Would the fortress be instanced or would it be like bid on it for say 2 weeks for x amount of money?NewBlacksmurf wrote: »I'm going to say this...and it's gonna blow some people's minds but hear me out.
Housing for the most part brings out some cool personal things.
Usually it brings smaller groups and larger groups together.
Here is my mind blowing statement.
Based on how the game works today...unless something drastically changes...Inthink that housing should "only" be available to guilds with "50" members and at a price of 100,000 - 999,999 gold
I'm thinking of a massive gathering place like a small keep in Cyrodil.
It should really be the end all place to hang out BuT when and if you limit it to medium and large guilds with a respectful ingame price, it should also bring people around so that there is a market place within each faction.
Imaging instead of going to XYZ city, going to guild central housing (no idea what to call this) so that there is a reason to have a house.
Right now guild spend that money on the guild store reps which is a waste in the grand scheme of things because it cuts so many out of the market. You have 450,000 unique guilds for trade vs. a few strong supported guilds that complete the value proposition of joint a guild (for traders)
Ppl complain about trading and wanting an ah.
Well do the housing in line with the guilds and establish large areas with 10 crafting stations per crafting skill and literally build in a podium for a player to stand and list items for trade(auction)
In that same space have guild store reps vs in the world, place them here.
It just seems like a way to solve 3-4 issues all at once
That's my two cents
Would the fortress be instanced or would it be like bid on it for say 2 weeks for x amount of money?
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »
It would be permanent and if the guild disbands it goes up for sale at XYZ value.
(I'm editing my comment to add in the lfg gathering spots )
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »Here is my mind blowing statement.
Based on how the game works today...unless something drastically changes...Inthink that housing should "only" be available to guilds with "50" members and at a price of 100,000 - 999,999 gold
Adramelach wrote: »I wouldn't mind both... as long as it doesn't hold up bringing additional other content to the game. I think guild and player housing are two entirely different things, and the one should not be confused with, nor replace the other.
I also agree that at least for me, unless the house actually delivered some kind of "mechanics" value - i.e. inventory management, crafting conveniences, or whatever - I doubt I'd bother with it. I don't really need a virtual "box" to decorate just for the heck of it.
As for guild housing... well... sure... Primarily I personally use guilds for Trade, and while I love my trade guilds, I'm not sure I really want to "live" with the other 499 members... so I guess that I would approach with a great deal of skepticism, but perhaps might be pleasantly surprised.
c.p.garrett1993_ESO wrote: »@Heromofo
Total support. I think this is a feature that plenty of players have already decided on.
You've gone the extra mile and provided plenty of other features that could go with it.
Gandrhulf_Harbard wrote: »
Oh yes, why not gate another feature (considered as standard for solo players in almost every other MMO on the market) behind guild membership.
That'll incentivise solo players (who have no other end-game time sink) to continue playing.
Silliest idea I have ever seen mooted for an MMO.
All The Best
Well here is hoping we get housing by 2016jelliedsoup wrote: »Too much else to fix before they "begin discussing" it.
Skullemainia wrote: »I really do want to see player housing in the future, but to me it isn't that important. I really want to see other things first, like spellcrafting for instance.
I'm waiting for the thieves guild and dark brotherhood since release of eso because they said at release that it would come.
what I really would like is housing for guilds, that would be cool. a place where I can hang out with my guildmates and maybe play mini games, a Khajiit marble game maybe
AOC had guild housing when it released, hardly anyone used it and this MMO was made for large groups and still is. Already in the first zone you have tons of group quests and those really require a group!
If housing then it must first come for everyone, later in the process they can add another solution for guilds if they so desire.
Age Of Conan had bigger problems to worry about seeing as they had no choice but to release the game over two hears early. But it had so much promise also though i cant see elder scrolls games without player housing atleast. Guild halls on the other hand are something that eso really needs in my opinion.
The thing with guild halls is, it will only serve a few players, like the current trading system does. I fully understand that guild leaders want more tools to play with, I was one too in the past.However, I really think we must find a way first to give content to everyone and not just a few.
Its the same with the "problem" Craglorn was / is. It serves some players, but not all. ESO lacks mostly content for all right now, its way to selective in my opinion, so that a lot of players get nothing while some a lot.
Gandrhulf_Harbard wrote: »
Oh yes, why not gate another feature (considered as standard for solo players in almost every other MMO on the market) behind guild membership.
That'll incentivise solo players (who have no other end-game time sink) to continue playing.
Silliest idea I have ever seen mooted for an MMO.
All The Best
I vote for player housing but against guild halls.
Player housing provides clear benefits to players, and provides another aspect to playing the game.
The problem with guild halls is that everyone congregates in them because of the extra facilities like crafting stations etc, and the open world cities then become deserted. Check out Qeynos and Freeport in EQ2, for example, and compare them to any of the cities in ESO where the banks and crafting stations are massively populated, which gives a great impression to new players and adds to the overall atmosphere of the game. The moment you open guild halls the cities will become ghost towns, places people only go to fleetingly for the justice system which won't survive long in empty cities. New players will arrive in a deserted starter city and wonder if anyone else is playing the game - not the sort of first impression you want.
The fact that people belong to up to 5 guilds in this game is also a factor against guild halls, as even they will be less populated than usual, players being spread too thin. Even more disastrous would be if there were trading kiosks in the guild halls as it would make trading even more dependent on guild membership with outdoor kiosks of less interest to guilds.
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »
Zos does take all feedback seriously bud id recommend its better to try than not to try at all.
no, they do not and if you ACTUALLY believe they would EVER listen to this kind of thread at all, i have a bridge in brooklyn to sell you.
I have NEVER understood these kinds of threads, they are a waste of time on hoping they might ACTUALLY implement it. guess what, there is not a SINGLE MMO that has EVER listened to these kinds of threads. If they want to add it, they will, if not, then it is never added.