ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Funny story there. This change was actually a bug (a very old one), and it was never intended that health bars be invisible while under the effect of consumables. That said, we've heard your feedback, and will be reverting this change in a future incremental patch.
Increasing duration of food and drinks on racials is pointless. Food and drinks last long enough and they are easy to make and simple to open the inventory and refresh it when it runs out. Buff their actual effect and NOT their duration.
A lot of us use health recovery because it meshes with DK passives, along with the heavy armor that many of us have retreated into. So if you need to nerf something to put this max stamina in nerf frost resistance. Make it 1% frost resistance or something.
Also, if you buff drinks actual effect then you won't have to nerf health recovery because the drinks will restore the lost health recovery. A lot of us use health recovery because it meshes with DK passives, along with the heavy armor that many of us have retreated into.
ZOS fix the mess you made with the sorcerer class!
Start with the inadequate passives, non-existent instant heals and missing defensive abilities, then address shield duration.
Yet more proof that people who do not play this game do not understand the implications of the changes they make. Enjoy the racial balancing firestorm incoming. So many "smack head" moments reading these patch notes - which don't even add much to the game - and the damage these thoughtless changes do to all our hard work is hard to overstate.
jknight201 wrote: »
The sorc problems are real. I guess everyone *but* you sees them. You just aren't hearing as much about them anymore because most people have accepted that Zos is too incompetent to balance classes in their game and have move on to other things/other games.
EmstCntRob wrote: »Please boost breton a bit as well and give them magic damage extra, right now there is no apperent reason to pick a breton except its not an elf or beast race. if you want a bit more balance thats a good start.
Item Sets
- Blessing of the Potentates: Fixed an issue where this item set’s Ultimate cost reduction bonus was not multiplicative with other sources of Ultimate cost reduction.
- Coat of the Red Mountain: Significantly increased this item set’s Flame Damage proc, but it can now only occur once every 2 seconds.
- Darkstride: This item set now reduces the cost of Sprint and Crouch by 50%, up from 35%.
- Footman’s Fortune: Reduced the amount of block mitigation provided by this item set to 8%, down from 12%.
- Healer’s Habit: This item set’s bonus has been changed to grant Minor Mending.
- Hide of the Werewolf: Updated this item set’s 2-, 3-, and 4-piece bonuses to provide Max Health, Max Stamina, and Weapon Damage, respectively, rather than providing Physical Resist, Max Health, and Max Stamina.
- Ice Furnace: This item set’s Flame Damage proc damage has been increased, and it now hits all targets within an 8 meter radius.
- Leeching Plate: Fixed an issue where the heal from this item set’s proc was double-dipping in the Critical Strike Chance modifier.
- Necropotence: This item set’s Max Magicka bonus has been changed to a flat value instead of a percentage.
- Robes of Destruction Mastery: This item set’s Max Magicka bonus has been changed to a flat value instead of a percentage.
- Robes of the Necromancer: This item set no longer drops at end-game levels (Champion 160.) The set will be adjusted and reintroduced in a later update.
- Savior’s Hide: This item set now also increases your Weapon Damage while in Werewolf form in addition to reducing the Werewolf Transformation cost.
- Silks of the Sun: This item set now increases your Flame Damage by a flat amount instead of a percentage.
- Storm Knight’s Plate: Increased the proc chance on this item set to 10%, up from 5%, and significantly increased the proc’s Shock Damage. Also, updated this item set’s 3- and 4-piece bonuses to provide Spell Resistance and Max Health, respectively, rather than providing Spell Damage for both.
- Syrabane’s Grip: Clarified the tooltip for this item set’s proc to say that it only functions when blocking an ability that deals Flame, Frost, Shock, or Magic Damage. The proc can now only occur once every second.
- Varen’s Wall: Fixed an issue where this item set’s bonus damage to your next area-of-effect attack was only applying to one target hit, instead of all targets hit.
Chilla_Deluxe wrote: »
Not rly, my friend and a few others guys i know still run sorcs and are equally as strong pre DB release as they are now. Learn to not run around with perma shields and cast when needed.
@Isarii I'm assuming not. It says the items you obtain from these chests will scale to your current level, meaning that when you get them from the chest, they will be scaled to your current level and not capped at CP140. To me, it doesn't suggest that they will continue to scale after you've obtained them.Hey @ZOS_JessicaFolsom, just to make certain I'm reading this right:
Does this mean that previously acquired items will be bumped up when the gear cap is raised?
I want to make sure it doesn't just mean that they'll scale to your level at the time of the chest opening before I start celebrating.
Indeed. Personally, I wasn't expecting more than 180, but I was expecting at least 39, but more realistically 69 or 99 (since 540, 570 and 600 are nice numbers).I see a few people complaining about cp cap only going up 30 points but remember they're trying to level a playing field giving a chance to newer players to catch up as well.
Nord 20 percent health recovery from 30 percent!? Really? Thanks for messing with my health recovery orgnam nightblade tank.
Nerf not needed. It hardly effects things and just upsets players. Leave it at 30. Still not as powerful as most classes.
A lot of us have been asking for this specifically apart from and before the pts. Now that it's RP it's like they have frozen it from possibility. Maybe they could slide frost resistance into the RP section instead.jaibierwb17_ESO wrote: »
Except that first racial is supposed to be something useless (For pve/pvp gameplay anyway) - like swim speed, fall damage, pickpocketing and (miniscule) increases to xp/gold etc. So if they were to buff the effect of the food/drink, those classes would have an actual advantage in combat. Those passives are just meant to be something a little unique and lore based.
RedVyperOfDorne wrote: »
You literally have 2 other non class heals you can use and 4K to burst under that, alongside a damage shield and major mending...don't forget to flap those wings and L 2 P.