Crown Store Item Wish List

Community Manager
Hello everyone!

As part of Update 6, we are introducing the Crown Store: an in-game store where you can purchase customization and convenience items. The store offers consumables you can use to save time on in-game activities (like experience and crafting boosters, for example) along with new customization options including costumes, exotic pets, and mounts. When the Crown Store launches, we’ll have a number of items available immediately, but what about the future? Tell us what sorts of goods and services you would like to see offered in the Crown Store – you can be as general or specific as you’d like.

You can view some of the planned Crown Store items at the following link, beginning at 23:59

We look forward to reading your ideas and feedback!
Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
Staff Post
  • Morvul
    every "convinience" item in the store, per defenition, requires there to be "inconvinience" in the game.

    I'd seriously prefere a game without designed-in inconvinience...
  • Lord_Draevan
    I can tell you what we DON'T want: gear/consumables superior to what we can get in-game.

    Please, keep that out of the cash shop.
    I'm a man of few words. Any questions?
    NA/PC server
  • MissBizz
    A dog.
    Edited by MissBizz on January 21, 2015 9:42PM
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • The_Doctor_ESO
    I don't really care, but I can tell you what you should not do.

    Provide nothing that breaks lore or is just plain silly i.e. no unicorn heads or holiday themed items.

    Do not offer items that make the game easier or give advantage. Part of the rewards in playing involve trying to find motifs or earn costumes through progression, costumes kills that motivation.

    Mounts, if i see a single person riding a dragon, giant mudcrab or wamasu you will have failed.

    Just don't break the lore, the immersion of the game for the sake of crowns.

    Make sure that subscibers don't have to pay for new DLC, we made a contract, honor it.
  • Esha76
    Hello everyone!

    As part of Update 6, we are introducing the Crown Store: an in-game store where you can purchase customization and convenience items. The store offers consumables you can use to save time on in-game activities (like experience and crafting boosters, for example) along with new customization options including costumes, exotic pets, and mounts. When the Crown Store launches, we’ll have a number of items available immediately, but what about the future? Tell us what sorts of goods and services you would like to see offered in the Crown Store – you can be as general or specific as you’d like.

    You can view some of the planned Crown Store items at the following link, beginning at 23:59

    We look forward to reading your ideas and feedback!


    As stated in the FAQ - One purchases DLC from the Crown Store. This is stated to be server specific. Such as I buy Wrothgar on NA server, any characters I have on EU server do not have access to such content. Would it be safe to assume, when it comes to game/zone content, a premium ESO member/subscriber would still have access to all zone content (Such as Wrothgar) on both servers? I understand that when it comes to cosmetics/pets they do not transfer regardless of premium or basic.

    Just wanted to ask for clarification. I apologize if this was confirmed somewhere and I missed it.

    Thank you very much.
    "There is no moisture in your angry stares." - Laughs-at-All
    "I don't know why I bother guarding you horrible people." - Orama Sadas
    "Scales here is about to have a really bad day..." - Valeric
    "Just tell me what you're doing here before I turn your heart into a tomato..." - Sereyne
    "Break those rocks! Dig those ditches! Why??? Because I want you to!!!" - Ifriz the Unraveller
    "There are worse masters than I. Far worse." - Molag Bal
    "I humiliated the Daedra in Mehrunes Spite." - You, when turning in a specific Undaunted Daily.
    "I'm not finding you very pleasant!" - Adla the Brewer
    "Old Ri'hirr likes his birds slow and stupid!" - Old Ri'hirr
    "When things get dirty... Oh, I get so flustered." - Meredil the Archivist
    "Too many Argonians about these days..." - Davon's Watch Guard (though I think this one has been removed from game)
  • Stonesthrow
    Like the costumes and mounts plan.

    How about more functional versions of some of the trophy "toys" we find in game, like the one that puts the blue column of light on the player… great for PvP, would be nicer if it lasted longer, even toggle on-off… if multiple colors were available for sub-leaders in a big PvP multi-raid event.

    Or even new ones? Things like that.

    Not that I would be that interested, but the old standby RP type items are usually popular… different chairs, campfires, instruments, stuff like that.

    Being able to use crowns to alter appearance would be good as well, like barbershop or even fix the issues that some of us had when we created our first characters on the first hour of early access… and couldn't zoom into our faces? Remember that? o.O lol My main has a scowl, and he's really a happy go-lucky type of guy!
  • ShadowHvo
    One of the Giant or Medium Frost-Spiders which inhabits Skyrims caves and dungeons, as a mount. Yes, I would really love to see that.

    I'm just being honest here, take a soldier running across the field on a Horse, and then have another on a Frost-Spider, which one will you fear the most?

    I would just run away, I wouldn't even dare face that mighty warrior!

    Seriously, imagen this thing coming running after you in Cyrodiil


    Mooooootheerr..- D=
    Edited by ShadowHvo on January 21, 2015 7:02PM
    Nighren - The Shadow Striker
    Leader of Bloodlines
    -- EU --

    Want to roleplay in elder scrolls online? Check out
  • kwisatz
    I don't really care, but I can tell you what you should not do.

    Provide nothing that breaks lore or is just plain silly i.e. no unicorn heads or holiday themed items.

    Do not offer items that make the game easier or give advantage. Part of the rewards in playing involve trying to find motifs or earn costumes through progression, costumes kills that motivation.

    Mounts, if i see a single person riding a dragon, giant mudcrab or wamasu you will have failed.

    Just don't break the lore, the immersion of the game for the sake of crowns.

    Make sure that subscibers don't have to pay for new DLC, we made a contract, honor it.


  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    I can tell you what we DON'T want: gear/consumables superior to what we can get in-game.

    Please, keep that out of the cash shop.

    Telling us what you don't want to see is fine as well. :)
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • The_Doctor_ESO
    Like the costumes and mounts plan.

    How about more functional versions of some of the trophy "toys" we find in game, like the one that puts the blue column of light on the player… great for PvP, would be nicer if it lasted longer, even toggle on-off… if multiple colors were available for sub-leaders in a big PvP multi-raid event.

    Or even new ones? Things like that.

    Not that I would be that interested, but the old standby RP type items are usually popular… different chairs, campfires, instruments, stuff like that.

    Being able to use crowns to alter appearance would be good as well, like barbershop or even fix the issues that some of us had when we created our first characters on the first hour of early access… and couldn't zoom into our faces? Remember that? o.O lol My main has a scowl, and he's really a happy go-lucky type of guy!

    OK, iwould like to get rid of my man boobs, they clip my imperial armor.
  • Rosveen

    Telling us what you don't want to see is fine as well. :)
    I don't want to see consumables. Oh wait...

    But to keep it constructive, barber shop and name change please.
    Edited by Rosveen on January 21, 2015 7:02PM
  • Dagoth_Rac
    Character name change. I had my first name and last name all lore-friendly and thought out and then I hit create after only entering first name. Now he has been stuck with no last name for 10 months. :-(
  • Blackmoon777
    we DONT wont any EXP boosters in shop, you want to give +10% exp more for premium acc and additional +% boost from cash shop items?

  • Esha76
    Also, please don't ever sell those ridiculous "mystery boxes" other games sell. With a 0.001% drop chance for the thing you actually want out of it. I, for one, would never spend a single crown on such a thing.
    "There is no moisture in your angry stares." - Laughs-at-All
    "I don't know why I bother guarding you horrible people." - Orama Sadas
    "Scales here is about to have a really bad day..." - Valeric
    "Just tell me what you're doing here before I turn your heart into a tomato..." - Sereyne
    "Break those rocks! Dig those ditches! Why??? Because I want you to!!!" - Ifriz the Unraveller
    "There are worse masters than I. Far worse." - Molag Bal
    "I humiliated the Daedra in Mehrunes Spite." - You, when turning in a specific Undaunted Daily.
    "I'm not finding you very pleasant!" - Adla the Brewer
    "Old Ri'hirr likes his birds slow and stupid!" - Old Ri'hirr
    "When things get dirty... Oh, I get so flustered." - Meredil the Archivist
    "Too many Argonians about these days..." - Davon's Watch Guard (though I think this one has been removed from game)
  • Garion
    I want to see vanity items, such as armour for horses, costumes and dyes.

    I don't want to see superior gear, potions, materials or anything that would give someone a skill or ability advantage either in PvE or PvP. That would make me leave the game as a matter of principle.
    Lastobeth - VR16 Sorc - PvP Rank 41 (AD)
    Lastoblyat - VR16 Templar - PvP Rank 14 (AD)
    Ninja Pete - VR16 NB - PvP Rank 10 (AD)
    Labo the Banana Slayer - VR14 Sorc - PvP Rank 12 (EP)

    Member of Banana Squad | Officer of Arena
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    an in-game store where you can purchase customization and convenience items.
    noun \kən-ˈvēn-yən(t)s\

    : a quality or situation that makes something easy or useful for someone by reducing the amount of work or time required to do something
    A boost to VR14 would clearly fall into that category, wouldn't it and since F2P means there's no extra revenue for you by making people take longer than they want to then there's no reason not to offer this, is there?

    Edited by fromtesonlineb16_ESO on January 21, 2015 7:05PM
  • PsylverRaven
    Horse armour
    Visible jewelry
    Perhaps the ability to revisit body markings, hairstyle, etc.
    Cold Thunder

    Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
    - Albert Einstein
  • Lord_Draevan

    Telling us what you don't want to see is fine as well. :)

    As long as what we can get is purely cosmetic or for convenience rather than things that can give you an edge up on other players in PvP, I'll be happy.

    Edited by Lord_Draevan on January 25, 2015 6:33PM
    I'm a man of few words. Any questions?
    NA/PC server
  • Cogo
    Whatever you put in the store. NO ITEMS THAT INCREASE PLAYERS POWER!

    If you guys keep to that, I don't care what you put in the store. ^^
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Chrlynsch
    Lore friendly Werewolf skins as in wereboars, werebats, werelions, ect... All tomes (one time use or reusable) that allow you to change what lycanthrope you are. Also a creater for it when you finish your were-quest, so you can pick right out of the gate. If you really want to go crazy give us sliders and pattern and size scaling options.
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • The_Doctor_ESO
    Lotro did this thing after F2P where you could buy a potion and insta-level to 50 - Don't do that ever, it smacks of desperation and caters to the weak.
  • Dagoth_Rac
    The store offers consumables you can use to save time on in-game activities (like experience and crafting boosters, for example)

    Will these be better than the boost you get from subscribing? I think you should be very careful about having cash-based ways to outpace anyone, let alone subscribers. No one is going to want to subscribe if Joe Schmo can drop $100 in the store and get a Champion Point every 5 minutes because his XP is so accelerated. Or get 9 traits researched in a few days because his crafting is so accelerated.
  • Ourorboros
    I don't want to see the ability to shorten trait research times. No one in game will have all 9 traits done on one toon before April. Seeing someone able to buy all the trait abilities as a convenience would be a huge slap in the face to everyone that has invested time on this to date.
    Breton Sorcerer Maester.White - BB meets GoT >Master Crafter< { 9 Traits completed 4/23/15 }
    TANSTAAFL--->There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.....Robert Heinlein
    Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea....Heinlein
    All those moments will be lost in time, like Time to die. "Blade Runner"
    ESO: the game you hate to love and love to hate....( >_<) May RNG be with you (*,_,*)
  • SoulScream
    pvp forward camps!
  • tinythinker

    Telling us what you don't want to see is fine as well. :)
    Edited by tinythinker on January 21, 2015 7:41PM
    Experienced, new, returner? Help keep ESO's community strong ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ -- share what you love about the game, offer constructive feedback, and make friends.ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

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    (And let us know 🔷What Kind of Roleplayer You Are🔷 - even if that only extends to choosing your race)

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Support Mudcrab Mode for ESO (\/)!_!(\/) - part joke, part serious, all glorious! You butter be ready for this
  • Olern
    I'd love to be able to buy another character slot.
  • BalerionBlackDread
    I'd like to see the Wizard's Tower (from Oblivion dlc) in the shop. Obviously this is contingent on player housing being implemented (maybe it can somehow happen faster now with the shop). Other than that, I share the sentiment of most people, no power increases/functional gear/leveling boosters/anything that that would give the buyer an advantage.
  • Aenra
    things i would not want:

    - lockboxes/lottery items. Including covert types, such as buy 5 and guranteed one amongst them, whereas buying one there is a "chance to"

    - limited time offers, usually preeminent when a financial Quarter is nearing, and tadaa, the surprise. Liited time offering of said item that is two times better than anything else you sold before it. And people bought. Already. Reasons being obvious

    things i would want:

    - recipes. Yes, recipes.
    Crafting can be fun. I am aware the ZOS team is a touch behind on said factor, but to give an example (sorry i am being so sarcastic all the time, call it a disappointment), and an example from an MMO i dislike. Even they do this better:
    Savory deviate delight
    Noggenfogger elixir, etc

    - Mounts designed with specific item sets in mind!
    Important distinction, because while every store and their mother (am so funny) sells mounts, you would not believe how hard it is to have a mount matching your current armour. One mount for each high tier PvE and PvP set, one mount for each colour preference. Say you currently have armour dyed red. What would you match it with? Nothing currently. This is your line of thinking

    - In terms of armour "skins", non-glowy, realistic appearances. Not everyone likes to have 4 (3 green and one white) disco balls revolving around them 24/7. In the words of Robin Williams, even a blind gay man would go "jeesus!". Some of us are a touch older

    - Experience halters (zero XP in PvE, zero in RP). Completionists and RPers alike could use them, while you benefit from their sales. Lotro did this. EQ2 had a whole system that allowed you to halt your XP. You too are a lore heavy, story-driven MMO. Add these at the least

    - I would love, love, love to see backpacks, satchels, et al. Not cloaks, not capes. No one goes to fight with a cloak billowing on his back, take this from a veteran, lol. But you could add backpacks/satchels. For starters, they have no physics, so should be easier for you to implement, and apart from that, they too add a "realistic" touch to our appearance, which i believe you too are striving for.
    Pride, honour and purity
  • Aenra
    sorry @MODs, cannot edit with my IE

    if i could add one more thing, on the wish list:

    make our monthly crown loyalties -count-. Most games, your monthly stipend is not enough for nearly anything of note, so you always need to buy more. And more, and more crowns. Which evidently leads you to drop your sub, because let's face it, it is a rip off. Please do not go there :)
    Pride, honour and purity
  • Chrlynsch
    -Armor/weapon style conversation kits
    -PVP battle kits offensive/defensive, stackable containers for inventory saving containing a variety of siege weapons. Buy with crowns or AP.
    -weapon/armor trait conversation kits.
    -Pve open world companion/mercenaries (time based consumables)
    -Inventory expanders bank and personal
    -Dance lessons
    -Phased housing/tents/chests for storing equipment/items/ingredients.

    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
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