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Veteran Vateshran hollows last boss difficulty

  • Raikiki
    I managed to kill the boss within 3 Minutes, she has so low health you can push her into the mechanics soo fast.

    VMS is much more difficult in my opinion.
  • Aliyavana
    i really hate how the colosus get in the way of the insta kill shade line and that has killed me the most timees
  • Kryser
    Went in 3 times yesterday. Died one time each to minotaur bug, minotaur bug, fall through floor bug. ( boar doesn't take damage after that).

    Went in 2nd day, fall through floor bug, then got my no bug no death.

    :) glad it took 5 tries to get a bug free run.
  • Firstmep
    Aoe is the name of the game in the last fight.
    I'm farming this with heavy attack Magicka Templar build not even optimized and its a walk in the park just push the boss to 50% and pull all the adds to the chain shade, pop destro ult lay down aoes, hold left click everything dies, then just push her into 10% even if you get a second shade phase just push the boss as the chains dissappear when she gets to 10%.
    Rinse repeat 3x.
    Makr sure you do the fire portal to last otherwise you'll have to deal with a constant stream of flamethrower adds as well.
    Did the trifecta run yesterday, would've got it sooner, but some bugs and lag kept killing me on each attempt.
    For melee Stam just use master 2h with brawler and it's the same concept.
    Having an execute also makes this go a lot easier, since you can skip the chain phases in the 2nd,3rd and 4th phases.
  • Firstmep
    I've re-read my comment and just wanted to make sure it doesn't come across as me thinking the last boss fight is well designed.
    If anything it perfectly highlights the core issue with Eso endgame pve, and thats skipping mechanics with dps.
    The fact that ignoring mechanics and just bursting the boss nilliy wily is the best strategy is just idiotic.
    Overlapping aoes, hard hitting adds, one shot mechanics all point towards one end: get this over with as fast as possible.
    Try doing this fight on a melee single target Stam user and suddenly the fight is a lot harder, and you have to deal with things like Goliaths body blocking the shades, or having multiple overlapping aoes on the spot where you need to be.
    On the minotaur fight you actually have to do the mechanics, most of which are fairly controllable and straightforward.
    Much better designed IMHO.
  • Nevidyra
    I got my Pale Order ring and managed to get the Trifecta (Nodeath, Speedrun, No Sigils) after about 4 attempts on a Jab-using Melee Magplar. It's not bad at all if you can DPS properly, burning the portal side-bosses and burning her down to 10% to skip the chain mechanics makes it a lot easier. Slotting consuming trap and placing it on the adds that spawn helps with sustain immensely when you kill them, as well.
    Edited by Nevidyra on November 4, 2020 10:57AM
    CP 1k+

    Immortal Redeemer [✅]
    Tick-Tock Tormentor [✅]
    Gryphon Heart [✅]
    Godslayer [WIP]
    Dawnbringer [N/A]

  • Dorkener
    The difficulty of this fight seems to completely hinge on how fast you can take advantage of the "platform wipe at 10% HP" mechanic. High end DPS players (plus mythic ring-> less need to actually heal-> even more DPS...) just plow through it focusing the boss the entire time. Us mere mortals inevitably die frantically trying to nuke the chain mobs with 3 collosi + other trash pummeling us and getting in the way :) Can't pace this fight... time to up the DEEPS I guess.
  • Firstmep
    Dorkener wrote: »
    The difficulty of this fight seems to completely hinge on how fast you can take advantage of the "platform wipe at 10% HP" mechanic. High end DPS players (plus mythic ring-> less need to actually heal-> even more DPS...) just plow through it focusing the boss the entire time. Us mere mortals inevitably die frantically trying to nuke the chain mobs with 3 collosi + other trash pummeling us and getting in the way :) Can't pace this fight... time to up the DEEPS I guess.

    This sums it up. If you are fast enough on the portal phases, when you come out the main boss still going to be in execute range, so you can just execute her back down to 10 and ignore every mechanic.

    Rinse repeat.
  • Svenja
    I am a healer main, and will always be a healer main. All my fancy titles from trials were done as a healer.
    When I slap on some DPS gear on my Templar, i don't have crazy high dps, my light attack weaving is bad and my skill rotation is not good either, I often forget to reapply my elemental blockade and my dots.
    On the fully-buffed raid-dummy I manage to pull between 45k to 50k dps on a good day. That is not much. I have no clue how much dps I do on the unbuffed target skeletons.

    With that being said:


    My gear was:
    5 pieces False God's Devotion
    5 pieces Mother's Sorrow
    Maelstrom Lightning Staff on backbar
    1 Domihaus Helm
    + Ring of Pale Order (honestly, get that thing. It is a gamechanger.)

    When I can do it, I am pretty sure anyone can, with a bit of practice. Key point for me was finding a good order to do the portals in (red one not as the last one because i am very slow with that one). I am rather fast in green and blue portal when I really concentrate on playing a clean skill rotation, so i don't even use my ultimate there. i saved my ulti for when I was getting back to maebroogha and used it on her to burn her into the next portal phase without having to do the shades chain.

    Taking the time to collect all(!!) of the Health Essence orbs in the Brimstone Den was also a big help. I had 29k Health during Maebroogha-Fight.
    Edited by Svenja on November 4, 2020 12:31PM
    PC | EU

    Svea Rochaud | Templar Healer | AD
    Grand Overlord - Flawless Conqueror - Immortal Redeemer - Tick-Tock-Tormentor - Gryphon Heart - Spirit Slayer
  • Spearpoint
    To compare it with the only other solo arena, every contender that went into Maelstrom Arena back in 2015 didn't make it either, to say the least. Arenas are supposed to be hard, and there would be something wrong if every contender won within the first few tries.

    If quirky mechanics (not considering the bugged ones - like when grappling insta-death and falling through the map during the Lurcher fights three times in a row, which I have on video btw), makes this arena harder than it "should be", then at least it makes the achievements a tad more prestigious to obtain.

    I'm glad it's not just another 30 min cake walk, and since titles are finally given for trifectas, I hereby propose "Quirkmeister".
    Arinwyn ~ Cute Wood Elf Archer
    Wardena ~ Frost Wardeness [Died alongside Arctic Blast]
    Dry Spell ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ
    Dark Heart of Skyrim 🍺
    Bomblebee ~ cya'll out there
    Bouncing Betty ~ Front Toward Enemy
    Spearpoint ~ Jab Them With The Pointy End
    Six Feet Above ~ Reapertime!
    Bisolar Disorder - Bright & Moody
    Django Unleashed ~ Mr. Nordic Bather's Towel
    Master Angler ~ Struggles With Ichthyophobia
    Ichthyophobia ~ Secretely Dreams of Becoming a Master Angler
    Lol Brb

    "Today we make our stand. Today we take back the Ruby Throne, which is ours by ancient right and the blessings of the Divines. Stand with us." — Queen Ayrenn
  • SgtNuttzmeg
    This arena is at a great difficulty level. It's perfect as it is. I really enjoyed the last boss. I don't say this a lot but well done ZOS. You did a really good job on this one.
    Legions of Mordor Core

  • gatekeeper13
    Right now, still trying to figure out how to kill Minotaur. It's so badly designed I get killed without it being my fault e.g when I try to use the hook thing, I get hit from Mino while travelling in the air, fall down and die. Other times I get hit and killed after using hook because I dont have the time to move away and Mino hits me the moment I land. It's like my character is not responding. Another time I used hook while area was under the massive aoe, traveled to a clean area on the other side only to get killed by fire from the previous area that didnt hit me. Probably a desync.

    More like I ll complete the arena once in vet and quit. Not enjoyable at all. Badly designed, too long and boring.
    Edited by gatekeeper13 on November 4, 2020 1:40PM
  • SgtNuttzmeg
    Right now, still trying to figure out how to kill Minotaur. It's so badly designed I get killed without it being my fault e.g when I try to use the hook thing, I get hit from Mino while travelling in the air, fall down and die. Other times I get hit and killed after using hook because I dont have the time to move away and Mino hits me the moment I land. It's like my character is not responding.

    More like I ll complete the arena once in vet and quit. Not enjoyable at all. Badly designed, too long and boring.

    Don't try to grapple hook directly towards the minatour. Always hook away. I ran into this issue on my first run but once I figured it out it wasn't too bad.
    Legions of Mordor Core

  • SgtNuttzmeg
    After reading through the comments I see alot of complaints about the last boss. The trick to this fight and really you see it in the Pyrolord boss fight too, is that it's all about mob positioning. Assuming you don't have the DPS to burn the adds, pull them in such away that when you attack the closing circle mobs they are behind or to your sides. It's the same with Pyrolord, if the Flame Spinner and Lord stack it becomes really difficult to deal with both mechanics at the same time. But if you separate them out or run a range interrupt they become a lot easier to manage.

    Mobs will run directly towards you. Keeping that in mind and juggling their positioning will give you success in this arena.
    Legions of Mordor Core

  • MirandaSharp
    Kurat wrote: »
    Last boss should be more difficult than the rest but the gap is too large imo. That fight heavily favors ranged mag builds and especially the ones with execute ability (magblade = ez mode, stamdk melee and no execute = HM)
    Execute is very important for this fight because when you're done with the shadow bosses and come back, the boss is almost at 25-30% and you can burn quick without any adds or mechs. Same with all 3 phases. While classes without execute do less dps and therefore get more adds and if melee then you are screwed.
    I did complete it with stam on pts but need alot of luck for no death while it's easy with mag, just keep moving, kite the big adds and dps boss.

    Did it with a melee(stamblade) character yesterday, and the last boss with the shrinking kill line is a nightmare if you don't have ranged dps. One millimeter to close and you die, yet you have to get real close to hit him with melee....
  • MirandaSharp
    Artorias24 wrote: »
    Also last boss, with this cycle that gets smaler. So many times i died cause i make one step forward by accident. Due to being melee i need to stay pretty close and cant kite the normal aoes happening while also tryng to break the cycle. Its pretty hard on stamina melee class tbh. Feels really unbalanced und magicka have an easy life there.

    Exactly! All the other bosses were easy, even the minotaur(it just takes time to get his health down). That shrinking kill line is horrible for melee characters..
  • gatekeeper13
    Right now, still trying to figure out how to kill Minotaur. It's so badly designed I get killed without it being my fault e.g when I try to use the hook thing, I get hit from Mino while travelling in the air, fall down and die. Other times I get hit and killed after using hook because I dont have the time to move away and Mino hits me the moment I land. It's like my character is not responding.

    More like I ll complete the arena once in vet and quit. Not enjoyable at all. Badly designed, too long and boring.

    Don't try to grapple hook directly towards the minatour. Always hook away. I ran into this issue on my first run but once I figured it out it wasn't too bad.

    Not talking about using hook to go close to mino but to escape. He also hit me while I was "flying" and threw me down in the pit. xD

    Just cleared the boss btw. Now off to Brimstone.

    Oh, also ran into this issue. I died for no reason the moment I used hook to enter Mino boss area, before fight even started.


  • gatekeeper13
    Svenja wrote: »
    I am a healer main, and will always be a healer main. All my fancy titles from trials were done as a healer.
    When I slap on some DPS gear on my Templar, i don't have crazy high dps, my light attack weaving is bad and my skill rotation is not good either, I often forget to reapply my elemental blockade and my dots.
    On the fully-buffed raid-dummy I manage to pull between 45k to 50k dps on a good day. That is not much. I have no clue how much dps I do on the unbuffed target skeletons.

    With that being said:


    My gear was:
    5 pieces False God's Devotion
    5 pieces Mother's Sorrow
    Maelstrom Lightning Staff on backbar
    1 Domihaus Helm
    + Ring of Pale Order (honestly, get that thing. It is a gamechanger.)

    When I can do it, I am pretty sure anyone can, with a bit of practice. Key point for me was finding a good order to do the portals in (red one not as the last one because i am very slow with that one). I am rather fast in green and blue portal when I really concentrate on playing a clean skill rotation, so i don't even use my ultimate there. i saved my ulti for when I was getting back to maebroogha and used it on her to burn her into the next portal phase without having to do the shades chain.

    Taking the time to collect all(!!) of the Health Essence orbs in the Brimstone Den was also a big help. I had 29k Health during Maebroogha-Fight.

    First of all, gz for your achievement!

    Second, I do around 70k in trial dummy but for some reason I cant do high dps after Update 28, especially in the New Arena, veteran mode. It's like my magsorc has lost his power. i wear the same sets you mentioned in your post.

    May I ask what Templar and non-Templar skills you used?
  • Dragonredux
    My main problem with the last boss is that the colossus love body blocking the minions that you need to kill so you don't die. Most of my deaths on my first run came from that. Also the final boss enforces "Burn over Mechanics" mentality because why do the main fight if you can burn the side bosses fast enough and execute the boss again instead of dealing with an increasing harder fight.

    Other than those grievances the final fight is fine and looks cool but I feel like I fight the adds more than the boss who usually just "dies" by my AoEs. Which a few deaths also have happened by and me going "Oh crap, where's a pillar?!"
  • AyaDark
    LAST boss is not to hard if you use permament buffs + 10 k hp + 10 k mana or stamina.
    I did not know about them before.

    You can take it on red arena = HP buffs

    Green = stamina

    Blue = mana

    But you must go some direction to get it:

    May be not correct but as i remember:
    blue->red->green = HP + stamina
    green->blue->red = mana+ HP

    Each arena is harder because you can take buff on it.

    The last boss is realy hard with out buffs but with buffs he is not more difficult than other bosses.
    Edited by AyaDark on November 4, 2020 3:11PM
  • tmbrinks
    AyaDark wrote: »
    LAST boss is not to hard if you use per,a,amt buffs + 10 r hp + 10 k mana or stamina.
    I did not know about them before.

    Each arena is harder because you can take buff on it.

    The last boss is realy hard with out buffs but with buffs he is not more difficult than other bosses.

    Agreed, I could not clear the final boss on the first day, got to execute 3 or 4 times, wiped another 10-15 as I was trying to figure out mechanics etc.

    I was not aware of the buffs that I could get.

    I then reset the instance and ran it on normal, to figure out where the buffs were, the order to do it, etc.

    Went back in on vet, and got a no-death run (didn't get the trifecta, used 1 sigil after I was over the time, since I was going slowly through it, just making sure to do things and practice mechanics). Finished it in 48 minutes while going slow. So should be able to complete it.

    The buffs make it MUCH easier.
    Edited by tmbrinks on November 4, 2020 3:09PM
    Tenacious Dreamer - Hurricane Herald - Godslayer - Dawnbringer - Gryphon Heart - Tick Tock Tormenter - Immortal Redeemer - Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
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    66,110 achievement points
  • Masel
    Class Representative
    This arena is much easier if you do the arenas in a specific order.

    As i explain it here:

    As magicka, you wanna do green first to get the grapple bow, which unlocks the essence of mysticism in the blue arena. This also ensures that you do green first, so the most annoying boss is done on the easiest diffculty.

    Stamina is a bit iffy, since you want to have the stamina buff asap, but that requires you to do the red arena. If you need the health buff (which you mostly don't if you have a decent health pool), you need to do blue arena first, then red, then blue. I found that it is much easier to do red first, then green, then blue. You miss health, but you gain the stamina buff for another arena, increasing damage by a lot, and damage = faster kills = easier time.

    Just saw that @Alcast posted something similar earlier. So take the advice :smile:
    Edited by Masel on November 4, 2020 3:17PM
    PC EU

    All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

  • gatekeeper13
    Anyone else noticed any lag in the arena? Ping is fine outside it but the moment I enter the arena and start a battle, many times I get huge lag spikes that make me wipe.
  • Shxm
    The mechanics are do-able, but the flame throwing add at the edd keeps kicking my butt
  • Nezyr_Jezz
    Finished the arena 3 times now. No nodeath yet (one run was perfect until wrong targeting and bodyblocking from skeletons).

    I used two builds to do the veterans: heavy attack build and FGD+Medusa. In both cases ring of the pale order was a thing, and in both cases glyph of shielding was amazingly helpfull.
    I still think the fat dps check is not nesscesary for the last boss and the minotaur. It favours magica builds. Also both sorc and nightblade on mag can just skip the mechanics and just nuke the boss and its minis. I would say heavy attack build is a safer route but doesnt get nearly the same dps on boss.
  • gatekeeper13
    Guys, what the hell is going on with targeting the shades? I am trying to kill one of them and always have other adds staying in front of them and cant target them at all.

    Last boss is a total mess. Jesus Christ, what's the fun in doing so frustrating content like this one? It's more annoying than enjoyable.
    Raikiki wrote: »
    I managed to kill the boss within 3 Minutes, she has so low health you can push her into the mechanics soo fast.

    VMS is much more difficult in my opinion.

    vMA is a joke if compared to last boss in vVH. I ve even completed it with my tank (!!!!) with S/B but last boss here looks impossible for me. I cant target the shades at all because other adds stay in front and red mini-boss wipes me every time, no matter if I do it 1st or 3rd. If I do it first then I can't survive the flameshapers during main boss fight, if I do it last I get wiped inside portal. Makes my pets die in seconds.

    Dunno, maybe my magsorc build sucks for this arena.

    Edited by gatekeeper13 on November 6, 2020 2:52PM
  • thadjarvis
    I believe the arena was created and tested with the mythic ring in mind.

    I did on light attack build mag(den) and brawler spam stam(sorc) prior to getting the ring. It felt dicey and definitely died a bunch on final boss.

    However, once you get the ring the dymanics of how you play can change drastically. Your sustain and damage improves as you don't waste GCDs or resources on healing/shielding. It takes some re-wiring. Instead of hitting shield or heal you should cast an AOE spam skill as it will heal you more. The ring rewards aggressive play. Eg stamplar you can just stay melee, cast hail every so often, and simply Jab. If you really wanted to, you could 1 bar/button the fight though casting hail isn't terribly difficult and helps take out adds. You do not want to back away or heal. When you see you health drop think increase damage not retreat/heal.

    If you play a more DoT intensive class you don't have to rely on spam skill to heal as much. Eg MagDK can dot up and safely run about. That didn't work (for me at least) on stamplar or stamblade as in if I didn't attack something for ~3 seconds (moving to interrupt etc) I'd die. So yes to one poster about DoT classes can have more consistent healing. But execute classes (all stamina) also have a strong advantage.

    You still want to slot a heal/shield for situations when you are away from enemies: running to grapple on final boss, running to HA the ball on fire boss, etc. For the flame mages you can slot venom arrow or CS if desired. You can also dodge roll into heal/shield a couple times to live as well if the mechanic happens and you are too far to bash or health is too high to kill fast. Note that if you have the boss tab targeted it can be tricky trying to interrupt a mage.
    Edited by thadjarvis on November 6, 2020 6:02PM
  • woe
    The only thing that was a little bit difficult to keep track of was the amount of things hitting you after you have all 3 sides completed. After you get used to priority it becomes extremely easy.
  • Joy_Division
    Guys, what the hell is going on with targeting the shades? I am trying to kill one of them and always have other adds staying in front of them and cant target them at all.

    Last boss is a total mess. Jesus Christ, what's the fun in doing so frustrating content like this one? It's more annoying than enjoyable.
    Raikiki wrote: »
    I managed to kill the boss within 3 Minutes, she has so low health you can push her into the mechanics soo fast.

    VMS is much more difficult in my opinion.

    vMA is a joke if compared to last boss in vVH. I ve even completed it with my tank (!!!!) with S/B but last boss here looks impossible for me. I cant target the shades at all because other adds stay in front and red mini-boss wipes me every time, no matter if I do it 1st or 3rd. If I do it first then I can't survive the flameshapers during main boss fight, if I do it last I get wiped inside portal. Makes my pets die in seconds.

    Dunno, maybe my magsorc build sucks for this arena.

    The huge skeletons body-blocking the shades is most frustrating part of the arena. That just makes the last fight even more of a DPS race because you really want to skip that and have less annoying adds that can get in the way.

    People who have insane DPS will say the order doesnt matter (and it doesn;t for them, because they only have to deal with 30% of the boss health when coming back), but if your DPS is not in the caliber, the red mini boss has to be done last. I'd kite the mini boss to the power sigil as soon as you get it there. You can let too many spinny inferno mages spawn.

    Edited by Joy_Division on November 6, 2020 6:46PM
  • Shxm
    Ok listen. I grinded for that pale order ring based on just rumors. But that did it for me. I tried for 2 days straight to get the skin and achievement without the ring but once I got the ring, I got it in 1 run.
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