200k AP/H sitting afk at BB mine

  • Sandman929
    runagate wrote: »
    Permaban them all. Imagine a Cyrodiil in which this wasn't the accepted norm. It's gone on way too long. Then go back and make sure to ban everyone who exploited all the other bugs listed as self-justification as well.

    I think the window has been missed on previous actions that should have been taken, but I'd love to see the hammer drop on the current one to hopefully discourage future ones.
  • Crispen_Longbow
    Anazasi wrote: »
    Here are the facts:

    ZOS admitted to an error in coding 2 years ago regarding this particular resource.

    Here is the objective of the game:
    To control objectives for your faction in order to gain pts for your faction at each score evaluation.

    Here is the reality:
    It doesn't matter what ZOS does the mistake was admitted and blame has been laid.

    The player have acted in accordance with the objectives of the map and have not altered cheated or exploited any part of the coding in order to gain an advantage over any other player.

    There can be no action taken against the players when ZOS was made aware of the bug on February 7th by the players via their own bug forum.

    If ZOS takes adverse action against any player it would be a public relations nightmare for ZOS and there share holders.

    What ZOS should have done was hot fix the error immediately.

    Precedence for this type of activity was set when this occurred during the release of the CP system. ZOS made the error and took weeks to correct and punished no one nor did they roll back any of the CP that had been earned which by the way clearly gave advantage to many players hence why the gated CP system was introduced.

    There is nothing more to discuss other than when the hotfix will be released.

    Read your own words. They did exploit the coding. ZoS has the say on what they classify as exploiting their code.
    Edited by Crispen_Longbow on February 9, 2017 7:11PM
    Crispen Longbow - Daggerfall Covenant (DC): NB - Rank:50 (NA/PC) - RIP (Blue VE, Khole, LoM, MO)
    Crispen Longboww - Aldmeri Dominion (AD): NB - Rank:50 (NA/PC) - Crispen's House of Pain RIP (KP, Yellow VE, Omni)
    Crispen Longbow-EP - Ebonheart Pact (EP): NB - Rank:50 (NA/PC) - RIP (Red VE)
  • Anazasi
    Chuga_Rei wrote: »
    I'm sorry, "whataboutism" isn't a valid defense.

    You don't get caught for a crime then list off in court all the other people you know who didn't get punished for other crimes. Sorry lol. The judge would look at you and laugh.

    Unfortunately that's not really how it works. I think it's called precedence and while some may not understand that it does hold weight in court.
  • KisoValley
    Zander98 wrote: »
    Yes there have been a lot of exploits in this games history. The possible difference in this one...
    Do those involved have plausible deniability? It was entirely possible to accidentally get two mundus's or get host bark stuck on your ton....but could you accidentally flip a resource back and forth a few hours?
    And I am aware most exploits have been consciously done. But they had plausible deniability.
    I'm not necessarily arguing for either side, but that could make it actionable by ZoS.

    If you knew how to do TBS exploit you'd know it's not possible to do it "accidentally". Same for hist bark lol.
  • LeifErickson
    I don't want to offend anybody but in my opinion this is pathetic. I never cared much about my AP but this is completely *** and I hope that ZOS will punish people for abusing this :|
    And it's pretty sad to see who is abusing this...

    Weren't you at bb mine last night too though?
    For the people who are abusing this exploit, you are basically saying you are playing the game to get ap instead of playing the game to have fun and actually fight other players. So if this is true, what's the point in even playing?

    Have you even seen the state of pvp recently?
    On PC EU, it goes as such.
    Trueflame - 6- 12AM, AD 40 man group to cap the emp against 2 defenders. Gate camp until primetime, when the DC zerg logs on, and it's too laggy to play.

    Haderus - Cigany or Gates of Hell or *insert random guild name* here nightcap and gatecamp. Everyone magicka dk / templar busy farming tel vars in IC and running away from fights to save their precious currency.

    Azura - DC mega train vs EP mega train. Also poisons and lots of siege.

    Add to that the fact that a lot of players reroll tanky 0 damage builds that work only in a massive group, and that most of the time, when you're looking for "fun" with your friends, you get zerged, I can see why so many prefer to afk and leech.

    PvP dedication has no reward. Or rather, way less than what BB mine offers.

    So then why are you playing this game?
  • Sandman929
    Anazasi wrote: »
    Chuga_Rei wrote: »
    I'm sorry, "whataboutism" isn't a valid defense.

    You don't get caught for a crime then list off in court all the other people you know who didn't get punished for other crimes. Sorry lol. The judge would look at you and laugh.

    Unfortunately that's not really how it works. I think it's called precedence and while some may not understand that it does hold weight in court.

    You know you're not actually in court though, right?
  • EdTerra
    We have the list of all players in the EU and NA that gained AP from Black Boot Mine and discussing what actions to take with that information.

    just bring back their old rank before patch release
    [EU] AD - Erdril v16 N(oo)B | AR40
    [NA] EP - Erdril NB

    Still a solo player in this zergfest

    Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXPJv3O6DC5ZYECfF3-rQ-Q
  • Mako1132
    We have the list of all players in the EU and NA that gained AP from Black Boot Mine and discussing what actions to take with that information.


    Personally a ban or suspension isn't necessary I prefer the idea someone said of rolling back the ap and probably removing PvP rank/stored AP(currency).
  • Anazasi
    Paganini wrote: »
    What about just resetting the PVP-rank of all exploiters? I mean, it should be easy to find out who made striking more AP than the normal-playing people..

    By the way... Haderus PC/EU today 3PM GMT+1:


    "Look Mom, I'm famous". But beyond that, you Sir are a snitch. And nobody likes snitches.

    guilt by association no matter what the intent was is still guilt. You by simply being there earned AP from something you deemed wrong and therefore are as guilty as those you have accused.
  • Kilandros
    Anazasi wrote: »
    Here are the facts:

    ZOS admitted to an error in coding 2 years ago regarding this particular resource.

    Here is the objective of the game:
    To control objectives for your faction in order to gain pts for your faction at each score evaluation.

    Here is the reality:
    It doesn't matter what ZOS does the mistake was admitted and blame has been laid.

    The player have acted in accordance with the objectives of the map and have not altered cheated or exploited any part of the coding in order to gain an advantage over any other player.

    There can be no action taken against the players when ZOS was made aware of the bug on February 7th by the players via their own bug forum.

    If ZOS takes adverse action against any player it would be a public relations nightmare for ZOS and there share holders.

    What ZOS should have done was hot fix the error immediately.

    Precedence for this type of activity was set when this occurred during the release of the CP system. ZOS made the error and took weeks to correct and punished no one nor did they roll back any of the CP that had been earned which by the way clearly gave advantage to many players hence why the gated CP system was introduced.

    There is nothing more to discuss other than when the hotfix will be released.

    They knew it was a bugged resource. As Ernie pointed out, they weren't just flipping any resource; they were flipping the resource which they discovered was acting as a Keep for AP tick purposes. Exploiting of a bug is hardly "act[ing] in accordance with the objectives of the map..."

    Kilandros - Dragonknight / Grand Overlord
    Deimos - Templar / Grand Warlord
    Sias - Sorcerer / Prefect
    Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.

  • Zander98
    Permaban? That's way over the top don't you think?
    I myself saw what was going on and it irritated me...mainly because I know some non hard core PAPers who put in a lot of work to get on the leaderboards and it's a slap in the face to them.
    But permaban? Lol. I don't think so. That's ridiculous.
    It is a game at the end of the day. Honestly a three day ban would be heavy handed IMO.
    Zane Altise- The Drunken Sorc

    "The truth may be out there, but the lies are inside your head"-Pratchett
  • Iliaz
    EdTerra wrote: »
    We have the list of all players in the EU and NA that gained AP from Black Boot Mine and discussing what actions to take with that information.

    just bring back their old rank before patch release

    i'd say wipe all Alliance War ranks and everything bound to it on the whole account + wipe all stored AP on their accounts. maybe a short suspension as well
  • Universe
    @ZOS_BrianWheeler Please fix the bug, ban the bug abusers and even remove their ap from their ranking(Total ap accumulated).
    Thanks :)

    Edited by Universe on February 9, 2017 7:55PM
    Some videos I recorded for fun: Main character:
    PC EU main: Universe - AD magicka Sorcerer, Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, The Merciless, Trial Bosses Solo Champion
    Top alts: Genius(stamina/sagicka Dragonknight) The Force(stamina Nightblade) and other chars.
    PC NA main: The Magic - AD magicka Sorcerer
    Started playing ESO in beta & early access
    User_ID: Daedric_Prince
  • Asgari
    Just send them a warning and roll back their AP for the times they did the flips, shouldn't be hard to run the data queries to figure it out. And I can't imagine it being an extremely lengthy list of players.

    They should however have that AP removed just like the grand overlords who sold the scrolls should have that gold removed.
    Formerly @Persian_Princess .. Now @Asgari
    Princess Asgari | Sorc
    Asgari | NB
    -Asgari | Stamplar
    Ariana Kishi | DK | True Liberator of Haderus
    Banner Down!
    No Mercy
    Youtube: Asgari
  • Sandman929
    What confuses me is the calls for leniency. From exploiters, it's understandable because in their minds nothing is ever their fault, especially their own actions. But from anyone else, what good is served by keeping people that do this in the game to do something similar in the future with any other bug?
    I'd rather they be gone. The community is better off without them. This update is going to hit console soon, and even after BB is fixed I can already see the guilds lining up to knock down the walls of some remote keep and flip flags over and over again. Something to discourage this (and ideally a change in the mechanic, but I'm dreaming there probably) would be nice.
  • Anazasi
    Kilandros wrote: »
    Anazasi wrote: »
    Here are the facts:

    ZOS admitted to an error in coding 2 years ago regarding this particular resource.

    Here is the objective of the game:
    To control objectives for your faction in order to gain pts for your faction at each score evaluation.

    Here is the reality:
    It doesn't matter what ZOS does the mistake was admitted and blame has been laid.

    The player have acted in accordance with the objectives of the map and have not altered cheated or exploited any part of the coding in order to gain an advantage over any other player.

    There can be no action taken against the players when ZOS was made aware of the bug on February 7th by the players via their own bug forum.

    If ZOS takes adverse action against any player it would be a public relations nightmare for ZOS and there share holders.

    What ZOS should have done was hot fix the error immediately.

    Precedence for this type of activity was set when this occurred during the release of the CP system. ZOS made the error and took weeks to correct and punished no one nor did they roll back any of the CP that had been earned which by the way clearly gave advantage to many players hence why the gated CP system was introduced.

    There is nothing more to discuss other than when the hotfix will be released.

    They knew it was a bugged resource. As Ernie pointed out, they weren't just flipping any resource; they were flipping the resource which they discovered was acting as a Keep for AP tick purposes. Exploiting of a bug is hardly "act[ing] in accordance with the objectives of the map..."

    you are in a very gray area. As indicated by ZOS's own omission that do not know what they will be do yet. The fact is it is an objective that is tradable by design the mechanic has not once been exploited. The reward that the players have absolutely no control over is bugged. The players are and have acted in accordance with the objective and have not abused the mechanic of taking resources. The players have no control over what other players or factions do. The reward is totally within ZOS's control and they have openly admitted to there mistake in the coding. You may argue intent or purpose you can not prove that it was exploited in any way by any player and just so you know exploit does mean harm and no harm can be proven here.
  • Ackwalan
    Anazasi wrote: »
    Here are the facts:

    ZOS admitted to an error in coding 2 years ago regarding this particular resource.

    Here is the objective of the game:
    To control objectives for your faction in order to gain pts for your faction at each score evaluation.

    Here is the reality:
    It doesn't matter what ZOS does the mistake was admitted and blame has been laid.

    The player have acted in accordance with the objectives of the map and have not altered cheated or exploited any part of the coding in order to gain an advantage over any other player.

    There can be no action taken against the players when ZOS was made aware of the bug on February 7th by the players via their own bug forum.

    If ZOS takes adverse action against any player it would be a public relations nightmare for ZOS and there share holders.

    What ZOS should have done was hot fix the error immediately.

    Precedence for this type of activity was set when this occurred during the release of the CP system. ZOS made the error and took weeks to correct and punished no one nor did they roll back any of the CP that had been earned which by the way clearly gave advantage to many players hence why the gated CP system was introduced.

    There is nothing more to discuss other than when the hotfix will be released.

    You are like a little kid, face full of cookie crumbs, standing next to an empty cookie jar, telling mommy you didn't eat all the cookies, and if you did it was no big deal because cookies are made to be eaten.

  • Soul_Demon
    Aiphaton wrote: »
    nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege
    Just to think about it =)
    I saw no law which didnt allowed to switch flags or even Keeps...

    This is a great example of why anyone below that captured that resource a few times should not be penalized in anyway as they were only doing what the games terms and service are. In the example below Players 500 through 1236 only capture it once or twice as that's what normal game-play would be.

    The ones that captured it over and over discovered a bug and exploited it which is in breach of contract for ZoS T&Cs. They have a catch-all phrase that doesn't allow us to do anything that is not permitted by ZoS. ZoS clearly stated each resource should only give 1500 base AP. Anything else is a bug and the exploitation of that bug breaks the T&Cs you agreed to when you signed up to play.

    Account____________AP Gain_____________Flag Capture
    Player 1____________10,200,000__________1700
    Player 2_____________9,900,000__________1650
    Player 3_____________9,600,000__________1600
    Player 4_____________9,000,000__________1500
    Player 5_____________6,750,000__________1125
    Player 6_____________5,730,000__________955
    Player 7_____________5,610,000__________935
    Player 8_____________5,580,000__________930
    Player 9_____________5,460,000__________910
    Player 10____________5,400,000__________900
    Player 75____________1,572,000__________262
    Player 76____________1,566,000__________261
    Player 77____________1,560,000__________260
    Player 78____________1,500,000__________250
    Player 500___________12,000_____________2
    Player 501___________12,000_____________2
    Player 1235__________6,000______________1
    Player 1236__________6,000______________1

    Been saying something similar to this be used to catch the 'boosters' and clean up the play style creating all the discontent. Pretty easy to simply look at the boards and use a similar equation to see who has 20% more AP gains (in most cases about five or so) than all the other players on the board. Simply compare that to play time and you get an eye opener as to who is playing vs who is boosting up. Course you would have to look into the where, when, how much and how often for said player to be sure it wasn't just a single good fight or series of good fights, but I think it would be fairly obvious with just a look.

    The sooner ZOS displays some concern and monitors stuff like this, the sooner we can all get back to the AvAvA in cyro.
  • Ulfgarde
    We have the list of all players in the EU and NA that gained AP from Black Boot Mine and discussing what actions to take with that information.


    Edited by Ulfgarde on February 9, 2017 7:26PM
    Very athletic eso player
    PC EU
  • No_True_Scotsman
    If this tanks the AP to gold conversion rate any more than how low it currently is I'm going to weep ... loudly.
  • covenant_merchant
    well, actually we are back at the discussion what an exploit is and what not.
    Aiphaton wrote: »
    And for those that have exploited?

    You know what a Exploit is ?
    In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitches, game system, rates, hit boxes, or speed, etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers.[1] Exploits have been classified as a form of cheating; however, the precise determination of what is or is not considered an exploit can be controversia

    Its nothing else than flipping a keep over and over again, as i said such stuff was called "Creative Way of farming Ap " from Zenimax so punishing player now would be kinda wierd cause they could have done it also with a keep.

    As cited by Aspirion:
    In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitches, game system, rates, hit boxes, or speed, etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers.

    Every single player at that resource exactly knew that a resource should give 1.5k and not 6k (and spare me with funny stories like how should we know. bet nobody read the patch notes or flipped any other resource after the update and headed straight to that resource :trollface: ). Therefore it is obvious that it is a bug and you are gaining more AP then you should. So technically seen, yes, this is exploiting a bug. It may harm leader boards (if anyone cares :trollface: ) and depending on the amount of AP gained it could lead to people selling more AP items (and therefore getting gold) then they should receive for their action, which may have an impact on economy :trollface:

    And i wouldn't compare it directly with bugged sets / skills as the game unfortunately forces people to equip certain skills / gear while others aren't aware of them being a mess. Joining such an action shown in this thread was every single players free will and they exactly knew what and why they were doing it the whole time.

    The only argument that speaks for joining such an action is the lack of punishment from ZOS. And as we all know, they don't care at all. So i guess, feel free to keep on flipping flags at that resource :trollface:

    What about people like me, who merely enjoy some War-themed roleplay with their friends ?

    lol, i love how people always try to find excuses instead of being honest about how they *** up and got caught. ;)

    Unfortunately, you didn't really understand what I wrote. I wasn't saying that the flipping of resources is an exploit (of course it should be addressed). It was about 6k instead of 1.5k ticks. this has nothing to do with role playing at all. or does role playing now allow abusing bugs (or "exploiting" to use the appropriate word)? :trollface:

    I actually did understand. You accuse me of exploiting because I was present at the resource that gave 6k ticks instead of 1.5k ones. And I answer you that I was merely roleplaying with friends. You know pretending to play at a war without actually harming anyone.
    In a war, life is short, and moments of victory are fleeting. Resources flip fast, especially strategic ones like a mine near an Elder Scroll. So we reenacted battles by flipping the resource and imagining the consequences for our alliance.
    6k ap, 1.5k ap, no ap... It makes no difference to us. We were there for the story, seeking something more than petty points that can only ever bring us motifs and boxes. And as far as I am concerned, roleplaying isn't against community rules.
  • Glory
    Class Representative
    Lmao at all the people who took advantage of something they definitely knew they shouldn't be doing trying to justify their actions.

    We all know an exploit when we see it.
    mDK will rise again.
    Rebuild Necromancer pet AI.

    @Glorious since I have too many characters to list


    Strongly against Faction Lock
  • Ackwalan
    well, actually we are back at the discussion what an exploit is and what not.
    Aiphaton wrote: »
    And for those that have exploited?

    You know what a Exploit is ?
    In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitches, game system, rates, hit boxes, or speed, etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers.[1] Exploits have been classified as a form of cheating; however, the precise determination of what is or is not considered an exploit can be controversia

    Its nothing else than flipping a keep over and over again, as i said such stuff was called "Creative Way of farming Ap " from Zenimax so punishing player now would be kinda wierd cause they could have done it also with a keep.

    As cited by Aspirion:
    In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitches, game system, rates, hit boxes, or speed, etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers.

    Every single player at that resource exactly knew that a resource should give 1.5k and not 6k (and spare me with funny stories like how should we know. bet nobody read the patch notes or flipped any other resource after the update and headed straight to that resource :trollface: ). Therefore it is obvious that it is a bug and you are gaining more AP then you should. So technically seen, yes, this is exploiting a bug. It may harm leader boards (if anyone cares :trollface: ) and depending on the amount of AP gained it could lead to people selling more AP items (and therefore getting gold) then they should receive for their action, which may have an impact on economy :trollface:

    And i wouldn't compare it directly with bugged sets / skills as the game unfortunately forces people to equip certain skills / gear while others aren't aware of them being a mess. Joining such an action shown in this thread was every single players free will and they exactly knew what and why they were doing it the whole time.

    The only argument that speaks for joining such an action is the lack of punishment from ZOS. And as we all know, they don't care at all. So i guess, feel free to keep on flipping flags at that resource :trollface:

    What about people like me, who merely enjoy some War-themed roleplay with their friends ?

    lol, i love how people always try to find excuses instead of being honest about how they *** up and got caught. ;)

    Unfortunately, you didn't really understand what I wrote. I wasn't saying that the flipping of resources is an exploit (of course it should be addressed). It was about 6k instead of 1.5k ticks. this has nothing to do with role playing at all. or does role playing now allow abusing bugs (or "exploiting" to use the appropriate word)? :trollface:

    I actually did understand. You accuse me of exploiting because I was present at the resource that gave 6k ticks instead of 1.5k ones. And I answer you that I was merely roleplaying with friends. You know pretending to play at a war without actually harming anyone.
    In a war, life is short, and moments of victory are fleeting. Resources flip fast, especially strategic ones like a mine near an Elder Scroll. So we reenacted battles by flipping the resource and imagining the consequences for our alliance.
    6k ap, 1.5k ap, no ap... It makes no difference to us. We were there for the story, seeking something more than petty points that can only ever bring us motifs and boxes. And as far as I am concerned, roleplaying isn't against community rules.

    Please please PLEASE bring back the LOL tag.
  • covenant_merchant
    Ackwalan wrote: »
    well, actually we are back at the discussion what an exploit is and what not.
    Aiphaton wrote: »
    And for those that have exploited?

    You know what a Exploit is ?
    In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitches, game system, rates, hit boxes, or speed, etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers.[1] Exploits have been classified as a form of cheating; however, the precise determination of what is or is not considered an exploit can be controversia

    Its nothing else than flipping a keep over and over again, as i said such stuff was called "Creative Way of farming Ap " from Zenimax so punishing player now would be kinda wierd cause they could have done it also with a keep.

    As cited by Aspirion:
    In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitches, game system, rates, hit boxes, or speed, etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers.

    Every single player at that resource exactly knew that a resource should give 1.5k and not 6k (and spare me with funny stories like how should we know. bet nobody read the patch notes or flipped any other resource after the update and headed straight to that resource :trollface: ). Therefore it is obvious that it is a bug and you are gaining more AP then you should. So technically seen, yes, this is exploiting a bug. It may harm leader boards (if anyone cares :trollface: ) and depending on the amount of AP gained it could lead to people selling more AP items (and therefore getting gold) then they should receive for their action, which may have an impact on economy :trollface:

    And i wouldn't compare it directly with bugged sets / skills as the game unfortunately forces people to equip certain skills / gear while others aren't aware of them being a mess. Joining such an action shown in this thread was every single players free will and they exactly knew what and why they were doing it the whole time.

    The only argument that speaks for joining such an action is the lack of punishment from ZOS. And as we all know, they don't care at all. So i guess, feel free to keep on flipping flags at that resource :trollface:

    What about people like me, who merely enjoy some War-themed roleplay with their friends ?

    lol, i love how people always try to find excuses instead of being honest about how they *** up and got caught. ;)

    Unfortunately, you didn't really understand what I wrote. I wasn't saying that the flipping of resources is an exploit (of course it should be addressed). It was about 6k instead of 1.5k ticks. this has nothing to do with role playing at all. or does role playing now allow abusing bugs (or "exploiting" to use the appropriate word)? :trollface:

    I actually did understand. You accuse me of exploiting because I was present at the resource that gave 6k ticks instead of 1.5k ones. And I answer you that I was merely roleplaying with friends. You know pretending to play at a war without actually harming anyone.
    In a war, life is short, and moments of victory are fleeting. Resources flip fast, especially strategic ones like a mine near an Elder Scroll. So we reenacted battles by flipping the resource and imagining the consequences for our alliance.
    6k ap, 1.5k ap, no ap... It makes no difference to us. We were there for the story, seeking something more than petty points that can only ever bring us motifs and boxes. And as far as I am concerned, roleplaying isn't against community rules.

    Please please PLEASE bring back the LOL tag.

    Ikr. That's the excuse a Grand Overlord gave to get out of AP feeding accusations. And tbf, it works.
  • olivesforge
    Once again the Internet Lolyers are out.

    I really wish I did Video Game Butthurt Law. I'd be incredibly rich even though I'd lose every time.

    Free non-legal advice - don't listen to excuses by exploiters who say that ZOS' shareholders would be pissed if there was a public backlash. They apparently don't even realize ZOS is privately held.

    As far as what should happen - it's obviously an exploit, as obvious as having 20k Weapon Damage. So how do you fix it?

    See what an average number of captures of that resource per person was before the drop, then look at the outliers. If somebody did 100% more than normal, 3-day. 200% or more, perma ban.

    THe people who need to be punished aren't the people who took it once and then left, or the people who checked it out a few times and left. 6, 7... 20 times though, those people need to pay a price.
    PCNA | Aldmeri Dominion
    OlivesForge / Swiss Army Templar | Twink of Insanity / Gankblade | Olivesisnotonfire / Annoying Sorc | E. Angus / Magicka Pigeon-Thrower | K. Angus / Stamina Pigeon-Thrower
    Personage of note in:
    Dominant Dominion | Ethereal Traders Union | Knights of the Istari | CoC | Cyrodiil FG
  • Sandman929
    Once again the Internet Lolyers are out.

    I really wish I did Video Game Butthurt Law. I'd be incredibly rich even though I'd lose every time.

    Free non-legal advice - don't listen to excuses by exploiters who say that ZOS' shareholders would be pissed if there was a public backlash. They apparently don't even realize ZOS is privately held.

    As far as what should happen - it's obviously an exploit, as obvious as having 20k Weapon Damage. So how do you fix it?

    See what an average number of captures of that resource per person was before the drop, then look at the outliers. If somebody did 100% more than normal, 3-day. 200% or more, perma ban.

    THe people who need to be punished aren't the people who took it once and then left, or the people who checked it out a few times and left. 6, 7... 20 times though, those people need to pay a price.

    Absolutely, no one should take a ban for being a lookie loo, but if you've been there all day, I'd say you were satisfying more than your curiosity.
  • Anazasi
    Ackwalan wrote: »
    Anazasi wrote: »
    Here are the facts:

    ZOS admitted to an error in coding 2 years ago regarding this particular resource.

    Here is the objective of the game:
    To control objectives for your faction in order to gain pts for your faction at each score evaluation.

    Here is the reality:
    It doesn't matter what ZOS does the mistake was admitted and blame has been laid.

    The player have acted in accordance with the objectives of the map and have not altered cheated or exploited any part of the coding in order to gain an advantage over any other player.

    There can be no action taken against the players when ZOS was made aware of the bug on February 7th by the players via their own bug forum.

    If ZOS takes adverse action against any player it would be a public relations nightmare for ZOS and there share holders.

    What ZOS should have done was hot fix the error immediately.

    Precedence for this type of activity was set when this occurred during the release of the CP system. ZOS made the error and took weeks to correct and punished no one nor did they roll back any of the CP that had been earned which by the way clearly gave advantage to many players hence why the gated CP system was introduced.

    There is nothing more to discuss other than when the hotfix will be released.

    You are like a little kid, face full of cookie crumbs, standing next to an empty cookie jar, telling mommy you didn't eat all the cookies, and if you did it was no big deal because cookies are made to be eaten.

    are they not made to be eaten? If I was stealing them then yeah it would be an issue, but I'm not. I am simply turning a resource from one color to the appropriate color of the faction that owns the keep. I can not alter the fact that it provides more AP than others and it would be illogical to simply ignore the fact that it is blue when it is a yellow home keep. Perhaps you can tell the other factions that are located to the east and west to stay in their territory. One should never cross a bridge or a gate for the purpose of gaining something that is not theirs to begin with.

    Interpretation is a very hard process, many players simply make judgements based on their own character or experience. When you are dealing with a global population you can not impose your own values on others. It always requires compromise that's what democracy is suppose to be about. ZOS has had a week to act on this and hotfix it. They are the ones who have failed in a responsibility to the players. It's also up to them to decide what is right and wrong.

  • Chuga_Rei
    I was against any form of punishment outside of a rollback. but the excuses have radicalized me.

    "Lock them up! Lock them up! Lock them up!"
    MAIN: Subtomik |DC| Templar| Grand Overlord| Magicka since release(GET RID OF RD and give me back blinding flashes!)
    Scrubtomik|EP |Templar|Rerolled to help outnumbered EP
    Urban Youth|DC | Nightblade|AVA RANK 15| Stam
    Not A Racist |EP|Nightblade| Magicka| Maelstrom farmer
    Triggered Liberal|DC| New maelstrom farmer lol
    Pls Send Nudes |AD| DK

    GM of Full Metal Carebears
    No Mercy

    Gone but not forgotten, Braidas, Marku, and a dozen other heroes
  • covenant_merchant
    Anazasi wrote: »
    Ackwalan wrote: »
    Anazasi wrote: »
    Here are the facts:

    ZOS admitted to an error in coding 2 years ago regarding this particular resource.

    Here is the objective of the game:
    To control objectives for your faction in order to gain pts for your faction at each score evaluation.

    Here is the reality:
    It doesn't matter what ZOS does the mistake was admitted and blame has been laid.

    The player have acted in accordance with the objectives of the map and have not altered cheated or exploited any part of the coding in order to gain an advantage over any other player.

    There can be no action taken against the players when ZOS was made aware of the bug on February 7th by the players via their own bug forum.

    If ZOS takes adverse action against any player it would be a public relations nightmare for ZOS and there share holders.

    What ZOS should have done was hot fix the error immediately.

    Precedence for this type of activity was set when this occurred during the release of the CP system. ZOS made the error and took weeks to correct and punished no one nor did they roll back any of the CP that had been earned which by the way clearly gave advantage to many players hence why the gated CP system was introduced.

    There is nothing more to discuss other than when the hotfix will be released.

    You are like a little kid, face full of cookie crumbs, standing next to an empty cookie jar, telling mommy you didn't eat all the cookies, and if you did it was no big deal because cookies are made to be eaten.

    are they not made to be eaten? If I was stealing them then yeah it would be an issue, but I'm not. I am simply turning a resource from one color to the appropriate color of the faction that owns the keep. I can not alter the fact that it provides more AP than others and it would be illogical to simply ignore the fact that it is blue when it is a yellow home keep. Perhaps you can tell the other factions that are located to the east and west to stay in their territory. One should never cross a bridge or a gate for the purpose of gaining something that is not theirs to begin with.

    Interpretation is a very hard process, many players simply make judgements based on their own character or experience. When you are dealing with a global population you can not impose your own values on others. It always requires compromise that's what democracy is suppose to be about. ZOS has had a week to act on this and hotfix it. They are the ones who have failed in a responsibility to the players. It's also up to them to decide what is right and wrong.

    You Sir, are awesome. Can I get your number :3 ?
  • Ghostbane
    No moar cookies!
    {★★★★★ · ★★★★★ · ★★ · ★★★★★}
    350m+ AP PC - EU
    AD :: Imported Waffles [37]EP :: Wee ee ee ee ee [16]DC :: Ghostbane's DK [16], Impending Loadscreen [12]PC - NA
    AD :: Ghostbane [50], yer ma [43], Sir Humphrey Winterbottom 2.0 [18], robotic baby legs [18]EP :: Wee Mad Arthur [50], avast ye buttcrackz [49], Sir Horace Foghorn [27], Brother Ballbag [24], Scatman John [16]DC :: W T B Waffles [36], Morale Boost [30], W T F Waffles [17], Ghostbanë [15]RIPAD :: Sir Humphrey Winterbottom 1.0 [20]
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