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PTS Update 18 - Bug Reports for Summerset (Zone & Content)

  • Grimm13
    Bug with The Tower Sentinels Quest, had a extremely long load in for the Dungeon area, then progress was stopped due to Valesian did not populate and you are required to talk with her to proceed.

    Tried to do a bug report but the submital was endless until game crashed. no idea if the bug was submitted prior.

    Season of DraggingOn
    It's your choice on how you vote with your $

  • Furcula
    Bug with Rapid Maneuver and possibly its morphs

    Casting rapids will occasionally dismount you off your horse whether you are moving or standing still.
  • DavidJCobb
    Soul Shriven
    Voice acting hiccup in A Tale of Two Mothers
    During A Tale of Two Mothers, near the end, the Mother of Rats has a voice line -- something like, "Have a word with our mutual friend, Talerion -- if you want to know the truth." She applies vocal emphasis to Talerion's name, as if introducing him to the player. However, the player has already met Talerion (though the Mother of Rats wouldn't know that), and Talerion has no relevations for the player; it's the player who's bringing evidence to him. That means that the Mother of Rats is meant to be saying that line to Talerion, not to the player.

    If we focus on the line as written, then the Mother of Rats is being hostile to Talerion. If we focus on the line as voiced, then the Mother of Rats and Talerion are secretly comrades -- which conflicts with Talerion's optional dialogue, his post-quest-completion threat, and the overall "exiled anarchists versus fashy cops" theme.

    Buggy chest near Shimmerene
    There's a treasure chest that fades out of visibility when approached from the front; it can't be interacted with once it fades completely out. It fades back in when you cross an invisible line through the playable space, located at an oblique angle to the chest. Separately from this, it's possible to climb onto the ruins the chest is set against and activate it from behind; this is great as a workaround for the fading bug, but looks odd in-game.

    Video (YouTube; unlisted)

    Buggy monster behavior near Shimmere
    Right by that buggy chest, there's an Indrik (and in the distance, an Imp) that fade in and out of view when stepping across a particular invisible line through the playable space. Fading the Indrik out interrupts its combat behavior and breaks aggro.

    Video (YouTube; unlisted)
  • bethsheba
    Character Creation - race selected Altmer - Novice Gear shows as No Gear ie NEKKID

    Only Ras recognized I am an Altmer from NPCs talked to

    Pearl of Great Price Quest - Monastery undercroft, while standing on upper level of sinkhole another player was below with the pearl fighting mobs. Then left. When I went down, MY Valsirenn seemed to engage an invisible pearl, no mobs spawned, and she just stood there spinning her hand in the air without end. When I exited the room she was there and the quest progressed.

  • thetookybird
    Hey, thanks for @ing me @AzureButterfly !

    I honestly am not sure what fixed it. I quit the game and went to bed after submitting my ticket/forum info. Next morning, logged in and I was visible! As was everything/everyone else. My graphics were still set to High as well. (Though, excellent mention of trying to lower them).

    Glad you got it working! Though this leaves me even more baffled as to what the issue is. I am curious if it is potentially caused by phasing, and the volume of people in Sapiarchs College. When I logged back in it was early morning EST, so there were not many people around.

    Who knows! Hopefully it is mended before live, glad you got it fixed!
    (Also glad I was not the only one, was worried it was a 'just me' issue)
    | NA | PC | Daggerfall Covenant
    » Anna Caiohme | Sorc Healer
    Life's a little Wyrd

  • schattenkind
    So the dismount bug by using rapid manouver or weapon swap is reported already, but I found out using buff food/drinks and probably other stuff dismounts too, which it does not on live.

    Also dismounting occures while riding on the keep outer walls in cyrodiil, not overall, just at some points and there you also cant mount again. I couldnt specify this to certain locations yet but on live that are riding areas for sure.
    PC - EU
    Primary: PvP: magSorc, magNB, PvE: DK Tank, Templar Heal
    Secondary: PvP: magDK, Templar, PvE: Warden something
  • phileunderx2
    all my storage boxes are empty. I did delete a character don't know if that had anything to do with it but all my boxes are empty and they were all pretty much full.
  • insomniaccows
    Soul Shriven
    At the Monastery of Serene Harmony in Shimmerene, only one of its entrances can actually be interacted with from the inside
  • Shimmer
    Shadowcutter blade kills you when you pick it up. When I was there for playtest Jeremy Sera said it shouldnt kill you only almost kill you. It killed me dead :)
    YouTube | Twitter | Twitch | The Differently Geared

    Mistakes must be carelessly planned.
  • Night_Watch
    Started new thread but should have post here - my bad. From the thread;

    Feedback with new players in mind - if cannot progress from character create will not be able to play.

    What happens;
    • Start launcher and launch game
    • Go to character create and try to create character
    • Use 'CREATE' then 'PLAY'
    • Prompt closes but there is no progression into game (PTS)
    • Try new build(s)
    • Try new name(s)
    • Retry 'Create' and 'PLAY'
    • After several attemps at 'CREATE' and 'PLAY' still no progession to game
    • Use windows key to access tool bar then close ESO window - will not go 'BACK' from character create
    Video showing problem;

    Main system specs;
    • Laptop: MSI GE62vr 7rf Apache Pro
    • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ
    • Ram: 16GB
    • OS Drive: SSD
    • OS: Windows 10 Home (1709)
    • Game / PTS drvie: HDD
    • Internet: Cat5e connection - Down 12.xxMbps and Up .57+Mprs
    • Security: Malwarebytes and Windows Defender
    • ALL drivers checked and updated as needed recently

    Though clip states that the issue could be a one off it has happened twice now.

    "If there is an underlying oneness of all things, it does not matter where we begin, whether with stars, or laws of supply and demand, or frogs, or Napoleon Bonaparte. One measures a circle, beginning anywhere."

    Charles Fort - Lo! (1931)
  • nanulph
    Soul Shriven
    UNABLE TO INSTALL ON MAC ZeniMax Online Studios Launcher Version 3.6.10 (

    Error 104: Not enough space

    The launcher complains that I do not have enough space.
    The support page says Patches can be anywhere between 50 megabytes to 25 GBs in size. You will also need enough room for the patch to apply., and I have 77 GiB free.
  • Shimmer
    Picking up the shattering sword keeps you flailing on the ground. You cant break free, mount or anything. The only fix is to waysrhine.
    YouTube | Twitter | Twitch | The Differently Geared

    Mistakes must be carelessly planned.
  • Shimmer
    Also the reward Fan of the False Face, doesnt work. I thought it transformed you into something...(what I was told by a dev)
    YouTube | Twitter | Twitch | The Differently Geared

    Mistakes must be carelessly planned.
  • Aragorn79
    Playing PC EU. Gamepad.

    1. Not been able to rotate character in inventory preview, nor furnishings items or mounts in housing with edit tool nor at vendors. Meaning not been able to rotate character or things or mounts in previews.
    2. Very long loading screens when entering or leaving housing. Tried different houses and same
    3. Items on housing storage do not stay there but revert to inventory when leaving
    4. When leaving housing or traveling via wayshrines many times my character did not load properly and I could not move it. Reloading would not help, only logging off. I would be able to see ppl in black as if the loading was not complete, but it would stay like that and do nothing. Meaning action happening around me but my character is stuck after long loading screen in an incomplete loading state.
    Thanks, hope it helps to fix this. Ty
    PC EU
    DC D'aryn, Breton Magblade
    DC T'agwyr, Redguard Stamblade
    EP B'eryth, Nord Magsorc
    EP K'ewan, Nord Magplar
    AD L'adaryel, High Elf MagDK
    AD S'eladiel, Wood Elf StamWarden
    DC D'evyn Imperial StamDK
    DC G'avyn Breton MagNecromancer
  • awana4kids_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    When riding a mount (cave bear) throughout Summerset, the video ocassionally flickers, then I am thrown off my mount. This occurs in the city when riding up stairs, in the wild close to boulders, etc.
  • Miklos_Montoya
    Soul Shriven
    Has anyone else not been able to get to a treasure chest? I see them but they disappear when I get up to them. I back away and they reappear.
  • Lr0dy
    Soul Shriven
    Submitted a ticket about it, but a screenshot of the map will help -- when you hit this point near the Eastern Pass Wayshrine, you dismount and all pets despawn with the death sound. Combat is not initiated. This has happened multiple times, and is consistent.

    Edited by Lr0dy on April 20, 2018 2:59AM
  • GiantFruitFly
    nanulph wrote: »
    UNABLE TO INSTALL ON MAC ZeniMax Online Studios Launcher Version 3.6.10 (

    Error 104: Not enough space

    The launcher complains that I do not have enough space.
    The support page says Patches can be anywhere between 50 megabytes to 25 GBs in size. You will also need enough room for the patch to apply., and I have 77 GiB free.

    The PTS client is a separate installation from the live version meaning that the launcher will have to redownload the entire game, and then some. For instance, my live installation is 61.4gb, and my pts installation is 67.6gb, for a total of 129gb taken on my ssd. So in addition to the roughly 70gb needed for the pts installation there still needs to be enough room to apply the Summerset beta patch, and if I recall correctly the decompression and applying of the patch itself was 20+ gigabytes.

    I've encountered a cosmetic bug on the Summerset quest "Manor of Masques". The character I encountered it on was a male altmer wearing an outfit consisting of all Aldmeri Dominion style except for the shoulders. When I interacted with the podiums in accordance with the quest objectives, a drum animation/emote played. This caused my character's legs to vanish and the bottom half of the robe to clip at a 90 degree angle. The graphical glitch did not happen when wearing an outfit consisting of other styles.

  • Aragorn79
    Aragorn79 wrote: »
    Playing PC EU. Gamepad.

    1. Not been able to rotate character in inventory preview, nor furnishings items or mounts in housing with edit tool nor at vendors. Meaning not been able to rotate character or things or mounts in previews.
    2. Very long loading screens when entering or leaving housing. Tried different houses and same
    3. Items on housing storage do not stay there but revert to inventory when leaving
    4. When leaving housing or traveling via wayshrines many times my character did not load properly and I could not move it. Reloading would not help, only logging off. I would be able to see ppl in black as if the loading was not complete, but it would stay like that and do nothing. Meaning action happening around me but my character is stuck after long loading screen in an incomplete loading state.
    Thanks, hope it helps to fix this. Ty

    I have tried to solve #4 the character not loading thing with different methods, changing specs but to no avail. I really cannot play the game because whenever I go to housing or take a wayshrine, after a very long loading screen the character will not be visible nor will it move, so I am stuck. I can only log off to solve the problem. It does't matter if it's a crowded place I am going to or not, like going to a home in Riften (where there's no one) =stuck. Exiting such home = stuck. The loading screens the first time and after logging off are okay, but in game loading screens are extremely long. I do not have add-ons installed. I would appreciate it, if someone is also experiencing such a thing to please post about it, because I need to know if it's only me. Playing PTS PC EU. On live everything is fine by the way, so it cannot only be my system. Thanks
    PC EU
    DC D'aryn, Breton Magblade
    DC T'agwyr, Redguard Stamblade
    EP B'eryth, Nord Magsorc
    EP K'ewan, Nord Magplar
    AD L'adaryel, High Elf MagDK
    AD S'eladiel, Wood Elf StamWarden
    DC D'evyn Imperial StamDK
    DC G'avyn Breton MagNecromancer
  • AyeshaBelladonna
    nanulph wrote: »
    UNABLE TO INSTALL ON MAC ZeniMax Online Studios Launcher Version 3.6.10 (

    Error 104: Not enough space

    The launcher complains that I do not have enough space.
    The support page says Patches can be anywhere between 50 megabytes to 25 GBs in size. You will also need enough room for the patch to apply., and I have 77 GiB free.

    we need about 80GB to DL and install the base game on Mac (even though we only need about 60 to run it after install), and the summerset patch is approx 9GB as well. PTS is basically re-downloading the base game. Clear up more space.
    NA EP CP1200+
    Original: Mag/Templar Erestem Nightblossom (Tank/Healer Hybrid, Alchemist, general nuisance)
    Alt's? at this many to play, so little time!

    **RED or DEAD** Long Live EP!

    Leather Lace- GM, ESO Grand Designs GM, Ankle Biter for Lone Wolf United, CO-GM of Tower of Wayreth,
    Master Furnisher & Housing fanatic, PvP junkie
    Beta Tester, part of the 2013 Club
  • AyeshaBelladonna
    Abyssal Geyser Rellenthil is VERY broken. the boss's Shed Lightning attack is hitting for a 2 in one of 20k direct damage through all shields and resistance bonuses. there is no attatched mechanic to it, no interrupt, no "hide behind, or activate THIS" and if by some fluke you live through the instant double hit then the DOT is INSANELY harsh and kills you off quickly. This particular new "dolmen" is exceptionally broken while the others are challenging but can be solo'd no problem. Also- these are supposed to be "group content" yes? Why they is only the person who races to break the pearl 1st getting the loot? shouldn't it be set up like dolmens and if you did X amount of damage you all get to loot the "chest" at the end no matter who hits the final pinion? Please fix this. even a tank that can take on poison hits from Chudan on Vet without issue is getting one-shot by this boss!
    NA EP CP1200+
    Original: Mag/Templar Erestem Nightblossom (Tank/Healer Hybrid, Alchemist, general nuisance)
    Alt's? at this many to play, so little time!

    **RED or DEAD** Long Live EP!

    Leather Lace- GM, ESO Grand Designs GM, Ankle Biter for Lone Wolf United, CO-GM of Tower of Wayreth,
    Master Furnisher & Housing fanatic, PvP junkie
    Beta Tester, part of the 2013 Club
  • schattenkind
    [...] Also- these are supposed to be "group content" yes? Why they is only the person who races to break the pearl 1st getting the loot? shouldn't it be set up like dolmens and if you did X amount of damage you all get to loot the "chest" at the end no matter who hits the final pinion? [...]

    I did those geysers several times, a few solo, a few with others where I sometimes did a lot dmg and sometimes just shot 2-3 times. Each time, even if others broke the perl, I got to loot. So its not a consistant thing.
    PC - EU
    Primary: PvP: magSorc, magNB, PvE: DK Tank, Templar Heal
    Secondary: PvP: magDK, Templar, PvE: Warden something
  • Cabot
    The Jewelry Crafting Stations

    While "Improving" either a crafted piece or a purchased/found piece, you don’t hear the usual success, (and I’m assuming failure) tone you normally would hear...just dead silence.

    I’ve checked the summerset and non-summerset crafting stations.

  • calia1120
    Bug: Murder in Lillandril - went to Galidor's room, got stuck in the table while trying to read the grocery list.
    GM, Iron Bank of Bravos | The Psijic Order | Mara's Tester/Mara's Moxie | Dominion Imperial Guard
    Council of Nirn | | Addon Dev - part of the Wykkyd code team
  • Cabot
    I ported to my room at the Golden Gryphon Inn and managed to slip through to the other side of the scenery after leaving my room and headed toward the stairs.

    If I turned to a different direction, I was able to see again and take a few steps before the issue happened again. Turning and moving like that until I got out the door.

  • Elissae
    Bug or oversight, in any case; some of the textures on the town buildings are extremely low resolution, especially noticeable with the rest of the adjacent textures being of normal quality.

  • Pichuworldruler
    Soul Shriven
    Here are some pictures of things I found. There are a few occasions in the French version of the game, where the first letter of the sentences are not capitalized.

    The other is a glitch with the psijic belt buckle. When dragging to or from my character's inventory, the belt buckle shows a mess of pixels instead of the buckle.


  • Jadokis
    Abyssal Geyser Rellenthil is VERY broken. the boss's Shed Lightning attack is hitting for a 2 in one of 20k direct damage through all shields and resistance bonuses. there is no attatched mechanic to it, no interrupt, no "hide behind, or activate THIS" and if by some fluke you live through the instant double hit then the DOT is INSANELY harsh and kills you off quickly. This particular new "dolmen" is exceptionally broken while the others are challenging but can be solo'd no problem. Also- these are supposed to be "group content" yes? Why they is only the person who races to break the pearl 1st getting the loot? shouldn't it be set up like dolmens and if you did X amount of damage you all get to loot the "chest" at the end no matter who hits the final pinion? Please fix this. even a tank that can take on poison hits from Chudan on Vet without issue is getting one-shot by this boss!

    This boss is very frustrating. If there were some mechanic to it I could understand, but somehow it made it into the game with just random 20k+ instant damage ticks going out. Sometimes you will die and the recap will show 7 ticks of damage on you, yet your health bar never moved the entire time.
  • Numerikuu
    Tooltip bug for Dragon Fire Scale


    These four randomly poof while in the midst of a conversation, on the bridge before reaching the castle in Alinor
    Edited by Numerikuu on April 20, 2018 7:43PM
  • DiNanna63
    Pearl of Great Price Quest - Monastery undercroft, while standing on upper level of sinkhole another player was below with the pearl fighting mobs. Then left. When I went down, MY Valsirenn seemed to engage an invisible pearl, no mobs spawned, and she just stood there spinning her hand in the air without end. When I exited the room she was there and the quest progressed.

    I was going to report this too.

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