Mangeli200194 wrote: »Now those are stamina rec values i´d feel more comfortable with^^
Resistances are a little low???? How do you mitigate high volumes of incoming damage(double meteor+ soul assault e. g. ) something i get hit by all the time^^
It's a marketing strategy..
-Nerf the werewolf until they're unusable in both PVE and PVP content.
-Everyone drops the werewolf skill line and enthusiasts leave the game, the amount of werewolfs dwindle to endangered species level
-Here comes the fun part, they then buff the werewolf to OP Broken level of both PVE and PVP. The demand for werewolf bites outnumbers the amount of available bites.
-Players reach into their wallets to buy the skill line. ZOS clears a 100k-200k increase to the bottom that quarter with only 2-3 years of neglecting the skill line and 40 hours of coding.
-Start the process all over again, we are about half way there.
@Aznox remember this gem from may? While they didn't necessarily release a broken version of the werewolf, they definitely increased the demand. I'm seeing an over increased volume in bite demands. I would have to assume crown store bites are a record high as well. Now where is my tin foil hat at?
Mangeli200194 wrote: »I usually run 7 impenetrable on my armor but with recent changes I'm considering going to running 4 impenetrable 3 well fitted ; thoughts???
OH yes and cp allocation for the green+red out of pure curiosity @Qbiken
Mangeli200194 wrote: »I'm at 2.6k crit resistance but as an argonian and 72 poi ts under ironclad and 56 thick skinned I have no issues with bleeds/dots. What really messes me up are 3-4 people simultaneously Dbos me, 2 dawn s at the same time are my limit, but I don't know wh, but I they are hitting so hard sudde ly. I any advice vs that @Qbiken..?
I'm really not seeing that much more werewolf in PvP, and PvE players are patient enough to do the quest or find a generous wolf.
If you really want to know were ZoS has been making a huge amount of money recently (good thing for us all) look no further that the official authorization for Crown <-> Gold trade between players.
Honestly, i say the two most significant changes for werewolf for me were on-damage-dealt timer allowing PvE and fix of the heavy attack weave bug. The rest is mostly zero-sum.
I'm happy about that though.
Mangeli200194 wrote: »I'm at 2.6k crit resistance but as an argonian and 72 poi ts under ironclad and 56 thick skinned I have no issues with bleeds/dots. What really messes me up are 3-4 people simultaneously Dbos me, 2 dawn s at the same time are my limit, but I don't know wh, but I they are hitting so hard sudde ly. I any advice vs that @Qbiken..?
@Mangeli200194 Swift is a surprisingly good counter against DBOS. One of my wolves uses 3x swift and rarely takes a DB due to the rapid movement.
Amdar_Godkiller wrote: »
I would say you are still much lower in terms of crit resistance than you need to be. 3300 will cancel out a base crit from a sorc, DK, or warden with no points in precise strikes, and who is not using accelerate, the shadow mundus, or beast trap.
Against a Nightblade or templar that is using accelerate or beast trap, you'll be taking 30% more damage at least from crits still, and most players have at least 13 CP in precise strikes (6% more crit damage), so you will take the bonus fighter's guild damage multiplied by the crit bonus, which is sizable.
Even against other classes you'll take 10-30% more crit damage typically.
As a medium armor wearing wolf, I just don't believe there's ever a time when I can get by with less than 3000 crit resist, and even then, DBoS can be tough to overcome when you are outnumbered.
Rule of thumb is wear all impen, put 50 CP in resistant, put 56 CP at least into block cost reduction, and at least 11 CP into Blessed. That gets you just past 3K crit resistance, gives you the equivalent of 5 sturdy in terms of block cost reduction, buffs your heal, and guarantees that when you block (AKA "turtle"), your WW heal will crit (Vengeance CP passive). It also saves you potentially as much as 1400 stamina per second while blocking.
For everything else, there's Troll King.
I feel werewolf got slightly weaker in solo-play this patch, but significantly stronger in group play (werewolf is extremely funny in small-scale). So get yourself a pocket healer or someone running guard on you, and you´re good to go
Guard is heavily overperforming and will most likely get some nerfs in upcoming patch(es), so might as well make good use of it while you can
So we pretty much just switched Pelinial for Green Pact
i would suggest putting above 30 points into blessed for the extra Crit for the heal. Just my 2 cents
Heads up Savage Werewolf passive does not work correctly (resistance). It shows on character sheet but doesnt provide extra mitigation.
Amdar_Godkiller wrote: »
In what way? The guildmaster of one of my WW guilds was complaining about not being as tanky as he was last patch in wolf form today. Is that what is going on: the 10K resistance isn't applying?
Correct. When you transform you see the 10k resistances apply to your character sheet. But it provides no damage mitigation. I've tested against players and NPCs.