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ZOS, Its time to do something about housing.

  • Imperial_Voice
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    Housing is done although I hate to admit it. The dead sub forum is also a testament to the lack of interest by te players

    Why I even have so many homes decorated I can only explain due to nothing else where to spend gold and mats

    No, people still want to buy and furnish houses.

    Housing just has some ongoing issues which aren't being addressed and as a feature, it just isn't currently being exploited to its fullest potential.

    They are, also, just continuing down this road of assuming everyone wants these really big, impressive places, all the time.

    When, really, many people just want a really nice large, but not huge, house with a generous furnishing limit that they can make into a really nice base for crafting and (perhaps) relaxing in.

    Even in terms of guild halls, or lounges (in the case of one of my guilds), it's not being done properly - due to not being able to set someone's house as a guild hall and/or lounge.

    Then you have the set crafting station debacle...

    They need to introduce a new system, which allows you to consolidate all your set crafting stations into one per craft.

    Thus freeing up a huge number of slots and allowing guild halls to look like guild halls, again.

    Rather than something out of a bad dream.

    Basically anything they can do to throw us a bone here would be nice
  • Imperial_Voice
    I dont think, there are "official" statements to the performance issues of consoles and the limitations of furniture slots on the internet. But i have read about the performance problems of that many items within the housing in general some month ago. And its true, that the more objects to be rendered, the more performance it uses. Exponentially i think.
    As for the consoles in general (i have to admit, i never liked consoles because of this very reason!), the hardware inside a console is fixed and cannot be upgraded. So as for an example the xbox one was released in 2013. That means, the hardware integrated is of that year. But the gaming and hardware industry is progressing since that time, the xbox hardware, isnt! That means, there are certain performance limitations. And over time while the graphics of this game progresses/evolves with each year, those limitations will also grow with it.(sry for my bad english, but i hope i could deliver the point ^^)
    Also it`s true, that older PC hardware will have the same problems, like the consoles most likely have. But i think, that should be an "option" to decide for everyone, of how many objects you want to place in your house! Not a thing forced on each and everyone of us with a restriction.
    As for the PC client users, its always a possibility to upgrade their own PC`s or buy a better and newer one.
    Console players sadly dont have that option, but they decided to play this game with a console in the first place, instead of choosing the PC option. That is and was their choice.
    I dont see, why the PC user`s should suffer for that, if the performance issues of the consoles with their old hardware are realy the reason for those restrictions.
    But that only ZOS and their devs can answer to, since i haven`t seen any official statements to this problem.
    Also an option would be, to open the restriction at least a bit, lets say up to 800/900 and put in a "buy more slots" option into the crown shop with an information to it, that for consoles and older PC`s it might be bad to go higher, since you might encounter massive fps drops after.

    Id accept a buy more slots option. I wouldnt be happy with it but id accept it.
  • Jaraal
    ghastley wrote: »
    The only other point I haven't seen raised here is the need for a Guildhall to be a primary residence. Linking a house to a guild for access purposes should be possible, without the guild needing to "own" it. One player could still have the furnishing control, and have another of their houses as personal primary residence.

    When EverQuest introduced housing back in 2010, they created neighborhoods that were an instance that you zoned into. Each neighborhood had 75 plots.... 71 for player housing, and 4 plots for guild halls. You could view the various housing creations from the streets, but you had to go up to each home and click on it, or click the directory board with a list of houses at the entrance to the neighborhood. You also had the ability to buy a Guild Writ which created a neighborhood exclusively for members of your own guild. As guild leader I was able to decorate the guild hall, or assign permission to others to do so. It was also a benefit to the game economy as a gold sink, as you had to pay a daily upkeep fee on each plot of land you owned. It was a small fee, and you could pay up to a year in advance. It was also a mechanic where if somebody quit the game and didn't pay their land tax, the plot would revert to open status and could be repurchased by someone else, to keep the neighborhoods vibrant.

    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • ZOS_GregoryV
    Greetings all,

    After removing a handful of off topic posts, as well as a few Baiting and Flaming posts, we must remind everyone to keep all posts on topic, as well as civil and constructive. If there may be any questions in regards to the rules, please do feel free to review them here. To also add, we have moved this thread to the appropriate section.

    Thank you for your understanding,
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on April 18, 2019 7:33PM
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site
    Staff Post
  • bayushi2005
    Lab3360 wrote: »
    Housing lacks functionality especially considering the cost.

    Its not unreasonable to say that many players jave apent upwards of $150-200 and millions upon millions of gold on housing and yet this is al we get.


    This is what I'm doing RIGHT NOW, and guess what? I am seriously afraid of putting in more display cases, I am compromising my design... Please, increase the cap!
    And as an owner of most notables except for the most ridiculous ones (Collosal Aldmeri Grotto, Grand Topal Hideaway and
    Hakkvild's High Hall - due to the placement of the entrance) I second this. I am still really bitter because of the floating texture and a gap in the wall in Lakemire Xanmeer Manor. Lack of attention to detail and silly ramp which cannot be hidden without sacrificing the most daring feature of the house sold for 15k+ crowns...

    ZOS - hire me, I'll design your houses...
  • Imperial_Voice
    Lab3360 wrote: »
    Housing lacks functionality especially considering the cost.

    Its not unreasonable to say that many players jave apent upwards of $150-200 and millions upon millions of gold on housing and yet this is al we get.


    This is what I'm doing RIGHT NOW, and guess what? I am seriously afraid of putting in more display cases, I am compromising my design... Please, increase the cap!
    And as an owner of most notables except for the most ridiculous ones (Collosal Aldmeri Grotto, Grand Topal Hideaway and
    Hakkvild's High Hall - due to the placement of the entrance) I second this. I am still really bitter because of the floating texture and a gap in the wall in Lakemire Xanmeer Manor. Lack of attention to detail and silly ramp which cannot be hidden without sacrificing the most daring feature of the house sold for 15k+ crowns...

    ZOS - hire me, I'll design your houses...

    Considering that housing is the mpst expensive portion of the game and commands the highest real money value, the continued neglect of costumers in despicable, and fact that they refuse to acknowledge anything postes in housing forums shows how little they care.
  • bayushi2005
    Lab3360 wrote: »
    Housing lacks functionality especially considering the cost.

    Its not unreasonable to say that many players jave apent upwards of $150-200 and millions upon millions of gold on housing and yet this is al we get.


    This is what I'm doing RIGHT NOW, and guess what? I am seriously afraid of putting in more display cases, I am compromising my design... Please, increase the cap!
    And as an owner of most notables except for the most ridiculous ones (Collosal Aldmeri Grotto, Grand Topal Hideaway and
    Hakkvild's High Hall - due to the placement of the entrance) I second this. I am still really bitter because of the floating texture and a gap in the wall in Lakemire Xanmeer Manor. Lack of attention to detail and silly ramp which cannot be hidden without sacrificing the most daring feature of the house sold for 15k+ crowns...

    ZOS - hire me, I'll design your houses...

    Considering that housing is the mpst expensive portion of the game and commands the highest real money value, the continued neglect of costumers in despicable, and fact that they refuse to acknowledge anything postes in housing forums shows how little they care.

    It is true that housing community simply throws money at ZOS and usually gets a badly designed product. There are some lovely pieces of furniture coming though the houses are way too big considering the cap, way too monotnous and contain a lot of bubby traps - unevenly placed floors, holes or things like:


    *Can't really comment on this one, it hurts my eyes*
  • Imperial_Voice
    Lab3360 wrote: »
    Housing lacks functionality especially considering the cost.

    Its not unreasonable to say that many players jave apent upwards of $150-200 and millions upon millions of gold on housing and yet this is al we get.


    This is what I'm doing RIGHT NOW, and guess what? I am seriously afraid of putting in more display cases, I am compromising my design... Please, increase the cap!
    And as an owner of most notables except for the most ridiculous ones (Collosal Aldmeri Grotto, Grand Topal Hideaway and
    Hakkvild's High Hall - due to the placement of the entrance) I second this. I am still really bitter because of the floating texture and a gap in the wall in Lakemire Xanmeer Manor. Lack of attention to detail and silly ramp which cannot be hidden without sacrificing the most daring feature of the house sold for 15k+ crowns...

    ZOS - hire me, I'll design your houses...

    Considering that housing is the mpst expensive portion of the game and commands the highest real money value, the continued neglect of costumers in despicable, and fact that they refuse to acknowledge anything postes in housing forums shows how little they care.

    It is true that housing community simply throws money at ZOS and usually gets a badly designed product. There are some lovely pieces of furniture coming though the houses are way too big considering the cap, way too monotnous and contain a lot of bubby traps - unevenly placed floors, holes or things like:


    *Can't really comment on this one, it hurts my eyes*

    That's just awful to look at, and yet ZoS will want you to pay $40 for furniture packs any way.
  • Imperial_Voice
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom

    Can a dev at least confirm that they acknowledge the communities issues here? Its like the entire housing community has been throwing complaint after complaint into a void for years.
    Edited by Imperial_Voice on April 18, 2019 8:44PM
  • Jayne_Doe
    Well, as I'm sure we all suspected, I see that this got moved to the housing sub-forum. I clicked on the thread because I saw the "Z" only to see it was just a post letting us know they removed some posts and also moved the thread.

    I'm beginning to suspect that they don't know how to increase the housing limits, even on PC, and just blamed consoles for it and called it a day. While I do think that console limitations are real, I'm not sure that ZOS is willing to put forth any effort to improve things for PC. Maybe they can't, due to some agreement with MS/Sony, but with player add-ons, the experience on console isn't the same as on PC anyway.

    I feel like they've made console a scapegoat so that they don't have to do anything to improve things.
  • Imperial_Voice
    Jayne_Doe wrote: »
    Well, as I'm sure we all suspected, I see that this got moved to the housing sub-forum. I clicked on the thread because I saw the "Z" only to see it was just a post letting us know they removed some posts and also moved the thread.

    I'm beginning to suspect that they don't know how to increase the housing limits, even on PC, and just blamed consoles for it and called it a day. While I do think that console limitations are real, I'm not sure that ZOS is willing to put forth any effort to improve things for PC. Maybe they can't, due to some agreement with MS/Sony, but with player add-ons, the experience on console isn't the same as on PC anyway.

    I feel like they've made console a scapegoat so that they don't have to do anything to improve things.

    The fact that these threads pop up nearly every day and ZoS never responds tells me that they simply dont care, and I consider that much worse than simply being unable to do it.
  • MornaBaine
    Perhaps we ought to simply start writing in reviews to every gaming publication we can find.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Imperial_Voice
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    Perhaps we ought to simply start writing in reviews to every gaming publication we can find.

    Now there's a thought. If it were at all possible to do, ZoS should definitely recieve a bit of "bad press" about their continued neglect of a system that they use to milk hundreds of dollars from players.
    Edited by Imperial_Voice on April 18, 2019 10:44PM
  • Bealindra
    most of the houses are designed from skeetches and inpirations, what the developer is here is trying to do is put people wishes into a interact object(a visible object/touchable). as designer/prog,cord this is not the most easy task in the world since it interacts with multible light sources, collisionboxes, shadow, texture break, distance issue, script issue! list is long ^^ ofc its not error free but what do the bird mom do if kid is hungry, its feeds it
    Edited by Bealindra on April 18, 2019 10:58PM
  • Imperial_Voice
    Bealindra wrote: »
    most of the houses are designed from skeetches and inpirations, what the developer is here is trying to do is put people wishes into a interact object(a visible object/touchable). as designer/prog,cord this is not the most easy task in the world since it interacts with multible light sources, collisionboxes, shadow, texture break, distance issue, script issue! list is long ^^ ofc its not error free but what do the bird mom do if kid is hungry, its feeds it

    I dont think you read the thread. This isnt about houses or furniture, its about an unfinished system and years of devs refusing to acknowledge literal hundreds of complaints.
  • bayushi2005
    Bealindra wrote: »
    most of the houses are designed from skeetches and inpirations, what the developer is here is trying to do is put people wishes into a interact object(a visible object/touchable). as designer/prog,cord this is not the most easy task in the world since it interacts with multible light sources, collisionboxes, shadow, texture break, distance issue, script issue! list is long ^^ ofc its not error free but what do the bird mom do if kid is hungry, its feeds it

    It is a business and in game houses are products as any other you can find in a shop. We are not given things free by a caring developer, we pay for them with real money.
    I understand technical issues causing the limits, but we ask for these issues to be adressed and nothing is being done.
    What I personally find unnerving is a mediocre quality product being sold with a luxury price tag.
    Everything else was already mentioned in this thread: cluttered attunable crafting stations with their lovely atmosphere of a chinese factory, lack of proper guild halls (I can imagine an RP guild in the Grand Topal Hideaway trying to play hide and seek ... still limited to 24 visitors), too much space outside the real house.
    I doubt anyone really wants to run through a spacious cavern or a huge garden just to get to a crafting station or sit on a porcelain throne in peace.
    I doubt anyone wants to feel helpless while hitting the limit of 700 items just after they finished decorating half of the interior.
    I really doubt anyone wants to hit "use" key two times just to get into a small room.

    We don't need THAT much space, we need smarter designs!
  • Imperial_Voice
    Bealindra wrote: »
    most of the houses are designed from skeetches and inpirations, what the developer is here is trying to do is put people wishes into a interact object(a visible object/touchable). as designer/prog,cord this is not the most easy task in the world since it interacts with multible light sources, collisionboxes, shadow, texture break, distance issue, script issue! list is long ^^ ofc its not error free but what do the bird mom do if kid is hungry, its feeds it

    It is a business and in game houses are products as any other you can find in a shop. We are not given things free by a caring developer, we pay for them with real money.
    I understand technical issues causing the limits, but we ask for these issues to be adressed and nothing is being done.
    What I personally find unnerving is a mediocre quality product being sold with a luxury price tag.
    Everything else was already mentioned in this thread: cluttered attunable crafting stations with their lovely atmosphere of a chinese factory, lack of proper guild halls (I can imagine an RP guild in the Grand Topal Hideaway trying to play hide and seek ... still limited to 24 visitors), too much space outside the real house.
    I doubt anyone really wants to run through a spacious cavern or a huge garden just to get to a crafting station or sit on a porcelain throne in peace.
    I doubt anyone wants to feel helpless while hitting the limit of 700 items just after they finished decorating half of the interior.
    I really doubt anyone wants to hit "use" key two times just to get into a small room.

    We don't need THAT much space, we need smarter designs!

    All of my notable homes could benefit immensely from removing the massive and unending courtyards in favor of smaller gardens and adding more interior rooms instead.
  • vesselwiththepestle
    I love housing in several other games. However, I can't really get into it in ESO. I like to build the stuff myself but it is a never-ending grind to get the recipes. Additionally and possible my main problem is, it is ressource consuming to manage. You need lots of inventory space (including bank and chests) for the furniture. If you don't have ESO Plus and the crafting bag it's even worse because of the materials (I wouldn't even think of building furniture on my own without crafting bag). Lastly I am missing some nice features to make housing more interesting and worthwhile. (Adding chests, music boxes and the combat arena was a step in the right direction. I think we even got a house with a cellar lateley, which was asked for, too, in my opinion we should even get cellars for some older houses or the possibility to add a cellar everywhere, we would just need a special item which looks like a trap door and acts as a teleport in another "zone" which would be the cellar. I honestly think ZOS *does* listen to player suggestions, but some things seem to not be viable/possible, like increasing the caps, else it would have been done long time ago, and everything else just takes much longer, I guess the housing team is pretty small.)

    So my pain points and suggestions are:

    1. Add a furniture bag, where we can store all our furniture without taking up inventory space. This furniture bag shouldn't be a ESO Plus thing, it should be able to obtain either via means in the game (buying with gold, doing a quest etc.) or by crown store.

    2. Add more housing-related features.
    2.1. ZOS is adding non-combat pets and mounts like there is no tomorrow. Why aren't there more NPC to put in your house? Make those NPC in a way, they can interact either with you, guests or your furniture. Like a NPC which runs to a random guest and speaks to him. This could be huge if you would allow famous NPC to live in your house, like Cadwell, Stibbons or Stuga. Just look at the music box. It's great and now it is easy to make more and more music boxes and sell all of them. Just do a test-run with ONE NPC who can do things in a house. If it sells well in the crown store, imagine all the NPCs which you already have animations etc. for you can put easily there, too.
    2.2. Allow NPC, mounts and non-combat pets to interact with furniture. Let us make a NPC sit on a chair, a mount eating hay instead of just standing there and add more animations/behaviour to non-combat pets. Or let us use emotes on NPC, like make the banker do /situps or /read or /sitchair.
    2.3. Lets us change the weather in our housings, it's client based anyway. Although it would be great to change the weather for the guests, too. This would be great for role-playing. It could be done by adding a weather control furniture piece, if it has to be by crown store...

    3. Add a "build your own house" player home.
    Many players enjoy building a house from the ground up. I've seen some great places, one I like very much used the free Summerset palace/cathedral, but blocked the way to the actual palace and build a nice house at the water with a cave and pirate treasure etc. Hacking is great and many like to do it. I like to get just free space and build on my own. To do this I am missing tools. There are some houses which would make it possible by having some free space, but it could be done even better with a player house which is actually made for this. Additionally there would be high demand of more furniture, like walls and roofs. Of course this would need an increase of the furniture cap. Also it would probably so huge, it could be done as a DLC.
    1000+ CP
    PC/EU Ravenwatch Daggerfall Covenant

    Give me my wings back!
  • Tigerseye
    ThanatosXR wrote: »
    I don't get why people invest time and money into some instance house. might as well spend that on yor IRL house

    I get what you mean, but that's a bit like me asking you why you run around and fight, in a game, when you could just run down the street to the nearest boxing gym, instead, and fight someone in there.

    Presumably, it's because you don't actually want to run and fight, for hours at a time, in real life and/or are not physically able to?

    Whereas, you can do it in a game.

    Not everyone has access to the kind of money it would take to make their own house perfect looking and/or they have kids and/or pets and/or partners(!) who would soon ruin anything they did do, in real life, anyway.

    Not only that, but most people only have one small house (if that!), which they only get to decorate once every so often, anyway.

    Then there are the sheer physical requirements and/or the reliance on others of having to decorate real life houses.

    Physically speaking, it's obviously a lot easier to decorate in-game houses than it is real ones.

    Also, you don't have to worry about dodgy workmen (and most of them are dodgy, frankly!), endlessly, messing everything up, in a game. :wink:

    If you have yet to experience that, then enjoy...

    Then there is the fact that, even if you are playing a game, while sitting in a nice house in real life, it is still quite enjoyable to be able to relax in-game, as well, from time-to-time.

    Not everyone wants to run around, constantly, from activity to activity, without a rest.

    Yes, you can sit and rest at home, but for some reason, it's quite pleasant to let your char have a rest, too.

    So, to sum up:

    a) It's far easier to decorate in a game, than it is in real life; so it can be treated more like an ongoing hobby, or a work of art, than a chore.

    b) Most people can afford far more houses and furnishings, in a game, than they can in real life.

    c) It's fun to be able to visit and/or relax in a nice house, in a game, from time to time. Just as it is fun to be able to visit and/or relax in a nice house, in real life.

    There could be more to housing than that (and there probably should be), but even without it, there are still plenty of reasons why people enjoy it.
    Edited by Tigerseye on April 19, 2019 10:14AM
  • bayushi2005
    ThanatosXR wrote: »
    I don't get why people invest time and money into some instance house. might as well spend that on yor IRL house

    I will speak for myself:

    a) it is bloody hell difficult to stack corpses in your real life house mostly due to the smell and unhealthy interest of your neighbours (tested)

    b) there is not enough black and blue stone on the market for me to replicate my Coldharbour Surreal Estate, not to mention technical issues connected to foldable platforms

    c) can't afford gold-plated walls in real life

    d) an attempt on placing a nuclear reactor in a real life house would probably get me killed... with half of the town

    e) bone dragon won't fit in the living room...

    Should I go on?
    Edited by bayushi2005 on April 19, 2019 10:46AM
  • NoTimeToWait
    I am more supportive of this, since it is now in Housing section, where it should be. I agree, that this is an issue that many of us would be delighted to see resolved.

    But next time I hope you spare a thought for the fact, that your posts might not get attention you want them to receive, because you don't bring anything new to the table. No new arguments, nothing that would add to the discussion.

    While we do spend a lot of time and money on housing, this game is not about housing. It has major issues elsewhere, which are more urgent, than housing problems.

    Edited by NoTimeToWait on April 19, 2019 11:30AM
  • Imperial_Voice
    I am more supportive of this, since it is now in Housing section, where it should be. I agree, that this is an issue that many of us would be delighted to see resolved.

    But next time I hope you spare a thought for the fact, that your posts might not get attention you want them to receive, because you don't bring anything new to the table. No new arguments, nothing that would add to the discussion.

    While we do spend a lot of time and money on housing, this game is not about housing. It has major issues elsewhere, which are more urgent, than housing problems.

    Thats the point. These are not "new" thoughts. Theyve been brought over and over and over and ZoS has done nothing. Which is also why I didn't bother with the housing forums. They ignore everything put here. Next time I hope you spare a thought for the fact that sometimes people have good reasons for what they do, regardless of whether you like it.
    Edited by Imperial_Voice on April 19, 2019 12:03PM
  • Imperial_Voice
    Went looking back through this thread and noticed a few comments calling ZoS out for ignoring players complaints have been silently deleted.
  • Imperial_Voice
    I love housing in several other games. However, I can't really get into it in ESO. I like to build the stuff myself but it is a never-ending grind to get the recipes. Additionally and possible my main problem is, it is ressource consuming to manage. You need lots of inventory space (including bank and chests) for the furniture. If you don't have ESO Plus and the crafting bag it's even worse because of the materials (I wouldn't even think of building furniture on my own without crafting bag). Lastly I am missing some nice features to make housing more interesting and worthwhile. (Adding chests, music boxes and the combat arena was a step in the right direction. I think we even got a house with a cellar lateley, which was asked for, too, in my opinion we should even get cellars for some older houses or the possibility to add a cellar everywhere, we would just need a special item which looks like a trap door and acts as a teleport in another "zone" which would be the cellar. I honestly think ZOS *does* listen to player suggestions, but some things seem to not be viable/possible, like increasing the caps, else it would have been done long time ago, and everything else just takes much longer, I guess the housing team is pretty small.)

    So my pain points and suggestions are:

    1. Add a furniture bag, where we can store all our furniture without taking up inventory space. This furniture bag shouldn't be a ESO Plus thing, it should be able to obtain either via means in the game (buying with gold, doing a quest etc.) or by crown store.

    2. Add more housing-related features.
    2.1. ZOS is adding non-combat pets and mounts like there is no tomorrow. Why aren't there more NPC to put in your house? Make those NPC in a way, they can interact either with you, guests or your furniture. Like a NPC which runs to a random guest and speaks to him. This could be huge if you would allow famous NPC to live in your house, like Cadwell, Stibbons or Stuga. Just look at the music box. It's great and now it is easy to make more and more music boxes and sell all of them. Just do a test-run with ONE NPC who can do things in a house. If it sells well in the crown store, imagine all the NPCs which you already have animations etc. for you can put easily there, too.
    2.2. Allow NPC, mounts and non-combat pets to interact with furniture. Let us make a NPC sit on a chair, a mount eating hay instead of just standing there and add more animations/behaviour to non-combat pets. Or let us use emotes on NPC, like make the banker do /situps or /read or /sitchair.
    2.3. Lets us change the weather in our housings, it's client based anyway. Although it would be great to change the weather for the guests, too. This would be great for role-playing. It could be done by adding a weather control furniture piece, if it has to be by crown store...

    3. Add a "build your own house" player home.
    Many players enjoy building a house from the ground up. I've seen some great places, one I like very much used the free Summerset palace/cathedral, but blocked the way to the actual palace and build a nice house at the water with a cave and pirate treasure etc. Hacking is great and many like to do it. I like to get just free space and build on my own. To do this I am missing tools. There are some houses which would make it possible by having some free space, but it could be done even better with a player house which is actually made for this. Additionally there would be high demand of more furniture, like walls and roofs. Of course this would need an increase of the furniture cap. Also it would probably so huge, it could be done as a DLC.

    Gods what id give for a furniture bag
  • Imperial_Voice
    ThanatosXR wrote: »
    I don't get why people invest time and money into some instance house. might as well spend that on yor IRL house

    I will speak for myself:

    a) it is bloody hell difficult to stack corpses in your real life house mostly due to the smell and unhealthy interest of your neighbours (tested)

    b) there is not enough black and blue stone on the market for me to replicate my Coldharbour Surreal Estate, not to mention technical issues connected to foldable platforms

    c) can't afford gold-plated walls in real life

    d) an attempt on placing a nuclear reactor in a real life house would probably get me killed... with half of the town

    e) bone dragon won't fit in the living room...

    Should I go on?

    Seriously. The police keep getting pissy because I want to display my collection of skulls and torture devices on my lawn. In ESO its fine though.
  • mnemoniclights
    While I do agree with the idea of a lot of houses being way too big and not having enough room to fill, I honestly see Jode's Embrace as a sign of moving away from that. While the House itself is huge it's also reasonably spaced. The courtyard being mostly rock gardens helps this imo as it's a fixture that adds in a good aesthetic and the parts of the grass designed for plants can easily fill in.

    Though this is my opinion. I feel the main function of the larger homes is that you're suppose to use large furnishings and structures, a good example of this is Pariah's Pinnacle which is really easy for building in if you put the time and energy. I've even seen someone make an ayleid themed battleground in Hunter's Glade.

    In the end it's more of an issue of not every house is suited to do what you want with it nor is it suited for everyone.
    Edited by mnemoniclights on April 19, 2019 7:39PM
  • Imperial_Voice
    While I do agree with the idea of a lot of houses being way too big and not having enough room to fill, I honestly see Jode's Embrace as a sign of moving away from that. While the House itself is huge it's also reasonably spaced. The courtyard being mostly rock gardens helps this imo as it's a fixture that adds in a good aesthetic and the parts of the grass designed for plants can easily fill in.

    Though this is my opinion. I feel the main function of the larger homes is that you're suppose to use large furnishings and structures, a good example of this is Pariah's Pinnacle which is really easy for building in if you put the time and energy. I've even seen someone make an ayleid themed battleground in Hunter's Glade.

    In the end it's more of an issue of not every house is suited to do what you want with it nor is it suited for everyone.

    I disagree entirely. It isnt an issue of whether or not you can do cool stuff with housing, the issue is that limits placed by ZoS prevent their use for genuine guildhalls and severely limits the ability to decorate them while ZoS keeps charging us an arm and leg for "limited offer" houses and furniture packs that they know we cant fully use.

    And Jodes Embraces interior isnt the issue. Its its giant extra dimension which exists as a huge open flat area, players will basically either be decorating the interior or the plane of Jode but not both.
  • bayushi2005

    I disagree entirely. It isnt an issue of whether or not you can do cool stuff with housing, the issue is that limits placed by ZoS prevent their use for genuine guildhalls and severely limits the ability to decorate them while ZoS keeps charging us an arm and leg for "limited offer" houses and furniture packs that they know we cant fully use.

    And Jodes Embraces interior isnt the issue. Its its giant extra dimension which exists as a huge open flat area, players will basically either be decorating the interior or the plane of Jode but not both.

    I agree with this. You can create cool stuff in any of the houses.
    We are talking utility and comfort here. Huge yards are cool, honest, but I would rather have a huge backyard than a frontyard. If it comes to Jode's Embrace - I absolutely adore that extra dimension and I would love to have "just that" without having to go through the whole house first.
    The problem with the biggest houses is that ... they are too big, you can do one thing or the other, there will always be a part which looks neglected unless you cut off some parts of the area and sometimes it just looks wrong (see Psijic Villa - you can't really cut off the garden part even if you want to, if you block the entrance to the house it looks strange as it is still the main feature). This is also the reason why I will never buy Grand Topal Hideaway (I love the volcano!), I would have to be able to bomb that argonian reed village first.
  • Imperial_Voice

    I disagree entirely. It isnt an issue of whether or not you can do cool stuff with housing, the issue is that limits placed by ZoS prevent their use for genuine guildhalls and severely limits the ability to decorate them while ZoS keeps charging us an arm and leg for "limited offer" houses and furniture packs that they know we cant fully use.

    And Jodes Embraces interior isnt the issue. Its its giant extra dimension which exists as a huge open flat area, players will basically either be decorating the interior or the plane of Jode but not both.

    I agree with this. You can create cool stuff in any of the houses.
    We are talking utility and comfort here. Huge yards are cool, honest, but I would rather have a huge backyard than a frontyard. If it comes to Jode's Embrace - I absolutely adore that extra dimension and I would love to have "just that" without having to go through the whole house first.
    The problem with the biggest houses is that ... they are too big, you can do one thing or the other, there will always be a part which looks neglected unless you cut off some parts of the area and sometimes it just looks wrong (see Psijic Villa - you can't really cut off the garden part even if you want to, if you block the entrance to the house it looks strange as it is still the main feature). This is also the reason why I will never buy Grand Topal Hideaway (I love the volcano!), I would have to be able to bomb that argonian reed village first.

    Im still hoping that will ZoS will make its first genuine post here in, what? A year? And at least acknowledge that they're aware of thid problem. Its ridiculous that they ignore this.
  • James-Wayne
    I'm just here to say that I need more than 700 slots to finish my home... 2 years of building so far and afraid I can't finish because of the cap :( 300 slots is all I need!
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