Me too. Can I buy the coffee?
aaaaaaaahhh!! not Dookie Donuts!!
Every half mile on either side of the road, so no one has to turn left to get their coffee.
DeadlyRecluse wrote: »
Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
@DeadlyRecluse , I want more of it. It’s fun cafe reading.
@Rickter , my bad for not commenting. I was on vacation. Climbed some stuff, caught some fish, played the summerset storyline.
Plus, I take back my saying that killing you would finally be an achievement - I think you had an emperorship at sometime and that means you’ve already handed those out.
Not too worried about my farce of an emperorship. I had a lot of fun the first night, got a bit of fun the second, then was able to have two more of my friends who helped push for me get emp. All in all a fun time.
Valen_Byte wrote: »lol good read...what a *** lmao
Im a Dunkin guy myself and I'm from the land of Starbucks. Terrible coffee.
Additionally, it has been my experience in PvP, that DC players are most intolerant of other DC players rather than their "enemies".
no lie in some areas lol .... in the town ( recently re named to a city ) i live in .... there is literally a dunks less than a mile apart lol....
BEHOLD!!! the mighty Dunks!!!
LOL!!!!! I know exactly where these are!
Trust me, there’s even MORE on the North Shore, and one on every corner in Everett. No wonder they can sponsor the Sox.
anamenobodyelsehas wrote: »
1) the reason you dont see anyone up in arms about AD ZERGING SHOR DOWN at all times, is because most of the people in this thread play AD. Thelon, you, Adenoma, Baylor, Durham, smiff - ya'll ALL AD!!! Of course you aint gonna complain about something that would make you look bad
2) You dont remember all that drama between me and Darkest Requiem over allegations of them zerging on Shor? If not, all i can say was there most certainly was upheaval in regards to EP's zerging efforts. Additionally, There just arent many EP voices in this thread. If you'd like I can make a fuss about AD choking out the server but the "play how you want" camp would most certainly pipe up, wouldnt you agree?
And the majority of people in that list are on Vivec now more than Shor, due to the general yellowness of Shor.[/quote]DeadlyRecluse wrote: »
1) the reason you dont see anyone up in arms about AD ZERGING SHOR DOWN at all times, is because most of the people in this thread play AD. Thelon, you, Adenoma, Baylor, Durham, smiff - ya'll ALL AD!!! Of course you aint gonna complain about something that would make you look bad
2) You dont remember all that drama between me and Darkest Requiem over allegations of them zerging on Shor? If not, all i can say was there most certainly was upheaval in regards to EP's zerging efforts. Additionally, There just arent many EP voices in this thread. If you'd like I can make a fuss about AD choking out the server but the "play how you want" camp would most certainly pipe up, wouldnt you agree?