Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• [IN PROGRESS] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
· Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

Playstation: NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must Be The Place...

  • Abysswarrior45
    Absolute ***. Guildies were testing it.
  • geonsocal
    holy crap...that's crazy...

    didn't run in to it last night, but, i'm sure I will soon...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Sanctum74
    Wow! Zaan is bad enough on its own, but match it up with that other set for that extra 3 second duration and that's just disgusting! Starting to get paranoid looking around the corner for Zaan users :#
  • reiverx
    I have the Zaan set but I can't see it giving me more value than Bloodspawn. I prefer sets that give me utility.
  • dotme
    65K damage on a proc set? I don't have an ulti that hits that hard. Seems OP to me. I agree with kylewwefan that performance in Cyrodiil seems improved following the latest update, but of course population is probably a little lighter right now with many players out doing those new dungeons (and presumably collecting their Zaan sets).

    It's a shame ZOS can't get more creative with Proc sets. I know they changed things last year to where they could no longer crit in PvP but I wonder if that restriction applies to new sets too. Maybe they could change damage to resource restoration/recovery buffs instead. If I start getting hit with 65K damage on death recaps on a regular basis, I'll be out of PvP for a while. I'd get too salty if that kept happening to me over and over again.
  • reiverx
    dotme wrote: »
    65K damage on a proc set? I don't have an ulti that hits that hard. Seems OP to me. I agree with kylewwefan that performance in Cyrodiil seems improved following the latest update, but of course population is probably a little lighter right now with many players out doing those new dungeons (and presumably collecting their Zaan sets).

    It's a shame ZOS can't get more creative with Proc sets. I know they changed things last year to where they could no longer crit in PvP but I wonder if that restriction applies to new sets too. Maybe they could change damage to resource restoration/recovery buffs instead. If I start getting hit with 65K damage on death recaps on a regular basis, I'll be out of PvP for a while. I'd get too salty if that kept happening to me over and over again.

    Honestly, I'd be more than happy if they done away with proc sets and CP. They could then focus on class/weapon skills and abilities.

  • kylewwefan
    So. Last night half my group got disconnected at ales battle. It was ridiculous and felt very unfair. Such a crappy way to lose a battle.

    On the good side, playing a Stamplar in Cyrodil is pretty good. It’s a strong class. Using the DKS/Hundings/Chudan with 5k+ weapon damage....those jabs hit brutal. Even if a few miss the target. They're really strong hits against players that don’t have 6 mil health.

    I still haven’t encountered anyone decent using Zaan yet. I can say that hanging around the front porch and breeches have been a bit hotter, but not impossible if you Group has some good healers.
  • wozborne
    kylewwefan wrote: »
    So. Last night half my group got disconnected at ales battle. It was ridiculous and felt very unfair. Such a crappy way to lose a battle.

    On the good side, playing a Stamplar in Cyrodil is pretty good. It’s a strong class. Using the DKS/Hundings/Chudan with 5k+ weapon damage....those jabs hit brutal. Even if a few miss the target. They're really strong hits against players that don’t have 6 mil health.

    I still haven’t encountered anyone decent using Zaan yet. I can say that hanging around the front porch and breeches have been a bit hotter, but not impossible if you Group has some good healers.
    I came across my first Zaan user last night. Was ganking near Bleakers with a few friends and I attacked a MagDK. He survived the initial burst and hit me with the classic Talons->Whip, and I saw that red beam of death come down on me. It hit for 15k and he straight up melted me. One guy told me that’s cloak will remove it, not sure if true. Regardless, it’s super strong, and from what I know now the only way to reliably counter it is getting out of its range.
  • geonsocal
    howdy everyone - I hope all is well...

    been taking a bit of a break from cyrodiil the last week or so...just played a little here and there...

    it was a little weird the other day when the campaign reset - I was on playing at the time and I had turned in a bunch of missions that I had already completed about 20 minutes or so in to the new campaign...

    I had also been involved in a couple of keep captures...however, when my score finally appeared after 30 or 40 minutes or so in to the new campaign - I only had credit for 2k AP...

    been working on my wardens a bit lately...they're both up to about level 42 now...

    I've decided to try to keep unfathomable darkness on my stam warden when I update his gear at level 44 - so, i'm spending a bunch of time back in clockwork city farming the set again by doing dailies...

    my stam warden uses DW and bow, and, there's just something about steel tornado and those crows going off together that makes me smile...

    getting a hold of epic jewelry for a non vet character at the level you want is always a challenge...

    i'm going to try to keep both my wardens in 5pc shacklebreaker and 5pc "dropped" set (unfathomable and mad tinkerer) until they reach level 50...

    I've played my DC stam warden (it really is like using a cheat code) a few times in the new campaign...good to see DC back in 3rd place and normally the least populated faction...

    it just feels like a lot more fun usually when you're fighting for the underdog faction (as long as you're not being gated all the time)...

    still haven't been hit yet with zaan's...

    oh yeah, had a funny dungeon experience the other day - my buddy wanted to do a pledge dungeon together (just on normal), i suggested Direfrost Keep so I could start collecting the draugr hulk set...

    he ended up collecting 5 pieces of the set in our one run - only thing I got was magicka and ice furnace pieces...

    thankfully two of the pieces he collected where duplicates - so, at least I got one pair of draugr hulk boots out of it :)
    Edited by geonsocal on March 5, 2018 9:00PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • reiverx
    Dark Souls remaster in a few months.

    That is all.
  • Stoney_McGeee
    I havnt had any real issues with zaan yet, but again I run with a group, and maybe people still need to get it. But that invisible Zerg though needs to get fixed.
    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • Abysswarrior45
    reiverx wrote: »
    Dark Souls remaster in a few months.

    That is all.

    I'm excited! Demon souls, dark souls 1, dark souls 2, Bloodborne, and Dark souls 3 were not only my introduction into gaming, but also my favorite games of all time. The most skilled player will always win there even against the backstab chains which could be countered if you knew them frame-by-frame.
  • dotme
    ...But that invisible Zerg though needs to get fixed.
    Is that the rendering bug I've been experiencing? Had a call go out for help at BRK a couple nights ago, I was at Sejanus so I mounted up and rode like the wind for the keep. Flew through the open outer front door, got into the courtyard, dismounted and said "Oh, I guess it was defended then..."

    4 seconds later, 30 AD players magically materialized all around me. Needless to say, I got smoked instantly. Game didn't load them in for me when I showed up so I thought all was quiet. lol.
  • Stoney_McGeee
    dotme wrote: »
    ...But that invisible Zerg though needs to get fixed.
    Is that the rendering bug I've been experiencing? Had a call go out for help at BRK a couple nights ago, I was at Sejanus so I mounted up and rode like the wind for the keep. Flew through the open outer front door, got into the courtyard, dismounted and said "Oh, I guess it was defended then..."

    4 seconds later, 30 AD players magically materialized all around me. Needless to say, I got smoked instantly. Game didn't load them in for me when I showed up so I thought all was quiet. lol.

    Yea that’s exactly what it is.
    You’ll just instantly die without even knowing what hit you literally.
    I had my buddy tell Me “don’t go out that door”
    And I didn’t listen, walked outside , literally didn’t see anything. I told my buddy what are you talking about, then bam it hit me .
    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • geonsocal
    dotme wrote: »
    ...But that invisible Zerg though needs to get fixed.
    Is that the rendering bug I've been experiencing? Had a call go out for help at BRK a couple nights ago, I was at Sejanus so I mounted up and rode like the wind for the keep. Flew through the open outer front door, got into the courtyard, dismounted and said "Oh, I guess it was defended then..."

    4 seconds later, 30 AD players magically materialized all around me. Needless to say, I got smoked instantly. Game didn't load them in for me when I showed up so I thought all was quiet. lol.

    what the hell - oh man, i gotta see this one (hopefully just once for the laugh, and not repeatedly :#)...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • reiverx
    reiverx wrote: »
    Dark Souls remaster in a few months.

    That is all.

    I'm excited! Demon souls, dark souls 1, dark souls 2, Bloodborne, and Dark souls 3 were not only my introduction into gaming, but also my favorite games of all time. The most skilled player will always win there even against the backstab chains which could be countered if you knew them frame-by-frame.

    The only thing better than a Dark Souls remaster would be a Demon's Souls remaster. I've been thinking about dusting off my PS3 to play them both again.
  • geonsocal
    reiverx wrote: »
    Dark Souls remaster in a few months.

    That is all.

    I'm excited! Demon souls, dark souls 1, dark souls 2, Bloodborne, and Dark souls 3 were not only my introduction into gaming, but also my favorite games of all time. The most skilled player will always win there even against the backstab chains which could be countered if you knew them frame-by-frame.

    you know you're getting old when the only games you can play are stuff like eso, sports and kid games...

    shooters put a serious strain on my eyes after about 30 to 40 minutes...and any game that has waves of enemies and require a bunch of button mashing messes up my wrist and forearms...

    some of the subtle joys of aging :p
    Edited by geonsocal on March 6, 2018 6:26PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    i'm starting to think I may just be one of those people whom hate losing more than they enjoy winning...

    I was kind of shocked when it happened, but - was on my stam dk, who's wearing 7 heavy, has a SnB bar, and about 38k health...

    was playing DC and was on the top floor of arrius after it had been captured by EP...had just finished fighting some nightblade when lo and behold someone smacked me from behind - took a big chunk of my health bar...

    turned around and there's some level 35 character (named "lost" with some numbers after that) swinging at me...figured no big deal - what can a level 35 anything do to me on my armored up dragonknight...had just finished using my ultimate against the nightblade, didn't really think I'd need it though...

    well, about a minute or so later i'm lying there stunned (literally) looking at my death recap...there was two dizzying swings and three reverse slices all with 5 to 6k damage each - holy cow...

    wasn't really salty - if anything much respect for being able to hit that hard (got to help kill them later on the top of chalman and made sure to bow and play my flute)...

    ugh, when it happened it definitely had me on tilt for about the next 30 minutes or so though :s
    Edited by geonsocal on March 7, 2018 5:39PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • TequilaFire
    Level 35 with 720CP. ;)
  • geonsocal
    Level 35 with 720CP. ;)

    i think they may have have been using poisons too (no big deal to me for a non vet character to use them in vivec) - after that first hit - I wasn't able to get myself healed back up...

    yeah, I've done the same to other folks (killed max cp character with a non vet)...still, i can't remember the last time it happened to me...

    although funny now, definitely bruised my ego a bit at that moment :)

    it's weird - had a chance to fight both AD and EP last night - there definitely feels like a change has occurred going up against EP...

    had some really tough fights at chalman...ran into some well organized and fairly strong small groups...

    not used to EP playing that strong...probably gonna stay with DC for a while more...see if "lost" whatever can kill some of my other DC characters too...
    Edited by geonsocal on March 7, 2018 6:00PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Sanctum74
    @geonsocal Don't let it drive you crazy, there were a lot of bugs introduced with this last patch like resources randomly draining, skill delays or not activating, invisible players, invisible animations, no cc immunity, and more. Doing a dungeon today and had a 4 second vigor delay, unfortunately it was too late :(
  • geonsocal
    Sanctum74 wrote: »
    @geonsocal Don't let it drive you crazy, there were a lot of bugs introduced with this last patch like resources randomly draining, skill delays or not activating, invisible players, invisible animations, no cc immunity, and more. Doing a dungeon today and had a 4 second vigor delay, unfortunately it was too late :(

    work skill - why the hell won't you work!!!


    oh man, lag and random glitches definitely can test your patience...i bought a t-shirt last year that really spoke to me - still haven't worn it - but, it makes me feel good knowing it's there in my closet:

    i almost never get upset with the other players out in cyrodiil - other than not playing 100% for the faction you're logged in on (scroll stealing, helping the opposing factions with keep entry exploits, dueling your buddy right next to a keep)...

    the whole "random" teabagging thing still rubs me a little raw - but, for the most part - cyrodiil is more about me and my play more than anything else...

    it's just after soooo many hours of pvping - i know there are times when i should be "performing" at a much higher level...granted a lot of times i play late night, so, i'm barely awake while i'm out there fighting...

    still, there are a lot of other times when i know should have done better that drive me a little nuts (fumbling my rotations, letting my food/drink buff expire in the middle of a fight, not being aware of what's happening behind me)...i guess though after playing for so long i'm fortunate that i still care...

    if i was a top tier player - i'd have probably gotten bored by now with eso and moved on to another game...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Sanctum74
    That shirt pretty much sums up the serious real world problems of a gamer :D
  • geonsocal
    Sanctum74 wrote: »
    That shirt pretty much sums up the serious real world problems of a gamer :D

    there's one other forum which i participate in - knickerblogger - it's a forum for knicks's enjoyable because the folks whom participate are mostly stats oriented and not just simply howling at the moon all the time...

    the knicks are absolutely terrible and have been for quite a while - terrible ownership which leads to bad team management and a consistently bad team...

    ironically enough, they're also the most valuable franchise in the nba...go figure...

    lots of soul searching, commiserating, ranting and hoping going on there...

    the point being - one of the things I value so much about this forum is that not a lot of folks in this world would understand the feelings (both bad and good) that we have for this game that we've all invested ourselves so deeply in to...

    glad you're here @Sanctum74 :)
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Curragraigue
    @geonsocal lvl 30-40 is the sweet spot in Vivec. You get in game boosted stats, you have your CP and you will have levelled just the right amount of skills to be competitive. Always watch out for the lvl 30s Vets.
    PUG Life - the true test of your skill

    18 characters, 17 max level, at least 1 Stam and 1 Mag of every class, 1 of every race and 1200+ CP

    Tanked to Undaunted 9+ Mag and Stam of every class using Group Finder for 90+% of the Vet Dungeon runs
  • geonsocal
    hanging out at bleakers at the moment, on my DC stam dk again...

    need to go to bed, having a blast though watching AD and EP fight against us...

    it's really cool to see the other two alliances (they each have small groups of about 8 players or so) carefully avoid each other so they can all attack us...

    it's actually pretty casual and one is trying to take the keep - just looking to fight...

    overall managed to do almost exclusively group fighting tonight...gotta be honest - it's a lot more relaxing than small scale...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    oh yeah, had caluurion's legacy proc twice on my death recap from two different magblades...each hit me with concealed weapon...

    they were pretty well coordinated :o

    their armor procs hit me for about 6.5k each...

    starting to think it may be time to switch my stam dk back to 5 medium/2 heavy...

    i'm not so great at keeping up with the meta from patch to patch, i'm usually a patch or two behind - but, occasionally I will notice a different "feel" to some characters...right now my stam dk "feels" a little different...

    may just be though that I recently stopped slotting werewolf...spent a lot of time fighting in werewolf form in the past on this character...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Abysswarrior45
    Were those NBs by the name of Faulty*****n and Kns******s? If so, those are my peeps. They put together gank builds when they're not 1vXing. :P
    Edited by Abysswarrior45 on March 9, 2018 12:24AM
  • geonsocal
    yeah, i think one of them was faulty :p

    honestly - I didn't get that good a look at them til I was me from stealth - wasn't much of a fight..

    i'm telling ya abyss - just the level of play both in groups and small scale has really improved a bunch for EP recently...

    it's good to see...

    I only usually play late night US (9pm to 12am p.s.t.) a general rule I tend to run in to a lot stronger players the later at night it gets...

    I remember when I first started getting in to pvp and noticing that the oceanic/aussie/kiwi/asian player base was pretty well geared up and competent...

    and, I imagine anyone in the US who's still up that late and regularly playing is fairly well dedicated to the game also...

    definitely a big difference from jumping on during the weekends...lots of fun potatoes to play with then...
    Edited by geonsocal on March 8, 2018 11:50PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Abysswarrior45
    If they murdered you its all in good fun. They're trolling with that Caluurion set till its nerfed. They've had the set alone 1 shot people on their magblades after a soul harvest. Faulty has been a fairly well-known ganker since launch and has made quite a few enemies and he's said that caluurion on magblade is the new viper/veli procblade of old in terms of ganking potential. If you want to avoid getting ganked before everyone else around you, a good way to do that is to raise your hp a little and keep buffs up. If he's partnered with Kns though, RIP in advance.
    Edited by Abysswarrior45 on March 9, 2018 12:38AM
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