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Objections toward the new "Adventure Zone" (Group only content)

  • Attorneyatlawl
    mutharex wrote: »
    Sorry I didn't read all that but the only thing I can say is they will be releasing different kind of content, both group oriented and more solo. The Adventure Zones are all group oriented. Some other stuff (like Thieves Guild, Crime and Punishment system) will be more solo oriented, but don't forget this is a MMORPG so, you know, it's not weird that they think about.. groups of people playing together

    I read it. His complaint is that instanced group zones require groups. Yeah, I thought that was a little silly too. If you don't like group content then don't do it, don't complain that they made something good for other people than you. It's an mmorpg and there will be many changes and updates over time.
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • Gohlar
    Audigy wrote: »
    MMO´s are not about "You MUST group to play". Just one MMO and its clones are, World of Dungeon Craft.

    You can level faster in WoW by questing. People do dungeons because they are fun. Nothing forced about it.

    You just said people MUST group to play in the most solo friendly, casual mmo ever created. Yeah, that just happened.

    Stop talking nonsense.
    Salacious wrote: »
    I agree with this 100% We do need to wait for sure but I can already see the direction they are taking this - they are bowing towards the spoiled little brats of wow and not to the more level headed, mature players who like their solo content and their occasional, non forced group content.

    Was this intentionally ironic? If so, well played.

    You also just agreed with someone who thinks you had to group up to level in WoW, the easiest solo leveling experience ever created. Just saying.
    Edited by Gohlar on April 8, 2014 5:47PM
  • Azarul
    SinBad wrote: »
    @ThatHappyCat‌ cute name firstly, and cyrodiil is far from a WHOLE ZONE for pvp players.
    (pass the popcorn)

    So then I guess they should make the Adventure Zone open world PvP also. Dont want to leave them out. Make sure theres plenty of new mats and special crafting areas cant leave them out.

  • Melian
    I knew this would happen. lol. Everyone said it was fine to have solo only quests. So guess what they're doing now? Making group only quests.

    Personally, what I have been arguing since beta is that everyone should have the chance to solo OR group any content that they want. However, I was repeatedly told that I didn't know how to play (because I was arguing against all the solo only bosses and whatnot in the guild questlines) and that this was a learning experience. Well, here's your learning experience.

    I hate it too. We should all be able to play whatever content we want in a group or out of a group. But I will not be happy if the vocal minority get this changed and I still have to be forced to solo everything. T__T No one should be forced to solo/group if they don't want to. Period.

    I said it was fine, and I still say so. It's fine to have group only quests, too. Just as long as they don't stop making one or the other, everything is awesome.

    Not all content needs to be done the same way. Learn to be flexible, or you'll miss out. Sounds fine to me.

  • Gohlar
    I knew this would happen. lol. Everyone said it was fine to have solo only quests. So guess what they're doing now? Making group only quests.

    Personally, what I have been arguing since beta is that everyone should have the chance to solo OR group any content that they want. However, I was repeatedly told that I didn't know how to play (because I was arguing against all the solo only bosses and whatnot in the guild questlines) and that this was a learning experience. Well, here's your learning experience.

    I hate it too. We should all be able to play whatever content we want in a group or out of a group. But I will not be happy if the vocal minority get this changed and I still have to be forced to solo everything. T__T No one should be forced to solo/group if they don't want to. Period.

    Very well said. Some of the nonsense people come up with on this forum is mind boggling. They is a very vocal anti-choice segment of the community. Playing their way isn't enough, they want to control what you do as well. Now there are always people like this, I just never knew of a game company short sighted enough to listen to them, until now.

    I expect major changes down the road. I just hope they don't wait until it's too late.
    Edited by Gohlar on April 8, 2014 5:44PM
  • Laerian
    Well this pretty much nailed it for me. I won't pay for group-only content. End of story.

    By the way, those smarties that use the MMO "argument", loud and clear: MMO DOESN'T MEAN CO-OP.

  • CND_Oce
    Let's just change the name to outside adventure dungeon, and be done with the QQ thread
  • Nox_Aeterna
    kitsinni wrote: »
    Salacious wrote: »
    Inversus wrote: »
    kitsinni wrote: »
    REGARDLESS of how many times you CAPITALIZE and bold your words there will always be parts of Massivley Multiplayer Online games that are not going to be done SOLO. I kind of thought that would be OBVIOUS.

    You have nothing constructive to add, why are you here?

    What are you adding that is constructive. You bought a game and don't like the way the devs are making it .. either move on or play and be happy.

    And we go back to that silly mentality.

    Do you plan to pay all the subs the devs need/month to keep this game going?

    Or you just dont give a damm if it becomes F2P?

    Because each player it loses , closer it gets to that point.

    Stop telling people to just leave.

    And here we go with that silly mentality that we should do our best to keep players happy regardless of whether the game they are playing is what they wanted. Otherwise the game will fail.

    Oh no everyone. Worry about a handful of unhappy, misguided players leaving the game.

    That good old 'doom and gloom' mentality.

    How is keeping someone around, that has expressed a deep seated notion that the game they play should be drastically changed for their interests, a good thing?

    Will this game die if too many people leave it? Sure. But to blame a microcosm of the community (the forums) for being the reason for it is obnoxiously seeking a scapegoat. If this game is destined to fail. There is nothing these forum-goers or Players alike can do about it or even have a significant part in it.

    Yes , ofc.

    When tons and tons of players told blizzard , REMOVE THE AH, and they did not for almost 2 years , it totally did not matter at all.

    The forums are a fraction of the game population , that is ofc right , but most opinions in it have tons of people behind them , even if just a minority is vocal.

    It is part of the devs job to listen and decide which ones are good and which are bad.

    Not hearing at all usually leads to very , very bad place. Just like hearing to them all.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • kitsinni
    Did they actually say you can't enter it solo? They said it was specifically designed for 4 or 12 person groups, but did they say you can't enter it without a gruop? It may be exactly like every other dungeon you can go in solo you just won't live very long.
  • thedemiseraphb14_ESO
    They could make a solo scaled version, and I'd bet that they would if enough people complained. And for the person who said they won't pay for group only content... who ever said they weren't going to be adding other content as well? solo, pvp, casual...
  • Beaghan
    I play mostly solo. I've played just about every major mmo since UO as well. I agree with the OP that a whole new zone with towns and such is a bit much for being required to group. I think that he could have worded some things better but I'm amazed by some of the flaming. He is narrow minded in his opinion being the only correct way for things but a lot of you flamers are just as narrow minded with your responses. very little constructive in this thread from either side.

    Personally I'll see if it's possible to solo there, if it is then I will as I usually learn how to solo most group content that isn't super elite, if it isn't then I'll group to see it, if it's amazing I'll group to play there often, if it isn't then I'll have seen it and move on to the next areas. I think in a game with undefined classes they should be careful how much forced grouping they require as you tend to get many people not knowing what role to play in a group. just my opinion.
    Edited by Beaghan on April 8, 2014 5:51PM
  • Eris
    I read someone was talking about scaled zones. These are great in concept but don't work great in actual play.

    I will use City of Heroes as an example again. Missions were instanced and scaled for parties from 1 to 8 players. You could throw together a party of 8 characters and blow through missions if you wanted, but it was generally considered too easy. Not all, but some builds could blow through those 8 player missions with 1 player. I had a character that could, with certain missions, fight at +4 levels for 6 players at about the same speed as an average group of 8. There were people who could solo 8 people task forces at +4 levels without much trouble.

    The reason is that scaling instances simply are not intelligent enough to take into account the individual character abilities and how effectively a player can use those abilities. It ends up being to easy for players skilled with their characters and to hard for novice players.

    I do like the idea of scaling missions, but the tech really needs to improve.
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • Mulk
    The vast majority of this game is single player friendly. There are well over 100 hours of game play devoted to you by the time you clear all three alliances, assuming you ever complete the main storyline. Certain story lines are even locked behind the single player wall and cannot be done by groups, and this includes a couple of the most epic in game sequences. Two areas are locked behind this wall as well - so that players cannot visit them until they have completed the solo only content required for them, even if they would prefer to group, and a few others are visitable only on one of these quests and never again. Where is your outrage over these exclusions? (I have none, I'm just wondering why the only allowable outrage is apparently for offended soloers)

    You seriously need to tone down your rhetoric here. The OP was overstated but not over the line, I thought, but the further you go here, the further down the ladder you descend. The way you have presented yourself is as if you have some kind of moral high ground. Because of a video game. You think you have the right to name-call and insult because you don't like something. Suppose I and everyone here started calling you Failacious, The Brat Failure or the Soloing Hypocrite because we disagree with your stance? It is what you look like to me, and I'm mildly sympathetic with at least some of what you have to say unlike others here.

    I like to solo and I like to explore. I very rarely PuG, which appears to be the kind of grouping you hate. I hate it too. I don't mind grouping but I don't PuG to do it. Unlike you, I don't look at a new set of content that isn't what I prefer and say "THAT'S CONTENT I HATE, DAMN YOU FOR MAKING IT." You're disputing their worth as people and their intelligence in decision making over something you haven't seen or tried. Personally, I'd probably have preferred a more solo-friendly zone, but I'm suspending judgment until I actually get to play it because it looks and sounds cool as hell. So some buddies of mine and I will hit this whenever we all get to VR10. Which is a long way away in any case.

    End game content for MMOs is almost invariably either a repeatable solo grind or a raid grind or a pvp grind. My understanding of this is that ZOS is trying to give us an updated take on that, something more interesting than what MMOs typically offer. It would be far wiser on your part to experience the content (with an open mind - assuming you will hate it before you try it and refusing to enjoy even something you might find fun is dishonest and stupid) before flying into a rage about it.
  • Salacious
    The idea that zenifail would even dare to do something like this is beyond me and makes me enraged that they are completely shoving their group content in my face.

    Ya'll have been spoiled by your "wow" and your other failed MMO's where as today's MMO's are advancing away from forced grind and gear treadmills as well as forced group content.

    The fact that a whole zone is locked off to a group of 4 or more is baffling and shows that zenifail doesnt know how to build proper scaling content that is suitable to every one.

    I don't care if you're end bosses for this zones content are group only, but the whole zone should not be group only and as a result you already have a lot of peeved players who are questioning your ability to create and stick to the core concepts of what a TES game is, weather this has the O for Online or not.

    Whats next Zenifail - Group only expansion pack? Group only npc guild quests? group only everything? try not to continue down this failing path like you have started. Open this zone to solo players.
  • Salacious
    CND_Oce wrote: »
    Let's just change the name to outside adventure dungeon, and be done with the QQ thread

    this isn't a QQ thread, this is a constructive, criticizing thread that states the issue with this new failed content
  • kitsinni
    Did you try to go in solo? Do you know anyone who has tried to go in solo? Has anyone told you that you can't enter solo?
  • Salacious
    Yes - Zenimax has stipulated this is group only content
  • Sabbatus
    It is always so cute when the single-player gamer discovers what the Ms in MMO mean. Simply adorable!
  • Salacious
    Sabbatus wrote: »
    It is always so cute when the single-player gamer discovers what the Ms in MMO mean. Simply adorable!

    So then why don't they make EVERYTHING require a group? why limit it to zones? why not over haul the game ... oh wait...its also a TES game
  • kitsinni
    Where are you getting that info from. How many people have to be in that group? Do you have a link to that? They showed a city in there and said this might be a good place to form a group. How do you form a group there if you can't get there without being grouped?
  • Mortuum
    OP i help you out: it is an MMORPG, and no matter how many people think it stands for Many Males Online Role Playing Girls, they wrong, and its multiplayer game.

    You have al 1-50 content solo, so dont try to force all of us to play the way you want. It may shock you, but many of us, are MMO players, and we are same important group of customers as you and rest of solo players are. We love to group, raid, pvp in group, for us it is what is important. So Zeni trying to satisfy both group of customers, solo players, and those who want group content, is actually very good.

    Not gonna even comment on what ou said about groups being full of trolls and ninjas. I guess it is your first MMO, or you meet really bad people in your previous ones. But trust me, we are not all like that, and you hurting yourself by saying ''Ill not group they are all idiots''. You may find out that actually some of MMO veterans are nice, and fun to play with, you may even meet new friends.
  • Salacious
    kitsinni wrote: »
    Where are you getting that info from. How many people have to be in that group? Do you have a link to that? They showed a city in there and said this might be a good place to form a group. How do you form a group there if you can't get there without being grouped?

    Um they have stipulated in the video that the zone is meant for a group, for 4-12 pleayers

  • Eris
    It stops being constructive when you decide to rename the developer Zenifail. It distracts from your point and gives people less reason to see your point and more to see you as a silly and obnoxious. I often find myself ignoring people and threads when they feel the need to come up with not as cute as they thing revisions to company names.

    The internet has enough silliness without your needing to stop and bold fail every time you decide to revise the name Zenimax. BTW, there are much more creative ways to say it anyways, like Zenimin, which would be the opposite of max.

    Just sayin...
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • EliteZ
    Salacious wrote: »
    CND_Oce wrote: »
    Let's just change the name to outside adventure dungeon, and be done with the QQ thread

    this isn't a QQ thread, this is a constructive, criticizing thread that states the issue with this new failed content

    They guy who has started saying "Zenifail does not think he is QQ'ing because group pve content is coming out that he doesn't like. How cute. I have two words for you, grow up.
    Edited by EliteZ on April 8, 2014 6:09PM
  • Salacious
    Eris wrote: »
    It stops being constructive when you decide to rename the developer Zenifail. It distracts from your point and gives people less reason to see your point and more to see you as a silly and obnoxious. I often find myself ignoring people and threads when they feel the need to come up with not as cute as they thing revisions to company names.

    The internet has enough silliness without your needing to stop and bold fail every time you decide to revise the name Zenimax. BTW, there are much more creative ways to say it anyways, like Zenimin, which would be the opposite of max.

    Just sayin...

    And the internet has had enough of you, why dont you go back to your precious raids and your gear treadmill and leave TES games alone.
  • MorHawk
    Salacious wrote: »
    The idea that zenifail would even dare to do something like this is beyond me and makes me enraged that they are completely shoving their group content in my face...Whats next Zenifail - Group only expansion pack?
    Salacious wrote: »
    this isn't a QQ thread, this is a constructive, criticizing thread that states the issue with this new failed content

    Constructive? Your previous quote begs to differ.
    Observant wrote: »
    I can count to potato.
    another topic that cant see past its own farts.
  • kitsinni
    Salacious wrote: »
    kitsinni wrote: »
    Where are you getting that info from. How many people have to be in that group? Do you have a link to that? They showed a city in there and said this might be a good place to form a group. How do you form a group there if you can't get there without being grouped?

    Um they have stipulated in the video that the zone is meant for a group, for 4-12 pleayers

    They said they are tuned for 4 person content, not that you can't go in to them solo.
  • Laerian
    Yeah and probably if you try to solo them out leveled there won't be any loot.
  • Mortuum
    I don't mind grouping when it's optional but I hate forced-grouping simply to follow the core content. Turbine learned that with LOTRO a long time ago

    This kind of statements arent even funny. Tur-crap-bine indeed learned how to kill great MMO within few months, by making it all solo, ultra easy faceroll, with best rewards given to every player, even T2 HM items(first age weapons in skirmish camps, biggest joke ever). Result? All raiders, PVP players,or even those who want bit of challenge gone, and game on its knees waiting for merciful killing blow to end its suffering.

    So that is what you want for ESO really? Bored and complaining players because everything is soloable, and if soloable then very easy?

    LOTRO solo players were always crying why they cant have raid quality items, and devs listened to them. Please Zeni, dont make same mistake... By all means, keep solo players happy, develop content for them, give them a lot things to do, but in same time remember about us, those who love group content and challege in game.

    So far you doing it very well. :) And thank you for that.
  • thedemiseraphb14_ESO
    When someone says to someone else " leave the elder scrolls games alone" they immediately forget this is NOT like any other elder scrolls game, no matter how much people want this to be skyrim with friends... it's not.
This discussion has been closed.