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The good, the bad, and the ugly: Tharn event PVP

  • Vandril
    me_ming wrote: »
    Vapirko wrote: »
    I'm shocked that players would kill other players in a player versus player zone. I hope you reported them!

    Oh shut the *** up. You know as well as I do people aren’t PvPing, in this case, for the sake of PvP. They’re building the trolliest groups they can for the purpose of being ***. And I’ve been PvPing almost exclusively for three years. It doesn’t bother me. I can kill most people who try to kill me, often a few at a time, don’t give a *** about reward boxes really. I don’t even have time to participate much this week, but I’ve seen it in years passed . People go out of their way to be a pain in the ass during an event precisely because they know they can, that’s not PvP that’s just people who suck in general. I’d bet 90% of them aren’t even good and are taking this opportunity to feel like big shots. Although I will say I’ve enjoyed responding to a couple of calls for help. Last PvP event I went up and obliterated this magblade camping Bruma and bagged him lol. Man did they get salty lmao. That’s the kind of person who does this, one who can dish it out but can’t take ***.

    PvEers are easy targets. They have no PvP gear and no PvP experience.

    They're in our world now.

    Lol. It's kinda pathetic for a PvPer to bully a PvE-er, don't you think? They're not within your level. Probably not even geared/spec'd for PvP. Wearing divines (at the very least), and using PvE skills, with PvE CP allocation and mundus. They obviously don't stand a chance.

    I suppose when you are a terrible PvP-er, and you enjoy this sort of behavior that's the only time you get significant number of AP. I suppose, events like this when PvE players have to go to "your world" is the only time you are able to kill anyone in this game. I suppose when you are matched with someone who was equipped for PvP, you can't even get someone down to 80% of their health. It's sad really, because actual PvP players don't tolerate this behavior. They have better things to do than try to "prove" to themselves that they are PvP players, by killing PvE players. lol.

    PS I also suppose, this is the best time for you to rank up your recruit rank. lol. Grats! :D

    "Lol. It's kinda pathetic for a PvEer to bully a PvP-er, don't you think? They're not within your level. Probably not even geared/spec'd for PvE. Wearing impenetrable (at the very least), and using PvP skills, with PvP CP allocation and mundus. They obviously don't stand a chance.

    I suppose when you are a terrible PvE-er, and you enjoy this sort of behavior that's the only time you are forced to confront that you get carried. I suppose, events like this when PvP players have to go to "your world" is the only time you are able to compete on DPS meters. I suppose when you are matched with someone who was equipped for PvP, you can't even get the boss down to 80% of their health. It's sad really, because actual PvE players don't tolerate this behavior. They have better things to do than try to "prove" to themselves that they are PvE players, by kicking PvP players. lol.

    PS I also suppose, this is the best time for you to rank up on the DPS meter. lol. Grats! :D"

    Sounds pretty damned ignorant, doesn't it?
  • max_only
    Sounds pretty nonsensical actually. I get where you’re going, pretty clearly. It just doesn’t track.

    Dps meters are an addon that not everyone uses. Whereas ranks are base game. In what world does a damage build for pvp not damage a mob? Defensive pvp builds can’t barely kill in pve but you made your analogy with damage dealers. Also, who kicks pvp players from regular pledges that will get you boxes? We carebears aren’t trying to get Emperor, and you pkers aren’t tried to get Clockwork Confounder. Whomp woomp try again.
    Compare box activity to box activity. Minimum skill and no specialization required for either.
    Edited by max_only on April 22, 2019 2:44AM
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • Dunning_Kruger
    We got a former emperor here everyone.... hold your sarcasm.
    A G G R O - the legendary stamplar GM of <HALL MONITORS>

    For the Queen bby
  • Vandril
    max_only wrote: »
    Sounds pretty nonsensical actually. I get where you’re going, pretty clearly. It just doesn’t track.

    Dps meters are an addon that not everyone uses. Whereas ranks are base game. In what world does a damage build for pvp not damage a mob? Defensive pvp builds can’t barely kill in pve but you made your analogy with damage dealers. Also, who kicks pvp players from regular pledges that will get you boxes? We carebears aren’t trying to get Emperor, and you pkers aren’t tried to get Clockwork Confounder. Whomp woomp try again.
    Compare box activity to box activity. Minimum skill and no specialization required for either.

    Exactly. It makes about as much sense as the post I wrote the satire for. That was precisely my point.

    And really, it doesn't have to be a 1:1 comparison to drive the point that the post I quoted was inane, hateful drivel. PvE and PvP aren't 1:1 activities; they're mechanically different, so a flawless analogy would be impossible anyway. It certainly got the point across well enough, no?
  • StShoot
    Catulo wrote: »
    StShoot wrote: »
    Also did you ever met a group of those "peacefull" questers (Maybe when you tried to do a quest ?) they are more agressiv than the greatest tryhard ganker

    I certainly can't speak for everybody; all I can say is that I'm not aggressive, don't attack anybody and just want to do the dailies fast so I can go back to work.

    Furthermore, I highly doubt that many questers attack PvPler. Some of them might do it in panic and even those shouldn't be a big deal for the PvPler.

    Ohhh they dont until they the odds are on their side than they attack like sharks who smelled blood
  • jaws343
    Two thoughts:

    1. Bruma, Cropsford, and Vlastrus are PVP hubs that connect to keeps and provide points for taking them. To expect to get free reign in these towns to quest is absurd.
    2. Kill 20 players, Kill 40 players, take all 3 towns, are all quests that provide boxes. People are trying to do these quests quickly. And the quickest way is to just kill all of the players who didn't bother to prepare their toons for PVP. And any enemy within the proximity to one of the 3 main towns is an enemy that should be killed, period.
  • heaven13
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Two thoughts:

    1. Bruma, Cropsford, and Vlastrus are PVP hubs that connect to keeps and provide points for taking them. To expect to get free reign in these towns to quest is absurd.
    2. Kill 20 players, Kill 40 players, take all 3 towns, are all quests that provide boxes. People are trying to do these quests quickly. And the quickest way is to just kill all of the players who didn't bother to prepare their toons for PVP. And any enemy within the proximity to one of the 3 main towns is an enemy that should be killed, period.

    That's not what's happening though. I can't speak for everyone, but I personally don't mind dying if I am trying to do quests in a town owned by a different alliance or there's someone else there trying to take the town. That's just PvP. It happens; shrug it off and continue.

    The ones I take issue with are the ones that are hiding in the delves connected to the quests. Or the players who are not trying to take any of the towns and are intentionally leaving it as the opposing faction so players can rez there and get rekt again because the campers are sitting in the houses with siege, ult bombs, and aoe. Or the gankers stealthing near quest givers in the non-capturable, no PvP-objective towns.

    Edit to add: yes, this goes for people in my own faction as well. Don't care if you're my team or opposing, unsportsman like behavior is crappy regardless.
    Edited by heaven13 on April 22, 2019 1:24PM
    Mountain God | Leave No Bone Unbroken | Apex Predator | Pure Lunacy | Depths Defier | No Rest for the Wicked | In Defiance of Death
    Defanged the Devourer | Nature's Wrath | Relentless Raider | True Genius | Bane of Thorns | Subterranean Smasher | Ardent Bibliophile

    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vDSA | vMoL HM | vHoF HM | vAS+2 | vCR+2 | vBRP | vSS HM | vKA | vRG
    Meet my characters :
  • thermatico
    It was pretty infuriating at first. The funnest part of the event is retaking the quests towns or slaughtering the groups of opposing faction that are griefing questers. So so satisfying.

    I ended up getting upwards of 150 or so boxes this weekend. I just switched toons and found the campaign where my faction had most of the map, wasn't that hard.

  • max_only
    heaven13 wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Two thoughts:

    1. Bruma, Cropsford, and Vlastrus are PVP hubs that connect to keeps and provide points for taking them. To expect to get free reign in these towns to quest is absurd.
    2. Kill 20 players, Kill 40 players, take all 3 towns, are all quests that provide boxes. People are trying to do these quests quickly. And the quickest way is to just kill all of the players who didn't bother to prepare their toons for PVP. And any enemy within the proximity to one of the 3 main towns is an enemy that should be killed, period.

    That's not what's happening though. I can't speak for everyone, but I personally don't mind dying if I am trying to do quests in a town owned by a different alliance or there's someone else there trying to take the town. That's just PvP. It happens; shrug it off and continue.

    The ones I take issue with are the ones that are hiding in the delves connected to the quests. Or the players who are not trying to take any of the towns and are intentionally leaving it as the opposing faction so players can rez there and get rekt again because the campers are sitting in the houses with siege, ult bombs, and aoe. Or the gankers stealthing near quest givers in the non-capturable, no PvP-objective towns.

    Edit to add: yes, this goes for people in my own faction as well. Don't care if you're my team or opposing, unsportsman like behavior is crappy regardless.

    Wholeheartedly agree. People are INTENTIONALLY not taking towns so that they can pick off players who Rez there. If they wanted the town for their own faction to do quests, that’s fine. That’s great. Please go ahead and do as the game intends. People who refuse to take the town just so they can farm at the door are the problem.

    Anyway, I just move to another spot. Shared Cheydinhal peacefully with some reds last night as other reds were farming Vlastarus in the above manner.

    Then I finished all the skyshards. Then I did all the delves except for 3 bosses that wouldn’t spawn. I had a great time in Cyrodiil IN SPITE of those griefers.
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • kratier
    the devs should discourage this behavior
  • MrSinister213
    This is my first MMO. Didn't even own a computer until I hit college so never had a chance to play WoW or anything else in the prime MMO years. But from an outside perspective it always appeared MMOs were where the true grind it out gamers were. The gamers who enjoyed being challenged in both pve and pvp.

    I was clearly wrong, most of the twelve year olds in random queue in Fortnite are more involved and knowledgeable about skills/classes/etc in their chosen game compared to ESO community.
    Edited by MrSinister213 on April 22, 2019 10:31PM
    Camelot Unchained Soon (ar 49 AD) high elf nb
    High Elf Slayer (ar 38 EP) dunmer dk
    Zangief (ar 37 DC) high elf sorc
    Papi Chulo (Ar 42 AD) stam sorc

    wouldnt call myself a pve'er or pvper. my preferred endgame is crown crates.
  • Salvas_Aren
    I have been told, although gankers are very tempted to kill all questers, pacts and daggers remained very polite in PC EU chats so far.

    The Dominions on Malacath would exchange in zone chat their fun stories of killing PvE weaklings.

    Now tell me why ppl hate yellows. >:)
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    Yeah between the drop rate and the bother of questing in a PvP zone I'm probably going to wait for week 5 for most of this one.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works

    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
  • RebornV3x
    I haven't set foot in Cyrodill since early November 2018 and this event sums up why I'll never go back in
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • Minno
    You all know there's a great PvP section where you can come post at and we will most likely tbag you there too ;)
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Salvas_Aren
    Minno wrote: »
    You all know there's a great PvP section where you can come post at and we will most likely tbag you there too ;)

    Tbaggins will be worse after Elsweyr.

    Now if you die to a silly Venkman who tbags your corpse every time he walks over it, you can hope a mate can rez you in between and you will stand up and finish him off out of nowhere. (Which can be quite fun though.)

    With Elsweyr, you will become a ghost and warn your enemy. Zeni likes Lipton.
  • me_ming

    "Lol. It's kinda pathetic for a PvEer to bully a PvP-er, don't you think? They're not within your level. Probably not even geared/spec'd for PvE. Wearing impenetrable (at the very least), and using PvP skills, with PvP CP allocation and mundus. They obviously don't stand a chance.

    I suppose when you are a terrible PvE-er, and you enjoy this sort of behavior that's the only time you are forced to confront that you get carried. I suppose, events like this when PvP players have to go to "your world" is the only time you are able to compete on DPS meters. I suppose when you are matched with someone who was equipped for PvP, you can't even get the boss down to 80% of their health. It's sad really, because actual PvE players don't tolerate this behavior. They have better things to do than try to "prove" to themselves that they are PvE players, by kicking PvP players. lol.

    PS I also suppose, this is the best time for you to rank up on the DPS meter. lol. Grats! :D"

    Sounds pretty damned ignorant, doesn't it?

    Lol. I find it even moooore hilarious when people can't think of anything original to say. lol. And it doesn't even make sense? Exactly how can a PvPer doing dungeons/trials going to carry me? With their 15k dps? loool. Also just because YOU make 15k dps on a trial/dungeon doesn't mean people like myself. As much as I PvP'd a lot in this game, I have also completed all vet HM dungeons and trials, thank you very much. :D hahaha. Next time instead of plagiarizing people's comment think of something original, because honestly it just makes you look dumb and stupid. Your whole plagiarized comment makes zero sense. It's almost like you're so salty, you just have to throw that comment in, so you seem appear witty and funny.Hint: It doesn't make you sound smart nor funny... well, your stupidity did entertain me for a while. But it really just show how lousy you are as a person.

    PS: I don't know about you, but YOU are the one who are ignorant. You can always PM me in game, I'll carry you through in a pledge with your impen gear, because surprise, surprise I don't kick anyone in a group even if they're CP160 or below. looool. Good luck with your 15k dps though, I'm sure you're very proud of that. :D

    PPS: I'd understand why YOU get kicked with your impen gear in PvE, though. And even though I won't vote to kick you, I understand why most people would. 15kdps man... it's not just good. Can't you make enough gold to buy or craft PvE gear? Are you THAT poor in game that you can't get PvE gear? Or are you just bad? Which one is it?
    Edited by me_ming on April 24, 2019 10:50AM
    "We're heroes, my boon companion, and heroes always win! Let that be a lesson to you."
    -Caldwell, "The Final Assault"

    "There is always a choice. But you don't get to choose what is true, you only get to choose what you will do about it..."

    -Abnur Tharn, "God of Schemes"]
  • Nerouyn
    I mostly managed to avoid gankers. Not completely but they weren't a constant nuisance.

    That said, the event has reinforced my dislike for Cyrodiil. I might run a few more alts through the quests and get the skyshards before Elswyr hits but that would only be to get them out of the way while it's relatively quiet and I can still do so on guest shards.
  • VvardeFellow
    ESO promotes a divisive event as a celebration. The irony of it all.

    It’s only divisive if you can’t do it and cry about it. No one who actually knows how to PvP and builds for it minds doing Cyro daily quests at all.

    I don’t mind the quests, it was just the unsportsmanlike conduct. I’ve been pvping for a very long time.

    Unsportsmanlike? What? Did they NOT ask your permission to kill you before you died?

    Look everyone comes to Cyro not knowing how to pvp and they die...a LOT. Every pvper starts that way. When someone labels themselves as a PvEer and comes to Cyro, they die a lot. So what. Dying motivates you to get better. Or it should.

    We tourists come to get pretty boxes, not suit up for inspection and get "better" at something we loathe.
  • VvardeFellow
    agegarton wrote: »
    I agree with the OP, but wanted to add two points in defence of PVPers.

    1. Those who are waiting for others at quest hubs are the “PVPers” who can’t go up against other PVPers without the comfort blanket of a Zerg. They are not serious players. The serious players are taking keeps, defending territory, and battling other groups as the game intends. I guess most or all of these so-called players are just the scumbags that no-one really wants to group with. They do not represent the PVP community, most of whom have far better things to do with their time than gank easy targets. I’ve been in several groups and we have actively avoid quest hubs for this very reason.

    2. We have to place some blame with ZoS. They keep throwing PVE content into PVP zones - it’ll never end well. They should stop doing it.

    So, I agree it’s childish and troll-like behaviour, but don’t blame the true PVP community please. Like everything in life, just blame the idiots.

    For once I kinda sorta agree with any post remotely favorable to pvp.
  • IlCanis_LupuslI
    Today I was in Sheogorath campaign which had turned into basically a haven for AD PvE questers - almost all buildings were yellow. And then I watched, sadly, as zone chat became a bunch of warnings that EP people were going to quest turn in spots, towns, and killing everyone who set foot there. We tried to make a group to take back Cropsford, but most of us were PvE people so we failed pretty badly.

    There seems to be a group of 8-10 EP losers who are doing NOTHING but taking towns and camping inside the quest buildings. I'm in AD and I hope you had an OK time before school got out and these scum players went down to their basements. I tried waving to y'all who were trying to turn in quests but I think I accidentally swung my weapon around so I probably looked the opposite of a pacifist...

    I know that players from *all* factions are doing this, and they are ALL pathetic, faction notwithstanding. People keep saying "tHiS Is PVP DeAl wITh iT" but this is NOT PvP as I know it, it's people being cruel for the sake of being cruel.

    Oh you mean just like people kick people from pledge groups (despite beeing fully pve equipped and capable) just for beeing a pvp player ?????? Karma´s a b**** hah? No sympathy from me; as far as im concerned its payback.
    P. S. I dont kill Questers; Seal clubbing is for noobs aka for people lacking the skill to kill pvp equipped people.
    However this doesnt mean i have any sympathy with Questers.
    Edited by IlCanis_LupuslI on April 24, 2019 1:12PM
    Cp 1490
    Khajiit Night blade Healer(BiS for cuteness)-Flawless Conquerer Grand Overlord
    Khajiit Stamsorc Werewolf, Flawless Conquerer (1st attempt ww form during the entire dungeon) main
    Khajiit(Master Race) Templar Healer, Flawless Conquerer
    Khajiit Stam dk, Flawless conquerer, 2nd attempt
    Werewolf Veteran player, Since Wrathstone-DLC "Raid-Wolf", 50k dps with fracture, Pvp Healer.
  • VvardeFellow
    Ugh people, just because people are farming AP on pve players in PVP zone does not mean they are losers at life, terrible people, pathetic etc etc.

    I'm seriously cringing at these personal attacks and character judgements on players when all they are doing is getting easy kills in a video game that they play in their free time....

    Um, yes, it means exactly what you say it doesn't mean.
  • VvardeFellow
    Catulo wrote: »
    Anything done in a PVP zone is PVP regardless of how you feel about it. We don't care about your feelings, this isn't Kindergarten anymore.

    Geez, you are such a tough guy. Not kindergarten, woah. I want you to be m.y hero. Can you be my new hero please? I wanna be tough like you.

    Pretty please?


    It's people like this who make me proud to be in "kindergarten". Whatever slur they throw, I'll wear with honor
  • VvardeFellow
    ZOS_RogerJ wrote: »
    Just a friendly reminder to keep the thread on-topic, constructive and civil. It’s okay and very normal to disagree with others, and even to debate, but provoking conflict, baiting, inciting, mocking, etc. is never acceptable in the official The Elder Scrolls Online community.

    In a friendly, constructive and civil manner: You caused it.
  • driosketch
    heaven13 wrote: »
    get rekt again because the campers are sitting in the houses with siege, ult bombs, and aoe.
    This especially, I don't care who you are, this is a cheap tactic of 4 on 1 as people load in, and it's the reason towers are now doorless.

    But you know what I did when it happened last night? I completed the 5 outside quests, then went to Chorrol and did another 6. Those players only have power over you if you are stubborn.

    By the way, there was also a ganker guarding the cave to one of the quest objectives. I just kept running, tagged the boss and then jumped behind some bookcases and healed. This forced the ganker to also engage with the boss in order to get to me, which eventually they did. So I laid there until they finished off the boss, giving me credit, and took an easy port back to Vlas to turn in the quest.

    Death is litterally so painless in ESO pvp it's sometimes a positive. Don't take it seriously, won't be hurt feelings.
    Main: Drio Azul ~ DC, Redguard, Healer/Magicka Templar ~ NA-PC
    ●The Psijic Order●The Sidekick Order●Great House Hlaalu●Bal-Busters●
  • Salvas_Aren
    Isn't a debate by definition a conflict of words?

    Atm it looks like you make your forum rules up on the fly, as you like.
  • Tasear
    I am going to hid this here. I don't know about everyone else but really enjoyed questing in PvP cities. It was so much more fun then PvE quests I skipped.

    I loved sneaking around. Seeing people fight for peace, along with people defending towns was very interest social experience in engagement.

    I enjoyed that stupid ganker at quest location that I snucked up and duel it out in cat in mouse.

    I felt boned to my alliance and enjoyed cydrolli experience a lot more then I did it past. I might leave battlegrounds now and play in cydrolli every once in awhile now.
    Edited by Tasear on April 24, 2019 3:39PM
  • StormChaser3000
    One of the most satisfying moments that happened in Cyro was catching a PvPer by a group of PvEvers whom he was harrasing for about 20 minutes.
    It was one of those immortal self-healing builds that still can badly crush pve 1 vs X.

    After the whole pve group eventually teabagged him he never came back. (shame on me for participating, but he deserved) :)
  • Salvas_Aren
    One of the most satisfying moments that happened in Cyro was catching a PvPer by a group of PvEvers whom he was harrasing for about 20 minutes.
    It was one of those immortal self-healing builds that still can badly crush pve 1 vs X.

    After the whole pve group eventually teabagged him he never came back. (shame on me for participating, but he deserved) :)

    Or you deserved that he would come back for you. Too bad he did not.
  • barney2525
    Isn't a debate by definition a conflict of words?

    Atm it looks like you make your forum rules up on the fly, as you like.

    I thought debate was either minnows or worms
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