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Objections toward the new "Adventure Zone" (Group only content)

  • Rpalmer2
    Salacious wrote: »
    The idea that zenifail would even dare to do something like this is beyond me and makes me enraged that they are completely shoving their group content in my face.

    Ya'll have been spoiled by your "wow" and your other failed MMO's where as today's MMO's are advancing away from forced grind and gear treadmills as well as forced group content.

    The fact that a whole zone is locked off to a group of 4 or more is baffling and shows that zenifail doesnt know how to build proper scaling content that is suitable to every one.

    I don't care if you're end bosses for this zones content are group only, but the whole zone should not be group only and as a result you already have a lot of peeved players who are questioning your ability to create and stick to the core concepts of what a TES game is, weather this has the O for Online or not.

    Whats next Zenifail - Group only expansion pack? Group only npc guild quests? group only everything? try not to continue down this failing path like you have started. Open this zone to solo players.


  • Vikova
    Rpalmer2 wrote: »


  • Matheren
    Nice one, Failacious. You've really represented your point well here.

    Now go back and play through your 100+ hours of solo content through three different factions, and stop boo-hoo'ing about group players actually getting a small content addition.
  • Vikova
    Matheren wrote: »
    Nice one, Failacious. You've really represented your point well here.

    Now go back and play through your 100+ hours of solo content through three different factions, and stop boo-hoo'ing about group players actually getting a small content addition.

    But it is an MMO. Surely this means all content should be soloable. Are you new here? <3
  • ZOS_RobinsonE
    There's a lot of inappropriate behavior in this thread. It is never acceptable to insult other forum members, and there are plenty of insults being thrown either direction. If this thread cannot proceed in a civil and constructive fashion, it will be locked.

    Please remember the rules we expect everyone on the forums to abide by.
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  • DotAwkward
    At this point I think the OP is just trolling everyone and this thread would be best left ignored.
  • kcolasaccob14_ESO
    Salacious wrote: »
    Is their a reason for the new zone to be group content only? ES games are typically single player based and a lot of the content in this game is geared towards people like me: Solo Players.

    I don't mind grouping up for dungeons or group based world content like anchors. That's fine. and I don't mind some group content but to be FORCED to get into a group of 4-12 people JUST TO EXPLORE is sad and pathetic.

    I don't mind if you keep your challenges and your group content in the new zone but for the love of god don't segregate those of us who like to play solo, who like the feeling that "Yes I saved the town, I did this" (thank you phasing!!!!).

    I was so excited for a new zone, but the fact I have to group up completely turns me off. It's as bad as GW2's "you made it to the end of the game, now to completely finish the story you must group up and do a dungeon" - NO.

    You might be thinking - Just group up or don't do the content.

    - One: I like new content, I like exploring, I like going off on my own down some path and finding a random quest not have 4 people dictate what direction I can or cannot go in.
    - Two: I hate groups. They are full of trolls, chest stealer's and "dictators". as mentioned in point one I like just wondering off the beaten path encountering a ghost and helping him redeem his wifes past.

    As stated before, keep your group content but don't limit a whole zone to ONLY group content, regardless of how small the groups are. I don't play dps, healer or tank. I play my way - I experiment with my class and just wonder around doing what ever I want. What are level 50's like me suppose to do in this instance? Sit there and twiddle our thumbs?

    Help me understand that.

    If a whole zone is for groups and you don't like to play in groups, simply don't go there. It in no way affects your ability to continue to do the things that you like to do.

    I've never understood posts or complaints like this one.

  • Matheren
    The thread stopped being constructive the moment OP began blatantly ignoring any points counter to his own and trollishly bolding every "zenifail" reference while insisting he was actually being constructive.
  • Shimond
    Matheren wrote: »
    The thread stopped being constructive the moment OP began blatantly ignoring any points counter to his own and trollishly bolding every "zenifail" reference while insisting he was actually being constructive.

    I felt it wasn't constructive from the start, given the original subject wording. Was even more clear as the OP kept responding.
  • Pang
    Shimond wrote: »
    Matheren wrote: »
    The thread stopped being constructive the moment OP began blatantly ignoring any points counter to his own and trollishly bolding every "zenifail" reference while insisting he was actually being constructive.

    I felt it wasn't constructive from the start, given the original subject wording. Was even more clear as the OP kept responding.

    and the fact that they keep asking what is there for solo players when the add an Adventure Zone.... How About the entire rest of the game.
  • Audigy
    I see many insults coming from people who claim to play in groups and have so awesome social skills.

    I don't know what your understanding of social skills is, but mine does greatly differ from yours. To insult people constantly in this thread because they are afraid of another wow endgame is very sad and shows that you don't understand this thread and the OP at all.

    What I said earlier is still the case. To have group content in an MMO is fully valid and a point of the whole genre. That group content however, should be accessible solo.

    You play in the open world and find like minded players and beat an encounter. That's how DAOC worked, Vanilla classic with world bosses and TESO now with Ankers, public dungeons etc.

    I fully understand that some people have the luxury to dedicate their RL after a raid schedule, its great for you guys and enjoy it. However, many have family, kids, demanding jobs and for those people these schedules are not available. That's why locking a whole area behind an "only in group feature", is very bad as it could lead to the same issue that wow is currently facing.

    All endgame is for Raid groups, Casuals and people with a strong RL are left out and this cant be in anyone´s interest in regards of TESO.

    Because of this the zone should be free for all, we have the loot system, we have the group system so why lock all this content behind premade groups? The OP for sure wont mind joining groups, its just the hassle that comes with premades that he doesn't want.

    There is no valid reason for the insults that you throw at his head, nor for your wow attitude that you present in many of your posts.

    Discussions like this one happen in wow almost daily and the subs are dropping, did you ever wonder that it might be that elitist attitude which is responsible for that? TESO doesn't has 8 mio subs so a few mio could bleed, they need every player so you should think twice if you want to scare them off by your insults.
  • Matheren
    No, I'm pretty sure the attitude he's gotten for clearly ignoring any valid points that counter his argument (such as the overwhelming amount of solo content already in game), and for constantly bolding his trollish little "zenifail" word, has been fully justified.
    Edited by Matheren on April 8, 2014 8:30PM
  • Rpalmer2
    There's a lot of inappropriate behavior in this thread. It is never acceptable to insult other forum members, and there are plenty of insults being thrown either direction. If this thread cannot proceed in a civil and constructive fashion, it will be locked.

    Please remember the rules we expect everyone on the forums to abide by.

    Well there is the ZOS reply the OP wanted, but most likely not in the manner he was expecting.

    I do believe it is time to /leave this post.
  • Vikova
    Rpalmer2 wrote: »
    I do believe it is time to /leave this post.

  • ZOS_RobinsonE
    We are now closing this thread.

    We want discussions to be constructive and would like to remind you all of our Community Code of Conduct. We don't expect everyone to agree, but we do require that discussion remain civil and constructive. Insults, personal attacks and baiting are never acceptable.
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