@Qbiken @Avran_Sylt
I thought we expected the WD ratio to drop and the Stam ratio to increase? This is only really awful depending on the stam ratio change, no?
Mangeli200194 wrote: »How much Max stam do you aim for as werewolf??? *only 6% extra max stam from race passive
Amdar_Godkiller wrote: »
~31K in human form seems to be my sweet spot. My wolf is a redguard though, however my undaunted is only at 8, so I'm currently getting 3% less max resources than I would if I had undaunted mettle at max, so I'm really only ahead of you in terms of your max resources potential by 1%.
I will probably drop to 30K next patch with the additional weapon damage I'll be getting from infused jewelry, though I'm considering running 1-2 triune jewelry pieces, which would keep me in the 30.5K - 31K max stam range.
I run all prismatic glyphs with 3 divines (guards, bracers, and boots), 1 infused chest (plus an infused shield on my Dawnbreaker bar), and 3 impen (helmet, arm cops, sash). I might switch to 1 infused, 1 sturdy, and 5 impen in the near future though, as I feel 516 crit resistance and 4% reduced block cost will be more valuable to me than 52 WD and SD.
Anybody ever attempted to run Battlegrounds with a wolfpac? Anybody ever done any theorycrafting in terms of this format. That new set that buffs your allies light attacks looks interesting in spite of the fact that major aegis is its 3 piece bonus.
I was wondering the other day though, what happens if every member of a BGs team is running Meridia's Blessed set? Wouldn't you be able to mitigate an entire enemy team's damage 50% of the time? It seems like this would effectively mitigate 25% of all damage taken (8 enemies, half of them can't deal damage 50% of the time), as well as indirectly cause your block cost to be reduced by effectively 25% as well (since they can't land a hit on you, you won't incur block costs during the "blinded" proc). In actuality, I think it might even provide better mitigation, since all 12 combatants in a BG match are very rarely all engaged in combat in the same location. 33% mitigation might be approachable on average.
Even if this isn't the best setup, I think that there are certain sets that a BG wolfpac would want to run on at least one team member, for instance, a stam warden running transmutation and one of the monster sets that grants allies a heal over time, so the group can get to 3K crit resistance without CP and without using the impregnable set, a team member running fasalla's guile for a constant minor defile debuff on all enemies in the area, a group member using lord warden to buff resistance of group members by 3800, a team member running gossamer with another heal over time monster set for major evasion would be a possibility if one of them procs enough to make it worthwhile, etc. Ebon, Sanctuary, hircine's veneer, and durok's bane would also be options.
One thing I'm not sure of is whether the WW light attack buff synergy procs sets like alkosh while in werewolf form, since it's the only synergy that we're supposed to be able to activate in werewolf form; honestly. I've never had the opportunity to even use the synergy thus far, and given the fact that we've had so many synergy-related glitches that kick us out of WW form, I've an aversion to even temporarily test that morph. If it works reliably and procs them correctly, however, that puts all of the Maw of Lorkaj sets on the table as potentially viable, particularly twilight's remedy and alkosh.
Having a bursty stam sorc wolf with overload on his other bar as your group's "closer" might be smart as well. Kvatch gladiator + 3 bloodthirst jewelry + shield breaker + kena + 75 CP devoted to LA/HA and master at arms will be pretty intense next patch, as anybody who blocks with a psijic order skill slotted and has the passive that grants you a damage shield when blocking from the psijic skill line as well, will be susceptible to shield breaker's proc: in other words, pretty much all heavy and light armor builds and many medium armor builds will proc it much much more frequently .You'll get 65% more execute damage plus your light attack damage will be buffed while in execute mode by nearly 2000 unbuffed weapon damage, and you'll deal an additional 3.5K from shieldbreaker + infused oblivion enchantment. The execute bonus from your jewelry and CP will be multiplicative with the weapon damage from kvatch gladiator, meaning you will likely more than double your light attack damage in execute range with kena active, even before the bonus 3.5K oblivion damage.
Night mother's gaze would be another set that could be substituted, as it would be pretty powerful on a stam sorc in an all werewolf group in BG even after the nerf (in fact for such a setup it would actually be kind of a buff since Stam sorcs have no class access to the debuff and since they tend to have high crit chance relative to other classes).
Welcome back !
Troll King does work. You just lack the secret sauce to activate itVery good alternative if you group with a dedicated healer.SpoilerLingering health potions
I agree reactive is a nice and underused set, but I hope you have a good healbot because there is absolutely nothing helping your health sustain in there
Just noting that Reactive doesn't proc on immobilization and snares, only disabling effects. It essentially works when you can't block. It's an expensive set, so I wanted to to know that ahead of time.
Mangeli200194 wrote: »Just the current WW-build im using on my stam dk
Hi, I know a lot can potentially change between now and Summerset's official release, but I figured it couldn't hurt to see what a Pelinal's + Shacklebreaker + Troll King build would look like. I've been combing through the thread to try and get a head start on doing some BGs with one of my wolves, and it seems like a lot of people are pretty excited to test how Pelinal + Shackle together would perform.
The numbers on paper look promising.
One set I have revisited is undaunted unweaver. https://elderscrollsonline.wiki.fextralife.com/Undaunted+Unweaver+Set but will need to run some tests to how the set calculates the damage. May be brutal now that we can change our traits on jewelry.
Think it´s a flat value (works similar to vMA destro-staff)
Think it´s a flat value (works similar to vMA destro-staff)
I've done a lot of theory-crafting for Wolfpack setups and it's a ton of fun. I have an idea of what would work well for groups of 4 and up to 12, as optimal sets change when you expand the Pack. I've not been able to get enough people consistently interested in Wolfpack play, but I've done a ton of '4 Wolf YOLO packs' in BGs... Going into a BG match with your ults up means that you really should be in WW form the entire match, even when playing the objectives properly, so my Wolfpack builds are always optimized for True Form play.
For Monster Sets, I'd suggest: Lord Warden's, Earthgore, Thurvokun, and Troll King on our 'WW Healer' (more below)
The general setup I like focuses more on survival than raw power because PvP is all about whether you can live through enemy burst or not. You can do great just having a group of Wolves running around somewhat solo being cheeky with line-of-sight and whatnot, but I believe a tight formation is much better as it adds a ton of utility. Of course, the usual weakness of four wolves stacking is against coordinated teams with 3+ Dawnbringer's waiting to delete you. In solo builds, you will usually get deleted in those cases, but would be fine in utility builds.
So, here's the thing... One of the strengths of WW in PvP is instant access to AOE Major Defile... it's so strong. However, Claws of Life is actually a very strong heal that is also based on AOE damage going out. With a coordinated Pack, you can have the best of both worlds. You slap a Major Defile set on one wolf and suddenly the whole team can run Claws of Life, increasing your overall group tenacity a lot without losing your important debuff. While Durok's Bane is the usual go to for this, Crest of Cyrodiil is better for the WW particularly as the debuff is applied via Claws as usual, you can direct your debuff precisely, and the set has better offensive stats.
Next, a massively underrated set:
Knightmare (Spindleclutch, drops in Heavy with Robust Rings/Healthy Neck):
(2 items) Adds 2975 Physical Resistance
(3 items) Adds 1206 Maximum Health
(4 items) Adds 129 Weapon Damage
(5 items) When you deal melee damage, you have a 20% chance to apply Minor Maim to all enemies within 8 meters of you for 5 seconds, reducing their damage done by 15%
Minor Maim is up there with Major Defile in terms of best PvP debuffs, and this set compliments Werewolves so well. The up-time is virtually 100% as well, just by nature of our playstyle.
The third set I would suggest, even with four wolves is Hircine's Veneer, especially in BGs as it gets the whole Pack back to a CP level of sustain. Not much to say about this one, it’s just good! I don’t think Ebon and Sanctuary become useful enough until you have 12 wolves, but at that point you can’t ignore their potency.
For the fourth set. I really like Almalexia's Mercy (Cyrodiil Set/Guild Trader, drops in Light/Arcane)
(2 items) Adds 1206 Maximum Health
(3 items) Adds 2975 Spell Resistance
(4 items) Adds 2975 Spell Resistance
(5 items) When you take damage, you have a 20% chance to heal you and your allies within 7 meters of you for 2429 Health. This effect can occur once every 3 seconds.
The heal on this set is 20% stronger than Seventh Legion and has 100% more chance to proc and works for your entire group when they are nearby, which they should be… Wow. You’ll want to run this on Jewelry + Weapons to mitigate the light armor class (run a belt of you want a 5-1-1 setup) and it gets much better as of Summerset when the Jewelry can be made into Robust, but it's not like we don’t appreciate the extra Magicka at times. This set also procs Troll King, so run them together, or at least with Earthgore.
This set might be good enough to have on multiple people post-Summerset.
So, that covers the Monster+Utility sets everyone would run but leaves the third set open. My thinking is that everyone should be in Pelinal’s and tri-stat their large armor pieces while shooting for ~3500 Weapon Damage, buffed. This allows everyone to self-sustain and despite our massive utility, not having a dedicated healer is harsh in PvP. The thing is… no one survives being targeted by a WW Pack regardless of what sets they have on, so it’s about surviving and coordinating to focus the right targets.
I wish I could say that I’ve seen this loadout succeed, but the best I’ve managed is three wolves in a utility set each, but no cohesive Monster sets were used and only I had Pelinal’s, so we did good, just not amazing.
Who is on PC-NA and wants to run this?