial/arena depending on fights. That doesn't mean I can't do it with some fixed build but it just makes fights so much easier if you make adjustments.
    I found the last boss fight difficult at first on pts. And now got the trifecta for all my toons, including stam. It's all about practice and getting used to it and knowing your class/builds. Same thing was with vMA at first, it took me days of raging to clear, now I can do flawless runs with my eyes closed.

    Just keep at it and you will get it.

    PS I also got the trifecta with my dk tank. I only changed to dps gear but kept cp, lord mundus, attributes etc as tank. My dps was only around 20-25k but it was enough, cleared in 43 min.

    It's not so much about whether I can win or not, Kurat. It's about being able to win as a defensive build, the kind I actually like to play and have invested all my time and effort into. I just don't find it interesting or challenging to force players to change into a DPS build to defeat content. For example: I just got done doing The Wounding (since I have to start over so I can get these gimmicky "buffs) and I tried for an hour trying to defeat the secret boss. I eventually gave up, as I simply did not have the DPS to shut down his healing.

    Then I switched to a DPS build and beat it first time in a few minutes and was by far the easiest boss. Am I suddenly more skilled? No. I'm the exact same player. If anything, I was playing a lot more skillfully on my tank. The only difference was my DPS build had more damage and boom, I won. It's stupid.

    I wish the developers of this game would move away from this silly and false idea that inserting DPS race mechanics into a fight makes it more "challenging". It doesn't. All it does is force players to use DPS builds. That's literally all it does and I'm tired of them ruining content for people by obsessing over that illusion of challenge because it brings nothing of worth to a fight and just alienates players like myself.
    Edited by Jeremy on November 21, 2020 12:08AM
  • Everest_Lionheart
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Kurat wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Alcast wrote: »
    I ran the arena a lot on the PTS and I knew the Minotaur boss and the last one will be tricky compared to all other bosses in there.

    The last boss should be difficult, that is fine, if you have the right build the shades won't cause any trouble. I think the problem with the Minotaur boss is that there is just too many mechanics such as the grapple hook (which isn't made for in combat purposes because you have to sheath your weapon mid fight), his color change, the mages fire mechanic and trillions of stuns and interrupting which all make the fight a lot longer.

    I have seen many players not get the ESSENCES that boost your stats by up to 10k, I recommend reading the Vateshran Holllows Arena guide (English & German Versions) to get more info on that.

    If you need further help you can also check out my Youtube Playlist of Vateshran Hollows which has runs of almost all magicka/stamina setups.

    If you ask me the minotaur is like a million times easier than the last fight is. Are the mechanics kind of annoying? Sure. But at least it doesn't force you to play an offensive build like the last fight does. Why even have defensive gear in the game in the first place if you aren't going to allow players to use it to be able to complete the content? This is especially the case since actual tank gear drops from this arena. The last fight is just bad design. It's impossible for defensive builds. I don't know why the developers of this game just assume everyone plays a DPS build. Then they wonder why tanks are so rare.

    No build is good for all content. That's what I like about eso, you have make some changes depending on what content you're doing. I even change gear/skills in the same dungeon/trial/arena depending on fights. That doesn't mean I can't do it with some fixed build but it just makes fights so much easier if you make adjustments.
    I found the last boss fight difficult at first on pts. And now got the trifecta for all my toons, including stam. It's all about practice and getting used to it and knowing your class/builds. Same thing was with vMA at first, it took me days of raging to clear, now I can do flawless runs with my eyes closed.

    Just keep at it and you will get it.

    PS I also got the trifecta with my dk tank. I only changed to dps gear but kept cp, lord mundus, attributes etc as tank. My dps was only around 20-25k but it was enough, cleared in 43 min.

    It's not so much about whether I can win or not, Kurat. It's about being able to win as a defensive build, the kind I actually like to play and have invested all my time and effort into. I just don't find it interesting or challenging to force players to change into a DPS build to defeat content. For example: I just got done doing The Wounding (since I have to start over so I can get these gimmicky "buffs) and I tried for an hour trying to defeat the secret boss. I eventually gave up, as I simply did not have the DPS to shut down his healing.

    Then I switched to a DPS build and beat it first time in a few minutes and was by far the easiest boss. Am I suddenly more skilled? No. I'm the exact same player. If anything, I was playing a lot more skillfully on my tank. The only difference was my DPS build had more damage and boom, I won. It's stupid.

    I wish the developers of this game would move away from this silly and false idea that inserting DPS race mechanics into a fight makes it more "challenging". It doesn't. All it does is force players to use DPS builds. That's literally all it does and I'm tired of them ruining content for people by obsessing over that illusion of challenge that is the DPS race mechanic because it brings nothing of worth to a fight and just alienates players like myself.

    The last fight you need a build that you would literally never use for any other content in the game because it would be ineffective in anything outside of questing or maybe soloing a vet dungeon (many vet dungeons have even harder DPS checks than vateshran.) In this way it is forcing you into a different play style. I would never wear earthgore on a stam DPS while slotting 2 heals and 2 shields or wear a stam sustain set for any other content in the game. The build itself is absurd and turns into a self buff machine with a couple AOE’s that spams 1 attack between mechanics. It kind of throws “play how you want” straight out the window.
  • SickleCider
    Tried vet this morning. It's not bad until the last leg of the last fight. Conclusion: the fire mages are a bridge too far.

    I'll nap and come back to it. 😝

    I'm only pulling 40-50k DPS on a heavy attack mNB build, but when I first started I was doing Red-Green-Blue portal order. The fire casters from the Red portal were what was *** me up the most. I think Green-Blue-Red is prob easiest for me. The Green mobs aren't a big deal, the Blue spawns ground AOE lightning, but the Red chain cast the fire *** and have to be interrupted.

    If you don't spot them right away to interrupt them you will take a ton of pressure.

    Thank you for the tips. Yeah, I noticed that behavior with the portals this morning, so I was doing it in Green-Blue-Red order. The flame mages were giving me Maelstrom deja vous, very similar to the Kyngolds.

    The same thing kept happening to me this morning: I'd get to the final burn on the boss and then get whopped by a fire mage standing in the back of the crowd or behind the boss so I couldn't hit it with the unicorn beam (crushing shock). I try to save the shield buff for this stage but get pelted before I can grab it (the synergy refused to work when I was standing on top of it one time, which was a morale booster!)

    I have some ideas about how I can pace things differently, and I'm hunting down that ring everyone keeps talking about. 😝
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
  • Jeremy
    Tried vet this morning. It's not bad until the last leg of the last fight. Conclusion: the fire mages are a bridge too far.

    I'll nap and come back to it. 😝

    I'm only pulling 40-50k DPS on a heavy attack mNB build, but when I first started I was doing Red-Green-Blue portal order. The fire casters from the Red portal were what was *** me up the most. I think Green-Blue-Red is prob easiest for me. The Green mobs aren't a big deal, the Blue spawns ground AOE lightning, but the Red chain cast the fire *** and have to be interrupted.

    If you don't spot them right away to interrupt them you will take a ton of pressure.

    Thank you for the tips. Yeah, I noticed that behavior with the portals this morning, so I was doing it in Green-Blue-Red order. The flame mages were giving me Maelstrom deja vous, very similar to the Kyngolds.

    The same thing kept happening to me this morning: I'd get to the final burn on the boss and then get whopped by a fire mage standing in the back of the crowd or behind the boss so I couldn't hit it with the unicorn beam (crushing shock). I try to save the shield buff for this stage but get pelted before I can grab it (the synergy refused to work when I was standing on top of it one time, which was a morale booster!)

    I have some ideas about how I can pace things differently, and I'm hunting down that ring everyone keeps talking about. 😝

    That's what was killing me in the last phase as well.

    I'm hoping with this health buff I'm hearing about I'll be able to live through it on my makeshift DPS. The fight is ridiculously hard without those buffs. I really don't recommend anyone put themselves through that hell.
    Edited by Jeremy on November 21, 2020 5:17AM
  • tmbrinks
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Kurat wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Alcast wrote: »
    I ran the arena a lot on the PTS and I knew the Minotaur boss and the last one will be tricky compared to all other bosses in there.

    The last boss should be difficult, that is fine, if you have the right build the shades won't cause any trouble. I think the problem with the Minotaur boss is that there is just too many mechanics such as the grapple hook (which isn't made for in combat purposes because you have to sheath your weapon mid fight), his color change, the mages fire mechanic and trillions of stuns and interrupting which all make the fight a lot longer.

    I have seen many players not get the ESSENCES that boost your stats by up to 10k, I recommend reading the Vateshran Holllows Arena guide (English & German Versions) to get more info on that.

    If you need further help you can also check out my Youtube Playlist of Vateshran Hollows which has runs of almost all magicka/stamina setups.

    If you ask me the minotaur is like a million times easier than the last fight is. Are the mechanics kind of annoying? Sure. But at least it doesn't force you to play an offensive build like the last fight does. Why even have defensive gear in the game in the first place if you aren't going to allow players to use it to be able to complete the content? This is especially the case since actual tank gear drops from this arena. The last fight is just bad design. It's impossible for defensive builds. I don't know why the developers of this game just assume everyone plays a DPS build. Then they wonder why tanks are so rare.

    No build is good for all content. That's what I like about eso, you have make some changes depending on what content you're doing. I even change gear/skills in the same dungeon/trial/arena depending on fights. That doesn't mean I can't do it with some fixed build but it just makes fights so much easier if you make adjustments.
    I found the last boss fight difficult at first on pts. And now got the trifecta for all my toons, including stam. It's all about practice and getting used to it and knowing your class/builds. Same thing was with vMA at first, it took me days of raging to clear, now I can do flawless runs with my eyes closed.

    Just keep at it and you will get it.

    PS I also got the trifecta with my dk tank. I only changed to dps gear but kept cp, lord mundus, attributes etc as tank. My dps was only around 20-25k but it was enough, cleared in 43 min.

    It's not so much about whether I can win or not, Kurat. It's about being able to win as a defensive build, the kind I actually like to play and have invested all my time and effort into. I just don't find it interesting or challenging to force players to change into a DPS build to defeat content. For example: I just got done doing The Wounding (since I have to start over so I can get these gimmicky "buffs) and I tried for an hour trying to defeat the secret boss. I eventually gave up, as I simply did not have the DPS to shut down his healing.

    Then I switched to a DPS build and beat it first time in a few minutes and was by far the easiest boss. Am I suddenly more skilled? No. I'm the exact same player. If anything, I was playing a lot more skillfully on my tank. The only difference was my DPS build had more damage and boom, I won. It's stupid.

    I wish the developers of this game would move away from this silly and false idea that inserting DPS race mechanics into a fight makes it more "challenging". It doesn't. All it does is force players to use DPS builds. That's literally all it does and I'm tired of them ruining content for people by obsessing over that illusion of challenge that is the DPS race mechanic because it brings nothing of worth to a fight and just alienates players like myself.

    The last fight you need a build that you would literally never use for any other content in the game because it would be ineffective in anything outside of questing or maybe soloing a vet dungeon (many vet dungeons have even harder DPS checks than vateshran.) In this way it is forcing you into a different play style. I would never wear earthgore on a stam DPS while slotting 2 heals and 2 shields or wear a stam sustain set for any other content in the game. The build itself is absurd and turns into a self buff machine with a couple AOE’s that spams 1 attack between mechanics. It kind of throws “play how you want” straight out the window.

    I ran Mother's Sorrow/Perfected False God's. A very, very, very common mag DPS build for lots of content. Literally the only change I made from a dps build was to slot elemental drain for the breach and mag return (since normally a healer would provide that)
    Tenacious Dreamer - Hurricane Herald - Godslayer - Dawnbringer - Gryphon Heart - Tick Tock Tormenter - Immortal Redeemer - Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    The Unchained - Oathsworn - Bedlam's Disciple - Temporal Tempest - Curator's Champion - Fist of Tava - Invader's Bane - Land, Air, and Sea Supremacy - Zero Regrets - Battlespire's Best - Bastion Breaker - Ardent Bibliophile - Subterranean Smasher - Bane of Thorns - True Genius - In Defiance of Death - No Rest for the Wicked - Nature's Wrath - Undying Endurance - Relentless Raider - Depths Defier - Apex Predator - Pure Lunacy - Mountain God - Leave No Bone Unbroken - CoS/RoM/BF/FH Challenger
    66,110 achievement points
  • Waffennacht
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Kurat wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Alcast wrote: »
    I ran the arena a lot on the PTS and I knew the Minotaur boss and the last one will be tricky compared to all other bosses in there.

    The last boss should be difficult, that is fine, if you have the right build the shades won't cause any trouble. I think the problem with the Minotaur boss is that there is just too many mechanics such as the grapple hook (which isn't made for in combat purposes because you have to sheath your weapon mid fight), his color change, the mages fire mechanic and trillions of stuns and interrupting which all make the fight a lot longer.

    I have seen many players not get the ESSENCES that boost your stats by up to 10k, I recommend reading the Vateshran Holllows Arena guide (English & German Versions) to get more info on that.

    If you need further help you can also check out my Youtube Playlist of Vateshran Hollows which has runs of almost all magicka/stamina setups.

    If you ask me the minotaur is like a million times easier than the last fight is. Are the mechanics kind of annoying? Sure. But at least it doesn't force you to play an offensive build like the last fight does. Why even have defensive gear in the game in the first place if you aren't going to allow players to use it to be able to complete the content? This is especially the case since actual tank gear drops from this arena. The last fight is just bad design. It's impossible for defensive builds. I don't know why the developers of this game just assume everyone plays a DPS build. Then they wonder why tanks are so rare.

    No build is good for all content. That's what I like about eso, you have make some changes depending on what content you're doing. I even change gear/skills in the same dungeon/trial/arena depending on fights. That doesn't mean I can't do it with some fixed build but it just makes fights so much easier if you make adjustments.
    I found the last boss fight difficult at first on pts. And now got the trifecta for all my toons, including stam. It's all about practice and getting used to it and knowing your class/builds. Same thing was with vMA at first, it took me days of raging to clear, now I can do flawless runs with my eyes closed.

    Just keep at it and you will get it.

    PS I also got the trifecta with my dk tank. I only changed to dps gear but kept cp, lord mundus, attributes etc as tank. My dps was only around 20-25k but it was enough, cleared in 43 min.

    It's not so much about whether I can win or not, Kurat. It's about being able to win as a defensive build, the kind I actually like to play and have invested all my time and effort into. I just don't find it interesting or challenging to force players to change into a DPS build to defeat content. For example: I just got done doing The Wounding (since I have to start over so I can get these gimmicky "buffs) and I tried for an hour trying to defeat the secret boss. I eventually gave up, as I simply did not have the DPS to shut down his healing.

    Then I switched to a DPS build and beat it first time in a few minutes and was by far the easiest boss. Am I suddenly more skilled? No. I'm the exact same player. If anything, I was playing a lot more skillfully on my tank. The only difference was my DPS build had more damage and boom, I won. It's stupid.

    I wish the developers of this game would move away from this silly and false idea that inserting DPS race mechanics into a fight makes it more "challenging". It doesn't. All it does is force players to use DPS builds. That's literally all it does and I'm tired of them ruining content for people by obsessing over that illusion of challenge that is the DPS race mechanic because it brings nothing of worth to a fight and just alienates players like myself.

    The last fight you need a build that you would literally never use for any other content in the game because it would be ineffective in anything outside of questing or maybe soloing a vet dungeon (many vet dungeons have even harder DPS checks than vateshran.) In this way it is forcing you into a different play style. I would never wear earthgore on a stam DPS while slotting 2 heals and 2 shields or wear a stam sustain set for any other content in the game. The build itself is absurd and turns into a self buff machine with a couple AOE’s that spams 1 attack between mechanics. It kind of throws “play how you want” straight out the window.

    I ran Mother's Sorrow/Perfected False God's. A very, very, very common mag DPS build for lots of content. Literally the only change I made from a dps build was to slot elemental drain for the breach and mag return (since normally a healer would provide that)

    Exactly the problem; just slot the same thing as every single mag dps multi player content build and literally ignore mechanics and get the dungeon done in minutes.

    Thats not what solo content should be. Its fine for 4 man + content, as you expect maximizing dps to be rewarded.

    But in solo content, strategy and thought and interactions should be rewarded.

    The whole arena up until the final boss proves they can do it just fine lol
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Everest_Lionheart
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Kurat wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Alcast wrote: »
    I ran the arena a lot on the PTS and I knew the Minotaur boss and the last one will be tricky compared to all other bosses in there.

    The last boss should be difficult, that is fine, if you have the right build the shades won't cause any trouble. I think the problem with the Minotaur boss is that there is just too many mechanics such as the grapple hook (which isn't made for in combat purposes because you have to sheath your weapon mid fight), his color change, the mages fire mechanic and trillions of stuns and interrupting which all make the fight a lot longer.

    I have seen many players not get the ESSENCES that boost your stats by up to 10k, I recommend reading the Vateshran Holllows Arena guide (English & German Versions) to get more info on that.

    If you need further help you can also check out my Youtube Playlist of Vateshran Hollows which has runs of almost all magicka/stamina setups.

    If you ask me the minotaur is like a million times easier than the last fight is. Are the mechanics kind of annoying? Sure. But at least it doesn't force you to play an offensive build like the last fight does. Why even have defensive gear in the game in the first place if you aren't going to allow players to use it to be able to complete the content? This is especially the case since actual tank gear drops from this arena. The last fight is just bad design. It's impossible for defensive builds. I don't know why the developers of this game just assume everyone plays a DPS build. Then they wonder why tanks are so rare.

    No build is good for all content. That's what I like about eso, you have make some changes depending on what content you're doing. I even change gear/skills in the same dungeon/trial/arena depending on fights. That doesn't mean I can't do it with some fixed build but it just makes fights so much easier if you make adjustments.
    I found the last boss fight difficult at first on pts. And now got the trifecta for all my toons, including stam. It's all about practice and getting used to it and knowing your class/builds. Same thing was with vMA at first, it took me days of raging to clear, now I can do flawless runs with my eyes closed.

    Just keep at it and you will get it.

    PS I also got the trifecta with my dk tank. I only changed to dps gear but kept cp, lord mundus, attributes etc as tank. My dps was only around 20-25k but it was enough, cleared in 43 min.

    It's not so much about whether I can win or not, Kurat. It's about being able to win as a defensive build, the kind I actually like to play and have invested all my time and effort into. I just don't find it interesting or challenging to force players to change into a DPS build to defeat content. For example: I just got done doing The Wounding (since I have to start over so I can get these gimmicky "buffs) and I tried for an hour trying to defeat the secret boss. I eventually gave up, as I simply did not have the DPS to shut down his healing.

    Then I switched to a DPS build and beat it first time in a few minutes and was by far the easiest boss. Am I suddenly more skilled? No. I'm the exact same player. If anything, I was playing a lot more skillfully on my tank. The only difference was my DPS build had more damage and boom, I won. It's stupid.

    I wish the developers of this game would move away from this silly and false idea that inserting DPS race mechanics into a fight makes it more "challenging". It doesn't. All it does is force players to use DPS builds. That's literally all it does and I'm tired of them ruining content for people by obsessing over that illusion of challenge that is the DPS race mechanic because it brings nothing of worth to a fight and just alienates players like myself.

    The last fight you need a build that you would literally never use for any other content in the game because it would be ineffective in anything outside of questing or maybe soloing a vet dungeon (many vet dungeons have even harder DPS checks than vateshran.) In this way it is forcing you into a different play style. I would never wear earthgore on a stam DPS while slotting 2 heals and 2 shields or wear a stam sustain set for any other content in the game. The build itself is absurd and turns into a self buff machine with a couple AOE’s that spams 1 attack between mechanics. It kind of throws “play how you want” straight out the window.

    I ran Mother's Sorrow/Perfected False God's. A very, very, very common mag DPS build for lots of content. Literally the only change I made from a dps build was to slot elemental drain for the breach and mag return (since normally a healer would provide that)

    Stam player here. Rele and Deadly have no place in this fight. So it’s vicious ophidian with Briarheart because you need the stam recovery and the extra crit/healing from Briarheart. You are literally standing in the face of tons of damage. Kiting in melee you get hit a lot more than kiting from range. Also switching from DW to 2H seems to be a necessity. Velidreth or Selene monster sets aren’t really adding much here and pale order ring is a must so you are either getting 4 pc from your second set on your front bar and keeping the monster set or running 1 pc monster to keep the 5pc set bonus. Also I would maybe slot a shield for certain 4 man groups but never for trials, here I am slotting 2.

    That’s stam setup for this arena. My magplar I could probably swap my zaan for iceheart and roll through it. But I am determined to finish this on Stamden because it’s my main.
  • tmbrinks
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Kurat wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Alcast wrote: »
    I ran the arena a lot on the PTS and I knew the Minotaur boss and the last one will be tricky compared to all other bosses in there.

    The last boss should be difficult, that is fine, if you have the right build the shades won't cause any trouble. I think the problem with the Minotaur boss is that there is just too many mechanics such as the grapple hook (which isn't made for in combat purposes because you have to sheath your weapon mid fight), his color change, the mages fire mechanic and trillions of stuns and interrupting which all make the fight a lot longer.

    I have seen many players not get the ESSENCES that boost your stats by up to 10k, I recommend reading the Vateshran Holllows Arena guide (English & German Versions) to get more info on that.

    If you need further help you can also check out my Youtube Playlist of Vateshran Hollows which has runs of almost all magicka/stamina setups.

    If you ask me the minotaur is like a million times easier than the last fight is. Are the mechanics kind of annoying? Sure. But at least it doesn't force you to play an offensive build like the last fight does. Why even have defensive gear in the game in the first place if you aren't going to allow players to use it to be able to complete the content? This is especially the case since actual tank gear drops from this arena. The last fight is just bad design. It's impossible for defensive builds. I don't know why the developers of this game just assume everyone plays a DPS build. Then they wonder why tanks are so rare.

    No build is good for all content. That's what I like about eso, you have make some changes depending on what content you're doing. I even change gear/skills in the same dungeon/trial/arena depending on fights. That doesn't mean I can't do it with some fixed build but it just makes fights so much easier if you make adjustments.
    I found the last boss fight difficult at first on pts. And now got the trifecta for all my toons, including stam. It's all about practice and getting used to it and knowing your class/builds. Same thing was with vMA at first, it took me days of raging to clear, now I can do flawless runs with my eyes closed.

    Just keep at it and you will get it.

    PS I also got the trifecta with my dk tank. I only changed to dps gear but kept cp, lord mundus, attributes etc as tank. My dps was only around 20-25k but it was enough, cleared in 43 min.

    It's not so much about whether I can win or not, Kurat. It's about being able to win as a defensive build, the kind I actually like to play and have invested all my time and effort into. I just don't find it interesting or challenging to force players to change into a DPS build to defeat content. For example: I just got done doing The Wounding (since I have to start over so I can get these gimmicky "buffs) and I tried for an hour trying to defeat the secret boss. I eventually gave up, as I simply did not have the DPS to shut down his healing.

    Then I switched to a DPS build and beat it first time in a few minutes and was by far the easiest boss. Am I suddenly more skilled? No. I'm the exact same player. If anything, I was playing a lot more skillfully on my tank. The only difference was my DPS build had more damage and boom, I won. It's stupid.

    I wish the developers of this game would move away from this silly and false idea that inserting DPS race mechanics into a fight makes it more "challenging". It doesn't. All it does is force players to use DPS builds. That's literally all it does and I'm tired of them ruining content for people by obsessing over that illusion of challenge that is the DPS race mechanic because it brings nothing of worth to a fight and just alienates players like myself.

    The last fight you need a build that you would literally never use for any other content in the game because it would be ineffective in anything outside of questing or maybe soloing a vet dungeon (many vet dungeons have even harder DPS checks than vateshran.) In this way it is forcing you into a different play style. I would never wear earthgore on a stam DPS while slotting 2 heals and 2 shields or wear a stam sustain set for any other content in the game. The build itself is absurd and turns into a self buff machine with a couple AOE’s that spams 1 attack between mechanics. It kind of throws “play how you want” straight out the window.

    I ran Mother's Sorrow/Perfected False God's. A very, very, very common mag DPS build for lots of content. Literally the only change I made from a dps build was to slot elemental drain for the breach and mag return (since normally a healer would provide that)

    Exactly the problem; just slot the same thing as every single mag dps multi player content build and literally ignore mechanics and get the dungeon done in minutes.

    Thats not what solo content should be. Its fine for 4 man + content, as you expect maximizing dps to be rewarded.

    But in solo content, strategy and thought and interactions should be rewarded.

    The whole arena up until the final boss proves they can do it just fine lol

    Oh, I agree. The arena is too easy. I was hoping for something on par with how difficult vMA was at launch.

    The forums would have exploded if that had happened.

    We already have lots of people complaining vVH is "too hard", some in this thread. When it's almost faceroll easy for somebody who's already done vMA.
    Tenacious Dreamer - Hurricane Herald - Godslayer - Dawnbringer - Gryphon Heart - Tick Tock Tormenter - Immortal Redeemer - Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    The Unchained - Oathsworn - Bedlam's Disciple - Temporal Tempest - Curator's Champion - Fist of Tava - Invader's Bane - Land, Air, and Sea Supremacy - Zero Regrets - Battlespire's Best - Bastion Breaker - Ardent Bibliophile - Subterranean Smasher - Bane of Thorns - True Genius - In Defiance of Death - No Rest for the Wicked - Nature's Wrath - Undying Endurance - Relentless Raider - Depths Defier - Apex Predator - Pure Lunacy - Mountain God - Leave No Bone Unbroken - CoS/RoM/BF/FH Challenger
    66,110 achievement points
  • tmbrinks
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Kurat wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Alcast wrote: »
    I ran the arena a lot on the PTS and I knew the Minotaur boss and the last one will be tricky compared to all other bosses in there.

    The last boss should be difficult, that is fine, if you have the right build the shades won't cause any trouble. I think the problem with the Minotaur boss is that there is just too many mechanics such as the grapple hook (which isn't made for in combat purposes because you have to sheath your weapon mid fight), his color change, the mages fire mechanic and trillions of stuns and interrupting which all make the fight a lot longer.

    I have seen many players not get the ESSENCES that boost your stats by up to 10k, I recommend reading the Vateshran Holllows Arena guide (English & German Versions) to get more info on that.

    If you need further help you can also check out my Youtube Playlist of Vateshran Hollows which has runs of almost all magicka/stamina setups.

    If you ask me the minotaur is like a million times easier than the last fight is. Are the mechanics kind of annoying? Sure. But at least it doesn't force you to play an offensive build like the last fight does. Why even have defensive gear in the game in the first place if you aren't going to allow players to use it to be able to complete the content? This is especially the case since actual tank gear drops from this arena. The last fight is just bad design. It's impossible for defensive builds. I don't know why the developers of this game just assume everyone plays a DPS build. Then they wonder why tanks are so rare.

    No build is good for all content. That's what I like about eso, you have make some changes depending on what content you're doing. I even change gear/skills in the same dungeon/trial/arena depending on fights. That doesn't mean I can't do it with some fixed build but it just makes fights so much easier if you make adjustments.
    I found the last boss fight difficult at first on pts. And now got the trifecta for all my toons, including stam. It's all about practice and getting used to it and knowing your class/builds. Same thing was with vMA at first, it took me days of raging to clear, now I can do flawless runs with my eyes closed.

    Just keep at it and you will get it.

    PS I also got the trifecta with my dk tank. I only changed to dps gear but kept cp, lord mundus, attributes etc as tank. My dps was only around 20-25k but it was enough, cleared in 43 min.

    It's not so much about whether I can win or not, Kurat. It's about being able to win as a defensive build, the kind I actually like to play and have invested all my time and effort into. I just don't find it interesting or challenging to force players to change into a DPS build to defeat content. For example: I just got done doing The Wounding (since I have to start over so I can get these gimmicky "buffs) and I tried for an hour trying to defeat the secret boss. I eventually gave up, as I simply did not have the DPS to shut down his healing.

    Then I switched to a DPS build and beat it first time in a few minutes and was by far the easiest boss. Am I suddenly more skilled? No. I'm the exact same player. If anything, I was playing a lot more skillfully on my tank. The only difference was my DPS build had more damage and boom, I won. It's stupid.

    I wish the developers of this game would move away from this silly and false idea that inserting DPS race mechanics into a fight makes it more "challenging". It doesn't. All it does is force players to use DPS builds. That's literally all it does and I'm tired of them ruining content for people by obsessing over that illusion of challenge that is the DPS race mechanic because it brings nothing of worth to a fight and just alienates players like myself.

    The last fight you need a build that you would literally never use for any other content in the game because it would be ineffective in anything outside of questing or maybe soloing a vet dungeon (many vet dungeons have even harder DPS checks than vateshran.) In this way it is forcing you into a different play style. I would never wear earthgore on a stam DPS while slotting 2 heals and 2 shields or wear a stam sustain set for any other content in the game. The build itself is absurd and turns into a self buff machine with a couple AOE’s that spams 1 attack between mechanics. It kind of throws “play how you want” straight out the window.

    I ran Mother's Sorrow/Perfected False God's. A very, very, very common mag DPS build for lots of content. Literally the only change I made from a dps build was to slot elemental drain for the breach and mag return (since normally a healer would provide that)

    Stam player here. Rele and Deadly have no place in this fight. So it’s vicious ophidian with Briarheart because you need the stam recovery and the extra crit/healing from Briarheart. You are literally standing in the face of tons of damage. Kiting in melee you get hit a lot more than kiting from range. Also switching from DW to 2H seems to be a necessity. Velidreth or Selene monster sets aren’t really adding much here and pale order ring is a must so you are either getting 4 pc from your second set on your front bar and keeping the monster set or running 1 pc monster to keep the 5pc set bonus. Also I would maybe slot a shield for certain 4 man groups but never for trials, here I am slotting 2.

    That’s stam setup for this arena. My magplar I could probably swap my zaan for iceheart and roll through it. But I am determined to finish this on Stamden because it’s my main.

    How is VO/Briarheart something you "wouldn't wear for any other content"? They're both very good sets, and I know plenty of stam DPS who run it. It might not be BiS in a trial setting, but it's really damn good.
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  • Everest_Lionheart
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Kurat wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Alcast wrote: »
    I ran the arena a lot on the PTS and I knew the Minotaur boss and the last one will be tricky compared to all other bosses in there.

    The last boss should be difficult, that is fine, if you have the right build the shades won't cause any trouble. I think the problem with the Minotaur boss is that there is just too many mechanics such as the grapple hook (which isn't made for in combat purposes because you have to sheath your weapon mid fight), his color change, the mages fire mechanic and trillions of stuns and interrupting which all make the fight a lot longer.

    I have seen many players not get the ESSENCES that boost your stats by up to 10k, I recommend reading the Vateshran Holllows Arena guide (English & German Versions) to get more info on that.

    If you need further help you can also check out my Youtube Playlist of Vateshran Hollows which has runs of almost all magicka/stamina setups.

    If you ask me the minotaur is like a million times easier than the last fight is. Are the mechanics kind of annoying? Sure. But at least it doesn't force you to play an offensive build like the last fight does. Why even have defensive gear in the game in the first place if you aren't going to allow players to use it to be able to complete the content? This is especially the case since actual tank gear drops from this arena. The last fight is just bad design. It's impossible for defensive builds. I don't know why the developers of this game just assume everyone plays a DPS build. Then they wonder why tanks are so rare.

    No build is good for all content. That's what I like about eso, you have make some changes depending on what content you're doing. I even change gear/skills in the same dungeon/trial/arena depending on fights. That doesn't mean I can't do it with some fixed build but it just makes fights so much easier if you make adjustments.
    I found the last boss fight difficult at first on pts. And now got the trifecta for all my toons, including stam. It's all about practice and getting used to it and knowing your class/builds. Same thing was with vMA at first, it took me days of raging to clear, now I can do flawless runs with my eyes closed.

    Just keep at it and you will get it.

    PS I also got the trifecta with my dk tank. I only changed to dps gear but kept cp, lord mundus, attributes etc as tank. My dps was only around 20-25k but it was enough, cleared in 43 min.

    It's not so much about whether I can win or not, Kurat. It's about being able to win as a defensive build, the kind I actually like to play and have invested all my time and effort into. I just don't find it interesting or challenging to force players to change into a DPS build to defeat content. For example: I just got done doing The Wounding (since I have to start over so I can get these gimmicky "buffs) and I tried for an hour trying to defeat the secret boss. I eventually gave up, as I simply did not have the DPS to shut down his healing.

    Then I switched to a DPS build and beat it first time in a few minutes and was by far the easiest boss. Am I suddenly more skilled? No. I'm the exact same player. If anything, I was playing a lot more skillfully on my tank. The only difference was my DPS build had more damage and boom, I won. It's stupid.

    I wish the developers of this game would move away from this silly and false idea that inserting DPS race mechanics into a fight makes it more "challenging". It doesn't. All it does is force players to use DPS builds. That's literally all it does and I'm tired of them ruining content for people by obsessing over that illusion of challenge that is the DPS race mechanic because it brings nothing of worth to a fight and just alienates players like myself.

    The last fight you need a build that you would literally never use for any other content in the game because it would be ineffective in anything outside of questing or maybe soloing a vet dungeon (many vet dungeons have even harder DPS checks than vateshran.) In this way it is forcing you into a different play style. I would never wear earthgore on a stam DPS while slotting 2 heals and 2 shields or wear a stam sustain set for any other content in the game. The build itself is absurd and turns into a self buff machine with a couple AOE’s that spams 1 attack between mechanics. It kind of throws “play how you want” straight out the window.

    I ran Mother's Sorrow/Perfected False God's. A very, very, very common mag DPS build for lots of content. Literally the only change I made from a dps build was to slot elemental drain for the breach and mag return (since normally a healer would provide that)

    Stam player here. Rele and Deadly have no place in this fight. So it’s vicious ophidian with Briarheart because you need the stam recovery and the extra crit/healing from Briarheart. You are literally standing in the face of tons of damage. Kiting in melee you get hit a lot more than kiting from range. Also switching from DW to 2H seems to be a necessity. Velidreth or Selene monster sets aren’t really adding much here and pale order ring is a must so you are either getting 4 pc from your second set on your front bar and keeping the monster set or running 1 pc monster to keep the 5pc set bonus. Also I would maybe slot a shield for certain 4 man groups but never for trials, here I am slotting 2.

    That’s stam setup for this arena. My magplar I could probably swap my zaan for iceheart and roll through it. But I am determined to finish this on Stamden because it’s my main.

    How is VO/Briarheart something you "wouldn't wear for any other content"? They're both very good sets, and I know plenty of stam DPS who run it. It might not be BiS in a trial setting, but it's really damn good.

    I’m going to get way more out of a Rele + Deadly bleed/poison build in group setting where sustain and keeping health up aren’t an issue. VO/Briarheart is solid for running solo content and worth a look with 4 man groups. But 4 man I prefer the Rele still with either Tzogvin or AY.
  • Jeremy
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Kurat wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Alcast wrote: »
    I ran the arena a lot on the PTS and I knew the Minotaur boss and the last one will be tricky compared to all other bosses in there.

    The last boss should be difficult, that is fine, if you have the right build the shades won't cause any trouble. I think the problem with the Minotaur boss is that there is just too many mechanics such as the grapple hook (which isn't made for in combat purposes because you have to sheath your weapon mid fight), his color change, the mages fire mechanic and trillions of stuns and interrupting which all make the fight a lot longer.

    I have seen many players not get the ESSENCES that boost your stats by up to 10k, I recommend reading the Vateshran Holllows Arena guide (English & German Versions) to get more info on that.

    If you need further help you can also check out my Youtube Playlist of Vateshran Hollows which has runs of almost all magicka/stamina setups.

    If you ask me the minotaur is like a million times easier than the last fight is. Are the mechanics kind of annoying? Sure. But at least it doesn't force you to play an offensive build like the last fight does. Why even have defensive gear in the game in the first place if you aren't going to allow players to use it to be able to complete the content? This is especially the case since actual tank gear drops from this arena. The last fight is just bad design. It's impossible for defensive builds. I don't know why the developers of this game just assume everyone plays a DPS build. Then they wonder why tanks are so rare.

    No build is good for all content. That's what I like about eso, you have make some changes depending on what content you're doing. I even change gear/skills in the same dungeon/trial/arena depending on fights. That doesn't mean I can't do it with some fixed build but it just makes fights so much easier if you make adjustments.
    I found the last boss fight difficult at first on pts. And now got the trifecta for all my toons, including stam. It's all about practice and getting used to it and knowing your class/builds. Same thing was with vMA at first, it took me days of raging to clear, now I can do flawless runs with my eyes closed.

    Just keep at it and you will get it.

    PS I also got the trifecta with my dk tank. I only changed to dps gear but kept cp, lord mundus, attributes etc as tank. My dps was only around 20-25k but it was enough, cleared in 43 min.

    It's not so much about whether I can win or not, Kurat. It's about being able to win as a defensive build, the kind I actually like to play and have invested all my time and effort into. I just don't find it interesting or challenging to force players to change into a DPS build to defeat content. For example: I just got done doing The Wounding (since I have to start over so I can get these gimmicky "buffs) and I tried for an hour trying to defeat the secret boss. I eventually gave up, as I simply did not have the DPS to shut down his healing.

    Then I switched to a DPS build and beat it first time in a few minutes and was by far the easiest boss. Am I suddenly more skilled? No. I'm the exact same player. If anything, I was playing a lot more skillfully on my tank. The only difference was my DPS build had more damage and boom, I won. It's stupid.

    I wish the developers of this game would move away from this silly and false idea that inserting DPS race mechanics into a fight makes it more "challenging". It doesn't. All it does is force players to use DPS builds. That's literally all it does and I'm tired of them ruining content for people by obsessing over that illusion of challenge that is the DPS race mechanic because it brings nothing of worth to a fight and just alienates players like myself.

    The last fight you need a build that you would literally never use for any other content in the game because it would be ineffective in anything outside of questing or maybe soloing a vet dungeon (many vet dungeons have even harder DPS checks than vateshran.) In this way it is forcing you into a different play style. I would never wear earthgore on a stam DPS while slotting 2 heals and 2 shields or wear a stam sustain set for any other content in the game. The build itself is absurd and turns into a self buff machine with a couple AOE’s that spams 1 attack between mechanics. It kind of throws “play how you want” straight out the window.

    I ran Mother's Sorrow/Perfected False God's. A very, very, very common mag DPS build for lots of content. Literally the only change I made from a dps build was to slot elemental drain for the breach and mag return (since normally a healer would provide that)

    Exactly the problem; just slot the same thing as every single mag dps multi player content build and literally ignore mechanics and get the dungeon done in minutes.

    Thats not what solo content should be. Its fine for 4 man + content, as you expect maximizing dps to be rewarded.

    But in solo content, strategy and thought and interactions should be rewarded.

    The whole arena up until the final boss proves they can do it just fine lol

    Oh, I agree. The arena is too easy. I was hoping for something on par with how difficult vMA was at launch.

    The forums would have exploded if that had happened.

    We already have lots of people complaining vVH is "too hard", some in this thread. When it's almost faceroll easy for somebody who's already done vMA.

    Have you done the last fight without those special buffs?

    Because it's hard for me to imagine anyone saying that fight is too easy.
    Edited by Jeremy on November 21, 2020 5:20AM
  • zvavi
    Jeremy wrote: »

    Have you done the last fight without those special buffs?

    Because it's hard for me to imagine anyone saying that fight is too easy.

    Done that. It was hard then. Then I found out about the buffs. Trifecta.
    Edited by zvavi on November 21, 2020 5:53AM
    zvavi wrote: »
    After getting my behind handed to me by last boss for an hour without the buffs (still finished it) doing it with the extra hp+mag was a walk in the park. In my opinion the arena was pretty disappointing. Feels a lot like dps check, cleave, and melee unfriendly.

    Got SS my 2nd run on a melee toon and all three things you listed are what I hear about trial content all of the time lol
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