Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.2.3 on the PTS on Monday at 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC).

Time for Radiant Destruction to be nerfed

  • KrishakPanettier
    Sign the Petition.. No More Nerfs -- no more NERF talk. Players play, Developers develop. Period.
    Krishak Kringle aka KrishakPanettier, Templar (PSN:KrishakPanettier)
    -- PS4 NA --

    PVP, PVE, and Trader Guild Leader
    - Rent-A-Zerg Mercs AD (one-time large AD PVP Guild - now PVP, PVE, dungeons, trials, and crafting)
    - Shadow Exiles AD (merged into RAZ AD)
    - Recruiting all levels, for help all in-game content. Not just PVP anymore. Not just AD.

    - Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/RAZ.AD
    - Facebook: www.facebook.com/ShadowExiles
    - Twitter: @ShadowExiles
    - www: www.shadowexiles.com
  • Van_0S
    sAnn92 wrote: »
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    sAnn92 wrote: »
    @AfkNinja @SwaminoNowlino @Zheg @bowmanz607
    You all are kidding, right? The video is an obvious joke, how RD keeps ticking even when the caster is DEAD, due to some crazy bug. I think some of you really need to chill down a bit

    If it's a joke maybe you should have said so? lol. These threads pop up every stinking day and the evidence gets worse every time, how do you expect people to react? I don't even play magplar but I am sick of reading about jbeam.

    Edit: Strider thought it was serious too! LOL

    Oh, are you really going to blame me because of you seeing what you wanted too see instead what I actually posted?

    Look, the skill is strong, can we agree on that? It's also causing some unwarranted issues in particular situations, mainly spamers and zergs. I'm not saying it needs a nerf Per se, but maybe some tweaks. Or you honestly think it's perfectly fine as it is?

    Just play a templar and you will known why this skill is necessary for a templar.
    Templar have a poor ultimate, some bug skills and no mobility.

    RD is what make this class overcome its weakness especially for a magplar.

    Its like taking conceal weapon/ surprise attack away from NB.( that skill stuns the target when the caster is in stealth)
  • Van_0S
    Well, if RD gets nerfed then there is no hope for templar.

    Also ZOS are easy to presude by winners and streamers with $$$
    Well, we will see if that's true.
    Edited by Van_0S on May 20, 2016 12:25AM
  • Strider_Roshin
    The only BS being spewed is by you guys defending this move. This move hits for 35 -47k damage per tick in PvE. This ability will only be balanced if it's dodge-able, and if it no longer double dips from the champion tree.
  • Ep1kMalware
    If it's that bad you can't playstyle against it, you could rather: intelligently ask that it does half damage in pop (doesn't it already?) rather than, you know, alienating another pve class because you can't l2p and put some champion points into thick skinned.

  • Wycks
    They keep messing around with this stupid spell, it needs to be removed from the game and they need to give temps something better that requires skill and doesn't frustrate everyone on the planet.
    The numbers thing is always going to be there, but it’s more down to player skill and there are ways through ability choice to configure a group to be stronger vs. large groups of people. - BRAIN WHEELER - 2012 - LOL
  • Nifty2g
    blabafat wrote: »
    Death stroke was nerfed by 4.5%.



    If you were doing 10K with it, you'll be doing 9.55K


    It didn't even need a nerf. RD can kill people from 75% health for crying it loud.
    You know what else can kill people at 75% health? Every other ability in this game if you don't counter it
  • itscompton
    blabafat wrote: »
    Death stroke was nerfed by 4.5%.



    If you were doing 10K with it, you'll be doing 9.55K


    It didn't even need a nerf. RD can kill people from 75% health for crying it loud. This ability is probably the most OP move in the game, and it's not even an ultimate. If any move needs to be adjusted, it's this one.

    Now it's 75%? Last week it was 40%. Damn, RD just keeps getting better and better :smiley:

    I don't use one. I get my information from my friend that plays as one. She states that the move is OP, and she usually casts the ability when her opponent is at 75% health. When she PvPs with another templar they both spam RD on a single target and murder them. This move is not balanced. Not even slightly

    Idiots that spam radiant destruction on me when I'm at full health make me laugh. I hit them with a dark flare then sweeps then hit them with my own radiant when they hit 20% and they lay dead while I've lost maybe 4000 health. If your two friends tried that with me I'd wipe them both without breaking a sweat.
    Edited by itscompton on May 20, 2016 5:15AM
  • Van_0S
    The only BS being spewed is by you guys defending this move. This move hits for 35 -47k damage per tick in PvE. This ability will only be balanced if it's dodge-able, and if it no longer double dips from the champion tree.

    Come on, now!
    Next, what will you say? Nerf burning light/ sun shield/repentance or just nerf them to the ground so that they can be punching bags for you.
  • Ep1kMalware
    itscompton wrote: »
    blabafat wrote: »
    Death stroke was nerfed by 4.5%.



    If you were doing 10K with it, you'll be doing 9.55K


    It didn't even need a nerf. RD can kill people from 75% health for crying it loud. This ability is probably the most OP move in the game, and it's not even an ultimate. If any move needs to be adjusted, it's this one.

    Now it's 75%? Last week it was 40%. Damn, RD just keeps getting better and better :smiley:

    I don't use one. I get my information from my friend that plays as one. She states that the move is OP, and she usually casts the ability when her opponent is at 75% health. When she PvPs with another templar they both spam RD on a single target and murder them. This move is not balanced. Not even slightly

    Idiots that spam radiant destruction on me when I'm at full health make me laugh. I hit them with a dark flare then sweeps then hit them with my own radiant when they hit 20% and they lay dead while I've lost maybe 4000 health. If your two friends tried that with me I'd wipe them both without breaking a sweat.

    Yup. Binding javelin. caltrops, nova, arrow barrage, poison injection crit rush and biting jabs can all be applied before the duration of the binding javelin stun. ZOS PLZ NERF USING MORE THAN 1 SKILL!

    Seriously though I've whiped 4-6 man groups doing this in pvp. If I'm farming monsters teeth I ocasionally see large AP ticks. Guess someone gap closed into my aoe. On one lucky occasion I killed enough people that half the city lost internet because of how much t bagging I had over my corpse.

    This is seriously a L2P issue at its finest.
    Edited by Ep1kMalware on May 20, 2016 6:35AM
  • Lava_Croft
    Decrease the range.
  • Van_0S
    Lava_Croft wrote: »
    Decrease the range.

    Kris, its never about the range!
    If ZOS nerfs the range then they will still be whiners complaining about the damage.

    The dodgerolls are the ones that love to complain about RD because they infinite dodgeroll everything.( they are more shuffle dodgeroll in cyrodiil, nowadays)

    NB can just cloak this RD.( I have done this many times and never got killed by RD)
    DK as to put their shield buff and block.
    Lastly, any class can avoid RD by moving around an obstacle.
    Edited by Van_0S on May 20, 2016 7:21AM
  • Brrrofski
    Van_0S wrote: »
    maxjapank wrote: »
    Templars as a whole are OP. Strongest heals, a class reflect, your defense buff gives you minor protection as well, your HoT also damages your opponents for the same amount, and snares them, you have a class purge, the most powerful execute, the strongest range attack, and your jabs hits like a freaking truck against a single target while doing AoE damage on top of it, and the majority of your attacks double dip from the champion tree. Templars are in need of a nerf across the board.

    @AfkNinja pretty much said it all. But I would suggest that you roll a Templar for yourself and see what you can and cannot do. I say this because it will help you to make better arguments rather than make irrational ones like you did above.

    First off, Magicka Templar heals are strong. They always have been. It's part of our identity as a class. And it was nerfed recently. Breath of life only hits for one secondary heal rather than two. It has also been further nerfed with this upcoming patch. Breath of life is now affected by los. So...no more healing through walls or floors for our teammates. This is really huge, but I take it in stride because in reality, it is a good change. I will adapt.

    Secondly....class reflect? /cough Ummm....noone uses it, mate. It's there unmorphed and collecting dust.

    Third. Defense buff. Yes, we get a defense buff when we use Rune Focus. It's the last skill in our Restoring Focus tree so it should be powerful. The buff lasts 8 secs. And will reapply if we run through it again or cast it again. Just so you know, this has also been nerfed. It used to last 18 secs. And later, though the defense buff was nerfed to 8 secs, the Magicka regen from one morph continued to last for 18 secs anyways. This...however, was changed with TG. Everything only lasts 8 secs.

    Is this defense buff powerful? Yes. But it forces the Templar to stay near his little Rune Focus, or cast it again when moving. Nightblades get this buff anytime they use a skill from the Shadow Skill tree. So Nightblades can be both offensive and receive defensive buffs at the same time. Sounds nice, doesn't it. Classes are different, mate.

    Fourth. A HoT that damages opponents. You are talking about the new upcoming changes to Cleansing Ritual. The new morph, Ritual of Retribution. A big hint...just for you....80% of Templars will not use this morph. Why? There is an armor set that nerfs our healing by 50% when we damage the person wearing that armor. So this person will just stand in our Ritual of Retribution and I will be healing for next to nothing. Maybe you won't wear this armor set...but someone will...and I can't just change morphs on the fly. So no thank you. I'll take the other that only snares you.

    Fifth. This is getting long. So very quickly. Purge? Yes. It part of being a Templar. An powerful execute? Yes. And different from other exectues. There are pluses and minuses. Roll a Templar, mate. You'll see. Strong Range Attack? Yes. Dark Flare is strong. But it has a cast time...a very looonng cast time. And it travels soooo slow with a very high arc. Easy to refect and dodge. Roll a Templar, mate. See how many times you can get that to land when dueling or in a small group fight. And aoe attack? Your talking Sweeps. Yes it is strong. But a channel. And good players will side-step it or run through it. How about a Nightblades? Both stamina and magicka have access to instant aoe attacks. Steel Tornado? Sap Essence? Must be nice to have a very mobile aoe spell. But hey..different classes have different things.

    If you really think Templars are so OP, then go roll one and see for yourself.

    Agree, what he said and @AfkNinja .

    The problem is these guys watch these streamers like sypher and frengrush!
    So, those guys never play a templar.
    If those streamers could play a templar then these guys will understand!

    But even they don't think they are OP.

    They just hate someone being breath of lifed though walls and such. Which is incredibly annoying. Fighting a guy outside a keep and a templar is healing himself inside and also the guy outside. That is broken. Glad it's being sorted next patch.

    To the guy calling templar op lol... A strong heal, a purge, a strong execute. Major mending. Granted.

    You forgot clumsy dps. Sweeps is a channel, so can be moved around. Dark flare takes forever to cast, locks you onto that bar for a split second (which does get me killed sometimes), takes forever to land so can be dodged or blocked incredibly easilly and also can be reflected.

    You forgot lack of good CCs. Templar is the only class with a non blockade CC. They have two CCs. One is a gap closer so it needs a range and also, it doesn't even work most the time. Like, you don't know rage until you try to set up but on a templar, they block the comet, your det goes off and you're standing 10 foot away just stocking your spear. Second cc is javelin. A cc then can easilly be blocked or dodged. Also, reflected... To then cc the templar. Super fun knocking noobs off keep with it though. No access to roots either by the way, like all other classes.

    You forgot ultimates. Worst in the game. There's a swining spear worse than dawnbreaker with a stupid tiny radius. How many times you been hit with it? Exactly. Nova. 250(I think) cost. Dropped from above. BOOM! Oh, they walked out of it. Should have CCed or rooted them. Oh wait. Then the healing ult. Ummm...when's the last time you saw a nb using the healing morph of soul tether? Yeh, exactly. With dawnbreaker going physical next patch, it leaves ice comet. One viable ultimate. Nobody else suffers with that.

    They're pretty big drawbacks. To call a templar OP is pretty ridiculous. Roll a magica Templar. Fight a nightblade, magica sorc or stam Dk in a one on one. If you're close to evenly skilled, it's their fight to lose.

    I've PvPed a lot on all 8 of my characters. Stam and magica. I have no bias towards or against any class. I don't think Rd is OP. It's strong, but people thinking it hurts at 50% are delirious. It does nothing. A good templar won't even use it till around 30%.

    It is annoying when you're outnumbered and someone is spamming it on you from the back. But so is snipe. So is a sorc unleashing overload. And they will end you way quicker than Rd will. Any skill someone is spamming from afar in a zerg is annoying. But they have the numbers so the luxury of doing it. RD just has an obvious beam so you know it's happening. Coupled with the threads on here, peolle notice it even more.
    Edited by Brrrofski on May 20, 2016 7:20AM
  • Van_0S
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Van_0S wrote: »
    maxjapank wrote: »
    Templars as a whole are OP. Strongest heals, a class reflect, your defense buff gives you minor protection as well, your HoT also damages your opponents for the same amount, and snares them, you have a class purge, the most powerful execute, the strongest range attack, and your jabs hits like a freaking truck against a single target while doing AoE damage on top of it, and the majority of your attacks double dip from the champion tree. Templars are in need of a nerf across the board.

    @AfkNinja pretty much said it all. But I would suggest that you roll a Templar for yourself and see what you can and cannot do. I say this because it will help you to make better arguments rather than make irrational ones like you did above.

    First off, Magicka Templar heals are strong. They always have been. It's part of our identity as a class. And it was nerfed recently. Breath of life only hits for one secondary heal rather than two. It has also been further nerfed with this upcoming patch. Breath of life is now affected by los. So...no more healing through walls or floors for our teammates. This is really huge, but I take it in stride because in reality, it is a good change. I will adapt.

    Secondly....class reflect? /cough Ummm....noone uses it, mate. It's there unmorphed and collecting dust.

    Third. Defense buff. Yes, we get a defense buff when we use Rune Focus. It's the last skill in our Restoring Focus tree so it should be powerful. The buff lasts 8 secs. And will reapply if we run through it again or cast it again. Just so you know, this has also been nerfed. It used to last 18 secs. And later, though the defense buff was nerfed to 8 secs, the Magicka regen from one morph continued to last for 18 secs anyways. This...however, was changed with TG. Everything only lasts 8 secs.

    Is this defense buff powerful? Yes. But it forces the Templar to stay near his little Rune Focus, or cast it again when moving. Nightblades get this buff anytime they use a skill from the Shadow Skill tree. So Nightblades can be both offensive and receive defensive buffs at the same time. Sounds nice, doesn't it. Classes are different, mate.

    Fourth. A HoT that damages opponents. You are talking about the new upcoming changes to Cleansing Ritual. The new morph, Ritual of Retribution. A big hint...just for you....80% of Templars will not use this morph. Why? There is an armor set that nerfs our healing by 50% when we damage the person wearing that armor. So this person will just stand in our Ritual of Retribution and I will be healing for next to nothing. Maybe you won't wear this armor set...but someone will...and I can't just change morphs on the fly. So no thank you. I'll take the other that only snares you.

    Fifth. This is getting long. So very quickly. Purge? Yes. It part of being a Templar. An powerful execute? Yes. And different from other exectues. There are pluses and minuses. Roll a Templar, mate. You'll see. Strong Range Attack? Yes. Dark Flare is strong. But it has a cast time...a very looonng cast time. And it travels soooo slow with a very high arc. Easy to refect and dodge. Roll a Templar, mate. See how many times you can get that to land when dueling or in a small group fight. And aoe attack? Your talking Sweeps. Yes it is strong. But a channel. And good players will side-step it or run through it. How about a Nightblades? Both stamina and magicka have access to instant aoe attacks. Steel Tornado? Sap Essence? Must be nice to have a very mobile aoe spell. But hey..different classes have different things.

    If you really think Templars are so OP, then go roll one and see for yourself.

    Agree, what he said and @AfkNinja .

    The problem is these guys watch these streamers like sypher and frengrush!
    So, those guys never play a templar.
    If those streamers could play a templar then these guys will understand!

    But even they don't think they are OP.

    They just hate someone being breath of lifed though walls and such. Which is incredibly annoying. Fighting a guy outside a keep and a templar is healing himself inside and also the guy outside. That is broken. Glad it's being sorted next patch.

    To the guy calling templar op lol... A strong heal, a purge, a strong execute. Major mending. Granted.

    You forgot clumsy dps. Sweeps is a channel, so can be moved around. Dark flare takes forever to cast, locks you onto that bar for a split second (which does get me killed sometimes), takes forever to land so can be dodged or blocked incredibly easilly and also can be reflected.

    You forgot lack of good CCs. Templar is the only class with a non blockade CC. They have two CCs. One is a gap closer so it needs a range and also, it doesn't even work most the time. Like, you don't know rage until you try to set up but on a templar, they block the comet, your det goes off and you're standing 10 foot away just stocking your spear. Second cc is javelin. A cc then can easilly be blocked or dodged. Also, reflected... To then cc the templar. Super fun knocking noobs off keep with it though. No access to roots either by the way, like all other classes.

    You forgot ultimates. Worst in the game. There's a swining spear worse than dawnbreaker with a stupid tiny radius. How many times you been hit with it? Exactly. Nova. 250(I think) cost. Dropped from above. BOOM! Oh, they walked out of it. Should have CCed or rooted them. Oh wait. Then the healing ult. Ummm...when's the last time you saw a nb using the healing morph of soul tether? Yeh, exactly. With dawnbreaker going physical next patch, it leaves ice comet. One viable ultimate. Nobody else suffers with that.

    They're pretty big drawbacks. To call a templar OP is pretty ridiculous. Roll a magica Templar. Fight a nightblade, magica sorc or stam Dk in a one on one. If you're close to evenly skilled, it's their fight to lose.

    I've PvPed a lot on all 8 of my characters. Stam and magica. I have no bias towards or against any class. I don't think Rd is OP. It's strong, but people thinking it hurts at 50% are delirious. It does nothing. A good templar won't even use it till around 30%.

    I agree!

    I hope ZOS doesn't nerf this skill in the next patch and later because of whiners.( who don't understand anything but whine)
  • Ryuho
    I won't touch my templar in DB, even with some nice changes we got, still a lot of things need buffs/revamps.

    Probably I will stick to magicka sorc, even with shield changes it will be still great class to play and I think 6s shield will hurt only shieldstacker, as sorc using one shield only I dont care.

    But back to the topic (pvp perspective mostly, I am not pveing much).

    Radiant destruction... Yeah we all like to be jesus beamed :tired_face: to be honest I would prefer to have blinding flashes back so at least I could perform nicly in 1 vs x situations, now it's hard 1 vs x on templar.. No escaper, bassicly we just stand and heal and spam shields, with dawnbreaker changes we will be forced to use sweep which is *** ultimate.. Just so OP class as ***..

    Anyway RD is only strong when som1 is below 50%, it's not the skill whos making us mad, it's cause ppls, templar is great in group play (as I said solo is kinda 1 rank above than mDK) lets say 6 vs 6 scenario, it's normal that enemy templars will look who is below 60% hp and start spamming jesus, why? Because its effective and easy way to kill som1 and get easy AP, and we all like esay AP. Its not the skill itself, its casue ppls who use jesus beam mechanism for their advantages, hiding behind their group and spamming flares + jesus beam combo..

    Is that lame? Ofc it is, but why they shouldn't do that if they will get guaranted kill..

    We cant change ppls, we all love easy kills..

    Nerfing this skill is bad idea, will hurt pve to much, eventually decrease it range to 15 meters.

    But better bring back blinding flashes, such great skill, such great tankiness, I remember when I tanked easy zergs with it and bat swarmed tru them, great moments, epic fights I miss those times so badly, times when templar was great for soloing..

    Edited by Ryuho on May 20, 2016 10:01AM
    The Farron family team (EU)
    sorcerer - Rubeus Farron AR31
    templar - Selene Farron AR27
    nightblade - Ryuho Farron AR25
    stamplar - Nura Farron AR10
    stamsorcerer - Kitty Farron AR14 (adopted member)
    DK - Ryu Farron AR17


    CU - next mmo
  • Ampnode
    Ryuho wrote: »
    I won't touch my templar in DB, even with some nice changes we got, still a lot of things need buffs/revamps.

    Probably I will stick to magicka sorc, even with shield changes it will be still great class to play and I think 6s shield will hurt only shieldstacker, as sorc using one shield only I dont care.

    But back to the topic (pvp perspective mostly, I am not pveing much).

    Radiant destruction... Yeah we all like to be jesus beamed :tired_face: to be honest I would prefer to have blinding flashes back so at least I could perform nicly in 1 vs x situations, now it's hard 1 vs x on templar.. No escaper, bassicly we just stand and heal and spam shields, with dawnbreaker changes we will be forced to use sweep which is *** ultimate.. Just so OP class as ***..

    Anyway RD is only strong when som1 is below 50%, it's not the skill whos making us mad, it's cause ppls, templar is great in group play (as I said solo is kinda 1 rank above than mDK) lets say 6 vs 6 scenario, it's normal that enemy templars will look who is below 60% hp and start spamming jesus, why? Because its effective and easy way to kill som1 and get easy AP, and we all like esay AP. Its not the skill itself, its casue ppls who use jesus beam mechanism for their advantages, hiding behind their group and spamming flares + jesus beam combo..

    Is that lame? Ofc it is, but why they shouldn't do that if they will get guaranted kill..

    We cant change ppls, we all love easy kills..

    Nerfing this skill is bad idea, will hurt pve to much, eventually decrease it range to 15 meters.

    But better bring back blinding flashes, such great skill, such great tankiness, I remember when I tanked easy zergs with it and bat swarmed tru them, great moments, epic fights I miss those times so badly, times when templar was great for soloing..

    Mobs can't dodge, so the nerf we're suggesting wouldn't hurt PvE whatsoever.
    PC NA - CP640+

    Amp - Magicka Nightblade
    Amp - Magicka Sorcerer
    Amp - Magicka Templar
    Amp - Stamina Dragonknight
    Amp - Stamina Templar
    Amp - Magicka Dragonknight
    Amp - Stamina Sorcerer
    Amp - Stamina Nightblade
  • Ishammael
    Brrrofski wrote: »

    Everyone go make a templar. Spam Radiant on everyone. See how far you get.

    This pretty much what happened.
  • Ryuho
    Ampnode wrote: »
    Ryuho wrote: »
    I won't touch my templar in DB, even with some nice changes we got, still a lot of things need buffs/revamps.

    Probably I will stick to magicka sorc, even with shield changes it will be still great class to play and I think 6s shield will hurt only shieldstacker, as sorc using one shield only I dont care.

    But back to the topic (pvp perspective mostly, I am not pveing much).

    Radiant destruction... Yeah we all like to be jesus beamed :tired_face: to be honest I would prefer to have blinding flashes back so at least I could perform nicly in 1 vs x situations, now it's hard 1 vs x on templar.. No escaper, bassicly we just stand and heal and spam shields, with dawnbreaker changes we will be forced to use sweep which is *** ultimate.. Just so OP class as ***..

    Anyway RD is only strong when som1 is below 50%, it's not the skill whos making us mad, it's cause ppls, templar is great in group play (as I said solo is kinda 1 rank above than mDK) lets say 6 vs 6 scenario, it's normal that enemy templars will look who is below 60% hp and start spamming jesus, why? Because its effective and easy way to kill som1 and get easy AP, and we all like esay AP. Its not the skill itself, its casue ppls who use jesus beam mechanism for their advantages, hiding behind their group and spamming flares + jesus beam combo..

    Is that lame? Ofc it is, but why they shouldn't do that if they will get guaranted kill..

    We cant change ppls, we all love easy kills..

    Nerfing this skill is bad idea, will hurt pve to much, eventually decrease it range to 15 meters.

    But better bring back blinding flashes, such great skill, such great tankiness, I remember when I tanked easy zergs with it and bat swarmed tru them, great moments, epic fights I miss those times so badly, times when templar was great for soloing..

    Mobs can't dodge, so the nerf we're suggesting wouldn't hurt PvE whatsoever.

    Have u tested new well fited? Try it.

    Ppls will roll dodge much more now, it will be noticable, ofc we won't have something like we had in 1.5 (rolllling rollling :wink: ) but still it will be hard to counter.

    If channeled abilites (soul assalut, jesus beam, resto/destro heavy) wouldn't hurt dodge rollers they would be able to dodge roll their way out, which is not fair vs magicka classes, especially mDK and mTemplars whos dont have an escape tool...

    The point is only aoes would be able to affect dodge rollers if we would remove above mechanism..

    Better give Evasion possibility to remove channeled abilites upon activation, maybe for 2nd morph..
    Edited by Ryuho on May 20, 2016 12:23PM
    The Farron family team (EU)
    sorcerer - Rubeus Farron AR31
    templar - Selene Farron AR27
    nightblade - Ryuho Farron AR25
    stamplar - Nura Farron AR10
    stamsorcerer - Kitty Farron AR14 (adopted member)
    DK - Ryu Farron AR17


    CU - next mmo
  • AfkNinja

    Sorry mate :P , I feel the need to respond when people are using poor arguments and no facts. I don't even use this skill and I don't care much about it one way or the other. I'd much rather have blinding flashes back. But when someone is using made up numbers and their "friends opinion" trying to get something nerfed and they are ignoring facts I tend to get upset. I'd defend any skill from any class I feel is not broken.


    3,500 dps average is not broken. Your claims of 40k dmg ticks are flat out false. Rewatch the video frame by frame, add up the dmg ticks. 21k TOTAL, almost half of that was overflow dmg. That's not OP.
    Edited by AfkNinja on May 20, 2016 2:47PM
  • Iyas

    Decrease the range would be good enough for pvp and wont rly affect pve
    Edited by Iyas on May 20, 2016 3:04PM
    Noricum/ Kitesquad/ PC/EU

    Kitesquad Vol. 1

  • Chillic
    My healer, all CPs are spec'd for heals with none boosting damage, has only a few skills slotted for damage but they are also for utility. I had 57 killing blows last night. Why, I found Jesus, and he will find that ass with 50-60% health. LOS will save you for a moment but with 50+ people on the screen, many people have found Jesus. I can't disagree that this skill needs to be reworked.
  • AfkNinja
    Chillic wrote: »
    My healer, all CPs are spec'd for heals with none boosting damage, has only a few skills slotted for damage but they are also for utility. I had 57 killing blows last night. Why, I found Jesus, and he will find that ass with 50-60% health. LOS will save you for a moment but with 50+ people on the screen, many people have found Jesus. I can't disagree that this skill needs to be reworked.

    So you're saying you used an execute skill to execute people and as such it should be nerfed because you were able to execute them? Did you look at your combat log to see the actual damage of each tick of Radiant? LOL
  • bowmanz607
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    Chillic wrote: »
    My healer, all CPs are spec'd for heals with none boosting damage, has only a few skills slotted for damage but they are also for utility. I had 57 killing blows last night. Why, I found Jesus, and he will find that ass with 50-60% health. LOS will save you for a moment but with 50+ people on the screen, many people have found Jesus. I can't disagree that this skill needs to be reworked.

    So you're saying you used an execute skill to execute people and as such it should be nerfed because you were able to execute them? Did you look at your combat log to see the actual damage of each tick of Radiant? LOL

    very time i thnk about sying something you have already beat me to it. I am just going to sit back and let you handle it lol
  • bowmanz607
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    Chillic wrote: »
    My healer, all CPs are spec'd for heals with none boosting damage, has only a few skills slotted for damage but they are also for utility. I had 57 killing blows last night. Why, I found Jesus, and he will find that ass with 50-60% health. LOS will save you for a moment but with 50+ people on the screen, many people have found Jesus. I can't disagree that this skill needs to be reworked.

    So you're saying you used an execute skill to execute people and as such it should be nerfed because you were able to execute them? Did you look at your combat log to see the actual damage of each tick of Radiant? LOL

    every time i think about saying something you have already beat me to it. I am just going to sit back and let you handle it lol
  • Chillic
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    Chillic wrote: »
    My healer, all CPs are spec'd for heals with none boosting damage, has only a few skills slotted for damage but they are also for utility. I had 57 killing blows last night. Why, I found Jesus, and he will find that ass with 50-60% health. LOS will save you for a moment but with 50+ people on the screen, many people have found Jesus. I can't disagree that this skill needs to be reworked.

    So you're saying you used an execute skill to execute people and as such it should be nerfed because you were able to execute them? Did you look at your combat log to see the actual damage of each tick of Radiant? LOL

    No need to look at my combat log, please show another execute in the game that has this range and functionality. I never said I was doing insane damage, which is why I said it needs to be reworked. If you are unclear of what I was saying, just ask.
  • bowmanz607
    Chillic wrote: »
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    Chillic wrote: »
    My healer, all CPs are spec'd for heals with none boosting damage, has only a few skills slotted for damage but they are also for utility. I had 57 killing blows last night. Why, I found Jesus, and he will find that ass with 50-60% health. LOS will save you for a moment but with 50+ people on the screen, many people have found Jesus. I can't disagree that this skill needs to be reworked.

    So you're saying you used an execute skill to execute people and as such it should be nerfed because you were able to execute them? Did you look at your combat log to see the actual damage of each tick of Radiant? LOL

    No need to look at my combat log, please show another execute in the game that has this range and functionality. I never said I was doing insane damage, which is why I said it needs to be reworked. If you are unclear of what I was saying, just ask.

    so because it operates differently it should be nerfed??? How dare each execute look, operate and feel differently.

    thats it zos. I give up. Just get rid of all classes. make one class. then make each skill exactly the same but one will be for mag and the other for stam. problem solved. #utopiansociety
  • Zheg
    Iyas wrote: »

    Decrease the range would be good enough for pvp and wont rly affect pve

    Seriously, someone please explain why lowering the range is such a magical fix. There are two scenarios where you're dealing with jesus beam:
    1. 1v1 and small scale - if you can't counter the skill in these situations you are running a niche build and made conscious choices to forego counters, or are a poor player
    2. large fights - it would seem the argument trying to be made is that if only I could gap close to the templar in the middle of a large cluster, I could save myself. Who in their right mind would gap close INTO a cluster of players if they're being pressured and at mid to low health? Furthermore, if you are able to target the templar for a gap closer, then you can target them for a ranged interrupt/stun; if you don't have one slotted, that's your fault and a choice you made for your build.

    Please, explain how lowering the range helps you in either of those situations.
    Edited by Zheg on May 20, 2016 4:10PM
  • Chillic
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    Chillic wrote: »
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    Chillic wrote: »
    My healer, all CPs are spec'd for heals with none boosting damage, has only a few skills slotted for damage but they are also for utility. I had 57 killing blows last night. Why, I found Jesus, and he will find that ass with 50-60% health. LOS will save you for a moment but with 50+ people on the screen, many people have found Jesus. I can't disagree that this skill needs to be reworked.

    So you're saying you used an execute skill to execute people and as such it should be nerfed because you were able to execute them? Did you look at your combat log to see the actual damage of each tick of Radiant? LOL

    No need to look at my combat log, please show another execute in the game that has this range and functionality. I never said I was doing insane damage, which is why I said it needs to be reworked. If you are unclear of what I was saying, just ask.

    so because it operates differently it should be nerfed??? How dare each execute look, operate and feel differently.

    thats it zos. I give up. Just get rid of all classes. make one class. then make each skill exactly the same but one will be for mag and the other for stam. problem solved. #utopiansociety

    For most things in this game like utility and stuff, I completely agree that there is very little use for separate classes and it is only getting worse. Executes, should have a pretty standard base of what they can achieve. If an execute range is 50%, the skill range needs to be lower to the limit sceneries where this can be used, which is what creates diversity in builds. But when you have a NB execute of 25% with a 5 meter range, pretty weak where balance is concerned. Personally, I don't think any execute should have a 50% health range.
  • Nefas
    Class Representative
    The only BS being spewed is by you guys defending this move. This move hits for 35 -47k damage per tick in PvE. This ability will only be balanced if it's dodge-able, and if it no longer double dips from the champion tree.

    What. I thought this was about PvP not PvE. Even at certain boss phases (and vMSA), "jesus beaming" can be just as risky as it is in a lot of PvP. Impale can hit for more a lot more frequently. Wrath can hit for more a lot more frequently. Executioner can go above 20k easily.

    A lot of the underlying tones in nerf threads regarding classes/skills seem to revolve around how much people are spamming particular skills.

    It is for sure annoying that people spam Radiant Oppression but so what? I have been spammed by 4 to 6 beams at once in Arboretum/open world on Haderus at 60-100% health as a DK/Templar/Sorc. I manage fine.

    I have seen Templars get trashed if they just straight up Radiant Oppression in many cases. I have seen a particular Nightblade massacre quite a few people even with more than two beams on him.

    Yes it's hard/annoying singling out those spammers at the back when you're being pressured really hard by their friends but in my 1vX and 2vX/3vX plays so far, it's mostly about kiting and line of sighting anyhow not straight up facing them head on.

    I don't have an issue with the skill myself and I hear my good friends often discussing the damage should be lowered outside of execute threshold but until then, I will deal with it I guess.

    As someone who's played all the classes in PvP and PvE it was a delightful challenge for me to keep pushing each character to the limit and see what I could or couldn't do depending on builds/situations. Am still doing it. Like others said, it'd be best if more people played more classes. Opens up whole new perspectives.
  • The_Lex
    It's time for Nerf Threads to be nerfed.

    Every day . . . nerf this . . . nerf that.

    And, yes, I roll a Templar. :D
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