bloodenragedb14_ESO wrote: »this is it, this is the patch, the one that makes me become the thing i hate, that guy sitting, wringing his hands, popcorn in his lap, ready to watch the world burn.
please insert long string of expletives here
Well, stam users still can dodge way more then magika user.
So havin a stam scaling shield+ 10 role dodges seems a bit op
Doing one extra ability like magelight before you use your ultimate isn't that big of a deal and just one extra step to get the same result and still hit harder on a magblade.Its pretty much the same thing for stamblade its Ambush fear incap execute, Magblade Lotus fan Magelight fear Soul harvest execute. Still a dead enemy not to mentioned that Magblade would have proxy going no need for a execute.
yes you can but that isnt the same burst from steath we were seing with the stam morph. because you would have to use something from the mages line which would mean lotus fan from steath/then weak mages skill/then soul harvest/then concealed weapon. compared to ambush from steath/empowered in cap strike/either execute or concealed weapon while stunned.
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »100% Glad to see tweaks like this. This is the kind of balance we need in this game. Anyone who harps at this change is ignorant to balance. The abilities were slightly over-tuned and these changes prove that. They are still very capable ability's and i for one will still be using them.
Good work.
It's funny 'cuz we've been giving you feedback on the ww berserker's skin for months if not years and you guys have done nothing about it.ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Updated the visual effects for this morph based on your feedback.
Doing one extra ability like magelight before you use your ultimate isn't that big of a deal and just one extra step to get the same result and still hit harder on a magblade.Its pretty much the same thing for stamblade its Ambush fear incap execute, Magblade Lotus fan Magelight fear Soul harvest execute. Still a dead enemy not to mentioned that Magblade would have proxy going no need for a execute.
This can't be serious, common....
Ragnaroek93 wrote: »
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »When you equip Cadwell’s Helm of Heroism, the hair displayed underneath will be representative of your currently selected length and color.
They said it's going to be fixed for Live, well, hopefully@ZOS_GinaBruno. On behalf of all templars, we are now worried about thaumaturge not correctly working on jabs/sweeps.
Is there still time left for this to be implemented and tested before live?
Well, stam users still can dodge way more then magika user.
So havin a stam scaling shield+ 10 role dodges seems a bit op
yes you can but that isnt the same burst from steath we were seing with the stam morph. because you would have to use something from the mages line which would mean lotus fan from steath/then weak mages skill/then soul harvest/then concealed weapon. compared to ambush from steath/empowered in cap strike/either execute or concealed weapon while stunned.
You have to fear them first because any competent player will block or roll dodge your Incap strike.That's why most people who play NB say the guarantee stun is useless since you can dodge it.Even with fear if your fighting a stam build with shuffle they can still dodge the ultimate.Agreed but a Class Ultimate should still be viable which with the Nerf its no longer the class DBOS completely overshadows it.If their nerf Death stroke a single target non channel ultimate they should Nerf all ultimate the same amount.
magblade has lower burst and the extra skils required gives time to shield or heal. also why would a stamblade even use fear after ambush the stun grants cc immunity? This just means every stam build will be running dbos and folks will still get burst down because the empower is to strong.
Well, stam users still can dodge way more then magika user.
So havin a stam scaling shield+ 10 role dodges seems a bit op
Wild_squirtle wrote: »I quit. Patch after patch. Trash after trash.
This can't be serious, common....
That 1k heal per crit per second is going to be fantastic in PvP! If I take no damage, I'll have healed 6k by the time my ward wears off!