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Why do people think this game sucks?

  • olemanwinter
    I really like this game. But I can also objectively see that it kind of sucks. lol

    What frustrates me most about this game is what I see as wasted opportunity and Devs that seem to be struggling to stay out of their own way.
  • jzak374ub17_ESO
    Ok everyone, I've played the game thoroughly and here's why it sucks:

    1. XP nerf
    -Lied on patch notes about faster VR level pacing
    -Took away a relatively easy (but tedious, a good tradeoff for the speed of it) way
    to level to max VR in about a week. Looking back, this was balanced in comparison.

    2. Veteran Ranks
    -You aren't done leveling when you hit 50, and if you think you can waltz into PvP like a boss after you finish your hard work, prepare to get stomped.
    -Really, you're going to die on the frontlines and not know what hit you if you aren't around VR10-14
    -Slow, tedious, unwanted recycled content forcing (as of 1.5)

    3. Cadwells Silver/Gold
    -I'll admit, at first I thought it was cool. Then I realized I hated it. It should be OPTIONAL, not the ONLY AVENUE of leveling. It should be left to the player to decide if they want to subject themselves to leveling this way, after doing it a bunch already...
    -Recycling content in its finest. I mean, really? You want an all out epic PVP 3 fac battlezone, but want us to help the enemy in some weird "what if" scenario? More like you didn't want to design a proper endgame at launch.

    4. PvP Lag
    -Not my only issue with PvP, but its gamebreaking. It should be addressed. 1.4 had much better PvP with less lag.

    Honestly the XP nerf was the breaking point for me. Not gonna waste my time on that sh*t. Ironically, I was enjoying the game alot prior to the nerf, despite its flaws. I was just gonna max out, PvP, wait for champ system.

    Now I don't even want to play.
  • jeevin
    You just have to look at how many things need fixing in the game. Then add the constant stream of new bugs, glitches or mistakes that Zos implement with every new update.
    Broken+Bugs+Glitches=This game sucks
    This game sucks x Amateur Developers = This game is in real trouble
  • SaibotLiu
    I was a staunch supporter of the game at launch. I anxiously awaited release. I played the hell out of it but didn't really power game to max level, I just did the quests, finished areas, and despite the linear design of the world (which IMO is one of the games main flaws) I was enjoying myself.

    I'm also a proponent of you the "you have to PVE to PVP" design. You must grind gold, gear, and alternate advancements in order to succeed in PVP. Like most people I've been doing that for years. This is entirely different than the veteran ranks design. Forcing players to go through that to even be competitive in PVP in what is billed as a game which prioritizes on PVP is just terrible design.

    The game is far too heavy on vertical progression, and is the single most determining factor of everything. Horizontal progression in this game is almost non existent. Once you do get to max level, whatever that is this month, it's almost an after thought the get equipped in the best of the best, it's trivial. They've realized this is what makes the game boring as hell so they're introducing the champion system. But without addressing the lack of support for the economy, loot, and player interaction it's just more grinding for the sake of grinding. It's probably going to be more vertical progression disguised as alternate advancement, because there's simply nothing else to care or worry about.

    Also I'll add, the game suffers badly from SWTORitis. The game world is dead, bland, repetitive and uninteresting. The odd NPC you run into that needs help or begs for money is cool at first, until you've seen the same thing 400 times. I don't think this can be fixed, so good luck with that.
    Edited by SaibotLiu on November 19, 2014 7:11AM
  • seneferab16_ESO
    SaibotLiu wrote: »
    Also I'll add, the game suffers badly from SWTORitis. The game world is dead, bland, repetitive and uninteresting. The odd NPC you run into that needs help or begs for money is cool at first, until you've seen the same thing 400 times. I don't think this can be fixed, so good luck with that.

    I agree with you completely, with one exception: Cyrodiil. The Cyrodiil map is amazing from a PvE perspective: lots of things to explore and people to talk to, none of it presented in the _in your face_ way we are used to from normal ESO PvE.

    I wish the rest of the game was more like that.

    Aerin Treerunner, pre dinner snack
  • Vahrokh
    Greanis wrote: »
    Hello, I decided to make this thread after reading a couple of others recently decrying the ESO as the death of the series and a poor successor to what was Skyrim. The thing that really upset me was that no one could really provide a in depth analysis for either side yet viciously rallied against the opposing side with all sorts of jests and jeers. So today I've decided to type up my thoughts on the matter and provide an in depth analysis...
    Okay, where's the in-depth analysis?

    Be VR14 since 2 months+, log in and play for 2 hours. Here's the most in-depth analysis you'll ever see.

    Right yesterday, we were doing last Hel Ra boss (very time sensitive due to his irregular attack skills, hopping around (killing all those he lands on) etc.
    At a certain point the server just stopped responding to the whole raid. We had time to discuss it on TeamSpeak... that's how long the server froze.
    Then it resumed... we got all teleported back in space-time by like half a minute and the fight continued.
    What GARBAGE MMO can demand split second reactions and then it regularly gets lags spikes and even lag "holes" like that?
  • Vahrokh
    stierlitz wrote: »
    The game does not suck, it is young and challenging project (surely in terms of technology) and has it's problems which is totally OK. For me there are 3 bits missing to perfect experience:

    1. Music is not by Jeremy Soule.
    2. The poor loot does not make tough fights rewarding, rather anticlimax.
    3. Resolution of tech issues is slower.

    Otherwise I love the game and will stay.

    Warhammer Online was FAR more challenging and innovative, it introduced concepts (some even copied by ESO...) that nobody did before them.
    Like ESO it had a fantastic Intellectual Property behind it.
    Like ESO, the beta testers (including me) told them the game was NOT ready for release, they were at least 6 months behind what could be considered the minimum allowable experience of gameplay.

    Like ESO, players did not give it endless time to straigthen its issues up. Started on September 2008 (if I recall correctly), by February 2009 it lost at least 30% of the playerbase.
    Like ESO, it had a canned content release "path", the developers did not listen to anyone and kept releasing what they believed it'd be welcome new content. Too bad server lag, classes imbalances, bugs, UI issues (anyone sees an analogy with ESO?) would overhelm and sour any new content.

    After a year, more than 50% of the playerbase had quit and the servers looked desert and kept being "consolidated". On December 2013 that MMO was deemed "no more financially sustainable" and closed down.

    The only, single difference with ESO? That with the "super-server" big excuse, we don't see the playerbase tanked to even less than what Warhammer playerbase tanked on their servers after the same amount of months.

    All the rest is the same story, built on seemingly unbreakable developers rails leading to disaster.

    Actually, Warhammer lasted 5 years. Because its foundations were rock solid (just with an unacceptable implementation). I'd sign somewhere to know ESO will last 5 years, at the moment I don't even know how it'll stay financially profitable for 2 years.
    Edited by Vahrokh on November 19, 2014 9:14AM
  • Alphashado
    As many people have already said: it's a pretty solid game.... That could be a GREAT game..... But isn't.

    There are so many "little things" that add up to make ESO a shadow of what it COULD be.

    List of little things include but are not limited to;

    1. Underwhelming rewards. This includes quests, dungeons, undaunted pledges, treasure chests, crafting writs, pvp, fishing, and most achievements. All of which would be so much better with better rewards.

    2. Too much RNG. Pvp bags, undaunted rewards, boss drops, etc. some of the random gear stats are simply ludicrous and almost always a waste of time. Just give us a badge/token system and be done with it. It won't appease everyone, but the majority wants it.

    3. Too much dependence on addons for the most basic UI functions. I know what they are shooting for. Personalized UI. I get it. But we are all tired of updating outdated addons every week for basic stuff that is included in every other MMO.

    4. Forcing us to play through all three factions in order to reach end game content. This is just wrong on so many levels. Creating the illusion that lvl 50 is some kind of accomplishment just compounds the issue.

    5. Locking progression to endgame behind a group-only zone. Making end game require groups is on par with the genre. Forcing group play in order to reach level cap is not.

    So on and so forth.

    All that being said I really like ESO. It's still the best MMO on the market imo.

    But it could be soo much better.
    Edited by Alphashado on November 19, 2014 2:11PM
  • ericprydz82ub17_ESO
    Vahrokh wrote: »
    Greanis wrote: »
    Hello, I decided to make this thread after reading a couple of others recently decrying the ESO as the death of the series and a poor successor to what was Skyrim. The thing that really upset me was that no one could really provide a in depth analysis for either side yet viciously rallied against the opposing side with all sorts of jests and jeers. So today I've decided to type up my thoughts on the matter and provide an in depth analysis...
    Okay, where's the in-depth analysis?

    Be VR14 since 2 months+, log in and play for 2 hours. Here's the most in-depth analysis you'll ever see.

    Right yesterday, we were doing last Hel Ra boss (very time sensitive due to his irregular attack skills, hopping around (killing all those he lands on) etc.
    At a certain point the server just stopped responding to the whole raid. We had time to discuss it on TeamSpeak... that's how long the server froze.
    Then it resumed... we got all teleported back in space-time by like half a minute and the fight continued.
    What GARBAGE MMO can demand split second reactions and then it regularly gets lags spikes and even lag "holes" like that?

    World of Warcraft does quite frequently on many of the more populated servers constantly and have log in queues that sometimes take many hours to even get you into the game. It honestly isn't near as bad as that in ESO.
    -Pryda - Ebonheart Pact XB1 NA
    World first HelRa Hardmode player.
    GT: Bootleg Mix
  • Vahrokh
    Vahrokh wrote: »
    Greanis wrote: »
    Hello, I decided to make this thread after reading a couple of others recently decrying the ESO as the death of the series and a poor successor to what was Skyrim. The thing that really upset me was that no one could really provide a in depth analysis for either side yet viciously rallied against the opposing side with all sorts of jests and jeers. So today I've decided to type up my thoughts on the matter and provide an in depth analysis...
    Okay, where's the in-depth analysis?

    Be VR14 since 2 months+, log in and play for 2 hours. Here's the most in-depth analysis you'll ever see.

    Right yesterday, we were doing last Hel Ra boss (very time sensitive due to his irregular attack skills, hopping around (killing all those he lands on) etc.
    At a certain point the server just stopped responding to the whole raid. We had time to discuss it on TeamSpeak... that's how long the server froze.
    Then it resumed... we got all teleported back in space-time by like half a minute and the fight continued.
    What GARBAGE MMO can demand split second reactions and then it regularly gets lags spikes and even lag "holes" like that?

    World of Warcraft does quite frequently on many of the more populated servers constantly and have log in queues that sometimes take many hours to even get you into the game. It honestly isn't near as bad as that in ESO.

    1) This happens at expansions releases dates, don't try and "color" it in pink coating.
    I don't like WoW (plot, gameplay, classes balance etc. etc.) since 8 years but intellectual honesty demands for credit to be given where it's due.

    2) You wish ESO had queue issues at log in time. That'd mean the game is at least as vibrant as a 10 years old dinosaur MMO is still today.
    I'd immediately subscribe with blood to have even its now declined "just 6M playerbase left" to play ESO instead. It'd mean ESO would have financial resources to keep being developed and it'd mean finding groups (or just vaguely "alive" VR zones) would be actually easy.

    3) I have cleared every WoW raid instance for years in a super hard core guild, aiming to first 10 world kills. We played when the expansions / patches were super "fresh", with malfunctioning scripts (being the first doing content brings these consequences), bugged or missing loot. We always did it before Blizzard applied the "normal, human guilds patch". That is, Blizzard lets "super hard mode" in new raid instances on for a couple of weeks then, they nerf the bosses and timings so they can be done by less hard core guilds.

    So, I have been through a LOT of WoW super early content issues. Playing super-extreme hard core means today the boss you must taunt swap, to avoid raid wipe, gives a 0.5 seconds window to press the taunt ability hotkey. In 2 weeks Blizzard will nerf it so slowpokes taking 1 second shall still be able to do that boss. But we did it in the TODAY's patch. And as guild main or co-tank, I ALWAYS, RELIABLY had a 0.5 seconds window of time to do it, regardless of expansion, patch, raid instance, for years.

    In ESO? You press abilities and then... they eventually fire. When they feel like to.
    It's like playing a rubber MMO, with freely delayed abilities when it decides it wants to impose them (I am not talking about animations, which you can clip anyway). They PLAGUE PvP but are also sorely present in trials, even more so in encounters you do have to react within 1 second of time or die. This does not happen to 1, but (like yesterday) to all 12 people at the same time, aka "server hiccup".

    So, no, WoW is not even vaguely comparable to ESO's sluggyness and lack of responsiveness.

    In ESO you CAN predict hiccups due to extra-poor coding just by sitting in a town. Wait for chests contents to repop, when it happens, the whole zone freezes for 1 second. Terrible.
    Edited by Vahrokh on November 19, 2014 10:45AM
  • olemanwinter
    1. XP nerf

    3. Cadwells Silver/Gold
    More like you didn't want to design a proper endgame at launch.

    You hit the nail on the head. 1.4 was a VASTLY SUPERIOR game to 1.5

    The failure of original endgame content frankly ruins this game. It's fun for what it is if they never want someone to subscribe longer than 2 or 3 months.

    Finally, in addition to PvP we have Craglorn, Trials, the Arena, etc.

    BUT it's harder and more tedious than it ever was to get to those things.

    I've never seen a company work so hard at ruining something that just naturally wants to be great.

    I mean MMO (not a new idea) + Elder Scrolls (proven amazing content) - How do you mess that up?
  • Mordria
    1. XP nerf

    3. Cadwells Silver/Gold
    More like you didn't want to design a proper endgame at launch.

    You hit the nail on the head. 1.4 was a VASTLY SUPERIOR game to 1.5

    The failure of original endgame content frankly ruins this game. It's fun for what it is if they never want someone to subscribe longer than 2 or 3 months.

    Finally, in addition to PvP we have Craglorn, Trials, the Arena, etc.

    BUT it's harder and more tedious than it ever was to get to those things.

    I've never seen a company work so hard at ruining something that just naturally wants to be great.

    I mean MMO (not a new idea) + Elder Scrolls (proven amazing content) - How do you mess that up?

    I agree. I really think It's hurting the game. It's lacking the camaraderie and spirit of a game that has a solid player base that's loyal to their faction. The story in the game wants us to pick sides, but the game is really preventing that with its mechanics - character shared bank, no real guild system, story that takes you through all three factions. So yeah, I don't know why they are doing what they are doing. It makes no sense. Also, we could spend just as much time, or more leveling 3 separate characters in the game rather than 1 character going through Cadwell's S&G if they're worried about spending actual time playing.
    Edited by Mordria on November 19, 2014 1:06PM
  • cesmode
    Still leveling to 50. Plan on leveling another one or two characters to 50(if I can stomach it) before touching veteran stuff or dungeons.

    Currently, very much enjoying the game. Im holding off on the 'endgame' stuff like veteran content because hopefully in a while they fix what needs to be fixed. If when I am ready to enter that content, and its as horrible as everyone is saying, I'll probably leave the game too. I have no time or desire to pay for a game that put up an enormous wall at endgame. At that point, which will be anywhere from 1-3 months down the line, I'd probably give the new WoW expansion a try...Not gonna lie, but as a new player reading all of this negativity towards veteran content is concerning. I am holding off on venturing into that stuff because I don't want to spoil what has been a great game so far. I just hope its fixed in time.

    But if Zenimax fixes their endgame(primarily the XP at veteran ranks), or gets rid of all of this crap entirely, I'll gladly stay! Enjoying the game until then...
    Edited by cesmode on November 19, 2014 1:32PM
  • I_killed_Vivec
    cesmode wrote: »
    Still leveling to 50. Plan on leveling another one or two characters to 50(if I can stomach it) before touching veteran stuff or dungeons.

    Currently, very much enjoying the game. Im holding off on the 'endgame' stuff like veteran content because hopefully in a while they fix what needs to be fixed. If when I am ready to enter that content, and its as horrible as everyone is saying, I'll probably leave the game too. I have no time or desire to pay for a game that put up an enormous wall at endgame. At that point, which will be anywhere from 1-3 months down the line, I'd probably give the new WoW expansion a try...Not gonna lie, but as a new player reading all of this negativity towards veteran content is concerning. I am holding off on venturing into that stuff because I don't want to spoil what has been a great game so far. I just hope its fixed in time.

    But if Zenimax fixes their endgame(primarily the XP at veteran ranks), or gets rid of all of this crap entirely, I'll gladly stay! Enjoying the game until then...

    I hope you don't let this negativity put you off - not everybody has those views.

    From my point of view the negativity comes from people wanting ESO to be like other games. No auction house? Faction rivalry diminished by Cadwell's? Tanks in robes? Endgame not like WoW? Taking one character through all the content instead of having to create different characters for different zones? Pesky quests getting in the way of the sprint to VR14? Groups not always conforming to the Tank/DPS/Healer paradigm? It's just not right!

    Or maybe it is, maybe ESO is just different - and maybe some people like it like that.

    Personally I loved being able to complete all the content with just one character, and I would not have liked having to create different characters to experience all the content. I would say that if anyone enjoyed the questing and exploration of levels 1 to 50 then they will enjoy VR1-10 just as much.
  • Alphashado
    cesmode wrote: »
    Still leveling to 50. Plan on leveling another one or two characters to 50(if I can stomach it) before touching veteran stuff or dungeons.

    Currently, very much enjoying the game. Im holding off on the 'endgame' stuff like veteran content because hopefully in a while they fix what needs to be fixed. If when I am ready to enter that content, and its as horrible as everyone is saying, I'll probably leave the game too. I have no time or desire to pay for a game that put up an enormous wall at endgame. At that point, which will be anywhere from 1-3 months down the line, I'd probably give the new WoW expansion a try...Not gonna lie, but as a new player reading all of this negativity towards veteran content is concerning. I am holding off on venturing into that stuff because I don't want to spoil what has been a great game so far. I just hope its fixed in time.

    But if Zenimax fixes their endgame(primarily the XP at veteran ranks), or gets rid of all of this crap entirely, I'll gladly stay! Enjoying the game until then...

    The irony is in the fact that as a player of only 1-50 content, you still view VR content as end game. We all did at first. After you vanquish Molag Bal it only stands to reason that everything after that must be end game right?

    There in lies the crux of the problem. Level 50 means nothing. It is basically 1/3 of the progression towards level cap. Essentially you will have to level from 1-50 again in another faction. Then 1-50 again in a 3rd faction.. Just to be roughly VR10... which is still 4 VRs from level cap. Then you will have to find groups to complete Craglorn quests in order to reach the true level cap of VR14. Then you will be on equal footing for the true endgame content.

    I don't mean to sound all doom and gloom. I really enjoyed the journey the 1st time through. But now that I am going through it a 2cnd time, I am really starting to relate with all of the concerns. You may enjoy the journey from 50-VR14 very much. No explanation will do it justice though. You will have to find out for yourself and decide if you like it.

    Or wait for the Champion system.
    Edited by Alphashado on November 19, 2014 2:43PM
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    There have been some very bad decisions that were made in the beginning and are now part of the game's very design. These things will always bother me. Two of the things that bother me most are the themepark aspect and classes. This game would have been a true Elder Scrolls game if it was sandbox and removed the classes altogether. Those two things would have gone a long way in making this a better game overall. Sadly they cannot change it without a major overhaul and so we are stuck with this and it's just because they didn't have the courage to try and make a fantasy game without the crutch of classes. The themepark decision was just laziness especially silver and gold.
  • diabeticDemon18
    My simple two-cents... some people don't like the game because it appeals to a different genre of MMO players. They want it to be like the other ones they have played, but it's not like the other MMO's out there... at least in my opinion. People say it's boring... that's an opinion. A complete, blatant, opinion... so that argument is quite invalid. I find the game to be very fun and not in the least bit boring. As with every game, there are people who love it, and people who hate it. The only difference is that in ESO, it seems that those people who hate it don't want to quit playing... which doesn't really make sense to me... If you think the game sucks, stop subscribing and play somewhere else. Let the people who love it have their fun, common courtesy.
  • Pmarsico9
    It doesn't suck as a whole. Parts of it suck, simply due to the weird (to put it mildly) ideas and design the devs had about the classes, skills, roles, and furthermore the synergies of those with weapon and armour types.

    The problems were obvious from the early stages, from Betas, yet pretty little changed, ESO went live, and 5 months after we are still struggling with the same issues, waiting for the miracle Update that will finally address the situation.

    Apart from irritating and disappointing, the whole mess is also unacceptable for a game / project of this calibre, budget and legacy behind it (The Elder Scrolls series).

    Otherwise, ESO has many wonderful elements and the foundations for a truly awesome game. The sooner ZoS addresses the real issues and stops being stubborn / slacking, the sooner its full potential will be unleashed.


    And I will say this: The people still playing are optimists. When ZOS stops trying to reinvent the wheel and also does some cool things with gear that are appealing and make people feel powerful, this game will become just about perfect.
  • Esha76
    A big reason is that gamers are the biggest opinionated complainers on the planet, possibly in a tie with sports fanatics. It doesn’t matter if it’s a table top, card, or video game… everyone runs around on forums frantically typing their opinions out, then many starting arguments and issues with others because they don’t like their opinions.

    Case and point: I mostly only look at green posts these days due to the hostility on these forums. I click on the green ESO circle to see directly what ZOS is saying on certain topics. Eight out of ten times it’s ZOS telling people to play nice, be respectful of each other, and code of conduct. Just sad.

    “You know what, Stewie? If you don't like it, go on the internet and complain.” – Brian Griffin

    It’s the nature of this media. A variety of people have a variety of expectations. PvP’ers vs PvE’ers. Hardcore vs. casuals. Group people vs. solo people. Etc. Depending on which demographic you address you’ll mostly get different answers. Example: How many posts are there about people upset they can’t group for certain quests? Followed immediately by another post about wanting more solo content?

    Most people will agree that many performance and bug issues have been more than disappointing. So combine those issues on top of specific type of player’s expectations and opinions – you now have a lot of negativity on this game. Some complaints are very justified and constructive criticisms; some are just people throwing tantrums. Such as the guy in the video rant posted earlier in this thread… someone missed their Throazine dose that day.

    I question a lot of project management’s priorities and decisions. But I am sticking with it as ESO interests me more than any other game right now. I am also looking forward to the new content coming, but realistic that it could also be a big letdown.
    "There is no moisture in your angry stares." - Laughs-at-All
    "I don't know why I bother guarding you horrible people." - Orama Sadas
    "Scales here is about to have a really bad day..." - Valeric
    "Just tell me what you're doing here before I turn your heart into a tomato..." - Sereyne
    "Break those rocks! Dig those ditches! Why??? Because I want you to!!!" - Ifriz the Unraveller
    "There are worse masters than I. Far worse." - Molag Bal
    "I humiliated the Daedra in Mehrunes Spite." - You, when turning in a specific Undaunted Daily.
    "I'm not finding you very pleasant!" - Adla the Brewer
    "Old Ri'hirr likes his birds slow and stupid!" - Old Ri'hirr
    "When things get dirty... Oh, I get so flustered." - Meredil the Archivist
    "Too many Argonians about these days..." - Davon's Watch Guard (though I think this one has been removed from game)
  • bellanca6561n
    Crumpy wrote: »
    Greanis wrote: »
    Crumpy wrote: »
    Greanis wrote: »
    Crumpy wrote: »
    MMO fans where expecting WoW in Tamriel.

    No they just wanted a decent mmo.

    Can you offer a reason it's bad that's a bit better then it's boring?

    No the boringness of it is my main criticism. And for me, a boring game is a *** one.

    Why is it boring exactly?

    The game is dull.


    For some reason lots of folks got it into their heads that everyone is entitled to their opinion. And that's true....if you never express it....or only express it to your dog or hamster.

    If you express your opinion to people you are not entitled to it. You are only entitled to those opinions YOU CAN DEFEND.

    An expressed opinion must be earned through challenge and defense. And a defense is more than repetition, more than reiteration.

    Oh, sorry.....there's a topic. Online games have grown unreasonably factional. I don't think it's possible anymore to release a game of this scale and not generate extreme, ranging reactions.

    Plus as others have noted it takes time. It was over a year after launch before Lord of the Rings Online released the signature expansion in this genre's history: Mines of Moria. That was as close to a work of art as we've yet seen in online gaming.

    This game began to hit its stride with update 5. I expect it to have its Mines of Moria moment but that's just speculation. But I'll happily defend the opinion that update 5 was a definitive step in a new and promising direction.

    I reupped based on it....eagerly :)
  • deepseamk20b14_ESO
    What I apparently don't understand is people saying there is no endgame. What is endgame? It's raids, dungeons, elite dungeons, and PvP. This is the basics at least. ESO has all of this. Trials, Delves, VR dungeons, and AvA PvP. A person who says there is no endgame is clearly not playing the same game.

    What they need to add to make people happier:
    -Better loot (set bonus stuff, not just useless stuff for decon)

    -Better testing on PTS before releasing a patch


    -An arena specifically for PvP (like they did at the summit and it went over very well)

    -Tokens/medals or something that you collect by doing dailies that you can purchase gear with. It's worked in a ton of other games and I have read people wanting this on the forums many times. Might as well get with the picture ZoS.

    -Housing. I don't care at all for housing, but for some nonsensical reason people want it, so....add it.... At least have certain furniture give player buffs if owned and in house.

    -Tweak grouping. It's been getting better, but can use more tuning.

    -If we are going to get a 100 pieces of freakin mail in PvP at least give us something better or just way less. I appreciate the reward but not much I'll be doing with some random pair of non set bonus green gear.....guess it's always something to sell. Helps people who really only PvP still make a little gold perhaps.

    There are a couple more things that are currently escaping me but I am sure someone else has brought up. However, I feel the game has only gotten BETTER since release and I will continue to play because I am still having fun on my VR14 NB!
    Hey everyone! Look! It's a signature!
  • Lord_Kreegan
    Vahrokh wrote: »
    Greanis wrote: »
    Hello, I decided to make this thread after reading a couple of others recently decrying the ESO as the death of the series and a poor successor to what was Skyrim. The thing that really upset me was that no one could really provide a in depth analysis for either side yet viciously rallied against the opposing side with all sorts of jests and jeers. So today I've decided to type up my thoughts on the matter and provide an in depth analysis...
    Okay, where's the in-depth analysis?

    Be VR14 since 2 months+, log in and play for 2 hours. Here's the most in-depth analysis you'll ever see.

    Right yesterday, we were doing last Hel Ra boss (very time sensitive due to his irregular attack skills, hopping around (killing all those he lands on) etc.
    At a certain point the server just stopped responding to the whole raid. We had time to discuss it on TeamSpeak... that's how long the server froze.
    Then it resumed... we got all teleported back in space-time by like half a minute and the fight continued.
    What GARBAGE MMO can demand split second reactions and then it regularly gets lags spikes and even lag "holes" like that?

    That's a nice emotional response (certainly warranted), but that's not analysis. Do you know the meaning of the term? "Analysis" is an unemotional, objective assessment/evaluation of what occurs. It has nothing at all to do with personal opinions or strong emotions.
  • Samwell Slayer
    Samwell Slayer
    It's a DIFFERENT GAME. Why don't people get this? Of course the game doesn't offer the depth of Skyrim: where (nearly, sorry Falk Firebeard) every NPC has a realistic schedule (vs. the none that do in ESO), businesses close, shops owners go to bars at certain times, etc, etc, etc, etc. But this game is an MMO. Having those details are not feasible in this sort of game. So, in summary, I agree with the OP but for different reasons.
    PC/Mac NA server. Cast, in order of appearance (got one of everything):

    Samwell Slayer Stam NB AD Stormproof
    Samantha Tarly Stam Sorc DC FC
    The Sawmell Tarly Tank DK EP Stormproof
    Tamwell Sarly Mgk Temp AD FC
    Covenant Blues Mgk DK EP Stormproof
    Samwell Tardy Mgk Sorc AD FC
    Stam Tarly Stam Temp AD Stormproof
    Samwelf Tarly Mgk NB DC FC
    Stamwell Tarly Stam DK DC FC
    Maester Samwell Heal Temp DC
    Samara Tarly Tank NB EP
    Sam Mfing Tarly Mule Sorc EP
    Warden of HTarly. Mgk. Ward AD FC
    Lord Tarly Stam Ward. DC. Still lowbie
  • Tierney369neb18_ESO
    I don't think the game sucks far from it I actually enjoy this game. Do I think there are flaws with the game. Yes I do there are some big flaws.

    The Veteran system is a terrible system and just added such a grind it was basically like saying instead of lvling to 50 then work on gear to do end game content instead its like to have to level to 150 then you can start working toward endgame gear and start doing the endgame content.

    But at least ZoS acknowledge that the Veteran system is flawed and are scrapping it and introducing the Champion system which is a massive change especially from a mechanics POV as all soft caps are being removed and then there is the current VR tiered gear to get rid of.

    Then of coure there is imperial city coming up justice system spellcrafting (which I am excited about) etc so I feel they are slowly trying to turn things around and exciting times are ahead imo opinion. But as with so many changes that are going to take effect and a lot of game sytems will be changing with this will come many more bugs to iron out etc.

    So while I think it will be a bumpy road ahead I believe at least maybe within the next 6 months we should see what state the game is in then, because at the moment we are in a major transitional phase so things will probably get worse before they get better.

    I know I mentioned there were more flaws which PVP is another and there are more but the Veteran system was the biggest gripe for me and I think iv'e dribble on quite enough already.

    I will of course endure and struggle through these turbulent times because I believe ZoS will eventually get to a good end state most MMOS I have played have usually involved a first turbulent 12 months but then that's the nature of MMO's they are a constantly evolving beast.
    Edited by Tierney369neb18_ESO on November 19, 2014 7:09PM
  • Zorrashi
    ESO has many strong points, most of which are more than efficient to keep me subbed. I love their skill variety, UI, crafting, VR ranks and so on. But it does have some severe issues that can be more than tedious to a portion of the player base given the generally large scope of some of them:

    1. Cadwell's Silver/Gold: This is probably the bane of anyone who wants to experience another faction content on an alt. It may be fun on one character but if you create another then it seems like a really long repeat. Then there are those who simply do not want to partake in solo-quest oriented content. The fact that it is practically essentially to leveling VR ranks is a real stump for those who want an alternative. I'm not saying I want it scrapped or anything, but another option to rank in VR levels would be nice.
    2. Grouping Mechanics: It is better now than it was before, but it is still in need of a few more tweaks. Grouping should be as painless as possible for those who want to.
    3. Lag/server responsiveness etc.: Most prominent in Cyrodil, lag also happens in certain situations even in PvE to the point that it becomes hazardous to your gameplay sometimes when all of a sudden you find yourself dead by a boss in a VR dungeon that tried oh so hard to complete. Not cool. Not fun. Please fix it for those who have the problem.

    I could list a few more, but I think those are the "Big 3" that should be addressed imo. But other than that (and certain skill imbalances, bugs, forced grouping in Craglorn, forced soloing in main quests, etc.....) the future looks bright with the promise of the champion system and the justice system. Hopefully other additions/fixes will arrive to make this game even better than it already is.
  • jzak374ub17_ESO
    Mordria wrote: »
    1. XP nerf

    3. Cadwells Silver/Gold
    More like you didn't want to design a proper endgame at launch.

    You hit the nail on the head. 1.4 was a VASTLY SUPERIOR game to 1.5

    The failure of original endgame content frankly ruins this game. It's fun for what it is if they never want someone to subscribe longer than 2 or 3 months.

    Finally, in addition to PvP we have Craglorn, Trials, the Arena, etc.

    BUT it's harder and more tedious than it ever was to get to those things.

    I've never seen a company work so hard at ruining something that just naturally wants to be great.

    I mean MMO (not a new idea) + Elder Scrolls (proven amazing content) - How do you mess that up?

    I agree. I really think It's hurting the game. It's lacking the camaraderie and spirit of a game that has a solid player base that's loyal to their faction. The story in the game wants us to pick sides, but the game is really preventing that with its mechanics - character shared bank, no real guild system, story that takes you through all three factions. So yeah, I don't know why they are doing what they are doing. It makes no sense. Also, we could spend just as much time, or more leveling 3 separate characters in the game rather than 1 character going through Cadwell's S&G if they're worried about spending actual time playing.

    Yeah, I completely agree with all of this. So to new players:

    There are 3 things people don't like about this game:

    1. 1-50 is a lie, its 1-150 with the last 100 levels condensed into 14 "Veteran Ranks", and you'll need to be VR14 to be on equal footing with endgame, its true.

    2. They blended factions together while making a game about siege warfare. Really? I can have some EP or DC guy in my guild, even though I'm AD? I have to finish leveling to max level by helping the enemy..? What?

    3. PvP is FUN, I won't lie. IF YOU'RE MAX LEVEL. If not, enjoy being trampled by min/maxers. Besides that, there's still a bit of lag, not gamebreaking (in 1.4, haven't tried PvP since 1.5), and there's no arena options for small group PvP... I guess they said something about the Imperial City for that.

    Despite of this, I'd say new players will have fun 1-50, as the game is fun 1-50. It would be fun past 50 too, if I didn't have to level 100 levels to be at endgame (for real).

    New players, don't be put off by this. You'll enjoy the game the first time around on all the factions. Its a good game.

    But if you came here to PvP or Raid, you might wanna hold off on your race to the top, because it's not even remotely worth it.
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Crumpy wrote: »
    Greanis wrote: »
    Crumpy wrote: »
    Greanis wrote: »
    Crumpy wrote: »
    MMO fans where expecting WoW in Tamriel.

    No they just wanted a decent mmo.

    Can you offer a reason it's bad that's a bit better then it's boring?

    No the boringness of it is my main criticism. And for me, a boring game is a *** one.

    Why is it boring exactly?

    The game is dull.


    For some reason lots of folks got it into their heads that everyone is entitled to their opinion. And that's true....if you never express it....or only express it to your dog or hamster.

    If you express your opinion to people you are not entitled to it. You are only entitled to those opinions YOU CAN DEFEND.

    An expressed opinion must be earned through challenge and defense. And a defense is more than repetition, more than reiteration.

    Oh, sorry.....there's a topic. Online games have grown unreasonably factional. I don't think it's possible anymore to release a game of this scale and not generate extreme, ranging reactions.

    Plus as others have noted it takes time. It was over a year after launch before Lord of the Rings Online released the signature expansion in this genre's history: Mines of Moria. That was as close to a work of art as we've yet seen in online gaming.

    This game began to hit its stride with update 5. I expect it to have its Mines of Moria moment but that's just speculation. But I'll happily defend the opinion that update 5 was a definitive step in a new and promising direction.

    I reupped based on it....eagerly :)
    That statement is not entirely true. Rather it goes, everyone is entitled to their opinion and so is everyone entitled to rebut that opinion. Nobody is required to actually give reasons for their opinion and in fact many weak minds are simply unable to.

    When a person makes a statement that a game is "boring" but is unable to express why, we should take pity upon them and try to understand that they are simply unable to construct a coherent explanation as to why they feel that way.
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    What I apparently don't understand is people saying there is no endgame. What is endgame? It's raids, dungeons, elite dungeons, and PvP. This is the basics at least. ESO has all of this. Trials, Delves, VR dungeons, and AvA PvP. A person who says there is no endgame is clearly not playing the same game.

    What they need to add to make people happier:
    -Better loot (set bonus stuff, not just useless stuff for decon)

    -Better testing on PTS before releasing a patch


    -An arena specifically for PvP (like they did at the summit and it went over very well)

    -Tokens/medals or something that you collect by doing dailies that you can purchase gear with. It's worked in a ton of other games and I have read people wanting this on the forums many times. Might as well get with the picture ZoS.

    -Housing. I don't care at all for housing, but for some nonsensical reason people want it, so....add it.... At least have certain furniture give player buffs if owned and in house.

    -Tweak grouping. It's been getting better, but can use more tuning.

    -If we are going to get a 100 pieces of freakin mail in PvP at least give us something better or just way less. I appreciate the reward but not much I'll be doing with some random pair of non set bonus green gear.....guess it's always something to sell. Helps people who really only PvP still make a little gold perhaps.

    There are a couple more things that are currently escaping me but I am sure someone else has brought up. However, I feel the game has only gotten BETTER since release and I will continue to play because I am still having fun on my VR14 NB!
    The rewards for worthy has become a joke. Sometimes I get a piece of set gear that I can sell, but most of the time it's a tiny amount of gold and a crappy green item. Even if the item is generic with lackluster stats I wish it was blue or purple so I could at least have the chance for a decent mat. Maybe it's just something I'm doing wrong lately but I used to get Pact's set gear more regularly.
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Mordria wrote: »
    1. XP nerf

    3. Cadwells Silver/Gold
    More like you didn't want to design a proper endgame at launch.

    You hit the nail on the head. 1.4 was a VASTLY SUPERIOR game to 1.5

    The failure of original endgame content frankly ruins this game. It's fun for what it is if they never want someone to subscribe longer than 2 or 3 months.

    Finally, in addition to PvP we have Craglorn, Trials, the Arena, etc.

    BUT it's harder and more tedious than it ever was to get to those things.

    I've never seen a company work so hard at ruining something that just naturally wants to be great.

    I mean MMO (not a new idea) + Elder Scrolls (proven amazing content) - How do you mess that up?

    I agree. I really think It's hurting the game. It's lacking the camaraderie and spirit of a game that has a solid player base that's loyal to their faction. The story in the game wants us to pick sides, but the game is really preventing that with its mechanics - character shared bank, no real guild system, story that takes you through all three factions. So yeah, I don't know why they are doing what they are doing. It makes no sense. Also, we could spend just as much time, or more leveling 3 separate characters in the game rather than 1 character going through Cadwell's S&G if they're worried about spending actual time playing.

    Yeah, I completely agree with all of this. So to new players:

    There are 3 things people don't like about this game:

    1. 1-50 is a lie, its 1-150 with the last 100 levels condensed into 14 "Veteran Ranks", and you'll need to be VR14 to be on equal footing with endgame, its true.

    2. They blended factions together while making a game about siege warfare. Really? I can have some EP or DC guy in my guild, even though I'm AD? I have to finish leveling to max level by helping the enemy..? What?

    3. PvP is FUN, I won't lie. IF YOU'RE MAX LEVEL. If not, enjoy being trampled by min/maxers. Besides that, there's still a bit of lag, not gamebreaking (in 1.4, haven't tried PvP since 1.5), and there's no arena options for small group PvP... I guess they said something about the Imperial City for that.

    Despite of this, I'd say new players will have fun 1-50, as the game is fun 1-50. It would be fun past 50 too, if I didn't have to level 100 levels to be at endgame (for real).

    New players, don't be put off by this. You'll enjoy the game the first time around on all the factions. Its a good game.

    But if you came here to PvP or Raid, you might wanna hold off on your race to the top, because it's not even remotely worth it.
    I definitely agree that it's more difficult to go toe to toe with someone who is a much higher rank in PvP, but there are other ways to play PvP.

    If you want to play PvP but you're a lower level or don't have great gear yet, then it would be prudent to stay in a group in Cyrodiil and maybe even stick to ranged combat or a support role like healing. My main is still only V10 because I took a break for while to try a few other classes (V5 sorc and V4 DK) and I do just fine in PvP. I don't have a 100 kill vs death ratio but I have fun with my nightblade hitting people from the shadows with my bow in open combat and then switching to a restoration staff in larger conflicts.

    I say give it a try and find the role that works for you and that you have the most fun with.
This discussion has been closed.