Maintenance for the week of June 3:
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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
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Crown Store Item Wish List

  • Bleakraven
    Please no unicorns, bunny ears, santa outfits, or anything else lore- and immersion-breaking. If you really wanna do seasonal stuff, do it based on TES universe holidays... But please, no "fun joke" items, mounts or outfits.

    Edit: "Fun" items like the questionable meat sack are cool though ^^
    Edited by Bleakraven on January 27, 2015 2:08PM
  • Jennifur_Vultee
    UrODelA wrote: »
    costumes...Maid Outfits, tailored for...Argonians !



    But nobody has a big spear to polish.
    "Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters." – Albert Einstein

    Treat a customer fairly and they will remember you. Treat a customer poorly and they never forget.

    Imperial City: Zerg, gank or die.
  • Iduyenn
    Civil cloth for both sexes. (Like in GW2). (Not to vulgar...)
    I would love to see capes...
    Horse (foal) PET (not mount).
    Torch looks awsome

    The "armor" packs... especially for heavy armor... i would love to see some more like "imperial". Perhaps its only me, but i liked the "normal" style.
    No "horny" shoulders and badass helmets...
    If you get fancy on the battlefield, you die :P
    Please dont make the female ones to... with too big... you know... At least in heavy armor there should be the possibility to wear male styles...
    I like normal stuff.
    Perhaps allow long heavy armor. (sorry, dont know the right word for it, but in many cultures you didnt wear "pants", only long chain-robes).

    Implement something like "Transmogrification-Stones". So i can wear the strange set, but have the looks of imperial...

    New Instruments/ New melodies...

    Werewolf Skins---



  • jpravn1990b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I Don't want to see:

    Ridiculous, lore breaking mounts such as giant frostbite spiders or anything else like that. If you have to sell mounts then sell different horse skins, but again, keep them lore friendly.

    Consumables that make the game easier to progress through. You've already stated that XP-boosts and the likes are planned, but I find those things to be counter-intuitive. You'll end up with people running through your content faster than you can dish it out.. And I also thought that Elder Scrolls was about the journey, not the end credits..

    Buttload of stupid pets. Again, I think you'll have these in regardless, so keep them lore friendly. Perhaps add in an option to toggle pet-visibility on and off. Maybe some players want a miniature sabre tooth to follow them around, but I don't want to watch it.

    Any items that can be obtained in-game. Don't sell crafting mats or recipes. Just don't. It'll ruin the economy faster than anything. Don't make the game 'easier' by allowing people to cheat their way through the game. Especially crafting. If someone doesn't want to do the work of finding mats, refining them and crafting something then they will have to buy it from other players. Adding items that can bypass this process, or speed it up, will ruin the game.

    Overall, and for the love of all that is good and pure, don't ruin your game with this. Don't turn this into a money fest where people run around in santa outfits and riding a giant. Don't do it. You have a good game that with a few flaws that can easily be mended. Adding stupid *** will drive me away, and then you can only hope that I'm only one who's against silly mounts in an otherwise 'serious' game
    Edited by jpravn1990b16_ESO on January 27, 2015 4:28PM
  • UrODelA
    But nobody has a big spear to polish.


    welcome to the Hardware Crown Store

    aisle 23: wooden poles / rods

    aisle 42: wood polish

    ( whilst it is PEGI16 / M )
    ~ schwanzlurch est UrODelA is the SalamandeR ist der ~
  • DanielMaxwell
    Sadly despite what several have said in this thread , we will end up seeing things in the cash shop along the lines of crafting mats, motif books , powerful weapon/armor sets , lottery(RNG) boxes , and many other things that are either lore breaking or some form of "player power " sales.

    The above is most likely to start happening when box sales start to dry up .
  • Jennifur_Vultee
    UrODelA wrote: »
    But nobody has a big spear to polish.


    welcome to the Hardware Crown Store

    aisle 23: wooden poles / rods

    aisle 42: wood polish

    ( whilst it is PEGI16 / M )

    Now available for just 2000 caps er crowns the Mage's best friend, the Mourningwood fire staff. The perfect accessory to the Lusty Argonian Maid costume!
    "Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters." – Albert Einstein

    Treat a customer fairly and they will remember you. Treat a customer poorly and they never forget.

    Imperial City: Zerg, gank or die.
  • Lykurgis
    Three biggest things the Crown shop needs imo.

    So raiders and theorycrafters can go and test builds/gear/proc rates/weaving on their own, at their leisure, when it is CONVENIENT for them.

    While it was funny at the time, who wants to be named "Lonely Girls Cucumber" forever, paid name changes are a must.

    Because if you are focused on "convenience", what could be more convenient than allowing us to play with friends in other factions with our only character if we want. Once you have 290 skill points/12k achievements and 100 days played, re-rolling isn't really an option, especially for people with day jobs.
    Edited by Lykurgis on January 27, 2015 6:42PM
    We Kill Bosses (NA Server, AD)
    The Purple Guild (NA Server, AD)
    world first naked AA run
  • TRoclodyte
    Probably been mentionned already, but costumes or something for our vampires to either look normal or be locked in a certain stage appearance. I would definitively pay for that.

    My bitchy vampire I would keep in stage 2 appearance, my other one would want to go unnoticed.
  • Fi'yra
    Ability to change your hairstyle/markings/eyes/appearance
    Possibly race?

    Name change?
    AD - PC/EU
    Get Wrobled
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    theimp wrote: »
    AS A REDGUARD I WANT A CAMEL!! PLEASE ADD CAMELS AS MOUNTS also when u become emp in pvp the you should get a MAMMOTH as a mount until your rein ends. thank you!
    theimp wrote: »
    Has any1 added Horse armor or mount costumes to the list ..................................o yea and camels.add camels thanks again

    Yes, I agree. Why not, re the camel.

    We are able to purchase and ride Guar, so can't see any reason why we couldn't have camels to ride. I don't actually see myself purchasing any mount from the Crown Store, though if there are camels (and they look/animate well) I might just see myself getting one for my Redguard family.
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • Zouni
    Be able to purchase entire guild halls where members can hang out, complete with crafting stations, practice duel arena....list can go on and on along with the profits you all will make!
    Nyxtes - NB
    Nyxta - Sorc
    Mastrofonoss - DK
    Gr Blue - Temp
  • starkerealm
    Esha76 wrote: »
    Also, please don't ever sell those ridiculous "mystery boxes" other games sell. With a 0.001% drop chance for the thing you actually want out of it. I, for one, would never spend a single crown on such a thing.

    Oh god, Lockboxes, grab bags, whatevers? So much "NO!"

    Please do not do this.
  • jcaceresw
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Is there a post where I can put some new content suggestions for future patches?

    Now, about the things I would like to see in the Crown Store are:

    Character name change
    This should be unlimited and must check if the new name is not taken first. This applies for all characters either new or old.

    Character physical change
    Self explanatory (but do not allow class or faction change)

    Bank space
    Some options are a) sell the whole 240 slots at once, b) sell the next 10 slots (if the 240 limit haven´t been reached) and c) sell a whole new pack of 260 slots (making the new limit the same as a guild bank, only offered when the player have completed the first 240).

    About the first option I would prefer to check how much bank space has the player bought and offer the remaining ones with a equivalent price (example, a new player can buy the 240 slots pack for 1000 crowns but a existing one who already have 180 slots will buy the remaining 60 slots for 250 crowns)

    Inventory space
    Same thing as the bank space, offer the option to buy the whole pack to upgrade slots to 110 in one payment or equivalent (in case the player has bought some previously). Buy the next 10 slots (if no 110 slots limit have been reached) or buy a 90 slots pack only when the character have reached (or has) 110 slots.

    Character slot
    Self explanatory. Not sure if this should have a limit (due to the hirelings thing)

    Some convenience items
    A full stack (100) of empty soul gems of all kinds. Yes, I like to fill them, not buy them filled.

    Account wide achievements
    Personally, I prefer to complete achievements once because I don´t like the idea of doing the same achievements again and again. Is my own game play preference. I already posted some ideas about this in the forums. It should work this way:

    - Player buy the account wide achievements option from the crown store.
    - Player goes to character selection.
    - Player will select the characters that will have their progress merged in the new dialog that will appear upon entering the character selection.
    - Once done, the system will merge all progressions and unlock achievements if criteria were met (most achievements only require to sum their numeric values others need to create a temporal check list and put all checks of each selected character and then apply the new list to the merged achievement -example, rare style achievement -)
    - From there, all account wide achievement character will have their progress count to their shared achievement.
    - If a new character is being created, the system should present a confirmation dialog where the player can either make the new character to share the achievements or begin fresh).
    - If the player wants a non account wide achievement character to become one, he/she will right click the character and select the option to merge it achievements progress with the shared one, previous confirmation.

    This will help me greatly to focus on playing another class like a healer and complete the related achievements that cant be completed by the other classes easily.

    NOTE: The account wide achievement should only be bought from the crown store and cannot be part of the premium subscription in order to avoid conflicting with the player base who like to complete achievements on each character they have.
  • Woolenthreads
    Armour applicable crafting costumes. For instance there are apparently a lot of people that think that iron/steel/orichalcum armour styles are cooler than the voidsteel etc armour styles. So either a specific purchasable costume effect applicable at crafting to make your armour at whatever level have a particular look or even just store-purchasable level-race specific traits to give a particular look.
    Oooh look, lot's of Butterflies! Wait! Butterflies? Get out of here Sheo, stop bugging me!

    Having issues with Provisioning Writs? A list of problem Writs and people willing to help in game can be found in this Thread
  • Iluvrien
    Zouni wrote: »
    Be able to purchase entire guild halls where members can hang out, complete with crafting stations, practice duel arena....list can go on and on along with the profits you all will make!

    Please, no crafting stations in any player structure (guild halls, private homes etc.). The crafting stations in towns, cities and out in the wilderness will empty in a matter of days. That would be sad because I have met some pretty interesting people there, some of them in need of my crafting skills, since launch.
  • Markaeus
    I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but How about being able to buy the Scroll of Mara from the store?
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Some housing furniture and other items would be nice. Hopefully when housing is released we'll have a crafting skill-tree to go along with it so we can make many of our own too. Though that's getting a little off-topic.
    Edited by Rev Rielle on January 28, 2015 6:02AM
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • Aetherderius
    I have a few costume ideas that I'd really like to see in the Crown Shop/future.

    A Soul Shriven costume
    But not one that covers you completely, I mean one that goes under armour and makes it look like YOU are soulless.

    Cadwell's helmet/pot
    Not some OP item, just a decorative hat

    King Dynar's Crown
    Again, just for decoration

    Former Emperor costume
    When you become Emperor you get the fancy looking costume, but what about after? You could trade in your Emp costume for a blackened, beaten version, to symbolise your defeat. 'Sundered King costume' or something.

    That's all from me :)
  • MornaBaine
    On player housing:
    I think it's fairly apparent that player housing will be DLC and will be instanced rather than appearing as an open place on the map. And that's probably a good thing. I also realize we will probably NOT be getting guild cities. This makes me sad but let's face it, it was always a long shot. Yet guilds DO need places to gather. So what I would LIKE to see is the following:
    1. I purchase a large house (preferably a castle).
    2. I then am able to create a list of players who are able to visit that house at any time, whether I am logged in or not.
    3. Even better, I would like an option to "Select Guild that can Access this House." This would then let me select from my 5 guilds as to which one (or ones) I will allow all members to access the house.

    I would also like to be able to purchase other places like mage guild buildings, fighters guild buildings, temples and shrines to the Divines, and taverns. And then, of course, give my guild access to those buildings.

    I'd like to be able to have the instanced area where I place my house to actually appear as a plot of land that I can then place those OTHER buildings on as well, in short creating a small village of my own that I can then use as a guild city if I desire.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Giraffon
    More emotes. Other threads have covered the ideas pretty well, but certain ones could be purchased. Consider:

    Learn to play [insert instrument]
    Dance Lessons or maybe additional moves mixed in to existing dances
    Extra riding skills lessons (on horse emotes)
    Acrobatics lessons (Did that Argonian just do a cartwheel?)

    Edited by Giraffon on January 28, 2015 4:56PM
    Giraffon - Beta Lizard - For the Pact!
  • Aidantwab16_ESO
    New Underwear! :D

    EDIT: And I also just want to add my two cents on the idea of mystery boxes, they are a disgusting, despicable system that not only spits in the face of premium/subscribed players, but it also screws over your paying cash shoppers too. I'd rather be able to buy shameless advantages (Which I am strongly against) than have gambling boxes in the cash shop.

    Let me just say that last bit one more time: I would rather buy advantages on the cash shop than see mystery boxes.

    Rephrase? Okay. If you are going to do something horrible to your game, make it pay2win garbage, NOT MYSTERY BOXES.

    And that's really all I have to say. If I were going to add anything more it would be how much of a petty crook a person would have to be in order to add mystery boxes to their game. Atleast if you are straight up buying advantages (Again, DO NOT WANT) you know how much it will cost you.

    No mystery boxes.
    Edited by Aidantwab16_ESO on January 29, 2015 9:23AM
  • Speth
    Please just give us some form of a cape! :D Been wanting one with my sorcerer since release.
  • turgut89
    Soul Shriven
    As it mentioned before, NO MYSTERY BOXES, omg who found this idea? Gamers don't like that kind of stupid things, why they would add it every cash-shop in MMOs'...

    1.Camels, there should be camels as a mount.
    2.Lot of "Lore Based" weapon and armor skins.Armor skins could be as a style or you can make it for each piece of armor, then there would be infinite possiblity of armor designs.
    3.Little boost things but it should be set very very punctiliously to don't sink game atmosphere and equity.
    4.Additional bank/bag/guild slots...
    5.Barber shop, style and name changer.
    6.Faction change.
    7.Don't make this game as Silkroad/Knight/... F2P Games as ***.Be careful, please.
    8.Cloak, there should be cloaks.

    Actually, you should base on the lore for every possible additional thing.We don't want to see "Santa Claus" hunting a giant or a guy which wears swimsuit and sunglassess in Skyrim...
  • Inewbz
    Soul Shriven
    I'm pretty sure a few people have already said this but, capes and/or cloaks (preferably capes because something too long would be impractical). This is something Skyrim was missing but could be added with mods and they looked so good.

    I understand the difficulty completely preventing clipping with so many different armour types/ body types and the actual physics of movement, but maybe a work-around you could do is call them 'Illusion capes' (could be ethereal and/or not ethereal) that are described as being a form of illusion magic emitting from Ayleid relic 'technology' worn around the neck, (purely for cosmetic purposes as the crown store should be) this would help with clipping issues as it wouldn't even be considered a physical object. In the future you could even add in a cape slot for crafted/found capes (more like a 'necklace' slot) but that's another subject.

    Even in one of the trailers you showed an archer with a cape of sorts, but of course lacked any in-game, this was a disappointment for me and many others I'm sure but I expected it to turn out that way.
  • Ourorboros
    Speth wrote: »
    Please just give us some form of a cape! :D Been wanting one with my sorcerer since release.

    LOL haven't you guys been paying attention? Posted in reddit that Sage spams "The Incredibles" to those at ZOS who suggest capes. If you never saw "The Incredibles", capes get superheros KIA. You're fighting 'city hall'. :)
    Breton Sorcerer Maester.White - BB meets GoT >Master Crafter< { 9 Traits completed 4/23/15 }
    TANSTAAFL--->There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.....Robert Heinlein
    Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea....Heinlein
    All those moments will be lost in time, like Time to die. "Blade Runner"
    ESO: the game you hate to love and love to hate....( >_<) May RNG be with you (*,_,*)
  • Snippit_Thomas
    As mentioned above, as a boon for us Altaholics, let us buy character slots, no one can complain that is Pay to Win 8)
  • eldermpsmithrwb17_ESO
    As some of my toons are nearly 12 months/100's of hours old, cosmetic alterations to hair and appearance would be welcome.

    Other than that i agree with mounts, costumes, convenience items (not as strong as crafted ones) pets, emotes, housing items (future), name changes

    Also agree with mystery type boxes, they should have no place here, poor chumps like me with bad RNG always get screwed, they not fair. I get frustrated enough with my Pledge key drops at the moment
    Edited by eldermpsmithrwb17_ESO on January 29, 2015 10:07AM
    Selcouth Nexus V16 Templar Magika Healer/Dps
    Mrs Schadenfreude V16 Magika Sorc Dps/off heals
    Malevolent Lust v16 DK Stam Dps/tank
    Mephala's Rage v16 NB Magika Dps
    Lara Nipplestorm v16 DK Magika DPS
  • MornaBaine
    On the subject of the Polymorph Costumes...

    While the Draugher costume is okay, I suppose, I feel that there are MANY more interesting creatures for us to morph into. I realize that for us to use weapons and have the animations be proper these costumes have to be humanoid. I am HOPING that simply having hands and arms is humanoid ENOUGH to pull some of these off. Please tell me if it's not.

    Wisp Mother
    Werewolf (without the Ult abilities, obviously)

    I would also really like to see some polymorph costumes that do NOT let you use weapons, like a full transformation to a wolf, a tiger or leopard, a bear, a house cat, even a snake or frog! Though I imagine these would have to work like disguises and "break" the moment you entered combat, which would be fine. As long, of course, if that "break" did not destroy them and you could access them again as soon as you were out of combat.

    This would add some unbelievable opportunities for roleplaying so I REALLY hope they are possible and will actually be implemented!

    Also, while not technically a polymorph, PLEASE give us a ghost costume that makes our characters look like the transparent ghosts found throughout the game while still, of course, looking like themselves.
    Edited by MornaBaine on January 29, 2015 2:38PM
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Rair.Kitani
    Make an item which converts your armor to a costume. It should delete all stats on the armor, only keep the Look Off alles the Gear you are currently wearing and convert it in a costume-slot item. With this we could benefit from the beautiful crafted Low Level Gear and the New implemented cloth from the justice system. That would be so Nice and individual!

    And NO mystery boxes
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