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A trader for people outside guilds

So :smile: Some people, for one reason or another, don't feel like being part of a guild, prefering the lone wolf aproach to the game.. What I feel that we lack, is a trader for said people.. Like the rest of us, they have stuff to sell that other people might like to buy.. Instead of spamming WTS in the chat, how about allowing them to access a "region salesman" or something like that? There are merchants everywhere, so why not tap into that resource, but only for people outside guilds.. Give them 30 slots to fill up with items, and make it work like a guild trader.. Any player will be able to access the merchant, browsing the goods, and the player will be mailed his gold as usual..
Furthermore, I suggest allowing them the possibility of selling items at 2-3 traders, so that he won't be as effective as a player with max guilds, but not locked in only 1 city either.. I think this system could be pretty great with some adjustments, as I have surely not taken everything into account here.. But the main point is that it's an option that is only available to people with no guilds, so they can get rid of their stuff.. Another advantage of this, could be that the guilds might get sorted their members.. The ones who actually want a guild will stay, while the ones who are just there for the trader can leave.. That might serve to unite the guilds a little more

So, what do you guys think?
  • Tandor
    I've long argued that in every guild trader location there should be a separate NPC trader through whom anyone can list a few items only at a high rate of commission, with all commission shared between the guilds trading in that location.

    This would enable those with no guild, or those who belong to guilds that have not been successful in getting a trader, to sell their goods without in any way detracting from trading guilds.
  • UltimaJoe777
    I think text chat and a crowded area will suffice. I mean what reason would Guild Traders have to exist if you don't need a guild for it?
    Edited by UltimaJoe777 on July 29, 2016 8:50PM
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • Daemons_Bane
    That's not really the same though? Having access to only a few selling slots, for people outside a guild, would, I think, just see that the system would not really be used by other than guild members
  • jedtb16_ESO
    here we go again...
  • Daemons_Bane
    Srry, but this is not a topic I have noticed before :smile: Was just a random thought that came to me earlier
  • Danksta
    I used to be in a strictly trading guild. You know how many of the 400+ members I ever communicated with? One, it was the GM and only once here on these forums so I could join. There was absolutely no social aspect to the guild, so you can be a "lone wolf" and still be in a trading guild.
    BawKinTackWarDs PS4/NA

  • Ghost-Shot
    I think there should be a draw back for this "lone wolf" approach, MMO's are a social experience, join a guild. And if all you care about is selling stuff and really don't want to socialize with people, you can create a chat tab with g-chat turned off.
  • jedtb16_ESO
    Srry, but this is not a topic I have noticed before :smile: Was just a random thought that came to me earlier

    its a variation on a theme

    so if i'm in a social guild with not trader and no intention of getting a trader i can't use this auction house sorry npc trader.... is that right?
  • Ghost-Shot
    Srry, but this is not a topic I have noticed before :smile: Was just a random thought that came to me earlier

    its a variation on a theme

    so if i'm in a social guild with not trader and no intention of getting a trader i can't use this auction house sorry npc trader.... is that right?

    It's really a shame you can only join 1 guild...
  • Daemons_Bane
    Ghost-Shot wrote: »
    I think there should be a draw back for this "lone wolf" approach, MMO's are a social experience, join a guild. And if all you care about is selling stuff and really don't want to socialize with people, you can create a chat tab with g-chat turned off.

    MMO are not specifically about a social experience.. It's a game with multiple people, allowing the OPTION for socializing :smile: I agree that a guild is a cool and enjoyable experience, but some don't.. I think those people should be allowed to sell things too.. It would even fit into the whole medieval feel :) Some random adventurer comes to town after a long trip, wants to sell a few trinkets he's picked up along the way in some old forgotten dungeon.. Being the wandering type, he's not associated with any particular guild of merchants, so he seeks out the local traders instead
  • DenMoria
    Danksta wrote: »
    I used to be in a strictly trading guild. You know how many of the 400+ members I ever communicated with? One, it was the GM and only once here on these forums so I could join. There was absolutely no social aspect to the guild, so you can be a "lone wolf" and still be in a trading guild.

    Do those still exist? I would love to find one. I'm not much of a "free-market" kind of person and I am certainly not social by any means.

    I prefer random hook-ups in dark alleys and dumping excess stuff I don't want to sell in to somebody else's bank for public consumption.

  • Danksta
    DenMoria wrote: »
    Danksta wrote: »
    I used to be in a strictly trading guild. You know how many of the 400+ members I ever communicated with? One, it was the GM and only once here on these forums so I could join. There was absolutely no social aspect to the guild, so you can be a "lone wolf" and still be in a trading guild.

    Do those still exist? I would love to find one. I'm not much of a "free-market" kind of person and I am certainly not social by any means.

    I prefer random hook-ups in dark alleys and dumping excess stuff I don't want to sell in to somebody else's bank for public consumption.


    DIRTY!!! Haha! :lol:

    But yea, I guess they still exist. I found the one I was referring to in the guild recruitment section on these forums. That one kept losing it's trader though so I bailed.
    BawKinTackWarDs PS4/NA

  • DenMoria
    Danksta wrote: »
    DenMoria wrote: »
    Danksta wrote: »
    I used to be in a strictly trading guild. You know how many of the 400+ members I ever communicated with? One, it was the GM and only once here on these forums so I could join. There was absolutely no social aspect to the guild, so you can be a "lone wolf" and still be in a trading guild.

    Do those still exist? I would love to find one. I'm not much of a "free-market" kind of person and I am certainly not social by any means.

    I prefer random hook-ups in dark alleys and dumping excess stuff I don't want to sell in to somebody else's bank for public consumption.


    DIRTY!!! Haha! :lol:

    But yea, I guess they still exist. I found the one I was referring to in the guild recruitment section on these forums. That one kept losing it's trader though so I bailed.

    I'll have to take a look. I dropped all my guilds last night 'cause they're all so terribly social. Now I just need to find trader only ones.
  • Tipsy
    What about a flea merchant that would offer players a deal when their item expired and didn't sell for the price they wanted.
    When players place an item for sale they get to select an option if they want their item to to go to the flea market if it doesn't sell.
    Th flea merchant will make you an offer which you can take or leave.
    The player also get the option to swap the item for an item of same value instead of payment if they wish.
    The flea market is accessible for any player

    Ther has been another interesting topic about guild horses a while ago
    Edited by Tipsy on July 29, 2016 9:32PM
  • Daemons_Bane
    Not the horse :smiley: The flea merchant idea is more to my liking, if not just for the mechanics.. I can already imagine a greey Baandari like trader that tries to lure the item away from you hehe
  • DenMoria
    Is it wrong that I want to sell items at far below the prices that others are asking for them?

    Example: Guild store (one of the ones I dropped) the other day selling Blessed Thistle @ 1500 each. I had about 50 of them in my inventory (I find them all over the place in Morrowind) so I considered putting out 40 of them at 50 each.

    I suppose that would make the other folks mad, but, honestly, I have 29 regen rings or 240 + health items or paldrouns or weapons and staves that low level players could get some use out of rather than going and searching for them that I'm just going to break down for parts anyhow.

    Maybe I'm just evil, or maybe I just want to annoy greedy people. Not sure which, but either will work for me.

    Anybody need a green Night Mother's Pauldron that I haven't bothered to upgrade? I'll just give it to you. I have no use for it and I don't feel like searching for the whole set.
  • Daemons_Bane
    You can mail it to @Daemons_Bane ingame :) I always love items.. And to your question on whether undercutting is right or wrong, I'd say no.. The way I see it, if you are happy with 50G, then sell for 50G
  • Unsent.Soul
    Simply put, If you don't want to be in a trade guild, then there are vendors... those are your merchants... see how pathetic the prices are for your items there? Deal with it or join a trade guild.

    Don't play the "lone wolf" crap and expect to be handed a trader because you're too lazy or don't care.
    Danksta wrote: »
    I used to be in a strictly trading guild. You know how many of the 400+ members I ever communicated with? One, it was the GM and only once here on these forums so I could join. There was absolutely no social aspect to the guild, so you can be a "lone wolf" and still be in a trading guild.

    My point exactly.

  • Daemons_Bane
    Simply put, If you don't want to be in a trade guild, then there are vendors... those are your merchants... see how pathetic the prices are for your items there? Deal with it or join a trade guild.

    Don't play the "lone wolf" crap and expect to be handed a trader because you're too lazy or don't care.

    Why are you so aggressive???? There's room for all of us in the game, and the possibility for all of us to play the way we like.. Why would it ruin the game for you if people got a 2nd opportunity to conduct their business if they don't like being in a guild?
  • Unsent.Soul
    Simply put, If you don't want to be in a trade guild, then there are vendors... those are your merchants... see how pathetic the prices are for your items there? Deal with it or join a trade guild.

    Don't play the "lone wolf" crap and expect to be handed a trader because you're too lazy or don't care.

    Why are you so aggressive???? There's room for all of us in the game, and the possibility for all of us to play the way we like.. Why would it ruin the game for you if people got a 2nd opportunity to conduct their business if they don't like being in a guild?

    Maybe because these ideas have been floating around for 2+ years... nothing has happened, has it?

    Your idea isn't as fresh and creative as you thought, or the hundreds like you.

    No aggression here, sorry if it seems that way...
  • bryanhaas
    So :smile: Some people, for one reason or another, don't feel like being part of a guild, prefering the lone wolf aproach to the game.. What I feel that we lack, is a trader for said people.. Like the rest of us, they have stuff to sell that other people might like to buy.. Instead of spamming WTS in the chat, how about allowing them to access a "region salesman" or something like that? There are merchants everywhere, so why not tap into that resource, but only for people outside guilds.. Give them 30 slots to fill up with items, and make it work like a guild trader.. Any player will be able to access the merchant, browsing the goods, and the player will be mailed his gold as usual..
    Furthermore, I suggest allowing them the possibility of selling items at 2-3 traders, so that he won't be as effective as a player with max guilds, but not locked in only 1 city either.. I think this system could be pretty great with some adjustments, as I have surely not taken everything into account here.. But the main point is that it's an option that is only available to people with no guilds, so they can get rid of their stuff.. Another advantage of this, could be that the guilds might get sorted their members.. The ones who actually want a guild will stay, while the ones who are just there for the trader can leave.. That might serve to unite the guilds a little more

    So, what do you guys think?

    There are plenty of trade guilds why would they not be acceptable? You don't really have to participate other they give gold to pay for said trader.
    PS4 NA AD GM formerly known as GM of "The Children of the Void"

    9 trait crafter I do all the things (Yes I mean ALL the things ;0).

    Price list:
    Youtube: MaulochBaal
  • DenMoria
    Simply put, If you don't want to be in a trade guild, then there are vendors... those are your merchants... see how pathetic the prices are for your items there? Deal with it or join a trade guild.

    Don't play the "lone wolf" crap and expect to be handed a trader because you're too lazy or don't care.
    Danksta wrote: »
    I used to be in a strictly trading guild. You know how many of the 400+ members I ever communicated with? One, it was the GM and only once here on these forums so I could join. There was absolutely no social aspect to the guild, so you can be a "lone wolf" and still be in a trading guild.

    My point exactly.

    Well excuse me princess. Just don't care about the dern "in-game economy". At least the in-game vendors don't jack the prices through the roof.

    Some of us aren't playing the game to be tycoons or to be barraged with dumb notifications every 10 minutes from people we will never interact with.

    Don't tell me, you're a PvPer almost exclusively or one of those "Achievement" or "Leader Board" chasers that believe that a video-game is the best way to be competitive and bully other people.
  • DenMoria
    Simply put, If you don't want to be in a trade guild, then there are vendors... those are your merchants... see how pathetic the prices are for your items there? Deal with it or join a trade guild.

    Don't play the "lone wolf" crap and expect to be handed a trader because you're too lazy or don't care.

    Why are you so aggressive???? There's room for all of us in the game, and the possibility for all of us to play the way we like.. Why would it ruin the game for you if people got a 2nd opportunity to conduct their business if they don't like being in a guild?


    Guess I'll stick with the in-game vendors then. I'm currently level 19 with 400K+ socked away in my personal bank space and have never once used a trader, so, apparently I'm doing something wrong.
  • Rastoide
    Danksta wrote: »
    I used to be in a strictly trading guild. You know how many of the 400+ members I ever communicated with? One, it was the GM and only once here on these forums so I could join. There was absolutely no social aspect to the guild, so you can be a "lone wolf" and still be in a trading guild.

    Lol, i might consider joining one of those, ty

    Personally I too find myself walking the lone wolf path, but its not like i'm not a social person. I just have experience in games, and I know people can be nice, but people can also ruin your game experience. Another reason involves personal attachments and compromises I dont want to have (yet?), because I just want to feel free and enjoy the game itself. May I find a cool group one day and I might join them for more adventures. For now, I want to be the only newbie I know of xD

    Aaaand, yes, I like the OP idea. Right now I sell my junk to NPCs, and I was forced to refrain from looting provisioning and making food since its litterally worthless, and as much as I want those buffs, my inventory/bank slots aren't enough, and my economy is tight. Lol..
  • Gargath
    So :smile: Some people, for one reason or another, don't feel like being part of a guild, prefering the lone wolf aproach to the game..

    So, what do you guys think?

    I think that you should accept invite from a guild which have trader somewhere in the wild, the most cheapest one thus you would not be forced to make weekly donation or sell to avoid being kicked or to keep the trader in good location. I'm sure there are plenty of guilds with lone wolfs, people who never speak on guild chat or participate in guild activities, or never respond to invites for a dungeon...
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • Daemons_Bane
    Simply put, If you don't want to be in a trade guild, then there are vendors... those are your merchants... see how pathetic the prices are for your items there? Deal with it or join a trade guild.

    Don't play the "lone wolf" crap and expect to be handed a trader because you're too lazy or don't care.

    Why are you so aggressive???? There's room for all of us in the game, and the possibility for all of us to play the way we like.. Why would it ruin the game for you if people got a 2nd opportunity to conduct their business if they don't like being in a guild?

    Maybe because these ideas have been floating around for 2+ years... nothing has happened, has it?

    Your idea isn't as fresh and creative as you thought, or the hundreds like you.

    No aggression here, sorry if it seems that way...

    99% of the ideas posted are no longer original, but I have truly not seen this in the 5-6 months I have been back here.. If you do not wish to come off as aggressive, try and moderate your language for a start, and come into the discussion in a more calm/polite manner.. You can easily be a part of a discussion in a civil way..
    On another point, there's no reason to attack me, since I have never said that this was an idea that was of interest to me personally.. I have my guilds and I am happy for them.. But there are, and will always be, people that prefer not to group up with others.. Yes I know that you can be part of a guild and just not socialize, but this is not the same as being truly free of them.. The way I see it, there is simply something that can be improved upon without too much work from the developers

  • DenMoria
    bryanhaas wrote: »
    So :smile: Some people, for one reason or another, don't feel like being part of a guild, prefering the lone wolf aproach to the game.. What I feel that we lack, is a trader for said people.. Like the rest of us, they have stuff to sell that other people might like to buy.. Instead of spamming WTS in the chat, how about allowing them to access a "region salesman" or something like that? There are merchants everywhere, so why not tap into that resource, but only for people outside guilds.. Give them 30 slots to fill up with items, and make it work like a guild trader.. Any player will be able to access the merchant, browsing the goods, and the player will be mailed his gold as usual..
    Furthermore, I suggest allowing them the possibility of selling items at 2-3 traders, so that he won't be as effective as a player with max guilds, but not locked in only 1 city either.. I think this system could be pretty great with some adjustments, as I have surely not taken everything into account here.. But the main point is that it's an option that is only available to people with no guilds, so they can get rid of their stuff.. Another advantage of this, could be that the guilds might get sorted their members.. The ones who actually want a guild will stay, while the ones who are just there for the trader can leave.. That might serve to unite the guilds a little more

    So, what do you guys think?

    There are plenty of trade guilds why would they not be acceptable? You don't really have to participate other they give gold to pay for said trader.

    But why? Why am I supporting a trader that I don't interact with? Is it because they're at a location that I'll probably never come to anyhow but others like it?

    I think one of the other posters has a point. Me, I'm not interested in "selling" my items, unless I can undercut the outrageous price requests of some people. Chances are, whatever trader I'm seeing (and let me tell you, I've looked at more than a few) are overcharging incredibly for items (for some reason, particularly low level crafting items - I can see gold resources or very powerful weapons or armor, but 10K for a blue resto/lightning staff? Who are they kidding).

    Example: My 12th level sorceress wanted to upgrade her weapon and didn't have the skill up yet, so she went to her mages guild. Guess what! They had a blue lightninging/frost staff (just what she was looking for) doing 311 for 5500. She though, cool! I have plenty of gold and bought it (since she's upgraded it and changed out one of the runes). She happened to peek in to a guild trader she happened to be passing and the exact same staff was on sale for 15000! What? What kind of fool would spend that much?

    Another example: Need a couple of wormwood to complete a writ and didn't feel like looking for any. Went to a few in-game vendors, nothing. Check a couple of traders. Yay! Had some.. wait? what? 1700 each! Who were they kidding. Happened to know where I could pick about 12 of them in an area, although it would take me 10 minutes to get there so I just went and picked them for free.

    Maybe those of us who would like to just turn in our excess rather then sell it should just sell it to the ingame vendors. It's easy, they're everywhere (even just wandering the landscape) and there aren't any complications.
    Edited by DenMoria on July 29, 2016 9:59PM
  • Unsent.Soul
    DenMoria wrote: »
    Simply put, If you don't want to be in a trade guild, then there are vendors... those are your merchants... see how pathetic the prices are for your items there? Deal with it or join a trade guild.

    Don't play the "lone wolf" crap and expect to be handed a trader because you're too lazy or don't care.
    Danksta wrote: »
    I used to be in a strictly trading guild. You know how many of the 400+ members I ever communicated with? One, it was the GM and only once here on these forums so I could join. There was absolutely no social aspect to the guild, so you can be a "lone wolf" and still be in a trading guild.

    My point exactly.

    Well excuse me princess. Just don't care about the dern "in-game economy". At least the in-game vendors don't jack the prices through the roof.

    Some of us aren't playing the game to be tycoons or to be barraged with dumb notifications every 10 minutes from people we will never interact with.

    Don't tell me, you're a PvPer almost exclusively or one of those "Achievement" or "Leader Board" chasers that believe that a video-game is the best way to be competitive and bully other people.

    Slow your bike there kiddo, never once did I say anything about being elitist, but you sure do assume quite a bit.

    Never once have I bullied anyone, either. You just look foolish.
  • DenMoria
    Gargath wrote: »
    So :smile: Some people, for one reason or another, don't feel like being part of a guild, prefering the lone wolf aproach to the game..

    So, what do you guys think?

    I think that you should accept invite from a guild which have trader somewhere in the wild, the most cheapest one thus you would not be forced to make weekly donation or sell to avoid being kicked or to keep the trader in good location. I'm sure there are plenty of guilds with lone wolfs, people who never speak on guild chat or participate in guild activities, or never respond to invites for a dungeon...

    Maybe I should just start one or two for us to use. What do you think @Daemons_Bane;281592?
  • Unsent.Soul
    DenMoria wrote: »
    Gargath wrote: »
    So :smile: Some people, for one reason or another, don't feel like being part of a guild, prefering the lone wolf aproach to the game..

    So, what do you guys think?

    I think that you should accept invite from a guild which have trader somewhere in the wild, the most cheapest one thus you would not be forced to make weekly donation or sell to avoid being kicked or to keep the trader in good location. I'm sure there are plenty of guilds with lone wolfs, people who never speak on guild chat or participate in guild activities, or never respond to invites for a dungeon...

    Maybe I should just start one or two for us to use. What do you think @Daemons_Bane;281592?

    Thats a great idea, now you just need 48 more people to tag along. Enjoy the bidding as well.

    See, there's your solution!
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