Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)


  • StabbityDoom
    Hi everyone,

    We wanted to give you another update. As mentioned earlier this morning, we are testing a fix for the game crash that many of you are currently experiencing. If the fix passes testing, we are looking to move up the incremental patch to this weekend. We want to get this fixed as soon as possible, and are doing everything in our power to expedite the process. We'll keep you updated as we have more info. Thanks again for your patience.

    This is the kind of update I want to hear. This is providing us dates and possible solutions. Thank you.
    EHT zealot
  • pod88kk
    Hi everyone,

    We wanted to give you another update. As mentioned earlier this morning, we are testing a fix for the game crash that many of you are currently experiencing. If the fix passes testing, we are looking to move up the incremental patch to this weekend. We want to get this fixed as soon as possible, and are doing everything in our power to expedite the process. We'll keep you updated as we have more info. Thanks again for your patience.

    This is the kind of update I want to hear. This is providing us dates and possible solutions. Thank you.

    Agreed, this type of communication is exactly what we as a community are looking for.
  • reoskit
    It's great that the fix is getting tested and put in asap.

    Since it's being included as part of a pushed-up incremental patch, it is implied that other things are changing this weekend. Is that right? If so, any chance of a heads up on what else is changing?

    Timing matters, too. Hopefully the patches get staggered so they're not applied during either NA's or EU's primetime. Having peak user population all banging on a new patch together is vastly different than the slow-roll of Monday morning (NA) when issues come to light slowly.

    Good luck - and thanks to the folks who are working this weekend to deploy and monitor post implementation.

    Edit: Removed rogue comma. How'd you get there?
    Edited by reoskit on August 22, 2019 4:59PM
  • jadarock
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    Warms my heart to see how fast this is addressed for PC...updates and trying to get things done faster.
    Not bothered at all that it took weeks just to get an answer about why we only got part of the update that was supposed to deal with bashcros on console, and even then the news was that we could live with it til the next DLC.

    Console players don't matter much at all, that I've learned by now.

    Which is pathetic because on xbox I see the amount of cash still being thrown at zos despite all the issues smh
  • valeriiya
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    Warms my heart to see how fast this is addressed for PC...updates and trying to get things done faster.
    Not bothered at all that it took weeks just to get an answer about why we only got part of the update that was supposed to deal with bashcros on console, and even then the news was that we could live with it til the next DLC.

    Console players don't matter much at all, that I've learned by now.

    That’s definitely the impression I’m getting.

    Yes, consoles have a patch authentication process, and yes, it delays things to the point where devs usually try to bundle as much into one update as possible... However, when a bug is discovered between updates that makes a certain game mode frustrating and unplayable, ZOS should do everything in their power to push the fix out as soon as they can — even if it means we have to wait a week for Sony/Microsoft to approve the patch. Don’t just push it ahead to the next DLC, which could be several weeks or even months away; make it clear that you actually care about the issues that we’re dealing with.

    They could get them through on PS4 faster but they'd have to pay and we know that's not happening unless it's the Crown Store
  • Rain_Greyraven
    I honestly believe that one day soon this war will end; Cyrodil will become a vast PVE zone and the arena system (with certain enhancements and it's own quest line) will be the only PVP to speak of in ESO.

    No more server issues
    Temper tantrums cut 60%
    And the game follows more closely what a TES game is.
    Edited by Rain_Greyraven on August 22, 2019 5:22PM
    "Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.”

    ― Robert E. Howard

    So you want to be a game developer? Here is the best way to go about it.
  • TequilaFire
    The temper tantrums seem to be mostly coming from PvE players whining they got killed in PvP.
  • Veinblood1965
    TipsyDrow wrote: »
    ZoS is going to let something this bad go unfixed for a week? Seriously? It's not that ZoS can't, it's that ZoS wont. Period. I have never seen another company let crashes like this go unfixed because they have to wait for the scheduled patch. They FIX IT!!! This is quite possibly one of the worst things I've seen a gaming company not address.

    Rofl did you not read the "testing" part? It's called testing for a reason instead of Programmer Mikey "Hey I think I've got a fix let's just roll it out to 10 million players without testing, I mean hey boss what could go wrong?"
  • psypanda
    TipsyDrow wrote: »
    ZoS is going to let something this bad go unfixed for a week? Seriously? It's not that ZoS can't, it's that ZoS wont. Period. I have never seen another company let crashes like this go unfixed because they have to wait for the scheduled patch. They FIX IT!!! This is quite possibly one of the worst things I've seen a gaming company not address.

    Rofl did you not read the "testing" part? It's called testing for a reason instead of Programmer Mikey "Hey I think I've got a fix let's just roll it out to 10 million players without testing, I mean hey boss what could go wrong?"

    lol you realize they could have tested it before rolling out the patch in the first place?
    plz just stop defending this absolute shitshow
    President of the official Lucina Civello Fanclub
  • Gandrhulf_Harbard
    psypanda wrote: »
    TipsyDrow wrote: »
    ZoS is going to let something this bad go unfixed for a week? Seriously? It's not that ZoS can't, it's that ZoS wont. Period. I have never seen another company let crashes like this go unfixed because they have to wait for the scheduled patch. They FIX IT!!! This is quite possibly one of the worst things I've seen a gaming company not address.

    Rofl did you not read the "testing" part? It's called testing for a reason instead of Programmer Mikey "Hey I think I've got a fix let's just roll it out to 10 million players without testing, I mean hey boss what could go wrong?"

    lol you realize they could have tested it before rolling out the patch in the first place?
    plz just stop defending this absolute shitshow


    If ZoS testing was fit for purpose we wouldn't be here in this situation in the first place.

    All The Best
    Those memories come back to haunt me, they haunt me like a curse.
    Is a dream a lie if it don't come true, or is it something worse.
  • CiNNeR
    This came from @ZOS_JessicaFolsom

    Hello everyone,

    Tomorrow, we are planning maintenance on PC NA and EU in order to publish the next incremental patch early. This will include fixes for the recent crashes many have been experiencing this week, in addition to implementing additional safeguards for the guild trader and multi-bidding issues that occurred last Sunday. There will also be a number of additional fixes for combat, dungeons, and multi-crafting that will be outlined in the patch notes; these will be published tomorrow morning during maintenance.

    Regarding the excess gold some guilds on PC EU received last weekend after the multi-bidding issue, we'll have an update for everyone on this tomorrow.

    At this time, we're planning maintenance to be finished by 8am EDT. We appreciate everyone's patience.
  • CiNNeR
    Communication and hopefully a fix, way better respons than usual.
  • reoskit
    The post actually came from Gina. Best to post links to their updates, just so folks know it's legit.
  • CiNNeR
    reoskit wrote: »
    The post actually came from Gina. Best to post links to their updates, just so folks know it's legit.

    Ah ok, I will next time
  • xMovingTarget
    Palidon wrote: »

    How Pathetic. Players have to put up with the crashes until Monday instead of ZOS doing an incremental patch now. That's disgusting support. They have a major problem caused by their recent update and it should be fixed immediately. This is what you get when a company continues to put out new content that causes more problems instead of putting on the breaks and fixing all the performance issues and bugs they have created.

    Necro players have to live with this since the class turned up on the PTS the very first time. The whole corpse mechanic barely works if there is more than 1 necro in the group. Syphon wont cast because the corpses block eachother and more bugs related to it.

    ZoS is a joke. I am really wondering why not more necro players flood the forums about that snip already. That ontop of the crashes, lags and other annoying bugs the game has, and more as of late. But zos keeps throwing things on the clown store. They want to get payed for the sloppy work they do and not even bother to fix any of it.

    That is what is really disgusting here.

    And what´s worse. So many people still give them money. Or defending their snip. Selling people a faulty product and people thank them for it.
    Edited by xMovingTarget on August 22, 2019 9:52PM
  • gepe87
    Can we go back to Homestead??
    Gepe, Dunmer MagSorc Pact Grand Overlord | Gaepe, Bosmer MagSorc Dominion General

    If you see edits on my replies: typos. English isn't my main language
  • magus.septim
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_BrianWheeler - if you cant fix the crashing with a hotfix, isnt it worth bringing down the servers for a couple hours to do a proper patch on this game breaking issue? PVP is currently unplayable
  • reoskit
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_BrianWheeler - if you cant fix the crashing with a hotfix, isnt it worth bringing down the servers for a couple hours to do a proper patch on this game breaking issue? PVP is currently unplayable

    You did see there's maintenance tomorrow morning at 4AM, yes?
  • technohic
    FFS People! Check the dev tracker before complaining about the, uh; I dunno. Devs? Otherwise you just look like a whiny A-hole.
  • pod88kk
    gepe87 wrote: »
    Can we go back to Homestead??

    Nah nah nah, let's go back to pre 'lighting patch' where it all went wrong
  • Karivaa
    Hi everyone, the crash you all have been experiencing is likely one that started with the most recent incremental patch. The good news is we already have a fix in testing, but the bad news is it's not something we're able to hotfix; it will be published with the next incremental patch on Monday.
    Will Xbox get these fixes before we get the dlc?
  • Casterial
    This video is accurate again...
    Edited by Casterial on August 23, 2019 1:14AM
    Daggerfall Covenant:Casterial Stamplar || Casterial DK || Availed NB || Castyrial Sorc || Spooky Casterial Necro
    The Order of Magnus
    Filthy Faction Hoppers

    Combat Is Clunky | Cyordiil Fixes

    Member since: August 2013
    Kill Counter Developer
    For the Daggerfall Covenant
    The Last Chillrend Empress
    Animation Cancelling
    Casterial wrote: »
    This video is accurate again...

    oof jab knockback and blazing shield being a thing. my feels, why did you have to attack my feels...
    Edited by MLRPZ on August 23, 2019 3:18AM
    AD // Marc the Epic Goat // Templar // AR50
    EP // The Goatfather // Templar // AR44
    AD // Unforgoatable // Sorc // AR33
    EP // You Goat Rekt // NB // AR28
    EP // Bill Goats // Swarden // AR28
    AD // Goat Ya // NB // AR24
    AD // Unforgoatten // StamDK // AR 21
    DC // Egoatcentric // Stamsorc // AR16

    and many unused PVE chars


    AoE Rats
    RIP Zerg Squad
    RIP Banana Squad Inc
    Not your typical goat

  • Cążki
    who is the faty stinker on the top of a company skit skit

    I wonder what now will be crashed after this maintance lol

    Altmer skooma dealer.

  • Palidon

    We wanted to give you another update. As mentioned earlier this morning, we are testing a fix for the game crash that many of you are currently experiencing. If the fix passes testing, we are looking to move up the incremental patch to this weekend. We want to get this fixed as soon as possible, and are doing everything in our power to expedite the process. We'll keep you updated as we have more info. Thanks again for your patience.

    Well apparently the fix did not pass testing. I looked at the patch notes and saw nothing that mentioned they fixed the constant crash problem in Cyrodiil. Every update more problems. Every update problems that cannot be fixed. Seems to be the norm now with ZOS.

    Did see this in the patch notes however under

    Fixed an issue where combat involving more than one pet could cause a crash for all players in a region. But that was not under the Alliance War PvP section of the patch notes.
  • Rave the Histborn
    Rave the Histborn
    Cavedog wrote: »
    ....this is why I requested that the server be shut down and patched immediately, not wait til Monday.

    ....and this is why PvP and PvE servers should be physically separated.

    Separate balancing of pve/pvp isnt going to prevent spaghetti code crashes, it's going to cause more. Why would they shut down the servers though? That's just dumb. I crashed at Alessia 3 times in 5 minutes so I decided on pve while I queue for BGs instead. The server shut down prevents me from enjoying 100% of the game vs the 25% I can't enjoy now.
  • LarsS
    Palidon wrote: »
    We wanted to give you another update. As mentioned earlier this morning, we are testing a fix for the game crash that many of you are currently experiencing. If the fix passes testing, we are looking to move up the incremental patch to this weekend. We want to get this fixed as soon as possible, and are doing everything in our power to expedite the process. We'll keep you updated as we have more info. Thanks again for your patience.

    Well apparently the fix did not pass testing. I looked at the patch notes and saw nothing that mentioned they fixed the constant crash problem in Cyrodiil. Every update more problems. Every update problems that cannot be fixed. Seems to be the norm now with ZOS.

    Did see this in the patch notes however under

    Fixed an issue where combat involving more than one pet could cause a crash for all players in a region. But that was not under the Alliance War PvP section of the patch notes.

    You find the info about crash fixes just in the beginning of the patch notes.
    GM for The Daggerfall Authority EU PC
  • Palidon
    LarsS wrote: »
    Palidon wrote: »
    We wanted to give you another update. As mentioned earlier this morning, we are testing a fix for the game crash that many of you are currently experiencing. If the fix passes testing, we are looking to move up the incremental patch to this weekend. We want to get this fixed as soon as possible, and are doing everything in our power to expedite the process. We'll keep you updated as we have more info. Thanks again for your patience.

    Well apparently the fix did not pass testing. I looked at the patch notes and saw nothing that mentioned they fixed the constant crash problem in Cyrodiil. Every update more problems. Every update problems that cannot be fixed. Seems to be the norm now with ZOS.

    Did see this in the patch notes however under

    Fixed an issue where combat involving more than one pet could cause a crash for all players in a region. But that was not under the Alliance War PvP section of the patch notes.

    You find the info about crash fixes just in the beginning of the patch notes.

    There is no mention of any crash fixes in the beginning of the patch notes. In other words the constant crashing in Cyrodiil was not fixed. And I doubt it will be fixed on Monday either.
  • reoskit
    Palidon wrote: »
    There is no mention of any crash fixes in the beginning of the patch notes. In other words the constant crashing in Cyrodiil was not fixed. And I doubt it will be fixed on Monday either.

    It's literally the first line.

    "The Elder Scrolls Online v5.1.7 includes a fix for several of the game crashes that were introduced in the previous patch, and also has added safeguards against receiving repeated refunds for guild trader bids."
  • Palidon
    reoskit wrote: »
    Palidon wrote: »
    There is no mention of any crash fixes in the beginning of the patch notes. In other words the constant crashing in Cyrodiil was not fixed. And I doubt it will be fixed on Monday either.

    It's literally the first line.

    "The Elder Scrolls Online v5.1.7 includes a fix for several of the game crashes that were introduced in the previous patch, and also has added safeguards against receiving repeated refunds for guild trader bids."

    Well if you went to PvP since this patch today, the Cyrodiil crash problem was not fixed. Folks are still crashing.
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