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Objections toward the new "Adventure Zone" (Group only content)

  • Beaghan
    Sabbatus wrote: »
    It is always so cute when the single-player gamer discovers what the Ms in MMO mean. Simply adorable!

    All because they are massive multiplayer does not mean that you need to group. It's not so cute when people try sarcasm and fail.

  • Salacious
    Beaghan wrote: »
    Sabbatus wrote: »
    It is always so cute when the single-player gamer discovers what the Ms in MMO mean. Simply adorable!

    All because they are massive multiplayer does not mean that you need to group. It's not so cute when people try sarcasm and fail.

    this ^

    Point is - don't force me to group to explore a new zone with new content.
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    If you dont like group content in an mmo, go play a single player game as you obviously lack the social skills to interact with people.
  • Rach71
    This is always an argument in games, MMO is Masive Multi-player Online after all.

    But then again RPG is Role Playing Game. Leave room for the solo guy who likes to live in the world with others, just not enough to talk to them ;-) I like many TES fans (I am old enough to have bought TES:Arena at an actual store!!) I love me some solo play and exploration. In MMOs I prefer a more organic Multiplayer aspect; that is grouping dynamically, I want to do a dungeon, I love going to the entrance and seeing who is there and grouping to go in. Or in the case of a world boss, rift (oops anchor point), or some other event just go see what is up and do the event with the others there.

    Does that mean there should not be any Group stuff? No not at all. My fear is that an exploration zone that is "group only" will require group planning (a-la raid or group dungeons) and (as a solo crafter) have key materials hidden behind a group wall.

    How I would do it (if I could that is) is have it like any other zone with more difficult mobs -- sure I can go into the zone solo, but I will either need to find help, or find some who is there that needs help once I get there.

  • Eris
    Salacious wrote: »
    Eris wrote: »
    It stops being constructive when you decide to rename the developer Zenifail. It distracts from your point and gives people less reason to see your point and more to see you as a silly and obnoxious. I often find myself ignoring people and threads when they feel the need to come up with not as cute as they thing revisions to company names.

    The internet has enough silliness without your needing to stop and bold fail every time you decide to revise the name Zenimax. BTW, there are much more creative ways to say it anyways, like Zenimin, which would be the opposite of max.

    Just sayin...

    And the internet has had enough of you, why dont you go back to your precious raids and your gear treadmill and leave TES games alone.

    It is funny that you say that. I means that you don't read responses to your posts. I have pointed out in prior entries on this thread that I don't PVP or Raid.

    I find raids to be annoying, lengthy, and for the most part useless. I find it amusing that people spend so much effort and time getting the uber-gear that will be obsolete with the next level increase to the game. Still, like lemmings, the raiders continue to raid because of the almighty end-game which I also find one of the most inappropriate terms. Unless the game is shutting down, there is no such thing as end-game, it is all middle-game.

    For the most part, I find that PVP generally goes to the person with the best hardware and in some cases skill. More importantly, I find that at often brings out the worst in people, so I just don't participate.

    What you fail to understand is that you are not playing Elder Scrolls, you are playing Elder Scrolls Online. You are not the only player, if there are only 100,000 players, your opinion counts for 0.001% of the population. Perhaps you might be better served to play Skyrim or on of the other single player games where you don't need to interact with people. But realistically, you're opinion is about as important to me as your percentage value in the population (which is probably even smaller than the 0.001% used in my example).

    Please do not tell people to go away, it's rude and I'm sure you didn't like it when I said it, if you even bothered to read it. Polite conversation generally gets polite responses, rude gets rude.
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • JD2013
    I hate to say this, but it is Elder Scrolls Online. Not Elder Scrolls VI. That will be along in about 3 years. It is an MMO, and an MMO is typically geared to encouraging people to group up and play together, hence not a Single Player experience.

    I get what you're saying, that you are against an entire zone being geared towards group playing, but this is all part of the endgame content that will keep people in the game, and endgame content typically is geared towards groups.

    They will be adding plenty more stuff every 6 to 8 weeks (Hopefully) and I am willing to bet a lot of that will be non group content.
    Sweetrolls for all!

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    Crafting bag OP! ZOS nerf pls!
  • thedemiseraphb14_ESO
    So, 200 hours of game play, and a huge game, with varied content... and the very first content update being basically a dungeon zone... and every solo player is pissed... confusing
  • Laerian
    Mortuum wrote: »
    LOTRO solo players were always crying...
    None of the Lotro soloers asked Turbine to make it an "ultra easy faceroll", nor the other bad decisions they have been taking the last 3 years.
  • Salacious
    So, 200 hours of game play, and a huge game, with varied content... and the very first content update being basically a dungeon zone... and every solo player is pissed... confusing

    we have a right to be. this new zone should not be group only.

  • thedemiseraphb14_ESO
    Salacious wrote: »
    So, 200 hours of game play, and a huge game, with varied content... and the very first content update being basically a dungeon zone... and every solo player is pissed... confusing

    we have a right to be. this new zone should not be group only.

    Says you though, not everyone agrees obviously. And I'm a huge solo player, but I"m totally cool with this new location. It's an end game zone, you could call it an overland dungeon, or any number of names. It's end game group content. Which most MMO's add. Doesn't mean there isn't SOLO content in the pipe as well.
  • Vikova
    ESO already has a huge amount of content that is soloable, including many earlier dungeons you can revisit and solo.

    As an MMO, there absolutely should be content that has to be done in a group. Name an MMO where all content can be finished by yourself? None. It is not the purpose of an MMO - there should always be content and rewards only achievable through groups.
  • Salacious
    Salacious wrote: »
    So, 200 hours of game play, and a huge game, with varied content... and the very first content update being basically a dungeon zone... and every solo player is pissed... confusing

    we have a right to be. this new zone should not be group only.

    Says you though, not everyone agrees obviously. And I'm a huge solo player, but I"m totally cool with this new location. It's an end game zone, you could call it an overland dungeon, or any number of names. It's end game group content. Which most MMO's add. Doesn't mean there isn't SOLO content in the pipe as well.

    End Game should not force people to group up - for raids and dungeons yes, buit not new zone content. Thats unfair and the vast majourity of the solo base is angry because of it
  • Shimond
    So, 200 hours of game play, and a huge game, with varied content... and the very first content update being basically a dungeon zone... and every solo player is pissed... confusing

    No, just one that thinks they speak for all the rest of us.
  • Salacious
    Shimond wrote: »
    So, 200 hours of game play, and a huge game, with varied content... and the very first content update being basically a dungeon zone... and every solo player is pissed... confusing

    No, just one that thinks they speak for all the rest of us.

    I dont think you have any valid points there - thanks for trolling

  • Melian
    Gohlar wrote: »
    Very well said. Some of the nonsense people come up with on this forum is mind boggling. They is a very vocal anti-choice segment of the community.
    Oh, you again. I remember you from the Bethesda forums. If that terminology doesn't count as trolling, I don't know what does.
  • Daverios
    I will say it again. I AM NOT FREAKING SUBSCRIBING AND PAYING A MONTHLY FEE TO PAY FOR DEVEOPMENT OF SINGLE PLAYER CONTENT PERIOD. The minute they do they lose my business and I have more buying power and say than OP because I bought and sub two accounts. As did literally millions of others wanting a multiplayer game that yes REQUIRES cooperation. We do not care about your whine trolling and neither does zenimax I assure you.

    That is the bottem line and if op cannot see it. Then go play something else and never buy another MMO. Hell I will offer to buy you the single player game of your choice just to shut up.

    I have also reported OP for trolling and harrasment as they seem hell bent on not listening nor letting anyone else have an opinion also for the vulgar posts and name calling.

    Bu bye and have a nice day.
    Edited by Daverios on April 8, 2014 6:54PM
  • kitsinni
    Why don't you put this in customer support this is in no way "Player helping players" so at minimum this shouldn't be in this forum.
  • Mortuum
    Laerian wrote: »
    Mortuum wrote: »
    LOTRO solo players were always crying...
    None of the Lotro soloers asked Turbine to make it an "ultra easy faceroll", nor the other bad decisions they have been taking the last 3 years.

    Please, if you quote someone, use full sentence, and dont cut it in middle just for sake of starting argument. what i have said was:

    LOTRO solo players were always crying why they cant have raid quality items, and devs listened to them.

    Clearly i mentioned raid items and nowhere in above sentence i can see that i said players asked for easy content. So please, improve your reading and/or copy/paste skills before you do something like that. Morph them maybe? My post is on previous page, go practice a bit.

  • Salacious
    kitsinni wrote: »
    Why don't you put this in customer support this is in no way "Player helping players" so at minimum this shouldn't be in this forum.

    We dont have a general chat forum, so this is my general chat area.

  • kitsinni
    You are complaining about Zenimax in the players helping players forum. There is a customer support forum where you might get the attention of Zenimax, unless you just want a wide audience to hear you complain.

    No players can help you with what you are asking for, customer support might be able to. I would suggest using the feedback tool though.
  • Salacious
    kitsinni wrote: »
    You are complaining about Zenimax in the players helping players forum. There is a customer support forum where you might get the attention of Zenimax, unless you just want a wide audience to hear you complain.

    No players can help you with what you are asking for, customer support might be able to. I would suggest using the feedback tool though.

    Casn you just like stay on topic and get back to the point where we are arguing over the spoilt wow kids and their failed definition of a MMO whereas the TES fans don't want to be forced to group to explore a new zone. Does your intelligence go that high?
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Salacious wrote: »
    Salacious wrote: »
    So, 200 hours of game play, and a huge game, with varied content... and the very first content update being basically a dungeon zone... and every solo player is pissed... confusing

    we have a right to be. this new zone should not be group only.

    Says you though, not everyone agrees obviously. And I'm a huge solo player, but I"m totally cool with this new location. It's an end game zone, you could call it an overland dungeon, or any number of names. It's end game group content. Which most MMO's add. Doesn't mean there isn't SOLO content in the pipe as well.

    End Game should not force people to group up - for raids and dungeons yes, buit not new zone content. Thats unfair and the vast majourity of the solo base is angry because of it

    1.) Youre attempting to speak on the behalf of people who havent asked you, or given you permission to speak for.

    2.) The vast majority of self proclaimed solo players who have come into this thread. Have disagreed with you. Making your claim to represent solo players even less valid.

    3.) There is nothing preventing you from grouping up and entering these adventure zones.

    4.) This is hardly the last update or content expansion. There is no reason to react as if you have nothing to look forward to at Endgame.

    Behaving as if youre being forced to do anything and that the area not being solo-able is unfair is laughable. There is more solo content in this game right now then there is group content. Yet thats not enough. Now you want to take away what others bought this game to do. Youve convinced yourself because past Elder Scrolls games were Single Players that that means ESO should inherently be a Single Player as well. And you believe others should show you respect while you do nothing more then spew disrespectful rhetoric like 'Zenifail'. Way to show the Community and Zenimax youre worth listening to and taking seriously.
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  • nerevarine1138
    This just in: group dungeons require you to be in a group! And MMOs involve other players!

    Seriously. How has this gotten to 6 pages?
  • Eris
    LOTRO solo players were always crying why they cant have raid quality items, and devs listened to them.

    More closely related to this thread, LOTRO had group veteran areas. Urugarth and Carn Dum. In these areas were items that were needed for the level 50 class quests. Some people complained about it, but for the most part people just accepted it as normal that group areas exist in multi-player games.

    Something that would probably put the OP in shock is that even the regular solo-land areas of LOTRO have group content. Elites, War bands, Shard Droppers, etc. Up until recently, the epic storyline required full teams just to complete.

    I think that devs realized that they had swung a little too far to the solo side of things and are starting to put the multi-player back in the game, which is fine with me. There is plenty of solo stuff for me to do.
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • Rach71
    Are there any specifics on the new zone other than to say it is "geared toward" groups?

    That can mean different things: from "it is instanced to your group" to "the mobs are so strong you need a group to deal with them when you get there."

    I am all for the discussion.
  • mechman29_ESO
    Eris wrote: »
    Complaining that someone added group content to a multi-player game is like complaining that someone put cheese on your cheeseburger.

    Now I'm hungry, thanks...
  • Laerian
    Mortuum wrote: »
    Please, if you quote someone, use full sentence, and dont cut it in middle just for sake of starting argument. what i have said was:

    LOTRO solo players were always crying why they cant have raid quality items, and devs listened to them.

    Clearly i mentioned raid items and nowhere in above sentence i can see that i said players asked for easy content. So please, improve your reading and/or copy/paste skills before you do something like that. Morph them maybe? My post is on previous page, go practice a bit.

    First, I didn't quote you entire post because it is offensive towards Turbine. If you don't want to be quoted that way then stay respectful and stop spreading false information.

    Second, none of the soloers was crying about anything; Is that your mature way of speaking about other players?.

    Third, you blame soloers on Turbine's decisions and you assume that Turbine listened soloers. This is false. Nobody asked for easy content.

    So instead of criticizing my reading skills, research well before commenting.
  • Gusthav
    You know, you are the one limiting your experience, not the devs. They are giving people, including groups, more options, not less. It's you that has the problem, not them. I get it, you don't want to be forced to group..enough of the rhetoric. No one is forcing you to do jack. You simply do not get to experience the content that is specifically created for those that DO like to group.

    You sound like you want to pigeon hole groupers into small dungeons and out of the way places that you can't see so they don't interfere with your exploration.

    Bring on the group content!
    Salacious wrote: »
    So, 200 hours of game play, and a huge game, with varied content... and the very first content update being basically a dungeon zone... and every solo player is pissed... confusing

    we have a right to be. this new zone should not be group only.

  • mechman29_ESO
    The entire thread is stupid. It has been started by someone that thinks the game should be all for them. Pretty much an entitlement baby. Get over it.

    Personally, I hate this saying, but I'm going to use it... You don't like it, don't play.

    Grow up man. It's an MMO
    Edited by mechman29_ESO on April 8, 2014 7:27PM
  • Vikova
    Salacious wrote: »
    the vast majourity of the solo base is angry because of it

    Good luck making that kind of absurd claim stick. This forum really needs block lists.
This discussion has been closed.