Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.2.3 on the PTS on Monday at 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC).

Time for Radiant Destruction to be nerfed

  • AfkNinja
    Chillic wrote: »
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    Chillic wrote: »
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    Chillic wrote: »
    My healer, all CPs are spec'd for heals with none boosting damage, has only a few skills slotted for damage but they are also for utility. I had 57 killing blows last night. Why, I found Jesus, and he will find that ass with 50-60% health. LOS will save you for a moment but with 50+ people on the screen, many people have found Jesus. I can't disagree that this skill needs to be reworked.

    So you're saying you used an execute skill to execute people and as such it should be nerfed because you were able to execute them? Did you look at your combat log to see the actual damage of each tick of Radiant? LOL

    No need to look at my combat log, please show another execute in the game that has this range and functionality. I never said I was doing insane damage, which is why I said it needs to be reworked. If you are unclear of what I was saying, just ask.

    so because it operates differently it should be nerfed??? How dare each execute look, operate and feel differently.

    thats it zos. I give up. Just get rid of all classes. make one class. then make each skill exactly the same but one will be for mag and the other for stam. problem solved. #utopiansociety

    For most things in this game like utility and stuff, I completely agree that there is very little use for separate classes and it is only getting worse. Executes, should have a pretty standard base of what they can achieve. If an execute range is 50%, the skill range needs to be lower to the limit sceneries where this can be used, which is what creates diversity in builds. But when you have a NB execute of 25% with a 5 meter range, pretty weak where balance is concerned. Personally, I don't think any execute should have a 50% health range.

    I think you are misunderstanding how the skill works. Did you read my earlier posts where I showed how the individual damage ticks only add up to about 3,500 DPS if you factor OUT the overflow dmg? You guys are arguing that a skill that AVERAGES 3,500 damage per second is somehow overpowered. You realize like EVERY class in the game can do more than 3.5k DPS in PVP with the right spec? Till the player hits 25-30% hp the scaling is VERY BAD and is a damage per second LOSS over other skills. In that video posted earlier at 30% hp the damage tick was 4.8K, not 20k not15k not 10k. It was less than 5k. The 10k tic didn't happen till he was sub 10% HP at which point EVERY execute hits 10k+.

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE actually look at the numbers instead of blind faith that it FEELS OP. Remember you are not trying to convince ME it's OP, you are trying to convince developers and they care about the MATH not feelings.

    Nothing personal, you guys are just ignoring the actual math trying to prove your point and that will not work.
  • Chillic
    I'm not trying to convince anyone, I'm just saying I cannot disagree with someone saying it needs work. Numbers are one thing but those numbers don't always add up in this game, most other games yes, but I see too much *** I cannot explain in ESO. I don't know it its damage, range, execute range or what, but this skill is not on par with any other executes because of the combination of all three. If it was, it wouldn't be on every Templar bar. Because of that, you are not getting hit by one Jesus beam, but by 3 or 4, hell maybe even more.
  • Lava_Croft
    Ishammael wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »

    Everyone go make a templar. Spam Radiant on everyone. See how far you get.

    This pretty much what happened.
    Jesus Beam heroes have replaced snipers in zergs.
    Zheg wrote: »
    Iyas wrote: »

    Decrease the range would be good enough for pvp and wont rly affect pve

    Seriously, someone please explain why lowering the range is such a magical fix. There are two scenarios where you're dealing with jesus beam:
    1. 1v1 and small scale - if you can't counter the skill in these situations you are running a niche build and made conscious choices to forego counters, or are a poor player
    2. large fights - it would seem the argument trying to be made is that if only I could gap close to the templar in the middle of a large cluster, I could save myself. Who in their right mind would gap close INTO a cluster of players if they're being pressured and at mid to low health? Furthermore, if you are able to target the templar for a gap closer, then you can target them for a ranged interrupt/stun; if you don't have one slotted, that's your fault and a choice you made for your build.

    Please, explain how lowering the range helps you in either of those situations.
    This may sound ridiculous, but decreasing the range means Templars have to get closer to initiate the Jesus Beam. This alone makes it less likely for people in the back of the zerg to try and convert you to Christianity.
  • Nefas
    Class Representative
    Chillic wrote: »
    If it was, it wouldn't be on every Templar bar.

    I haven't seen a single bar WITHOUT an execute on anyone's bars if they intended to kill or damage NPCs/players (unless they're magicka DKs). Even "tanks" have Executioner slotted. Stamplar-wise, never seen RD being used.

    You said the math doesn't add up in ESO but I disagree.
  • Zheg
    Lava_Croft wrote: »
    Ishammael wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »

    Everyone go make a templar. Spam Radiant on everyone. See how far you get.

    This pretty much what happened.
    Jesus Beam heroes have replaced snipers in zergs.
    Zheg wrote: »
    Iyas wrote: »

    Decrease the range would be good enough for pvp and wont rly affect pve

    Seriously, someone please explain why lowering the range is such a magical fix. There are two scenarios where you're dealing with jesus beam:
    1. 1v1 and small scale - if you can't counter the skill in these situations you are running a niche build and made conscious choices to forego counters, or are a poor player
    2. large fights - it would seem the argument trying to be made is that if only I could gap close to the templar in the middle of a large cluster, I could save myself. Who in their right mind would gap close INTO a cluster of players if they're being pressured and at mid to low health? Furthermore, if you are able to target the templar for a gap closer, then you can target them for a ranged interrupt/stun; if you don't have one slotted, that's your fault and a choice you made for your build.

    Please, explain how lowering the range helps you in either of those situations.
    This may sound ridiculous, but decreasing the range means Templars have to get closer to initiate the Jesus Beam. This alone makes it less likely for people in the back of the zerg to try and convert you to Christianity.

    And how does making them move slightly closer in those two situations make any difference? The arguments made thus far is that it will allow you to gap close to them, well, if they're in a mass of players you have to target them to accomplish a gap closer, in which case you should have been able to interrupt/CC them to begin with. So what exactly is the problem?
  • Joy_Division
    Chillic wrote: »
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    Chillic wrote: »
    My healer, all CPs are spec'd for heals with none boosting damage, has only a few skills slotted for damage but they are also for utility. I had 57 killing blows last night. Why, I found Jesus, and he will find that ass with 50-60% health. LOS will save you for a moment but with 50+ people on the screen, many people have found Jesus. I can't disagree that this skill needs to be reworked.

    So you're saying you used an execute skill to execute people and as such it should be nerfed because you were able to execute them? Did you look at your combat log to see the actual damage of each tick of Radiant? LOL

    No need to look at my combat log, please show another execute in the game that has this range and functionality.

    Mage'a Fury. Same range. Can block cast. Can weave. Can't be interrupted. Just blindly hit targets being attacked by friendlies. Watch your procs get KBs @ 19% health. Profit AP. Buy new PvP sets for next patch :smiley:
  • Justice31st
    Sign the Petition.. No More Nerfs -- no more NERF talk. Players play, Developers develop. Period.

    You allow ZOS developers to develop and you get 60% resource draining poisons.
    "The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you."
  • Nogawd
    I refuse to call it a "jesus beam".....

  • Strider_Roshin
    AfkNinja wrote: »

    Sorry mate :P , I feel the need to respond when people are using poor arguments and no facts. I don't even use this skill and I don't care much about it one way or the other. I'd much rather have blinding flashes back. But when someone is using made up numbers and their "friends opinion" trying to get something nerfed and they are ignoring facts I tend to get upset. I'd defend any skill from any class I feel is not broken.


    3,500 dps average is not broken. Your claims of 40k dmg ticks are flat out false. Rewatch the video frame by frame, add up the dmg ticks. 21k TOTAL, almost half of that was overflow dmg. That's not OP.

    Your understanding of the move is false. I'm not referring to how much damage was done in the video and basing the balanced on that. I'm basing on how much damage it typically does by sometime properly geared with a lot of CP. Yes 40k dmg ticks is broken.
  • AfkNinja
    AfkNinja wrote: »

    Sorry mate :P , I feel the need to respond when people are using poor arguments and no facts. I don't even use this skill and I don't care much about it one way or the other. I'd much rather have blinding flashes back. But when someone is using made up numbers and their "friends opinion" trying to get something nerfed and they are ignoring facts I tend to get upset. I'd defend any skill from any class I feel is not broken.


    3,500 dps average is not broken. Your claims of 40k dmg ticks are flat out false. Rewatch the video frame by frame, add up the dmg ticks. 21k TOTAL, almost half of that was overflow dmg. That's not OP.

    Your understanding of the move is false. I'm not referring to how much damage was done in the video and basing the balanced on that. I'm basing on how much damage it typically does by sometime properly geared with a lot of CP. Yes 40k dmg ticks is broken.

    Show me a 40k Dmg tick. PROVE IT. Stop making up numbers.

    Edit: Also include gear, cp and opponent gear and CP and the Combat log. I am not against nerfs if they are needed. The problem is there is NO PROOF. Every time a thread like this pops up the evidence is missing because it doesn't exist. You just hate the skill and want it nerfed so you can go back to dodgerolling everything.
    Edited by AfkNinja on May 20, 2016 6:47PM
  • Nefas
    Class Representative
    Your understanding of the move is false. I'm not referring to how much damage was done in the video and basing the balanced on that. I'm basing on how much damage it typically does by sometime properly geared with a lot of CP. Yes 40k dmg ticks is broken.

    I can see why ZOS doesn't even look at their own forums much anymore.

    I've run with hundreds upon hundreds of random and progressive groups for the entirety of the PvE content available in the game. Very very very very rarely do I see Radiant Oppression actually hitting upwards of 40-50k for the FULL duration. 25k to 35ishk is often the the average in execute range.

    And that is PvE. Not PvP.

    I am (and others probably) willing to record and show videos showing the damage of Radiant Oppression in PvP/PvE and so forth in several circumstances (gear/traits, CP, race, etc).

    You are not. Everything you've said so far is based on what you think you're seeing or the anecdotes of others (your dueling friend for example). That's fine.

    But when others have provided their input with actual math/proof/analysis and you turn it all away by saying something else I find it dishonest and insulting. Particularly when something you say may in some small way affect the development of the game.

    @AfkNinja This thread is becoming a waste of time.
  • SwaminoNowlino
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    AfkNinja wrote: »

    Sorry mate :P , I feel the need to respond when people are using poor arguments and no facts. I don't even use this skill and I don't care much about it one way or the other. I'd much rather have blinding flashes back. But when someone is using made up numbers and their "friends opinion" trying to get something nerfed and they are ignoring facts I tend to get upset. I'd defend any skill from any class I feel is not broken.


    3,500 dps average is not broken. Your claims of 40k dmg ticks are flat out false. Rewatch the video frame by frame, add up the dmg ticks. 21k TOTAL, almost half of that was overflow dmg. That's not OP.

    Your understanding of the move is false. I'm not referring to how much damage was done in the video and basing the balanced on that. I'm basing on how much damage it typically does by sometime properly geared with a lot of CP. Yes 40k dmg ticks is broken.

    Show me a 40k Dmg tick. PROVE IT. Stop making up numbers.

    Edit: Also include gear, cp and opponent gear and CP and the Combat log. I am not against nerfs if they are needed. The problem is there is NO PROOF. Every time a thread like this pops up the evidence is missing because it doesn't exist. You just hate the skill and want it nerfed so you can go back to dodgerolling everything.

    @AfkNinja Let's help him do some math, since I'm not entirely sure he knows how or know what it is.

    Puncturing sweeps hits 4 times over 1.1 seconds. Say each hit does 3k. That equates to 10.9k dps.

    I don't have a magicka templar, so a quick Google search showed a 12k tooltip is around average. (We can quibble with the number due to buffs, CP, etc. And the tooltip doesn't equate to actual damage in PVP). It does this damage over like 3 seconds. So without the execution modifier, basic math demonstrates that it does 4k dps. Really OP right?

    Now for the execution phase. the tooltip states that it will do up to 300% more damage to targets at low health. 300% of 4k is 12 k dps.... Barely higher than just hitting with sweeps. But, if I sit there and eat the whole thing without blocking, 12k dps over 3 seconds of channel is 36k dps. Comparable to seeps at 10.9k dps * 3 = 32k dps.

    On your death recap, each hit of sweeps will tick individually, so the number looks relatively small on the damage, where as RD is a channel and shows up on the death recap all as one thing.

    On to something I know about in Executioner. This execute ability also has the 300x damage modifier and also passively increases all 2H damage on your bar! I know in PVE on my stamplar I can hit an Execution for 30k. Cast time is instant and I can also weave light attacks with it. But for the sake of this discussion, we will just count the execution. Assuming its halved in PVP like everything else, and we will even extend the cast to 1 second. That equates to 15k dps. When I multiply this by 3 (the RD channel time), assuming I can hit 3 executions in the same time as one RD channel (I can hit more plus weave in light attacks), that equals 45k dps. For you math whizs, that is 11k more than RD, excluding animation canceling!

    But each hit shows up on your death recap as 15k, and you can't do the math to add them together.
    Xbox NA : CP 160 StamPlar, MagNB, MagSorc, StamSorc, StamDK, StamNB, Level 10 MagDK & MagPlar, StamWarden, MagWarden

    "We want firing off Dark Exchange in the middle of combat to feel awesome." - The Balance Lord Wrobel
    - And now it sure does, better learn how to bash folks!

    I get by with a little help from logic.
  • SwaminoNowlino
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    AfkNinja wrote: »

    Sorry mate :P , I feel the need to respond when people are using poor arguments and no facts. I don't even use this skill and I don't care much about it one way or the other. I'd much rather have blinding flashes back. But when someone is using made up numbers and their "friends opinion" trying to get something nerfed and they are ignoring facts I tend to get upset. I'd defend any skill from any class I feel is not broken.


    3,500 dps average is not broken. Your claims of 40k dmg ticks are flat out false. Rewatch the video frame by frame, add up the dmg ticks. 21k TOTAL, almost half of that was overflow dmg. That's not OP.

    Your understanding of the move is false. I'm not referring to how much damage was done in the video and basing the balanced on that. I'm basing on how much damage it typically does by sometime properly geared with a lot of CP. Yes 40k dmg ticks is broken.

    Show me a 40k Dmg tick. PROVE IT. Stop making up numbers.

    Edit: Also include gear, cp and opponent gear and CP and the Combat log. I am not against nerfs if they are needed. The problem is there is NO PROOF. Every time a thread like this pops up the evidence is missing because it doesn't exist. You just hate the skill and want it nerfed so you can go back to dodgerolling everything.

    @AfkNinja Let's help him do some math, since I'm not entirely sure he knows how or know what it is.

    Puncturing sweeps hits 4 times over 1.1 seconds. Say each hit does 3k. That equates to 10.9k dps.

    I don't have a magicka templar, so a quick Google search showed a 12k tooltip is around average. (We can quibble with the number due to buffs, CP, etc. And the tooltip doesn't equate to actual damage in PVP). It does this damage over like 3 seconds. So without the execution modifier, basic math demonstrates that it does 4k dps. Really OP right?

    Now for the execution phase. the tooltip states that it will do up to 300% more damage to targets at low health. 300% of 4k is 12 k dps.... Barely higher than just hitting with sweeps. But, if I sit there and eat the whole thing without blocking, 12k dps over 3 seconds of channel is 36k dps. Comparable to seeps at 10.9k dps * 3 = 32k dps.

    On your death recap, each hit of sweeps will tick individually, so the number looks relatively small on the damage, where as RD is a channel and shows up on the death recap all as one thing.

    On to something I know about in Executioner. This execute ability also has the 300x damage modifier and also passively increases all 2H damage on your bar! I know in PVE on my stamplar I can hit an Execution for 30k. Cast time is instant and I can also weave light attacks with it. But for the sake of this discussion, we will just count the execution. Assuming its halved in PVP like everything else, and we will even extend the cast to 1 second. That equates to 15k dps. When I multiply this by 3 (the RD channel time), assuming I can hit 3 executions in the same time as one RD channel (I can hit more plus weave in light attacks), that equals 45k dps. For you math whizs, that is 11k more than RD, excluding animation canceling!

    But each hit shows up on your death recap as 15k, and you can't do the math to add them together.

    Lol THIS math whiz can't even do math right. 45k-36k = 9k. C'mon man.
    Xbox NA : CP 160 StamPlar, MagNB, MagSorc, StamSorc, StamDK, StamNB, Level 10 MagDK & MagPlar, StamWarden, MagWarden

    "We want firing off Dark Exchange in the middle of combat to feel awesome." - The Balance Lord Wrobel
    - And now it sure does, better learn how to bash folks!

    I get by with a little help from logic.
  • Ep1kMalware
    Ishammael wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »

    Everyone go make a templar. Spam Radiant on everyone. See how far you get.

    This pretty much what happened.

    'Sall good. It'll probably be dks this next update. Only current physical ultimate IN THE GAME (at least in live). Best dps ultimate in the game. Corrosive armor, minor/major brutality buffs. Chains, strong dots and flurry. Leave Templars alone, we only have a few more days to actually kill crap as it is.

    (I'm stamina anyway)

    I was gunna be excited, 2 maelstrom daggers and Pelinals, buffed weapon enchants.. I thought I'd actually get a good execute in the game for a change (and still might). But even then I'm afraid I'm going to get dropped from my leaderboard guild in trials because I don't have a stam dk. <- this is a big deal, I can push 40k dps fine. Next update 40k dps will about the same as 15k dps when it comes down to your new trials content.

    In this regard, Jesus beam is already getting nerfed, whole class did. Indirectly, but it did.
    Edited by Ep1kMalware on May 22, 2016 12:12AM
  • staracino_ESO
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    AfkNinja wrote: »

    Sorry mate :P , I feel the need to respond when people are using poor arguments and no facts. I don't even use this skill and I don't care much about it one way or the other. I'd much rather have blinding flashes back. But when someone is using made up numbers and their "friends opinion" trying to get something nerfed and they are ignoring facts I tend to get upset. I'd defend any skill from any class I feel is not broken.


    3,500 dps average is not broken. Your claims of 40k dmg ticks are flat out false. Rewatch the video frame by frame, add up the dmg ticks. 21k TOTAL, almost half of that was overflow dmg. That's not OP.

    Your understanding of the move is false. I'm not referring to how much damage was done in the video and basing the balanced on that. I'm basing on how much damage it typically does by sometime properly geared with a lot of CP. Yes 40k dmg ticks is broken.

    Show me a 40k Dmg tick. PROVE IT. Stop making up numbers.

    Edit: Also include gear, cp and opponent gear and CP and the Combat log. I am not against nerfs if they are needed. The problem is there is NO PROOF. Every time a thread like this pops up the evidence is missing because it doesn't exist. You just hate the skill and want it nerfed so you can go back to dodgerolling everything.

    @AfkNinja Let's help him do some math, since I'm not entirely sure he knows how or know what it is.

    Puncturing sweeps hits 4 times over 1.1 seconds. Say each hit does 3k. That equates to 10.9k dps.

    I don't have a magicka templar, so a quick Google search showed a 12k tooltip is around average. (We can quibble with the number due to buffs, CP, etc. And the tooltip doesn't equate to actual damage in PVP). It does this damage over like 3 seconds. So without the execution modifier, basic math demonstrates that it does 4k dps. Really OP right?

    Now for the execution phase. the tooltip states that it will do up to 300% more damage to targets at low health. 300% of 4k is 12 k dps.... Barely higher than just hitting with sweeps. But, if I sit there and eat the whole thing without blocking, 12k dps over 3 seconds of channel is 36k dps. Comparable to seeps at 10.9k dps * 3 = 32k dps.

    On your death recap, each hit of sweeps will tick individually, so the number looks relatively small on the damage, where as RD is a channel and shows up on the death recap all as one thing.

    On to something I know about in Executioner. This execute ability also has the 300x damage modifier and also passively increases all 2H damage on your bar! I know in PVE on my stamplar I can hit an Execution for 30k. Cast time is instant and I can also weave light attacks with it. But for the sake of this discussion, we will just count the execution. Assuming its halved in PVP like everything else, and we will even extend the cast to 1 second. That equates to 15k dps. When I multiply this by 3 (the RD channel time), assuming I can hit 3 executions in the same time as one RD channel (I can hit more plus weave in light attacks), that equals 45k dps. For you math whizs, that is 11k more than RD, excluding animation canceling!

    But each hit shows up on your death recap as 15k, and you can't do the math to add them together.

    Don't forget this little gem:
    Executioner (Reverse Slash morph): Redesigned this morph so it no longer passively increases the damage of all Two Handed abilities while slotted; instead, it increases the scaling bonus damage to low health targets to a maximum of 335/340/345/350% more damage at Ranks I/II/III/IV, increased from 300%.
  • danno8
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    AfkNinja wrote: »

    Sorry mate :P , I feel the need to respond when people are using poor arguments and no facts. I don't even use this skill and I don't care much about it one way or the other. I'd much rather have blinding flashes back. But when someone is using made up numbers and their "friends opinion" trying to get something nerfed and they are ignoring facts I tend to get upset. I'd defend any skill from any class I feel is not broken.


    3,500 dps average is not broken. Your claims of 40k dmg ticks are flat out false. Rewatch the video frame by frame, add up the dmg ticks. 21k TOTAL, almost half of that was overflow dmg. That's not OP.

    Your understanding of the move is false. I'm not referring to how much damage was done in the video and basing the balanced on that. I'm basing on how much damage it typically does by sometime properly geared with a lot of CP. Yes 40k dmg ticks is broken.

    Show me a 40k Dmg tick. PROVE IT. Stop making up numbers.

    Edit: Also include gear, cp and opponent gear and CP and the Combat log. I am not against nerfs if they are needed. The problem is there is NO PROOF. Every time a thread like this pops up the evidence is missing because it doesn't exist. You just hate the skill and want it nerfed so you can go back to dodgerolling everything.

    @AfkNinja Let's help him do some math, since I'm not entirely sure he knows how or know what it is.

    Puncturing sweeps hits 4 times over 1.1 seconds. Say each hit does 3k. That equates to 10.9k dps.

    I don't have a magicka templar, so a quick Google search showed a 12k tooltip is around average. (We can quibble with the number due to buffs, CP, etc. And the tooltip doesn't equate to actual damage in PVP). It does this damage over like 3 seconds. So without the execution modifier, basic math demonstrates that it does 4k dps. Really OP right?

    Now for the execution phase. the tooltip states that it will do up to 300% more damage to targets at low health. 300% of 4k is 12 k dps.... Barely higher than just hitting with sweeps. But, if I sit there and eat the whole thing without blocking, 12k dps over 3 seconds of channel is 36k dps. Comparable to seeps at 10.9k dps * 3 = 32k dps.

    On your death recap, each hit of sweeps will tick individually, so the number looks relatively small on the damage, where as RD is a channel and shows up on the death recap all as one thing.

    On to something I know about in Executioner. This execute ability also has the 300x damage modifier and also passively increases all 2H damage on your bar! I know in PVE on my stamplar I can hit an Execution for 30k. Cast time is instant and I can also weave light attacks with it. But for the sake of this discussion, we will just count the execution. Assuming its halved in PVP like everything else, and we will even extend the cast to 1 second. That equates to 15k dps. When I multiply this by 3 (the RD channel time), assuming I can hit 3 executions in the same time as one RD channel (I can hit more plus weave in light attacks), that equals 45k dps. For you math whizs, that is 11k more than RD, excluding animation canceling!

    But each hit shows up on your death recap as 15k, and you can't do the math to add them together.

    FYI, when an ability says it does "300% more damage", it is actually 4x the amount not 3x the amount. ie 100% more damage would be 2x the original amount.
  • Morimizo
    Perhaps you'd like to throw a real football, rather than a nerf one?
  • Lord_Eomer
    Lol, radiant destruction stamina morph sounds good....

    No nerf....
    Edited by Lord_Eomer on May 22, 2016 11:20AM
  • CyrusArya
    I dont particularly feel one way or another bout radiant. I do use it, but I could live without it. But let me just say this, radiant destruction facilitates the owest risk highest reward playstyle that I ever did see. I.e the stand firmly inside your zerg and melt single targets with no risk whatsoever, at the press of a single button templar. No other skill can facilitate that.

    I'm for anything that makes life harder for the baddies that choose to play like this. The obvious and simple solution would be to drastically cut the range down, to at the very least within gap closer range. I can't see why anyone but a typical zergplar would be opposed to this.
    A R Y A
    The K-Hole ~ Phałanx
    My PvP Videos
  • Zheg
    CyrusArya wrote: »
    I dont particularly feel one way or another bout radiant. I do use it, but I could live without it. But let me just say this, radiant destruction facilitates the owest risk highest reward playstyle that I ever did see. I.e the stand firmly inside your zerg and melt single targets with no risk whatsoever, at the press of a single button templar. No other skill can facilitate that.

    I'm for anything that makes life harder for the baddies that choose to play like this. The obvious and simple solution would be to drastically cut the range down, to at the very least within gap closer range. I can't see why anyone but a typical zergplar would be opposed to this.

    Cutting down the range won't make the people you dislike so much stop spamming it on you. They'll still be in the middle of allies. You really going to argue that?

    What would cutting down the range do? It will allow the rolly-polies in 1v1 and small scale to be able to run a full melee build and be able to counter their one ranged check that bypasses dodge roll without having to slot a bow, ranged cc, or cleanse/purge.
  • Joy_Division
    CyrusArya wrote: »
    I dont particularly feel one way or another bout radiant. I do use it, but I could live without it. But let me just say this, radiant destruction facilitates the owest risk highest reward playstyle that I ever did see. I.e the stand firmly inside your zerg and melt single targets with no risk whatsoever, at the press of a single button templar. No other skill can facilitate that.

    I'm for anything that makes life harder for the baddies that choose to play like this. The obvious and simple solution would be to drastically cut the range down, to at the very least within gap closer range. I can't see why anyone but a typical zergplar would be opposed to this.

    Because not every templar hides in the middle of Zergs and instead use this in competitive situations. Even the people who hate this skill will contend this skill is impractical when a templar is under pressure and such a change would make it even more difficult and impractical to use when its not a dozen zergabds chasing down a 1vXer, which, contrary to what the zillion threads on this skill imply, is not the norm for Cyrodiil combat.
    Edited by Joy_Division on May 22, 2016 9:58PM
  • Ep1kMalware
    Lol, radiant destruction stamina morph sounds good....

    No nerf....

    I'd love that so much, <3 stam executes kinda suck, it's a dps loss to just not use jabs :(

    I did quite a big lf pvp last night, I dont usually since I often get dropped when thay huge ap tick comes in, too frustrating imo. I dont even remember getting jesus beamed, what often killed me was lag, or multiple snipes.

    a groupmate uses it, but I think he only killed 1 or 2 people the entire time we were there.
    Edited by Ep1kMalware on May 22, 2016 10:37PM
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