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Objections toward the new "Adventure Zone" (Group only content)

  • SuperScrubby
    Aren't you being FORCED to group up to do dungeons? Unless you outlevel them drastically and then go back to solo the content. It's no different. Besides if you interact and do things with others as you say you do, why does it get your panties in a bunch that you have to do the same thing to explore?
  • Hawke
    Look, I am a fan of the Elder Scrolls ever since I first played Daggerfall with its HUGE world. And you could be and do anything. And when I got my black hand notice after accidently killing someone.. well, I was nervous and looking around everywhere for the police.

    I would love if there was another version of that awesome game with today's graphics.

    So TESO helps fill that void. And I can explore nearly all of Tamriel, which is pretty awesome.

    But this is a multiplayer game. And nearly everything Zenimax and Bethesda have done is forcing players to be more social in a subtle way. There is even a group finder right out the gate WITH a teleport to a party member.

    I think the OP is being a bit ... unrealistic with his doom and gloom and if he really is a fan of TES then he should wait and see what happens when it is finally released.
  • Salacious
    Aren't you being FORCED to group up to do dungeons? Unless you outlevel them drastically and then go back to solo the content. It's no different. Besides if you interact and do things with others as you say you do, why does it get your panties in a bunch that you have to do the same thing to explore?

    I am if I want to experience the new content.
    Hawke wrote: »
    Look, I am a fan of the Elder Scrolls ever since I first played Daggerfall with its HUGE world. And you could be and do anything. And when I got my black hand notice after accidently killing someone.. well, I was nervous and looking around everywhere for the police.

    I would love if there was another version of that awesome game with today's graphics.

    So TESO helps fill that void. And I can explore nearly all of Tamriel, which is pretty awesome.

    But this is a multiplayer game. And nearly everything Zenimax and Bethesda have done is forcing players to be more social in a subtle way. There is even a group finder right out the gate WITH a teleport to a party member.

    I think the OP is being a bit ... unrealistic with his doom and gloom and if he really is a fan of TES then he should wait and see what happens when it is finally released.

    I am not unrealistic to say that group content belongs to dungeons, raids, anchors and challenges - not to whole zones. How hard is it to just scale the content based on group size so that even solo people could adventure in the zone?
  • Hawke
    Think of the "Zone" as a theme park. A giant indoor/outdoor dungeon...
  • Leeta
    I am sure they will add solo zones also, not just group. this is the first patch where they add a zone, there will be more, both solo and group. The game just got releaed, be more patient jfc...
  • Eris
    I am being critical about the exsculision of solo players from a zone where we cannot go to and experience the story because we must be in a group. if this was a dungeon or a raid or an anchor I wouldn't be complaining at all, I would embrace it because I can ignore it.

    This has new story, new dialogue, new places, new things to see and do. Dungeons are at most 45-1 hour long while this zone could take weeks, months even ...

    The point that I have been trying to make, that you seem to be missing, is that there is nothing stopping you from going into an Adventure Zone except YOU. If you cannot adjust your play style just slightly for these zones, then yes, you get to miss them, but the choice to miss them is yours and has nothing to do with the developers or the design concept.

    You are playing a multi-player game. There are thousands and thousands of people around to team with. Do you not have any friends at all? I have at least 4 friends that play the game and I'm sure that I could find plenty of players interested in doing quests in the adventure zone, and I solo 99.999999% of the time.

    Just as an FYI, I don't do raids, but I don't object to the incorporation of them in an MMO. I don't do PVP but I don't generally object to its presence in an MMO. I don't play an MMO expecting that everything is going to be exclusively for me all the time because I realize that there are hundreds of thousands of other players who's wants and desires are just as important as mine.
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Hawke wrote: »
    Honestly the OP has a right to not be forced to do group content. Zenimax's move to push out its first high level content patch for groups is a great move though.

    I am certain there will be other content pushes for solo or duo players.

    But with all do respect, OP. Your tone sucks. There are better ways to phrase your concern.

    No ones forcing them to do group content.

    The number one complaint of any new MMO. Is the lack of EndGame. EndGame always consists of Group Content. And ZOS is already announcing plans to release this so that there IS Endgame.

    What baffles me. Is these Solo Centric Players that are infiltrating MMOs and demanding that core aspects of them be changed to fit more in line with Single Player games. That Solo Players are more important then people with other interests. And that content designed for anyone besides Solo Players is being unfair and 'denying Solo Players a chance to enjoy the game'.

    Heres a wake up call OP and anyone else on his bandwagon. Youre not the only players in an MMO. Youre not more important then the next guy and his wants and needs shouldnt be ignored by ZOS because you feel your wants and needs outweigh his.

    ZOS hasnt said there wont be more Soloable content on its way. Im sure there is. Theres huge sections of Tamriel that are missing from the map. So theres no need to throw a temper tantrum because the Devs have decided to add some Group Content to where it belongs.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • Kinsaven
    They will be releasing both group and solo content, this just happens to be group content. The fact that it's a zone is something that I find new and refreshing, even though I am too, mostly a solo player. I will try my best to find a group for this though, it seems really interesting.

    At the end of the day, this is an MMO. There is already a lot that you can achieve solo, it used to be that you needed a group for almost everything. The MMO industry has already catered to solo players a lot, and whilst I'm not saying that's a bad thing at all (as I said, I'm mostly a solo player myself), not everything in the game should be solo-able, not even zones. It is a multiplayer game after all.
  • MaxBat
    SinBad wrote: »
    well the entire game is solo aside from the dungeons, which you will eventually be able to solo the lower level ones once you level up, if your good enough :p , but adding a pretty much just a group zoned area is amazing imo, the harder the better is what I always say ;) I for one am going to try and solo the adventure zones as much as I can because I like challenges.

    I think I'll try this, too. Besides, I can always find a couple of people to go with me or just tag along following another group.

    But yes, to the OP, I think there should have been more balance - but in the entire game! In many of the solo sections, I find myself grouping whether I want to or not.
    "Funny that magic doesn't work when a mace caves in your skull."

    Playing on a PC, NA Server, since that very first day ...
  • Nox_Aeterna
    I dont mind it IF they also add to the game vet10 solo content.

    But if they tell TES players that got to vet10 , either group up , or there is no end game for you , they will lose players, probably many players.
    Edited by Nox_Aeterna on April 8, 2014 4:40PM
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • WyeVxndzz
    Salacious wrote: »
    Pang wrote: »
    The bottom line here is the game is still an MMO regardless of it being based on TES. If you're going to complain every time they add multiplayer content to an MMO then you're in for a long rough road.

    You're missing the point - the issue is with them releasing a NEW ZONE ONLY to groups. That's unfair to the rest of us. This isn't a dungeon. or a raid. This is a whole zone, with towns, NPC's and quests.

    Yep. We get it, you're flipping out because you can't do something - or won't.
    Not everyone gets everything, always, you understand that, right?
    Salacious wrote: »
    RakeWorm wrote: »
    Salacious wrote: »
    Uh .... That's pretty poor pathetic response, considering this game has the title of ES on it which stipulates large solo content and they also stated the game is more geared towards solo players.

    You forgot the "o" in the title.

    This thread is nothing more than another "I don't like it because I don't like it" thread.

    Uh no, this thread dis a" I don't think its fair that they are releasing a whole zone as group only content.

    Yes, a WHOLE ZONE.
    Which doesn't make your tantrum any less ridiculous.
    Salacious wrote: »
    Pretext wrote: »
    Massive Multiplayer Online, OP you seem to want Massive Soloplayer Online. These games are not for you.

    You seem to be missing the point - which is not understandable, since I have been saying - I am not opposed to group content, I am opposed to group zone content. meaning I cannot explore a zone unless I am in a group.

    Oh no, child.
    We get it.

    You're letting this go in one ear and out the other; there is indeed a whole zone that you can not explore solo.

    Quit stamping your feet in public.
    «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥»
    When you're feeling under pressure, do something different. Roll up your sleeves, or eat an orange.
    Be on the look out for things that make you laugh. If you see nothing worth laughing at, pretend you see it, then laugh.
  • MaxBat
    I dont mind it IF they also add to the game vet10 solo content.

    But if they tell TES players that got to vet10 , either group up , or there is no end game for you , they will lose players, probably many players.

    This I agree with. You shouldn't be forced to group up. That paternalism. If you want to haul your silly solo butt into a high level area, you should be allowed to do that, even if it kills you. But to say: "No, you can't enter at all unless you have a group," does kind of suck.

    "Funny that magic doesn't work when a mace caves in your skull."

    Playing on a PC, NA Server, since that very first day ...
  • Salacious
    WyeVxndzz wrote: »
    Salacious wrote: »
    Pang wrote: »
    The bottom line here is the game is still an MMO regardless of it being based on TES. If you're going to complain every time they add multiplayer content to an MMO then you're in for a long rough road.

    You're missing the point - the issue is with them releasing a NEW ZONE ONLY to groups. That's unfair to the rest of us. This isn't a dungeon. or a raid. This is a whole zone, with towns, NPC's and quests.

    Yep. We get it, you're flipping out because you can't do something - or won't.
    Not everyone gets everything, always, you understand that, right?
    Salacious wrote: »
    RakeWorm wrote: »
    Salacious wrote: »
    Uh .... That's pretty poor pathetic response, considering this game has the title of ES on it which stipulates large solo content and they also stated the game is more geared towards solo players.

    You forgot the "o" in the title.

    This thread is nothing more than another "I don't like it because I don't like it" thread.

    Uh no, this thread dis a" I don't think its fair that they are releasing a whole zone as group only content.

    Yes, a WHOLE ZONE.
    Which doesn't make your tantrum any less ridiculous.
    Salacious wrote: »
    Pretext wrote: »
    Massive Multiplayer Online, OP you seem to want Massive Soloplayer Online. These games are not for you.

    You seem to be missing the point - which is not understandable, since I have been saying - I am not opposed to group content, I am opposed to group zone content. meaning I cannot explore a zone unless I am in a group.

    Oh no, child.
    We get it.

    You're letting this go in one ear and out the other; there is indeed a whole zone that you can not explore solo.

    Quit stamping your feet in public.

    No I want an official response from zenifail to explain their actions on this one. This is unacceptable to be honest. keep your group crap to dungeons and raids. Not zones.

    I dont mind it IF they also add to the game vet10 solo content.

    But if they tell TES players that got to vet10 , either group up , or there is no end game for you , they will lose players, probably many players.

    This smells like end game content. for group only people.
  • Melian
    Let me get this straight. It sounds, from the description, like the zone is tuned for groups of four - not that you have to be in a group to enter the zone. Right?

    I mean, you don't even have to be in a group to enter the 4-player dungeons, so it would be pretty ridiculous if they barred people from the zone unless they were already grouped.

    Given that, I imagine people will be casually cooperating the way they do for world bosses and dark anchors already.
    Edited by Melian on April 8, 2014 4:46PM
  • Shimond
    Melian wrote: »
    Let me get this straight. It sounds, from the description, like the zone is tuned for groups of four - not that you have to be in a group to enter the zone. Right?

    I mean, you don't even have to be in a group to enter the 4-player dungeons, so it would be pretty ridiculous if they barred people from the zone unless they were already grouped.

    Given that, I imagine people will be casually cooperating the way they do for world bosses and dark anchors already.

    This is the way I understood it to be from the trailer. They specifically said something about a central city hub to create groups. Not that the entire zone was instanced to your group or you had to be in one to zone in. I imagine the clever soloist could even get some/most/all of the skyshards in there without being in a group.
  • Pang
    MaxBat wrote: »
    I dont mind it IF they also add to the game vet10 solo content.

    But if they tell TES players that got to vet10 , either group up , or there is no end game for you , they will lose players, probably many players.

    This I agree with. You shouldn't be forced to group up. That paternalism. If you want to haul your silly solo butt into a high level area, you should be allowed to do that, even if it kills you. But to say: "No, you can't enter at all unless you have a group," does kind of suck.

    Think some might want to watch the Craglorn video again. Pretty sure anyone can enter the zone and you don't need a group so yes you can explore the public areas solo. But for the Bosses, 4 man and 12 man content yes you need to be in a group.
  • Ziz
    You Single players need to off your high horse. This is an MMO. You have the entire game which is solo able (aside from 4 player dungeons) let us mmo players have one *** thing.
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on April 8, 2014 5:44PM
  • Ravinsild
    What if they did it the Diablo 3 way? By yourself, it's soloable...add a friend, gets a bit harder, add another friend it gets a bit harder still...until it's like a full on dungeon with all your friends.

    Scaling content. That'd be a good idea, right? Maybe?
  • MaxBat
    Pang wrote: »
    MaxBat wrote: »
    Think some might want to watch the Craglorn video again. Pretty sure anyone can enter the zone and you don't need a group so yes you can explore the public areas solo. But for the Bosses, 4 man and 12 man content yes you need to be in a group.

    Yes, that does seem to be the general idea. Because of the "leader board," I'm assuming you can't enter a boss area without a group. But you can enter the staging area. How far you can go beyond that is unclear from the video, and anything suggesting you can leave the staging area and just go exploring solo is an assumption at this point.

    The video clearly states the area is designed for four person and twelve person groups. Meh. It's won't be that hard to find groups early on.
    "Funny that magic doesn't work when a mace caves in your skull."

    Playing on a PC, NA Server, since that very first day ...
  • Orizuru
    Salacious wrote: »
    Is their a reason for the new zone to be group content only? ES games are typically single player based and a lot of the content in this game is geared towards people like me: Solo Players.

    I don't mind grouping up for dungeons or group based world content like anchors. That's fine. and I don't mind some group content but to be FORCED to get into a group of 4-12 people JUST TO EXPLORE is sad and pathetic.

    I don't mind if you keep your challenges and your group content in the new zone but for the love of god don't segregate those of us who like to play solo, who like the feeling that "Yes I saved the town, I did this" (thank you phasing!!!!).

    I was so excited for a new zone, but the fact I have to group up completely turns me off. It's as bad as GW2's "you made it to the end of the game, now to completely finish the story you must group up and do a dungeon" - NO.

    You might be thinking - Just group up or don't do the content.

    - One: I like new content, I like exploring, I like going off on my own down some path and finding a random quest not have 4 people dictate what direction I can or cannot go in.
    - Two: I hate groups. They are full of trolls, chest stealer's and "dictators". as mentioned in point one I like just wondering off the beaten path encountering a ghost and helping him redeem his wifes past.

    As stated before, keep your group content but don't limit a whole zone to ONLY group content, regardless of how small the groups are. I don't play dps, healer or tank. I play my way - I experiment with my class and just wonder around doing what ever I want. What are level 50's like me suppose to do in this instance? Sit there and twiddle our thumbs?

    Help me understand that.

    Just because it's content you have no desire to consume, doesn't make it stupid. If you don't like the content that requires grouping nobody is forcing you to consume this content.
  • SuperScrubby
    It probably is end game content for group people. Most likely due to the fact that right now when they're trying to pump out content to make the majority of people happy. That majority likes to group up and play. Later on they'll probably add content that can be soloable but currently their best bet is to cater to the people that do enjoy the aspects of an mmo.

    But who knows what the future will bring. Ultimately, you don't like the fact that theres group content but no solo content. You can either choose to keep playing knowing that maybe one day they'll add solo content or that they'll keep focusing on group centric content due to the fact that this is an MMO and that's the market they're catering to.

    Whatever decision you make is obviously yours and so the only thing I can say is that you can enjoy the game with what it offers now or quit after 30 days and go back to something that's more solo friendly.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Ziz wrote: »
    You Single players need to off your high horse. This is an MMO. You have the entire game which is solo able (aside from 4 player dungeons) let us mmo players have one *** thing.

    The problem is , that thing you want , is all the end game content we have. Or atleast that i know about.

    Honestly , lets say you got to vet rank 10 , completed the whole story (assuming you from vet 1/10 player the other factions , you dont even need alts).

    What is left for a solo player to do? Other MMOs always left things there , this one , i dont know any.

    Granted , im really , really far from vet 10 hehe , so i cant talk about that , when the time comes , if there is nothing to do , i will leave till they add it.
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on April 8, 2014 5:47PM
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Salacious wrote: »


    Another reason not to take you seriously.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • Orchish
    Pretext wrote: »
    Massive Multiplayer Online, OP you seem to want Massive Soloplayer Online. These games are not for you.

    These are the sort of replies i expect to see in threads like this. Since when did MMO stand for co-op?

    I mean, it's not like we have players in ESO running around enjoying their adventure alone, yet at the same time they are sharing a world with real players. Oh wait, we do. In fact almost every player i pass in game is basically playing it solo.

    Edited by Orchish on April 8, 2014 4:57PM
  • Pang
    Ravinsild wrote: »
    What if they did it the Diablo 3 way? By yourself, it's soloable...add a friend, gets a bit harder, add another friend it gets a bit harder still...until it's like a full on dungeon with all your friends.

    Scaling content. That'd be a good idea, right? Maybe?

    GW2 tried that with their content and all it did was turn group content into a zerg fest that required no strategy or skill.

    ZOS is doing it in a way they feel best suits their game. Should give it a try before insulting the content and the Devs like the OP has done.
  • kitsinni
    So basically if they just renamed it to RAID you would be fine with it, but because they called it adventure ZONE they are screwing you.

    Just look at it as a RAID then you can be happy and don't have to feel screwed.
  • Salacious
    Ziz wrote: »
    You Single players need to off your high horse. This is an MMO. You have the entire game which is solo able (aside from 4 player dungeons) let us mmo players have one*** thing.

    As I told you, leave your group content to your precious dungeons and your raids and your anchors. Let us explore zones and have fun. If you are so insistent on "group content" in the over world, look at other MMOs and do scaling - scale based on group size.

    don't punish us single players.

    Shimond wrote: »
    Melian wrote: »
    Let me get this straight. It sounds, from the description, like the zone is tuned for groups of four - not that you have to be in a group to enter the zone. Right?

    I mean, you don't even have to be in a group to enter the 4-player dungeons, so it would be pretty ridiculous if they barred people from the zone unless they were already grouped.

    Given that, I imagine people will be casually cooperating the way they do for world bosses and dark anchors already.

    This is the way I understood it to be from the trailer. They specifically said something about a central city hub to create groups. Not that the entire zone was instanced to your group or you had to be in one to zone in. I imagine the clever soloist could even get some/most/all of the skyshards in there without being in a group.

    I don't want to have to doge enemies or pass by a quest I cannot do because I am not in a group - that's rude.
    MaxBat wrote: »
    Pang wrote: »
    MaxBat wrote: »
    Think some might want to watch the Craglorn video again. Pretty sure anyone can enter the zone and you don't need a group so yes you can explore the public areas solo. But for the Bosses, 4 man and 12 man content yes you need to be in a group.

    Yes, that does seem to be the general idea. Because of the "leader board," I'm assuming you can't enter a boss area without a group. But you can enter the staging area. How far you can go beyond that is unclear from the video, and anything suggesting you can leave the staging area and just go exploring solo is an assumption at this point.

    The video clearly states the area is designed for four person and twelve person groups. Meh. It's won't be that hard to find groups early on.

    Leader boards are another issue, they force players to ignore content and story just for some silly score. They should be removed as well, but hats a different story.

    I don't mind that bosses can't be soled, cool. But the whole zone ... not cool.
    It probably is end game content for group people. Most likely due to the fact that right now when they're trying to pump out content to make the majority of people happy. That majority likes to group up and play. Later on they'll probably add content that can be soloable but currently their best bet is to cater to the people that do enjoy the aspects of an mmo.

    But who knows what the future will bring. Ultimately, you don't like the fact that theres group content but no solo content. You can either choose to keep playing knowing that maybe one day they'll add solo content or that they'll keep focusing on group centric content due to the fact that this is an MMO and that's the market they're catering to.

    Whatever decision you make is obviously yours and so the only thing I can say is that you can enjoy the game with what it offers now or quit after 30 days and go back to something that's more solo friendly.

    I don't like that end game content - if that is what this is - must be group. you want to group up and play - do dungeons, have content that scales to your group size. do raids - don't take over my zone.
    Salacious wrote: »


    Another reason not to take you seriously.

    They fail for so many more reason then just this latest joke. There whole issue is around releasing buggy quests, new content and failing to fix what's already here - I'm sorry but your last tow patches did nothing but add new issues.
    kitsinni wrote: »
    So basically if they just renamed it to RAID you would be fine with it, but because they called it adventure ZONE they are screwing you.

    Just look at it as a RAID then you can be happy and don't have to feel screwed.

    name one raid that has towns, cities and whole zones in it - raids are for large scale dungeons that require multiple people to take down a boss. Not for zones where there are nodes, flowers to pick, quests to do, towns to explore and people to interact with.

    raids are for gear, not for fun.
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on April 8, 2014 5:48PM
  • Eris
    I think Adventure Zone is a more interesting title than Raid Zone.

    Speaking of titles, I thought I'd mention that my biggest gripe about this forum and the OP is wording of the title. Perhaps something like I object to grouping would have been a better title than an implication of stupidity based on a style of game play.
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • MaxBat
    Ravinsild wrote: »
    What if they did it the Diablo 3 way? By yourself, it's soloable...add a friend, gets a bit harder, add another friend it gets a bit harder still...until it's like a full on dungeon with all your friends.

    Scaling content. That'd be a good idea, right? Maybe?

    Actually, this is what I thought the TESO was going to be from the early game descriptions.

    But then TESO has so many "open" or "public" areas. What would they scale to?

    I agree there should be MMO zones. It would force us extroverts to make friends.

    "Funny that magic doesn't work when a mace caves in your skull."

    Playing on a PC, NA Server, since that very first day ...
  • Salacious
    Eris wrote: »
    I think Adventure Zone is a more interesting title than Raid Zone.

    Speaking of titles, I thought I'd mention that my biggest gripe about this forum and the OP is wording of the title. Perhaps something like I object to grouping would have been a better title than an implication of stupidity based on a style of game play.


This discussion has been closed.