so for what is cloak if it should work in combat? give to nb a damage shield and great heal skill instead of cloak which is not supposed to work in combat.
same I cxan say about damage shield from sorc, this should work in combat because for what? stacked they have to big power, breath of life templar is huge heal which should be to healing outside combat in break of fight between bosses, trash etc to not wait until health will regen itself + where are potions/poisons to prevent use damage shields etc?
EDIT: and please show me hot to figh as nb in duel without cloak, without any better heal and dmg shield etc against any class
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »Thank god i play console. This is a terrible add-on to be used against nightblade's. Any nightblade who knows how to nightblade uses cloak and unstealths to regen stamina while invisible and then goes back into stealth so you dont have to spam cloak anymore.
Now players will know when you do this and be able to identify that you are around. This is a huge advantage because you can now pop a detection potion and bam you see them.
GG Zos. I feel bad for pc nb's.
DannyLV702 wrote: »Wow pc players really do need training wheels huh
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »Here’s an explanation of how it works, and what it does and doesn’t do:
I think we may have a language barrier. When I say it's not supposed to be a toggle to combat I mean that cloak is not supposed to be a button that you press that just ends the fight. It is supposed be something you work for, and comes with counterplay. For example templars are a healing class, but there are defiles to help counter that healing. It's not intended for Templars to just be able to heal through all damage and never die because they are a healing class. They have counters in place to prevent that, so that hopefully all classes have a balance of viability toward the other classes. No class is entitled to be the other classes checkmate, the check mate comes internally through build and morph choices.
We are getting off topic, so make your reply if you wish and that will be it for this side discussion.
@God_flakes I would say edit and remove the names before lock.
elaborate how it's cheating when a few posts ago said zos are not taking actionMalamar1229 wrote: »cheating, regardless how minimal, is cheating is cheating is cheating.
...I'm not even sure you know what's going on in this thread....Even Jessica used his name. Just wow...
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
You're welcome! Unfortunately, it isn't currently possible to disable addons for just one campaign and not the others.
elaborate how it's cheating when a few posts ago said zos are not taking action
What I don't understand though, is why is it o.k. for anyone to be able to instagib another player without that player being able to react, ever?
I have yet to have anyone explain that to me in a rational or logical way. This game is the only game aside from FPS I have ever seen a player be able to do that, simply kill another player within < 1 second and then scurry off.
Every MMO has rouges and gankers, sure, but they are not instagibs. They at least give you a second to recognize where the attack is coming from and do something about it.
This addon, I assume, was made to provide that basic tool, to know when you are about to be killed instantly.
I won't use it because I don't use addons, but I understand the need for it.
What I don't understand though, is why is it o.k. for anyone to be able to instagib another player without that player being able to react, ever?
I have yet to have anyone explain that to me in a rational or logical way. This game is the only game aside from FPS I have ever seen a player be able to do that, simply kill another player within < 1 second and then scurry off.
Every MMO has rouges and gankers, sure, but they are not instagibs. They at least give you a second to recognize where the attack is coming from and do something about it.
This addon, I assume, was made to provide that basic tool, to know when you are about to be killed instantly.
I won't use it because I don't use addons, but I understand the need for it.
elaborate how it's cheating when a few posts ago said zos are not taking action
Waffennacht wrote: »Sometiimes I'm really happy to be on console.
This is one of those times.
Addon author chiming in:)
First let me thank @ZOS_JessicaFolsom and other members of ZOS team who reverse engineered my addon and laid out what exactly it does in a clear manner.
I also want to say i do appreciate ANY feedback regarding the addon and myself. Good or bad. Just please try to refrain from personal insults and keep the discussion in a civil manner. Thank you.
Now let me comment on the addon, my intentions and the result in a Q&A style:
Q: How this addon came to be?
A: In the current state of stealth ganks in PVP right now, unfortunately we're facing the situation when no amount of crit resistance will save you from a guy one-shotting you from stealth if you're running medium or light armor. At some point i had a thought that i would be awesome if ZOS changed the stealth mechanics to make channeled abilities to get you out of stealth at the beginning of their cast instead of when they hit something.
I made some tests and realized that the game already provides the event for when the attack starts. The event contains full information about the attack including source and target names.
Knowing that making an addon what pops a notification on this event was trivial. At this point i already realized this gonna be big, but i didn't know yet how big it would end up being.
But i still had to figure out how to know if he was in stealth, while charging this attack. I did more tests i found out a way to do that. That way though opened a 'Pandora Box'. I figured out that know i can get much more information than just whether the guy is in stealth or not. And so i did:)
After i did all that i realized that even though i know the name of the attacker and a bunch of other info about him i can't get any information out of the name itself. I don't know his faction, class - basically nothing besides his name. Thus, quite naturally i came up with the concept of database. The database was the link between 'somebody' doing actions in the world and a particular person having char name, account name etc etc.
Only the combination of all these discoveries allowed me to build the addon the way i wanted.
And here it is.
Q: Do you find any of the features of the addon unfair?
A: No i don't. I made them exactly to make the pvp environment both more clear and more fair. This is coming from a guy mainly playing stam nb.
Q: Did you know many people would be against this addon when you open it to public?
A: I definitely did. This addon changes the way people experience Cyrodiil quite drastically. What i see on the forums now was expected (besdies detailed post of @ZOS_JessicaFolsom ). In my mind the addon makes Cyrodiil a better pvp experience. Your definition of 'better' might be different. I accept that.
Q: Did you expect ZOS to make some actions to prevent some or all the features of the addon to work in the result of the complaints?
A: Yes i did. I wasn't an easy decision to make this addon public. Not because i wanted to keep the addon for myself. I didn't and i don't. I released it as soon as it was ready and thoroughly tested.
The only real reason for my hesitation was that i was afraid of knee-jerk reaction from developers. If i were them i'd disable the addon on the spot and only THEN started the internal discussion on what parts of it can be allowed:)
Q: Why did you released it then?
A: The addon is supposed to make the playfield between stealthers and non-stealthers more even. Not the playfield between me and everybody else:) I truly want everybody to use it and enjoy its perks.
Basically i'd be happy if ZOS added some (all) of its features to the base ui (or allowed it to be). Can we do it, dear ZOS?:)
I agree that stealth detection feature will be over the top IF and ONLY IF ZOS fixes stealth ganks and stealth in general. In my personal opinion attacking from stealth is huge advantage in itself. Now add oneshots to the picture and stealths becomes out of control. And this is what we have now in pvp. This is my opinion. I'm aware there can be other opinions. This is fine.
I implemented the features the addon has because i personally wanted them to be in the game. I find them fun and engaging. Other people might disagree. That's fine. This is my vision.
Q: What would you do if/when they ban it?
A: I will make some other addon if the game will still be engaging enough for me. I'd be happy if we can find a happy medium here though, where some features will be allowed to stay. But i'm prepared to 'accept my fate':)
In conclusion i want to say iyou all:)
Dear ZOS, please continue to make this game the way you do, so people like me still manage to have fun in it after years of playing. You all rock (even Wrobel)!
Addon author chiming in:)
First let me thank @ZOS_JessicaFolsom and other members of ZOS team who reverse engineered my addon and laid out what exactly it does in a clear manner.
I also want to say i do appreciate ANY feedback regarding the addon and myself. Good or bad. Just please try to refrain from personal insults and keep the discussion in a civil manner. Thank you.
Now let me comment on the addon, my intentions and the result in a Q&A style:
Q: How this addon came to be?
A: In the current state of stealth ganks in PVP right now, unfortunately we're facing the situation when no amount of crit resistance will save you from a guy one-shotting you from stealth if you're running medium or light armor. At some point i had a thought that i would be awesome if ZOS changed the stealth mechanics to make channeled abilities to get you out of stealth at the beginning of their cast instead of when they hit something.
I made some tests and realized that the game already provides the event for when the attack starts. The event contains full information about the attack including source and target names.
Knowing that making an addon what pops a notification on this event was trivial. At this point i already realized this gonna be big, but i didn't know yet how big it would end up being.
But i still had to figure out how to know if he was in stealth, while charging this attack. I did more tests i found out a way to do that. That way though opened a 'Pandora Box'. I figured out that know i can get much more information than just whether the guy is in stealth or not. And so i did:)
After i did all that i realized that even though i know the name of the attacker and a bunch of other info about him i can't get any information out of the name itself. I don't know his faction, class - basically nothing besides his name. Thus, quite naturally i came up with the concept of database. The database was the link between 'somebody' doing actions in the world and a particular person having char name, account name etc etc.
Only the combination of all these discoveries allowed me to build the addon the way i wanted.
And here it is.
Q: Do you find any of the features of the addon unfair?
A: No i don't. I made them exactly to make the pvp environment both more clear and more fair. This is coming from a guy mainly playing stam nb.
Q: Did you know many people would be against this addon when you open it to public?
A: I definitely did. This addon changes the way people experience Cyrodiil quite drastically. What i see on the forums now was expected (besdies detailed post of @ZOS_JessicaFolsom ). In my mind the addon makes Cyrodiil a better pvp experience. Your definition of 'better' might be different. I accept that.
Q: Did you expect ZOS to make some actions to prevent some or all the features of the addon to work in the result of the complaints?
A: Yes i did. I wasn't an easy decision to make this addon public. Not because i wanted to keep the addon for myself. I didn't and i don't. I released it as soon as it was ready and thoroughly tested.
The only real reason for my hesitation was that i was afraid of knee-jerk reaction from developers. If i were them i'd disable the addon on the spot and only THEN started the internal discussion on what parts of it can be allowed:)
Q: Why did you released it then?
A: The addon is supposed to make the playfield between stealthers and non-stealthers more even. Not the playfield between me and everybody else:) I truly want everybody to use it and enjoy its perks.
Basically i'd be happy if ZOS added some (all) of its features to the base ui (or allowed it to be). Can we do it, dear ZOS?:)
I agree that stealth detection feature will be over the top IF and ONLY IF ZOS fixes stealth ganks and stealth in general. In my personal opinion attacking from stealth is huge advantage in itself. Now add oneshots to the picture and stealths becomes out of control. And this is what we have now in pvp. This is my opinion. I'm aware there can be other opinions. This is fine.
I implemented the features the addon has because i personally wanted them to be in the game. I find them fun and engaging. Other people might disagree. That's fine. This is my vision.
Q: What would you do if/when they ban it?
A: I will make some other addon if the game will still be engaging enough for me. I'd be happy if we can find a happy medium here though, where some features will be allowed to stay. But i'm prepared to 'accept my fate':)
In conclusion i want to say iyou all:)
Dear ZOS, please continue to make this game the way you do, so people like me still manage to have fun in it after years of playing. You all rock (even Wrobel)!
mfw people twist words that heavily, did you even read what he wroteWaffennacht wrote: »
Aka: I didn't like how the developers made their game, so I decided to change it.
Wow, what an ego