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Why do people think this game sucks?

  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Zorrashi wrote: »
    ESO has many strong points, most of which are more than efficient to keep me subbed. I love their skill variety, UI, crafting, VR ranks and so on. But it does have some severe issues that can be more than tedious to a portion of the player base given the generally large scope of some of them:

    1. Cadwell's Silver/Gold: This is probably the bane of anyone who wants to experience another faction content on an alt. It may be fun on one character but if you create another then it seems like a really long repeat. Then there are those who simply do not want to partake in solo-quest oriented content. The fact that it is practically essentially to leveling VR ranks is a real stump for those who want an alternative. I'm not saying I want it scrapped or anything, but another option to rank in VR levels would be nice.
    2. Grouping Mechanics: It is better now than it was before, but it is still in need of a few more tweaks. Grouping should be as painless as possible for those who want to.
    3. Lag/server responsiveness etc.: Most prominent in Cyrodil, lag also happens in certain situations even in PvE to the point that it becomes hazardous to your gameplay sometimes when all of a sudden you find yourself dead by a boss in a VR dungeon that tried oh so hard to complete. Not cool. Not fun. Please fix it for those who have the problem.

    I could list a few more, but I think those are the "Big 3" that should be addressed imo. But other than that (and certain skill imbalances, bugs, forced grouping in Craglorn, forced soloing in main quests, etc.....) the future looks bright with the promise of the champion system and the justice system. Hopefully other additions/fixes will arrive to make this game even better than it already is.
    I completely agree, but I think you are being too kind to the grouping system. In some ways it's actually worse. When the game first came out I could usually get a group using the LFG system within 10 minutes or so. Now it's as though it doesn't work at all.
  • RSram
    Stop using soft targeting. You can't dodge many single target attacks even when I see them coming; mostly from world and dungeon bosses. I prefer actual aiming mechanics like in a first person shooter MMO like Destiny for example.

    Non-persistent swap bar (I believe this was done because the abilities are so out of balance.) I have to waste two slots on my swap bar because I do mostly solo PVE, and I love my pets.

    You can't buy crafting items from vendors; you must use the guild stores, or find them yourself.

    It is impossible to compare prices between guild stores unless you want to travel to each one.

    No auction house for solo players. I explained in a previous post of how an auction could work and not blow up the game’s economy.

    Can't craft jewelry, you have to buy them.

    Can’t craft armor repair kits.

    Can’t add traits to items that don’t have any, so the useless.

    The Cadwell quests dialog are screwed up and constantly revers to you being soulless when you aren’t.

    The game relies on shards to gain skill points instead of using achievements get skill points. Achievement makes more sense; want more skill points then start killing those group dungeon bosses, or catch that rare fish, or craft a rare armor set, but make the player really earn the skill point.

    Achievements have no use other than giving you dyes for armor.

    You can’t sell armor once you dyed it, so you can’t sell that legendary armor you worked so hard to craft.

    Treasure chests and crafting items should be phased to each player.

    Most loot is worthless for the amount of effort you spend in getting it; I'm referring to the world and dungeon bosses. It really sucked when I fought a Storm Atronach World boss for 20 minutes and then got a Mc Donald’s gift certificate as a reward?

    The game displays too many quest markers; I like to just have one active quest on my map, and hide the inactive ones so that I can’t see them.

    The map that shows the entire world without discovering it first; I would like a map that expands as I explore the world.

    I can't figure out how to get rid of the clues icons over hidden items, so if there is an option to do this, I would like to know; It’s not very challenging to find a clue if you have a big white arrow bouncing over it.

    The game baby feeds too much data to the point that you really don't need to read any of the conversations or books, just click, click, and click, and then follow the white rabbits (I mean arrows

    All quests should be SOLO only with the exception of world bosses and public dungeon bosses, and the areas between the quest objectives. Once I enter a quest zone, like entering a house, there will be no other players in my way.

    All group members should be phased with the group leader and the group leader makes all the decisions in the quest. The rest of the group sees and hears the conversations and the choices made by the group leader.

    No built in VIOP.

    World Bosses that don’t follow you to hell and back: they just turn around and go back home and regain ALL their health again.

    The World Bosses run by you (ignoring you) after they are done chasing another player. The bosses return to their starting position and wait for you to attack; just isn’t realistic logic. They should attack you if you are within range.

    The NPCs are worthless. So I have a Master Warrior NPC as a follower, and I slicing my way through one Dreugh after another. After15 minute of hell, I look around, and the Master Warrior is still fighting the first mud crab!

    You can’t fail a quest because it not politically incorrect to have a game that would allow this. It would be nice that if the quest NPC dies or you fail to meet the quest objective, you fail the quest.

    All quests require you to find the quest giver first before exploring some areas or starting quests: tends to stifle free exploration; for example, in a solo dungeon, where I fought tooth and nail to get to the end and notice a sword stuck in a table, I can’t interact with the sword until I find the quest giver which means that I have to do the entire dungeon over again.

    75% of the dungeons and the house are the same. I like the dungeons to take at least 20 to 30 minutes or more to explore and not follow the letter “q” in design.

    I like to have flying monsters and swimming monsters (Slaughter fish not included).

    You always have good visibility. You don’t need torches at night, or in dark dungeons. The rain never downpours and obscures you vision. The snow blizzards are a joke. Where are the sandstorms?

    What’s the deal with water? Why can’t my pets swim with me? Why can’t the enemy NPC’s chase me in the water? Why can’t I swim or fight under water? A lot of neat quests could be done underwater.

    Things that were fixed in one patch are now broken because of a later patch that was supposed to address an unrelated issue.

    The skills trees for the various classes are still imbalanced after 6 months.

    Frame rate is always unpredictable when doing PVP. When it’s sunny, the game plays fine. When it’s raining the game has an arthritis attack.

    Collision detection is still terrible where occasionally you can’t select items.

    Occasionally you have to log off and on again to find or interact with a quest item or NPC. This is most like due to you losing sync with the server.

    And finally, after five years of development and over a year of beta, the VR system is trashed and a new champion system will take its place which has had less development time than the VR system. Good luck with the bugs with this change!
  • RSram
    I like to add that ALL quests are linear and the decisions you make in a quest doesn't affect later quests in the game which in effect makes you decisions meaningless, so why have them in the first place?
  • Lord Xanhorn
    Lord Xanhorn
    So WoWs latest xpac just launched and it was a disaster on high pop servers so I decided to resub to ESO while they figured out the issues. So I must say this game is way more fun leveling and in combat. The customization options and crafting are amazing. The problem I see is there are not enough options to progress. With a level cap of 150 more or less, questing gets to be such a drain and eventually just becomes tedious. There needs to be alternative options. Running 4 man dungeons, PVP, crafting, gathering, dolmens, world bosses all should give more XP. If I can do a 4 man dungeon in 30 minutes and I can do 6 quests in the same 30 minutes, they should give the same XP. As it is now, the only viable way to level is questing. After the first 50 levels, the idea of starting over in a whole new zone starting at VR1 to do the same thing is a real drain. This is why I quit the first time.
    I'm kind of a small deal!
  • diabeticDemon18
    So WoWs latest xpac just launched and it was a disaster on high pop servers so I decided to resub to ESO while they figured out the issues. So I must say this game is way more fun leveling and in combat. The customization options and crafting are amazing. The problem I see is there are not enough options to progress. With a level cap of 150 more or less, questing gets to be such a drain and eventually just becomes tedious. There needs to be alternative options. Running 4 man dungeons, PVP, crafting, gathering, dolmens, world bosses all should give more XP. If I can do a 4 man dungeon in 30 minutes and I can do 6 quests in the same 30 minutes, they should give the same XP. As it is now, the only viable way to level is questing. After the first 50 levels, the idea of starting over in a whole new zone starting at VR1 to do the same thing is a real drain. This is why I quit the first time.

    See... everyone acts like ESO is the only game that has bugs with new content. Even WoW failed and created a disaster. EVERY GAME HAS DISASTERS PEOPLE
  • RSram
    See... everyone acts like ESO is the only game that has bugs with new content. Even WoW failed and created a disaster. EVERY GAME HAS DISASTERS PEOPLE

    But not with every update.
  • diabeticDemon18
    RSram wrote: »
    See... everyone acts like ESO is the only game that has bugs with new content. Even WoW failed and created a disaster. EVERY GAME HAS DISASTERS PEOPLE

    But not with every update.

    I never said that they did ;D
  • Cathexis
    Honestly my only gripe about this game is that the inventory space is puny. 80% of what makes the game fun is being able to gear swap and buildswap.
    The Tomb of FPS Alteration Magic - Everything You Need to Know About FPS
    Praise Malacath.
  • NadiusMaximus
    Because everytime I turn around to complete an achievement, the last thing to do is always *** up. Last quest in an area needed to get path finder, bugged.
    Last dolman needed for nirn savior, bugged.
    Last bosses needed for multiple achiements, bugged.

    But it doesn't make any difference to complain about this here, no body reads this ***.
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    RSram wrote: »
    Stop using soft targeting. You can't dodge many single target attacks even when I see them coming; mostly from world and dungeon bosses. I prefer actual aiming mechanics like in a first person shooter MMO like Destiny for example.
    While I agree that it would be fun in theory and make it more like the other TES games, it wouldn't work in ESO just because of lag and latency. It would actually be a nightmare
    Non-persistent swap bar (I believe this was done because the abilities are so out of balance.) I have to waste two slots on my swap bar because I do mostly solo PVE, and I love my pets.
    If I'm understanding this correctly you want toggled abilities to remain when you swap weapons? If that's the case I have to disagree. They are toggles for reason. There are plenty of buffs that do not toggle and remain after you swap.
    You can't buy crafting items from vendors; you must use the guild stores, or find them yourself.
    Every MMO is like this. I think they should implement sharing guild bank resources though.
    It is impossible to compare prices between guild stores unless you want to travel to each one.
    I too find this extremely irritating. But then again I think....
    No auction house for solo players. I explained in a previous post of how an auction could work and not blow up the game’s economy.
    ....We should have an auction house anyway.
    Can't craft jewelry, you have to buy them.

    Can’t craft armor repair kits.

    Can’t add traits to items that don’t have any, so the useless.
    All of these are fine suggestions.
    The Cadwell quests dialog are screwed up and constantly revers to you being soulless when you aren’t.
    I think you're supposed to be "back in time" or some such nonsense, but honestly the whole thing is dumb anyway.
    The game relies on shards to gain skill points instead of using achievements get skill points. Achievement makes more sense; want more skill points then start killing those group dungeon bosses, or catch that rare fish, or craft a rare armor set, but make the player really earn the skill point.

    Achievements have no use other than giving you dyes for armor.
    Why? Achievements are just fluff, at least with the dye they have a purpose. No Elder Scrolls game has every awarded skill points for completing an achievement. It's always been based on gaining a level. At least they got that part right.
    You can’t sell armor once you dyed it, so you can’t sell that legendary armor you worked so hard to craft.
    Sell it to whom? You can sell it to NPCs and if you can't sell it to players then just don't dye it and let them dye it. This actually seems trivial.
    Treasure chests and crafting items should be phased to each player.
    Okay. Why?
    Most loot is worthless for the amount of effort you spend in getting it; I'm referring to the world and dungeon bosses. It really sucked when I fought a Storm Atronach World boss for 20 minutes and then got a Mc Donald’s gift certificate as a reward?
    I agree 100% most of the loot is junk. Even purple items are often only good for the mat from breaking it down.
    The game displays too many quest markers; I like to just have one active quest on my map, and hide the inactive ones so that I can’t see them.
    I personally feel like they did a good job with making it obvious on the map which one was active and or not. You can use the marker and put a blue diamond on where you want to go if it's that confusing. Also the journal has a "find on map" button.
    The map that shows the entire world without discovering it first; I would like a map that expands as I explore the world.
    Every TES game has done this the exact same way. You have a map and you fill in markers as you progress. Would you buy a map at a store that didn't mark cities and roads?
    I can't figure out how to get rid of the clues icons over hidden items, so if there is an option to do this, I would like to know; It’s not very challenging to find a clue if you have a big white arrow bouncing over it.

    The game baby feeds too much data to the point that you really don't need to read any of the conversations or books, just click, click, and click, and then follow the white rabbits (I mean arrows
    Skyrim was the same way.
    All quests should be SOLO only with the exception of world bosses and public dungeon bosses, and the areas between the quest objectives. Once I enter a quest zone, like entering a house, there will be no other players in my way.
    Why? I get that some people are antisocial but I like grouping. 99% of the quests are solo anyway.
    All group members should be phased with the group leader and the group leader makes all the decisions in the quest. The rest of the group sees and hears the conversations and the choices made by the group leader
    You have been playing too many single player RPGs I think. This isn't Baldur's Gate and people don't have to defer to a leader.
    No built in VIOP.
    I agree this would be nice.
    World Bosses that don’t follow you to hell and back: they just turn around and go back home and regain ALL their health again.

    The World Bosses run by you (ignoring you) after they are done chasing another player. The bosses return to their starting position and wait for you to attack; just isn’t realistic logic. They should attack you if you are within range
    Now I know you haven't played MMOs in the past because this is the easiest way of griefing other players. I remember back in the day this game called EverQuest. If you wanted to be a complete jerk all you had to do was get a train of a dozen monsters and lead them to an unsuspecting group. It's actually a good thing this doesn't exist in modern MMOs. Also the mobs didn't leash. They followed you straight to the zone line.
    The NPCs are worthless. So I have a Master Warrior NPC as a follower, and I slicing my way through one Dreugh after another. After15 minute of hell, I look around, and the Master Warrior is still fighting the first mud crab!
    Meh. I'm not sure they actually intended them to be very helpful anyway.
    You can’t fail a quest because it not politically incorrect to have a game that would allow this. It would be nice that if the quest NPC dies or you fail to meet the quest objective, you fail the quest.
    Imagine the headache with dozens of petitions to CSRs because people wanted a do-over. There is a reason you can't "fail" a quest. Even in a single player TES game all you have to do is go back to a previous save. You probably want perma death too right?
    All quests require you to find the quest giver first before exploring some areas or starting quests: tends to stifle free exploration; for example, in a solo dungeon, where I fought tooth and nail to get to the end and notice a sword stuck in a table, I can’t interact with the sword until I find the quest giver which means that I have to do the entire dungeon over again.
    This is a blanket statement and completely untrue. Sometimes the "quest giver" is an object in a dungeon.
    75% of the dungeons and the house are the same. I like the dungeons to take at least 20 to 30 minutes or more to explore and not follow the letter “q” in design.
    Maybe they could have put some more thought into these. In SWG we called them "stock caves" because they all had the exact same layout.
    I like to have flying monsters and swimming monsters (Slaughter fish not included).
    There are flying monsters and they chose not to have water combat. I personally don't see the point in having underwater combat either and so far it's not really been a feature of TES games in the past. Have you ever tried to swing a sword underwater in real life? I think it's fine the way it is.
    You always have good visibility. You don’t need torches at night, or in dark dungeons. The rain never downpours and obscures you vision. The snow blizzards are a joke. Where are the sandstorms?
    I agree this would have added another dimension to the game.
    What’s the deal with water? Why can’t my pets swim with me? Why can’t the enemy NPC’s chase me in the water? Why can’t I swim or fight under water? A lot of neat quests could be done underwater.
    ^ See above.
    Things that were fixed in one patch are now broken because of a later patch that was supposed to address an unrelated issue.
    Yeah...This sadly has become a pattern.
    The skills trees for the various classes are still imbalanced after 6 months.
    And they always will be as long as we have classes. We never should have had classes to begin with.
    Frame rate is always unpredictable when doing PVP. When it’s sunny, the game plays fine. When it’s raining the game has an arthritis attack.
    Completely agree. They may eventually get this worked out.
    Collision detection is still terrible where occasionally you can’t select items.
    Not sure specifically what you mean.
    Occasionally you have to log off and on again to find or interact with a quest item or NPC. This is most like due to you losing sync with the server.
    Probably true. Annoying but thankfully it's become more rare and not at the top of my concerns.
    And finally, after five years of development and over a year of beta, the VR system is trashed and a new champion system will take its place which has had less development time than the VR system. Good luck with the bugs with this change!
    It's hard to say at this point how bad that will be. They have been pretty tight lipped about it.

    Edited by eventide03b14a_ESO on November 19, 2014 10:33PM
  • grimsfield
    Its becoming more and more of a huge grindfest.

    And this too:
    Cathexis wrote: »
    Honestly my only gripe about this game is that the inventory space is puny. 80% of what makes the game fun is being able to gear swap and buildswap.

    It seems like half the game is just inventory management. A lot could be done to make selling things more streamlined and inventory space larger to alleviate this issue. Its just that the Devs seem completely resistant to that.

    1 other thing too, since we're talking about devs. It seems like every time a patch is released to fix something, the devs managing to break something else. This needs to stop.
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    grimsfield wrote: »
    Its becoming more and more of a huge grindfest.

    And this too:
    Cathexis wrote: »
    Honestly my only gripe about this game is that the inventory space is puny. 80% of what makes the game fun is being able to gear swap and buildswap.

    It seems like half the game is just inventory management. A lot could be done to make selling things more streamlined and inventory space larger to alleviate this issue. Its just that the Devs seem completely resistant to that.

    1 other thing too, since we're talking about devs. It seems like every time a patch is released to fix something, the devs managing to break something else. This needs to stop.
    I was looking through it and even trivial items like quest rewards that only do some little fluff trick and costumes take up space. Why can't those have their own category and 0 space fill? We don't have a house to put them in.
  • diabeticDemon18
    grimsfield wrote: »
    Its becoming more and more of a huge grindfest.

    And this too:
    Cathexis wrote: »
    Honestly my only gripe about this game is that the inventory space is puny. 80% of what makes the game fun is being able to gear swap and buildswap.

    It seems like half the game is just inventory management. A lot could be done to make selling things more streamlined and inventory space larger to alleviate this issue. Its just that the Devs seem completely resistant to that.

    1 other thing too, since we're talking about devs. It seems like every time a patch is released to fix something, the devs managing to break something else. This needs to stop.
    I was looking through it and even trivial items like quest rewards that only do some little fluff trick and costumes take up space. Why can't those have their own category and 0 space fill? We don't have a house to put them in.

    Agreed, at the very least just give us some more bank space! 60 bank space is just way too small. Yes, I know you can upgrade bank space to get more... but the fact is that you shouldn't have to!
  • spryler
    I still miss the Everquest Trains to the zone lines. I know it would never fly these days (I think less jerks played back then). I wish they figure out a way to not leash mobs and not have it be used negatively.
  • NadiusMaximus
    Yup. Bye. Only HARDCORE players have what it takes to put up with this broke ass game right now.

    "But... But... It's not broke.... It's not broke. .. "

    Yeah, it's really not. Lots of stuff glitches. Abilities don't work right. No way to tell what ability is based of what stat without third party Web pages and stat sheets. Multiple bugs keeping players from getting achievements. Unplayable pvp in certain areas. Yup. Not broke.

    If it's not broke, then everything is working as intended. If this *** is intended, then this is the single most *** up game ever.

    "But.... BUT. ... it just has a few problems, it's not broke"

    Imagine, I'm selling you a car.

    You jump in and it starts right up. VROOOOOOMMMM!

    You love it. And pay for it, boom, right on the spot. Then you go to drive away, and find out it has no transmission. Your all like "Wtf MAN, IT'S BROKE ?"

    Now both of us know, that the car is WORKING PERFECTLY, it's not broken, it just can't go anywhere due to missing parts.

    I go ahead and fix the problem for you, and you go to drive away. But, the car hood, doors, and trunk lid are missing. "Wtf MAN, IT'S BROKE ?" you say.

    No its not, it runs great. It's just missing a few parts, but it's not broken. Those things happen while fixing problems.

    I could go on and on, just like the problems in this game, but you get the point.

    Just because something works doesn't mean it's not broken.

    Final example, Look at our government.
    Edited by NadiusMaximus on November 21, 2014 2:57AM
  • Zorrashi
    Yup. Bye. Only HARDCORE players have what it takes to put up with this broke ass game right now.

    "But... But... It's not broke.... It's not broke. .. "

    Yeah, it's really not. Lots of stuff glitches. Abilities don't work right. No way to tell what ability is based of what stat without third party Web pages and stat sheets. Multiple bugs keeping players from getting achievements. Unplayable pvp in certain areas. Yup. Not broke.

    If it's not broke, then everything is working as intended. If this *** is intended, then this is the single most *** up game ever.

    Well someone is a debbie downer. My game works pretty well, but I understand it is not the same for others.

    While glitches and bugs are certainly a problem for many players (not all), zos has shown that they have been working on the issues. Despite the UI describing (or not describing) abilities/effects is potentially subpar for many, it is far from game breaking for many as well. Unplayable PvP? Indeed, it is a major problem for many players, but you present it as if it is the end of ESO.
    [Helpful Game Tip: Cyrodil tends to run better if you set the settings of the graphics on low, and disable things like light effects, extra grass, etc.]

    If anything is so horrible to your gaming experience, you are also more than free to make helpful ideas and suggestions on the forums. Just be prepared for others to disagree with you.

    It is not perfect. Nor is any MMO. MMOs of all sorts tend to have flaws, and this one is no different. All MMOs go through things like this. Nothing earth shattering going on here.
  • Breg_Magol
    Zorrashi wrote: »
    It is not perfect. Nor is any MMO. MMOs of all sorts tend to have flaws, and this one is no different. All MMOs go through things like this. Nothing earth shattering going on here. (quoted)

    Add the fact that it's impossible to have ANY sort of meaningful discussion with ZOS because over zealous defenders pollute potentially meaningful discussion with awe-inspiring banality.

    It's like watching a three way family split up ... when one side knows another side will always jump in ... problem with this is that the issues never get discussed to the point that ALL parties get to express their opinions.

    In this family discussion .. ZOS is conspicuously absent ... and so I too bid you all adieu, my toons are going into the deep freeze again. Will they awake in some future to a sense of meaningful adventure and gameplay? I can't say .. my crystal ball is clouded at this point.
    Edited by Breg_Magol on November 21, 2014 6:43AM
  • CapitaineManette
    Soul Shriven
    New to the Skyrim/ Oblivion/Morrowind lore TESO is my first MMO as a console gamer.

    i'm level 36 and bored as hell. Every quest seems to be the same and I think it's because of the writing. Too many dialogues with no real tension or climax. Every NPC seems to speak only to deliver information for your quest, without personnality or personal motivation, accumulating facts and names hoping that you'll finaly care because of the weight of it all.
    And when you do the quest it's boring easy, mobs my level are never a threat.

    Also there is really no coop experience except for a few Dungeons and a lag-broken Cyrodill
    Worse : all the quest are meant to be solo'd but there are always other players doing the exact same thing you do (stole this, kill that). So you wait in line with strangers for the weak NPC you have to kill to reappears on map. It's non-immersive and visually pretty ridiculous.

    So I think TESO "sucks" and it's a letdown even for someone who don't care about Skyrim but just about gameplay. There's no fun exploring the world depicted after level 15 and little to no interactions with other players.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • CapitaineManette
    Soul Shriven
    I don't know Skyrim and I really don't care; just another variation of Tolkien stuff with elves and orcs (poor imaginatioon IMO).
    I see TESO as one console game, bad written and boring although I'm playing it with several friends so it should be fun WHY IS IT NOT ?

    And I came here from a "TESO sucks" Google search. I was wondering if I was the problem and if I didn't understand how to enjoy the game.
  • VilhelmValhalla4
    Stop comparing it to Skyrim. Like, seriously. Skyrim is a good game, but not a good TES game.

    Elder Scrolls Online is not a good TES game...
  • Vlor
    I love this game. I played during release and yeah it was a rough start but I wasn't expecting it to be smooth. I quit later to check out WoD for a couple months, quit that, and came back to ESO last month. Not sure why reviews are so bad, I always had great fun here. ;p I did play Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim and I came from WoW, but I didn't bash this game or get disappointed it wasn't Skyrim online. Its got a great story, great graphics, love how I can build my characters. I love how the world feels and the action combat is very fun. Only complaint I can think of is that I would have preferred ZOS to just not add classes. It makes more sense to me if ESO was a classless system with just skill trees to choose from. Other than that, I can't think of anything I dislike. I am excited for the future.. ESO is a good game now but I think it could be great.

    EDIT: Oops didn't realize this was a necro'd thread lmao. My bad.
    Edited by Vlor on July 15, 2015 4:37PM
  • Fourbes
    Soul Shriven
    I think it is apples to oranges. MMORPGs are completely different then RPGs. Adding in the ability to play with hundreds of people changes the scope of gameplay completely.
  • ProtonCow27
    Soul Shriven
    Now people like me who played since Morrowind seem to enjoy it.

    I haven't played since Morrowind, it came out almost two months before I was born. I played Skyrim first, and Skyrim is probably my favorite TES game. I have played all the other TES games though, Arena - Oblivion. Morrowind is amazing. In fact, I think I'm gonna go play it right now. I still love ESO.

    "There's always a first, so try it, just don't... die.
  • MikeB
    I'm sorry but I think Skyrim is the worst Elder Scrolls game to date. I much prefer ESO to Skyrim. Skyrims skill's were done horribly, crafting was a joke, The dragon fights were easy and generic in every way.
  • GreySix
    This thread:

    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • DenMoria
    You put an awful lot of thought in to that post.

    People think ESO sucks? Really?

    That's sad.

    It doesn't suck. It's just confusing for those of us that come from a strictly single-player/limited co-op experience.

    Sure ESO has it's flaws (what game doesn't), but "sucks"? No.

    Sure it's a poor follow-up to Skyrim (which I'm in the middle of playing, yet again BTW) if you consider it a follow-up to Skyrim (which IMO it isn't).

    To all you haters out there, take it from somebody who's sunk more than 5K hours in to Skyrim. There will be a new TES game eventually. Don't worry about it. It will take time. In the meantime, enjoy ESO for what it is, an MMO w/PvP and PvE and some solo activity that's meant to be played online in the TES Universe. Nothing more.

    Over and out.
  • KingSaiz
    The incessant changes to the base mechanics of leveling your characters.
    i worked many hours to make my characters VR and now "no VR ranks" sorry suckers all your work right down the toilet!

    group areas requirements are fraking ridiculous
    group areas are ridiculous
    groups are ridiculous

  • KingSaiz
    content that in the past that has been part of the core game are now pay for DLC ?

    thieves guild
    d brotherhood
    all pay for content?

    greed greed greed
    This is a 2 year old thread. Most of the complaints are long past relevant.
This discussion has been closed.