ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hello everyone!
As part of Update 6, we are introducing the Crown Store: an in-game store where you can purchase customization and convenience items. The store offers consumables you can use to save time on in-game activities (like experience and crafting boosters, for example) along with new customization options including costumes, exotic pets, and mounts. When the Crown Store launches, we’ll have a number of items available immediately, but what about the future? Tell us what sorts of goods and services you would like to see offered in the Crown Store – you can be as general or specific as you’d like.
You can view some of the planned Crown Store items at the following link, beginning at 23:59 http://www.twitch.tv/zenimaxonlinestudios/v/3711373
We look forward to reading your ideas and feedback!
The_Doctor_ESO wrote: »I don't really care, but I can tell you what you should not do.
Provide nothing that breaks lore or is just plain silly i.e. no unicorn heads or holiday themed items.
Do not offer items that make the game easier or give advantage. Part of the rewards in playing involve trying to find motifs or earn costumes through progression, costumes kills that motivation.
Mounts, if i see a single person riding a dragon, giant mudcrab or wamasu you will have failed.
Just don't break the lore, the immersion of the game for the sake of crowns.
Make sure that subscibers don't have to pay for new DLC, we made a contract, honor it.
Lord_Draevan wrote: »I can tell you what we DON'T want: gear/consumables superior to what we can get in-game.
Please, keep that out of the cash shop.
Stonesthrow wrote: »Like the costumes and mounts plan.
How about more functional versions of some of the trophy "toys" we find in game, like the one that puts the blue column of light on the player… great for PvP, would be nicer if it lasted longer, even toggle on-off… if multiple colors were available for sub-leaders in a big PvP multi-raid event.
Or even new ones? Things like that.
Not that I would be that interested, but the old standby RP type items are usually popular… different chairs, campfires, instruments, stuff like that.
Being able to use crowns to alter appearance would be good as well, like barbershop or even fix the issues that some of us had when we created our first characters on the first hour of early access… and couldn't zoom into our faces? Remember that? o.O lol My main has a scowl, and he's really a happy go-lucky type of guy!
I don't want to see consumables. Oh wait...ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »an in-game store where you can purchase customization and convenience items.
A boost to VR14 would clearly fall into that category, wouldn't it and since F2P means there's no extra revenue for you by making people take longer than they want to then there's no reason not to offer this, is there?1con·ve·nience
noun \kən-ˈvēn-yən(t)s\
: a quality or situation that makes something easy or useful for someone by reducing the amount of work or time required to do something
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »The store offers consumables you can use to save time on in-game activities (like experience and crafting boosters, for example)
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »