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Morrowind...and ESO+

  • bantad87
    Ackwalan wrote: »
    Ackwalan wrote: »
    Whilst in this instance I think the price is reasonable for a one-off upgrade, given that it is the first time in basically 2 years since release on console. But how do we know that future 'DLC' that had been included in our monthly subscriptions won't all of a sudden start to be renamed as 'expansions'?

    It sets a precedent that could mean the one of the main perks of subscribing is being taken away, or at least reduced if 'expansions' take up more of the release cycle that would have previously been dedicated to DLC.

    They will be Morrowind dlc's, so they will require Morrowind and eco +. This will work for 3 or 4 dlc releases, then chapter 3 will come out, requiring another $$ upgrade.

    But his point still stands. What if an ESO+ member doesn't buy Morrowind. Then you are paying for content you cannot access, which again reduces the value of ESO+ significantly.

    I agree. Having eco + and not Morrowind, would be a waste.

    With ESO + you're not paying for content. You're paying the price of 1500 crowns but with the added benefit of some access to certain types of content, unlimited crafting storage, plus 10% character progression. You get more from an ESO + membership then you would normally get from that $15 in the crown store. ESO + is a bargain - one that any smart player who buys crowns should take advantage of. Duh.

    Edited by bantad87 on January 31, 2017 8:49PM
  • Autolycus
    An ESO Plus membership will not grant you access to The Elder Scroll Online: Morrowind content. As this is an entirely new Chapter of ESO, you'll need to purchase one of the five editions. If you already own ESO, though, you can purchase the Morrowind Upgrade or the Morrowind Collector's Edition Upgrade directly from online stores (The Elder Scrolls Online Store, Steam Store, Xbox Store, or PlayStation Store).

    Awesome, another cash grab. I love how loyalty is a one-way street with you guys. The more we invest for the long-term and the more dedicated to this game's development we are, the more money you demand. It isn't enough that some of us have been invested with you guys for years. You know, the people that saw this game going downhill and decided to stick it out for the long haul anyway? And we're rewarded with flatlining endgame mechanics, narrowing build diversity, overpriced cash shop retextures, and, just to top it all off, a definitive paywall between us and the next real content.

    I'm really disappointed in you, ZOS. I shine a dim light on this scenario, and I know it's not all bad. But c'mon, this is just greedy. I would expect this kind of practice from EA. You have loyal subscribers who have been led to believe for two years that an active subscription would grant access to future content. You lied to us.
  • driosketch
    But I thought the game was FTP now /s

    Seriously though, while the non inclusion of this new content under the ESO+ sub is a bit jarring, I'll probably get it anyways. I've been relatively frugal in the money I've spent on this game versus the thousands of hours of entertainment I've received from it. At first glance it looks like lots of work was put into this expansion, running counter to the shrinking dlc trend of the past year. If that's the case, it'll probably be worth the price.
    Main: Drio Azul ~ DC, Redguard, Healer/Magicka Templar ~ NA-PC
    ●The Psijic Order●The Sidekick Order●Great House Hlaalu●Bal-Busters●
  • shadoza
    An ESO Plus membership will not grant you access to The Elder Scroll Online: Morrowind content. As this is an entirely new Chapter of ESO, you'll need to purchase one of the five editions. If you already own ESO, though, you can purchase the Morrowind Upgrade or the Morrowind Collector's Edition Upgrade directly from online stores (The Elder Scrolls Online Store, Steam Store, Xbox Store, or PlayStation Store).

    Okay... I've been expecting this :(
    But... we were promised 4 DLC (or "major updates") / year ... are we still getting a DLC or a major update in Q2/2017, separate from "Morrowind" and included with ESO+ or purchasable in crowns - or even free, like Homestead ?

    Good questions. We'll be getting into this more tomorrow - stay tuned for an article on our website that should give some insight.

    Currently, I think I cannot absorb any more disappointments. Maybe...I'll read it next week or next month...they are kind of the same time anyway.
    Edited by shadoza on January 31, 2017 8:51PM
  • Pandorii
    bantad87 wrote: »
    Ackwalan wrote: »
    Ackwalan wrote: »
    Whilst in this instance I think the price is reasonable for a one-off upgrade, given that it is the first time in basically 2 years since release on console. But how do we know that future 'DLC' that had been included in our monthly subscriptions won't all of a sudden start to be renamed as 'expansions'?

    It sets a precedent that could mean the one of the main perks of subscribing is being taken away, or at least reduced if 'expansions' take up more of the release cycle that would have previously been dedicated to DLC.

    They will be Morrowind dlc's, so they will require Morrowind and eco +. This will work for 3 or 4 dlc releases, then chapter 3 will come out, requiring another $$ upgrade.

    But his point still stands. What if an ESO+ member doesn't buy Morrowind. Then you are paying for content you cannot access, which again reduces the value of ESO+ significantly.

    I agree. Having eco + and not Morrowind, would be a waste.

    With ESO + you're not paying for content. You're paying the price of 1500 crowns but with the added benefit of some access to certain types of content, plus 10% character progression. You get more from an ESO + membership then you would normally get from that $15 in the crown store. ESO + is a bargain - one that any smart player who buys crowns should take advantage of. Duh.

    Except crown packs are sometimes on sale. 5500 for $22. In other words, with patience, you can get 4000 more crowns for only $7 more.
  • Balamoor

    So your'e actually leaving this time?

    I mean seriously?


    P3ZZL3 wrote: »
    Am I right in saying, that the ESO+ players will still get everything - just not the collection edition addons like the bear, horse, gear, etc....

    £40.00 for the expansion - after 2 years of ESO Plus Membership.


    Edit2: Another question @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_MattFiror
    You specifically mention, in the ESO+ Purchase page, that I will receive ALL Future DLC Content. How will I be receiving ALL of this future DLC Content, when it's locked behind a paywall being Morrowind. You do not exclude additional content via expansions - so legally - I think you have to provide the Morrowind access from a DLC perspective (Disclaimer - not a lawyer)

    Edit3: @ZOS_GinaBruno Has stated there will be an update for ESO+ Subscribers tomorrow. We shall see.

    That's it, I'm done. Have fun folks but I'm certainly not paying for this.

  • Acrolas
    <see other, future post>
    Edited by Acrolas on January 31, 2017 9:00PM
    signing off
  • Linaleah
    driosketch wrote: »
    But I thought the game was FTP now /s

    Seriously though, while the non inclusion of this new content under the ESO+ sub is a bit jarring, I'll probably get it anyways. I've been relatively frugal in the money I've spent on this game versus the thousands of hours of entertainment I've received from it. At first glance it looks like lots of work was put into this expansion, running counter to the shrinking dlc trend of the past year. If that's the case, it'll probably be worth the price.

    its not free to play and has never been free to play. its buy to play.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Autolycus
    P3ZZL3 wrote: »
    Another question @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_MattFiror

    You specifically mention, in the ESO+ Purchase page, that I will receive ALL Future DLC Content. How will I be receiving ALL of this future DLC Content, when it's locked behind a paywall being Morrowind. You do not exclude additional content via expansions - so legally - I think you have to provide the Morrowind access from a DLC perspective


    (Disclaimer - not a lawyer - not have I checked these "new" Additional Requirements that seems to be a recent addition....)

    But... it's not a "DLC"... it's an expansion. That makes it okay, obviously. Smh...
  • Ackwalan
    Linaleah wrote: »
    P3ZZL3 wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    my theory is (and I could be wrong) is that it will be grayed out for people without the expansion on their account, the way expansion specific items are grayed out and impossible to buy in GW2 gem store, unless you have expansion added to your account.

    mind you, its just a theory.

    This, therefore means, I am NOT getting access to ALL future DLC content :)

    you do, if you get expansion. again, if this is such a huge issue. cancel ps plus. for 3 month. that pays for morrowind upgrade. get upgrade. restart ps plus. regain acess to all the previous DLC's AND future DLC's. and in any case, you are arguing semantics over a theory. we don't know what future DLC's would be. if they are like current DLC's - they will be separate zones with their own travel points. its just as possible that you WILL gain acess to them and ONLY them. not the warden, not the rest of Morowind expac zones, not the housing in Vvardenfel. just specific DLC zones and their contained stories. which satisfies the agreement to a t.

    Future DLC will be part chapter two. Morrowind is being sold as chapter two. If you have ESO + and not Morrowind (chapter two) you won't be able to access them.

  • Rjizzle09
    Like i cant believe how much hate 40 measly bucks for an EXPANSION WITH ALOT OF CONTENT WE BEEN WANTING FOR AGES there is. Like what the heck did yall think eso plus little 15 bucks would get you access to this mega dlc? That would be dumb. They said all future dlc but in their defense this isnt a dlc patch its a freaking expansion so of course youre gonna have to shell out money to buy it like why would people be thinking otherwise this is rediculous. INSTEAD OF BUYING ALL THESE MOUNTS AND COSTUMES AND THE UPCOMING HOUSES SAVE 40 BUCKS FOR THE EXPANSION ITS REALLY SIMPLE. If you seriously cant save 2 bucks a day then something is wrong get a part time job do work around the house anything will get you 40 bucks by june. And again they did not say youll get all future expansions with eso plus they said all future dlc. Dlc and exoansions are not even in the same class so people need to get a grip and stop complaining people spend 40 bucks on beer and weed and cigs but cant pay 40 bucks for something they like to do? Man get outta here
  • P3ZZL3
    Just to be clear on my stance - I'm not buying it, I've cancelled my sub end of last month and am moving on to another game.

    It's got nothing to do with Cancelling the ESO+ for 3 mths or whatever. It's just bad practice and and a decisive cash grab. They are playing on everyone who is so bought up in the lore and the older games they feel justified.

    As I'm not attached to that, it's no real hardship, bar the fact friends will probably buy it and that's where they'll hook a few people *shrugs*
    CP561 Redguard | Jabsy Templar | Stamina Build
    CP561 Breton | Jesus Beam Templar | Magicka Build Forever!
    CP561 Naked Nord | Tanky DK | Stamigicka Build

    ✭✭✭ Check ESO Server Status Live!: ✭✭✭
  • GwJSVDShark
    From what am reading, this is a DLC called 'Expansion Pack' not available in the crown store, thus not covered under ESO+

    Since it will not be in crown store, or covered under ESO+, then we can assume this is an entirely new game, not related to ESO+. Just as if it was Skyrim, part of the ESO universe, but unrelated.

    I assume then that this will not be part of One Tamriel?

    Do we get all new characters? can we import ESO characters? can Morrowind characters visit One Tamriel? how about crafting motifs?

    With ESO+ I can travel freely all over Tamriel, including all new areas and Shadows of the Hist. But I am assuming I cannot go to Morrowind now?

    I get it that $80 for all content, goodies, etc. Not bad for a standalone beauty like this game will surely become. But am already paying for ESO+, and am not too sure I want to fork out an additional $80 for this new game.
  • Jimbullbee85
    I hope this is *** because I love this game but if it isnt then Nope... nope... nope, I've payed sub for two years and got all DLC content as part of that. Cosmetics is one thing, game content is another. If I've got to pay £32 for a dlc then I'm off to play another game and it's goodbuy ESO and ESO plus.
    Jimbullbee, Templar healer battlemage
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Merenwen_812
    They can get away with it because it is a different game ESO: Morrowind
    Just like Call of Duty is not Call of Duty: Black Ops

    What will really confuse the subscribers is....
    They did say after playing through ESO: Morrowind as a new player, you will unlock one tamriel and can play through that game, which I assume means you get ESO: One Tamriel with the purchase of ESO: Morrowind. Now if after you have unlocked one tamriel and decide to get a plus subscription how will your plus subscription be different from a plus subscriber who did not purchase morrowind... All in all I see the subscription being an issue unless they separate them...

    Does anyone else's head hurt after thinking of all the ways this is just so confusing LOL
  • TheTwistedRune
    bantad87 wrote: »
    Ackwalan wrote: »
    Ackwalan wrote: »
    Whilst in this instance I think the price is reasonable for a one-off upgrade, given that it is the first time in basically 2 years since release on console. But how do we know that future 'DLC' that had been included in our monthly subscriptions won't all of a sudden start to be renamed as 'expansions'?

    It sets a precedent that could mean the one of the main perks of subscribing is being taken away, or at least reduced if 'expansions' take up more of the release cycle that would have previously been dedicated to DLC.

    They will be Morrowind dlc's, so they will require Morrowind and eco +. This will work for 3 or 4 dlc releases, then chapter 3 will come out, requiring another $$ upgrade.

    But his point still stands. What if an ESO+ member doesn't buy Morrowind. Then you are paying for content you cannot access, which again reduces the value of ESO+ significantly.

    I agree. Having eco + and not Morrowind, would be a waste.

    With ESO + you're not paying for content. You're paying the price of 1500 crowns but with the added benefit of some access to certain types of content, unlimited crafting storage, plus 10% character progression. You get more from an ESO + membership then you would normally get from that $15 in the crown store. ESO + is a bargain - one that any smart player who buys crowns should take advantage of. Duh.

    Not paying for content? What does DLC stand for? Duh.

    Edited by TheTwistedRune on January 31, 2017 8:53PM
  • P3ZZL3
    Balamoor wrote: »
    So your'e actually leaving this time?

    I mean seriously?


    Yeah, the time has come. I left for 6 mths for BDO and came back, but there is a fair few mmo's out this year - so will chuck the £40/£50 in to something else :)

    It's been good :) (btw - I'll prob. still haunt the forums anyway :D)
    CP561 Redguard | Jabsy Templar | Stamina Build
    CP561 Breton | Jesus Beam Templar | Magicka Build Forever!
    CP561 Naked Nord | Tanky DK | Stamigicka Build

    ✭✭✭ Check ESO Server Status Live!: ✭✭✭
  • P3ZZL3
    I hope this is *** because I love this game but if it isnt then Nope... nope... nope, I've payed sub for two years and got all DLC content as part of that. Cosmetics is one thing, game content is another. If I've got to pay £32 for a dlc then I'm off to play another game and it's goodbuy ESO and ESO plus.

    LOL it's £40-50 :) Not 32.
    CP561 Redguard | Jabsy Templar | Stamina Build
    CP561 Breton | Jesus Beam Templar | Magicka Build Forever!
    CP561 Naked Nord | Tanky DK | Stamigicka Build

    ✭✭✭ Check ESO Server Status Live!: ✭✭✭
  • kkravaritieb17_ESO
    Can we though upgrade to the expansion through the crown store with crowns like the imperial edition digital upgrade?
    Edited by kkravaritieb17_ESO on January 31, 2017 8:54PM
    Member of the glorious Zerg Squad
    Rip Banana Squad

    Lheneth -- Sorc PvP Rank 31
    Ellynna -- Templar PvP Rank 50 (No Bleaker's roleplaying involved)
    Smellynna -- Templar PvP Rank 28
    and many other chars

  • hingarthuub17_ESO
    P3ZZL3 wrote: »
    Just to be clear on my stance - I'm not buying it, I've cancelled my sub end of last month and am moving on to another game.

    It's got nothing to do with Cancelling the ESO+ for 3 mths or whatever. It's just bad practice and and a decisive cash grab. They are playing on everyone who is so bought up in the lore and the older games they feel justified.

    As I'm not attached to that, it's no real hardship, bar the fact friends will probably buy it and that's where they'll hook a few people *shrugs*

    Edited by hingarthuub17_ESO on January 31, 2017 8:54PM
  • P3ZZL3
    Can we though upgrade to the expansion through the crown store with crowns like the imperial edition digital upgrade?

    No. As per the opening Topic. Cold hard cash only please. The Investors don't like Crowns - nor do the Lawyers taking up their legal fight against FB.
    CP561 Redguard | Jabsy Templar | Stamina Build
    CP561 Breton | Jesus Beam Templar | Magicka Build Forever!
    CP561 Naked Nord | Tanky DK | Stamigicka Build

    ✭✭✭ Check ESO Server Status Live!: ✭✭✭
  • Davor
    P3ZZL3 wrote: »
    Another question @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_MattFiror

    You specifically mention, in the ESO+ Purchase page, that I will receive ALL Future DLC Content. How will I be receiving ALL of this future DLC Content, when it's locked behind a paywall being Morrowind. You do not exclude additional content via expansions - so legally - I think you have to provide the Morrowind access from a DLC perspective


    (Disclaimer - not a lawyer - not have I checked these "new" Additional Requirements that seems to be a recent addition....)

    I am not a lawyer either and don't know much about law. But that is how they get away with it. You can't buy Morrowind in the Crown Store, so therefore since it's not in the Crown Store people with ESO+ are not missing out on anything. So everything is legal.

    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • alexkdd99
    I challenge each and every one of you guys to take the time, go to each of your characters and hit /played. That will tell you the time you've gotten out of this game, which obviously won't account for any characters you've deleted over time. Now add up your total costs.

    Initial game:$60
    3 years of ESO+ membership: $15x36 = $540
    Expansion Price: $40
    My personal average: 3hrs a day (I'm at work and can't get my /played time but we all know we play more than that): 1095 hrs

    $640/1095hrs = $.58c per hour.

    I'm more than happy paying $.60c an hour for this game (which includes the price of the expansion I haven't touched yet). Obviously your times and costs will differ based on what versions of the game you bought or will buy but, that's probably a pretty reasonable estimation of your time and cost as well.

    Keep the fun comin' Zeni.


    Or take zos exact words and go with it will have 30 hours and divide that by the cost +
    Pallmor wrote: »
    P3ZZL3 wrote: »
    Another question @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_MattFiror

    You specifically mention, in the ESO+ Purchase page, that I will receive ALL Future DLC Content. How will I be receiving ALL of this future DLC Content, when it's locked behind a paywall being Morrowind. You do not exclude additional content via expansions - so legally - I think you have to provide the Morrowind access from a DLC perspective


    (Disclaimer - not a lawyer - not have I checked these "new" Additional Requirements that seems to be a recent addition....)

    lol! You've got to read more carefully. It says access to all DLC content available in the Crown Store. This won't be in the Crown Store, so.... ;)

    So really that just makes it all the more shady.
  • P3ZZL3

    And that's actually fine - but you can't access the future DLC either - as you MUST buy Morrowind - and that, my friend, is called a Paywall :)

    This effectively null and voids the ESO+ Future Content benefit to a large extent.
    Edited by P3ZZL3 on January 31, 2017 8:56PM
    CP561 Redguard | Jabsy Templar | Stamina Build
    CP561 Breton | Jesus Beam Templar | Magicka Build Forever!
    CP561 Naked Nord | Tanky DK | Stamigicka Build

    ✭✭✭ Check ESO Server Status Live!: ✭✭✭
  • Balamoor
    jk :-P

    I bet after the anger goes away you'll be running around in Morrowind...because Morrowind and ZoS do the mad sales every now and again.

    P3ZZL3 wrote: »

    Yeah, the time has come. I left for 6 mths for BDO and came back, but there is a fair few mmo's out this year - so will chuck the £40/£50 in to something else :)

    It's been good :) (btw - I'll prob. still haunt the forums anyway :D)[/quote]

    Edited by Balamoor on January 31, 2017 8:57PM
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Lol so confusing . Reinventing new ways to sell the game just leads to panick . Now people are wondering why their crowns have no value towards new game content and if their subscription for one game is the same for the new game . Oye what a mess ZoS .
  • Taleof2Cities
    What part of expansion do players not understand?

    This isn't a DLC and the OP still refuses to acknowledge that ...
  • Kodrac
    Can we though upgrade to the expansion through the crown store with crowns like the imperial edition digital upgrade?

    Maybe one day but as of right now, no.
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