Login failed for both EU and NA servers.

LOGIN FAILED: An unexpected internal error has occurred. Please contact customer service at help.elderscrollsonline.com
"The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you."
  • ZOS_JasonLeavey
    Hey everyone. We're working on getting this resolved as soon as possible. We'll update you as soon as everything is up and running. Thanks for your patience!
    Jason Leavey
    Community Coordinator - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
    Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
    Staff Post
  • LariahHunding
    There is no excuse for this. That short beta period without stress testing cam back to bite you in the butt.
    "Give a man a sweet roll, he only has one to steal. Give him a sweet roll recipe, he have bunches to steal."

  • Dahkoht
    Watching the Twitch streams , 90% are sitting at the failed login stream atm.
  • LariahHunding
    Great PR!
    "Give a man a sweet roll, he only has one to steal. Give him a sweet roll recipe, he have bunches to steal."

  • logan69
    same thing on xboxone this is total [snip]

    [edited for profanity bypass]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on December 10, 2023 6:50PM
  • Shadesofkin
    I trust it'll be sorted out soon, I'd love to dive in as soon as possible.
    @shadesofkin -NA Server.
    Tier 2 Player.
    MagDK Main forever (even in the bad times)
  • Justice31st
    LOGIN FAILED : Connection to server timed out. Please try again later.

    I'm all hyped up on caffeine with nothing to kill. ;(
    Edited by Justice31st on June 9, 2015 4:17AM
    "The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you."
  • grim_tactics
    When will a company get a launch right? My PS4 has crashed twice with this. Never happened before, just boom, and turns off.

    Unacceptable. Had plenty of time to get this right and still issues after a 1 year delay.
  • Zazaaji
    Yup, this is concequence of no actual (i.e. not internal only) Stress Test. I even got that error during Beta, which had probably 1/1000's the logins being attempted now.

    Very poor planning here, and many people saw this coming miles away.
    Edited by Zazaaji on June 9, 2015 4:21AM
    English is not my first language, Finnish is.
    Please don't heap on me for grammar problems.
  • BloodStorm
    62 hour estimated download time left. Maybe I will make it in time.
  • Nerio
    Expecting no problems on an MMO launch day is like expecting someone to admit fault when you rear-end them. You're gonna end up disappointed :wink:
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    There is no excuse for this. That short beta period without stress testing cam back to bite you in the butt.

    Did you really expect to login and play tonight with no issues?
    Zazaaji wrote: »
    Yup, this is concequence of no Stress Test. I even got that error during Beta, which had probably 1/1000's the logins being attempted now.

    And just think, not even half the population is in the game yet. Central time will be up in 50 minutes and then east coast an hour after that. This isn't even at an actual stress test level yet.
    Edited by coryevans_3b14_ESO on June 9, 2015 4:20AM
  • floydmurphy.kg_ESO
    what a bummer. reminds me of PC launch. hmph.
    "There is panic in my fascination - Like soothing wine is my despair - Gracefully I fall to pieces"
    Ihsahn - Elevator
  • Bouvin
    Don't worry.

    It'll be fixed...

    After Console is Released™
  • LariahHunding

    Did you really expect to login and play tonight with no issues?
    And just think, not even half the population is in the game yet. Central time will be up in 50 minutes and then east coast an hour after that. This isn't even at an actual stress test level yet.

    This is not a fresh launch of a new game. They have had a yes to get this right. I know I have beta tested for them while playing a subscription. Fan Boy.
    "Give a man a sweet roll, he only has one to steal. Give him a sweet roll recipe, he have bunches to steal."

  • grim_tactics
    Well I'm off to bed. Going to see what it's like tomorrow. Giving up on playing tonight.

    I had a choice due to work of putting time in on ESO or Witcher 3. Kind of regretting my decision. Hopefully tomorrow remedies my doubts.
  • vichoi
    Restart ps4 after download solved login problem for me
  • Hawk269

    Did you really expect to login and play tonight with no issues?
    And just think, not even half the population is in the game yet. Central time will be up in 50 minutes and then east coast an hour after that. This isn't even at an actual stress test level yet.

    Actually many of us did. Apparently the EU launch worked out fine, but the NA launch crippled the login servers.

    ZOS stated several times that only at 12:01est that it would unlock for that time zone only because they wanted to do a staggered release so the login servers would not get blasted, but at 12:01est it unlocked for EVERYONE in NA and now they are getting slammed and no one can log into the game.
  • mklundub17_ESO

    Did you really expect to login and play tonight with no issues?
    And just think, not even half the population is in the game yet. Central time will be up in 50 minutes and then east coast an hour after that. This isn't even at an actual stress test level yet.

    Well I'm cst and it's allowed me to fail login too... should only be est allowed but it seems to be allowing all time zones to login now.
    Mass Terror
    PS4 | NA | AD
    v16 Imperial Templar
  • Ever75
    it was expected, we had the same issue at the beta and we were less users.... but please be patient with them, it was fixed quickly the last time, chance are it will be once again ;-)
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO

    This is not a fresh launch of a new game. They have had a yes to get this right. I know I have beta tested for them while playing a subscription. Fan Boy.

    This is not a fresh launch of a new game. They have had a yes to get this right. I know I have beta tested for them while playing a subscription. Fan Boy.

    What part of what I said has anything to do with being a fan boy? What you said makes no sense. "They have had a yes to get this right". LOL what?
  • floydmurphy.kg_ESO
    This is my 6th let down from this games many launches. I'm talking four BETAs and two releases. The BETAs I get... but still...can't I just get ONE successful login? Tee hee.

    Oh well, name of the game is patience.
    "There is panic in my fascination - Like soothing wine is my despair - Gracefully I fall to pieces"
    Ihsahn - Elevator
  • grim_tactics
    The issue I have is that this type of problem is regarded as ok, and, it happens.

    This should not be ok. I'm sure it'll be fixed but it is still unacceptable.
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    Hawk269 wrote: »

    Actually many of us did. Apparently the EU launch worked out fine, but the NA launch crippled the login servers.

    ZOS stated several times that only at 12:01est that it would unlock for that time zone only because they wanted to do a staggered release so the login servers would not get blasted, but at 12:01est it unlocked for EVERYONE in NA and now they are getting slammed and no one can log into the game.

    First MMO launch I take it. And this IS a fresh launch. You think they just copy/paste everything from PC to console?

    MMO launches never go well. I'm not defending ZOS. If you've ever read any of my comments you'd know I'm the last to do that. I'm just not ignorant.
  • ZOS_JasonLeavey
    Thanks for your patience, everyone. We know you're eager to get in and play. We're still investigating and will update as soon as we can.
    Jason Leavey
    Community Coordinator - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
    Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
    Staff Post
  • mklundub17_ESO
    Well it's not good, but you're right this is normal for mmos. The bad part though is they built the launch around this whole midnight local idea and completely messed it up because it let all US login at 12est.
    Mass Terror
    PS4 | NA | AD
    v16 Imperial Templar
  • Justice31st
    Multiple beta tests, one year on PC. This could be crippling for their business...
    Edited by Justice31st on June 9, 2015 4:35AM
    "The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you."
  • S1L3NTKiLLaH
    I am sad, but I am glad that the game is finally on console. I hope there are no issues with console character copies though...
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    Well it's not good, but you're right this is normal for mmos. The bad part though is they built the launch around this whole midnight local idea and completely messed it up because it let all US login at 12est.

    Ya that 12est part really cracks me up. And doesn't surprise me one bit. If you let history be your guide, you'll get lost less often (TM)
  • grim_tactics
    They had to know this was exactly what was going to happen right? Instead of making it launch at midnight for each time zone, they unlocked all of North America @ 12 EST. There is no way anyone thought this wasn't going to happen.
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