Maintenance for the week of July 1:
• NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Playstation: NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must Be The Place...

  • geonsocal

    over at bleakers, just saw a level 10 warden dragging around a bear...was about to shout out to them in zone - and got freaking locked in chat mode...

    thankfully someone just put me out of my misery...

    ugh, still locked in chat...someone just rezzed, but, can't get out of chat - wtf...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Curragraigue
    Snipe is an exploit

    Join the Dark Side... we have cookies @Syrusthevirus187
    PUG Life - the true test of your skill

    18 characters, 17 max level, at least 1 Stam and 1 Mag of every class, 1 of every race and 1200+ CP

    Tanked to Undaunted 9+ Mag and Stam of every class using Group Finder for 90+% of the Vet Dungeon runs
  • TequilaFire
    You are a zergling too, zerglings never really know what they're doing. ***, we used to play together and just listening to you all (referring to WoC) sometimes made me cringe. You never understood basic mechanics of the game or simple combat tricks which is why you aren't successful unless 48 people are with you.

    Warriors doesn't even have 48 people that play anymore. lol
    Yeah I remember your "tactics" of standing up on the ledge of and inner keep door and pew pewing players who didn't know where you were. I like organized group play but since guilds have been dying spend most of my time playing solo.
    I play DK, Templar mains but have fun on my NB. I also have a magic and a stam warden as well as a magic and stam sorc.
    So please teach me Obi Wan as I can always get better!
    Edited by TequilaFire on March 14, 2018 1:37PM
  • Abysswarrior45
    You are a zergling too, zerglings never really know what they're doing. ***, we used to play together and just listening to you all (referring to WoC) sometimes made me cringe. You never understood basic mechanics of the game or simple combat tricks which is why you aren't successful unless 48 people are with you.
    Also you said you were hit by a 27 foot sword and you should never back away from a dizzy swing user. Thats the opposite of what you should do which proves you don't know what you're talking about smh. -_-

    OK Abyss your ego as always is your undoing.
    You walk through a DS user, but you have to put words in my mouth and pull the I don't know what I am talking about card.
    Not all of us pick a spot to our advantage to make a video for epeen we have to fight in the middle of zergs where you can't see what is going on.
    Macro slice is the exploit that has been demonstrated on demand in videos many a time.
    But of course a glitch in DS is OK but in snipe is not.

    All these issues can be avoided by playing with good players and having a good crew. Zaan hasn’t been a issue nor has any of these small scale issues you guys mention, rarely do I die from snipe. Stop having such a big ego to not have a healer and play the game how it was made.
    I hear a snipe come, imma dodge roll and look for the sniper, 9/10 he dead or running.

    Just adding to what tequila said.

    Zaan is an issue. Its a proc set which is free damage at the cost of no resources and theres no penalty for running it. That shouldn't exist and its why viper selene and tremor were all nerfed. The facts a 2 piece set can put 65k on a recap is terrible design and is clear proof of the lack of balance in this game. People say "dodge roll out of it" or "run" but the reality is you can't break it when people know how to walk forward. It ignores LOS too. Thats stupid.

    The game was made for solo players and group players, silly, as I've said many times. In their live demos they always said forcing people into groups was never their intention and you could traverse Cyrodiil alone for a greater challenge. Snipe often times can't be heard because it glitches out and you're already dead. Gl dodge rolling that.

    I never play 48 man deep , it’s ironic you call me a zergling but only guild that can even compete or organized as my guild is, is nesquick guild. No other guild is coordinating morphs and skills and synchronizing sets and buffs and everything in between. It’s a compliment you think I’m 48 deep hahahahah

    You’re self reflecting a lot of yourself into the game. I can tell you have a lot of built up anger, maybe you should do some more things irl so you’re not so uptight in game?

    Again I don’t have these issues that you’re so deeply ranting about in the forums or posting about in the forums. You’ve been told by PC players in your post stop crying and learn how to play.
    Again I repeat, I don’t find snipe a issue or zaan, so as far as I’m concerned you’re just crying lol

    I'm referring to Tequila when I say 48 man
  • TequilaFire
    You are a zergling too, zerglings never really know what they're doing. ***, we used to play together and just listening to you all (referring to WoC) sometimes made me cringe. You never understood basic mechanics of the game or simple combat tricks which is why you aren't successful unless 48 people are with you.
    Also you said you were hit by a 27 foot sword and you should never back away from a dizzy swing user. Thats the opposite of what you should do which proves you don't know what you're talking about smh. -_-

    OK Abyss your ego as always is your undoing.
    You walk through a DS user, but you have to put words in my mouth and pull the I don't know what I am talking about card.
    Not all of us pick a spot to our advantage to make a video for epeen we have to fight in the middle of zergs where you can't see what is going on.
    Macro slice is the exploit that has been demonstrated on demand in videos many a time.
    But of course a glitch in DS is OK but in snipe is not.

    All these issues can be avoided by playing with good players and having a good crew. Zaan hasn’t been a issue nor has any of these small scale issues you guys mention, rarely do I die from snipe. Stop having such a big ego to not have a healer and play the game how it was made.
    I hear a snipe come, imma dodge roll and look for the sniper, 9/10 he dead or running.

    Just adding to what tequila said.

    Zaan is an issue. Its a proc set which is free damage at the cost of no resources and theres no penalty for running it. That shouldn't exist and its why viper selene and tremor were all nerfed. The facts a 2 piece set can put 65k on a recap is terrible design and is clear proof of the lack of balance in this game. People say "dodge roll out of it" or "run" but the reality is you can't break it when people know how to walk forward. It ignores LOS too. Thats stupid.

    The game was made for solo players and group players, silly, as I've said many times. In their live demos they always said forcing people into groups was never their intention and you could traverse Cyrodiil alone for a greater challenge. Snipe often times can't be heard because it glitches out and you're already dead. Gl dodge rolling that.

    I never play 48 man deep , it’s ironic you call me a zergling but only guild that can even compete or organized as my guild is, is nesquick guild. No other guild is coordinating morphs and skills and synchronizing sets and buffs and everything in between. It’s a compliment you think I’m 48 deep hahahahah

    You’re self reflecting a lot of yourself into the game. I can tell you have a lot of built up anger, maybe you should do some more things irl so you’re not so uptight in game?

    Again I don’t have these issues that you’re so deeply ranting about in the forums or posting about in the forums. You’ve been told by PC players in your post stop crying and learn how to play.
    Again I repeat, I don’t find snipe a issue or zaan, so as far as I’m concerned you’re just crying lol

    I'm referring to Tequila when I say 48 man

    Which shows you have no Idea what I do.
    Not to mention group limit is 24.
  • Abysswarrior45
    These are not my videos but they're a great example of what I'm talking about with snipe. He couldn't hear till it had landed already

    Edited by Abysswarrior45 on March 14, 2018 4:25PM
  • geonsocal
    This is not my video but its a great example of what I'm talking about with snipe. He couldn't hear till it had landed already

    wtf...that sucked...

    when I'm a little more in to it, and, have reason to worry, I'll spin like a top around the flag looking for folks...also spam my shields and heals...sometimes even hold block...

    don't think that would've made a difference there...

    Edit: just noticed they were shielding with hardened or empowered ward...most likely they were also wearing a bunch of light armor...

    bows are a real *** when you're wearing light or medium...
    Edited by geonsocal on March 14, 2018 4:20PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Abysswarrior45
    You are a zergling too, zerglings never really know what they're doing. ***, we used to play together and just listening to you all (referring to WoC) sometimes made me cringe. You never understood basic mechanics of the game or simple combat tricks which is why you aren't successful unless 48 people are with you.
    Also you said you were hit by a 27 foot sword and you should never back away from a dizzy swing user. Thats the opposite of what you should do which proves you don't know what you're talking about smh. -_-

    OK Abyss your ego as always is your undoing.
    You walk through a DS user, but you have to put words in my mouth and pull the I don't know what I am talking about card.
    Not all of us pick a spot to our advantage to make a video for epeen we have to fight in the middle of zergs where you can't see what is going on.
    Macro slice is the exploit that has been demonstrated on demand in videos many a time.
    But of course a glitch in DS is OK but in snipe is not.

    All these issues can be avoided by playing with good players and having a good crew. Zaan hasn’t been a issue nor has any of these small scale issues you guys mention, rarely do I die from snipe. Stop having such a big ego to not have a healer and play the game how it was made.
    I hear a snipe come, imma dodge roll and look for the sniper, 9/10 he dead or running.

    Just adding to what tequila said.

    Zaan is an issue. Its a proc set which is free damage at the cost of no resources and theres no penalty for running it. That shouldn't exist and its why viper selene and tremor were all nerfed. The facts a 2 piece set can put 65k on a recap is terrible design and is clear proof of the lack of balance in this game. People say "dodge roll out of it" or "run" but the reality is you can't break it when people know how to walk forward. It ignores LOS too. Thats stupid.

    The game was made for solo players and group players, silly, as I've said many times. In their live demos they always said forcing people into groups was never their intention and you could traverse Cyrodiil alone for a greater challenge. Snipe often times can't be heard because it glitches out and you're already dead. Gl dodge rolling that.

    I never play 48 man deep , it’s ironic you call me a zergling but only guild that can even compete or organized as my guild is, is nesquick guild. No other guild is coordinating morphs and skills and synchronizing sets and buffs and everything in between. It’s a compliment you think I’m 48 deep hahahahah

    You’re self reflecting a lot of yourself into the game. I can tell you have a lot of built up anger, maybe you should do some more things irl so you’re not so uptight in game?

    Again I don’t have these issues that you’re so deeply ranting about in the forums or posting about in the forums. You’ve been told by PC players in your post stop crying and learn how to play.
    Again I repeat, I don’t find snipe a issue or zaan, so as far as I’m concerned you’re just crying lol

    I'm referring to Tequila when I say 48 man

    Which shows you have no Idea what I do.
    Not to mention group limit is 24.

    GC can hold 48...
  • Jake1576
    I've never had a problem with not seeing snipe or hearing it until this pass update I have been sniped by about 3 people since the update was released where I was at full health then just dropped dead and my death recap said snipe snipe snipe and I didn't even have time to react I was just dead didn't see my heath go down or hear them I usually use snipe on my nightblade but have made him into a magicka nb recently and ain't used snipe since this update here is what I will say the last update did something to where snipe is broken now because before I never had a problem with it but now something has happened or it's just lag it's honestly to hard to tell
    Edited by Jake1576 on March 14, 2018 4:38PM
  • Abysswarrior45
    I’ll make sure to post some of my guild clips I’m putting together of my “48 man” and how “I don’t know how to play” Hahahaha

    Idk why I even bother talking to you. You can't read or we speak a different language or something.
  • TequilaFire
    I can play this post potato death recaps too.
    Not my recaps just random from internet. lol
    Now I quit, don't want anyone to blow a cork. >:)


    Edited by TequilaFire on March 14, 2018 4:51PM
  • kylewwefan
    I’ll make sure to post some of my guild clips I’m putting together of my “48 man” and how “I don’t know how to play” Hahahaha

    Wtf? That’s news. You never saw Stoney’s little 6 man crew holding Faregyl captive all night long? Yeah they know what they’re doing. It’s like small group commando extreme.

    I do prefer the Zerg though. I tend to wander.
  • Abysswarrior45
    I can play this post potato death recaps too.
    Not my recaps just random from internet. lol
    Now I quit, don't want anyone to blow a cork. >:)



    Umm I posted videos? You posted the recaps.
  • Stoney_McGeee
    I’ll make sure to post some of my guild clips I’m putting together of my “48 man” and how “I don’t know how to play” Hahahaha

    Idk why I even bother talking to you. You can't read or we speak a different language or something.
    You always pull that card as if I’m speaking complete jibberish, what you do is called gas lighting. It doesn’t work with me but you’re a very angry person and reflecting it at a lot of people right now. You should really play another game if it makes you so unhappy and that triggered.

    Should I put it in all caps so you can read it better?
    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • Abysswarrior45
    Nobody is angry though. Im a blunt person and I speak my mind without a filter. Everyone is sensitive on the internet so it seems that way. The game is broken and thats a fact so I point it out. @Stoney_McGeee, I was speaking to Tequila but you understood it as my talking to you. For future reference, my response to someone will always follow a quote of theirs. It won't come before. Its mind blowing you can read a person's emotional state over the internet.
  • Ballcap
    Is it S.A.T. time because it's getting testy in here.

    I've had issues with lethal arrow lately as well. However, I don't see how a person can be against this but also be in favor of animation canceling where you get hit with several skills and heavy attacks in one second. It seems like a case of Rock saying we need to nerf Paper but Scissors are fine.

  • TequilaFire
    Let's all settle down, Abyss is just intense and I kinda poked him a little cause i am an ornery old fart. lol
    There is enough room in this game for different play styles.
    What we really should be concentrating our focus on to ZOS is to fix all the strange resource drains and animation, bar swapping glitches that popped up in the last patch. Not to mention all the new freezes and stutters.
    Edited by TequilaFire on March 14, 2018 5:47PM
  • Stoney_McGeee
    Nobody is angry though. Im a blunt person and I speak my mind without a filter. Everyone is sensitive on the internet so it seems that way. The game is broken and thats a fact so I point it out. @Stoney_McGeee, I was speaking to Tequila but you understood it as my talking to you. For future reference, my response to someone will always follow a quote of theirs. It won't come before. Its mind blowing you can read a person's emotional state over the internet.
    You literally quoted me so how can I not think it was about me?
    You can totally tell a persons emotional state over the internet, Especially in game too.
    It’s how you talk to people you’re not being blunt you’re being disrespectful and degrading to others.

    I rarely die from snipes and zaan, and when I do, I take the L and hold it and respawn and get them back later. That’s it, no forum posts about it, no calling other players dumb or unskilled.
    Just accepting the L Because I got better things in life to be bitching over a snipe or proc. Hahahah

    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • Stoney_McGeee
    Let's all settle down, Abyss is just intense and I kinda poked him a little cause i am an ornery old fart. lol
    There is enough room in this game for different play styles.
    What we really should be concentrating our focus on to ZOS is to fix all the strange resource drains and animation, bar swapping glitches that popped up in the last patch. Not to mention all the new freezes and stutters.

    Yea there’s far more issues I’d rather see fixed. Like the invisible Zerg just loading in.
    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • geonsocal
    Ballcap wrote: »
    Is it S.A.T. time because it's getting testy in here.

    I've had issues with lethal arrow lately as well. However, I don't see how a person can be against this but also be in favor of animation canceling where you get hit with several skills and heavy attacks in one second. It seems like a case of Rock saying we need to nerf Paper but Scissors are fine.

    see what you missed while you wuz gone...

    we've gone from dreary and dull (mostly due to my own inane ramblings concerning gear and getting killed all the time) to feisty and fun...

    I know those folks whom regular over in the pc/na thread, and sneak a peek here from time to time, are like thank goodness there's finally something semi-interesting going on in the ps4/na thread...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    Let's all settle down, Abyss is just intense and I kinda poked him a little cause i am an ornery old fart. lol
    There is enough room in this game for different play styles.
    What we really should be concentrating our focus on to ZOS is to fix all the strange resource drains and animation, bar swapping glitches that popped up in the last patch. Not to mention all the new freezes and stutters.

    Yea there’s far more issues I’d rather see fixed. Like the invisible Zerg just loading in.

    finally got to see that one at the chalman farm this weekend...had to slam the brakes on my mount hard to keep from runnin in to a huge melee around the flag that suddenly materialized...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • wozborne
    With all the talk about Snipe desync, I’ll go ahead and share a personal experience with that bug from a few months ago:

    It sucks but it happens. Best to not dwell on it IMO. Deaths are meaningless anyways.
  • geonsocal
    wozborne wrote: »
    With all the talk about Snipe desync, I’ll go ahead and share a personal experience with that bug from a few months ago:

    It sucks but it happens. Best to not dwell on it IMO. Deaths are meaningless anyways.

    again -, that was one of the quicker deaths I've was weird how your resources completely emptied a brief second before it happened...

    although in this case - dead man "standing" might be more appropriate...
    Edited by geonsocal on March 14, 2018 7:18PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    The true meaning of the letter L

  • dotme
    Game performance isn't healthy at the moment. That's what it all boils down to. Invisible players materializing after you've ridden into a battle, bow skills hitting without notification to the target (I've also died to invisible frags, and DK melee damage when all the player seemed to do was run around me doing nothing). It's lag, plain and simple. You die, you rez, you move on. I hope ZOS improves server-client communications because there's clearly a problem. But it's affecting everyone - much like the infinite load screens we had a while back. Everyone's experiencing it, so I feel yes it sucks, but it's just part of the deal at the moment.
  • geonsocal
    oh my goodness - once again it would appear our thread is devolving in to logic, reason and sensibility...

    i thought we had made a breakthrough there for a second - everyone:


    most excellent film by the way...

    just kidding y'all - hope everyone's day is going well...

    we're actually having a bit of a rainy period out here in normally sunny so cal...fortunately - i don't live on the side or bottom of any big hills :#
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Abysswarrior45
    How is this news to anyone though? Honestly... I feel like some of you guys denying snipe being buggy as *** is just you playing stupid for whatever reason. Its well known and people have been complaining about it 24/7 for a solid year now -_-

    @Stoney_McGeee Not everyone wants to group play. I'm PERFECTLY FINE dying to groups who know what they're doing, although negating 1 guy and syncing ults on said solo player is pretty aggravating and hilarious at the same time. I'm PERFECTLY FINE dying 1v1 to players who clearly understand their class and combos which happens a few times and I'll whisper them "gf" and move on. Sometimes we become friends and I'll try and fight them later for more practice. Dying to *** like Zaan or destro ult through a wall is *** ***. Dying to a tank because he/she can put 75 points into befoul and hold L2 while spamming reverb is also annoying and clear proof of what large amounts of CP does to the balance of the game.

    Organized groups are fun too. I run them, you run them, a great deal of people run them. We do actually change up gear and skills also which you feel like ONLY you and Atrocity do for some reason. To compare yourself to Atrocity at all is a little bold in my opinion. Those Atrocity players happen to be number 1 on all the PVE leaderboards as well as some of the best players in PVP on PS4 NA and EU. Even then, some of those players would agree that this game is complete *** currently especially when playing solo. You'll find them saying that on their YouTube channels should you need evidence of that too.

    Organized group play has been reduced to who can keep destro ults going the longest/ pop them first and who has more negates and who has the advantage with the terrain. A stamina players role in organized groups is either spamming rapids or switching to a defile tank setup unless you're a stamden where being a DD is possible. Stamina happens to be what I enjoy playing so I don't usually participate in organized group play. I will continue to *** and moan about ESO if thats what you call it because I can. Its important to voice your opinion if you want change.

    PS: I'm on vacation rn enjoying what real life has to offer. The only time I'm commenting on here is when I'm back at the hotel resting. NOBODY on here knows who they're talking to on the internet. Pretending to understand someone's emotional state or how they spend their time is some of the most ridiculous *** I come across. People I "hate" on ESO I would probably really enjoy the company of irl. Idc, I'll still hate them on ESO because I'm playing ESO at that point in time.
    Edited by Abysswarrior45 on March 14, 2018 11:52PM
  • geonsocal

    whew, thats right - get it out abyss...

    in all seriousness - enjoy yourself and *** this game...

    look at that - i used to not cuss til you showed up - your're a bad influence - and, i like it :p

    for what it's worth - i'm happy you joined us...

    happy trails and wild tales sir...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Abysswarrior45
    geonsocal wrote: »

    whew, thats right - get it out abyss...

    in all seriousness - enjoy yourself and *** this game...

    look at that - i used to not cuss til you showed up - your're a bad influence - and, i like it :p

    for what it's worth - i'm happy you joined us...

    happy trails and wild tales sir...

    Ya see? People either love or hate me.
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